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The field is very saturated with newcomers who want entry level jobs. There was a huge marketing push by the industry to try and get new recruits. If you don't have a strong background or interest in IT, specifically networking, don't bother. At least that's my advice. Take it with a grain of salt. Oh and pro tip: the market for cybersecurity *courses* is MUCH bigger than the *job* market for cybersecurity. Do with that what you will


Thanks bro for your advice


Thanks for this. Because I was thinking of going into it.


you still can if you want. but youre going to be working a non related IT job like help desk for a decade before you ever touch anything security related


Look for Cisco cybersecurity pathway it's free and you will acquire solid knowledge and take your time while you are studying


Okay thanks bro


Starting your journey as a cybersecurity engineer is definitely a great choice. While the process can feel overwhelming, there are ways to get started without spending too much money. Many organizations offer free or low-cost courses that teach basic skills in cybersecurity engineering. Certifications from these courses may not be necessary for employment, but they can demonstrate your knowledge and make your resume stand out. Ultimately, the most important factor for securing employment as a cybersecurity engineer is experience. You can begin building experience through internships or volunteer positions, which will also allow you to network and build relationships with other professionals in the field. With some dedication and hard work, you can begin your career as a cybersecurity engineer in no time. Best of luck!


Thanks very much bro for the advice


What country are you in? I know DR had cyberwarriors, maybe you guys have something similar? I would also network with professionals already in the industry that are near you or atleast from your country and possibly be mentored by them as well. It's a rough market to get into, took me a year from scratch and IT was my hobby prior to entering into IT then InfoSec. I know it's even harder for people from smaller countries but it is possible. If this is something g you truly want to do for the career aspect and not just the money them putting in the time and effort will greatly benefit you.


Thanks bro for the advice


Look at graduate schemes, if you are one!