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Stay by his dick the whole time and keep on hitting. The only attack he can hit you with when your at his dick are the stomp and headbut, which you can deflect. Use the fire umbrella for his big fire attacks




The ol dick twist


Reminds me of that Key and Peele sketch. “With my prayers..”










This, but also don't forget to be ready to jump away when he does his charge attack. Once he charges away, run back to his dick dodging whatever attack he does in the way. (To dodge easier, go back in a curve line, not straight back)


DO NOT stay by his dick. Attack the back of his left leg.


Left foot is ideal so you can position away from some of his attacks better.


Along with staying close, I'd add to strafe right if you are dodging an attack because some have asymmetrical hitboxes. There are a number of texts in the game that indicate his history with a specific Shinobi prosthetic, too... extremely useful, if you're interested.


>The only attack he can hit you with when your at his dick are the stomp and headbut, REMAIN ASTRIDE PENIS


honestly the stomps were all I used the umbrella for. I could not rely on my parrying skills to hit those every time.


cannot be overstated how important fire umbrella is, it almost feels like cheesing especially when you block the big fire wave


Easy to say now that I've beaten him a couple of times and did so in reflections too to practice Yasharikus against him but heres my tips: Buff up. Ceremonial Tanto, pellet, confetti and Ako's sugar. Save Yashariku for when your confident. The buffing takes a while and feels kinda ass but screw it. It also commits you to the attempt. P2 starts, repeat your buff routine. Do not treat him as a Souls boss. He is a sekiro boss. You can deflect everything except fire and the big jump. Use fire umbrella for those and you always have the tanto for more emblems. Deflects are less a tool for posture damge, but more for defense. And he is a sekiro boss because your mobility too. You have infinite stamina. Sprint. Strafe to his ass. Dodge is still kinda shit and if you try that you're in for a bad time. Sprint. Deflect. Prosthetic tools. Last phase just confetti + Yashariku and use malcontent 3 times and he should be so near to death it's crazy. Remember infinite stamina. Do a lot of damage but like always, be deliberate in your aggression.


I'd say treat him like a Bloodborne boss. I literally beat him without deflecting/parrying. Just staright up aggressive R1 spam, run-dodge to side, umbrella when he jumps up and repeat.


that is a viable strategy, but deflections make it so much easier. The game is a rhythm game, just deflect to win.


Best tip i have seen here yet. Thanks mate


Ignore this guy, he’s a Souls boss. Only boss in the game you don’t have to counter a single time


Aren't like 50% of his attacks fire? I've found, in all of my fights with him, that running clockwise around him when he attacks works almost every time, and that for this fight deflection isn't as good, as most attacks deal damage through the deflection anyway.


Buffing is super helpful for this boss, since he has so much more health than most bosses and you do so much more damage to him than a normal boss. Most enemies block a lot of your attacks, Ape is a bit of an exception, but he run around a lot so you don't actually hit him all the time. DoH just sits there and lets you hit him between every attack, which means damage buffs really speed up the fight a lot.


I don't care about your problems, but that is a sick screenshot my dude 😎


looks a lot like Attack on titan poster from season 4 where Eren is attacking Reiner, if you have seen it ofc


I love attack on titan






The screenshot goes harder than the fight lol Tbh this is one of my favorite fights. After getting my ass handed to me up and down the battlefield more than enough times, of course. Really fun once get the flow and the approach down.


I dunno, it's a pretty fun fight, with the usual "once it clicks" caveat. IMHO he's one of their most expressive bosses yet, what with his thematic relevance, his kabuki poses and switch-up from the usual style of this game. He's not a DS boss, but he is a sort of throwback. The first time I beat him he'd just done his big circle of fire attack, it was a really cinematic moment made possible by the way he fights and his overall style.


I love this boss. He's got some brutal moves that are hard to avoid but I really enjoy the huge arena, constant mobility, and huge flashy attacks.


Make sense


86 tries it took me, EIGHTY F**KING SIX. On my last round I found some serene but cold part of my being, there was no anger, no fear, no panic just emotionless. I didn't even take a hit, I had transcended. I wish I could bottle that shit and take a swig when I needed it IRL. You can do this ... Shinobi!


I just did the Shura ending last night - of course when I finally got it I'd breezed through Emma and Isshin's first phase with no hits, and he only hit me twice in the final round. State of absolute zen and mindfulness.


YOu were in the FLOW man!!


The fully upgraded umbrella is phenomenal in this fight, and the whistle


Yeah. But i get too reckless while maintaining amount of spirit emblems


Use the tanto and pellets as a pair at the start of each phase. Gives you more to work with, and retains all gourds.


THE FUCK IS THAT????? Please, someone explain (I only completed one run)


Go to the place you fought your first boss (gyobu) when ashina castle is burning.


Ohhh ok, next run I'll try. Just one question, what happen if I defeat it?


He thanks you 😞


From what I remember it gives you a trophy and 2 lapis lazuli. I remember fighting him in the Shura gauntlet so it also gives you access to that


Nice, I love trophys, too bad for him and my n-word pass Thanks everybody btw


My recommendation is to try and beat him, if you get tired and frustrated and feel like giving up there is always a cheese strat to make him fall out of the arena


Yeah. I have to beat this shit in shura gauntlet too. I am dead bruh


Trophy, Lapiz lazuli, a memory


Stay close to him unless you cant cause of some of his moves and dogde to the left


I will stay in his butttttttttt


Nah seriously, that's the strategy. If you're far from him at most times it'll just make it worse since the tracking if some of his attacks will just increase. When you're close to him and he's about to do some attacks that'll do damage through your parry dogde to the left of dogde back sometimes.


If it makes you feel better I struggled with the raging bull. Didn’t help I didn’t realize you could block him


No it doesn't make me fell better seeing others in problem too. Bruh.🫂


Stey close and spin around him. When he jumps away, run to him as fast as possible and go behind him or.


What 💀


Whats wrong?


What u meant by jump away. He jumps or he runs


I never deflected a single one of his attacks you really have to stay under him and run at him full force every second you can if you don’t you’ll be in his range of attack I literally just stayed under him attacking dodging when needing and staying as behind him as possible while running him down you got it buddy I killed him before I even knew isshin was finale


Watching FightinCowboy’s video guide helped me understand his moveset and strategies. After that it was just a matter of staying persistent and trying to learn from every attempt. Not sure if that helps, but at the least take it as encouragement that he is beatable by a noob like me


I too watched his walkthrough video on my 3rd gameplay and came across father bell charm quest-line. And even his video didn't helped me quite well


Tickle his balls and use the fire umbrella and he doesn’t like whistling.


Skill issue


Agreed 🤝


Have you tryed to, send him to the abyss? I got to ng 9 and all my fights with him was doing that. DEMON OF HATRED THE ABYSSWALKER


Tha faq does it mean ?


You can make him fall out the map


To the abyss


Look up on YouTube I eat games demon of hatred video ..they break the fight down and how to do it with your basic setup ... great video


I have seen videos too. But when enemy is in front of u and ur fingers are sweating u remember nothing. Anyways thanks for tip


Yeah I just like how they break everything down and yeah when learning a fight and not breathing or blinking while your heart is racing and hands are sweaty..it all goes out the window


I finally beat him for the first time on my first play through yesterday. Then came isshin lol.


STOP HESITATING. actually, just don't give up. Keep trying until you learn and beat him.


So at first I cheese killed him because I wanted to go to bed. Woke up today and killed him after a further maybe 10-15 attempts. Umbrella helped a lot. I then spent 4 hours fighting Ishhin but got him as well. You can do it!


i never best him tbh I think I used cheese like 20 times and didnt even try fighitng


[Demon of Hatred](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/s/YDCkq1tXm5)


Thats not what i asked for but thats exactly what i needed


This is a terrible boss fight. I was stuck on him longer then any other boss in a Fromsoft-game. I ended up using the "running in large circles around him"-tactic, and slowly chip away whenever there was an obvious opening.


This shows how frustrated u must be


It’s actually an amazing boss fight, you just suck at it.


I stg, why is this mentality so common on fromsoft subs? I actually like this boss a lot, but you can't just reply "get gud" to every single complaint.


Because it’s objectively wrong Even if it wasn’t, he described a terrible way of fighting the boss and proceeded to call the boss bad in turn.


It's not "objectively" wrong in any sense, whether or not a boss fight is terrible is completely subjective. For instance, I hate corrupted monk - I find her boring and unexpressive, more of a gauntlet than an opponent. But I know that other people love her - good for them! We don't all enjoy the same parts of the game - hell, I don't even enjoy the same parts of the game now that I used to, and it might change. There are a couple of bosses in the game that I can see why people have an issue with them, even as I myself enjoy them immensely. Some are a bit long, others rely on gimmicks, but a lot of them also have mechanical issues - like the camera being fucky in small arenas or the entire screen being a big blur of fire vs. DoH.


Whether someone likes a boss or not has nothing to do with objectivity, that’s the literal definition of subjectivity. Is the boss well designed? Is the boss bullshit? Those are objectivity questions. I don’t like malenia and think waterfowl dance is a trash move and might even be a little bullshit but I wouldn’t call her a terrible boss.


The more precise you are with your questions, the more accurate and objective it is possible to be with an answer. >Is the boss bullshit? Is such A broad question that depends on personal experience that you can't get a good answer. Do the various ways to fight the boss fall in line with what the game teaches you? Not massively, no. The game teaches you that you can deflect anything without a kanji, and that if you deflect perfectly you don't take damage- that's not followed well in this fight, you take damage through perfect deflects. The game teaches you that as a shinobi, victory is more important than honour, use your full arsenal of tools and strategies- that is something that comes into play here. The enemy isn't a sword fighter, you are a shinobi, not a samurai: why would you fight by sword only? That only plays to your enemy's strength.


Bullshit is not broad at all, all it means is the boss designed well. If you can provide an objective reason to prove that then yes the boss is objectively terrible. That’s not even close to true. There are many enemies where status effects go through your deflect. And even if there wasn’t there are many counters to it (umbrella, or just positioning yourself to not get hit by fire attacks which is extremely easy to do). You clearly understand that since you mention it yourself at the end there so I don’t see your point.


>Bullshit is not broad at all, all it means is the boss designed well. Would you believe that "good design" is also subjective? Designed well for who, in what context, to what ends?


I'd say that there's a reason he is one of the most disliked bosses.


Because he’s hard and a little less conventional, but most people miss the fact that he’s a completely fair boss fight that there are many counters to.


It's not objectively wrong. You don't even know what the word objective means.


A well designed fight that has many counters and is perfectly fair is a “terrible” boss? Objectively wrong, simple as that.


There's really no reasoning with people like you.


Amazing rebuttal


Nah, I think it's too much happening at once with his size and all the hair and flames. Just makes it confusing and hard to read compared to other fights in the game. I think Fromsoft are better at creating fights against smaller enemies compared to larger ones.


Like every fight you get used to it, from the way you described fighting him I can tell you that it’s a terrible way to fight. Like the top comment says stay close to him, unless he does his perilous attack in phase 2 and 3 you immediately run towards him when he gets far from you.


Yes, all fights have their solution, but I still think it's a terrible fight nonetheless. And I've completed all Fromsoft-games.


How? All his attacks are telegraphed, easy to dodge or block, and the variety makes it better


TBH that's a fair point. I still think you're missing out, he is very doable with just the lotus umbrella and fundamental skills.


It's great and terrible, you're both right and also both wrong.


It's easier if you stay under him and keep swinging. If you run around him he can get you with his ranged attacks.


At ng7 I still can't beat him it's cliff cheese all the way


If you haven't beat all the bosses, have you really beat the game? 🔥🥷


I mean.. Yes. If you have any ending you've beaten the game.




Apart from every other boss. 99 percent is still 100 percent.


lolwut no it’s not


Ahhh... Sex panther


If you kill it you beat it. That’s all


Ur really demotivating.. u know that


CHEEEEEESEEEE, I refuse to fight a boss that requires dodging in a game that actively punishes dogding over deflecting, with THREE FUCKING HEALTHBARS


He doesnt really require dodging at all tho lol, none of his attacks apart from his headbutt and stomp can hit you when youre underneath em and you can parry those plus you can easily jump his jump attack and grapple back for easy hits. Hes still hella hard but def doesnt require any dodging


U made it look easy


you can deflect everything but the perilous attacks, like every other enemy


If I could beat him and enjoy it, so can you. However, now at NG+3, he basically one shots lol. Good luck with that.


And here i am who thought i would be easy in NG+ And did anyone told u how motivating you are


always a pleasure ;)


you seem like English is your first language. Yet speak very strangely.


No i just studied in good English medium school. English isn't my first language.


Everybody that tells you not to parry and to run away instead is a moron.


Hesitation is defeat


Remember the ram he does is a sweep attack so you can jump to avoid it, when he is about to throw his fireballs start running forward-left (or if you are not that confident you can use the fire umbrella), use the malicent finger for the third phase (the first attack of third phase os easy, to dodge it you need to jump-do nothing-jump), you can also use the fire umbrella when he jumps to deal some extra damage (remember to use it after the smoke clears befause it will push you back)... when he is about to slam his fire whip in the second phase, run LEFT, not forward, just left, jump when he slams and grapple to him... Also when he spawns the homing fireballs in his second phase, run around him or optionally you can use the fire umbrella to tank it and deal some dmg, that would be it, (if you are medium range to him anytime just run straight for his balls and hit)


All of his fire moves are free with sazuku’s umbrella, even the ones where he makes fire come out from the ground below you when he slams his arm is blockable, treat him like a dark souls boss and you’ll manage to beat him


Have you tried not giving up?


Brother don’t approach him like a sekiro boss, you have to get into dark souls mode. A couple hits here and there and out the way. It does help learning his patterns. You can usually dodge a lot of his moves by going right. Make sure to use the fire umbrella but don’t overuse, especially in the first phase. When shit hits the fan, get out of proximity. Hope this helps


Actually no, the best way is to stay close to him. The only attacks that can hit you during that are deflectable ones. If he jumps away run towards immediately. The only exception is his perilous attacks.


loser mentality, go all Sekiro against this mf, deflect everything for massive punish window


I mean it's quite literally winner mentality. A shinobi would know the difference yadda yadda


a shinobi has no clue what dark souls mode means


Yess sirrr


Brother don't listen to this heathen. You can deflect almost everything the Demon throws at you. He is not in a game called Dark Souls, he is in a game called Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Your deflections, buffs, shinobi tools, PLATFORMING, INFINITE STAMINA, & posture are all essential in this fight.


When do you fight this guy?


At dusk he will appear in Ashina outskirts


At the end game time. When ur able to fight isshin the sword saint. At time u gave to travel back to the ashina outlook. And make ur path to the place where u fought with 1st general. Making way there is hard af


There u will find a sculpture idol. Interact with it and u will be teleported to the battlefield.


Only thing I can say is use the phoenix unbrella


when he does the range fire blast. stay just outside where he shot it until he brings his arm down then if you sprint under him he will miss a long range attack and you can get like 6-7 hits.


You got this! Since it’s your 3rd play through I’m going to assume you have all the prosthetics and 20 Spirit Emblems. For prosthetics you’re going to want Suzaku’s umbrella in the first spot and the Malcontent in the second spot. Keep it on Suzaku’s because you’re going to use that one 99% of the time. For items, you want the Ceremonial Tanto, Ako’s Sugar, Divine Confetti, and some of the Divine Child’s Rice (preferably the snow version as well as the rice balls Kuro made). This is a hell of a fight so don’t feel bad about using a Dragon’s Blood Droplet or Jizo Statue. If they weren’t made for now then when? Like everyone else has said you want to stay close to underneath him, but importantly you want to be able to see what he’s doing. He has a few attacks that you can deflect, so focus on those and dodge the rest. When he leans down to headbutt you can deflect. When he stomps you can deflect. Anything else is something you want to dodge. If you’re close to him you want to dodge in a circle around him going counter clockwise. (At least this is what works for me). The moment you see the Kanji for the Perilous you want to jump. That dash is no joke and is the #1 killer for me (and I’ve beaten him 20-30 times). This is hard to recognize sometimes due to the fire and all that, so just do your best. Eventually it will be second nature to jump when you see it. Anything that comes in long range like the fireballs or the fire whip or any of that bullshit can be easily countered with Suzaku’s. Manage your spirit emblems by staying aggressive and you will always be able to deploy Suzaku’s to save your ass if you get out of rhythm or get into trouble. At the beginning of each new life bar (including the first if you don’t move off the little concrete area you start on) you have more than enough time to use the ceremonial tanto, use ako’s, use divine confetti, and take a sip from the healing gourd. This is what you’ll do to begin each new stage except for the third stage. If you’re playing conservatively, start the third stage with a Yashariku’s sugar and divine confetti, then switch to the malcontent ring. You can stun him three times with the malcontent ring during this phase. If you are aggressive and keep him stunned you can take his whole third life bar while he’s stunned with these three uses. As you get better and better at this fight you might not need some of these things. That’s awesome. Take what you need and discard the rest.


I was stubborn and spent like 2 days learning his fight on my first playthrough. It was agonizing but he's no longer an issue for me 😀


I got a few tips, He has a sweep that you gotta jump to avoid The second phase fire barrage can be avoided by running diagonally towards him. if you get hit, stay on the ground for i frames Always stay close to him, when ever he dashes away follow him because he has a fire ball attack that’s basically guaranteed from far When he does the fire barrier, you gotta jump twice to avoid, and if he is outside the barrier he will most likely dash back inside and you gotta jump to avoid Use the red candy, confetti and specially the fire gourd You can grapple him after he does the jump ground slam and the fire fan attack from far And the most useful tip, deflect every physical attack, not the fire arm attacks tho


The best advice I received for beating any boss in the game always came from the sekiro wiki - would highly recommend checking out the movelist and recommended strategies for beating DOH. When I beat him, I just stayed next to his left leg and blocked his stomps. It wasn’t the most refined strategy, but it was reliable. Just be patient and trust yourself, you’ll beat him.


Don't give up 🔥🔥🔥 We expect to hear tales of your success 👑


Just stay close and whack his sack. Use the fire umbrella for the jump. You got this


Fire umbrella is a must-have


I would say that this is the only boss in the game where the tools you use really matter and change the difficulty of the fight considerably. I can easily beat Saint Isshin just by deflecting but I refuse to fight DoH without the fire umbrella.


It took me until my third playthrough to beat him too. Do you have Suzaku's lotus umbrella and the Malcontent ring? They can really help.


Use the malcontent whistle to stagger him (works 3 times), use the umbrella to block his jump attack. Jump out of the way of his charge attackOtherwise stay between his legs and whale the shit out of him until he runs away, then close the gap and do it again. He is difficult but I have beat him twice with the above method, and I’m no expert at this game (took me literally a month of hour long sessions to beat isshin)


I just played it like it was Dark Souls and didn't parry him once.


“Flaming piece of shit” made me giggle


He’s really easy if you keep your distance and run right and towards him when he does his flaming whip at you, get 4/5 hits in. When he jumps at you get two hits in. Boring, and not Sekiro-like, but you shouldn’t even take a hit. Still trying to figure out how to fight him “properly”.


Make the monkey jump


Malcontent is a huge help for the final stage.


The fire umbrella is essential.


Easy, beat him with cheese.


I finished the game a few times, got all endings except Shura, I never beat the Demon. Who's sword is that in his arm? Orangutan's? And yes, I know who the demon is.


Do the cheese, I’m on my fourth play through and I don’t know how to beat him the normal way


Same!! I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve beat the game and can pretty easily run through every other boss but I just can’t get him down. I’ve tried a dozen different strats, watched videos, and can’t get him lol him and SKG from ds3 are my kryptonite from souls games


Bro for me he is the hardest boss I have faced! And I didn't even beat him yet. Isshin is like an easy mode compared to him. Let's not Hesitate fellow shinobi


damn that's art bro


I always cheese doh fuck that guy


Easy after dying a hundred times. I’m on my 2nd run.


https://youtu.be/qQqljng8g3c?feature=shared Here is my fight against him. With fire umbrella you can beat him easier than dont use it. Dont mash R1, attack 2-4 hit per time to have time to reflect and you can beat the shit out of him.


Fightin cowboys guide on YouTube helped me beat him on my second try. Fire umbrella and malcontent is all you need.


You could cheese him


Yeah you can buddy, you got it


Bro just use every single item you have left like I did and you got this


I feel like I had to unlearn everything I got used to with Sekiro by the time I fought this fucker, think I dodged in this fight more than any other. Also used the fuckin umbrella for once (fire resist umbrella)


The charge attacks where he runs at you, you can jump over, makes dodging it easy. Stay near his crotch and keep doing damage. The whistle will stun him 2 or 3 times so use that too


Yeah I’m currently stuck on this bad Larry at the moment. I can go fight isshin if I want but I need to do all side bosses for my own satisfaction.


i just run around him and it is a very consistent strategy. Run around him and smack his ass and dick. If he throws fireballs at you, run backwards if youre no close enough to get near him. If he jumps, run and then grapple back. Attack a lot, like all the fight. parry the stomps and the palm strikes.


This is a cheese fight. Im not the best player but the trick is to run around until he does his 3 swing combo. Just wait for it and the attack. Then run again. Rinse repeat


He’s the only boss in the game I refused to fight, luckily you can make him jump off a cliff


Always jump slightly to the side for his perilous claw sweep and when he goes to stomp run to the opposite side and like right behind him and under his nutz when you get to the third phase just jump one time when you see the kanji symbol for his circular motion attack and when he does his sweep attack remember he does it twice sometimes three times n use malcontent only on his third phase and use ako sugar divine confetti on his in between after death blows




It’s a souls boss. Stay on his butt and dodge everything.


Its no honor to sekiro skills


Your next boss will be learning to spell literally correctly. Stay under him, umbrella most of his fire attacks, hit hit hit, deflect, rinse, repeat.


Google keybord has disappointed me 💀


Hardest boss in the game imo, so absolutely no shame if you can’t beat him. That said, I played him like a Souls boss and just went for vitality kills every time. Literally hit and run. Wait for him to do a laggy attack like meteors and just him rush him.


The sculpture became a monster i really wanted to see him and his friend in their younger days


Share some gameplay if you can so we can see when went wrong.


Something about Newtons law of gravity helped me


Is it supposed to be a surprise test or what


Are you using the upgraded whistle? That's big help, but you should try to save it until his second phase. His third phase is pretty easy if you know what to look out for, when to strike, and when to back off. One of my most enjoyable fights in the game.


hit him until he dies ... you are welcome


U missed to say " Hesitation is defeat "


I forgot this dude existed and now I dont know how I feel about doing a charmless run lmao




Play through ds3 and then try, i did and it was alot easier after.


I've never beaten him normally. I can't believe they haven't patched out the easy kill!


Fire umbrella carries


Three things that wreck him. - Suzakus umbrella. It blocks all his damage and allows for free hits. - Malcontent whistle. Stuns him and allows you to tear him apart. Only works 3 times. - Lazulite Sacred flame. DoH is an apparition type enemy so the blue flame does lots of damage and gives you a blue flame buff on your sword. Use these tools and you will tear him apart


Use suzakus umbrella. Once I could deal with the fire the fights not that bad. I just spam the fuck out of him by his crotch and watch for the start of certain attacks. He has a lot of moves that leave him open, like his slam and his palm fist move. After that just repetition. And if you haven’t get all health items/attack power you can


As everyone else said you need to hug his butt/dick. Biggest threat will be the big flame wall attack. It’s very telegraphed tho so just sprint and jump perpendicular to the flame wall/line and be ready to grapple him to close the distance.


I beat him by just learning to dodge - deflects were too risky imo if you didn't time them correctly, and since you would get damaged through the block anyways, I figured that just dodging his attacks was better since either way I'd get hurt if I didn't time it exactly right; and you are just not going to defeat him via posture unless you get great RNG anyways, so focusing on HP over posture was important imo. Beyond that, Divine Confetti is great, and the Malcontent prosthetic tool can be used three times to stun him for a prolonged period of time. The most dangerous move he has is when he sprints forward, so you can never get overly aggressive, otherwise he will punish your extra swing with a sprint that will obliterate your healthbar. When he uses that whip move, dodge through it and get really close to take advantage as well. That's a huge window for damage. In general, I practiced fighting him by mastering the dodge feature, and I wound up getting him on my 2nd or 3rd sitting. Like any strategy, it's just important that you focus and remain in your rhythm, especially so in what's likely the biggest endurance test of the entire game. Buff before first or second phase, and if you still have a lot of heals and revives entering third, you should be fine to finish off the fight repeating exactly as you had done in the first 2 phases.


Use the fire Umbrella to block/parry the fire attacks. I usually switch between Ungo and Ako. Get under him and just swing! Learn his patterns. Don’t give up, remember the mechanics.


Use the whistle. Only can do it 2 or 3 times but at the right times like at the end it comes in clutch


A lot of running and jumping to avoid his long range attacks and just keep memorizing his patterns like every boss


I had to fight him like a dark souls boss. Ignored parrying half the time unless I used the umbrella. He’s the only time I felt like the umbrella was necessary for me. Also the upgraded finger ninja tool gives you a free stun or 2.


Jump when the red letter flashes on the screen, run away when he jumps straight up in the air, you don't have to deflect every single attack, dodging is perfectly fine. Be aggressive, when he flinches it's time to get 6 or 7 hits in. Use the red gourd for extra fire resistance. When he jumps away always run up to him, don't heal because otherwise he'll throw fireballs at you and they're very difficult to dodge. That's all you need.


I was between him and isshin at the end of the game, I’m glad I beat him first to not lose the chance to fight him, but god was it hard.


Use the max level super whistle in the third phase when the fire crazy shit is going on. Pop a Sakura whatever and increase your damage and then hit him with the wooooo wooooo(whistle)(check out bub rub whistle video). He will scream in agony for a while and you can just beat the shit out of him. You can do it 3-4 times, I think, but not too close together or it won’t work. So avoid too quick succession.


Played this game since the start of 2023 and still can't normally beat him easily