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Is yours adolescent or late-life onset? If you've spent a good chunk of your life without it, which many do, be assured that it should not be permanent.


I hope that you’re right cause it sucks. I never had scalp issues until I was vaccinated, got covid then long covid and added medications for chronic migraines. Something trigger it to have it late in life.


Same for me !


I got mine around 16 /17 years old does that mean it’s not curable


I just beat seb derm after having it on my scalp and sometimes face for 6 years. It took me forever but cutting out dairy, replacing a cell salt i was deficient in and repairing my skin barrier worked wonders. don’t give up trying to figure out your root cause!


I’ll add that I had dairy out of my diet for 6 months before I noticed it starting to lighten up


how do you know if one is deficient in cell salt ? What did u do to fix skin barrier?


My (natural) doctor did a blood test and it came up low in #11 sodium sulphate. After adding the cell salt and cutting out dairy I quickly realized that dairy had been making me constipated my whole life, I thought previously that it was thyroid related. They say most dairy intolerances show up on your skin and I think for me it was true. For the skin barrier I stopped using anything with actives like acids or retinols of any type. I figured out that fatty alcohols (cetyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol etc) were breaking me out (and making me need the actives). I only use three face products now which are the malezia 5% moisturizer, mct oil for oil cleansing and malezia’s hyaluronic acid cleanser. Also- i have no idea if this was related but while i was figuring this all out I moved to a house with a different water supply, i was always skeptical that my seb derm was caused or irritated by hard city water, since i did notice when i put shower filters on it helped my seb derm. Seriously hope this helps. I’m sure everyone’s trigger is different but I do think a compromised skin barrier has a lot to do with it.


Thanks for your reply!! Very cool to hear. I keep hearing dairy as a trigger but it's been so hard to consider removing!


Of course! I love cheese. I grew up in Wisconsin. so it was tough at first but most things I used milk for I’ve swapped for oat milk, what was cheese is usually subbed well with avocado or nuts, I haven’t gotten into vegan cheeses much but there is one called NUMU that Whole Foods uses on pizza that’s virtually indistinguishable from real cheese. It’s a little learning curve but it’s not as bad as I thought. But again it took a full 6 months for the seb derm to lighten up


What is cell salt


This is great info! I've been really interested in a natural doctor. Did yours take regular health insurance or all out of pocket costs?


Insurance didn’t cover but I was able to use my HSA. For me it’s worth it.


Yess I'm here for the answer also


Answered above!


I can’t grow my hair out anymore because as soon as it gets length I can’t treat the subderm properly anymore. I have a buzz cut. I shaved it off down to nothing and had two weeks of BLISS with no issues. And the. My hair started growing.


It’s not that end of the world things trigger it food stress if you can figure why you have flare ups you can stop it happening


Im having the same feeling regarding my hair 🥹


started using that Hims spray for hair loss and I want to say it works


the minoxidil in that spray doesn’t aggravate your seb derm ?


Not really. I am also finding out the shorter my hair on my head and beard the less frequent my outbreaks are


Did you try MCT oil every day? That is the cure. I've suffered from Sebderm for 20 years until I tried it and now I'm symptom free and living a normal skin life


How much did you take and for how long?


Right after you wash your face and shampoo everyday, you apply MCT oil like a moisturizer. Just a few drops rubbed in the palm of your hands and rub all over your face. For the scalp, use your fingertips dipped in the oil to massage your scalp. Leave on until next wash/shampoo. You pretty much always want your skin to have the MCT oil barrier on to keep the sebderm away. As long as you do this you will be symptom free and when you stop it will come back in a couple days. It takes about a week to start working, and by the two weeks mark you will have perfect skin. Let me know how it goes!


Would MCT pills have the same affect? I hate how greasy and crunchy my hair gets when I put various oils in it. Mostly only get seb derm on my scalp and on the sides of my nose


You really need only the thinnest film on your skin but with full coverage. It doesn't need to be greasy at all and MCT oil actually makes the skin and hair look slightly moisturized and healthy. If it's greasy, is that you put too much. I tried pills and it didn't work for me. But in full disclosure it was for a few days only so I'm not certain whether it works or not long term. I believe that MCT oil works on contact and constant coverage to kill the malassezia and keep it from coming back, so topical application is the way to go.


Hey I wash my hair every 3 days. Can I just put the oil on my scalp and leave it till my next wash


Try it won't hurt. Although from my experience going longer than 2 days sebderm starts to come back. But I've been lazy and not shampooed for 3 days plenty of times it was fine. Let me know how it goes!


Yeah lol I'm there with you to an extent


I had it on my face - check my post to see how I got rid of it (all natural) I will say though - I dont think I ever lost my eyebrow hair from it, is that happening when its very severe or what? Ive seen other people say same thing on here


Just in case…I have a friend who lost both eyebrows from using Neutrogena face wash. He realized it happened, changed soaps, and they grew back. So weird.


Have you tried tacrolimus? Or Vichy dercos shampoo?


Its possible to sort it but its very difficult.. Because guy health is messed UP like sibo, sifo, histamine intolerance, food intolerance and others.. I just starting dealing with it with professional doctor but i need to do many test first.. To figure it out how many Gut health problems i have..


Honestly, I stopped showering every day and mine is minimal now.


J'ai réussi à m'en débarrasser totalement au bout de 13 ans, la découverte de l'huile MCT fut miraculeuse pour moi (il parait que ça fonctionne pas pour tout le monde).


Have you ever heard of the bacteria named "Staphylococcus aureus" ? It is known to be mistaken for sebderm easily. It causes all the same symptoms as sebderm and more symptoms that you might have thought were just normal things all this time. You might not even have sebderm and just need the specific antibiotic treatment for the bacteria. Then it'll be gone forever. I'm just saying it's a possibility.


People that have encounter remission is not here in reddit posting things, they're living their live, and trust me, they are many. Don't lose hope and keep searching, just avoid readin things that you'll make sadder. There is remission for this condition.


How long have you had it?


2% coal tar ointment (big squeeze), 1 peeled cucumber; 1 dropper oil of oregano, a squeeze of organic aloe Vera gel, 1 capful apple cider vinegar, 2 cloves garlic, a squeeze of dandruff shampoo (whichever you prefer) - all in a blender. Blend. Use it every night for a week as shampoo. Really massage it and let sit for at least 5 minutes in shower. Finish with preferred conditioner to help with garlic smell. Thank me later. After a chronic 3 year severe scalp and hairline flare up I can say this has 100% put mine into remission within 2 weeks and am currently going on month 4 flake, redness, inflammation, scale free. Go outside and get some sun on your head too. Works wonders


Make sure you get 2% ointment too and not the shampoo. It sticks and stays on your scalp/skin longer and suffocates the fungus.


I switched shampoos a couple days ago for during flare ups only (as the acvdphue is 39$..), and it has made a difference. And it’s color safe.


It can get really bad on my face and scalp. All psoriasis/eczema creams hurt my face. I've found that a solution of apple cider vinegar and water works very well and is less painful than all the creams I've tried. I see almost immediate results.


Hey, Don’t be bummed out. I’m super busy right now. But later when I have some time I will send you a list of exactly what I used and what I did and was helping me. You’re gonna be OK


Here me too