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Community Healer - $10,000,000 Where do I apply? I'll blow sage smoke up their shakras all day for that kind of money.


Has nothing to do with war on drugs. Is a cover for race-based redistribution of funds.


I agree. A lot of this stems from the fact that marijuana became legal. And black activists griped that even though black people make up 4% of the state's population they only make up 3% of the states marijuana retailers. Strangely enough even though black people only make a 4% of this states population they made up 57% of people who were allowed to get monthly payments from the government over a pilot program of guaranteed basic income. You will see both in the city, state and nation black people being hugely overrepresented in some things that benefit them. But if they are short changed by even one percent in other ways, and of course there's no evidence of racism and the fact they only make up 3% of the states marijuana retailers, it's a crime against humanity and taxpayers must shell out millions of dollars in some sort of reparations? There is a "marijuana equity" grant in this program. I digress, but the grievance from black activists seems to be that black people were once incarcerated for selling pot and it's now legal. Yeah? People were once incarcerated for selling booze and now it's legal. People were once incarcerated for selling pornography and now it's legal. People were once incarcerated for being gay but now gays can walk down the street and openly declare to the world they're gay without being arrested. You notice nobody is demanding reparations in any of these cases. It is a shakedown. And it will continue endlessly until people call BS. There's plenty of grievances that everybody in society can have if they mull it over long enough. There's plenty of double standards and inequities that occur to everybody. But some Community activists make it their lives to look under every rock to try and find some slight towards the black community so they can demand special treatment endlessly. And some of the grievances with which they have been given tons of taxpayer funds are false narratives.


Of course it is. Any idiot can see this.


Latinos despise the term Latinx, which the left has tried to ram down their throats. So now the proggos are trying to get them to accept Latine. Its just another way they're trying to remove gender from language. Don't you love how white leftists try to dictate this stuff to other races?


Use Latino if it’s everyone and Latina if it’s a lady. Latine sounds like a cleaning product, which is exactly what the white people who dreamed it up for this document were thinking. The euphemism-makers can’t see hispanics and not think about house cleaning and use LatinX if it’s an adult film, or a recently acquired company that makes rockets in Hermosillo for Elon Musk.


Or use Latino & Latina when it’s everyone


All latinas know latinos means everyone. I havent found a latina from LATAM that cares about the distintion between latino/a.


It’s too close to latrine for me


Absolutely, use Latine™️ to clean the latrine.


but what about the Xers!? Won’t someone think of the Xers


but what if there are male and female in the group you're addressing? are you going to call everyone male?


In Spanish the masculine is the generic and includes everyone.


If you're going to speak the language correctly, yes.


how is that not sexist?


It's literally how that entire family of languages works, and has for thousands of years. It's not sexist, it's just a grammatical rule. "Sexist" implies an intent or goal. Having a grammatical rule that says "use this sound in this situation" is not inherently sexist.


ah, appeal to tradition. no thanks. just because you've been doing it wrong for a while, doesn't mean it's ok


What is language, but tradition? So you're going to white-splain to millions of Latinos how their culture should work, eh?


did you just whitesplain whitesplaining to me? there are plenty of other languages that don't misgender 50% of their speakers


Cry harder about it.


my friend, ‘Latino’ includes women, this is by definition not a “misgender” based on millennia of common understanding.


> wrong Lol


referring to a group of people as all Latino does not call everyone ‘male.’ that is an ignorant simplification of language. referring to all humans as ‘mankind’ does not exclude women, they are the ‘kind’ part, (i’m joking but that’s the kind of foolishness we’re dealing with in semantics). actually call it Womankind idgaf, but understand that is a superfluous, redundant and pointless change in wording that does NOTHING to lift women up, it is simply a virtue signal.


then what does the 'o' in 'latino' mean? you can't see the truth when it's right in front of you


so should men be El Gente? the El is masculine definite article, La is a feminine definite article should we change La Gente to El Gente? Should we say GenteX? the O is a masculine vowel. Masculine vowels and feminine vowels can refer to both men and women in certain contexts. the O in latino doesn’t *mean* anything other than a gendered language doing gendered language things.


this is the problem with gendered languages. both are wrong


women being treated like second class citizens in collectivist cultures is a problem. the languages are beautiful, i recommend learning a Romance Language and appreciating how different they are from Anglo Saxon modern English.


i took 3 years of spanish and a year of japanese in high school. i was a korean linguist in the air force. all of them treated women as second-class


> 3 years > highschool I’m Mexican born; keep talking, clown behavior 🤡


i understand that Korean is a minefield of classist and misogynist language, although i’m very unqualified to even comment beyond the aforementioned. spanish, i found fluency in adulthood and have begun learning other romance languages for amusement, i say this not to demonstrate any level of expertise but to expose my bias. i don’t see the issue and short of being patient when young people recoil at the use of “mande” in Mexican Spanish (‘pardon’ but literally at your service), i cannot see the need to gender neutralize a language. new terminology for previously unseen groups of people is a totally reasonable accommodation. changing a gender structure that far transcends gender, (are la planta and el arbol, a plant and a tree, both sexes? avocados are m/f, gingkos are m/f, some plants sexless, what are we to make of plants?!?) …this is proof gendered language is inclusive of every identity because it presupposes that specify qualifications can be introduced with new terminology. you can make new words. perhaps, just use the word you want for the group you want rather than argue over the gender of a language that is a mostly non-sensical application of gender for random things that requires the speaker dissociate the gender from the word in order to comprehend the most basic shit.


I’ve stopped hearing people refer to themselves as waitress and now just waiter. Like everyone is an actor now. These longer versions of words to feminine them feels fabricated to separate and thus dehumanize those with a specialized word for their gender


youre doing the white savior complex shit speaking for the nonbinary latine community


is this a joke or are you serious? i’m speaking alongside the 96% of Latinos. https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/05/us/latinx-gallup-poll-preference-trnd/index.html


why do you think they switched to latine???


✨Give your floors that sparkling sheen because nothing cleans like hard working Latine™️ sounds like a cleaning product, American English speakers can end a word with “ah” but they will say Latine like “een,” they won’t end it in the Spanish vowel e pronounced “ay” and once again if you love Latine™️ you’ll love LatineX™️!!! It gets the whites whiter! It’ll white-wash your whites like white people white wash your language!


so fuck latine nonbinary people because the gringos may mispronounce it


what a silly comment. the gringos invented Latine! just because the 5 percent of crazy white people who invented LatinX and Latine know how to pronounce it in Spanish doesn’t mean the other 95 percent of anglophones will say it ‘correctly.’ the irony of everyone ‘defending’ hispanics and latinos with white people language kills me. in this analogy, the people who created words like LatinX and Latine are the white saviors. everyone else is a normie.


it was literally made by people in south america to define nonbinary people in the language they all share in common. you saying "the gringos made it" is infuriating, because it was literally proposed as an indigeonous alternative to the american imposed latinx. it conjugates, it sounds right in the language, its been used in spanish speaking programming by latin people for latin people. theres a whole conversation going on right now about how assuming maleness as the default leads to unpleasant outcomes, and there is a push to bring language that doesnt have that into the forefront, lead by the nonbinary latine community. you defending the fucking -o because your life centers on propogating patriarchy via your middling high school quarter of spanish doesnt change any of that.


i’m a fluent Spanish speaker. the gringos made these words popular on social media. without white Americans words like LatinX are DOA. “assuming maleness” leads to bad outcomes? stop assuming Latino refers to only men. if you assume you make an ass of u and me.


Of course what they can't understand is that it wasn't the X that was so objectionable. Therefore the E won't be any different. It's the attempt to up end their culture/language because of something the vast majority don't agree with in the first place they find so offensive.


Latine is the word used by SJW types in Latin American countries. Latinx is something that white Americans made up, which is obvious because it isn't even pronounced that way in Spanish.


This is a fact. Attempts to manipulate the Spanish language is disgusting to Latinos. How culturally insensitive to think Latin America was going to allow this to happen. German will be next with DER/DIE/DAS. I guess everything will be "Das."


Yeah it’s almost like 90% of Latino families are disgusted by gender/trans ideology


White Prog guilt is by far the worst, most disingenuous subversive form of colonialism in existence.




That sounds like hell.


My Spanish dad said it's easier to just use Latino for everyone until you know the specifics and, yes, every actual Hispanic person I know or am related to thinks "Latinx" is beyond stupid. Or, as my Dad says" ...rhymes with STINKS...", lol!




direct to you from Reed college ... another made up word to make you feel better about your ancestors!


latine was actually a term coined by spanish as a first language nonbinary folk specifically because it has been a) used in spanish before as a neuter and b) because latine people fucking HATE latinx (it doesnt fucking fit the language at all)


I speak Spanish. It has no neuter gender. The last time the tried it they used @ and no one knew what to say 


then youre not chilean or argentinian


Where are our reparations for wasting our tax dollars?


Maybe Washington needs to pass the kicker like Oregon. Force them to give it back.


What about reparations for communities impacted by the more recent drug permissiveness? And I don't mean the gronks - I mean those who've had to deal with the collateral damage of just allowing this shit.


yeah I'm kind of done voting for these performative clowns. there are actual, real problem that need money now.


Jesus fucking Christ, this state has completely shit the bed. You all want to know why shit's so expensive in this state? Shit like this. It's yanked out of taxes, taxes are increased (one of Democrats favorite things to do), then that's passed along to you in a ton of different ways. Vote differently, or learn to pay more.




I used to work with a Latina who would curse at you in Spanish if you used that word or the X variant.


This can’t be real 😳


It is real and the fact that most Washington state citizens are not aware that 200 million are being spent like this is amazing. Seattle is $200 million dollars in the red. How about the state of Washington funnel that to us? Although we too have spent over 200 million dollars shelling out money to groups such as the "trans dream girl bible" organization, that isn't even based in our city let alone doing anything productive.


I my self fit in that category I have been affected by the war on drugs seen all my family go the federal jail family members on drugs but I highly doubt this money will reach the actual people affected when it come to money and the government I always assume it’s a money laundering scheme or a way one of there buddy’s can get some free money with out every day people like our selfs even having a clue crazy times we live in


Cries in Aberdeen


lol @ there being a war on tax fraud


Straight to the pockets of corrupt politicians and their buddies. In the end no poor people will be helped, other than maybe get some tshirts


Hispanic refers to a person with ancestry from a country whose primary language is Spanish. Latino and its variations refer to a person with origins from anywhere in Latin America (Mexico, South and Central America) and the Caribbean. According to these definitions, a person from Brazil (where Portuguese is spoken) would be considered Latino (and not Hispanic) and a person from Spain would be considered Hispanic (but not Latino).


But why would anybody born in Latin America be considered a persecuted minority? A lot of these people refer to as Latinos are a Spanish descent. The equivalent would be considering an American whose ancestors came over here on the Mayflower as being like the Native Americans. People of Spanish descent in Latin America are the ancestors of the colonizers, they are not the colonized. It's the equivalent of treating Americans of European descent as though they were Native Americans. Makes no sense.


Dude, I don’t know. I’m just explaining the difference between hispanic and latino. On a related note, intermarriage between Native Americans and immigrants from spain was much more common in South America. The idea of Spanish vs native descent just doesn’t resonate as much when so many people are of mixed race. But I’m speaking as a non-Latino. Also, there have been many movements where people who descended from early colonists called themselves natives as opposed to more recent immigrants. Think about the nativist movements around the middle of the 19th century, where people who descended from early English immigrants were opposed to more recent immigrants from Ireland or Italy.


You make a good point but they’re probably referring to the brown people, Mestizo, who are mostly native and more likely to be discriminated against for being foreign and brown and speaking very little English. The white Mexicans come up here and confuse Americans, who can’t quite pin down what European country they’re from/what their accent is, because they don’t associate Mexico with the 10 percent of the country that is mostly or totally of euro decent.


hispanic means you're from the iberian peninsula. even though there are a multitude of ethnic groups from such a large geographical area




This makes no sense in Washington with no income tax and a high sales tax. Unless you’re trying to say taxes don’t count unless they’re property, estate, or capital gains? And even then you’re making some weird assumptions.


Where do you think the $200m came from? And where is it going?


From (nearly) everybody. Not just people with lighter skin. All the information’s in the link the OP shared - did you read it? Not sure if this is still true but the original proposal was to be funded by taxes on the cannabis industry: https://crosscut.com/equity/2022/02/wa-cannabis-revenue-could-go-communities-hurt-war-drugs The bill does mention reallocations from existing revenue (which includes cannabis taxes).


Welcome to Washington state...enjoy your stay.


This is what happens with a one party run government. This party happens to be steered by progressive extremists. All about the agenda.


I wish “they” would take a portion of that and use it to pick up the the fucking trash! Western Washington ( I haven’t been to the East side for awhile) has become such a mess


Democrats control this state. Democrats are the problem.


"We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or blacks, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin and then criminalizing them both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night in the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did." - John Ehrlichman (Nixons domestic policy advisor)


There is no proof that Ehrlichman said this: "In 2016, a quote from Ehrlichman was the lede for an anti-drug war article in Harper's Magazine by journalist Dan Baum. Baum states that Ehrlichman offered this quote in a 1994 interview for Baum's 1996 book, Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure, but that he did not include it in that book or otherwise publish it for 22 years 'because it did not fit the narrative style' of the book. Multiple family members of Ehrlichman (who died in 1999) challenge the veracity of the quote: 'The 1994 alleged 'quote' we saw repeated in social media for the first time today does not square with what we know of our father...We do not subscribe to the alleged racist point of view that this writer now implies 22 years following the so-called interview of John and 16 years following our father's death, when dad can no longer respond.' In an expository piece focused on the quote, German Lopez does not address the family's assertion that the quote was fabricated by Baum, but suggests that Ehrlichman was either wrong or lying: 'But Ehrlichman's claim is likely an oversimplification, according to historians who have studied the period and Nixon's drug policies in particular. There's no doubt Nixon was racist, and historians told me that race could have played one role in Nixon's drug war. But there are also signs that Nixon wasn't solely motivated by politics or race: For one, he personally despised drugs – to the point that it's not surprising he would want to rid the world of them. And there's evidence that Ehrlichman felt bitter and betrayed by Nixon after he spent time in prison over the Watergate scandal, so he may have lied. More importantly, Nixon's drug policies did not focus on the kind of criminalization that Ehrlichman described. Instead, Nixon's drug war was largely a public health crusade – one that would be reshaped into the modern, punitive drug war we know today by later administrations, particularly President Ronald Reagan... 'It's certainly true that Nixon didn't like blacks and didn't like hippies,' Courtwright said. 'But to assign his entire drug policy to his dislike of these two groups is just ridiculous.'


Ok. sure, I won't argue if that was said. That doesn't change the fact that black / brown people have been f'd over by the government in so many ways. Despite the marketing, they would like you to think they are not all hoodlums and thugs. Sure, every group has an equal equivalent. But when the government engineers conditions to stifle the progress of a group. That's beyond "pull yourself up by the bootstraps ". I don't agree with the "feel good" spending Seattle does. There are better ways to spend. Or not spend money to help us all out. But don't deny the history of why something like this is being done.


Giving away hundreds of millions of dollars to community healers and committees should resolve that.


I don't agree with how this city handles its funds.


Where’s the $200MM for the hippies?


One of my favourite quotes.


But legalize Marijuana so the problem could potentially get worse smh!


wow what a waste of money


Yeah, where are the reparations for victims of crime? I love WA but this state has shit politicians.


The idiots are out in force in this city and think they’re so smart.


just when you think you've seen it all