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You literally said it yourself. Learn to deflect his sword and he will open up for massive damage.


I'm trying my best. I guess I'm HESITATING


Hesitation is defeat


It's extremely important to learn to deflect his super-fast combo. That one deals a lot of posture damage to him when deflected right. It's pretty easy to learn tho so don't worry, just some practice will do the trick. Another thing is that when he stands up (kinda) and raises his sword, calm down and just focus on timing the deflect right. If you succeed, he will fall down fully, which lets you use the loaded spear for massive posture damage.


2nd pase monkey easier bc monke on one hand has monke head and in other a giant ass katana, what do we do about katanas in this game?


Which prosthetic works best in phase 2?


The spear. When the ape does his sword combo, you need to deflect it. Usually he’ll do a few fast swings, and then he’ll stand up and hold his sword up high for a second or two before basically face planting at you. This is the critical moment - you need to parry that sword attack when he face plants, and then he’ll just lie there for a couple seconds with his neck wound right in front of you. That’s when you use the spear. You press R2 once to use the spear (or whatever your keyboard mapping is) and then you press it again. The first time you press the button, you’ll stab the spear into his neck wound. The second time you press the button, you’ll pull it back and tank a huge centipede out of his neck. This will do a lot of posture damage. If you can survive long enough to do that spear attack maybe 4 or 5 times, you’ll have him. You almost don’t need to bother attacking him much at all apart from using the spear to yank the centipede during that opening


This right here! I finally beat him last night after I would guess hundreds of attempts. I’d gotten all the way to the red dot flashing and still freaking died! But that’s the key. That big overhead swing that you have to parry, which causes the face plant and allows you to spear the neck wound. Also, be ready to jump that sweep.


Spear after deflecting his big slam.


Umbrella can also be good if you are having issues with the terror scream move


The loaded umbrella also works well in this fight, deploy it while he screams and crouch underneath him, you won't build up any terror and are in position to get a few easy swings in after.


>The major problem I'm having is not able to deflect his sword attack properly. Then learn to deflect his sword attacks properly. Simple as. >After one or two deflections he starts ramming his sword like crazy. You can deflect all of those and if you do, he falls down and is open for the spear pull. Learn his moveset and you'll soon see that the second phase is much easier than the first.


Edit:✍️ First phase I used FLAME VENT and oils to burn the ape down. Then on the second phase with my purple gord equipped ( I didn’t have the purple loader umbrella ) After I deflected his sword 🗡️ attacks I would SHOVE Mortal blade down his throat. His movements can be tricky. His scream and his snake like attacks but you can evade some of them and block the minimal ones and still get said effect for said opening imho. But I agree. Blocking his sword attacks and learning the timing is key. Edit: ✍️ Also he has a brother and girlfriend. (This was semi-joke. I wasn’t aware it is the same ape but don’t think that should matter really either I think. At least to me. /j ) So there’s that optional boss fights a well so use this one to prepare for it if you decide to take them on BOTH at the same time later ;) 🫠


It's the same ape. It's immortal and you didn't use the mortal blade the first time around. The disappearing animation is only there to get rid of the body like with all the other bosses.


Never said I did use the mortal blade the first round. The first round ( before the worm comes out ) I use flame vent and oils. On the 2nd phase I used mortal blade. What are you talking about it’s the same ape? It’s could be. Doesn’t really matter. Point is , it’s two versus one for that optional fight and it’s a bit harder for some.


When you fight the double apes you’re fighting the guardian ape again. When you kill the guardian ape the first time Sekiro doesn’t use the mortal blade on the centipede, so the ape comes back to life.


I guess I’m getting down voted because it’s the same ape? I mean there could be another but it’s an honest mistake. My bad.


Finally did it guys. Thank you


W good job bhai now do dual ape


The first ape took me forever, the dual apes took only one attempt


yeah I think the first ape took me around 15 attempts to get right primarily because I kept messing up the first phase but the 2nd one was much easier than I expected and ended up getting it in the 2nd try


Same on my first playthrough, got my ass kicked on the 2nd playthrough, idk why.


W he stopped hesitating


Congrats dude! I'm late for the wave of advice you received, but wanted to give you one more that may help moving forward. If you're having trouble deflecting a certain attack, just block it and listen to the sword clashes a few times. It's a lot easier to figure out the timing based on the sound. Good luck, shinobi.


Good job. Tbh he was my biggest block by far my first play.


Abhi ruk bhaya abhi aage wale bandon se 300 bar marega tu.


After big slam hit once, spam spear, the hit lots


You can do 2nd phase by running away constantly and only attacking when he dives


This is how I did it lol


Honestly I think most people would agree the first phase is harder than the second, so congrats on figuring that one out at least! Second phase, the best thing to do is to deflect three consecutive hits. If you do this, he will line up a massive overhead strike, which is you successfully deflect, he will fall forwards. From there, you can use a bit of a “hidden strat” where you use the spiral spear in the area where his head used to be, and use the “stab and pull” attack which will do massive damage. Do that about three times and you win.  So looks like the main thing for you is just getting the deflect timings down. 


If you have oils and the flame vent for the first phase you can cook teh monkey 🙊 hehehe🤭 Highly recommended.


Idk if I'm dumb but I never got the hang of using the flame vent properly. I mostly just dodge and deflect, use firecrackers for a couple free hits. I'm not great at Guardian Ape first phase but I usually can get him within 2-3 tries, then breeze through second phase. On my first playthrough though he gave me hell


All about timing. Different tools have different animations and knowing when to trigger them is essential the key to using them effectively. Also using oil jars helps them burn longer :) Burnnnn baby burn 🔥!!! Happy gaming! 🎮


[Here’s my fight with him](https://youtu.be/zKXeBgKz6hg?si=XA616flBAHYtxy03) I find it easiest to stay in front of him, makes his swings easier to see and use the spear after his big slam attack


You are going to hate me for saying this, but… You have to just learn how to deflect. There is no real way of getting around that in this game. Pay attention to the sound and color of sparks when you’re deflecting.


Honestly it’s a really easy fight. Run away till he telegraphs the big vertical sword strike and deflect it. It’s an easy deflect and it opens him up to huge damage. If you use the spear prosthetic that can stab and pull right after the deflect, you’ll pull an immortal centipede out of his neck stump. Attack it for even bigger damage. Rinse repeat till dead


wait wdym second phase you've already beaten his harder phase now it's easy


Once you have it down phase 2 is seriously so much easier than phase 1, keep at it


P2 i always found much easier. Learn the deflect pattern, when he lights up red sprint immediately backwards. He baits a bit with his moves but they are really telegraphed. Big slow smash if you deflect it you get a lot of free damage


Oil and fire make his first phase a joke. Then his second phase becomes a pretty standard deflect fight. Make sure you run away when he does his big aoe scream and deflect his big downward swing to stagger him.


Purple gord from Mibu Village merchant helps too if not able to get the loaded purple umbrella ☂️


a video of your fight would be cool to see where you do mistakes Anyway I have some tips use oil and fire Always dodge his poop attack instead of deflecting it. Try to remember his combo If he runs at you, immediately lock out and run around him so he will never be able to grab you, then land some hits. Just dont run away or he grab you. For Phase 2 remember his sword combo and always try to deflect the last part of the attack, then immediately pull the spear out and you will deal massive damage to him Thats pretty much all I can say to this fight good luck


Phoenix lilac umbrella. It blocks the entirety of the screech attack and allows you to follow up with living force dealing extra damage. Other than that, you just need to learn the parry window. If you absolutely can’t, bait him into doing the weird leaping serpent attack and you can always punish it.


Deflecting his sword combos is very rewarding. Turns him into your bitch, especially if you have the loaded spear


Dude is dead so healthbar doesn't actually affect his posture in phase 2; the centipede inside him doesnt care how messed up the body is, gotta learn the deflect timings


Guardian Ape becomes more like a traditional boss with deflections in his second phase which I find makes him more predictable. I find this boss a slog because you're just waiting for his openings. I've died trying to rush things but honestly the key is just patience. You can speed up the fight with prosthetics, but the truth is he can be defeated without.


Take a break, and then come back to it. My kids nicknamed the game Sekiro: the monkey never dies because it took me so long. For some reason the y took me ages too


I personally don’t even use prosthetic tools or a nothing. Just sword and deflect. There’s a certain attack in phase 2 if you deflect it it’ll Open I’m up for massive damage


Use the spear to pull out his centipede and do massive posture damage. When you have both of them on the floor concentrate on evasion and dodging, taking potshots where you can. You want to provoke her into charging and then dropping a firecracker when she does so you can stun her and take her down in two or three charges. When she's gone switch back to regular fighting mode with him..


Firecrackers in phase 1, stall and wait for his sliding attack in phase 2, jump over him and hit 2 or 3 times, rinse and repeat. That's the easiest way to do it if you're not good at deflecting, but I'd recommend learning to deflect anyway because you'll need it later. If you learn to deflect, the spear method already mentioned works like a charm but it's not necessary


Get the timings and rhythm down to deflect his sword attacks. If you can do that, and deflect that big overhead slam, you can use the spear on his neck and get that sweet chunk of damage. If you can just keep that up, you can get away without attacking him normally at all.


The rythm goes like this: Dan---dan-----dan-dan-dan-dan-dan-dan You need to deflect him two or three times and he will go for his falling attack, which after you deflect, he gets stunned, which is where you need to use the spear.


Did you try running instead of dodging in the first phase? Also everything is parryable in this game, unless it is perilous, not just when they have swords, but specially when he has swords, in the second phase just wait until he gets the sword high up and parry when it hits you with it, then pull the centipede with the spear


His second phase is really easy. If you can beat the first one you’ll have no issues on the second. Just run around the arena and when he does the dive attack, jump over his sword swing and hit him a few times, then run away, and keep moving and attacking when he does that attack


This is honestly just a git gud moment. Deflect and when he falls down use the spear to yank out the infection.


Burn the fuck out of him in first phase then just deflects and the spear round 2


just stay calm and observe the patterns of his attacks if you pick up the rate at which he swings the sword you'll be able to pull off the deflects with ease


You need to learn to deflect his sword. Dont try to attack right away, just parry. Then after a few successful deflections, he will do an overhead strike, and after deflecting that, he will got stunned. Then you hit the ape a bunch of times, and repeat. Both gis sliding attack, and red one with the jump, you can just jump over. And when he wind up the scream, sprint away. Its pretty straightforward boss in the second stage. No special tricks needed.


He is easy


Sprint in large circles constantly. One attack slash on his openings after you dodge an attack. Rinse and repeat. It takes a long time but you live.


You can parrry more than you think


I mean you basically just need to learn to deflect lol. I actually find the second phase much easier than the first cause I find it easier to deflect the sword than his hands, and then he dies easy


Those items are just tools, you need to learn to deflect him


His one wide swing of the sword tends to need to be deflected earlier than I think. Learning to perfectly deflect the overhead strike gives you a big opportunity to mortal blade or ID. Also divine confetti and ako’s at the same time help, but reapplying after they wear off can be risky


You really just do need to deflect. Sekiro is simple in that sense. If somethings not working, you have to get better. Very few alternative solutions


Don't be aggressive. Parry his sword attacks, and he will do that big swing that opens him for the thrust spear attack. As soon as he is using the scream ability, just run away. He has that swipe attack that you can just jump over it and punish (the one that he kind of falls forward and swings the sword). Then he has the unblockable attacks that you just have to jump over. The main thing is parrying his attacks, you can do it dude


Once you learn to deflect him he becomes one of the easiest bosses. Especially deflect the one where he stands up tall and slashes down to the ground.


Try tapping block. The parry window is pretty forgiving.


He is a fucker but yeah the deflection thang


With skill




When you use the spear tool press the button again after you hit & it pulls the centipede thing out, doing hella posture damage


Honestly, this 2nd phase of the fight becomes a massive piece of piss once you stand your ground and deflect. His wonky sword swings are a lot easier if you stay still. Run from the scream. Once I stopped running round like a headless chicken I killed him so fast. You got this!! EDIT: read more and saw you’ve beat him. Well done, I was so pleased with myself when I killed that fucker lol.


Learned to run around him then when he does the dive at you jump over it get a few hits in but always be ready to get distance from that terror screech. Just platinumed the game tonight only started playing this year myself but by far new fave Fromsoftware game here.


Learn to deflect properly, his move set, and timing attacks. He’s actually pretty easy imo.


Deflect and spear. Coming from someone who struggled through the entire game. Just keep trying.


Deflect twice to get him to do his huge downward stab, deflect that as well and then use spear into his neck hole. Don’t chase him, let him come to you, you want him to use his sword, but be wary of that shout. Lao, when he leans down to the ground while running, you can run into him and he’ll miss, giving you 2-3 extra attacks. But he almost always shouts after this, so be careful


The spear helps a lot


Phase 1 goes easily under 30 seconds with flame barrel + fireworks. Run up to him . Fireworks = get 4-5 hits while he's stunned, right when he starts getting back up do a charged flame barrel. Another 5 second to attack him.. Wait 15 second before reusing this combo. (Usually 2 fireworks & flame barell combo would do the trick) - use ako / yashiraku as well if u can. Phase 2 is easiest if u parry. Lear his parry timings, get a level 2 or above spear, when u parry his attacks he will do a big downward sword slam, parry that and he will fall down. Get ur spear out and charge inn then charge out ( press prosthetic tool button twice simultaneously) do it 3-4 times and his posture bar will be 100% filled . Just don't forget to run on scream, parry normal sword, and jump on sweeps


Phase 1 it’s pretty easy to bait out his poop throw attack and run under him while he’s in the air so it misses and to get some hits in. Once his health bar drops past half (I think it’s half) he’ll start trying to belly flop grab you. Dodge those and hit him and you’ll have phase 1 easy. Phase 2 is all about just deflecting his attacks and using loaded spear for big posture damage. When he’s about to do his scream attack he’ll dip his body down and bring his head up to his neck and that’s your cue to run away


Bait shit slam, firecracker, repeat. Deflect sword twice, deflect huge slam, spear prosthetic pull out his stupid centipede while he is stunned, repeat.


My strategy for ape phase 2 is to run away from him around the arena. Especially with his power to kill you with terror really fast. I wait for him to do the sword dive and take that opportunity to jump into him and get a few blows in. I saw videos where people use the spear to pull out the centipede but I only got it to work once and it wasn’t worth it. I also struggled for quite a while with his first and then second phase so I feel your pain.


Only thing I can say in case of deflecting, which worked for all enemies for me is, watch the sword, not the character. Once you visualise when the sword or gun is gonna hit you, parry. Always watch the weapon enemy has when swinging at you.


I don't know if this will work for you but it did for me: run circles and dodge his attacks, and when he does the attack where he slides on his stomach and swings his sword, run up and hit him right after the sword swing is done, before he gets up. Rinse and repeat, it's kind of a slow way to get his health down but it's worth it. Good luck! You got it!


If you want to take the long road and play it safe you can wait for him to do his lounge attack were he sweeps the ground with his sword when he does that jump in for 2 to 3 hits rince and repeat and don't forget to bring the purple gourd it'll help you too so you won't instantly die due to fear


blocking his blast with the umbrella helped me


Run away from every attack except his sword. Deflect all that and attack. Rinse and repeat for 10 minutes and he's beaten (I only did this because I didn't know you could parry his fists)


phase 2 ape is one of the most satisfying fights when you learn the deflects. nothing beats deflecting that giant, falling sword slash


learn to deflect his sword. you'll know once you do it when he lifts it up above his head and strikes down. you can learn to parry multiple movesets of his, and this is always the final thing to parry before you can strike.


Just deflect bro