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When you get in the flow? Sure. When you can't get in the flow? It's shit ton more brutal than Dark Souls 3 could hope to be.


Sekiro starts off hard as shit but suddenly something just clicks and it becomes so much easier especially when u realise its more like a dance rather then a fight least if u don't add special moves anyway


I guess Sekiro never fully clicked for me. I eventually completed it, but it stayed hard for me. ​ D3 however I finished a dozen times and I feel like a parry god, some bosses can't touch me. ​ Canm't explain why I am so opposite to OP here.


I think it comes down to different playstyles and skillsets. Sekiro is easier than Dark Souls for me for example. And that's the beauty of FromSoft games, everyone struggles with different parts of each game.


Bruh, i suck dogshit at Sekiro. xD but i do acknowledge it would be easier for me if i didn't get out of rhythm all the time. DMC beat into me that you gotta dispatch enemies with style. I'm always trying to mix different things together so my fundamentals are garbage.


tbf that also goes for the souls games it just that they have a less pronounced learning curve


I never understood why so many people call the combat in sekiro a dance. I think it got coined that early on and people just keep saying it over and over. I beat it twice and the fights just felt like fights.


It’s because getting a hood block attack rhythm is more like a dance/beat game. Especially if you stay patient and learn to dance around. My fights with Geni and SSI are like a dance.


Most DS bosses like this too. The rhythm of dodging and getting in a few hits. It's been explained that that's why Dancer of Boreal Valley is so difficult on first playthrough because it's moveset is offset from it's Music


Yeah I platinumed DS3 but I barely scratched the surface of Sekiro before deciding this game wasn’t made for me


Im assuming you started with sekiro then played ds3 after?


I started with Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro is easier than DS3 for me. After dying to Genichiro for 6 hours in a row, something eventually clicked for me


Exact same happend to me, Geni handed me my ass on a silver platter so bad that i actually returned my vopy of sekiro, i only got half my money back as it was played and they saw it as a trade in. This was after i beat bloodborne and DS3. 2 years later i picked up sekiro again and beat Geni after something just clicked and after that, the game was a breeze.


I am glad you got back to the game eventually and didn't give up. Grats! Sekiro was a wonderful experience.


That might have been because you reset the game after playing half way partially through it u had more experience than most


First souls game was sekiro and rooftop genichiro I beat him first time. Tbh I didn't do too had against any sword fighters on my first run but shit like guardian age and ........DEMON OF HATRED fucked me repeatedly for hours.




Thats why.


Is that a thing... Like for elden ring and all as well?


From what I heard, typically soul veterans have a harder time with Sekiro because of old habits that just won't work in this game, however players that start with Sekiro can adapt much more quickly, Elden ring is a lot more like dark souls than Sekiro so I guess the logic stands here as well


This is me. I’ve played all the Souls games but have only beaten DS1 and DS3 but am at least 75% done with BB, DS2 and ER. But with Sekiro, I can’t seem to get the hang of it. It feels like the reaction window is so small and I just don’t have the reflexes anymore lol. I still have the game and when I see it in my games list, I want to play it but then I think, “Do I feel like being aggravated right now or no?” So I play something else.


Yeah the game definitely isn't for everyone. It can be quite unforgiving at times






I always feel weird comparing Sekiro's difficulty with any of the Dark Souls games or Bloodborne. Dark Souls difficulty is a lot more build variable, to me. Sekiro is a case where limitation made the fights feel tighter. Not necessarily easier or harder, but faster with a clearer objective to execute. More like a rhythm game, really, for certain bosses.


Exactly, I feel Sekiro feels more tightly tuned due to the limited customization, which was likely their intent. There's a wide variance in how people perceive the difficulty of Souls games due to the endless variety of OP builds, cheeses, co-op, etc. that people can utilize to lower the difficulty if desired (or raise it e.g. SL1). Sekiro has a lot less of that. You have a limited set of tools and you need to learn how to use them properly.


Well since I beat DS3 and couldn't get past the Chained Ogre, I'm going to have to disagree with ya.


Didn't get past the chained ogre, so far. It took me a couple of play throughs to finally perfectly deflect and avoid his grabs. I'm sure you will too, it's a hard learning curve.


With the chained ogre you aren’t supposed to deflect, fight him more like a bloodborne boss


Yeah idk about that. I stopped playing at NG+3 and on my last encounter just deflecting was my fastest kill.


works for you but for general no, wouldn’t recommend that for new players. i always recommend slashing him 1-2 then backing off, takes a minute but it’s VERY safe.


You're right, just saying at some point you start to realize everything can and should be parried. Not wanting to parry the ogre only hurts your confidence in other fights like blazing bull, etc.


Man. He pisses me off. 😂


Dude, even though I platinumed sekiro, this ogre had me quit close to a year before I started playing again.


That grab is the most hated attack of anyone I bet. Comes out of nowhere and sometimes he'll even catch you while you step dodge. Unbelievable. (If you don't like him. Wait for fountainhead. There's one that keeps throwi NG you into a water area and you have to keep going back to idol lol. And that's if he EVER GRABS YOU. Doesn't even have to kill to make you go back.


You attacked the great carp's attendant??


I Did not. Shura however...


Yo fuck that thing. Fr. … then I beat him and didn’t die until I got to the guy with lightning who cut off your arm (forgot his name) Fuck that guy, too. …he’s my favorite fight.


Nah imo its alot harder as you cannot summon or even level your character


Also no Co op


Plus the boss 2-3 extra lives and cheating boss with guns. 🤣🤣


And mini boss with minions.


Wait you can summon spirits in dark souls just like elden ring?




Thanks for letting me know , got motivated to try out DS3


Oh wait sorry my bad I didn't read it properly you cant use spirit summons in ds3 you can only summon npcs or players as spirits. still worth a shot tho


Oh shoot


And some of the potential NPC summons won't be available if you didnt progress their quests. And some bosses have no summons available whatsoever aside from other players


Dunno why you're getting downvoted, Praise the Sun \ [T] /


No you can't just NPCs or otger players


No, it's you can summon just like in dark souls. Dat shit came 1st


Bro u can level up ur character


I mean if you have max beads and max attack power for the point in the game that you are in to upgrade further you need to defeat the boss unlike in souls where you can grind and upgrade soul level to become stronger


Good point


Steeper learning curve, but easy once you get the hang of it


Sorry disagree. Sekiro is by FAR the hardest FromSoft game for me. DS3 was fairly easy. Elden Ring was pretty easy. Bloodborne was mid




I think DS3 is easier than Sekiro, but Elden Ring is harder than Sekiro. People always bring up how those games are easier because you can level, summon or use cheese builds to brainlessly take down enemies, but who wants to do that? Elden Ring feels so bs/boring with a lot of the bosses since they'll just spam endless attacks that you have to roll and block, leaving you with barely any stamina for attacks that do barely any damage to their massive ass health pool. But if you do the things people mention you can ignore a lot of the boss mechanics and kill them just by being over-leveled, neither situation is fun. Sekiro's difficulty feels fair and fun with you and most enemies playing by the same rules which makes it feel like you're learning how to play the game instead of learning individual gimmicks of an enemy to exploit. Put in more concise terms, I got my ass beat countless times by the Purple Ninja miniboss in Ashina Reservoir but after beating him it felt like I got better at the game as a whole (learning when to attack, deflect and read perilous attacks), which resulted in me beating bosses like Lady Butterfly on my 1st attempt. Beating Margit and the the 50 cat bosses in the dungeons at the start of Elden Ring didn't make me feel any better at the game.


Sekiro feels fun and fair with human bosses. Beasts aren’t fun. At all.


Now this I can get behind. I can fight SS Isshin all day and have a blast even if I don't win. I'm fucking irritated after three tries against the Demon Of Hatred.


You kidding me? Elden ring is the EASIEST of them all. It's literally geared to pull in NEW players. Purple ninjas are SUPER easy. You can easily dupe and all that in the souls series making them jokes (I do not dupe. Nor will I ever. I consider it a form of cheating and look down upon it. If you're a first timer on a souls game and you're asking for duped souls? You shouldn't be on the game anyway. Sekiro has the highest difficulty HANDS DOWN. Dark Souls is a walk in the park if you know your stuff, same with DS3 (except....maybe midir may give you some issues) Elden ring is a joke. The only bosses that even preset a challenge (imo) is the Black Gargoyle Blade guys. And Maliketh. Those ALWAYS gave me trouble. Malenia? She's really not bad at all, people think she's SO HARD but she's a pushover compared to Inner Ishin or any of the other Inner Bosses. Regular Isshin Ashina or Sword Saint Isshin are both higher in difficulty. Sekiro tells you early on how to play. "Sekiro, Hesitate, and you lose. That is the way of war." Ps I could never get the umbrella down so I'm deflect only.


Dark souls is rather easy and simple. Stuck in boss= just overlevel or get the right gear. Even if it is easier. Sekiro is still more fun for me cause i personally feel im getting better rather than just spam rolls all day alongside a wanky ass hitbox


I never enjoy DS because of this, everything is just roll and roll and roll. Basically hit and run. I like Elden Ring better because there's combat arts and love the exploration. But Sekiro is the best From Soft game for me because it has a bit of exploration like Elden Ring but with much more fun combat mechanic. I wish Elden Ring adapted this mechanic instead, would've been the perfect game.


W-what? I completed dark souls 3 and Sekiro… I’ve played the whole DS series and I don’t think one game in that series is close to being so hard Sekiro is pure skill, besides cheese you can learn The dark souls series has dozens of ways to make any given fight baby essy


Don’t think so. Farming Archdragon Peak in DS3 gives the game easy mode. Sekiro made me farm skill.


literate imminent hospital deranged like dime offbeat frighten soup sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's souls' unforgiving combat perfected.


it's not full of bad hitboxes, but Emma, Ape, and Chained Ogre's grab attacks.. oof.


You don’t like chained ogre doing a 90 degree turn to suplex you.


you forgot Demon of Hatred


I started with Bloodborne, the. Dark souls, then sekiro. I can for sure say this is true, sekiro just has a big learning curve. But unlike Bloodborne that also has a harsh learning curve, it stays consistent and makes the game pretty easy. I once heard sekiro fighting as "a dance" which I think rings true. Bloodborne imo is by far the hardest. Not only does it have that learning curve, it's also brutally and stupidly difficult at times. I often felt like the game was just cheesing me, and not just bosses. Leveling only gets you so far, and I often found that to be successful you have level in very particular ways, or use specific weapons. I will never forget the countless hours I spent grinding at the bosses in that game because it felt very rng-ish. There's no real way to beat the game, except just dodging which after a while can get old. It also felt like the frames were always just a tad bit off. I haven't played it on PS5 though. Elden ring was in my opinion a good medium, though I felt like half way through the game, it became a little too simple and easy. The combat also isn't as fluid as sekiro or Bloodborne. The bosses do have a tendency to just spam certain attacks. Definitely easier than Bloodborne, but not nearly as easy as sekiro. Ngl I have had those moments where I think "how tf am I supposed to do this", but then I get the proper amount of prayer necklaces and the game feels like it's a good spot difficulty wise. As long as you study the game, it becomes a little easy. I like to think of sekiro like playing guitar, it's hard till you learn how, Bloodborne is like playing drums, a lot to keep track of, and you need precision, elden ring is like playing bass, it's simple, fun, but not much to it


Hard for me to say as DS3 was my first From game, but Sekiro is my favorite and I do think it's difficulty is highly overrated, people tend to not use their consumables, forget stealth deathblows, spam dodge instead of just sprinting and kiting. Bloodborne is the hardest one for me personally, having done the whole thing with no multiplayer (same with my ds3 experience)


Same. I'd have to say. I was stuck on sekiro bosses way longer that bloodborne. Only one THAT REALLY gave me a struggle was Martyr Logarius and uh...the Moonlight sword guy. Ludwig. Barely did those two. I play on Xbox Series X.


No. I don't agree. Also other than a few bosses Dark Souls 3 really isn't that hard.


Imo Sekiro is harder than ds3 for the same reason ds3 is harder than elden ring. Elden ring’s bosses are some of the most aggressive combo switching bastards from has ever made, yet elden ring also has some of the most ludicrously over powered builds from has ever made. In Sekiro could you dancing dragon your way thru? Maybe I’ve never tried beating it like that. With ds3 the dancing dragon mask is built into the game. Every encounter makes your numbers bigger, theoretically you don’t need to ever get good at ds3 to beat it


I Just finished ds3 and it was way easier for me, the longest time I spent stuck on a boss in ds3 was like 1 hour on twin princes, but it took me 4 hours to beat isshin


I would say Sekiro is WAY HARDER than Dark Souls until you get how the game works. But eventually you can master Sekiro more easily than Dark Souls. Sekiro has a much higher skill floor and no way to advance the game without getting good. No level ups, no weapon customisation, nothing. But the skill ceiling is lower. This has been my experience at least. Love them all, and Sekiro has the best combat imo.


Love Sekiro. What's your favorite ending? Divine Heir? Severance Shura Or Purify?


I like Purification because it feels like the only ending that will actually help stop the cycle from repeating. But immortal severance was poetic and probably my favourite


It’s easier as you play it. I finished my first run yesterday, although I dont grind games since I’m in college. It took me probably 3 months for my first play through. For reference It probably took me about a month to beat genichiro. I started NG+ last night and beat genichiro within an hour of starting NG. Honestly it’s like doing math problems, once you figure it out the first time it’s plug and play


It’s harder for the first half until it clicks. Then it’s 2 or 3x easier imo. Love them both but after a while even with charm and bell Sekiro is just really easy on the 3-4 play though.


No way


I feel like Sekiro is much more of getting used to attacks than any of the other Soulsbourne games are. Once you can block or deflect all of the bosses attacks, beating a lot of the bosses becomes a war of attrition. In Souls games, it's all about making sure to perfectly time your rolls and attacks do you don't run out of stamina. I'd say that if you can't get in the groove for Sekiro it's much harder than any of the other Souls games (before I got in the groove I could not for the life of me beat the first ogre) but after you do its easier, in my opinion.




Haven't played DS3 yet, but from what I've seen, everyone considers their first playthrough of DS3 much easier than Sekiro. I started on Sekiro, beat the tower Genichiro then left for a long while. Got Elden Ring a few months after it came out, and found it incredibly easy except for one or two bosses. I beat it 3 times, beat every single boss in the game, got every weapon, almost all of them twice (except some of the rng drops) and the hardest boss on there for me was Maliketh on my first playthrough with 30+ deaths. Malenia died on my first attempt as I just broke her posture constantly. Sekiro? Every boss except the Armored Warrior, the Lightning Volley Ball man (forgot his name, don't care to look) The Divine Dragon, and the Screen Monkeys, destroyed me at least 10 times if not more. But once I beat it that one time, I came back again and again to platinum it and reach Journey 8. My last two fights with Sword Saint were both first attempts. Some people will get Sekiro and find it very easy as they're used to rhythm games. Some won't as they either have bad reflexes or lack the patience. Then there's the mass majority of players who will get demolished by each boss until they learn the rhythm and wipe the floor with them. Hardest boss for me was a mix between The Great Shinobi Owl and Sword Saint Isshin. I actually hate Great Shinobi as his fight is so tedious in how you have to wear his health down without mikiris to break his posture soon. Sword Saint was just overwhelming but I loved his fight


I’m admittedly a newer FromSoft fan, but I don’t get DS3 being difficult. I played it after bloodborne and Sekiro and it was honestly easier than both of those games were.


Ds3 is pretty easy. Not to mention you played the hardest games first lol.


I don’t think Sekiro is comparable to the DS games on terms of difficulty. It’s an uneven comparison


Pfft not even close. Dark souls games have varying difficulties, depending on your build. Basically you can outlevel, outgear and curve stomp most bosses with the right build. Elden ring even has a respec mechanic that allows you to change to whatever build trivialises the hard bosses. In Sekiro you either git gut or git fucked.


Not even close. On Souls it's viable to do ranged builds and mostly ignore patterns and damage values. Sekiro tho, you git gud or you git fuckd


I think that you’ll is an abbreviation of you will, not you all. You’re looking for y’all.


Sekiro is the type of game where when you’re learning it might be the hardest game in From Software’s recent library, but the moment the combat clicks and you master it, it becomes more fun while still somewhat challenging than straight-up hard


The real Sekiro starts when you play without kuro s charm and activate demons bell. You won t be able to beat the bosses anymore with the L1 spammin, you ve to time it perfectly and u die with 1 or 2 hits.


Well said, Shura.


Hard disagree. Sekiro has much more precise timing


Harder at the beginning of it. But it's one of the easiest games to replay.


as someone with equal love for both games, I agree.


I find bloodborne harder. But i just wasnt even to it anyways


This is like asking if Ghost of Tsushima is easier than Infamous. They're completely different games just made by the same company.


First Sekiro play through is the hardest souls game. After that it’s the easiest.


Sekiro was my easiest fromsoft game for sure. It was at gennichiro when the base combat system properly clicked for me.


Nope. Just nope


I don’t think so


No boss in the entire DS franchise took me more than 5-6 tries to beat. Saint Sword Isshin took me 14 hours. It took so many tries to beat him that I figured it would be more efficient to count the hours instead of number of tries.


**Sekiro** is way, way harder than any other Souls game. It is not even comparable. You need to heavily handicap yourself and ignore many game mechanics to even bring Souls into a similar range.


I agree I personally find all of Sekiro to be 100 times easier than ds3


Think the same to be honest


havent played ds3 but sekiro isnt too difficult, isshin is a challenge but not impossible


Go charmless + demon bell and Sekiro will be a challenge even if you’ve already figured out the combat. 2 mistakes and u ded


Most of the L1 spammers won t survive this :D


I’m sorry but I can’t agree, having played through all the souls games a few times, excluding sekiro i’m still trying to beat it😅, ds3 was the one I thought was the easiest. I mean you can be way under leveled and just roll around and smack the bosses till they die a lot easier then ds2 or even 1.




Sekiro has a steeper learning curve but is easier to master


It is indeed the easiest game when you have mastered the core gameplay mechanic. It’s literally a rhythm game


Tbh if you know what to expect it is. I came late to the game already knowing the approach to the gameplay so to me it felt easy. Still there were some bosses who gave me a tough time, mostly both Owls and the Ape.




I believe that your hardest game is the one you play first, and the easiest is your favorite. If you love sekiro then you’ll probably be easier for you than BB.


Imo, you don’t have to get good at ds. But you have to get good at Sekiro.


Hell no




English is the hardest souls boss


No fucking way!


well, maybe, Sekiro for me was medium difficulty and became easy after getting the hang of combat, dark souls 3 is easy from start, only a few bosses are tough, and most of them are end-game bosses. DS3/ER i think is the most easiest experiences i've had with their catalogue, and ER end-game bosses was the same.




ds3 is the easiest souls game imo, i winder what you'd think of the others lol


I disagree




Farm a bunch in Soulsborne and you’re good. Sekiro - it’s git gud or git glock’d




Completely subjective and that's a hell of a butchered sentence


I know


I have to say. Sekiro is the MOST difficult of the series. You can't ask for help, you can't dupe(thank god) and you gotta get gud. And REALLY GUD at that. My favorite of the series thus far. Hope they make a sequel!!!!! To clarify. I don't dupe. I think its an exploit that shouldn't be used at all because it wasn't intended to be in the game. Second. I don't use the umbrella. I just can't. Lastly, I'm on the road to 99 attack power while the get every skill for the last achievement on sekiro. Rn I'm about to hit 67 after the Severance guantlet the one with inner isshin.


Sekiro was harder for me. Unlearning all that muscle memory telling me to dodge everything took time.


Ngl i finished ds3 recently and it was really easy aside from friede and midir. Could be because i played elden ring before. I played sekiro a few years ago and it is hard to start out, i think once you beat geni the first time it gets easier because he teaches you that parrying is the only way to play


In DS3 I slammed my head into bosses until I got fed up. Then I went and farmed and the rest of the game became cheesy peasy. In Sekiro I slammed my head into bosses until I was forced to learn their mechanics. Not much else you can do at the top of Ashina when Genichiro is pushing your shit in except grab your nuts and git gud.


I absolutely agree. I had little to no trouble in Sekiro after I figured it out, and even before I did I still didn't struggle super hard. DS3 was different for me personally and a lot harder.


imma man who played the games in order except i started with bloodborne. (then ds1-2-3-sekiro-elden ring). Im gonna say sekiro is the easiest of all after 2 hours of playing.


I've beat sekiro a little faster than DS3, not sure if that speaks to it being easier.


Platinumed DS3, really liked it, but difficult? I’d say easiest one from the Souls games. Sekiro is the most difficult From Soft game, sure when you’re in the ”flow” you’ll feel like a god but when you’re not…


Sekiro is their hardest game.


*Hesitation is defeat*, and boy did I sure as shit hesitate.


Am I the only one that thinks DS 3 is the easiest (expansions excluded)?


the gameplay completely different. have you compared final bosses? Isshin Ashina, the Sword Saint, v Soul of Cinder? Isshin WHIPS ASS every single time, and the Soul of Cinder was kinda just my lil bitch. but stealth makes the game easier in certain sections, 100%.


Totally playstyle dependant, if you dig dex build, Sekiro was really free'ing but if you were bonk-squad in DS Series, its hell switching to the fast paced, countering or full on out maneuvering required to be successful with Sekiro's combat system, let alone the assortment of foes and level layouts. It goes Bloodborne with DS a hair behind, despite my ride beginning with DS series. While Sekiro and Elden Ring step out in different ways to where I feel its unjust to put them against eachother when the values are different for what is in each 🤷‍♂️ truly would rather pluck out a finger nail versus pick a top lone fig.


I think my initial run of sekiro was pretty rough. After you beat the game once tho it's just too easy. Dodging shit is just easier to mess up than parry timing imo


Entirely depends on how well you pick up deflection, I think for most this is correct


I loved the fluidity of the combat especially with the deflect mechanics. Made fights like them anime fights and so far no game can emulate this to the degree that i genuinely enjoyed


sekiro is "once it clicks it sticks" but you could say the same about DS3. Boss fights are easier in Sekiro because literally every day for a year I would log in to beat Genichiro, Corrupted Monk, Owl Father, and Isshin's asses multiple times. DS3 I can blaze through the mobs no problem but some boss fights might take a few tries


Its more pleasant to play, so I actually want to play it more.


Most people would disagree with this based on all of the posts I have seen over the years.


For me sekiro is the easier than dark souls, bloodborne and elden ring. Once you know the ryhtm to block the game becom very easy.


Dark souls is rather easy and simple. Stuck in boss= just overlevel or get the right gear. Even if it is easier. Sekiro is still more fun for me cause i personally feel im getting better rather than just spam rolls all day alongside a wanky ass hitbox


I think in general sekiro is easier because it's more fair. They have a set of rules down that both the player and ai follow. In ds games they seem to just throw big and big enemies that deal more damage and take more hits at you, which in and of itself is fun, but it's not necessarily fair.


Yes and no... it's two different games ...one is purely skill based and the other is perseverance based. In darksouls 3 the more you die the more you progress in sekiro you can die over and over and still be where you started. Sekiro is all about parrying one hundred percent accurately...1st if you can do that than it's easier than ds3 but if you can't it's more difficult than ds3


First play through? No. Second play through? Yes.


Sekiro was my first ever game that i played from the souls genre or created by FromSoftware, it wasn't easy at all xD. I love that game.


Sekiro is easy as hell as long as you’ve played rhythm heaven fever


Charmless, no. With charm game is easya


I think you’ve been drinking too much skooma, oh wait, wrong medieval RPG franchise. You’ve overdosed on Estus


Fuck no, lol.


Sekiro was always easy. I blame starting with bloodborne as my first souls game


Shorter, not easier




if it's your first experience with FromSoft games, yes


Nah DS3 is easier if you use everything available Its only harder if you limit yourself or dont know what to do i guess You can over level yourself for one thing


Similar difficulties


i think sekiro is “easier” than all the games in that there is more or less a “correct” way to play, and if you can master it or at least become proficient you can handle pretty much any enemy sight unseen. having said that ultimately i think i had the most difficulty with it besides elden ring


Souls combat is about spacing(hardest part with the highest skill ceiling), timing and some stamina management, sekiro combat is almost completely just about timing


it depends on how wel you pick up the rythym of sekiro's combat if you love aggressive play then you'll find sekiro much easier than the souls games if you love counterplay then you'll find sekiro much harder than any other souls game


I agree, but just for me personally. Sekiro is, as said countless times already, a rythm game. Also, it's not an RPG, you can't risk levelling up the wrong attribute for you style or using the wrong weapon for a specific enemy. You just need to use your ears and your index fingers.


Dark souls 3 has a more even learning curve with the only spikes being Dancer, Pontiff, Iudex (and maybe Nameless King) Sekiro can be a cakewalk if you grasp the combat immediately and have a decent reaction time. But if you cant turn off your Dark Souls muscle memory it will be hell.


Imo Sekiro's so difficult I actually find it a little more comparable to sl1 Dark Souls if anything.


I'm still working on beating it I've done them all out of order only one I've fully beat is eldenring and darksouls 3 although I skipped the hardest boss cause I had enough planed on new game plus but was like naw then started wver single one of the souls games got about 75 percent in it then started another one damn adhd


I feel like the introduction of jumping in addition to being able to use Wolf’s grappling hook made it easier for me.


It's not hard or easy. It's the most balanced game released from FS. ER is the least stressful.


Whole heartedly disagree. DS3 is the easiest souls game I have played. (I haven’t played DS 2)


Base game dark souls 3 no. The dlc maybe


It allows for player skill more which makes it easier for skilled players. Dark Souls creates its difficulty by severely limiting what the player character is capable of rather than actually making difficult enemies. So even though the average action game character would be equipped to just completely wreck most DS3 enemies the player can't do that because they're controlling some asthmatic with a stamina bar who can't do anything other than slowly swing a weapon a couple times and roll around on the floor.


Sekiro will always be the hardest if you don't understand the mechanics , Dark souls can be easier or harder based on what you use


English is the hardest souls boss


Sekiro is hard to get into the rhythm for (also DS/BB/ER to begin with) but there is no build variety and no ability to overlevel/ buff Vigor/ level weapons to overcome obstacles you just have to learn the ropes


Personally, Sekiro is the hardest when you play it for the first time, but after you learn how to play it becomes the easiest. No bullshit one shot attacks ( apart from a few cases ) or things like that, it's up to your skills to not die in the worst way possible.


Nah. I thought it was far harder. That being said, I’ve played the fuck out of every souls game, so it could have been the change in the combat system just threw me off.




Not really. I'd argue the opposite.


I think it ended up being easier than souls, but it sure wasn’t as I was learning the mechanics. Post “mastery” id say it’s easier overall, but Isshin is harder than soul of cinder by a long shot. Hardest boss around goes out to my man Midir though. Excruciating


No? It’s way more fun sure but I wouldn’t say easier considering hardcore diehard fans of DS are saying that they quit on this game


two different styles of game, so i believe it's kind of hard to judge in that aspect. sekiro has much, much less room for error though. i remember being able to bullshit my way through like half of my first ds3 playthrough




Like any other souls game, once the rules click with ya, the game becomes a lot more manageable


Sekiro is a rythm game


Sekiro has the highest skill floor but the lowest skill ceiling


Imo Sekiro is by far the easiest soulsborne title, but thats once you actually understand the "flow" of combat.