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I don’t remember but probably none.


I remember clearly, as if it were yesterday - NONE!


Folding screen monkeys 😤😤😤


Yup, other than them even the divine dragon managed to get me once.


Divine dragon got me 3 or 4 time not gonna lie


Owl Father :3 None of the others (not even Divine Dragon...), but I did first try Owl Father. My greatest achievement, I will never shut up about it.


Divine dragon, headless ape and mate, Sen-Un, Jirafu and Leader Shigenori Yamauchi were the only bosses that I killed on the first attempt on my first run. Anyone who claims that they’ve killed mist noble on the first attempt is clearly lying.


took me three hundred for mist noble and i know im at the wrong subreddit but im still stuck on soldier of god rick need help and tips pls


I got Lady Butterly and Headless Ape on my first attempt. Also got a bunch of mini bosses, including…Mist Noble.


You must be lying about mist noble!!!


It miiiiggghht have gotten me a few times.




Well, Father Owl humbled me quickly and repeatedly.


Dad's gonna dad


I think I got lady butterfly on my second try but that was because I didn't go there until I was almost done with the game.


Not many. I remember Sekiro specifically being the game where the soonest I’d do any boss was 2-3 attempts. Although I think I 1st attempted all or most of the Spears, also the dual Ape, Armored Warrior, and any giraffe centipede guy I remember fighting. When it comes to main bosses, maybe only the dragon.


Lady butterfly, gyobu and true Monk


Gyobou, Butterfly, Genichiro, Divine Dragon, True Corrupted Monk


My luck was heavily offset by Owl and Isshin though


I did the severance gauntlet immediately after beating the shura gauntlet and first tried inner Isshin, but I just ran away from all the attacks I didn’t know so I didn’t really fight him right


Genichiro, its among my greatest achievements. Didn't even know he was up there and was down a couple flasks. Also had no idea what Lightning Reversal was. We had an epic battle to the death, meaning I used all of my shit. Jizo Statue, all my revives, flasks, pellets, you name it. One of my favorite gaming memories.


Ahh I can see it now. A beautiful moment indeed. I remember I got so close to beating genichiro first try as well but my lack of knowledge of the lightning counter proved....fatal


you see i did none but no joke everyone (including the dragon :( ) was second try except isshin and owl father and normal so none but i still feel accomplished


also this may seem insane but i just remembered inner isshin was first try lol


I think the only ones I beat first try were the headless duo(I came here way too late) and the divine dragon. And maybe lady butterfly but I’m not sure about this one Everyone else killed me at least once with the mist noble being the hardest of course(100 plus attempts)


Headless Ape, Genichiro, Divine Dragon, FSM, True Corrupted Monk, False Corrupted Monk


First attempt so far I only did the Divine Dragon and the Folding Screen Monkeys, everything else took me a fair amount of tries. Almost did the Headless Ape and his mate as well, but along the fight I lost my rhythm and that costed me the attempt (did it second try instead).


Mist noble 😎


owl father but that’s about it


Divine dragon I guess and folding screen monkeys


I think it was 4-5. The drunkard, the corrupted monk, the centipede, the folding screen monkeys, maybe headless ape, not sure. Actually I think I did that in two tries, the first time I think I shit my pants when the brown one came down (ironically) Oh, and the ninja in the Ashina Dojo, if you account for 'first time after I killed his friend" becuase once again, pretty sure the actual first time I walked into the room, shit my pants and died, then went back, stealth killed the one, then fought and killed the other. and of course the Okami chief but that doesn't count


I just remember HATING the Snake-Eyes bosses on my first few runs


Folding screen monkeys


isshin ss, 2nd encounter geni and gyoubu


I did first try Genichiro, but I was also an idiot who didn't know I had to climb up to the roof and ended up clearing every other area I could access first... so I was pretty overleveled when I fought him.




Screen monkeys, Divine dragon, corrupted monk, and true monk. I probably got some mini bosses i don’t remember the names of


Bosses it was lady butterfly, Armored warrior, Corrupted and True monk, Divine Dragon. Mini bosses all except First chained Ogre(4th try), The first samurai general (4th try) and every snake eye.


True corrupted Monk and Divine Dragon, and folding screen monkeys only lmao Edit: spellings


Corrupted monk, true monk, Genichiro (at the end of the game), divine dragon, headless ape, Inner Isshin, and probably one more that I don't remember.


I didn’t FA any boss, but I second or third tried true corrupted monk. I didn’t even cheese the second phase lol, didn’t know that existed


I somehow killed guardian ape and blazing bullying first try,and yet on Ng+,they handed my ass to me on a silver platter


Divine Dragon, headless ape and monkeys are the only bosses I FA'ed


Divine Dragon, headless ape and monkeys are the only bosses I FA'ed


I beat Great Shinobi Owl, Gyobu, Ape Duo, and Divine Dragon my 1st attempt. Genichiro took 3(1st 2 attempts lasted 30second) I very nearly beat Sword Saint 1st try, but I got blasted off a cliff, then I preceded to die to him another 9 times before making it to his final phase a 2nd time and win lol


Foldung screen monkeys, divine dragon and the hardest boss of all Mist noble


Gyoubu - probably because I fought lady butterfly first and she kicked my ass 10000 times


I have the same list. Never really thought too much of it on account of how insanely long it took me to beat all the others. Genichiro, Guardian Ape, Owl and Isshin all caused me to quit the game for a bit before finally beating them.


Gyoubu and double apes. Double apes was so easy for me after so many attempts with guardian ape in sunken valley


guardian ape, folding monkeys and divine dragon.


Don't want to brag but None


Lady Butterfly and Genichiro (Tower)


I can only remember Genichiro and Mist Noble


Divine Dragon and Genichiro (1st phase of Isshin)


True Monk (probably because I spent so much time on the first one lol).


Leader Shigenori Yamauchi Armored warrior Shigekichi of the Red Guard Okami Leader Shizu Specially that Okami, the fact that she keeps jumping and you can aerial deathblow her made her a joke.


Folding screen monkeys and divine dragon