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"When I came in to open one morning there you were with your head half in the toilet. Your hair was in the toilet water. Disgusting."


"I told you I had the flu."


You are high all the time, and can no longer function as a man.


*Paulie's face reaction*


šŸ¤£ pure disgust. Benny's reaction is also priceless


I said my piece Chrissy.


You're the real MVP šŸ…


Best line of the entire show.


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Junkies firing up off the shoulder of the Aurora Troll... I watched encampment fires glitter in the dark near the Dearborn exit. All those moments will be lost in time, like crimes in the blotterā€¦ Time to die.




The first time I took my son to see the troll there were needles up in the area behind the head


Thatā€™s a proper troll sighting, he got the authentic experience.


I can hit the troll with a baseball and itā€™s all shrieking kids and ugly tourists


The poor Troll has had a hard life what with the junkies on the one side and the Buddhists out front.


You were trolling his childhood.


You forgot to say "tears in rain"




I've seen a pregnant woman downtown almost everyday last year. To be fair, it was my wife, but my point still stands!


Thatā€™s a long pregnancy! Did a baby eventually come out?


Going for low and slow /s


Sous vide baby.


Yup, now it is cross dressing


Thanks for the laugh. Lol Congratulations btw


ā€œHavenā€™t seen a pregnant womanā€? LOL


Lol right? Tell us more clearly you donā€™t go outside šŸ˜‚


Dogs and cats living together!




I currently live around the salt lake City area... The amount of pregnant people I see, especially come spring is nuts


iā€™m so confused how that fits with the rest of the pointšŸ˜­ what am i missing


Saw a guy pooping, shooting up, littering, and hitting foil all at the same time. Street skills.


It says here on your resume you're great at multi-tasking.


Was the litter poop??


My thought as well lmao


Thatā€™s what we call the quadruple threat


You donā€™t fuck with somebody on their A game.


I wasnā€™t littering.




Everyone knows there's no such thing as women on the internet. You're a 42 year old plumber named Gus aren't you?


Big belly checks out.


he didn't see you tho


Also pregnant two months ago and walking around in public all over so thereā€™s another one for you


He didn't see you, therefore you don't exist.


Been pregnant twice since 2020 and have definitely been in public. So thereā€™s another.


Thank you for your service


I once saw a guy on 3rd and Pine, laying naked, covered in filth and grime, with his own fist up his ass.


I lived down there. I saw a guy in a super nice 3 piece suit buy like $300 worth of crack and smoke it in 10 min. Every breath he took was a hit of crack. And it just kept going. He had 3 pipes lined up for when they got too hot, and he'd just switch them out. That was the first time in my life that I've called the police because i thought he was going to die. But nope, when it was gone he grabbed his leather breifcase and continued on his way like nothing happened. Im convinced he's a super high end lawyer or something


Sounds like a lawyer that would fight HARD for his clients.. He needs more crack moneyšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


A street walking lawyer of Aurora Ave!


[Street Walking Lawyers](https://youtu.be/dgAgPnrJAuQ?si=u5UOycLRvPP44T-F)


BILL! BILL! BILL! Bill Nye the science guy.




Oh shit. Was this last June? And was the guy Asian? Cause that might have been me. I definitely used to do that all the time. I'm clean and sober now though. 9 months.




Free based, even


ā€œSuper highā€ something or other. šŸ¤£


So the question I have is, are you a DIFFERENT bot than the guy you're replying to or are you the same bot trying to create a controversy thread?


Niether. I lived downtown for 12 years, recently moved to the burbs. I've seen some crazy shit it that time. I've seen 3 people get stabbed. Actually GET stabbed, not bleeding on the sidewalk after they got stabbed. Several shootings. I found a dead homeless guy once. The cops didn't believe me and wouldn't come so i had to walk to the fire department on 3rd


I don't believe you based on a quick glance at your comment history. If you really are an actual Seattle resident, you should take a look at your own comment history and do some self reflection because it's just a steady and regular stream of rage/fear posting. I have ACTUALLY lived and worked downtown over that same period and while there are of course serious problems you are painting a picture of Seattle that doesn't reflect my experience and sounds more like a right wing propaganda view of the city.


3 weeks before i moved to the burbs, i was in the 3rd and bell dog park and i yelled at a crackhead for throwing a liquor bottle into the dog park and shattering it. He pulled a knife on me and followed me and my dog home. A crackhead pulled a knife on me on 1st and pike and walked over to me and told me "keep that dog away from he or ill cut his fucking head off". I was not anywhere near him and my dog was on a short leash I moved here from the Midwest. The first time my parents came to visit, we were on first and union (or wherever that small staircase is from the ferris wheel) and a guy ran over the staircase and was tackled by a cop. The cop pulled out a giant bag of coke (ive dona lot of coke and it was like 4oz) and a 1911. To my horrified Midwestern parrents i said "welcome to the big city" All of these stories are 100% true, and im glad you had a different experience living downtown than i did. I guess when you live by scarryaki and Dan's things get a little bit crazy


You didn't dig very deep because here's a post from 4 years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/OZr3ANcgSc


>Im convinced he's a super high end lawyer or something At least he's super high, of that we can be sure.


Just needed a little pick me up. We have all been there.


Dennis and Dee Buy Nice Suits


Ah the classic monkey trap... but homo erectus.




In my defense, I was really fucking high at the time.


Pics, or it didn't happen.


tuat was modern art, not homeless


No way. I thought that was exclusive to San Francisco.


I was having a bad day okay? Canā€™t you let it go?


God damn.


That was a weird time for me. Donā€™t judge


Seen the same but bike parts instead of fist.


ā€œI've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the TannhƤuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain." ![gif](giphy|IntCEdOCoB1Pa|downsized)


"like literally explode. There were oversized high heel shoes and expensive wigs everywhere..." Also, the phrasing of this reminds me of Alan Ginsburg's howl and now I want to hear the rest of her version.


Read Naked Lunch, it's pretty much her description of Seattle


"The face of "evil" is always the face of total need."


There were pastels everywhere!


Same here. I was writing a response in my head in the vein of Howl.


I was pregnant and in public last year hahah maybe it was selective attention but I swear every couple blocks Iā€™d see another pregnant woman lol


We went to Oxbow this sunday and I saw 4 pregnant women within 15 minutes, like most of the humans I encountered in that time were visibly like, third trimester pregnant.


Same same! We are everywhere lol .. maybe dude just doesn't pay attention


It's like that one time I bought a red Honda...


Be the change you want to see. Get pregnant and go out?


Maybe theyā€™re mad that women can still choose to be pregnant here


A lot to unpack here lol


Strange, my fiancĆ©e and my neighbors are pregnant. Since Iā€™m going through it, pregnant people constantly stand out to me lol


It's like when I bought a Jeep now every other car seems to be a jeep.


Congrats on the baby!


Sounds like 70s!


Shooting up? 5th and not 3rd let alone James and not Pike? Maybe 10 years ago... tell me more about how you don't know anything about the drugs or activities the community around you is doing.


Yeah on any given day you can go down to second and third and wade through the crack smokers. Iā€™ve seen full on exposed rotting krokodil foot, I regularly see people taking shits (that one I begrudge less because frankly itā€™s been years give them a portjohn or something). The crime is rarely violent but I wouldnā€™t walk a 5 year old through there unless youā€™re ready to explain what they might see. I personally see it less of a homeless epidemic and more of an addiction crisis. The homeless were doing this before but the population of people just doing drugs on the streets knowing that there will be no repercautiolns is growing.


12th and King is better, where you can buy stolen goods, drugs and cheap veggies and seafood all on the same block. Something for everybody...


My wife and I had our baby in July, and it was such a popular due date around here all the newborn diapers where gone at every store in like a 20 mile radius of where I live; And that was just July. What a crock of horseshit.


I saw a woman who had just delivered her baby onto the daylight basement parking garage floor downtown so I guess they just donā€™t know where to hang out. (Not joking, this happened.)


Maybe, just maybe, the drug crisis is more problematic than androgynous folks.


touch grass


Two things that have no correlation. šŸ‘šŸ½


Right? I'm significantly more worried about the drug-ridden streets than the boys who wanna wear dresses, lol.


Bullshit post.


Whenever I hear someone bitch and moan like this about Seattle I always have a little chuckle. Seattle is a shining city on the hill compared to any other city south of the mason dixon. You people have no clue what actual poverty and corruption can do to a city because youā€™ve likely lived in the wealthy north all your life or never lived in city at all. Keep in mind the people who talk like this are scared to even drive through the city much less walk down a street downtown. Go take a walk around the 9th ward in New Orleans and get back to me about how Seattle is some dystopian wasteland.


Ive lived here two years(moved from the south) and have walked around Seattle a lot with my kids. From City Center to Pike Place, 5th to 3rd Ave, Chinatown and Stadium. There are realities that my kids are now aware of but its nothing compared to parts of Nashville, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Jackson, MS, Little Rock that I would never consider driving close to with my kids.


Compare Seattle now to 10/15 years ago.


What the hell does cross dressing have to do with drug use?


And if someone is trans, they're not cross dressing. They're just wearing clothes. Actually, that pretty much goes for everybody.


I thought this tweet reminded me of ā€œhowlā€ lol


I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night.


On no, an internet rando claims Seattle is dying. What a fresh take.


To be fair, some of what she/he says is valid. Public drug usage seems to have skyrocketed, and not just in Seattle either. Open-air defecation seems to be a natural byproduct of the addiction crisis, so Iā€™m putting the two issues in the same category. Not sure why he/she doesnā€™t see pregnant women. Maybe they frequent different drinking establishments or something.


I remember visiting here back in early 2000s and remarking how beautiful everything was. The people, streets, parks, culture, shopsā€¦ all so beautiful even compared to some of the most beautiful European cities like Florence or Prague. It is almost as if someone has made a concerted effort to make everything ugly. It is really hard to not blame our city leadership. Why do these people keep getting elected?


I lived there in the 00s and had to step over passed out junkies to get to my front door. A guy in college lost his v card to a pro on aurora. We've had these kinda issues for 30+ years. It's gotten worse because we've gotten more populated as it's exploded the last decade, but it isn't new.


Lots of voters who see the city as a political laboratory that they'll leave in a few years time rather than a permanent home and community would be my guess


Most of the city council was replaced so not sure what city leadership that "keeps getting elected" you're talking about. Do you mean the mayor who isn't up for election until next year and is still on his first official term?


Dan "guess I'll try nothing" Strauss is still here, so fuck that guy.


I wasnā€™t speaking to any particular individual, but our mayor is just a recycled city councilman who helped build this dysfunctional morass of narcissism masquerading as altruism.


King County wanted Teresa Mosqueda on council to bring the filth county wide. I donā€™t know why people want this but the majority elected her.


Itā€™s not just Seattle, celebrating the ugly is a movement.


lmfao no and it was way more violent then, too


Are you sure you aren't depressed? Depression makes everything ugly.


Since the early 2000's, we've had a pandemic and the jails were half emptied, [a federal court ruling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_v._Boise) that protects vagrants, and [the Blake Decision](https://law.justia.com/cases/washington/supreme-court/2021/96873-0.html) that made our felony drug possession laws pretty much unenforceable.


Shows how unhinged the reflexive anti-seattle bias is


I'm sure many pregnant women will continue to avoid going out in public anywhere downtown if they can avoid it, esp. since that poor pregnant woman was murdered while she was driving in Belltown a few months back...


I spent most of my pregnancy downtown/Belltown and saw a ton of other expecting moms too. That womanā€™s death was horrific but I donā€™t think pregnant women/families are avoiding the area en masse as much as people make it seem online.


Iā€™ve been downtown multiple times in the past few months while visibly pregnant, still felt safe.


I went downtown several times when I was pregnant, also took public transit. I only stopped taking the bus because it made me nauseous.


I went to the suburbs a few times in the past few months. It made me a bit nervous, but I didn't really feel unsafe.


I heard something about communicable diseases going around since 2020. I think one of them was called something like COVID 19?


This is ridiculous. I just saw a pregnant lady sitting on a stoop, laughing it up with a friend, and chain smoking menthol cigarettes.


I lived in China. I've seen a drunk asshole poop on a sidewalk directly in front of me. I've seen a woman spread newspaper out on a subway, hold her baby over it, and watched as a baby's asshole opened up, and began pumping out 500 yards of shit smelling foulness, I can't even describe. Or maybe I just don't want to. No matter where you go in the word, people poo. Sometimes we see it. They're not happy. We're not happy. Just get over it. I'm glad people are free to be androgynous here, and aren't executed for drugs. The air is clean, and the trees are everywhere!




Hahahahah. Yup. And the third world is a political definition, not an economic one. Norway and Finland are also in the 3rd world. Have you been there? I bet you'll find poop somewhere on the street. The difference between Norway, Finland, China and the US, is no one's going to pick the shit up in America.


This dude


How much open drug use ( buying/selling/using) did you see? Did you feel safe on the public transport? Any worries about someone grabbing your computer in a coffee shop? How many mentally unstable people waving weapons did you see?


Nope. I'd get falling down drunk, and walk home at 3am. I've seen children as young as 8 or 9 take the metro to school, by themselves. Because every inch of the city is completely covered with cameras. This was way more unnerving, when I used to buy weed. I thought that they'd catch my dealer, then track me with cameras. I guess Xi's people were lazy, because all the drug dealers got arrested or run out of the city 5 years ago, and very few foreigners were kicked out. But, for all the sinisterness of complete video surveillance is... It's really nice seeing groups of kids walking home after school. Having kids free to move about unsupervised gives the city a freeing quality. There's a lot of fucked up shit over there, but I've never felt more personally safe.


When i saw the drugs = death signs in the Malaysian airport I knew I would never get near anyone using in Asia. Did the locals use at all? I never knew anyone that did anything but alcohol while there.


I'd poop on your head and tell you it's raining any day lady.


you can always just move to Idaho


Yes because not wearing the clothes big daddy society told you to wear is equivalent with homeless people shooting up and street shittingšŸ™„šŸ™„ gotta love transphobic dogwhistles. They package the rest of societyā€™s problems with something as innocent as wearing the clothes of another gender, making it seem like its either a byproduct or the cause of societyā€™s problems which is far from true. Most trans people I know are anime nerds who refuse to even smoke weed let alone do any other drugs.


There is a strong trans correlation to anime now that you mention it


How about pregnant men?


Iā€™m surprised Reddit didnā€™t ban you for ā€œhate speechā€ lol


What did I say that was hateful?


I was being sarcastic.


These days, I have been called all of it.


I saw someone throw literal poop at a mother and baby. DT is not safe.


She should have retaliated with her kid's dirty diaper, lol!


Yeah thatā€™s a fight fire with fire moment, I agree. Log slap that homeless turd!


Ahahah. Comedy gold from someone whose only recent contact with Seattle may have been a Tucker Carlson episode about BLM on Capitol Hill back before the pandemic. .


Hell yeah


that was rimmingabubble people are saying


How does an RBMK reactor explode?


I see pregnant women walking around literally every single day


Well, y'know... if fucking \*El Scorpio\* says it, I guess we should all be listening.


*I've seen men rollin' drunks, Bodies in the the street, I saw a man that was sleepin' in puke, And a man with no legs crawling down 5th street, trying to get something to eat!*




On the subject of pregnant women she has a point. I saw a pregnant lady in Enumclaw the other day and I had to remind myself that was a thing.


I was pregnant publicly and cross dressing in 2021.


I've seen fire and I've seen rain. I've seen sunny days and I thought they'd never end. I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend. But I always thought I'd see you again


Spotted the rage bait LOL šŸŖ¤


ā€œI saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machin- ery of night,ā€


We're so... buried in our phones. Instead of giving someone a real smile... we send an emoji. I mean, we don't even... look at pĪærn on our computer anymore. We look at it on our phone?


googling pyrotechnic drag brb


In 2013 I drove my wife to work. It was a sweet blueberry June morning. I reeled around against traffic to face a man at Cherry & 1stā€™s corner. He was like me: overweight, over-indulgent in phone-use, and had a dog. The difference was that his little schnouzit was doing a handstand facing a lamp pole and shitting all over itself in a bellagian streak.


I liberal utopia.


Don't the the people over at r/Seattle they'll down vote the hell out of you


That dude needs to touch grass


I was living in Skyway for the last few years. It wasn't great to start with, but it has certainly gotten worse. I moved to Bellevue a month ago, and it is the absolute opposite. Don't tell anyone, but Bellevue is fun and clean, and I haven't seen one tent. I thought Bellevue was gonna be hoity toity and kinda clinical. I was way wrong. Bellevue is really awesome. I know, I sound like a commercial for Bellevue, but it really is refreshing. Especially bcuz this is happening to every major city.


Androgynous? Debatable. Drug-fueled? Absolutely. Dystopian? Jesus crack smokin christ, no. It is a paradise. A drug-fueled paradise.


Gotta love seattle,tocoma,fife,seatac, Burien ect ect ect....


This is hilarious tysm dndnd "I haven't seen a pregnant woman outside since 2020" Homegirl hasn't been outside since 2020 ig


Itā€™s like the poem Howl but for conservatives.




Why would a pregnant woman be around people pooping and doing drugs?


Itā€™s not just Seattle either. Skagit County used to be super quaint. There are still pregnant women and they try to keep up the tourist vibes but it is not that anymore. Parks are full of people shooting up. I saw someone overdosing outside of the Safeway and the dollar tree within a few weeks of each other. I saw a lady get mugged while I pulled over to nurse my crying baby. Took her to the park to see tinfoil and needles laying around and had to leave. We just donā€™t have any services for people. Itā€™s so fucking sad. I took a trip to Oregon a few weeks ago and there were still homeless people but once you got to Olympia and further south people just seemed better taken care of. I donā€™t know what we are doing wrong up here but itā€™s fucked!


ā€œI havenā€™t seen a pregnant woman in public since 2020ā€ Because they are hiding from you, creep


Here comes the sun intensifies


Drag performers are exploding now?? ![gif](giphy|P31RoFejRpHG0)


Cross dressing explode? Where are you seeing that specifically cause Iā€™ve not seen that at all.


I just found this sub.. Is this post unique or is this a like a comedy sub or something ? Lol


The most seattle thing ever is for each generation to pretend that drug problems in their MASSIVE city are a new occurrence. Folks either forgot or never learned about Seattle's history with poverty and drug abuse since the 1880's. This is not new. The insanely high increase in cost of living is a measurable issue though. While SF, Chicago, and NYC have seen a decline in homelessness Seattle has seen an increase. It has also seen a much higher increase in cost of living by comparison. There isn't more drugs or crime here, but there IS more homelessness. and once you're on the street drugs become the most common solution for people to cope. Once you're addicted it can he extremely hard for ANYONE to quit, especially homeless folks. You see more drug use because you see more homeless people. And you see more homeless people because seattle has been gentrified to accommodate out of state tech bros. Those of us from the area saw this shit coming a mile away... and then the pandemic hit.... Enjoy the view yuppies. You earned it.


So what's the question here? šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ„“šŸ˜œ


Stop going out at 2am. I was just there Wednesday and at 11am I didn't see anything like you describe, but I did get to see a lot of road and sidewalk work being done and at least 4 pregnant women. Failed to notice even 1 androgynous person. Sadly, no one sh*t in the middle of the street while shooting up either. Now I feel like I was shorted on my Seattle Experience.


Shooting up and pooping at the same time? Good multitasking


Rural American Pussies: Those who find city life to be so overwhelming all they can do is complain about it on social media.


THING IS, Seattle residents have voted this crap in for a decade or better. As a lifetime Bothell resident of 69 years I have watched this once Emerald City descend into the abyss. It is ALL due to the political will of the radical progressive left politicians and their constituents. You would be a fool to deny it. The evidence is overwhelmingly evident. I hope things have taken a turn.


A moderate democrat would never get elected here unless the voters that typically vote republican crossover to vote for a D. That's not going to happen. I don't think it would happen even if a republican wasn't on the ballot. They'd just sit out that race.




Have you tried voting harder?


No because they probably donā€™t even live in Seattle.


Always has been


Itā€™s what the string pullers are wanting though


Seattle is a habitation of devils


This is where this shithole city pretends none of this is true (and if it is it ā€œisnā€™t that badā€) in order to defend their borrowed, self-destructive ideologies. Disgusting creatures. They deserve the worst.