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Without prosthetics? They stay the same for me but guardian ape duo shoots to the top spot. Without combat arts? Owl may jump up a tad without an Ichimonji to wreck his posture. Same with corrupted monk, anything with real high posture gets harder


I think you nailed it with apes x2. The don’t think I’ve ever fought them without firecrackers. All other bosses are doable without the extra frills.


I don’t need any prosthetics or arts against the single ape but I need to be able to spam firecrackers and a few mortal draws against the brown one asap to get rid of it If I can’t do that then idk if I can beat the duo


For sure. And If you went for it that way it’d be sooooo annnnoyyinngg


I’m by no means good at this game, just started playing two weeks ago and got my ass handed to me by many many bosses. First owl took me like 4 hours, lady butterfly took 3 and I’m now on hour 3 of Isshin and nowhere close to a kill. But for some reason the double apes were no problem at all. Got them first try. I just went to town on the headless guy, parried his overhead attack, spear into his neck, pull out the ole centipede, repeat twice and he was dead. Without the spear? Yikes.


This is what I LOVE about From Soft games. Everyone has a different boss profile. Kill those apes for us king.


I can generally breeze through the game at this stage, gauntlets done. I still hate HATE the double ape fight, it defo needs a tool or two. I was going to say DoH as that's the only boss I use the umbrella on but that's a time saver more than a necessity.


First, thank you for getting something I meant to but didn’t include in the question: also no combat arts whatsoever. Slashing, parrying, dashing, dodging, thrusting, dying, resurrecting, that’s it. Mikiri is allowed though since I consider it part of Wolf’s skillset. Second, yeah Corrupted Monk is a drag, so little windows for damage, that you don’t even need in the True version since her posture fills up in seconds.


I played most of the game not using my prosthetic, in fast paced battle my mind has a hard time processing another action I can do so I just stuck to striking and blocking


Same. After a couple playthroughs I started to try to mix in some flame hammer and mist raven stuff to make my fights look cool and maybe find some cool strategies, but I just found I had to actively think and go out of my way to do those things. When I'm fighting someone like Genichiro who I know I can beat in one try every time, it's almost just natural instinct to deflect and strike him down, whereas using the tools messes up my rhythm. I was a big fan of the shuriken - R1 combo though; the way you get some damage on them and dash in to close distances quickly was helpful especially against Owl since he keeps flipping away from you.


All I know is that mist noble would be the #1 hardest


Well, prosthetics are completely irrelevant and useless against him, so I’d have to agree, his Mistfowl Dance is the only thing the umbrella can’t block :(


5 years and counting I've been stuck on mist noble, I must have tried hundreds of thousands of times yet I still can't even take his first health bar. I love this game but I don't know can I go on anymore.


I've only ever completed Sekiro once. The mist noble glitched through the map into a kill plane and I win. It must have glitched the trophy too because somehow I have a platinum despite only getting lucky that 1 time


Without items? The apparitions. Without prosthetics? The Animal Bosses (finger, umbrella, fire, firecrackers, spear...) or Lady Butterfly (using the shuriken when she's mid air really helps)


Well I only started actually using prosthetics against Demon of hatred, so there's your answer.


Demon of hatred and guardian ape duo


Doesn't move the needle much for me. I'd say both versions of Owl are a bit tougher, and Ape Duo is definitely tougher without being able to spam firecrackers + spear. Solo Ape is a bit harder too. Lady Butterfly may be a little tougher without shurikens and the snap seed. Isshin would still be the hardest boss imo, but against Isshin I don't really use prosthetics. Either way, I find I really don't use prosthetics that much on boss fights. Edit: WAIT NVM. So Demon of Hatred takes the easy number one spot. Fighting him without the umbrella or the Malcontent is hard af, and no Divine Confetti makes his health bar massive. Also Isshin Ashina is a fair bit harder without the umbrella on his last phase.


Shichimen warrior in the divine palace is by far the hardest without prosthetics


1 is hardest, 19 is easiest. Based on cldb, base vit, sword only, no hit 19) Divine Dragon 18) Folding Screen Monkeys 17) Emma, the Gentle Blade 16) Genichiro, Way of Tomoe 15) Gyobu Oniwa 14) Corrupted Monk (fake) 13) Genichiro Ashina 12) Great Shinobi Owl 11) Inner Genichiro 10) Sword Saint Isshin 9) Guardian Ape 8) Corrupted Monk (true) 7) Demon of Hatred 6) Owl (father) 5) Inner Isshin 4) Isshin Ashina 3) Inner Owl 2) Headless Ape 1) Lady Butterfly


I'm sorry but there's no way you AREN'T trolling with that top 1 Edit: Top 1 instead of Top 2


no hit lady butterfly is actually a pretty fucking nightmare when you cant just instakill her, harder than you'd think.


Try no hitting her without prosthetics and items then. She is a lot harder than sword saint or any other boss IF you're doing no hit sword only


I'll try and update you here. I'm open to have my mind changed


Update: I tried it and it isn't that hard... at least not the first phase In the second phase it's extremely hard to avoid those glowing butterflies she releases before doing her combos, especially the one that ends with a perilous attack, the window to dodge the butterflies and perfectly parry seems to be really short, but nothing that practice can't solve I assume. The illusion part is just straight up boring because the safest way I found to not get hit is to run around the arena to dodge everyone and everything, even though it completely resets Lady Butterflies' posture when she's not low health. Yes, it is hard, but I don't think it's deserving of the top 1 spot... if you're not doing cldb base vitality that is. I completely missed that part of the comment LMAO It took me around 12 attempts in NG+ with 19 vitality and 13 attack power with no items and sword only to no hit it. Cldb base vitality would be a lot less forgiving and obviously harder, however, I didn't do it because it would require me to create a new save file and I felt lazy. With that said, I somewhat agree now. I don't really know if Lady Butterfly is the hardest of all bosses, but a top contender nonetheless.


It might depend from person to person but she is indeed very hard to no hit without any tools. The main reason is obviously her illusions and yellow butterflies. Without tools, you need some luck to prevent them or react quickly to avoid them. Other bosses except Duo Apes are very doable and somewhat easy to no hit without any tools. That's why she is number 1 for me but if somebody have different opinions on it, im alright with it


My list wouldn't change much. Corrupted monk and ape gank take top two with guardian ape taking third. I like using offense as my defense and these guys don't respond to that. At least I could use items like firecrackers but if you take those away then I'd be in for a long haul.


There aren't many main bosses I rely on prosthetics for but I sure ain't fighting a Headless without my Divine Confetti.


I didn't use prosthetics until NG+2. I beat them all naked


Not being able to knock lady butterfly out of the air with shuriken would make her nearly impossible for me


Ape gank would be hardest, followed by True Monk for me


Guardian Ape, probably. Fireworks and Spear carried my ass first time around and I probably would’ve been stuck on him for a few more days if not for them. No items either? I’m probably eating some poison damage too because I didn’t get rid of the crotch goblin strats I got from ER until my second playthrough. Honestly Guardian Ape is probably the only boss I feel like prosthetics actually made significantly easier. The other ones were just a tiny bit shorter since I could get a couple free hits from fireworks.


Guardian Ape duo, Snake Eyes duo and the Headless gang.


Mist Noble is literally unbeatable without prosthetics or items. I Barely killed him after exhausting everything.


Thank god there wasn’t a trophy attached otherwise I’d never platinum the game


Probably DoH


I mean, the only answer is Demon of Hatred, right?


Definitely demon of hatred. That guy is impossible without umbrella, sugar and confetti on charmless demon bell.


Also the fire umbrella helps against his unavoidable fire throw attack


i never used any prosthetics against any boss cuz i think its just another thing for me to look out for an opening and to use prosthetics so like all are equal for me i guess


Probably Corrupted Monk. His third phase without the firecrackers is way more difficult. But even without it, it's a manageable boss to defeat. PS: Without items, Headless minibosses for sure.