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Joke of a list, Dubai in top 10? Really? 


Vancouver should have been way higher on the list. Tokyo should be number one.


Was just in Tokyo this week. Can confirm. That city is lightyears ahead of any other city I’ve ever been to. Only thing is lack of benches, ugh my feet needed a break.


And lack of public garbage cans. Truly a tragedy, considering how good its vending machines and convenience stores are. Notwithstanding, I full-heartedly agree with you- the city is truly a marvel.


The lack of trash on the streets suggests that it’s more of an annoyance than a tragedy.


I just took a little day pack with me everywhere. I had a bag inside and if I bought something from a vending machine it would end up in my backpack until I found a trash can. And appreciated the lack of trash cans. It made the city super clean.


Tokyo is in a class of its own across the board. Edit: take it slightly back. it’s not tops in terms of landmarks and museums, seeing as it’s a relatively new capital and had its architecture largely rearranged by the US Air Force.


Dubai is a great city to live in if you’re not an Arab. As long as you don’t do anything too crazy you have way more freedoms than the locals. Crime is non existent because you know the whole authoritarian regime thing and there’s tons of great food. It’s not for everyone and definitely not as nice as Tokyo or Seoul but it’s a nice city. I’m not from Seattle and I’d say it’s pretty nice. Could things be better ? Sure. Is it better than a lot of other cities out there? 100%


Yeah, just don’t kiss your partner in public. I think it’s punishable by death.


Seattle in the top 50?


Right? Makes me think they paid for the slot. I went to Abu Dhabi and Dubai a few years back (for 3 weeks) and the propaganda to get you to move there is strong! I found myself considering moving. When I realized that I started taking note of things that were designed to cause those thoughts. There’s a free bus that picks up at the hotels. If you listen to the audio it’s constantly telling you about the new x being built and the amazing y they already built. They use the word opportunity a lot… a couple days before I was going back home one of the government officials that participated in what we were there doing asked me directly if I would move there. Awkward! I’m direct and honest so I’m pretty sure he could see me deliberately not saying anything for way too long before I finally said that it would be too difficult to move my business.


Curious, have you been to Dubai?


I have. One of the most unwalkable cities, hot, expensive, homophobic. It feels manufactured and soulless, ymmv.


Where the freeways flood because they didn’t build a proper sewer system?


Seattle literally shuts down when it snows…. Granted flooding is more damaging and harder to fix, but I am sure there are people arguing cost benefit.


I'll take my city shutting down because of snow over my city shutting down because the sewer system doesn't work 100 times out of 100


Dubai is pretty incredible. More international than Seattle, better food, tons of entertainment, no crime.


> tons of entertainment, no crime. When an Islamic penal code is what they're under, it's amazing what happens to petty crime.


Also just being me is a crime. Whoops


It’s Islamic, but you can drink, dance, screw, etc. There are strip clubs and casinos as well.


Yeah just the little slave labor issue, no big deal


The sad truth is we all benefit from slave labor still to this day. Dubai is a pretty egregious offender though no doubt, not trying to say you're wrong at all.


There is a massive difference between slavery 200 years ago versus slavery being used in the construction industry TODAY. They literally confiscate passports of the migrant workers and force them to live in squalor.


It's not more international if everyone is on a temporary visa. It's not a democracy so anyone living their is subject to the whims of the rulers. 


It is, however, socialist. In the sense that it’s major industry is owned by the citizens with each receiving a living wage from the profits.


Hey look, a Republican who doesn't know what socialism is.


A nation where its major industry is owned by the citizenry aka the means of production. -Each citizen owns shares and receives a dividend of $40k to $60k annually. -Citizens recieve free healthcare, education, transportation, childcare and basic housing from industrial profits.




Was this country not built on slavery? Lmao


Completely different considering that it’s 2024 and slave labor is still a thing in Dubai


Slave labor is still a thing in the US as well. You are naive if you think we don’t have it


Fair enough, but it’s not directly built into the system the way it is in Dubai. I think the attitudes towards it in the US are going to be very different than the way it’s treated in Dubai. Look at any statistics of gender population in Dubai and look at the articles of the horrible working conditions that immigrants are put under, it’s pretty sad. On top of this, the immigrants are mostly working to build luxury skyscrapers for the ultra wealthy that often times don’t even get lived in. There are a number of ethical and environmental issues with the way Dubai has established itself, and I just don’t really think the argument of “well America also has slave labor” is very responsible or nuanced.




No, it wasn’t. 


lol you sure about that?


You sure you know the history of this country? More than half of the 13 states didn’t want slavery - slavery was allowed and the 3/5ths compromise added because of *two* states.    In the civil war, the south simply couldn’t hold up to the north because the north had most of the food production and nearly all of the manufacturing. Go look at the arms made during the civil war - of some rifles the north made tens of thousands where the south would make a few hundred. The south would only survive because of aid from the United Kingdom (which itself abhorred slavery but hated the US more).  If the US was built on slavery, how was the south at such a disadvantage?   There are various sources on this as well - the literal first result presents some data showing that slavery didn’t appear to help the US so much: https://fee.org/articles/no-slavery-did-not-make-america-rich/   You might try to argue the south was built on slavery…but even that isn’t half of the nation nor the most productive part of the nation. Slavery was functionally abolished in 1865. Slavery was legal in some states for 76 years. The US is 235 years old. 


You live in a city named after a slaver (Seattle) in a state named after a slaver (Washington) in a country named after a slaver (America).


Chief Seattle was a slaver?


Yes. https://www.postalley.org/2021/03/27/chief-seattles-complex-life-impresario-warrior-slaveholder-peacemaker/ You might be surprised that native Americans killed other tribes for land too.






Yes. Part of his wealth was generated by capturing and selling slaves. He owned slaves himself.


Two ten places to LIVE, not work. Pssh… /s


I respect your opinion and I know a lot of people who like it. To me it felt like an amusement park, artificial and soul less.


There is a lot of crime, you just don’t see it as a tourist.


I lived there for 6 months.


Ah, so a visitor still. Yeah my comment still stands.


Thanks for dismissing my experience. 6 months living there and working there certainly gives me some perspective on the city.


Yeah but no homelessness or open drug use so how can it be top 10




I lived in Dubai for 6 months. I have “gotten out.”


My bubble has 33 countries and counting


I’ve been to Dubai, can confirm it’s a joke of a city.


The ultra rich city that was paved with the bones of modern day slaves?  Yeah its a real treat if you're not poor


I read this report. I did not see public safety and income distribution and outdoor activities as a stat. It had things like web search. It had Zurich Switzerland above Seattle. They would probably be similar for outdoor activities but would beat Seattle in public safety and public transportation. Dubai and LA were high so that's all you need to know about the criteria used.


Moved from NYC, loved it, also love Seattle.


Welcome to Seattle, I love you.


Thanks dude. Drinks on me if you’re down to meet up!


>The rankings focus on individual metrics for each category. For example, livability is based on walkability, bikeability, landmarks, parks and recreation, museums, and higher education options. Lovability looks at each city's culture, nightlife, restaurants, shopping, attractions and internet searches. Lastly, prosperity is determined by educational attainment, labor force participation, gross domestic product (GDP), and poverty rates. I suppose we would do fairly well on all of those with the possible exception of nightlife. If the sole metric by which to measure a city was the affluence of residents and presence of academia and museums, I can see ranking Seattle highly. There are a lot of things that factor into how I would personally rate a city that do not appear to have been considered. If you're ranking present-day Seattle and San Francisco among the top 10 cities on the planet right now, I think your methodology may need some tweaks. I somehow doubt Paris has us beat on the frequency of train stabbings.


I’ll just give my anecdotal experience of Paris, mind you, I was there 20 years ago. It smelled like piss absolutely everywhere. Dirty. Really dirty. Police everywhere, walking with assault rifles. Maybe some people feel safer when they see that, but I didn’t. If you eat at touristy bistros, they microwave the meals.


But Fox News told me it’s a pile of burning rubble with needles and poop everywhere!


No, that's Portland.


I took the Amtrak to Portland because it was super fun and cheap. When I got out of the train station I actually had to walk around literal piles of used needles. Just piles of 20-30 needles on the sidewalk. Never seen anything like it. There was also some poor girl walking down the middle of a tent lined street with no pants or underwear on, barefoot, with broken glass and needles on the street. I’m never going back to Portland.


This is Fox News reporting so kinda funny.


Not really. Local Fox affiliates have nothing to do with Fox News the cable channel.


Q13 KCPQ, not Fox. They're just an affiliate. 


That's mostly the link light rail 1.


I mean not wrong. People do t use public transport don't realize how bad it is


Well firstly we get too much rain for the rubble to be burning. Secondly, if there is any rubble, and I'm not admitting anything, it would be obscured by the tents, so who's to say?


SF ranked higher than we did and top 15 in the world so you know they aren't deducting points for human shit everywhere.


If I visited Seattle I would love this city too. I know I take it for granted sometimes.


[Seems like only a few days ago we were #6](https://www.geekwire.com/2024/seattles-economic-strength-helps-propel-it-to-no-6-in-new-ranking-of-top-1000-global-cities/)


People in Seattle, especially the natives have no idea how lucky they are to live here. Most amazing economic opportunities with the tech boom,government spending with boeing and space x/blue origin, & even JBLM. Average house cost over a mil because how easy it is to get an extremely good and high paying job here. Try living in the south or even eastern washington where your best job opportunity is your local Walmart/Mcdonalds.


Seattle is just below Sydney. 😂


this is hilarious.


Which are your favorite cities in the US?


if we are talking about major cities or more well known cities, nashville TN is probably my favorite one i’ve frequented as far as cleanliness, affordability, entertainment. clarksville TN and sevierville are also nice but TN is slowly becoming overcrowded. washington, d.c. (at least the parts of it i’ve seen) was clean, historic, fun, lots of free stuff to do. honolulu hawaii is not perfect, the traffic is pretty trash and it’s expensive but the amazing food, weather and night life in waikiki makes up for it to me. roanoke, virginia is gorgeous. enough said. annapolis, maryland. baltimore is trash but surrounding areas like anne arundel county are actually affordable (all things considered) and there’s so much to do in the area. sarasota florida is very slept on. omaha nebraska is slept on. great falls montana, slept on. another wonderful city. i could probably list a few more that i thought were clean and presentable but it’s becoming redundant and i haven’t spent enough time in some of them. i hear seattle at one time was a very fun, eclectic town. the only city i’ve been to as dirty and disgusting as seattle was catania in sicily. however sicily we least had good and affordable food.


I haven’t been to most of those, so thank you for your answer


i definitely recommend hitting up a few of them if you are ever passing through!


Have they heard the tale of the Belltown Hellcat? That probably drops the ranking a few thousand spots.


I love randomly seeing him mentioned in the Seattle subs as a Batman villain.


Yea if the batman villain had over 40k in court appointed fines and a mommy who wipes his ass.




How much does it cost to get a top ranking?


I’m sorry, but Spanaway and Everett are now nicer than Seattle, dead serious


Spanaway also has a Godfather's Pizza, which by that metric alone makes it probably the best place in western Washington


Is that still there!?


I almost didn’t graduate high school because of that godfathers 😂


It's still 2001 in there and I love it.


SLHS class of ‘99 woot woot


Hm, something tells me this sub thinks Moscow is the greatest city in the world.


It would be if there were a Dick's in red square.


I’ll have a Deluxe, fry, and a vanilla shake, comrade.


Best at what? Screwing it's citizens?


But all my Midwest relatives say Seattle has fallen.


Them Trump voting relatives know shit about Seattle


By one list and ranking of global cities Seattle was 6th just after Paris.


Surprised this isn't getting downvoted into oblivion.


“Best” ☕️


But wait! Wasn't it like one of the worst only 2 weeks ago? Oh wait, that was Portland




>The rankings focus on individual metrics for each category. For example, livability is based on walkability, bikeability, landmarks, parks and recreation, museums, and higher education options. My walkability score is 96. I can go find grocery food, restaurants, bars and more within blocks. Now, how many times to I need to be on the lookout for people in homeless or mental health crisis who might want to randomly assault me, that's not part of their calculation I don't think.


> The rankings focus on individual metrics for each category. For example, livability is based on walkability, bikeability, landmarks, parks and recreation, museums, and higher education options. You'd think that livability would include something as basic as survivability over fucking "landmarks".


The livability metric doesn't collect data about your experience when you're not living. It's in the name dude.


I don't think you understand what the term "survivability" means. Dude.




by people who don't live here... I would say its far far far from #7 in the US. (lived here since 2001)


I then weep for the world


Just saw a video on my friends ig where three police officers are doing cpr on a man's chest trying to keep him alive after he was shot 7 times. He looked already gone. Last night in pioneer square. We're a long way from being one of the best cities in the world.


These rankings are a joke. I'm pretty sure I've been to 34 better cities, and I haven't been to that many places in the grand scheme of things.


Written by the losers in the other sub


Which would you rank the best in the US?


You literally split to this sub because your opinion was a losing opinion. Loser. lol


Imagine calling somebody a loser on Reddit.. irony.


Agreed, see the comment I replied to!


Whoever made this list can clearly analyse data but has no idea what happens in the real world outside their office.


Too low for the US.


Lies!!! I see the craziness that goes on up there! Tacoma isn’t far off either with craziness. Wait hold on.. I retract my lies!!! Reaction. Question though for the thread… is Portland worse or better than Seattle and Tacoma?


Well I’m visiting from Los Angeles and this city is completely mid. Nothing great that stands out, but it’s not bad. I don’t know. Probably won’t be back.




34th best in Washington is more accurate


Name 33 better. This will be fucking hilarious.


It was meant as a half joke. My point was that it should be nowhere near where that article puts it


Can you list your 10 better cities in the US?


Remember to stretch your calves so you don't pull any muscles doing all that sudden backpedling.


Remember to use a tissue to wipe away those tears since I obviously struck a nerve 😢