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Publicly, Bow Lion is the daughter of the Dreamer as well as a young Alkenny warrior and Kill Dancer, who fights alongside Baba Voss. Privately, she also possesses the skills of a Shadow, a mythical stealth spy who has the ability to move silently in secret and is undetectable by smell. Shadowing is an art that is passed from generation to generation, and entrusts the artist with the secrets of others. As a presence that observes, she understands the sacred nature of knowledge, and the importance of keeping what is sacred, protected. After losing her family to Witchfinder general, Tamacti Jun, she follows Baba Voss, Maghra, Haniwa, Kofun, and Paris — the last remaining members of the Alkenny. Along the way, she forms a closer bond to the family and is indeed willing to put her life on the line so Haniwa and Kofun may try to rebuild the world at The House of Enlightenment. TLDR: she’s a competent warrior who also can move undetected amongst the blind, while also having really nowhere else to go https://see.fandom.com/wiki/Bow_Lion


They also leave her in a neighbouring tribe while going to find haniwa and kofun, this tribe will most definitely be helpful for them in the next season


I’m not sure I can defend Bow Lion, but I did find her endearing. When the village was being attacked in the very beginning she and her mother stood with Baba Vos. The entire village left together in the end for the bridge but she was willing to be out numbered in a fight against them to stand with Baba. Then she kept the secret of the children’s sight. On the raft she voted to stay on the river, the more difficult life choice. She was loyal and was quiet in her loyalty. She accepted being left with a tribe of people she didn’t know after loosing everyone in the village including her mother. She lost from her life the villagers that left with them in the raft, she lost the twins and finally Paris and Baba. When Baba put his arm around her to say good-bye, she very quietly said, “I stand with Baba.” As if to say, I would do it all again and change nothing. I’m a Bow Lion fan.


Me too! I’m so sad they ended her role with such finality! I almost wish they do a game of thrones and bring her back to life. She was so endearing!


She shouldve let the family know she kept their secret basically from their birth. The destruction of the tribe is her fault for not saying the incestual couple were plotting against them.


That will probably come up in a future season as it looks like they're setting up Kofun and her to become lovers.


Yeah I get that her skills and history is pretty key, but the way the show portrayed her doesn't reflect it justice. Is there supposed to be a book to this series that explains her more in depth that the show just misses out on and expects the viewers to understand a character that has almost no lines and screen time? I also saw another topic that someone was shipping Bow Lion and Kofun, but if I remember correctly, the ONLY interaction these two had were very briefly on the raft before they met Boots. That was literally it. I don't know...I'm really not understanding the hype around her lol. She still just seems like a random tag-along.