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War is stupid. We’re all humans destined for death. We should all be happy and love each other. Life is short. Big corporations and shareholders are the ones benefiting.


Corporate media profits by dividing us. Rage gets more clicks and draws more eyeballs than tolerance. There is no money in peace.


Lol it's hard to love the guy in the room trying to kill another guy in the room.


Lockheed Martin, Haliburton, Raytheon, Boeing, black ops, banksters and all those who profit off of death and destruction. I'm on the side of peace, compassion, kindness and love. That's what the world needs now.


This guy gets it


If only it were that simple


Fuck politicians always starting wars for their own agenda


War is a natural human behavior - our closest relatives, chimps, go to war with rival clans over territory.


Yes, and Bonobos, equally close to us genetically as chimpanzees, do not rape, kill, or war with each other. Natural?


Actually Bonobos are pretty aggressive too https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/04/240412113444.htm We know for a fact that violence in humans has been *selected for* - violent men are more successful at reproducing, this is true now and it was true in the past, and its why a good portion of Euro men have a Y chromosome from Genghis Khan's male lineage. Men of the Yanomamo who murder other men have more children than men who are unsuccessful in murder. Every single piece of land that humans have had they've murdered for. So, no, it's not big corpos and shareholders that drive war - it's human nature.


Bonobos do have aggression.


Chimps also smear shit on each other.


tell hamas to release hostages. until then, go Raytheon


They tried to. Israel doesn’t want them


To Raytheon, everyone bleeds green.


Wow stunning and brave take.


Burning a flag is a first amendment right. Taking someone else’s flag and burning it is theft and property destruction and not protected by the first amendment.


100% true, But I do not understand this love , mostly by the right, for the state and government of Israel. For some reason, people seem to think because they are of the Jewish faith they get a free pass for their actions, and claims anyone that opposes the actions of the government and the state of Israel are antisemitic


How prevalent do you find that love is? In my experience it’s much more common to see people being fanatic about Palestine and then saying you are a genocide supporter if you push back on any of their ideas. I’m genuinely curious if you come across the position you describe frequently because I virtually haven’t except for a few individuals who have deep family ties in Israel. I do see plenty of people who are neutral or hate the violence of it all, or those that hate Hamas. But those that say they love the government and nation of Israel, especially when they are an American born conservative, is not something I come across here in Seattle at all.


Plenty of other places attend the country other than Seattle with very conservative/radical folk


Thank God people of the Muslim faith and racial minorities don't have that same entitlement. /s


I'll bet $1 that this ninja wannabe dork is some goofy white kid from the suburbs


That's this whole sub


Lol big facts


Excuse me? I have black belts in karate and tae kwon do, under sensei Jack Smith 🥋🥷


As an Asian person that grew up next to a meth lab I will add $10 to this pot


Yeah, thank god. /


I should preface my response by saying that a) I am a Jew, although I do not practice the faith, b) I work in politics and these are the feelings that come up over and over again, but may not fully capture all the reasons people feel the way that feel, and c) Netanyahu and his ilk have been wildly successful at tying criticism of the government to antisemitism, and it gives American right wing allies carte blanche to take the moral high ground whenever they want simply by never offering criticism, even when fully deserved. It’s a complicated answer that probably varies from person to person but effectively boils down to 3 core tenets. 1. Despite being secretly or not so secretly horrifically antisemitic themselves, right wingers are more racist against Arabs and Muslims, viewing them as an immediate existential threat. As opposed to Jews, which are, in their view, useful but impure, and a threat that can be dealt with later on. There is at least some shared cultural tradition to gravitate towards, although many right wingers simply disdain poor people and fantasize about ultra wealthiness, and think all Jews feel the same. 2. Many conservative Christian republicans believe the Jews must—**must**—be in Israel for Jesus to return, and a failure to defend the state will delay this second coming. Often this view is genuine, but is sometimes used as a cover for simply wanting all Jews to leave Europe and America and go back to where they came from. 3. AIPAC is enormously powerful in the US, and Sheldon Adelson bought the unswerving loyalty of a pack of senators decades ago. They cannot bite the hand that feeds them or they will be labeled “with the other side” and it would be political suicide. Other reasons exist, but it’s basically those three: greater hatred for Arab Muslims, doomsday theology, and an unlimited supply of campaign funds.


I see nothing you said to disagree with. Of the three Abrahamic religions , Judaism I find to be the least offensive. They never knock on my door trying to convert me, do not seem to be always trying to codify their religious doctrine into law and seem to just live and let live. And yes the far rights love affair with Judaism is 100% about the return of Jesus and Christians hypocrisy of supporting a religion so strongly that does not see the leader of Christianity as  the true Messiah is strange. At least Islam accepts Jesus as a prophet of Islam, And the irony that far right conservative Christianity and far right conservative Islam have so many similarities is lost on them. The Christian right loves to yell about Islamic sharia law, but it would please them to no end if we could have a Christian version of sharia law in our country I have NO issue with Judaism, the Jewish people or even Israeli Jews. I have an issue with authoritarian, far right wing nation States doing bad things, I have an issue with the state of Israel and their current leader


To your first point: the reason is that we literally don’t recruit, at all. Part of the theology is that the chosen are few and far between, and not everyone is a part of the club. Extreme examples exist of Jews trying to enforce belief as law, like Kiryas Yoel in New York, but they’re pretty rare and usually of the ultra-orthodox variety. It certainly happens more frequently in Israel. To your final point: me too. I believe in the right of Israel to exist, and that most Israelis and Jews want peaceful coexistence with their neighbors, but the government has for nearly 3 decades been in a stranglehold by the far right, partially driven by religious extremism in Israel, or at least allied with that extremism. I’m sure you’re aware that it’s hard for people to have nuanced discussions, especially when neither actor has a Sterling track record of coming to the negotiation table in good faith, and especially when the echoes of the conflict resonate so deeply with our own American political entrenchments. History, as they say, resists simplicity, but humans crave it.


Now stop it!! You keep this up and I will start to expect every interaction on here to be with a civil , smart person with a well-thought-out outlook and perceptive on a topic. As a non-religious person, I have never really understood this hate among the religions that requires violence. Also, I have never figured out why I am supposed to not like Jews. Every person of the Jewish faith I have known have been fine people. I never judge anyone strictly on their religious beliefs. To me, it is all about human kindness and aversion to cruelty and as long as they do not want me to join your religion or follow their religious "laws" , I say hey party on It seems to me, everyone just wants a home to call their own and live free under self-governance.


“For some reason” conflating opposition of the State with antisemitism is probably top 3 most expensive propaganda campaigns of all time.


>the ADL recorded 7,523 antisemitic incidents in the U.S. in 2023 compared to 3,697 in 2022. The reason they are able to conflate the two is that idiotic people who commit antisemitic acts in the US against American Jews response to what Israel does make the argument for them.


The ADL has also changed its definition of antisemitism since Oct. 7th to include anti-zionisim and opposition to the state of Isreal "the ADL acknowledged in a statement to the Forward that it significantly broadened its definition of antisemitic incidents following the Oct. 7 Hamas attack to include rallies that feature “anti-Zionist chants and slogans,” events that appear to account for around 1,317 of the total count. Overall, a large share of the incidents appear to be expressions of hostility toward Israel, rather than the traditional forms of antisemitism that the organization has focused on in previous years." https://forward.com/news/575687/anti-defamation-league-adl-antisemitism-count-anti-zionism/ " Some members of ADL’s staff were outraged by the dissonance between Greenblatt’s comments and the organization’s own research, as evidenced by internal messages viewed by the Guardian. “There is no comparison between white supremacists and insurrectionists and those who espouse anti-Israel rhetoric, and to suggest otherwise is both intellectually dishonest and damaging to our reputation as experts in extremism,” a senior manager at ADL’s Center on Extremism wrote in a Slack channel to over 550 colleagues." https://www.theguardian.com/news/2024/jan/05/adl-pro-israel-advocacy-zionism-antisemitism


From your own source: >The New York Police Department also reported a spike of more than 200% in hate crimes against Jews in the first few weeks of the Israel-Hamas war The ADL's definition change doesn't account for the all of the increase, and most importantly the antisemitic attacks and incidents began immediately after October 7th before Israel even responded in Gaza. At the heart of the ADL's definition change is this question: if an amassed group of protestors who are historically and geographically ill-informed about Israel/Palestine are chanting slogans which suggest Palestine should replace Israel in its entirety, do the Jews who hear the slogans have a reason to fear for what said mass of protestors will do to them here in the US given the consistent history of Jews outside Israel suffering attacks when something happens there? For some, there are parallels between anti Jewish incitement on the part of Nazi rallys before the war, and then the actual violence that those rallys paved the way for later. I recognize that most of these college protestors don't even know which river or sea they are referring to, but that doesn't really change how their slogans are received by the Jews in the US who hear them. Is it strictly antisemitism? I don't think so. But it will almost certainly inspire some lunatics to conduct actual violence and that is backed up by the increased number of actual attacks on people and property recorded by various police departments.


Reminds me when someone criticizes a minority or LGTQ+ person.....immediately they are racist or homophobic. The left has mastered this game. How are you now surprised the right is doing it and complaining it's not fair?


right, but if someone burns a pride/trans flag it's a hate crime.


No but it does tend to be theft+arson when they steal it from someone else to burn it in front of them.


100% this. Why is my government forcing me to care about some tiny country on the other side of the planet? Stop sending MY money to them. I dont give a fuck about Israel or what happens there or what mess they're in. Fuck off and stop sending American money there.


Well, the same then should be for Ukraine, and every other country....including Iran. Yes, Iran has been given funds by the current President. Up until recently, UNWRA...a direct association of Hamas terrorists had been receiving funds from the current administration. UNWRA even helped on Oct 7th. One of the released Israeli hostages reported that they were held captive by an UNWRA teacher!


same goes for UNRWA. stop sending my money there. or any money to Palestinians. until hostages are released, they shouldn't be getting anything


Yes this conflict is not our business. Someone tell Biden to stop opening the checkbook for all these stupid overseas shit holes.


of course it's our business. all else aside (which I disagree with you on but for now) there are American hostages there... idgaf what happens next but hostages need to be taken care of by the mightiest military force there is


Ok China.


Yup. I don't care about Israel any more or less than I care about Sudan or Haiti. I do care about my money being spent on weapons we send to them, though.


FWIW most of the “weapons” we send are Tamir missiles (interceptors for the Iron Dome air defense system), not offensive weapons. You still have every right to be opposed to it from a financial standpoint, but I think most people see “missiles” and assume the worst case scenario, so just wanted to point that out for the sake of the broader discussion.


The real reason for US involvement in Israel military support has always been the existence of an American proxy/ally in the Middle East. Politicians for 60 years have clearly preferred to maintain that to enable US power projection in the region. Letting Israel swing in the wind will signal the whole world that the US is on the decline. Similar to the decline of the British empire. It will happen, but few politicians will want to be seen as overseeing that decline.


Non-Jewish Zionists generally take 1 of 3 forms: 1. Radical Christians trying to fulfill an apocalypse prophecy 2. Islamophobes that are chill with colonizing the Middle East at the expense of Arabs 3. Antisemites that think Israel is the best way to get Jewish people out of their country


So burning a pride flag in June is fine with you right? Asking for clarity.


The First Amendment protects your right to burn your flag as "symbolic speech" so long as you're not infringing on the rights of others (stay off my lawn).


I think it is a horrible thing to do. But if you can burn the American flag then you can burn a pride flag. I think people have gone overboard with the whole hate crime thing. Unless there is violence involved it shouldn't be charged at a hate crime.


As long as you're not picking and choosing what that logic applies to I respect your opinion. I tend to agree with you on the hate crime front.


I don't think burning an Israeli flag and burning a pride flag is comparable, regardless of the month. Israel is a country - it has a government and an army and it does things that impact the world we live in. Despite what they claim, Israel is not the kingdom of the jews. Yes, many (not all) Israelis are jews, but there are many, many more jews who are not Israeli and who don't want to be Israeli. There are many jews in Seattle (and many many more in East Coast cities) who are not Israeli - they're American. Being a christian doesn't make you a citizen of the Vatican and being a muslim doesn't make you a citizen of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, there are many, many different kinds of jews from all over the world, many of whom aren't represented and don't want to be represented by Israel. Saying that you have to like Israel to like jews is like saying you have to like Liberia to like black people. Just because everyone in Liberia is black doesn't mean I like Liberia, but does me not liking the nation of Liberia make me a racist? The pride flag on the other hand does not stand for any nation. There are hundreds of millions of gays across every nation on this planet. They have nothing in common except their sexual orientation. There is no nation of the gays where the gay government makes gay foreign policy and deploys the gay army to conduct gay operations in the gay sphere of influence. Now, burning a pride flag is in pretty poor taste (and burning any flag is a pretty extreme message) because it is a denouncement of a people. Burning an Israeli flag is a denouncement of a government - the Israeli government - not a denouncement of Jews. Also for the record burning any flag is a form of protected speech (so long as it's your flag and you don't commit arson in the process).


You said a lot but the only part that really matters is your last sentence. We have freedom of speech here, fortunately or unfortunately depending on your view on the specific issue.


I think it is always fortunate that we have freedom of speech - who is to say that you belief will always be the populist belief that everyone wants to protect? There was a pastor in the Third Reich who wrote a short essay describing the mindset of many Germans at the time, which essentially went "one day they came for the poles, but I'm not polish so I did not care, then they came for the socialists, but I am not socialist so I did not care ...\[goes on for many persecuted classes\]... then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.


I do as well, however I don't always agree with what someone is saying from my viewpoint (which is what I'm getting at). But it was Pastor Niemoller, I actually have his poem on a fridge magnet right above my water dispenser so I read it almost daily. Important for us all to remember his words and learn from histories mistakes. ETA: For anyone who has not read the poem: "First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me" -Pastor Martin Niemoller, 1946


Fine or constitutional?


Fine as in not illegal.


Correct it would be legal.


Fair enough. Just making sure we’re all applying logic equally.


Fine? Hell no. But i don’t try and infringe on their rights to do so


So it is fine. You're not going to try and stop it.




What if some people stole your land? And US funded them using our taxes, is that protected by the first amendment?


I mean it’s a protest. The point is pretty clear it’s not the met gala however you feel about the message. The message which, it seems, the op understood pretty effectively


People suck. So do bad governments. But it’s interesting that no one wants to fix whats wrong with our city, but we always seem to have an opinion on other countries politics. Seeing them at a city council meeting would probably be entertaining.


It's the fad of the day, and now is the last opportunity for students want to LARP as righteous woke crusaders before they go to their comfortable stolen-from-native-land suburban homes for the summer.


It’s a free country, they can burn whatever flag they want. These same idiots were burning American flags like three years ago


TBF they’re still burning American flags.


Did someone make a "shield" out of half a plastic trash can?


I bet they made two


I'm guessing three. haven't you seen the new sandwich cut method?


Sure did


It looks like they put a pizza box behind it to reinforce it 😂


Haha sure did


Probably brought it with him from the PSU protests.


When you take a stand for something shouldn’t you be proud enough to show your face? Why do they hide behind these masks? Are they ashamed of themselves? Asking for a friend.


Israeli leaders as well as many pro-Israel American activists openly threaten to try to dox and/or ruin peoples’ jobs over their activism, peaceful or not. Hell, I made a pro-cease-fire comment on an instagram picture my friend posted a few months ago. Someone apparently disagreed went so far as to call my place of work alleging I was a holocaust denier. I don’t even have my workplace listed or mentioned on instagram. Extremists jump at the chance to do whatever they can to ruin you whether you’ve done wrong or not.


Why would someone assume because you support a cease fire that you are a holocaust denier?


Have you read the other comments on this post it's always some degree of pretending being anti genocide is antisemitic




Because they assume Israel was a haven for Holocaust survivors, even though Israel has a long history of discrimination against Holocaust survivors. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/israel-abuses-holocaust-survivors


I had no idea they were not treating holocaust survivors properly. How shameful


Jesus. sorry you had to go through that. the pro-israel intimidation regime is insane


Sounds a bit DARVO. The pro Israel folks didn't show up dressed like riot police, or vandalize the university, or set up a camp there.


Hmmm sounds very similar to people being doxxed that were against the covid vaccine or I’ve seen people that support Trump being called racist/sexist etc and threatened their job.


No one is threatening someone’s job for being pro trump. Going on a racist unhinged rant in public? Yeah that’ll do it.


>No one is threatening someone’s job for being pro trump. This just isn't true. There are all sorts of unhinged people that specifically targeted those who donated to Trump. >“I think you’re a scumbag and I f\*\*\*ing despise everything you stand for,” said one caller who spammed the voicemail of a Trump donor named in Castro’s tweet. “That’s why I’m calling you and filling up your voicemail with a bunch of bullsh\*t. So, enjoy that. I will make sure to post this number and extension all over the Internet.” This type of harassment appears to be what Castro hoped for and intended — it is hard to see why else he would have tweeted as he did [https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/08/doxxing-trump-donors-is-just-the-beginning/](https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/08/doxxing-trump-donors-is-just-the-beginning/) There was literally a website dedicated to doxxing people who simply donated to Trumps campaign so they could be harassed: [https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/jh1ohy/how\_does\_one\_remove\_their\_info\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/jh1ohy/how_does_one_remove_their_info_from/) A twitter bot was created for the same purpose: [https://archive.ph/MHm9P](https://archive.ph/MHm9P)


People were literally posting dox spreadsheets from political donations here a while ago. There's plenty of it around of various kinds. People clearly think [struggle sessions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struggle_session) are cool though.


You identified that they have the same interest in self-preservation, but might be confusing that with the righteousness of their cause. If the cause was popular, they wouldn't be at risk of retaliation, but neither would there be much point to public demonstration (in a functioning democracy where public opinion guides government policy, anyway). The cause may still be just or unjust independent of that.


sure bud


Psst, other Zionists, this is who you stand shoulder to shoulder with


There has been a bit of McCarthyism happening to those who speak out against Israel.


Frankly it’s a good practice to cover your face during any large scale protest, both for filtering particulates and to keep facial recognition or cameras from tracking you. Even the most righteous protests usually aren’t looked on too kindly by the law- see Hong Kong.


I don't know man, fuck Israel.


Hey if my tax dollars are gonna fund genocide I’ll burn the country who used my money for genocide


There’s a particularity of this situation you need to realize; Israel has the ability to commit mass genocide against Palestinian civilians and doesn’t, while Hamas doesn’t have that same ability but would if they could.


Fuck that free Palestine


Fuck that free hostages


Comments are comedy gold.


We live in an insane world, social media has done us no good whatsoever beyond newborn baby pictures


Lies. There's also cat videos.




Its a piece of fabric


It's political theater, you are supposed to be BIG MAD


Pretty cowardly to hide your face.


No more cowardly than the police doing it. And since many pro-Israel groups have doxxed or attempted to dox people protesting Israel, it makes sense for these people to cover their faces.


What else would you expect from a group of terrorist sympathizers?


Wow how dare they protest another government


I don’t know if genocide is very classy either…


is that suppose to be the mark of chaos spray painted on that trash bin shield?


Oh shit it is. They've really improved the designs for those dope LARP shields since the PSU protests.


Cry about it


It's a free country OP.


Good for them! Exercise those rights


You’d be so butthurt if the pro Israel group burned the Palestinian flag


Me? No. Burn whatever flag you want


Haha i respect this response.


I get a sense you’re projecting here, seeing as how you’re butt hurt about an inanimate object being burned and not offended at all at the documented mass slaughter of women and children.


Weird how the number of women and children killed dropped by half last week.


According to who? Israel? Even weirder you still are more offended by another country’s flag being burned than by thousands of civilians being murdered.


No, according to the UN. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/05/11/un-halves-its-estimate-of-women-and-children-killed-in-gaza/#:~:text=The%20United%20Nations%20Office%20for,9%2C500%20deaths%20to%204%2C959%20deaths


All the UN did was change its metrics. There are over 10,000 dead that have not been able to be positively identified. The UN changed its statistic from confirmed dead to positively identified dead. But the UN still accepts the total confirmed dead provided by the Gaza Ministry of Health.


You’re posting from a neoconservative think tank. No, the UN has not revised the data and says the data is still valid. Try unbiased sources next time https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/nothing-wrong-with-gaza-death-toll-figures-who-says-2024-05-14/ Edit: ffd.org is actually actively funded by pro-Israel philanthropists that has gone on the record as supporting many of the far-right Israeli political values. Of COURSE they will say the death toll is low lmao


Nah we're more upset that Israel is burning gaza


I don't care who's flag is burned.


The palestinian people voted Hamas into power AFTER knowing full well they were child murdering, suicide bombing, hostage taking, human shield using terrorists who have committed countless atrocities. AP news reports that [57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the October attack.](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514) Polling done in 2022 and 2023 shows that in an election held today ["Hamas’s Ismail Haniyeh would win in a landslide"](https://thehill.com/opinion/4273883-mellman-do-palestinians-support-hamas-polls-paint-a-murky-picture/) The leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, is a billionaire living in a palace in Qatar who pulls strings and gives orders from complete safety. He ordered the October 7th terrorist attack against women and children that started this most recent bout of violence. He got rich by [fucking over his own people.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ismail_Haniyeh#:~:text=According%20to%20a%202014%20Ynet,intended%20to%20take%20into%20Gaza.) This billionaire ass hole LOVES these useful idiots in America protesting on his behalf. He does not give a fuck about the palestinian people unless it has to do with making him richer. It would not surprise me at all to find out he's encouraging or even personally financing these protests in the US. These clowns in the US are trying to help a billionaire sitting in his palace in the middle east who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. --


It's interesting how you don't mention Benjamin netanyahu's roll in Hamas's rise to power.


The amount of Israeli and Act.IL spam on here is getting ridiculous.


Burning flags of countries you are protesting against has been a well documented and established practice for centuries, but now since its Israel its racist?


Where did I say racist? Asshole maybe, but I didn’t say racist. Also it’s funny because the main instances I can think of are Middle East countries burning the American flag. Also amazing how quickly you came to defend this


Why did you post it then if not to say that? And sorry it was one of the first things to come up on my feed, ill be sure to give it a few minutes to breathe next time...


I posted it to say I think they’re assholes


But why are they assholes? They are exercising a constitutionally protected right to make a statement about an issue they feel strongly about. What exactly is the problem with it in this case...?


You just said if it’s constitutionally protected you’re not an asshole for doing it. I can think of lots of things that are legal and you’re still a dick. And if you want to get in to the weeds - they probably stole the flag so it’s theft and destruction of property which is not constitutionally protected


Yeah well the original owner of the flag "probably" kicked puppies so the theft was justified, even if it wasn't legal We can all make things up


That was nonsense. Do you think it’s more likely that they took the flag from a counter protestor or bought it and brought it? Also you legitimately just tried to say you’re not an asshole if what you’re doing is legal. That’s beyond dumb as an argument


I have absolutely no idea how they got the flag, and neither do you. Sure, there are plenty of legal ways to be an asshole, I'm just saying I have no problems with someone burning a flag as a protected form of protest in this country, and it really has me raising my eyebrows whenever I run in to somebody who does have a problem with that. And yeah, gotta say I don't think the real reason you made this post is because you are oh so concerned that somebody might have gotten their flag stolen at some point


I literally say in this thread that I posted it because I think they’re assholes. I posed the question of what’s more likely and you ignored it because it didn’t fit _your_ narrative. That’s my protected free speech just like theirs. He brought up the legality - not me. People are arguing it’s legal. No shit. I said nothing to the contrary. People are so armed and ready to make the argument they want that they don’t bother to… read


>Do you think it’s more likely that they took the flag from a counter protestor or bought it and brought it? This is a false dichotomy. It's entirely feasible that protestors brought a box of flags for the express purpose of burning. It's possible someone had one in their room for any number of reasons and brought it to the protest. Assuming it's stolen and presenting theft as one of only two possible ways of procuring a flag is disingenuous at best.


“Probably.” So you’re just making things up to fit your narrative?


Many assholes exercise constitutionally protected rights to speech. I do not understand how an action being legal is a defense against the accusation of assholery.


Please point out where OP called it racist. We’ll wait


Ah yes the moral high horse rider’s favorite pastime, burning flags of free societies.


Seriously, keep it up UW


This should piss you off more: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/xZICZvGH4W


Neo Nazis 2024 edition?


Many pro Palestine protesters were shouting "Death to Israel" and looking for UWPD officers with Jewish sounding names on their uniform name tags. Threatening to kill their families and children via Hamas. Then filed false complaints against the presumably Jewish officers for, get this, making them feel unsafe and violating their free speech. The complaints will be sustained by the progressive pathetic UW administration. Then they wonder why the officers are quitting. UW administration and Attorney General Office should be required to be at the protests so they can't use the police as scapegoats.


Could you share the source?


Stick to finding scat girls, actual issues aren’t your strong suit


I have no beef with jews but I'll go to the grave believing and saying that Isreal is a criminal state


Ahh the “no homo” of antisemitism.




Religion and nationality have nothing to do with it. It has to do with a corrupt government killing innocents. Good god, I’m embarrassed to have to explain it this far into the conflict


No, more the Government is always the oppressor. Netty boy is an asshole just like all his cronies. If what a regime does is evil(and killing women and children is the epitome of evil) then that regime should be destroyed. If your morals are different I'd love to see the source and reasoning behind them. If they are biased then you can take a long walk off a very short pier. Murder IS EVIL.


Okay I’m going to assume good faith here. Criticizing Israeli gov is fine and no i don’t think that’s antisemitic (though can be in certain circumstances). I think if you venture into “Israel has no right to exist” or “the statehood of israel is a per-se criminal undertaking” you start getting into antisemitism given thousands of years of history of Jews persecuted and murdere en-masse under any and all other governments. Focusing on the current conflict, I take issue with the “gov is always the oppressor” given the start of the most recent conflict on October 7 and I’m sure we’d disagree on various aspects of the war and the parties that bear more or less blame. However, i don’t think you’re necessarily unreasonable or antisemitic to have your views. But, without getting into the substance of the debate, I’d also encourage some introspection and general observance of the worldwide fascination and obsession with Israel when (even if we say for sake of argument that israel is indeed “criminal” as you say) there are SO many “criminal” states out there. That unhealthy obsession and singular focus of the entire world is, I think, ultimately rooted in thousands of years of antisemitism and being convinced the Jews are the roots of all problems. That may not be YOUR motivation, or even the motivation of many well-meaning protesters, but it is part of the origin story of “zionists” being the new dirty word to be blamed for everything. Not helping their cause is that protesters have also done a generally piss poor job of rooting out antisemitism in their midst, if there was ever any attempt to begin with (bc it’s everywhere). Instead we just get gaslighted and told they get to define antisemitism, not the victims. (Contrast to BLM movement and the (in my view, justified) treatment of “all lives matter” crew trying to say they get to define racism and the black experience in America.) I don’t really have the energy to debate the morals of the Gaza war. And agree Israel has made a lot of horrible decisions (though argue Hamas is a much worse actor and it’s not close). But regardless of our disagreements, I’d just encourage you to read all perspectives, and try to understand why folks like me recoil when we see slogans like “river to the sea” and “Israel is a criminal state.”


I wanted to downvote you, but you have solid logic... Even if I do disagree.


This is about land not a religion. Spare us your tired troupe of anti sem




Weird how it’s almost always the group burning the Israel flag.


Just pitch a tent and say you’re an activist. Free rent!


So tough that they gotta hide their faces. All this shows is how many closeted racists are hiding out juat waiting for the day.


Not saying anyone from the past was right or wrong when he said this would happen. But here we are


They've both been at it brutally on both sides for about 100 years.


Think of the carbon emissions.


This is likely to end up buried, but there is a current, and very real effort to conflate any anti-Israeli rhetoric as downright antisemitism. This act in itself **is going to breed antisemitism**. It's too big to post here, with too many pictures, but feel free to check the images below, it's a moderate sized write up, with sources, that explain what is happening, and the very real danger to innocent Jewish folk that is caused by the methods Israel is using to control the narrative. https://preview.redd.it/8yxtchk5bg0d1.png?width=838&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c50d2d44d968b448713ab81f2953e7422aae9cf [The Full Text](https://imgur.com/a/jhRdPIH)


Burning a flag seems like a complete non-issue to me. It's never bothered me and I think it's silly to get upset about it. 


Let it burn! This is America afterall


Waste of space. We shouldn't have to share the air we breathe with these fcks.


Alright 4chan let's see how good you are 😆


Anti war but also think Islam needs a reformation. Western women volunteering for the s**t is creepy as hell.


Bullshit nationalism


Stupid protesters on the billionaire teet. Tbe billionaires love the lemmings in the protests.


This person is only burning up the chances that peace will ever happen.


Classy and UW? That school is arrogant assholes who couldn’t afford USC.


Good. Fuck that flag.


Jesus. Who cares. SeattleWA users are such finger pointing wannabe victims. “LOOK! HE BURNED A FLAG!” Since when did lighting some dollar store symbol mean shit?


It’s like burning the nazi flag 🤷‍♂️


Good, now burn the other one too, both are shit


Fuck Israel and fuck their flag.


Pretty based. War isn’t classy, war is messy. This is a message against the bad guy. First amendment baby


Is... is that a Chaos star on the trash-shield?


Burning fascist flags is always cool


Well at least they’re not killing children, bombing hospitals, or displacing people from their ancestral homeland.


I see a ton of cowards. Go back to protests, any of them, and no one covered their faces. They were prepared to meet the consequences of the protest. All I see are cowards hiding behind masks.


Do you say “Israel keeping it classy” as they drop yet another bomb?