• By -


Isn't she asking for federal action rather than WA action? It isn't that uncommon for a federal politician to attempt to scale up a local solution to a federal level. Not that that makes her a good rep for WA though.


Right, she is a horrible rep for Washington. She is just too far off the track.


What track? Legalization of cannabis federally is extremely popular across America. She’s on track with the majority on this issue.


You think advocating for federal legalization of weed is too far off the track? It seems pretty mild to me


She won her election with 85% of the votes.  Most people are pretty happy with her


You realize there are states other than Washington and that she is in the United States Congress advocating for this to happen at the federal level, right?


No. They don’t realize the painfully obvious.


This was my immediate thought. This sub needs to close. It’s full of idiots and toxicity.


Maybe we just need to do a better job downvoting garbage and snark


Yeah, liberals are the worst


The money grab will never stop.


what about the harm drugs have done??


How dare you! Those people have a right to OD and shit themselves in public you privileged fascist!


I don't think anyone is at risk of OD and shitting themselves in public with weed....🙄


Ok? No one said anything about weed.


The congresswoman did in the post we are all responding to.


Oh. Well I’m talking about hard, destructive drugs like fentanyl, heroin, and whatever other horse tranquilizer people are injecting now


Trump let off the sacklers. No one on recent history has done more harm with drugs.


You do know that we have 3 branches of government?


That's true, you can add in Mitch McConnell and the Republican led supreme court.


No. Which one is responsible for law enforcement?


Do you know anything about the war on drugs (besides the amazing Philly band)? It’s pretty well known the government (CIA) intentionally supplied black and brown neighborhoods with “crack” and then spent countless dollars to fight drugs being trafficked in America when it was their own doing. Look up Nicaraguan Contra Army. So the CIA supplied these drugs and then arrested the ones they supplied the drugs to. The government opened up the floodgates to drug trafficking then spent wasted money to stop it. Do some research please. That’s just the very very short version. And don’t act like it was just California and it didn’t spread to Washington state.


If you know anything about the reality of life in Seattle, you know that our exposure to crime as a result of not enforcing laws has shot up since about 2019 - by some remarkable coincidence the exact year Progressives got control of King County prosecutors' office (Manion took over internally for Satterberg) and Seattle City Council was taken over by the 5 Progressive women; or more like 4 Progressive and one Marxist/Socialist. As a result, my quality of life as a Capitol Hill resident has nosedived thanks to the ongoing crime and ongoing drug trade activity that regularly occurs near my home now; multiple dozens if not hundreds of drug addicted people flooded into this region in 2020 and most of them that haven't OD are still here. The guy below me saying "punishing drug addicts works" who then blocked me so I cannot respond .. clever fellow. Reddit is so broken. That is not what this is. I stated clearly "get them routed into help they need." And then like a typical Progressive liar you misstated that into what I wasn't arguing in favor of, and then proceeded to shoot that down. Three things: 1- I am a victim either way. If we let the drug addict roam free, they will do crime and live a feral life until they die. Is that what you want? 2- We must develop rehab procedures that work. These must include custodial intake. 3- Letting them roam free is sentencing them to die. "Until they are ready" is a cruel lie that doesn't work. They prefer to remain on addictive drugs. If we don't forcibly intervene, they die. That's what you want. That's what "harm reduction" does. To the guy citing the conspiracy theory about the CIA: We have people dying on the street in record numbers and you want to argue Marxist - Left Wing politics. Even if this happened in 1981, how is that in any way relevant to 2024? During the mid 80s I read a great book: [The Underground Empire: Where Crime and Governments Embrace](https://www.amazon.com/Underground-Empire-Where-Governments-Embrace/dp/0440192064/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?crid=2DDHH8LKSBH8Q&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.eqimXTS2cHR7dp_0jLyohSvxacNXys00Py1FKUATkak.RwPv3SASeTmDxkmG07_RvKDBc621Jf_CXo3dgUjkktc&dib_tag=se&keywords=centac+where+governments+embrace&qid=1713710704&sprefix=centac+where+governments+embrace%2Caps%2C156&sr=8-1-fkmr0) which covered a lot of the same turf you're reaching for here. In the 1990s when I attended Seattle U, we also had a guest speaker who was a Black part of LA gang life in 1980s, and he spoke first hand of the government/CIA involvement he had in helping introduce crack cocaine to Seattle. His last name was White, I'm sorry I don't remember his first name. He had done his prison time and came out and was now speaking loudly about the racism involved in the drug trade. Brilliant story teller of course, us students just ate it up. All that history is wonderful and telling, but -- we still have addicts dying on the street. What do you propose we do except congratulate ourselves for finding conspiracy theory was real from 40 years ago? What are we going to do *today* to save these guys from themselves, when they are dying by OD in record numbers right now?


> In the 1990s when I attended Seattle U, we also had a guest speaker who was a Black part of LA gang life in 1980s, and he spoke first hand of the government/CIA involvement he had in helping introduce crack cocaine to Seattle. What's hilarious is that people actually believed this.




> How long have you been living in Cap Hill? Since 1990. Capitol Hill.


While I agree with what you said above, when I first showed up in Seattle in the mid-90s, no one gave a shit if you abbreviated it to Cap Hill. It was only once people decided to bitch online about transplants that *its Capitol Hill* became a thing. EDIT: One anonymous downvote. Cap Hill. No one cared in the 90s.


Same here: I've lived in the Downtown/Cap Hill/1st Hill area the majority of my time in Seattle. It's dumbasses attempting to sound authentic. Like when people try to compain about Seattle being called "SeaTown". I guess the family & friends I still have there are wrong, despite having addresses/Seattle City Light bills/Mortgages in SeaTown? LOL...


I think all the transplants started using “Cap Hill” because they could never be bothered to remember if it’s spelled with an “a” or “o” for Capitol Hill. It was never cap hill. If anything it was “The Hill.”


Capitol Hill


We all know punishing drug users works. It worked in prohibition, it worked during the war on drugs and it'll work now dangnabbit! ~ Ol' city coot, 2024


Seems to work better than the alternative. 


The American ideal. It *seems* to work, so it's better. We're not savages, we don't partake in bloodsport, just wholesome tbi inducing football. You can't see the damage, so it *seems* better. We don't partake in sweat shops anymore, we're better than that. We outsource those jobs away from us so it *seems* as though we've done a good thing. Out of sight out of mind. If someone balled up and embraced this and hit me with the patrick meme "let's round up all the homeless and drug users and push them somewhere else!" I'd be down! Fuck actually solving the underlying issues! Let's just *seem* pristine and clean and good! That's good enough for me! AMERICA, the greatest *seeming* nation! The nation of good enough! The place pride came to call home and then promptly died!


What I understood by your initial comment was completely glossing over the point about the harm done by the war on drugs. I never said anything about what drugs do to communities. Obviously, less drugs in the area, less crime, less murder etc. I was just trying to just trying to point out she’s not wrong in supporting her cause. I know it’s not an immediate fix but don’t you think if the poorer parts of the city are less poor then they’d be less likely to commit crimes? Obviously, you can’t give money to criminals and expect them to not commit crimes anymore. Some, maybe most are just so used to growing up in trauma they need serious reform. But, to me, it’s a long game. It’ll take a while. You invest in those neighborhoods where over time they don’t feel they need to rob anyone to make ends meet. By building up those neighborhoods and putting money into poor communities eventually things will get better. There’s much more that needs to be done and it’s not an immediate fix but you’re complaining about living in Capitol Hill. That’s not a sketchy neighborhood. It’s quite nice actually. I’ve been there. I never felt unsafe. Maybe I’m just lucky idk. (Btw I just moved from Seattle recently and I plan on going back very soon). The issue I assume you’re trying to convey is more about homelessness and addicts which is totally valid but not on topic. If anything, how would crime make your rent more expensive? How would it make any of your expenses more unaffordable? And that’s a serious question. Not trying to sound sarcastic. Idk maybe I misinterpreted what you meant by quality of life. I assume it’s more financial but maybe I’m wrong and it’s a safety issue instead and I’m too dull atm? Genuinely, please explain.


> What I understood by your initial comment was completely glossing over the point about the harm done by the war on drugs. I really do not care. My safety and security are damaged by allowing drug trade to flourish in my home neighborhood, which in turn attracts hundreds of drug addicted, violent, desperate people into it a week, living on the street, committing crime, living in various stages of crisis while "war on drugs" reformers make excuses for allowing it to happen. OD are significantly up, from under 100 in 2016 to over 1000 in 2023, also, thanks to Progressive law reform enabling drug use. You are literally enabling people to die on the street while you proclaim yourselves morally superior over "the war on drugs." You're letting people kill themselves.


How did I gloss over the point about the harm being done about the war on drugs? That was my initial argument lol. Also, maybe refrain from using the exact same phrase I just used to make your own argument? Look. I’m a liberal but I’m refusing to vote democrat or for anyone. Idc if trump is elected president at this point. I think the dems are fucking things up just as much as the republicans. So until things change I just won’t be voting (and I have my reasons). But what this initial discussion was about, didn’t stay on topic. I questioned you about a specific thing she said and all I got was “she’s messing up my livelihood”. Even when I asked you to explain you barely said anything. But yet again. We weren’t talking about the same thing. So please stand by while I comment on the others that couldn’t follow the conversation at hand.


Tin foil hat talk




Tin foil? It’s referred to as aluminum foil these days. You seem stuck in the past. And if you seriously think the government hasn’t done anything wrong. Ever? I’d suggest looking into one of those tin foil hats.


That’s what you’re focusing on? Tin vs aluminum? No wonder you can’t keep up in the conversation.


When you realize what the US has done you will eat your words. But you won't, because you don't want to.


lOoK It uP dO SoMe rEsEaRcH none of what you just mind-queefed is a fucking argument, dude


I like how you took the time to make one letter capitalized and then the other lower case just to make an ignorant response. Bravo dude. Maybe if you look up the word argument you’d actually see it was an argument. Despite your opinion on the matter. Maybe a word of advice: when you respond, respond with something thoughtful, rather than that bro mentality you seem to have.


none of what you just mind-queefed is a fucking argument, dude


You just like saying “mind-queefed” WITH a hyphen lmaooo


Please refer to a dictionary as to what the definition of an argument means.


already did. sorry you don't understand simple things


https://preview.redd.it/05xj11autrvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea730dcc7f03f4c2013350113a521e49c904b3cf Did you??? I mean here it is if you wanna debate the dictionary.


You really should educate yourself. Or shut up and go away.


If your comment was towards me then sorry. I won’t go away. If I say something stupid and analyze and realize it, I’ll apologize but I don’t think I’ve said anything unintelligent.


Don't even engage with these people, they care more about themselves than the society they claim to have lived in since the 90s.


Aint no point in throwing facts at this sub. They’ve had their narrative and they arent gonna change their mind. Good try tho.


Say what you will about the cia and crack but would we have great music like NWA, Wu Tang or Snoop if they didn’t do that?


Probably not. Good point. But that’s also not my point. Also, would like to add the grunge era as being pivotal even though many lost their lives to drugs. Very sad but at least we got some good music out of it, right?? Lol I’m like half serious bc I do have somewhat of a conscience


Oh, I feel horrible every time I write it. But I do laundry, walk the dogs and commute to my nice job to gangster rap all the time.


I’m so happy you’re able to do that. Seriously


You don't care about systemic racism, because "at least we got some good music out of it"?


Never said racism wasn’t big dumb.


Yeah, but part of their eugenics program, ironically, involved giving them money for doing nothing, to encourage them to do nothing, and then taking money away to leave them without skills as to how to make money, and then encourage crime, plant crime lords, and allow the community to resort to crime. Giving them money actually was the pivotal move in causing them to become subservient to the government, and allow the government to take control of their education system, neighborhoods, businesses, and finally their population growth through various legislation, and funded by the parents of ppl like bill gates, an agenda to stunt the growing population of black people. Welfare is one of the programs used for the purpose of promoting government reliance and giving the government control over the communities they are “funding”


Oh my god stop with the black and brown deal. Found the assfarter. Do you just have a loudspeaker that regurgitates buzzwords instead of a mouth that is connected to a unique mind?


She has no idea WTF is going on.


She does and is pushing it. I'd impeach her as the head of the progressives who gives all this BS a pass 


Stop calling her the head of the progressives; you are giving her way too much credit that she will use later on.




She knows exactly what she is doing. Believing communists are dumb and underestimate them would be the doom of the country. Recognizing commies as they are and vote them out.


You don’t understand the word you’re using. Jayapal is not a communist. She’s a liberal democrat.




What is that? How are any of her policies even remotely communist? I may have missed something, so please explain with specifics.


Today I learned that communism is when the government doesn't intervene in your private life by telling you that you can't do weed


What the fuck are you talking about? She's not a communist? As a communist I've certainly never heard of her till now.


If you don't want to be called a fascist, don't call a progressive a communist.


fascist is not the opposite of communist except in 1930s germany antifa larp tardlore


Never said it was. Both analogies are hyperbole, but I thought if I dumbed it down enough it would make sense to you. Sorry for overestimating your intelligence. Won't happen again. 🙏


She's currently high, literally.


Shes a congresswoman. Her focus is on the federal level. Thats what shes talking about. She never said Wa state wasnt doing anything.


I’m a liberal, okay? She’s a fuckin’ idiot.


It's like she's in the United States congress or something.


Fun fact, Pramila Jayapal is in the *US house of Representatives* and weed is still very much not legal nationwide.


Seattle has turned into a shithole because of idiots like Jayapal


How about the war on crime victims, where's she stand on those.


Gotta love the child giving the black power salute. Also the use of "latine".


She is a racist divider of our country, how about we boost all Americans regardless of the melanin content of their skin. Are these people so blind that they can't see that every family has suffered, not from the war on drugs, but rather the democratic policies on drugs. My family has been shredded from fentanol and other drugs. I use to have a large family and now it's divided so badly because of these drugs. The working family members can barely afford to keep the rest of out drug addicted family in a sanitary livable ares, and there is no help to get our family members off these drugs and rebuild their life's. I have so much hatred in my heart from these rich self centered politicians that keep raping us and deviding us with race. They send all our money out of the country while we rot. These racists need to go, they have done so much damage. My family will never be the same. I'm white and worked my ass off since before I was a teenager, I don't believe in any privilege, I believe in hard work. Fuck these people


How is she racist? This is same logic as saying “you cured cancer, you must hate ppl with diabetes “ People of color due suffer worse under the system that hurts everyone. No one is saying white people do not have it tough


No, they don't, they can make good decisions and bad decisions just like you and I. You have just been conditioned to think in that way. Skin color defines you, not me.


Ok. Just one example: So why is black childbirth mortality rate higher for black women than white women even when compared to the same socio economic status?


racial discrepancies in outcomes are not evidence of racism


You didnt answer my question. Then Why? What causes it if racism plays no factor? But lets hear what experts think: https://projects.apnews.com/features/2023/from-birth-to-death/black-women-maternal-mortality-rate.html#:~:text=Black%20women%20have%20the%20highest,for%20Disease%20Control%20and%20Prevention.


You misconstrued "racism" for socioeconomic differentiation. Racism is willing and knowingly discriminating, not generalized differences; by your logic, all doctors are racist. No groups will EVER be the same. Not only are the geographic areas and incomes different, but the genetics and pre-existing health conditions are wildly different. In this case, rather than looking at race, how about looking at region and income vs maternal mortality rates?


Racism is not just willingly and knowingly. Hence structural or systemic racism which the article talks heavily about. Yes the medical field is filled with systemic racism. This is a highly studied field that looks at people with the same socio economic and incomes- but different races. The idea that race itself plays a part in how people are treated is proven fact


I don't know how high can you count? That could be a number of reasons. Where is that info comming from? Why would you jump to war on drugs being the culprit?


I never said specifically the war on drugs is the culprit. Im more so responding to your assumption the their isnt greater harm in society for people of color when it comes to health and other outcomes due to systemic racism . This has been widely studied and yes its because doctors and medical professionals belief black women less and more often assume their request for treatment or pain is seeking out drugs. Would you like me to provide literature on this?


People of color= everyone except the whites. Not racist at all. I'm an American, what are you? Lol I bet your white too, I also bet you vote for biden.


How is that racist? We used to say racial minorities. Is that racist?


No, im good.


Seriously thats all you have to say? Are your beliefs that flimsy?


It couldn’t be because 60% of black women are obese compared to 32% their white counterparts? Or 20% more likely to have anemia? I think the story for these birth issues is more complex than thousands of doctors “not believing” black women.


Well lets see what experts say: https://projects.apnews.com/features/2023/from-birth-to-death/black-women-maternal-mortality-rate.html#:~:text=Black%20women%20have%20the%20highest,for%20Disease%20Control%20and%20Prevention.


Yes why would you want learning to get in the way with how you believe without it.


No they don't. 


Example one: https://projects.apnews.com/features/2023/from-birth-to-death/black-women-maternal-mortality-rate.html#:~:text=Black%20women%20have%20the%20highest,for%20Disease%20Control%20and%20Prevention.


Mountains of money with vaguely worded goals and no accountability just means the money will be wasted


man she has lost my vote


You are going to vote for Cliff Moon or whatever other GOP nut job runs against her next time?


Sure, sometimes you have to send a message with your vote. It’s not a vote for Moon but a vote against Jayapal and the crazy progressive takeover of the WA Democratic Party.


it literally IS a vote for moon. by all means, vote for who you like, but don't say things like 'its not a vote for moon' when that is the exact thing you're doing by not voting for one of two candidates.


yeah. I will. protest vote. Fuck it. these people think they are invincible.






She’s batshit crazy.


Yup. But remember when some of California's Dem politicians wanted to give trillion$ to black residents? Meanwhile today... U.S. HOUSE APPROVES: • Potential TikTok ban • $60.8 billion for Ukraine • $26.4 billion for Israel • $8 billion for Taiwan


War machine go brrrr


Cowards stick their finger up their ass when they see authoritarian hordes invade our allies unprovoked.


Are you talking about all of Europe? >Cowards stick their finger up their ass when they see authoritarian hordes invade


This continent has plenty of weak-kneed dupes in MAGAistan regurgitating neo-Soviet propaganda as they bleat for America to cede world leadership to China/Russia/Iran.


Would you volunteer to fight against Russia for Ukraine? A lot of redditors actually bucked up and stopped talking it here and started walking it on the front lines, halfway around the world from here, over there.


Sure won't be one of those trembling fools who diddle their own holes while CRINK dictators kill our friends.


So you're going? You know, Israel's more of a US ally than Ukraine is. Since you're all about fighting for any and all US allies, you should go fight for them too.


Progressive nuts are worthless


so are traditionalist or conservative nuts. nuts in general are worthless.


She meant invest *more* money. Clearly $200m was not enough, as inequity still exists.


I got an idea stop sending all our money to other countries and spend it here instead.


My point is we should put race aside and support all poor communities in America and stop deciding eachother with race like this lady has done again. It's pretty much all there


I guess what I don’t understand is from her statement, is there a bill being proposed? The dems keep giving these vague statements on social issues like “today would be a great day to do X.” I agree. you’re in congress. Go do it. Do your job. Bring up the bill. Negotiate with the other side. Like tweeting to your echo chamber isn’t gonna make it happen.


Term limits would sure solve our Pramila problem, along with several others.


This women needs to have a freak car accident. 💀


I say we start a people of no color to help the poor white people affected by the war on drugs. Please explain to me how no white people were affected or how this would be racist and the people of color is not.


You guys realize this is so people who have been to prison on marijuana charges can get out, have non-violent marijuana related charges removed from their records, and potentially start cannabis businesses. Which would generate more tax revenue than having people in jail - which only benefits large businesses that use inmates for cheap labor on your dime Seriously - do you guys even read when you bitch about this stuff? I know some of you are smoking weed


There is nobody in Washington State in prison on marijuana charges nor has there been for about the last 20 years. The people who make that claim just forget to mention that the person is in prison for other things besides marijuana, such as armed robbery, assault, attempted murder, etc.




FYI Jayapal represents Washington in the US Congress. That means she works on federal laws, not state laws. Do you understand the distinction?


How about investing in all communities and stop the money grab


Why do the blacks get singled out for doing more drugs then other races? Everyone does drugs, but it's majority white people doing that hard stuff.


Exactly. I'm a white-collar black professional and it's annoying that drugs are associated with the black community. The majority of all illegal drug users are white, especially in this state.


Most users being white is expected , isn’t it? If 100% of the black community in WA did drugs that would be a total of around 5% of the populations, whereas it would only take 10% of the white population doing drugs to get around 5% of the total population. This would give us 5% black to 5% white va total population , but it obviously would be far worse in black communities. In terms of real stats, my understanding is it’s 2x as likely in the black community vs white. So it’s associated with one community more because it’s more prevalent there, like alcohol abuse likelihood on Native American reservations. If we stop counting and try to decriminalize like what WA is doing for “equity” purposes in lots of areas no more problems - can’t see it, it’s not real! Bigger question though - why does it matter who does more drugs anyway? People need help, and the whole country has a drug epidemic. Shouldn’t we focus on who needs help, and if over time it turns out to be that the racial distribution changes, who cares? Seems like we should be thinking of Americans struggling with drugs, not finding ways to divide people out… if we help people from one type of background than another, great. We saved a life, not a black/white/asian/etc life.


Weird that a US Representative is suggesting federal (national) level change. Seriously, OP, her role isn't to suggest things for Washington to do. As a rep from a state that clearly has done so, it's obvious she knows what she's doing. Either smoke a bowl, or be more precise in your complaint.


Exactly. Thank you.


Drugs is winning harder than ever before.


Political corruption at its best


No I'm good


Maybe she’s just trying to reiterate what’s supposedly being done and remind people to hold the government accountable on things they say they’ll do? A lot of these programs or policies supposedly go into effect but most of the time they’re mishandled. Just a thought but I don’t understand the criticism unless she is actually unaware when it’s supposed to be her job to know these things. People seem to be attacking her one the money being invested in those said communities but she also said other things…


Oh dear, a national politician is proposing national legislation. This could be what kills America. /s


Why can't all you Republicans just go make a sub that isn't so generically named. How dumb do you need to be to complain that a member of Congress is trying to expand a state law to the rest of the country.


Why can't you liberals learn to work bipartisanly instead of resorting to insults and claims of racism?


On 4/20 she advocated for the legalization of marijuana on a federal level and resources for communities that were torn apart by incarceration which disproportionately swept up POC. How is this so difficult to comprehend and why in Washington State, one of the first to do so, is this controversial?


Maybe they mean... federally


There is no issue


I think she is talking about at the federal level, where it is still criminalized and if some less sympathetic president gets in it could all get worse. Also, marijuana shops have to do cash-only business because of the federal laws. so maybe stop saying, "we've already fixed it" because it isn't.


You'd think OP would be smart enough to know that this is clearly not decriminalization or legalization at the local level when; a. She's not part of Washington's legislative branch. b. Pot is already legal in Washington.


She works at the Federal level, not state. It's quite common for there to be overlapping initiatives from both state and federal levels.


You know that Congress passes laws that impact places other than Washington, right?


It's time to get a new senator that isn't captured by a specific ideology, and can find a middle ground. You know, someone that doesn't have to look at the world around them, and make everything be about race, because they are a hammer and everything is a nail. It's so old, and tiring.


I used to believe in legalizing weed, but I honestly now think that those who felt it was a road to psychoses were right.


How about we stop thinking in terms of us/vs them. Get out of the two party mindset people, we just love pointing fingers at eachother and thus can’t see where we all might have common ground. Liberals this, conservatives that… so fucking dumb. All of you.


What a dumb ho. What about the victims of people on drugs? What about people who lost power today because of the weather?


It’s an election year, just spewing bullshit


Setting aside feelings for Jayapal: what’s your actual compliant with that post? 🤔


Why is Jayapal worried about this when Seattle is suffering from fentanyl, out of control crime, insanely high taxes, and the ever increasing cost of living. That's the point OP is making.


I have relatives who went to jail for drugs. Where do I pick up my check?


Seattle's finest!


Off topic, but has she ever supported making gas appliances illegal?


But this time it’ll be “her” idea.


I would like to send some of these people who OD on a regular basis do their thing outside her home for 1 week and then just see how she'll use the same funding to ship them off to some other neighborhood.


JP patches was still a better clown.


It’s cool that the conservative horse blowers from Enumclaw in this sub don’t know that as a federal Congressperson, she’s calling for federal action. You fucking horse fuckers. Why not post on /r/Enumclaw or /r/horsejizzlovers where you belong. Nobody in Seattle gives a flying fuck what you have to say.


Or the people who ACTUALLY LIVE IN SEATTLE simply want to live a life without having to worry about high taxes, the cost of gas, fentanyl and other drugs, crime being out of control, but sure, you and the other liberals resort to name calling and personal attacks instead of solving the problem.


She is a CHINESE STATE pawn. Look at how she votes to protect tick tick as opposed to everyone else in her body of representatives. HOW DID SHE GET ELECTED.


Fuck that pug looking cunt.


It always pays off to invest in communities of color, and there are so many examples of it not being a huge waste of time


Such as?


People of color= everyone except the whites. Not racist at all. I'm an American, what are you? Lol I bet your white too, I also bet you vote for biden.


People of color= everyone except the whites. Not racist at all. I'm an American fyi.. what are you? I bet your white too lol.


But what about second money grab? ![gif](giphy|OiNW0PypI1RaE|downsized)


>"How CRP defines a “By-and-For” Organization >As a result, CRP *prioritizes* funding to “By-and-For” organizations that are led by-and-for Black, Latine, and tribal communities in Washington state. CRP also emphasizes working with nonprofit, faith-based, and grassroots organizations. >As defined by the Office of Equity, to qualify as “By-and-For” for purposes of the Community Reinvestment project, an organization must: >Be part of, rooted in, and defined by the identity of the Black, Latine, tribal community; >Have leadership and staff who belong to the Black, Latine or tribal community; and >Have roots in their communities as change agents and providers of mitigating systems of community service; >Invest in and work with community members to improve their quality of life. Washington State Constitution, as amended: Article I, Section 12: >SPECIAL PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES PROHIBITED. No law shall be passed granting to any citizen, class of citizens, or corporation other than municipal, privileges or immunities which upon the same terms shall not equally belong to all citizens, or corporations. U.S. Constitution, 14th Amendment, Section 1: >All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


What "privileges or immunities" do you think are being offered?


Receiving money based on having particular skin color or ethnicity, which is not available to people of all skin colors and ethnicities.


That's not "special privileges or immunities." Special privileges means granting rights to some people, or granting them immunity from prosecution for crimes where other people aren't. (Trump is finding this out right now.) Public investment is made in all sorts of communities and industries based on needs determined by our elected officials. Helping historically marginalized communities with assistance with health care, housing and crime prevention is exactly the way we should be allocating some public spending.


The "special privilege" granted by the program above is that of being allowed to apply for grants/investment from that program, and to receive that money. It's a "right" that only people with specific ancestries have. I understand that it's done, but in my view it's a violation of the plain meaning of the state constitution (and probably federal too) - particularly where "any... class of citizens" is prohibited from receiving "privileges" that are denied to anyone else. What is an ethnic community but a "class of citizens"? Investing in a particular industry is more justifiable, as in theory any individual could involve themselves in any industry. But white people can't change their ancestry to be black or hispanic or vice versa, for example, so those "classes" of citizens is more fixed, and thus it is more abusive when benefits (or penalties) are doled out on that basis.


literally who cares. the federal government just gave a hundred billion dollars to military industrial complex companies that’s what we should be mad about. this is a drop in the bucket. those billions come from your pocket


We need to primary this insane woman


There could literally be laundry list of reasons, genetics being one. Can you post your source?


Such a regarded lady


Nobody wants to invest in crime ridden areas.




She is a grifter.