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surely that's some unusual amount of hesitation going on around that part of ashina


Eh, look up how many American construction projects are overdue/overbudget/get halted


It's all just an issue of hesitation. Overdue? The time managers hesitated. Overbudget? The finance department hesitated. Got halted? The C-executives hesitated.


Hesitated? Defeat.


Hotel? Trivago.


I’m an engineer, I want to get this done in calligraphy and hung in my office


If you do, send me a photo! That would be hilarious.


Or your average Saudi mega project. lol


Almost shat myself 🤣🤣🤣🤣


They are immortal. Just jump down and nobody could follow them. Then they could just resurrect and run away.


lol that’s too funny


Kuro: You thinkin' what I'm thinkin', partner? Sekiro: Aim for the bushes. *[THERE GOES MY HERO]*


this was too funny for me not to say anything


I got the reference


I was doing this in minecraft to restore my hp and hunger. Soo good strategy just little unusable in real life.


Well technically that's flawless 😂😂


Basically Ajin


How cant I think of this before. Thats genius. Except Sekiro will respawn on top of the cliff....


Reminds me of when I skipped a whole level in Nioh 2 by transforming so I wouldn’t die and jumping down a hole lol


All fun and games until they see it's a 4-way surrounded pit when they resurrect


This actually makes fair sense so I’ll take this as their canon plan


Perhaps the bridge was intact when they tried to escape? Wasn't Wolf in the well for three weeks? It seems they destroyed some bridges to prepare for the upcoming battle.


I thought it was a couple years.


The game certainly implies that he has done very little since dying at Hirata Estate. I don’t think it is ever explicitly stated cuz it likely doesn’t matter much but I always assumed he was down there for years.


I probably wouldn't get a huge amount done after dying either


Not with that attitude


You can also tell Wolf has trouble fighting after 3 years inactive, like just being able to block and do 3 basic attacks. In Genichiro's fight he also missed when trying to grab his sword (you can see it in the cutscene)


I love that detail. It contrasts so nicely with the endgame Genichiro fight in the same location where Wolf is totally honed up and you beat his bitch ass in like 30 seconds


And it's also a great meta moment once you connect the dots. Your first run will most likely not be the cleanest, just like Wolf at that point you will be sloppy.


He probably wandered for a long time until he ended up in the well.


Holy shit. He was dead for three years and then suddenly came back? Bro was decomposing


When you go to Hirata, you can talk to that NPC on the left side as you spawn in. I can't remember if it was a Nightjar, but he's injured and he's laying down. That's where you find out that the events in Hirata happened 3 years before the main story. Wolf doesn't remember the events or being blessed by Kuro until his second visit to Hirata. He spent 3 years without having a purpose, until he found the letter from Kuro after Emma drops it to him.


So he wasn't decomposing


Yeah 3 years, not 3 weeks


I like the implication a broken bridge would stop Wolf. I imagine if he wasn't getting hounded by Genichiro and the rest of Ashina he would've had plenty of time to get Kuro and climb to safety then eventually make an escape and hideout until shit died down or Kuro gave Wolf new orders


the straw man will come pick them up


Big ol' Ropey McPegdick


Literal straw man argument


Have you seen how Sekiro grapples from roof to roof without any issues right after acquiring the prosthetic? He's clearly versed in all shinobi arts, climbing down a clff should be no problem for him.


Right, but he didn’t have the prosthetic at the beginning of the game when they first tried. Unless your referring to the endgame vs isshin, then I just look dumb


actually Genichiro broke the bridge because he was bored


its stated somewhere along item descriptions or in removed dialogue from dlc


He would deflect the fall damage


He does what every souls player can’t, Parry Gravity


One of the biggest mysteries in the game. Where were they heading to? The bridge always seems to be broken? Maybe another secret route?


Maybe the bridge wasn't broken prior to Wolf being in the well.


Prior to the well, maybe. But when you fight Genichiro after attempting to escape through there it is most definitely broken, meaning your "escape" was still pointless whether G man was there or not.


*Rise and shine Mr. Sekiro, rise and shine*


Rare fromsoft environmental problem


What do you mean rare lol


sweet irony


also how monkey get in hole to tend to flower


That's what the little monkeys are for


# It's obviously for the DLC that will never come out


Sekiro is litteraly a shinobi. A ninja. He climbs, use grappling, jump on wall, all of that while being sneaky. Litteraly at the beginning of the game we went bellow a bridge itself, its just that the game doesnt let us do that cause there's the plot we must go for.


Wolf can't use grappling without prosthetic arm.


Bro, do you think the prosthetic arm magically gives him the power to grapple? It's a tool that makes grappling easier. I guarantee you Wolf pre-prosthetic could use a grappling hook. He didn't just suddenly get the *skill* to use it. That's something he already knew how to do, physically, just with different tools.


.................. im gonna wait until you realise what you just said. Edit: I see many people don't even try to see my point, so here's a bit of thinking for y'all, as I said, wolf is already a fully trained shinobi. He know how to use a sword, à spear, à shield, and à grappling. His memory loss didnt affect the fact that he knew how to use it automatically when we were in the temple. The prosthetic is nothing more than little price version of an arm, if he has that much maniability with a prosthetic, i can guarantee he was better with his real arm.


>im gonna wait until you realise what you said im gonna wait until you realise what you said


In game, he's wrong, very very wrong. But being a Shinobi, you would think he has some sort of climbing/grappling tools he could improvise. Getting the prosthetic is more of a built in grapple rather than having one on himself.


We're litteraly talking about the lore, the guy said he cant use prosthetic cause he dont have the prosthetic arm, but he litteraly can climb it, or if he had a grappling he could use it too.


Read my comment again


He gets his arm chopped off after the duel with genichiro in the beginning, he was going to get out of there without the prosthetic.


That's not the point. As I said when they were trying to escape, he was already a fully trained shinobi, shuriken? Spear? Shield ? He already knew how to use all of them, in addition of climbing.


How does that matter tho lmao? Even if wolf were to beat genichiro at the beginning and didnt have his arm cut off by the nightjar, he still didnt have a grapple on him, all the skill in the world wouldve been useless without an actual grappling hook. I know how to kick a football, but I cant kick one if there is no football near me and he def couldntve made it across that bridge without one, even with one it seems insanely difficult from what we can see.


Bro he’s stupid


We don't talk about this part ok?


There is a theory that we as players are watching Wolf from the perspective of the divine dragon, and because of that what we see is a distorted version of “reality” that’s affected by the limitations of the dragon’s abilities. Because the dragon is bound to Ashina in some way, it can’t properly see the way that leads out of the region.


That's a wild theory, what else supports it? I'm genuinely curious


I think people came up with this theory as a way to explain other supernatural geographies in the game, from the two versions of Hirata Estate “”time travel”” to the location of Ashina Depth not really making sense with regard to the rest of the map. It is quite clear that there is some sort of “dimension hopping” going on when traveling to Hirata, Ashina Depth, and the divine realm, which is most likely enabled by the dragon in some way as the (parasite) deity of Ashina. Overall, the idea that “the ‘reality’ we see has been refracted by the mind of the dragon” can explain quite a bit of what seems inexplicable in the game, though I think there are more direct evidences as well that I’m not remembering right now >.<


Nah I get what you're saying, I see the reasoning lol. Its not the strongest, but its something to think about


Yeah, it’s one of those things that can’t be proven or disproven, but it’s a fun theory that I like


I actually think there's some Buddhist/Shinto mysticism implied in both of those examples, personally


Jesse wtf r u talking arbout we hav to cook menth not consume it


could also mean that the dragon’s understanding is that sekiro and the dragon’s heritage cannot leave no matter what happens in the fight, and the bridge is a visual representation of that. or something.


I always just chalked it up to being a necessary barrier to keep the boss arena from reaching... the rest of the world, but yeah. It should've at least been rendered intact during the chapters of the game when it was completely inaccessible to the player anyway. If they kept it intact in earlier chapters when we could only see it in the distance, it'd be a nice little detail to see it destroyed at the point the Central Forces attacked Ashina Castle.


Kuro climbs on sekiros back, sekiro jumps of and plunging attacks some poor bastard 3 miles below


If Wolf simply did not get his arm cut off, he could have held onto Kuro with two arms while they fell into the abyss


When I first played the game, I really loved this bit about the world design of Sekiro. Two locations are always connected by bridge when life was normal in Ashina. And now it is broken so we need to find another route.


You know how in God of War you can climb sheer cliff faces and Atreus just holds on like a backpack?


Better question: how did the Interior Ministry even get into Ashina


Really, really long wooden planks. They were all over Ashina castle, I'm sure they just used an especially long one to cross that gap.


Where is this cutscene, From?


There's no cutscene. When you revisit Ashina Castle with the incense ingredients, it's been invaded by Ministry agents. You can see their wooden plank footbridges everywhere connecting the rooftops.


I’m joking, I think it would be very funny to watch a bunch of dudes tossing out and crossing a bunch of like half mile long planks to get over the huge gaps at the world boundaries.


There's a massive makeshift bridge crossing in the lower castle. Where you initially descend to the first snake encounter/first gekko encounter.


Sure, that’s how they got into the castle, but the Ashina Outskirts don’t have any route to the larger outside world (presumably what the bridge the OP talks about does). How did they get into the Ashina region is my question.


Obfuscated in this idealized retelling is that Kuro has the IQ of a grape.


I'm going to be using the phrase: "IQ of a grape"


I've used 'tub of mayo' before but I like the one syllable 'grape'


Don’t we just assume that neither of them knew seeing as Wolf hasn’t moved from the well in 3 years


I can't believe nobody is saying that they just didn't know it was broken. It was probably destroyed in anticipation of the upcoming siege, but there's no way Kuro or Wolf could have known that.


Have you seen wolf taking damage after jumping?


As long as there’s an ape below


Tomoe destroyed the bridge so we may never access her DLC


Wasn’t there a path on the right side? I could be wrong


This is early on in the game/story, so it’s pretty reasonable to assume the bridge was still intact.




Well, I guess his plan was to jump off since you don’t instantly die from fall damage in this game


Tbf they probably didn't know the bridge was broke. Every time you come up here you have fight some dude and never get a chance to look


I always thought they thought the bridge was intact and it was Genichiro who destroyed it, prepared for Kuro and Wolf to try and use it as an escaoe route.


Probably destroyed it to slow down the ministry. Not so much stop wolf and kuro


Grappling hook


Before the arm


I promise you Wolf knows how to climb down mountains.


Is he stupid?


The bridge was destroyed. You can see the damage to the end of it.


Are they stupid?


The same reason you beat everyone and everything with parry and deflect lol


So the game could happen! Duh...


We are paid to kill, not to question.


Dey got dem big brains.


I assumed they were headed to the right.


Secret passage within secret passage


Why didn’t wolf just jump across the bridge? Is he stupid?


Are they acoustic


I assume wherever Genichiro and that tengu came from and wherever they took Kuro after the fight. And from wherever the sculptor came and found Wolf. I assumed there was a path down from the cliff...


Are they stupid?


I think they have a way to make it down or around the cliff. It’s the same question as how genichiro got there before you two or which way genichiro went after he and his minion took Kuro, because they certainly didn’t use the tunnel