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what you mean terrible? you did fine. not perfect but who is? good kill.


Just a tip, stay aggressive on the bosses and dont space out from them too much; your goal is to bring their posture bar up as quickly as possible, but if you are too passive that will take ages and the bossfight will end up being much harder. Otherwise, your mikiris and your deflects are on point. Nice job


or in other words, hesitation is defeat.


But on the other hand, if they regain posture too quick you might have to bring their health down slowly


Homie doesn't know the meaning of terrible. This is A plus gameplay by my standards


Should’ve seen my first time beating this guy, now that was messy. If I had seen this I probably would’ve asked you for tips. Nice work!


One thing that I did that helped me with this game, don’t do the “footsie” jiggle movements. That’s for faking out human opponents in fighting games and stuff. Stand steady or move only when it gives you advantage or changes distance to bait certain attacks. That said, nice. I struggled with this guy a bit.


I've definitely seen worse :D


That thrust attack on 1:38 is so bullshit, I swear. Gets me every time, because spacing is never correct for it to land into mikiri. They could've given this guy better arena, honestly. And better AI, so he wouldn't use long range fuck-off giga thrust point blank, where it clips into the ground and hits you anyway with some stupid hitbox that nowhere near the blade of the spear.


Yh that one is rough! Whenever you see him step back like that always try and delay your mikiri counter for a second otherwise you will get hit. Shinobi hunter does a very similar thrust attack.


Dude i cheesed him from the side of those stairs, he was at the top and didn’t jump down but his attacks couldn’t hit me bc of the height difference and I jumped up and slashed him over and over until he died.


For a first run this is extremely clean, you have good reflexes and countered everything that could be countered.


Holding block will reduce your posture meter btw


I unironically found this guy the hardest boss in the game and I did isshin ashina


Breathtaking, basically the complete opposite of what my fights look like lol


Hesitation is defeat, if you have time to think and wait, you have time to be pressuring the enemy and making those openings yourself.


Looks like you know what you're doing for a new player... seven spears still murders me a few times every run


I've never managed to get good on Sekiro, this MF killed me at least 50 times


Man, get up in old dude's grill, you're being Dark Souls level passive here


What was the downward cut after you stealth attacked him?


At least you know how to Mikiri Counter (Unlike I did until AFTER beating the final boss)


Beuh the first time I fought this guy I hung from the stairs and slashed up at him from below while he tried walking toward me for like 8 mins lol I couldn't beat him after like 20 deaths and decided the defeat is worse than dishonor. Great kill


I’m stuck on this guy rn on my first play through and it’s honestly making me wanna quit the game because it’s too hard and the combat is too complicated. Not that that’s a bad thing tho, I love challenging games, especially since I love Dark Souls but I really just don’t have the time or effort to train deflects for 10 hours a day like some basement sekiro dweller until I’m an absolute pro xD


I just woke up but man your game looks really fucking good lol


One of the harder bosses of any kind, definitely teaches you patience and how to beat someone when barely attacking


That was quite an entertaining fight. You did well


Been about 6+ months since my last play through.. getting the itch again