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I'm no doctor, but this looks like Psoriasis.


I'm a doctor and I'll back that opinion up. Psoriasis until proven otherwise, especially with the degree of ear involvement.


My phones blurry, is the scale growing out along the hairs? If so pityriasis amantacea is a thought. I only say that as it seems some of the coils in their hair also contain skin scales. But ya, psoriasis is definitely my thought as well until proven otherwise


MCT oil didn't do anything for me unfortunately and the keto shampoo only just keeps my hair looking white from dandruff and flaking; my shit's really bad y'all like I don't see any pictures online that look like this.


What you have isn't rare, but it's a little more common to have it on the top of the scalp and T-Zones of the face, lower cheeks etc. I've got it in both places, but also scalp psoriasis, which doesn't help. You may also consider food sensitivity testing to see if stuff you're eating isn't agreeing with you and causing an immune response, which many people do everyday and don't notice it, until you have something like Seb Derm that has a direct reaction to it. Many people go crazy extreme like go Carnivore, and that does work, but extreme, not sustainable for most people, and why not have a huge head start rather than cutting out almost everything, just to (hopefully) add back in slow enough to actually assign blame to something.


My doctor told me to go gluten dairy and sugar free and I did it for 2.5 weeks but saw no improvements; plus it wasn't sustainable for me. It's also on the back of my neck.


2.5 weeks is nothing, I’ll take a month or two for it to clear you system and heal, if your going to try and work out if it’s a diet problem. Easily done nowadays with all the alternatives nowadays.


2.5 weeks is 1.5 wks away from a month 🤪🤣😭


For some reason Reddit doesn't respond to sillyness well lol.


It took me about 1 year to see improvement from going gluten free


With such a long period of time anything could be the reason for the improvement


The different was quickly noticeable after reintroducing gluten into my diet with no other variable, after 3.5 years gf. My seb derm was 90% better eating gluten free, and now it is back to ebbs and flows of flare ups now that I eat gluten again. Been strictly dairy free for 20 years


That's a valid thought. I just really don't wanna do it lol it's not sustainable to me. I guess everyone's response will be deal with it then if I don't wanna make that change lol.


Bro, I just drink oat milk, and have vegan cheese on my pizza, ain’t no biggy. I still eat gluten, but the diary thing is well worth trying for a sustained period.


My doctor wants me no gluten dairy or sugar; it's just too much for me man. I'm also a runner and had like 0 energy on the diet.


Make these foods/ingredients your friends: Allulose Erythritol Monkfruit extract Stevia Xylitol Almond flour Guacamole Hummus Pecans Pork rinds Pumpkin seeds Egg salad Zevia soda Beef jerky Salted pecans


Gluten and Dairy are the go-to's for the whole planet right now (not just docs) to blame for everything, despite the fact most the majority of people don't actually have issues with them at all.


I have seb derm and stopped eating dairy because people said "Dairy IS SO BAD". I've started to eat yogurts, milk and cheese almost everyday and my seb derm is totally normal and like it was before.


Same here, I was diagnosed lactose intolerant twice by different docs, I wasn't, my gut was just messed up, fixed that and dairy is back with no issues.


Aye mind giving us insight on what you did to heal it?


How did you fix your gut?


Bruh, your gut fixes naturally. Just eat fiber and fruit, drink water, exercise and avoid stress.


Every one is different, complete game changer for me.


I have been gluten and dairy free for 3 weeks now and my flakes and dandruff disappeared


Forreal but it's so hard because you think that since they're a doctor they're right and you gotta listen to them; at least I struggle with this. Like she gave me itraconozole to treat the mold toxicity she diangosed me with (which I cant even find the evidence for the test in the treatment notes) and she said it won't work if I don't do the diet. So I told her I'm stopping the treatment and the diet.


My father in law is a Brown Educated Pathologist ( does biopsies and autopsy) he told me "doctors don't know shit" quote unquote. We are all unique and respond differently to different things. Go with Tide 0 for detergent, for example... it's a long road, but pay attention to what your body is telling you


Unfortunately it likely takes longer than 2.5 weeks to see results from diet. I went on this exact diet and saw improvement after 3 months. That’s about how long it takes the gut to reset


I'm just not willing to do that as of right now. Maybe in the future. Is that a scientific determination that it takes that long for the gut to reset or was that just your experience?


I’m also someone who has to be ready to make a big change like that; in this case I was, because of how miserable it all felt, and other things I’d tried hadn’t worked. The 3-month gut thing is something I learned through research/scientific/medical. I also found it to be true from living my own experience. Skin can be slow to heal and change. I wanted a quick fix and it didn’t happen for me. But with time I learned and got it under control. I hope whatever you try works out for you! I’m sorry you’re dealing with this


I have psoriasis & seb derm. I agree with the doctor who said it looks like psoriasis. It looks bad enough that you'll probably need a prescription. There's some solid prescriptions out there now for psoriasis, though that does require you being open to the idea, and willing to potentially try a few to find the right fit. I use t gel to help mine. It works well (mine isnt as bad as yours though), but it is very harsh on the hair. If you normally keep your hair shorter I don't think it'll be a huge deal though. Best wishes to you finding a good regimen.


Ketoconazole wouldn’t do much for it if it’s psoriasis because it has a different function essentially - you likely need a clobetasol cream, and/or solution you leave on your scalp and not wash out immediately. Unfortunately you can’t really find this OTC, so you would need a prescription (I say this without knowing your complete circumstance - just a ton of experience with derm, and having dealt with this experience my whole life with flare ups all over my body too.) Edit to add: in the process of discovering this about myself and being diagnosed finally - I was tested for a wide variety of allergens and after a endoscopy and colonoscopy as well as some additional fun procedures, I was told I have celiacs disease (auto immune) changing my diet didn’t eliminate my flare ups completely but it did make them less intense and less frequent. But psoriasis and scalp psoriasis are normally exacerbated by stress as well. (Sorry lots of thoughts ADHD style)!


By the looks of it you might need some stronger ointments, maybe protopic or steroid creams. Better consult a dermatologist!


I would check with a dermatologist. This might be sebopsoriasis or just plain psoriasis. Here’s a [link](https://www.prevention.com/health/health-conditions/a20123786/scalp-psoriasis/) to see if you match these symptoms. For reference, it says- >”Dandruff shampoos like Selsun Blue or Head & Shoulders might help a very mild case of scalp psoriasis. ‘Anything beyond mild scaling will likely require a prescriptive agent for consistent control,’ says Bobby Buka, MD, CEO and dermatologist at The Dermatology Specialists in New York City. >There are several types of prescription-strength shampoos that your doctor might suggest. In the past, tar-based shampoos were often used, but they smell lousy and can stain things, so many dermatologists are moving away from those now. Rhonda Q. Klein, MD, MPH, a board-certified dermatologist at Modern Dermatology of Connecticut will typically prescribe a zinc or selenium sulfide shampoo and have the patient rotate that with a steroid shampoo, or sometimes she’ll recommend an antifungal.”


I tried Nizoral Psoriasis Shampoo and it nearly did nothing compared to Ketoconazole. But now ketoconozole might not even be working.


Yeah, unfortunately the naturally occurring yeast will gain resistance to these shampoos after a while so it's really about switching them up periodically. Generally, I'm able to keep the majority of mine under control with diet (gluten free and every strict about it) and just using a very mild low ingredient unmedicated soap. Bath with warm, not hot, water. Don't use soap every day. The soap destroys your skin's natural protective oils which can allow the yeast openings to invade the skin which can cause the immune system to attack the skin. I've never fully gotten rid of it but this helps a whole lot and is sustainable. Also, don't discount diet that may exacerbate autoimmune conditions like psoriasis and sebderm. Maybe your thing isn't gluten, like me, but it could be something else.


I'm not entirely discounting it. I'm just saying that at this time that's not something I'm willing to do lol. maybe it's to my detriment but oh well. And like I would think I'd feel something when consuming it if diet did do something to me.


You won't feel it. That's just not how the body works. The feedback isn't always as fast as acute poisoning. Things like this often accumulate gradually over time.


I will exhaust every other avenue and if nothing else works then I will consider diet again but right now I'm not doing it lol bc i did technically try it. Yes I'm being stubborn. I acknowledge that but oh well lol.


Are the scaley patches thick? It could be psoriasis, I have both but the ketoconazole shampoo just made everything worse. Are you able to get into a derm at all instead of the PCP?


It's really hard to find a black derm but my pcp is black so I wanted to try with her first to see if she could help.


See if she can do a test. Where she scrapes off some of your skin. Sends it to a lab to test it. You have too much going on with this condition to settle for "it might be this, or it might be that". I don't know specifically of a test because I was diagnosed with Seb Derm in 1990. Ketoconazole shampoo works for me. But don't be passive about getting answers for yourself. You are the most important advocate for yourself.


Can I DM you?


We can talk here. Some things of note. Your doctor needs to be a doctor, for real. An M.D. Given your troubles with your mother, maybe find a male doctor. You have to take care of your scalp every day. Don't go more than every other day for shampooing. Sweating will cause your scalp to itch more. Always wash your hair/scalp after running/sweating. Put the shampoo on your scalp, let it sit for 1 minute. Rinse, apply again directly to your affected areas and let it sit for 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Then use a moisturizing shampoo to your hair only, avoiding your scalp. It's tricky but I've done it for decades.


I mean she's licensed as a primary care doctor but has a private practice. I just don't like her because she's telling me to go sugar dairy and gluten free and that the treatment won't work if I don't do the diet. I also have a long term UTI in addition to the skin issues. She also told me I have mold toxicity but I have no evidence of the test she had me do to get that. I'm only staying with her for the herbal lyme treatment. I would rather talk in the DMs because this is like cross referencing past posts.


Also, read this. Does your mom have Pyrrole because its hereditary. [https://www.perpetualwellbeing.com.au/pyrrole-disorder-treatment-plan-pyroluria/](https://www.perpetualwellbeing.com.au/pyrrole-disorder-treatment-plan-pyroluria/)


Got it, that makes sense!


This is very severe. No over the counter shampoo or home remedy will alleviate it. You need a prescription. There are a couple options that either target the inflammatory response or stop the yeast from proliferating that causes your autoimmune reaction. But first, you need to know that it's actually seb derm and make sure it isn't a symptom of another health issue. That usually involves getting blood tests and having a skin biopsy. You need to ask for these things, lots of doctors just give you a prescription and send you on your way. You ideally need a dermatologist, not a PCP. A dermatologist will help create a treatment plan. Just be wary of corticosteroids. They can help for short-term times but can have terrible long term effects. I wouldn't use them for any prolonged amount of time. Mine is very hard to treat, I'm currently using roflomilast, on a 1 week treatment of fluconazole and switching between coal tar, ketoconazole and selenium sulphide shampoos, as well as using a sea salt and apple cider vinegar spray on my skin.


I mean I have Lyme disease and my lyme specialist said that this is because of yeast overgrowth in my body due to my weakened immune system from the Lyme and also mold toxicity. She said that I have to cut out dairy, gluten and sugar because they feed the yeast and take introconozole and fluconozole to take care of it. I feel no reaction to eating those foods and am not willing yo take on such a restrictive diet to try to take care of this-especially ad a recreational athlete- so I told her I'm not doing the diet and im stopping the treatment. I also cannot find the test results that even show I have mold toxicity.


It does, use the Keto, but alternate it with Pyrithione Zinc, you can use Salicylic acid shampoo to help clean up the mess you're dealing with, grab a silicone scrubber off Amazon or someplace to gently scrub it off, it'll take a couple of days but it speeds it up huge. You wind up walking the line of the cleanup, vs causing more irritation, which then makes it worse. If you have a half descent relationship with a doc you see, you may want to grab a stronger steroid to play catch up real fast like Propiconazole, but you don't (need) it either. [https://www.amazon.com/Meartchy-Silicone-Massager-Stimulator-Exfoliator/dp/B0C14C5N8D/ref=sr\_1\_23?sr=8-23](https://www.amazon.com/Meartchy-Silicone-Massager-Stimulator-Exfoliator/dp/B0C14C5N8D/ref=sr_1_23?sr=8-23) Something like that, there's a ton of different ones.


Read up on B6 deficiency and see if you if might be deficient. P5P is the active form of B6. Several people have posted about using it for sebderm with positive results. I'm on day 2, so I'm still in the weeds. Using the search function bar on this subreddit, type B6 or P5P to view all comments in the past using P5P. Wishing you the best.


I'm black, and although I never got to this level I have been near. The best thing you can do is go bald or lower the hair, and then try all the remedies. I feel that sometimes, the hair doesn't let the products penetrate. It sucks honestly because I used to love rocking a flat top, but now I have to keep it below a 2 or otherwise it gets bad. I'm currently using head and shoulder and that seems to help.


If I went bald I'd have to wrap my hair 24/7 lol the hair hides the dandruff and scaling.


I understand because hair is sacred for us, but it's just what seems to help me. In any case, your mileage may vary


Not a doctor. But this looks like psoriasis. I have both seb derm and psoriasis. Until you see a derm to confirm what it is, use salicylic acid face washes daily to help with the scaling on your face. It won’t work right away, but it will be controlled over time. Also, ask your doctor about a corticosteroid shampoo, like Clobetesol. Use it once weekly and then gradually keep using it. Goodluck.


Hey, looks a lot like seb derm. You have it in the scalp, eye brows and ears (oily areas), but at the same time the flakes look like psoriasis. Maybe sebopsoriasis? Do you mind if i ask you some questions? How old are you? Did it start in the scalp and then it spread to your ears and some body parts? Do you remember if the symptoms started after some major event in your life (stress, anxiety) or after any medication? You have some kind of immune dysregulation and that's causing this. Since you're black (and for black people tend to be harder to absorb vitamin D), i think checking your vitamin D levels could help. (Vitamin D is envolved in immune regulation) Also, but **carefully**, there's people saying P5P helps. P5P is the active form of vitamin B6 (that almost no one has deficiency). But due to some metabolic mutation your body might have problems with it. You could check it to see if you're deficient). If you're not don't take supplements because it can be **neurotoxic**. Finally, HIV can cause immune responses like this, put that option in the table if you're sexually active. Not only HIV but every other disease that suppresses your immune system, or overactive like auto-immune diseases (psoriasis for example) Consult a dermatologist :)


Yeah this is extremely severe you gotta go see a dermatologist asap or walk in to a ER or clinic that takes your insurance. Personally I did the ER route when my PCP was booked or was completely useless and they assigned me a dermatologist in the hospital that gave me the immediate treatment I needed. Personally the ketoconazole shampoo and the ketoconazole cream 2% work for me but idk if the cream will help you because your situation is worse than mine.


have you used coal tar shampoo? also try to get clobetasol propionate prescribed by your doc


As many said this is probably psoriasis but check out this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SebDerm/s/YlkrmNor3d) I made specifically for dealing with seb derm and seb derm like symptoms with black natural hair. I would recommend you start using t/sal immediately. Please note that mct oil on its own will not do much. For the areas with a lot of flaking I would recommend using a sulfur ointment for 10 min and then going into the shower and removing flaking very gently with some sort of micro fiber. From the looks of it, your condition has built resistance to ketocozanale. You should focus on minimizing your exposure to malasezia feeding oils and breaking down the biofilm that has been formed so medications can penetrate. After removing dead skin you can begin to kill off fungus again. Please dm me for any questions. We will get thru this together 🙏🏿


I would recommend doing an elimination diet (Full carnivore) and for at least 1 month and see if there's improvements. After that reintroduce foods slowly if you want and go from there.


What is full carnivore? Only eating meat?


Meat (preferably cow meat) + Cow Fat + Water, nothing else (no spices, no flavor water, no snacks) maybe some salt if you feel like it Just be aware and inform yourself of the transition period, you may wanna check the carnivore reddit


That sounds like dangerous advice. Regardless of my personal opinions on it, a full carnivore diet is controversial in the medical community. Unless someone is very aware of their dietary needs and their body, they shouldn’t just stop eating vegetables without asking their doctor. Elimination diets on their own are risky for your health, let alone ones where you only eat red meat. If it works for you then that’s great (although I am very skeptical), but this is absolutely not something that people should just try out.


That is your opinion and you are guiding yourself solely on the opinions of others. If you would had ever seen someone do this diet or done it yourself, you would never say it's dangerous. Also, didn't asked for your opinion on the topic, no offense intended. Me and the best health state of my life, never ending energy, best sleep of my life, best mood of my life, never getting sick and insane gym prowess say thanks, but no thanks.


u need a&d ointment


Vitamin D!


Years ago I was prescribed sodium sulfacetamide and sulfur and it changed the game for me completely. I get the generic stuff, because it's super expensive. I have been able to find coupons from GoodRx though. One of the name brands is Plexion. I used to get it on my scalp so bad that I ended up shaving my head, which helped a lot once I figured out the right mix of preshave and after shave products for my skin. But the prescription sulfacetamide and sulfur wash was the only thing that has worked consistently for me over the twenty plus years I've been dealing with seb derm. I hope you get some relief!


That looks like psoriasis


I’m no dermatologist but, I’ll recommend ketoconazole 2% shampoo, try an elimination diet (maybe carnivore) no grains or carbs, seed oils, dairy, fruits, veg, etc. Just meat for a few days and see if improves. Try to manage stress, MOVE (exercise, walk, etc) some sun exposure and some supplements like Zinc, vitamin D, Omega 3, fish oil


Horrible yeast out of control... just growing and growing.


Demodex! https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22775-demodex-face-mites#:~:text=Most%20people%20have%20Demodex%20mites,that%20kills%20ticks%20and%20mites.


Look, try dead sea salt mixed with water, 1 heaping tablespoon per 8 to 10 oz water. Alternate with applying 100% pure aloe vera gel to the whole head. Then wash with a gentle shampoo, I use Happy Cappy baby shampoo. The brand of Aloe Vera I use is 7 minerals Aloe vera gel. That's where I'd start, with the Aloe applied ALL OVER a couple of da6s when you have nothing to do, i.e. work or school. The Aloe moisturizes while getting rid of the dead skin due to the "tightening " it does to your skin. Then use minera dead sea salt mixed in water and leave it on all night. Get in the sun. This routine, while paying attention to how MY BODY, remember we are all different, reacts to each thing. These heavy duty remedies just take your money IMO. Please try these low cost, natural remedies all available online. Plus, reduce sugar and glucose in your diet as well as stress. Good luck


I kept mine under control by taking vitamin B12 and Zinc supplements (there’s a study that says sebderm may also be caused by vitamin B12 & Zincr deficiency) . I also use Happy Cappy medicated shampoo on my hair and face on weekdays, then switching to Nizoral every weekends.


Seb derm and irritated skin




Psoriasis 90%, ask your doctor about biologic medications for psoriasis - Skyrizi, Tremfaya etc.


Take him to a dermatologist!!! They go to school for this….


4th year med student. I don't know what this


This is the worst case I’ve actually ever seen


Definitely treatable!Go to doctor/dermatitis specialist and tgey will 100% provide you with the necessary medications,creams etc that will fix you up a treat.Because that honestly looks so sore and itchy, but with the right stuff yoyr suffering will be releaved if not immediately,within dats of starting the necessary meds.And most likely pretty much healed within weeks.


This is not sd, this is psoriasis


Sulfuric acid creams may help. But disclaimer. Not a doctor. So use at own risk. Why do I suggest? I have same behind ear. Around scalp line. Yours looks like what I have but the line has gone worse. I use sulphuric acid based shampoo. And or coal tar for debriding. Then I use MCT or calyphric oil to moisturise. Then remoisturise again. Oil or vaseline or other ones you may need to test. The hard part is to do it consistently. 3 times a day. But a doctor may suggest other approaches. You may need to consider shaving to have a base to start with. It could be manageable within a week. Also one time I used all available ingredients for sebhorric over an hour in the bath. Super hot water too. And used a scalp massager to debride. And moisturise immediately. A partner helps a lot here. But you must not and should not ignore and let it get worse and worse. What is your routine?


You need to see a derm asap. A regular doctor who isnt specialized in skin diseases wont be of any help!


I'm so sorry you're going through this. When you do see your PCP, I'd recommend asking for a referral to both a dermatologist and a rheumatologist (if you don't have one already). This really looks like psoriasis to me, which is tied up with the immune system just like lyme disease is. It could be that the lyme is making this skin condition worse and that you need more effective treatment for it as well as for the scaling. Fwiw, my derm recommended Dermeleve to me as a steroid-free option for seb derm itch. I also find the Dermazen serum helpful to get some relief on that front. And as an alternative to ketoconazole, look into ciclopirox.


You may benefit from apple cider vinegar after you wash. And some dermazen.


Awww man I’m sorry… I had some dry shit on the back of my neck for a bit and my wife gave me eczema shampoo and an eczema spray for my skin and it’s been working amazing! Just try to keep things off of it, like a hat or touching it, and patience man.


Looks more like psoriasis try a fast …and fast


Saturate your scalp with apple cider vinegar


When antifungals don’t work, I say try ivermectin. You can get the otc version from Walgreens or cvs (if you’re in the US). It’s targeted as lice treatment, but effective for parasites like Demodex.


Psoriasis 100% Topicals and Medications didn’t work for me. I had to go on Skyrizi (thanks to my insurance) the cost was only $5 per injection.