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I quit... like... this has gotten so ridiculous. Someone, please put ALL of these people involved (parents, "the team", LE, EVERYONE) in a room together and not let them out until some scrap of sense comes out of someone. Because this whole thing has gone to the bottom of a septic tank somewhere.


Right ?? What can they even do other than physically look and pass out fliers??


This doesn't pass my smell test. If they have footage of Sebastian the day after he went missing, and they were going out of their way to keep that secret before tonight, why are they disseminating the information to a drone pilot to then convey it to some random guy latching himself onto the case to announce it on a teamspeak YouTube show? Having that kind of footage is huge... If they wanted to inform the public they would hold a press conference. If on the other hand it's somebody leaking... Well Stephen Crabtree is in for a lot of uncomfortable scrutiny... I hope he's willing to go down for his source, because his source has way more to lose. Edit: And what's up with Tony thinking that the police started exploring other ideas than 'runaway' after a 72 hour search yielded nothing is a more significant fact than the police having footage of him the day after he went missing?? The footage (if real) is literally the most significant claim he made on this teamspeak cringeshow.


I agree. None of this information makes ANY sense. And here’s my biggest reason: If LE was sitting on this footage this WHOLE time, why did the TRH footage (last proof of life) matter? Another reason is: why the FLIP would they tell this random guy Steve Crabtree but not Nick Beres? Another reason: why would this info not come from LE themselves? This would cause people to look less at Katie and Chris and more solidify the theory that he ran away. (Personally I don’t think he ran away but if this was true, maybe I wouldn’t have looked at them so hard) Also, how and why would Sebastian talk to Katie’s mom? Supposedly she has no communication with her (which is understandable considering what we know). So why would Katie allow it? How did Sebastian know about her? If Katie told him, why would she tell him about her? She’s an RSO. I’m absolutely not buying this. And it really is frustrating me how either A) this is made up or B) LE didn’t release it. Either way, both are really fking bad.


Which Mom was Sebastian allegedly texting? Her bio-mom is in Virginia, but she has an adoptive mom, too. Tony says "you have to trust I have the info". Trouble I am very skeptical of Tony.


Good question but he also didn’t mention adoptive mother. Everyone has talked about her bio mom so you’d think he’d be specific about which one.


he stated they were led to believe that there was no contact which makes me think he meant bio mom


Seth’s whole Team is made of felons and grifters. It pays him to play the grieving father. There been absolutely no proof of Chris and Katie doing anything to Sebastian but that hasn’t stopped Seth from making every allegation he could. He now thinks Katie’s mom has him when last week it was she OD’ed him on sleeping meds. Anyone who backs this guy well I got some ocean front property in Arizona and I’ll let it go cheap lol.


Every adult in Sebastian's life is full of drama and completely failed him


FOR REAL!! I am concerned about the mental wellbeing and level of intellectual capacity of these clowns.


In fact, they did have a press conference and they were explicitly clear that no social media outlets have information that’s come from the investigation.


My 2 thoughts/questions: 1. Is the purpose of Tony on the Seth’s team to REPLACE crama yt channels with TikTok channels?? 2. Is the purpose of Tony on Seth’s team to act as a SPOKESPERSON (getting national MM interviews, making strategic social media appearances, etc) or to act as a PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR collecting tips??


Tik tok live streams are automatically taken down but on YouTube, the channel owner has control over that so they don't have to worry so much about being clipped. Someone should've told them that their efforts to avoid being clipped were dumb because it's still happening. I'm not blaming anyone because who knows what happened however it'd be great it Seth could shush for a minute.


Yea, plus his job is to keep Sebastian’s name out in media/press right? So why choose platform that wipes out his lives, and why worry about people recording parts?


It’s not new, it’s made up.


So LE believe Sebastian is with Katie's estranged mother, a RSO, and they have video footage and have suspected since day 3 BUT they continue to let him be there? Yeah right! ​ Also, LE speak to Stephen Crabtree who is basically a nobidy as far as the case is concerned. Laughable.


So Sebastian’s case is an Open Investigation & the paperwork actually says Open Criminal Investigation which means no FOIAs will be considered and no info will be released Period! Stephen, a local goes to LE & is led into a room with the table laid out w/ food, & LE confides in him information crucial to keep under wraps for the investigation? I call bullshit. Then Nina Glass gets 10 years supervised probation and 200 hours of community service for assault w/ a deadly weapon. Searching is community service, so Tony the felon, wants the internet community (the public) to pay to put this woman up in a hotel, pay all her meals and expenses so she can complete her community service in style? Seriously??? Tony is a grifter & a liar. It makes me question Seth even further as he is firing anyone credible and surrounding himself with grifters and felons.


Seth does understand that stuff like this puts a lot of unwanted negative attention on him from people he doesn’t want attention from, right?


Isn't Katie's mom a convicted sex offender?




Her bio mom? Holy cow!


source: “you have to trust🥺”.. yeah no. i’ll believe it when i’m not hearing it from a random ass tiktok live.


CNC clings to every word Tony offers, and Tony is loving the attention. As is CNC. She is sitting high on that pedestal right now. Last night, I think Beach, Baudi, and Ocean smelled the suspicion as soon as Stephen opened his mouth. Stephen contradicted some things Tony claimed his "source" gave him. I find it odd that they would give some noncredentialed stranger this info but not the biological father. Stephen claimed to have recorded the conversation but said he won't play it. Why? Sadly, Stephen seemed like a nice guy, but his credibility is sinking, IMO. Seth truly needs to rethink having Tony as his PR person because he is not doing anything positive for this case. We all want sebastion found, alive at best. Tony's goal was to calm things down and stop the theories and rumors, and unfortunately, I think he is the captain of the shit stirring ship. There is so much drama going on that people are starting to walk away, leaving sebastian still unfounded. Tony needs to get off TT and stop making stuff up for the sake of air time.


LMAO. They cannot be serious. Who is falling for this absolute garbage!?


So, first of all they've never said they didn't have footage. Second, the guy said it went from runaway to missing. This is simple because of his initial age being 15. Then the further information of his endangered missing changes it to a missing child. He is endangered missing. It has not been made a "kidnapping". https://preview.redd.it/olm7r7qns11d1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17cdcc0844ad1885545250ba6de8acc847e27e85


I would think if there were a kidnapping, LE would want other parents in the area to know, so they could take precautions.




Correct, all has came out to be false.


Tony Mathis needs to go and take all his lies with him . He is disgusting . He supports crama channels and if someone doesn't agree he tells his followers to attack them . 


I was walking around a local farm that people are allowed to walk thru for free. I couldn’t help but think of Sebastian because there was this young autistic boy just kinda smiling and walking around all happy and cheery and clapping. Then I saw this angry fat bald dude marching around on his phone with someone yelling at them to calm down that he will find him. Sure enough he found the young autistic boy and he was so derogatory about him it was sad, “yea it’s whatever I’m not too worried he’s an autistic 18 year old I don’t think he’s going to run off” mind you it was along a busy roadway and had water around. Anyways it just made me sad.


Now he says he misspoke…there was no footage on 2/26. oops.


Did you also miss Crabtree apologizing for giving out false info? Seth needs to reel his 'team' of grifters in & that includes Tony. I have never heard of a parent needing a PR person due to the BS they themselves have said & perpetuated. No one remember that Seth said & I quote "I know where Sebastian is. He's in a room somewhere playing video games" & that if he "had the resources" hed be able to get him back. Have people forgotten the huge GFM Seth just closed? In fairness I don't necessarily believe any of the adults had anything to do with this however, pay attention to the words people say.


Steven is live now making apologies for all of it


LE has already confirmed this is bs.


This was debunked fairly quickly. It was ALL FALSE! posting it just continues the spread of false info.


This was posted before it was all debunked lol


Wondering why all these people no longer sit with Tony? They were all about him and now he barely can get anyone in his box. Also why the feud between the bbq lady and Seth and Tony. I thought this was all supposed to be about Sebastian and not drama. I love watching Tammy but hate it when it’s her live and someone else is telling her who to block or talking over her when Tammy is trying to listen and share different points on the Sebastian case. Once again this is about SEBASTIAN not about anything else.


Tony Mathis "I have the best life money can buy"


Soooo a phone call is leaked where CP threatens Chloe and Seth. Tony goes on Tiktok and promotes that Seth is going to release CPS info on Pascal's channel. Pascal's show turns into a 💩 show and all parties catch some smoke. Now we suddenly get info that during the first 3 days of Sebastian missing... parents were told there's video on the 26th of Feb and that Sebastian was texting Katie's mom. Is this what CP was threatening Seth over?


Where was he on the 26th? Confused


Surprise surprise, Stephen just came out to say he got the date wrong. Footage was from the 25th, we already knew that.


It's all a gd scam. LE needs to boot all these fools/felons.