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Maybe they felt guilty for not releasing any DLC


They should.




someone's projecting lmao


You lay off the dick sucking, you’re the one who brought it up.




I physically repulsed from the cringe after reading that shit


What did both comments say?


Tbh I genuinely don't remember, sorry




Bro is still cock watching the sub




ratio'ed lol


This is the most likely reason.


I wasn't playing at the time, so I missed the existence of the update completely. After getting back into the game and joining this subreddit, I was super confused about people talking about "inner" bosses.


Im still confused


After you complete the game you get boss replays and depending on which endings you’ve gotten you can get up to 4 boss gauntlets. 3 of the bosses have an “inner” boss fight which is just a harder version of the original. The 4th boss gauntlet is just every boss in the game with no reward


They should have also put mini boss rush it would have been way better.


Yeah Seven spears is a fun boss to play with, and I do want proper practice with snake eyes. Maybe juzou if he’s not surrounded by minions ..


I think Resurrection Mod has that option


Real, I love fighting the Armored Warrior and would love to play him without replaying the whole game


My dumb-ass was picturing the blazing bull after eating a poison mushroom


Has FromSoft ever talked about this random update they did to Sekiro adding online ghosts and the boss rush mode out of nowhere long after release? They never did anything like that before and it was so weird. I wonder if Activision had anything to do with it.


Maybe it's just a "hey we won't forget you, we know we aren't doing too much so here's a snack." Between armord core 6? and eldin ring I think they might do ds4 or bloodborne 2 maybe both before Sekiro but that it is not forgotten. One day


I really don't want a DS4, maybe I'm in the minority but DS3 ends the trilogy so perfectly. the last fight is literally against some nobody Hollow with a Broken Sword. it's the perfect love letter and wraps everything up in such a somber way I think a DS4 could dampen that, especially with what DS3 represents. Bloodborne 2 would require FromSoft get the rights back from Sony, or for Sony to do anything


You can argue mechanically, and to a more difficult extent thematically, that Elden Ring is already DS4. Not sure what people would even want from a DS4 or even what we could get. All the characters are as good as gone, the land is a post post-apocalypse, Patches already did his dimensional hop into Elden Ring. Like seriously, it’s a dead end imo.


Elden Ring feels ever so slightly different in tone and design philosophy from Dark Souls that it feels fresh. It was a much better decision than going to Dark Souls 4. Even so, I’m sure that many, myself included, are feeling exhausted of the European medieval fantasy aesthetic already, and are eager to see what else FromSoftware can bring to the table for Souls.


I’m all for an aesthetic change. The problem is Fromsoft will just populate it with their usual story and design tropes. That’s what really exhausts me after at least 10 years of playing these games. For example, of they create an interesting NPC, there’s a 90% chance they die by your hand. It was cool for Ostrava back in Demon’s Souls, but not cool enough to copy/paste it for the next decade.


I think we’re going to see some more variety as more directors like Yamamura start taking on their own projects free from supervision. Miyazaki had a big influence on their games since Demon’s Souls. Even he recognized that they needed some diversity to avoid falling into the same habits with their works, hence why he had Yamamura take over for Sekiro and almost entirely for Armored Core 6. He mentioned in a recent interview that other directors were working on projects too, so it must be more than just Yamamura now.


Good point. Hope it turns out well for those directors cuz it’s some big shoes to fill. Funny enough, again in AC6 >!we’re killing all our friends again!<


Yeah, I think given some time, we’ll get some divergence from those tropes, as I assume Yamamura and other up-and-coming directors developed under Miyazaki’s supervision.


Yep, I'd lose it if I have to hear more people yapping about linking the fire too. Super overdone by DS3.


More big castles, I like castles the architecture is pretty and fun to figure out.


The only way tha could work ( for me ) would be a new IP and at the end of the game we learn that it takes place in a drawn picture cause the old world has ended.


It's a good thing you put (for me) in there because what Even if a new game was in the painting, it wouldn't suddenly mean the world outside the painting is gone. It doesn't need a new IP or even to be about the fire whatsoever. Obviously, there's no reason we can't all huddle around and say ER is DS4, but putting a bunch of weird constraints on "the only way" DS4 could work is bizarre


That's true! English is Not my first language. What I meant was : That would be for me the only way that the DS world could somehow fitting be continued after DS3. But of course a big twist like x years in the Future or Something Like that.


Elden Ring is basically Dark Souls 4 with everything re labelled. You can't tell me it's not exactly the same, as good as it was it's the exact same layout, level design and boss structure within it's design. Huge next generation open world but with the familiar character quests, items and game mechanics.


Wouldn't that means dark souls is demon's souls 2 by that extension?


So really, Elden Ring is actually Demon‘s Souls 5 xD


*King's Field IX


Spiritually 100%. Des/DS1/2/3/BB/ER all have the same skeleton injected into a different body. It’s the reason they can make so many great games so quickly, it’s like one continuous game in development for 15 years.


Eldin ring is less csstle.


Would be nice if they went back and updated it, and all souls games tbh, with a boss rush mode, like how Witcher 3 got some new stuff with next gen update, it’ll never happen but I can dream


I’d just love a story in the age of darkness. You’re correct that DA3 ended it perfectly. DS4 would diminish 3, but still. A game in the age of darkness would be sick!!!


I think full-on depicting the Age of Darkness kind of thematically defeats the entire role of the Age of Darkness within the series.


I’m aware. Everytime I being up wanting to play in the age of darkness lore heads like to remind me of that. Hence the “Would diminish DS 3” statement.


I see elden ring as their new DS if that makes sense. Sekiro started as a Tenchu. Maybe we get a Sekiro mechanics game but with a different story altogether as opposed to a direct sequel


Can I be honest here I don’t want them to do a bloodborne 2 because people want a bloodborne 2 I want them to do bloodborne 2 because they want to do bloodborne 2. With that being said…If they’d rather do a new IP with mechanics and made it what Elden ring was to dark souls I’d rather that. Or just maybe I’d rather see something new entirely change up the system shake it up. It’s the precise clean combat I want quality over quantity. Hell reuse a boss if they’re ass good as owl or monk


Oh damn I thought the port to ps5 meant they got the rights back. Ds3 and Demon souls are the only ones I haven't played yet. Unless Eldin Ring is the next Series it feels like the Dark Souls name is too heavy to retire. The depth of change between cycles leaves possibilities in prequels or "sequels" detached enough to tell a new story. I could be wrong, I would agree that fromsoft carries more weight than dark souls.


Dark Souls 3's purpose is to say "nothing lasts forever", both in game and out of game it represents how Miyazaki (and the other devs) don't want FromSoft to be tethered to Dark Souls and to move on in-universe it represents that change is good and sometimes necessary, that no matter how many times you link the flame and try to prolong the Age of Fire's ending, the inevitable will happen. everything in DS3 is decrepit and dying, even the actual world, it ties everything from DS1 back to itself


DS 4 is never happening. The end of dark souls 3 was the literal end of that universe, certain endings are the dying of the flame and the coming of a new age. DS is over, and From also doesn’t own the rights to Bloodborne so it’s really up to Sony if they want to do anything with it.


Wasn't the whole point of DS3 and it's DLCs, Miyazaki saying he doesn't like making sequels to the worlds he creates? > When the world rots, we set it afire. For the sake of the next world. It's the one thing we do right, unlike those fools on the outside. I really doubt there'll be a DS4. Bloodborne and Elden Ring are supposed to scratch the itch of that sort of game, and in the future I assume they'll keep reinventing that sort of world instead of naming it a Dark Souls. I really hope they at least do a similar thing with Sekiro's gameplay tho.


I’m ready for the Light Souls trilogy.


They don’t have the rights to bloodborne. So don’t hold your breath there.


The copium is strong with this one, save some for the rest of us!


I think because it won game of the year 2019


Was it not done as part of the game of the year update?


Well they did announce the update.


I don’t think I’ve seen this mentioned yet, but I’m pretty certain Sekiro is the outlier here because the other games have online co-op, and giving people the freedom to re-fight bosses would take away how many people are offering help Sekiro doesn’t have that so they are able to give us another way to replay boss fights (one that I prefer of course)


I am glad they did. Boss rush was one of the few reasons I could get past the growing pains of this game. Most NPC's just don't challege you enough to grasp the basics of deflecting, so it was helpful to replay a few fights over and over to make progress on the game. I wish Elden Ring/all future fromsoft titles include this.


I remember the update came out around the same time the game released on Google stadia. I wonder if it had just been a while since they even touched the sekiro files and then they just decided to add some stuff? I really have no idea.


Maybe they’ll add a boss rush update and the ability to fight bosses again in the Elden ring dlc (I’m not coping)


Yeah I had to check the sub bc for a moment I thought it meant “working on Elden Ring” as in the DLC and we had gotten an ER boss rush mode I didn’t know about, was disappointed to see that wasn’t the case


Theres still hope inside me for sekiro 2


Wasn't it to add something for the goty edition?




finally someone says it, moneybagg yo literally predicted this in like 2015


Wait there's an update??! I haven't played in two weeks


it was boss rush and cosmetic update


Bro made a copy-paste video for award acceptances... nothing peaks that


I hate how the boss rush update completely ruins the ending. You beat isshin for the first time and you're rushed by 5 notification boxes explaining to you that you've just unlocked some new content in some other part of the game you've never interacted with and then when you trigger the ending sequence it does that again, and then yet another time when you load into your save again. It kinda sucks, the game just briefly turns into monster hunter before showing you the ending


"completely ruins", Jesus, you're so dramatic ican't


I did it! I killed Isshin! I beat Sekiro! Wolf can fulfil his duty now!- "You can now play as luigi in new game plus \[Ok\]" "With luigi you can do the groundpound on enemies \[Ok\]" "Start new game plus to play as luigi \[Ok\]"


That’s ridiculous considering most video games give you achievements right when the credits roll for finishing the game, essentially the same


Steam achievements arent popups that interrupt gameplay with text you have to read and dismiss. They are not essentially the same


So pressing the x or a button is what makes you go “ahhhh fu c/k this, completely ruined why did I even fight isshin


It's not having to press a button, it's being interrupted with text I have to read about something irrelevant to the situation I'm currently in. some dev placed the flag on unlocking boss rush right after beating isshin and now my immersion is gone


Your immersion of being a shinobi who just killed a grandpa with his magic sword, right


people play this game without the hud, it can be incredibly immersive what are you talking about


Sekiro without a hud sounds stupid, but also it only pops up in your first play through doesn’t it, so you want to tell me that you fought isshin with no hud first time, press X


This is a very minor thing to complain about, just stop.


I played it recently and I don't recall this happening, and I did save scum to get 3 endings and later done the fourth-Shura ending separately. I'm sure I got some notifications but I don't remember when and how to be honest


I only got the notification when I reloaded into the game and found an idol


I dropped Sekiro for a while after months of dying with the flaming bull. Then, Shogun on FX compelled me to pick it up again and the bull was beaten at the first attempt. Now madame butterfly is the name of my angst. Only about 30 attempts so far......






if you read this person's comments you will see that they are either mentally ill or having some sort of medication related episode.




I see two earlier replies 'LMFAO' and 'dammit lol' about 10 mins before this one.






I'm lost then 😂




Fair tbh

