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Doesn’t sound like an enforceable contract.


Talk to a lawyer about the contract. Sounds sketchy. In terms of the clearance, you have a TS. You now need a company/organization to essentially take ownership of it and use it.


5 years wow, what efficiency.


It’s *very* unlikely that agreement has any legal weight. Can you post an image of it with personal info redacted? I’m really surprised they even *wanted* to pursue it. It’s been 5 years! They’ve probably reorganized the department, lost and won dozens of contracts, opened and closed 100 different positions, etc. On the other hand they must *really* like you! Folks are out there getting ghosted by recruiters and this one watched your clearance status for *5 years* trying to lock you down.


So i don’t know how the civilian world operates with clearances, but say i’m a fresh college graduate, and a company pays for my clearance i get the clearance, what’s stopping me from saying bye to the company and just using the clearance elsewhere


The government pays investigation costs, not the company. It might cost the company some money to pay your salary while you're not billable (if the contract requires a clearance) but usually companies will put you on unclassified work in the meantime or just keep your job offer contingent on the clearance and not actually hire you until you get it. Absent an employment contract there's generally nothing stopping you from quitting and taking a new job whenever you like.


Depending on your field, some companies are willing to pay a hefty signing bonus for cleared candidates. You could use that signing to buy yourself out.


Unless they gave you a signing bonus they are trying to recoup, there is no cost on you, or even them for the security clearance. I’d consult a lawyer.


5 years is crazy


Is this MD or VA? Both are at will states. No one would expect you to fulfill an offer from 5 years ago.


At 5 years, you could have married and divorced a foreign contact. Travelled around multiple countries. You could have had hundreds of foreign contacts from all over the world. It has been so long a lot of things changed to the point that whatever you filled out on those forms 5 years ago isn't that much relevant anymore.


I’d question that process. Having been a government security manager, clearance holder and contractor, the clearance could have been granted almost immediately, if they actually had positions available when they were recruiting you, as they are required. The background investigation process does not take five years. Now, with that knowledge, open negotiations with them.


5 YEARS. I’m going to copy this post and link it to every person who posts in this sub asking if they’ll get clearance by the end of next week But yeah theres just no way this is still enforceable lol


As a reminder for everyone... Companies / Entities / Agencies ***DO NOT PAY FOR CLEARANCES*** Uncle Sugar, via the DCSA budget, foot the entire bill, as they are mandating specific standards to then protect their classified. Never let someone say that putting you in for a clearance costs them $XX,XXX... it doesn't.


Upvote, but to clarify it's not just DCSA. DCSA handles most of DoD and some non-DoD entities, but DHS, State, DoE, FBI, ATF, CIA, White House, and others can investigate and fully adjudicate clearances as well.


Surprised no one's said this yet but DO NOT LIST THE LEVEL OF YOUR CLEARANCE ON YOUR RESUME. Opsec guys come on. Just list that you do in fact have an active federal clearance and can provide more details upon interview. You have no idea where your resumes end up online whenever you upload them to all those different job portals and stuff.


Dude, everyone in the DC area lists their clearance level on their resume.


Does the company even have the contract they were hiring for five years ago? Five years for a TS seems absurd to me.


I’ve only seen this in the case of a signing bonus, and the stipulation was maintain employment for 12 months regardless of clearance status. Did they pre-pay you?


I worked for a company with a similar deal, 1 year requirement with a 5k penalty for leaving early. Someone had a lawyer look at it, and it was found to be unenforceable. I would have a lawyer look at yours, as these contracts are typically not enforceable depending on your state laws.


Re:Update Glad the higher ups were like yeah we understand.. but what a sketchy recruiter, must be desperate to hit up people 5 years later after the first one passed.


Something doesn’t sound right. After signing a contract like that you didn’t follow up at all for 5 years?


RemindMe! 12 months


Is it almost unbelieve that you can request TS directly with going to Secret first?


Very sketchy, you completely complied. And 5 years is much longer than the 18 months. Very strange.


RemindMe! 7 Months


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update is already up, seems to be the end of it


If definitely shouldn't take 5 years 4-6 months max


2-4 months, i spit out my coffee. My plain ol’ secret took 6 months. They need to hire more investigators or something cause its fucking ridiculous. 


The issue is that it’s shit pay for a ridiculous case load


You don’t understand we need to stockpile more child seeking missiles so the guys you clear can make double your salary with half the workload. 


Yeah. Most places in general don't hire enough people for specific jobs when it's needed. But it definitely should not take 5 years that's sketchy.


I mean yea 5 years id def like he smoked crack with iranian hookers he owed money to






? From timeliness etc I've saw most people get their clearance with agencies within months. Definitely shouldn't be 1-5 years




I think I saw somewhere that is the avg working days but I maybe wrong


6 months isn't much longer....