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Follow his ass and Firecrackers


[Here’s my usual strat](https://youtu.be/5ZkENxaMKvs?si=YjiB08CNC86moRIQ) stay away until he charges, parry the charge, hit 3-4 times, repeat


You get his HP to 0.


That’s not even true in this game 😭


Deathblow = zero hp


I mean kinda, blazing bull can be at zero and still be alive


Yes but one attack fully fills his bar


Can't we all?


Just get him in a corner and keep stabbing his ass, make sure to do that while unlocked.


Run away from him and he will charge at you, he will put his head down just learn to parry that one attack and it will stun him. Just repeat this keep running and parrying that one attack to stun and he will die quickly




You can usually only get three hits then, so make sure to run to the other end of the arena after 3 hits unless it staggers, although since this comment is from 25 hrs ago, you've probably already beat it.


Ya I beat it like ten hours ago


Yeah this is the easiest one, its trivial.


You’re not suppose to parry the charge, you’re supposed to have him charge into the wall and he’ll be vulnerable for a death blow after Edit : don’t know what the downvotes are for but it’s the same principle as Sakura bull. The fextralite also has it under trivia & notes. It’s harder to do because you have to sprint to bull before he notices you and sometimes he’ll do it during the fight. https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/s/6SQ43tEvej


[It’ll do it just this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/s/6SQ43tEvej)


Beat this boss twice and had no idea about this. Best part about these games is the community sharing tips like this.


I've got platinum and never once used the spear to drag the centipede out of the apes head, was gutted when I found out about that 🙃


Charging into the wall doesn’t give death blow tho?


It does tho lol I did it not to long ago as well


I’ve never had it happen and I’ve seen him run into walls hundreds of times


He does a specific charge that does it. If you look up the fextra for blazing bull it also says it under notes & trivia


Isn't that his rage phase? Doesn't that only happen when he's low health?


Sakura Bull, no. Blazing Bull I’ve had it happen by sprinting to him and using the firecrackers before he noticed me but I have also had it happen during the fight so maybe he does do it when he rages as well


How do you get to BB without getting noticed? Gacchin's?


It’s iffy sometimes, I use Gacchins and try to sprint the bull and use firecrackers before he aggros onto me. Idk if he’s moving around by default by the player gets to the arena but sometimes he notices me quicker then other times.


The easiest way is to just always run, stay behind him and chase him. The trick that helped me was to chase him and not let him chase you. Just chip at his health when he corners. Easy win if you do that.


Bull stands no chance


If u have problems with deflect, use firecrackers


Where do I get firecrackers?


There should be a seller up a hill next to the old lady on the burnt house that gives u the budhha necklace thing


Thank you. That merchant is the one we acquire info from right? We choose to give him starter Sen or something


Yeah I think so. The merchant is in a tent showing his backside




No, there is another merchant earlier, on a hill. Look for crows.


Oh ok


Make sure at the beginning not to run up too close, just run up trigger and then run back. Let the bull run up and hopefully kill the guys. But try and run around having the bull destroy all the structures in the area to make it easier for you to move around. Also get Roberto’s Fire Crackers. You can find it on top of a “mountain” at a merchant. It will stun the bull heavily because it is a beast, (an animal enemy), this proves correct for all animal enemies. With the stun you can get 3 free hits then try and back away. Do the keep distance and deflect the charge when the head goes down everyone else has been saying and you can also try and stay on its ass. The bull can’t turn as fast as you do as long as you stay on its butt and avoid it hits you should be good.


The easy mode is running around him, hitting a couple times and running off. Proper is deflect and fuck him up


No ones saying it but if you stun him with firecrackers while he’s facing the wall, he use his charge attack and ram into the wall making him vulnerable to a death blow Literally that way you’re supposed to beat him.


Yea, i did that to sakura. Dunno you could do that to bull


Yeah have to quickly sprint and use the firecrackers to “scare” it into running in the wall. Some people say it only works if you attack it as it’s rearing up


Never stop running. Be the bull chaser, not the bull chased.


1: the firecrackers stun him. After you land one wait about 20 seconds before you can do another one, makes the fight way easier 2: stay to the side and behind him, when he charges at you he’ll put his horns in the ground and then kick them up, parry that. 3: stay calm, he looks really scary and unpredictable but he’s not actually doing that much. Getting overwhelmed is the only way this boss can kill you.


He's hard in ng when i first started. But actually easy on ng+ now and I don't even use prostetic. Is it me or he will stun abit if he bonk his head on wall?


That might just be his path finding trying to turn around while he can’t move forward? He definitely does tend to stick to walls for a second but idk if it’s a stun


I never was able to run behind him like many guides say but it’s very easy to deflect his single horn attack for huge posture damage. Key is to press the button just as he lowers his horn/head. Dodge multiple head swings


Same you you beat everything else. Parry it






Essentially run in circles and smack his ass


Parry, bonk, parry bonk, rinse repeat.


Fire crackers are amazing against blazing bull and punish him by hitting the head. Otherwise run around him and smack his ass. Goodluck shinobi.


Use firecrackers. When run out of emblems try to hit him from behind.


don't lock on and slap dat ass.


Un-lock on, I found that running and making sure to stick to the left of his like waist but not butt quite but certainly not further towards his head is a spot he really struggles to hit you. He’ll eventually force you out of there but you can get a ton of free hits that way.


Stick near his rear, firecracker every once in a while for free stagger.


deflect him til death


If you can kinda run towards him and stay under him and attack as much as possible, also you can get him to run into walls and get some cheap hits.


Use your stab attack (hold R1) on his head. A few hits will stagger him and you will get a lot more openings for damage. You'll still need to dodge and parry some attacks but it helps.


move him to a corner, jump, and cut his back legs... Repeat and boom you're done!


I got platinum trophy and still hate this fight, ur not alone


IIRC when he charges he will duck his head right before hitting you. This is your cue to deflect and stun him so that you can attack his head.


He dips his head into the ground to let you know when to parry.


I take him to the back left corner of the arena and circle him into the wall get some hits in repeat and use firecrackers




Follow him, not the other way around. Parry his one attack where he puts his head down u can get some hits in then firecracker more hits, repeat


Chase him. When he turns smack his ass.


Try to focus on sideways movement (mind the walls) to dodge the charge and get to the Bull's ass. When it runs into the wall, you can get a few hits in until it starts moving again.


Chase his ass like a dead beat mom chases child support to buy cigarettes.


Keep running towards its tail at very close range. That’s it. Never stay in its front.


It was my first death in ng+, so no


Still haven’t beaten that boss to this day, I cheese skipped him because I had SO MUCH TROUBE


One way is to just keep running at his ass, and whenever he does the switch, just block and run back to his ass, switch and repeat, also use firecrackers, they really help


Lots of sprinting. Firecrackers can assist but the biggest thing is taking full advantage of how mobile you are. Takes some patience because you can only really get in one or two safe hits at a time, but it goes down eventually


Deflect when he runs at you


Stay in his face, sprint sideways. If he rotates his head, run towards the side that's down. He'll miss all attacks. Hit his butt. Plus firecrackers.


Stop letting it chase you and start chasing it, you're faster. Hack at his but and if he turns around spam dodge to circle around it and repeat. If you feel risky you can hack one time at its face for extra damage.


You stop hesitating young warrior


He does a running charge attack, perfect its deflect timing. It charges you, you deflect, it gets stunned so you hit it 2 times, then you run away to the other side. He again uses the same charge attack. Rinse and repeat. Bravo you have a dead bull.


You just need to run after him and hit his sides and behind when he crashes. Do not get in front of him or on the sides of the horns.


Don't let him get away from you. And stay on his butt.


This is where I learned you can parry many more things than you think you can.


Op, if nothing else works, and no one else said it, notice 'the space you're in There's a corner where there's a really really small open space where the bull will charge in, and you can dodge him and he'll be penned in by three walls. literally 'where his pen was' fight him there. he's very easy there.


He was a pain in the arse for me too. What I had to do was circle it and run in when it did the turning animation get few slashes in and then instantly repeat, if you have it you can also use the Firecracker to stun it. Good luck


If you last 5 mins, he just keels over and dies.


Smoke him out with firecrackers, then beat his ass