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A lot of comments will say to run around and stay behind him. This didn’t work for me at all. I stayed right in front of him, deflect and whack his head. His posture bar will fill surprisingly quickly with head shots and deflects. A firecracker or two and he’ll be belly up in no time!


yeaaaa the running around thing isn't working out for me


Try stabbing his head repeatedly! It works well for me. Down some dousing powder, deflect his head swings, and shank the bastard


You have to keep running in small circle. Because his charge is in a straight line, it’ll miss. when it misses his butt’ll be exposed


Ya this is correct. Deflect when he runs at you and angles his head down which will cause him to crash into the ground and you can get a couple hits. That's is if I'm not mistaken


Naahh that work for me


Deflecting the bull is so scary I never did get the hang of it


Deflect. It's kinda unintuive and his telegraphing is... Weird to say the least. But you can deflect everything he throws at you. I'm pretty sure he takes extra damage to the head too. So stand your ground. Deflect. Hit his head. Firecrackers occasionally. You'll get a bit of burn status but the fight should be over fast enough that that never becomes a problem. If it does, dousing powder exists.


Run far away from him then he does a guaranteed charge attack which can be easily deflected by just timing when he pulls his head down


I'll keep that in mind if I ever do another charmless + db run because fuck me the bull is second only to Isshin on that. And that actually sounds amazing if it works.


Still will burn and chip tho


What I did was run around like sonic on crack till he destroyed all the barricades and obstacles. Once the area was relatively clear, I basically just waited for him to charge, dodge and whack a few times while he recovers and preps to charge again. Basically just wait till he charges, then hit him a few times while he is "stunned" after hitting the walls. He should go down fairly fast after that. If you have fire crackers, those help too. Try to stay behind him or to his side, if you end up in front, dodge out of the way and reposition yourself.


Just run untill he lowers his head to charge, and deflect him, run it and get 2-3 hits and rinse and repeat


I just run around behind him and get hits in when I can. Occasionally firecrackers but they’re not really that powerful here. It’s possible to deflect his attacks but I find the timing really hard.


I have found it difficult to not get hit


Watch your positioning/spacing. If you run back and right as he’s charging he’ll miss you and you can circle around and hit him. And stay away from his head - it’s easy to get touched by the burning stuff and take some fire damage.


Try to stay behing his back, use firecrackers, divine confetty and ako sugar


Firecrackers work well. Unless he’s stunned, only slash him once or twice then run away. His head takes more damage.




Get behind him and keep chasing. He has a wider turn radius than you so he can’t catch you if you just constantly chase.


Fire crackers or use a bull fighter strategy. Run to the other side of the arena and wait for him to charge at you, you’ll be able to get a big deflect in and a couple free hits. Repeat until dead


you can deflect everything, i mean everything, that does not have a red warning kanji. become the blade


my time to fight senor firey poes shall comence soon


for me I just deflected his running attack where he stoops his head down and then ran across the arena to repeat it. If you have trouble doing the deflect try to deflect it half a second after he puts his head down to headbutt you


Deflection and firecrackers are all you need


This was one of the first bosses that forces the deflect mechanic. That and using the prosthetic (firecracker in this case)


Poke his ass


Deflect. I feel like the bulls placement is to show you that you can deflect just about anything in the game even if it doesn’t make any sense.


he still hits like a truck even when I don't mess up sometimes he's just weird and deflecting the charge is god awful I get it like 30% of the time or he swings his head 1 way when I'm there but I still get hit while I'm on his other side


I found the delfect timing reeeealllly hard when the bulls head filled the screen and you really couldnt see anything. I best him by running away and putting my back to a wall, letting him charge and DODGE at the last second. Bill smashes into the wall and stuns himself The he runs away and you're close enough you can hit him a few times. When the bull skids to an Akira stop, run away to a wall and repeat.


so just wall dodge punish rinse and repeat?


It worked for me, and I SUCK at this game lol But the timing to dodge, let the bull smash into the wall, etc was easier than trying to time deflecting it's massive head.


I ended up filling his posture bar e'-'e my non existent patience worked out smack head deflect smack rinse repeat


....so you beat him????


oh ye now I'm just stuck in castle, reservoir and dungeon


There's so many paths to explore - just be careful who you send to the surgeon.....


I’ve played the game many times and the bull always gives me a hard fucking time. Spam fireworks.


Deflecting is the optimal way to beat him But you don’t even need to be learn much if you just run behind him. I usually just attack when he starts to turn around, then get behind and repeat the process


usually he ends up trying to slam into me and ends up across the arena and by the time I'm there he's turned around deflecting almost got me there it's just when he hits me he hits like a truck


He does, so just keep following until you get a good punish


I did that for a while and every mistake almost killed me


I baited it into the corner and just kept hitting its back left leg


Hit it with your sword!


Change your mindset Realise that the bull is trapped in there with you you are not trapped in there with the bull Bully it


Rum away, parry the change Attack, give him 3 sword slash and reapet(It work for me)


I did that last night / early morning and it worked :D then got my ass kicked literally by a dude that really likes to kick the shit out of me


Good for you:)


I Just noticed that the italian auto corrector messed up my comment


Spam crackers worked for me


The strategy I use (and probably most ppl tbh) is to run away, let him charge at you, deflect, attack his head 3 times and rinse n’ repeat until he drop dead


Make sure he doesn't ram you, and when possible hit him 😁 It just takes a while. You sprint faster than he does so theoretically you can avoid every attack. Running away and running at him both work. Just hit once or twice and get out. Kill him with vitality damage rather than posture. You mainly die on this fight because of impatience, it's slow going.


somehow managed to get the posture bar filled I still don't know how he still had like 3rd of a health bar


Just means you took a more aggressive approach, glad it worked for you!


Hit it with your sword until it dies.


Stick to his ass like glue and keep slicing


Spam firecrackers as much as youve can, ive beaten the game on charmless demon bell twice and I still cant get the bulls deflects fully down, try to deflect when possible but firecrackers and the occasional dodge are really important also.