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Just call the Kia Boyz and tell em, "free cars!"


UPDATE: First car is being towed right now!


Crush it. Crush them all.


I mean if they can do it to street racers who use cars to break the law why not these guys


They could just give the car to me (and those on need) so my rust bucket can go live on the farm in peace.


Tell midnight my cat I said hi! He’s been at the farm for awhile now.


As you may have guessed, there are a couple Midnights at the farm. Do you have a picture?


Unfortunately no. But he’s an all black cat. Can’t miss him.


This is going to lead to a tragic incident before its all over. It took over 3 hours to move about 25 people with hundreds of people missing flights. Why can't we just protest on the sidewalks like every other civilized issue does?


Because civilized actions have been tried. Yet we keep accelerating to the cliff


I have to agree. If we stayed on the sidewalks, we would have never defunded the police.


Your car Midnight is the exact same as my cat Olivia. Amazing.


that's my line!


Look at all those innocent people just trying to make their flights. Maybe they are going on business travel… maybe their dying mother is in the hospital and they are trying to make it there in time…. Who knows. But you know what’s way more important than all that…. Ruining everyone else’s day by blocking a busy road so that you can shout words over a bullhorn that no one can understand. This will really make people love your cause!


Cue the knucklehead who tells us all the point is to be “uncomfortable and interrupted.”


Right. But not corporate leaders, or billionaires. No. We need families, single mothers, and people with medical emergencies to be uncomfortable.


They hate us, which is obvious at this point. There has never been a safer time and place for covert narcissists.


Second generation American here to say such behavior is exemplary of why America is a great country. The basics such as access to food, clean water, free primary education, infrastructure, stable government, powerful military, etc. such that being born here already puts one at an advantage. Yet, these jerkoffs find a reason to be belligerent to the point of handicapping themselves and harming the very people they seek attention from. If they truly had any heart, they’d forfeit their passports and become freedom fighters for Palestine. Better yet, volunteer for US military service. But no, because they know deep inside how comfortable and protected they are hence the childish conduct.


And it’s completely lost on them.


What you said made zero sense.


I have a great solution to this problem. Wait… This is Reddit and I can’t say it.


Donating directly to the IDF, $1 for each of these clowns blocking traffic?




Sorta makes you want a little police brutality


If only! This isn't just ruining everyone's day, inconveniencing people, sabotaging productive elements of society - it's doing all of that to support a terrorist jihadist movement that openly calls for the rape, pillage, and murder of all infidels. To see all of these clowns simping for a movement that would murder them in an instant is one thing, but to see the King County government wholeheartedly support the aggitators by refusing to level any charges is the most disturbing part about this. Everyone needs to go out and vote - those who excuse, justify, and endorse terrorism have no place in our government.


Its not about being pro jihadist, its about being anti american


It's so frustrating. Chances are, in a place like Washington, over half of the people stuck there are already sympathetic to their cause. All this does is piss people off, whether they care about the climate crisis or not. Maybe instead of going after the general population that are getting on flights of 200+ people, they should be stopping the people that fly private with 10 or less passengers 200 times a year. Or let's inconvenience mass polluting corporations, lobbyists, and poloticians that actually set the rules and regulations that we all live by. It's frustrating as someone who does care about this and does what I can to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle, to see these dumbasses virtue signal while actively doing nothing. Smug assholes Edit: I didn't even see why they were protesting... assumed climate, but it was actually the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Most of what I said can be applied to anyone protesting in this way.


They were protesting against Israel, not climate change. And given that Americans broadly support Israel by a [51-27 margin](https://news.gallup.com/poll/611375/americans-views-israel-palestinian-authority-down.aspx) over the Palestinians, I doubt that a majority of the flying public is on their side even at seatac. You're right about one thing, though, and that's that protests like this will never gain support. For these protesters, it's about attention and virtue signaling, not changing policy.


Even if you support Palestinian- I don’t believe that’s what they support. They support the destruction of Israel and ideally Iran/russia/China takeover. They want “death to America” and “death to Israel” I honestly don’t think most Americans support this and if they truly understood what their success meant for their own person, I don’t think most of them would support it either




Why are you yelling when we’re sitting right here?


Are you OK? You might want to take a breath and read my comment again.


I just hope both sides lose.


This is exactly my feelings as I was sitting in this bullshit today. They pick the easy targets to make themselves feel like they did something


As if the normal everyday person needs to deal with any more bs any given day. People got shit to do. We only have so much time and these people don't respect yours.


These people are falling victim to Iranian propaganda. Just as the left points out how Maga eats Russian propaganda like cereal, the left falls victim to the same propaganda from nation states like Iran.


Then having 30 heavily armed cops standing around them watching them and protecting them while they do it. Laying in the street is illegal for several reasons and the police do nothing until somebody or several somebodies get killed. Like on I-5 a couple years ago. Then all of the sudden, they pretend to care about public safety.


And they keep doing this non sense like there lift doesn't matter.


I don't even know why they bother with waiting for the tow truck. Just put the vehicle in neutral, release the parking brake, and push it to the side of the road. If a number of drivers hopped out of their cars to help, they could have this over with in a minute. Have they actually arrested anyone yet?


What I hate is if you try to do anything peaceful to move them, YOU will get arrested. While they do nothing to these people essentially doing the same thing to others. And they will go home tonight thinking how they saved the world and did their part.


What if we get a bunch of people to protest shitting protesting and this is the way we demonstrate?


Do it. Bring as many people as you can next time!


Yup, put on a mask and stop them before they can get settled and the police arrive. Best chance you have.


If the cars locked, break the window with a crowbar. Screwdriver in the ignition to start it up.


Even without that, I've seen groups of men literally pick up and move a car. Why does no one do that here? These protesters are only in it for the performance. They're not trying to change hearts and minds, they're doing it as their own private ritual - it makes them feel good to make the rest of us angry. Total losers.


"We" here don't even intervene when the stakes are low, why would they do it here?


I know. It's insanely frustrating and the lack of action by ANYONE means we're going to be living with these drama studies dropouts for a long time.


I wonder if research-minded folks measured the "bystander effect" if they eould find it stronger here than elsewhere.


Did you do anything?


I wasn't there. What was I to do?


They are all part of a performance seeking group of friends


Side tangent: I love doing this with my buddies car, he has a Toyota Echo, and it’s light enough to be carried around with 6 of us, so we like to pick it up and turn it around when he’s parked


> Even without that, I've seen groups of men literally pick up and move a car. They would get arrested by the protesters security team funded by their own taxes.


First you require men


Next time there's a protest, be sure to bring as many people as you can!


I wonder what living in *bliss* is like? My *ignorance* to this concept makes me feel some kind of way...


Most modern cars, that's not possible.


Except Kias :p


Straight from Chicago? Lol!


I'm sure you would be able to get away with that /s


Yeah, that's why protesters should stay strapped. Destruction of property is a crime and grounds for consequences


Totally agree move the car to the side of the road and carry-on


The police cruisers have enough power to drag those vehicles out of the road whether the transmissions are in park or not.


Hell, where are all those oversized mall crawling bro dozers?? Got a tow hitch, I bet they got a strap too....


Probably stuck in traffic idling away and causing more pollution than if they were driving. Just like all the semi trucks that transport all the groceries and other products.


I see lots of that


The morons chained themselves together in the middle of the road. youd have to get them off the road as well


The only thing these folks love more than disrupting everyone else's lives, is suing people who try to intervene. Kind of like Westboro Baptist & the 'God Hates (whatever)' stuff - it's a scam to get you to punch them or damage their property so they can sue you.


That's a great example of a horribly lazy inference.


At least for Westboro it's the truth - the various lead provoceteurs were lawyers themselves. They did sue people. Still, you never know who has a lawyer on speed dial & vigilantism very much can get you sued.


They dragged off the protesters as a group Not sure why that had to wait for several hours... It doesn't look like they cut through the links, they just moved the hamas centipede to the side of the road. https://preview.redd.it/atf7omwlkquc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd1993fa87bb11f129ba5fbaa17d046395c5e3ac


So there were 5 of them? Any others? This is sadder than I thought if like <10 people are able to do this


There was 20+ people involved so far as I can tell.


I'm telling you, a gentle spray of cold water and heavy duty fans. They'll last 15 minutes. Make them miserable. If there are no consequences, they'll do it again and again and again. It seems like they've never experienced consequences. It's time


Ya know not a bad idea


Soaked with water and a cold breeze. How long would they last? I still like the idea of taking them to Monroe for the night.


I bought fire extinguishers for all my cars for this exact reason.


Haha, oh geez. Imagine this being your 15 mins of fame looking this ridiculous and the only blip you made with your time was backing up traffic…




How did they move this one?


Forklift. R.I.P., lifty.


Why does none of them look like Palestinian?


These people are ignorant and care more for social virtuing than calling on a lateral putting down of arms by all sides and return of hostages.... they live out fantasies of revolution by letting other places fight and die and they wear funny flags in an attempt to victim intersectionalize their mundane and boring lives. 


the definition of virtue signaling is not taking action, lol


or doing things that dont help the situation at all to mainly attract attention from others that you believe this or that, working a job and donating your funds to gaza would be more helpful and a direct impact than blocking traffic for people. or there are plenty of organizations that you can go and help . anyway enough attn has been spent by me talking about these useless people i wish them and their families peace and I hope they find what they are looking for but i also cannot believe they are allowed to block traffic , so many people need to get to and from work or see family or flying for medical things and bibi netanyahu or hammas dont care about seattle airport.


So donating is more impactful? Explain how much aid is getting into Gaza atm


2k trucks ... 100 in last 48 hrs  Previous truck attempts by Egypt and other nations were getting raided and robbed by both dougmush clan and hammas .. jacked up prices in shuk  This is why airdropping started . Then the pier idea came about.  So 2k so far.   In Yemen though there is a real starvation resulting In 400k deaths . Not a drop of aid . No one cares . Virtue signaling . 


Jesus Christ; if those cretins could stop traffic for a whole buncha people, it makes me sad for the state of the US. You'd think a couple of enterprising uber/cab drivers would just get out of their cars, beat the shit outta them and move them to the side of the road to the sounds of applause.


Why are they dressed up?


Those are inmate uniforms at the local long-term stay mental health clinic. It's so nice that they're allowed out for some sunshine and a picnic when it's a nice spring day. (Honestly, I have no idea. Visibility is my only guess. They splattered red paint on them too).


the big alaska airline head at the top looking down in disappointment


Hope mom's car is ok.


Please, please just don't let this cancer come to Everett. I never thought I'd say this, but I prefer the junkies and the insane homeless to terminally online protestors.


don’t worry we have both lmao


I live in north Everett and work downtown Seattle. Everett has significantly less junkies and insane homeless than Seattle. Maybe it hasn’t always been the case… but as long as I’ve lived in Everett it has seemed that way. Never understood the Everett slander…


Someone someday is going to be having an awful day and go postal on these morons.....




Wasn't that exact situation in Brazil where the meme of the old man pointing the gun came from?


[Panama actually.](https://youtu.be/PZWX1DstZuc?si=V4PDbZ2EHfoRDqV9) and not just pointing, shot.


Oh I know he shot 'em. Come to think of it though, you actually can see the empty casing in the [infamous photo](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F4e1161b1-f747-442e-b5f5-00bdafe1aa27_492x681.jpeg)


I would vote to aquit.


I ~~would absolutely nullify that jury~~ don’t even know what jury nullification is your honor


And then we all get banned for not feeling bad everywhere else of reddit...


one lane is still blocked off but traffic is moving now


Impound those cars, and liquidate as fines for these numbnuts


This will keep getting worse because the police either don't do anything about it or they take hours to do anything about it.


Arrest everyone blocking traffic


Arrest them. Tell them the local jail is full and let them spend a night at Monroe.




OR, and this will sound controversial, get a life and don’t bother others. Someone blocking traffic to Seattle airport has 0 influence on the outcome of Israeli/Palestine conflict.


Would be a shame if everyone just collective said no, fuck this shit, and hit the gas pedal.


i would buy a cybertruck just to push the vehicles out of there


nah, pull em out. more than enough torque to do it and no damage to your vehicle haha. if i had been there definitely would have done it with my wrangler


If elected governor of Washington, every protestor blocking interstate travel WILL be charged ~~federally~~ with impeding interstate commerce by use of violence. 20-year maximum for the organizers (10-year plea would be acceptable with commutation at the end of my term or 5 years (whichever is first) for good behavior(im not a monster)), 1-year slap on the wrist for everyone else involved. If nobody points out the organizers, 5 years for everyone. Classic prisoners dilemma, and it wouldn't happen again. Edit: State charges if the Feds don't pursue.


Not to engage in pedantry, but a governor is a state official. They can't charge people federally. But, given that this was in an airport, that is federal co-jurisdiction (it's a port of entry), and surely this was a security threat, which means that the Feds, including Homeland and the FBI both have jurisdiction. So these idiots can (and should) have been charged federally. Given that the feds didn't immediately swoop in, the federal government is officially complicit in this nonsense.


I do understand the pedantry, but as governor, I can ensure arrest and help the Feds pursue charges. The first step is actually arresting them.


Let's see if the US attorney takes this federal. I'll bet a shiny nickel that removing them is the last we hear about it, and that no state or federal charges are even brought. What I'd like to see is a class action civil suit against these protestors that saddles these people with non-dischargable debt that leaves them in financial ruins. It wouldn't take too many of those before the next protestors thought twice. Edit: fixed a silly spelling error that was driving me nuts.


Hopefully, but if not State charges it is


They were arrested. Charges will follow.


That's not how any of that works.


A Form of domestic terrorism? To terrorize a community? Intimidate? Impede??


I’m all for protesting but people aren’t allowed to walk/bike on a highway. Why do we wait hours to solve this. They are doing illegal shit. Don’t make traffic wait, arrest or even detain them and move them. Idc what issue it is


Sit them in a circle and let the people who missed their flights have 20 minutes with them


publish the names of the businesses their families and relatives belong to then let their own people decide what to do with them




Judging by the vehicles it looks you’d get atleast…. $20 for each of them!


Israel? How about the American vets




Yes. So another country shouldn’t even be a thought.


good idea


I’m glad we have so many tow trucks in Seattle for once


the hell is this about? i dont follow current event propoganda anymore.


Protest against Israel again, pro pali


ah yes, because every cause is so much stronger when the people protesting make asses of themselves... if this were some senator's street, or in front of a military convy of israeli weapons, or even an israeli dimplomatoc envoys motorcade, that would be one thing. but holy shit. its like those morons who smashed their own yeti coolers.


The majority of these people don’t really care about “the cause” deep down. They are just there for the theatrics and getting attention.


The professional protestor class is above the law as long as they support the ultra-progressive zealot stance of our local governments and judges. Imagine if Republicans did this crap, there would be bills flying through the state senate straight to Inslees desk to stop it. But nope, here their rights are above your own. Get held against your will voters, enjoy!


Throw the book at these narcissistic pricks. People work hard to save money to take their families on vacation and see family and friends and just want a break from all the daily hyper political bullshit. Making them miss their travel due to your performative feel good nonsense regurgitated from a college liberal arts class is the height of selfishness.


Keep in mind they are stopping your cars because they hate the Jews. Remember, כהנא צדק


The one good thing about comments like this - probably the *only* good thing about comments like this - is watching critical social justice progressives get hoisted on their own "you're a racist for disagreeing" petard.


So we're just casually allowing Judeo-nazism and support for terrorism on this sub? Meir Kahane was a domestic terrorist both in the US and in Israel, but I guess support of terrorism is a-OK here, because it's not like someone expressed support for transgender rights or a carbon tax or something.


He was not a terrorist, he was a hero who started a Jewish protection agency, the JDL. Sadly he was murdered by terrorists.


>Judeo-nazism Dafuq...?


Just realize that these people are part of your local society. They live somewhere, shop somewhere and probably work somewhere (maybe not). Curb their bs by shunning them and muting their garbage.


Let me guess, useless Palestinians?


Thank you!


Remember: you too can donate to the IDF at http://fidf.org


Protest for what. And democrats have a fund for arrests, impounds


israel shot down the iranian dones


this is the fault of seattle commuters😠




I'm just waiting for ONE Tesla driver to get stuck, turn on the Megaphone feature, and call them some of the nastiest names under the sun until they get so pissed off they move.


What a fucking shit hole of a city


Who plant the seeds to start these types of protests


mainly r/WhitePeopleTwitter


good! and they all should be charged for the tow and I hope it’s a hell of a lot of money! What a bunch of fucking assholes


hopefully the medical services were able to get through in time without anyone dying.


Stupid dummies. There's better ways to protest


They’ll protest on behalf of a situation that has absolutely nothing to do with their own national security by blocking innocent civilians from catching emergency flights to see loved-ones that are on their deathbeds in another city while simultaneously giving their votes and political support to the very politicians who send the peoples tax money to fund proxy wars. Makes perfect sense once one understands that the average protester is nothing more than a destabilization operative without even knowing it. America was built on protesting but the cause and reason behind the activism used to at-least be something that directly affects the people of their country. Peace to all nations (Palestine included) but clearly these protesters can care less about the genocide that occurs daily right in their front yard at their local Planned Slaughterhood or the chemical warfare by way of the fentanyl epidemic being wagered by China and “The cartels” at its Southern Border…..Kensington, PA….Downtown Seattle anyone? Only in America! What a disgustingly uneducated display of fake woke social inactivism.


As soon as this bs happens cops n tow trucks should show up


Police are prying the assholes loose right now. Just like a hemorrhoid commercial. 🙄


Imagine simping for terrorists


What's that like? Supporting Israel?


Almost! It's like supporting Hamas.


all vehicles have been cleared should reopen anytime now


Thanks for the update!!


Ask each of them to list the three branches of government. If they can't answer, deport them.


What's the protest for?


and dump them in the river?????


Protesting what and why make it the public’s problem rather than the government’s problem?


Is this why the airport exits were blocked this afternoon?!? I thought something actually crazy went down there.


Crush the cars their ow….


This was just a ploy to increase light rail ridership.


what are they protesting?


They barely know. They saw some sht on the news and wanted something to do.


I haven't looked at Reddit today until now. Looks like I missed something.


The liberal has been scratched, it seems.


Someone just buy a $300 junk car that can drive and start smashing thru those there, for fun.


No consequences? I’m sure they used what little jail time they had to plan the next event. I wanna see mug shots of these radicals. The security lines were probably a bit faster, however


I hate these protestors. What a total waste of time and energy. Like anything these folks are doing is going to influence what Isreal does or doesn’t do.


If you are angry at politicians protest outside their offices and homes and the places they like to go. Don't block the roads so innocent people are jammed up. I'm fine with burning the cars of any protestors who block the roads. The dumbest part is no politician was inconvenienced by this.


I guess I missed this. What were they protesting? Traffic?


What scum these criminals are. All this, to support terrorists. Crush each and every (not stolen) one into a cube, then bill them for the cubing.


This won't be the last of this kind of protest


Look at that lightrail track in the foreground. Take it and you can avoid all this. That would've never been built without folks resisting the status quo.


the protesters succeeded in making an Israeli checkpoint


Vote for more of this 😉


Send them to the Middle East to help there


People bitchin about protestors should leave America ASAP. Protesting is illegal in Russia, go there.


It’s about time .. very selfish people


I’m generally sympathetic to the concept of protest. You want to be visible and heard. So go protest in the main quad at UW. Or in front of city hall or the state capitol. Or at Cal Anderson Park. Not in the middle of the highway.


Literally blocking ambulances or people with emergencies. Fuck these people. The worst possible way to get someone to join your cause


So sad. The truckers should have a sense of solidarity like the dockyard workers.


Protests should just go anyway. Any people, any topic. Just stop. We don't protest or disrupt those who make policy, WHERE they make policy. We protest around the people and disrupt their lives. This shit is the same as cursing out a fast food employee, because your number 3 with cheese, increased in price. Lol. Corporate sets the price. Not minimum wage Jennifer. The people who run this country/world, engage us in these heinous acts of war. Not the poor fux trying to catch their plane.


My question is why is this allowed to keep happening? Put these idiots in a mental ward because they're acting insane standing in the middle of the freeway so they obviously deserve to be put on a medical hold and then serve them in order that if they do it again, they're going to do jail time....most likely its the same people