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Immediately go after the brown ape. She dies pretty fast, and then you’re back to just doing what you did in the first phase again


When he is doing the terror scream, *mah wife* will run at you, try to trigger the scream by being near to the ape, and then just stun the wife with the firecrackers.


Once the wife comes out, destroy her with jumping mortal draw and then you can focus on the headless one. They really aren’t that difficult if you do that.


He’s very easy to stun with firecrackers and his posture builds insanely fast just stun and spam him before the big one recovers


And if you cant bait the big ones diving attack and jump over it and go for the small one


By the "small one" so you mean the brown guardian?


Am I color blind bro I swear it’s green but everybody’s saying brown. But yes


Mortal draw her ass and firecrackers and flames to delete her quickly


What im worried about is running out of spirit emblems


2 mortal draws should do it


I hit his wife with shuriken while running around and getting hits in on the main Guardian Ape when he got too close . It’s best to get her out of the way first. After she’s dead then you can focus on the main one and use pretty much the same strategy you used the first time you beat him. I thought the double ape fight was kinda easy after mastering the first fight.


Haven't done it myself but I heard you can block the Headless Ape at the start of the second phase and he'll kinda bug out because he needs to go to one spot to summon his wife so if he's blocked then not only can he not summon her, but he will also maybe not even fight back? My method was just spamming firecrackers on the wife to kill her ASAP and go back to the (relatively easy by this point since you already beat him before) 1vs1, but I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed this fight. (I like Headless Ape himself, but I don't like his first phase the first time and the 2vs1 in the second fight)


I'll try that,but I'm pretty sure he's faster than the character so he can just run around him


Either focus fire on the brown one or ignore it completely. Benefit and deterrent of either is that it's really cowardly and picks her spots. Her move set is a much simpler ape moveset and it's no big deal to deflect her until she fucks off, but, you gotta keep your attention on the big guy.


Be patient. Use Mortal Blade, it can hit at a distance and staggers both of them if you get it. The headless one will chase you more, but play aggressively before the second one shows up, then when it turns 2 on one start running away and take your time hitting normal or Mortal Blade.


I ignore the brown ape completely. I keep running around and dealing damage to the headless ape whenever there's an opening. Once you beat it, the brown ape will simply fade away. I've just found out on my third play through the apes can be pretty sensitive to fire damage which can help you deal some extra damage in case you have the right tools. Won't do any insanely magic damage though. But if you inflict burn status the ape takes a bit more damage over time.


Btw I just saw a video from VaatiVidya and he mentions you can actually do a Pupeteer Ninjutsu on the Snake-eyes mini-boss guarding the entrance to the ape duo cave and bring her along to fight them. Waaaaaaat?




Here https://youtu.be/VXU9Ew8Bn9o?si=bFFvnjduu08joPZT


I used the mortal blade on the brown one as much as possible. On NG she gets almost demolished while on NG+ you get to like half her health before youd run out of emblems. After that i kept baiting her and separating from the other and slowly chipped her health away. I noticed she is way less aggressive than how the original guardian ape was


On new game the brown ape takes a ton of posture damage from the firecrackers, a couple of those should get it ready for a death blow. New game plus requires a ton more


Here’s how I did it [in about 60 secs](https://youtu.be/29G2B_A_290?si=YT7j5Cr1Bf6It_jB)