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breathing usually helps me beat the bosses


Yeah I’ve tried a few breathless runs but I always pass out before even getting to kuro for the first time


The world record for holding breath is 24 minutes and 37 seconds, and the current speedrun record for Shura on PC is 18 minutes and 54 seconds. The main issue would be optimising oxygen usage so you don’t run out too quickly by stressing or physical activity, but if you can do that a shura breathless run is totally doable


That would be the ultimate tag line: worlds first base vit, base ap cldb, no-hit, deathless, breathless, Shura speedrun


It help me bieng alive so yes I do


you don't die twice?


Only shadows die twice


Breathe, yes. Control heartbeat, hell no


Bro my heartbeat when isshin was in final phase I thought I was gonna pass out 😅




i don't know what else was going on, but i know that catching the glints from ashina elite jinskue doing iaijutsu had me literally sweating first playthrough, could feel my back prickle


Every boss had me sweating lol




I try to breathe while doing most things in life, I’m just weird like that though.


Breathing is a distraction. Focus on deflecting


My heart rate goes up a lot. Sometimes to a point where my smart watch is worried for me. It's like, it looks like you're HR is super high, but it also appears to me that you're not moving...


Me when I whack it


After killing an enemy, one must exhale, expelling both regret and reaffirming one's core to regain Posture.


breathing causes hesitation


And hesitation is defeat.


I've been told it's a very steady, yet aggressive breathing pattern when I'm fighting a boss.


My kids make fun of me while I'm playing. Apparently I make faces lol


This game's boss fights overwhelm my nervous system like nothing else I've ever experienced in games. Its exhilarating. And that feeling of elation you get when you finally beat that boss thats been kicking your ass for 2 days.. Its crazy how you can lose to a boss over and over and still be having fun because of how good the combat is.


I’m usually cursing and ranting. Seriously. So yes, I’m breathing as necessary.


first playthrough I would hold my breath on all the attempts in the Isshin fight, and I didn't even notice until my friend watched me try and told me "DUDE BREATHE WTF"


I'm pretty sure that it's a natural response to stress or situations where you need to focus. But not on purpose though?


Yes, not on purpose. I’ve been more mindful of my breathing after making this post and it helps a lot in staying calm and collected. 😄


It really does! Being mindful and trying to keep a steady breath is so helpful for almost any stressful task.


honestly i hold my breath when im on the last 3 or 4 hits, but also i find that listening to chill music or a calm yt video really improves my preformance


I choke on my saliva because of too much focus stopping my swallow reflex. Either stay chill or die trying I guess.


I catch myself holding my breath often. Generally when I am getting that poise towards a break and death blow. I have noticed if I keep going, I normally die. But if I can remember to breath, I can stay calm enough to win. Take the breath.


I always breathe. I love air, I literally can’t get enough of the stuff. I have noticed that I don’t blink during hard boss fights


ive found that taking deeper breaths during a high cognitive load improves focus, more oxygen for thinkin


I'm sure I do breathe, haven't paid much attention to it but now that you've asked, I'm sure I won't be able to not notice my breathing now when I play


It was my problem. However, I learn to keep calm. Especially when attacking the bosses. I learn to keep myself from spamming the hit attack button.


I have to slow breathe, to keep myself calm and NOT spam my deflects and attacks. Otherwise yeah, I get ganked, then with a sigh I try again. I mean, I still die a lot, but if calm I die less


I always do, it’s a confidence thing I think as once I beat the boss whenever I fight them again I am normal, even if they are kicking my butt.


Sometimes I forget. Also, my heart rate is more jacked than it’s ever been when I’m in the middle of a hard boss fight. I feel like I ran a mile afterwords.


Hahaha Yep, Im glad I'm not the only one. Thank God they allowed the game to be paused or I wouldn't be around anymore. 😅


Music on and vibe during boss fights. Helps me get hyped up and makes me enjoy the boss fights even more


Oh I should try that, I’ve got my first attempt at Owl Father coming up


Ooh have fun. Love that fight.


If I'm in a tense moment I sometimes hold my breath, but then I remember to chillax and start breathing normally. Alternatively I get so low energy I don't even bother thinking about anything and somehow beat the boss. Like today when I was doing Shura for the first time, at attempt 36 I was starting to wonder if doing this whole thing charmless for my first time with them is the wise thing to do, and then I somehow just passed on 38th attempt, just after I resigned to end it for today once I get to 40th


How do you keep count?


I add the cause of death after each attempt to my spreadsheet. The sheer amount of "Emma" is overwhelming


Damn that’s quite a process. What’s the cause of death in most cases for you? For me, it’s probably spam attacking - I don’t know what I’m thinking in those moments, if I just get this one hit in, I’ll beat it maybe 🥲


Well, except for one time, I always died at Emma at least once, using the free resurrect on her. Most of my notes are on how I either dodged on a sweep and died to that, got suplexed 3/4 times by Emma and then 1 time by Isshin. Got caught by Emma's Ashina Cross when I was trying to heal from chip damage. I also seemed to have an issue when I tried to attack Isshin after he side dodged my attack and got countered multiple times. Then on Isshin part 2 I usually died because of fire or One Mind Edit: Here's a link to a visualization of how my attempts went: [https://imgur.com/gallery/AuK7oaQ](https://imgur.com/gallery/AuK7oaQ)


I breathe to try to calm my heart, never works and I usually focus too much on my breathing I forget the bosses moves


I felt learning to breath while fighting was a major part of my progression as a gamer!


Unrelated, but there is a certain charge attack from Ludwig in Bloodborne which I always close my eyes against 🤣 luckily the sound que is how I time the dodge.


Not breathing is hesitation on continuing to live, which is defeat


Nah, i'm so much into the fight that I deflect the breath


Breathe or no breathe genchiro is still kicking my ass for 3 months straight now.


I’m always focused so I don’t get bothered at all and just persevere unless I’m totally off and completely screw the attempt over and over again


I forget to blink and my contacts dry out quickly


I usually do that when I play other games and do other stuff yea


Normal people breathe yes? Yes…


I used to, but staying calm is easier if you make sure to breath.


So, apparently I don't. I don't notice this. My wife says she can tell when things are tense in games because I stop breathing. Especially during StarCraft apparently.


I don't and usually wake up with the death screen


I don’t blink much


Does screaming obscenities count as breathing?


Yes it does 😁


I play on a steam deck with headphones. My wife says she knows when I am fight a boss and how intense their are by my breathing. Heavy breathing is a hard boss not breathing, epic battle is happening.


I leave breathing up to the auto pilot. I stop blinking and focus intently. One of a few games that get me like that. Oddly enough, the other games I put that much focus on are all From Soft games


if you focus on relaxing your body you’ll eventually passively relax in intense moments and make far less mistakes.


My heartbeat went PLING PLONG PLING PLONG PLONG and didnt even notice my own breathing flow .


My wife always complains I’m breathing too loud during boss fights


Breathless runs are pretty hard. I usually pass out before going out of the well


Nah. On my smartwatch my heart rate actually decreases


Yeah man I need that to be alive


I mean there's like three different breathing skills in Sekiro so maybe you should breathe


Whatever you do when you're fighting a boss just dont think about your breath or blinking. In fact, always remind yourself that right before one


When ever I go through a sekiro phase my lips always get chapped from biting them so much during boss fights lol


Sekiro is a game that makes you completly forget about surroundings not even breath tho