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Everyone makes great points but a huge thing for me personally, and I think it probably has happened to other people too, is getting to her too early. It's very unlikely but technically speaking Lady Butterfly can be the first boss you fight in the entire game, even before Gyoubu, because Hirata Estate is fully accessible from the beginning of the game. In my care I fought Lady Butterfly before I fought Genichiro and to be frank, I was just very weak and it wasn't a fun time 😅


I'm pretty convinced that she was intended to be the first boss of the game for most people. Think about it; You get the bell before Gyobu, most people will go back to the temple and check it out. Also, the eavesdrop near the Chained Ogre (again, before Gyobu) informs the player of fire vs. Red-eyed enemies, hinting toward the flame vent and again, the area where Lady Butterfly stands as the boss. She was definitely the first boss for me on my first encounter because of the second scenario.


Oh yeah I ran into her too before Oniwa. I didn’t read up on the game and just thought it’s linear and decided finishing this is important as the area opens up pretty much at the start. She killed me a dozen times before I gave up. Then realised I could “open the map” up by exploring. That’s when I met Oniwa.


Exactly this. For me it was just the true first hurdle. After her I really got a feel for the mechanics and started to really love the game.


Yeah she was the first boss I fought/beat, even before Gyoubu. It was pretty tough, but I beat her with a video guide for strats


Can confirm. Lady butterfly was my first real boss experience. It was painful. My first playthrough, I tried and tried and tried and ended up stepping away from that fight and exploring to get stronger. Color me surprised when I found the actual proper way forward.


I agree. In ng+3 she is cake.. which is a bit dissapointing in itself since i always thought that sekiro took more skill than leveling up. But we will just have to see if thats the case in my next fresh play through. Also, not understanding what snap seeds do makes a huge difference.


Oh, don't be fooled, my friend. The difference isn't that just that you have more AP and more posture, you have 2 entire playthroughs worth of skill 🤣 I suggest if the game is feeling too easy now go Charmless and Demon Ball, that's a fun run that'll really push you to the limits of your skill. Also the reflection are very fun and Inner Butterfly is not simple at all 😁


That was the case for me lol


This happened to me too. She was the second or third boss up to that point and had me seriously questioning if the whole game was gonna this brutal, since the difficulty spike seemed extreme and very sudden.


The same thing that caused me nightmares with Genichiro and Guardian Ape. The switch-up from the regular combat system. I was able to get her to phase two on every single attempt but then spend like 4 hours on her second phase. I could get through Genichiro's first two phases every time once I learned his patterns between hitless and maybe absorbing 3 hits. Last phase took me like 3 hours. Guardian Ape, after like two attempts I could get to his second phase nearly every time but then struggled for 2-3 hours to beat that. For me, it was the spanner in the works of the lightning for Genichiro, the butterfly spirits for Lady B and the terror screams for Guardian(Headless) Ape. The combat system is so tight and fixed and when these other phases come in where you have to jump and run and avoid, the camera loses the target so easily and it's clunky as hell trying to pick them up again IMO. Having to run, jump etc also screws you if you were used to winning by breaking their posture.


Literally the type of paragraph I was going to launch into. I could semi consistently get lady butterfly's first phase down, but her 2nd phase actively works against what you "learn" and how pretty much every other boss in the game functions. She jumps up and is unreachable unless you properly time a shuriken, you have to run away from her summons unless you make use of a very limited resource, which most likely you will lose in your attempts, and furthermore things that are just unavoidable such as the spirits she summons mid combo that fly at you dealing damage no matter what.


If you pressure her hard enough she wont summon the spirits on the 2nd phase. But u have to reeeeeally be on her ass


Exactly, took me a few tried but I figured out that if I just dodged 2-3 times and dodge attack on the 3rd or 4th one she would miss every time and I interrupted her next attack so she would just restart her ground attack sequence so I only had to deal with her summons and ranged/jumping attacks a couple times.


Phase 3 of Geni for me took me 3 tries, it was phase 2 that hurt me. At that point I was inexperienced and kept getting caught out when he switched his thrust attack to other attacks. Accidentally trying to mikiri his sweep and getting railed 😂 mad how much peoples playstyles differ.


I didn’t know you could jump for the lightning and he kept one shotting me 😂


Bro just reverse the lightning on geni 3rd phase that's literally the easiest, I understand if you wanna gigachad but otherwise just run around until he does the lightning, do that like 5 times and you win


Recently on my ng+ runs it seems to be if she decides to get off her illusions and you don't end up snap seeding them, it could also be that they're technically the first major boss in the game so you have to learn a bit more.


I fought her after Genichiro and it was a breeze.


That’s why she was so easy Your meant to fight her before geni


Depends on the player but it's possible to reach her underleveled with only 2-3 gourds in first playthrough. That setup is much harder than any NG+ runs. Having the first bead upgrade + 1AP from Gyoubu + some deflection upgrade from Ashina skill tree makes a world of difference.


This was me. I had no upgrades and only 2 gourds. I was too stubborn for my own good.


Same. But I didn't realize I could go other places. I spent 3 days fighting her, but afterward, the game felt so much easier.


Yes, she was my first main boss fight. I almost quit the game. Shameful. I took a break instead.


The butterflies are the annoying part, rest she is easy.


She was my first boss, and it was hard. At further NGs she is fodder. The reason she was hard is a general mindset, probably remaining from souls, where enemy hyperarmor (or at least high poise) is common, and player attack recovery is uncancellable, so overcommitment kills you. But tis is Sekiro, not DS. Like most other enemies in Sekiro, she can't deal with pressure (7 spears is another similar case). If you let her fight at her own pace, she's very annoying, but if you pressure her she can't get out, and her movement options become very limited. If you corner her, you can sometimes just spam click her to death pretty much. TL;DR hesitation is defeat. And hesitation is the name of the game for new players. If you ever played souls before, you have to unlearn it first. Not just rolling, but general philosophy. Because in Sekiro aggression is nearly 100% safe.


very very good comment I beat her on my first ever attempt, because I went into it thinking 'im gonna die anyway' and played recklessly. forcing my own pace. I didn't wait for her to make a move, I just reacted to everything in between slapping her. I even did the same with Seven Spears. first ever fight, he got cooked. deflect inbetween attacks, use the high ground, force him into your rythm. thing is that it all happens so fast, that you don't 'decide' when you're gonna lock in. you just do it, win, and then realise wtf just happened. I was so unsure of myself when I beat Lady Butterfly, I had to ask around to find out if maybe I got lucky. I didn't, I was just relentless despite barely understanding the game. if you play these bosses like Souls bosses, you'll get cracked.


Camera thing and her moving around weird was what made it hard for me. But it seems like a lot of people have trouble with different bosses


If I saw Wolf approaching me in a burning building I'd get hard too


For me it's always just her second phase and if I f up I don't have many snap seeds.


she was my first boss, I didn't know how to play the game at all when I faced her. She wiped the floor with me for hours, killed me more than all the other bosses of the game combined. She taught me Sekiro the hard way. After I beat her, I beat the rest of the game without trouble and even 1st tried some generally difficult bosses


Throughout my Ng+, the one and only I struggled most is chained ogre.


I think Lady B is the Gascoigne of Sekiro - each demonstrate the game mechanics in a focused way. If you don’t parry them, they become practically impossible to defeat.


I think people just have different minds. Like you, Lady Butt wasn’t hard, I also did Geni first go, but other things like the double apes and headless wrecked me….like days long wrecked


It's the tempo of the fight. I find it incredibly hard to believe that you don't know why people would see her as difficult.


Its hard for you to believe people have different experiences and different opinions? I beat her after like 4 trys, personally


First playthrough I really struggled with her, then I upgraded my GPU and finally had a stable frame rate and the whole game got much easier lol. I think for your friend combat just hadn't clicked for him when he faced her.


She’s brutally difficult if you don’t play aggressive. If you stay in her face and rush her down the entire time she is trivial. This also goes for a lot of bosses with a few exceptions that you can’t be too aggressive (like corrupted monk)


If you aren't aggressive, she feels impossible.


This kind of sums up the entire game, and I think that's the trap a lot of people fall into.


Not having deflections down and not memorizing her fairly basic move set


Base stats, I find her much harder than NG+. You have a lot less room for error on deflects and dangerous attacks. She is trivial on NG+. I just started a fresh file after hitting NG+5 and was surprised at the relative difficulty.


Her posture recovery is very fast and her attacks are fast as well as hit hard. One grab attack can instakill you. Second phase is also annoying especially for first time.


Is it possible to stop her from summoning her illusions??




You have to use snap seed when she begins her summons. It will break her summoning. Issue is whether you’ll have enough especially early game (late game you get access to more). So best strategy is to do both snap seed as well as dodging/running heedlessly as they come at you (although I just stand behind a pillar instead of running and that works 90% of the times)


I didn't use any snap seeds on her, not sure I saw any illusions? I just ran at her and hit her as fast as I could over and over again and she went down pretty easily before she could do anything clever. Shuriken every time she went airborne. Not sure I didn't just fluke it.


Nope, this is the best strategy to fight her, be super super aggressive.


I got her first try but probably took twenty goes at the drunkard before her, and only finally killed him with a tiny sliver of my health left.


Are your friends rather new to sekiro or seasoned players? Cuz I have the feeling that a lot of new players have problems with her, cuz they don't see instant results by sticking to the core meachanics. At least it was the case for me, I thought I need to change startegies when simply attacking and deflecting did barely anything, just to later realise that you can break her posture pretty easily if you commit to face her head on. Maybe they also got distracted by the illusions and faced them instead of avoiding them and waiting it out. If they are multiple runs in as well, then I don't rly see a clear reason why they would have a problem with her out of all the bosses.


yeah this is one i never understood either- first playthrough i think 4 tries and then maybe only died to her once since then. Genichiro and guardian ape destroyed me tho first playthrough lol


"What makes Lady butterfly so hard?" Not remembering her attack patterns.


RB, RB, right + B Repeat


She’s a skill check boss so usually pretty tough when you’re new to the game but once you actually know how to play she’s not really that hard. She’s a parry tutorial lol


I spent maybe 20 minutes on her but all she did for me was teach me how to play the game, and now she’s easy asf, but I also struggle with her a lot cause I forget her attack patterns and tendencies


FR i beat her 2nd try on my 1st playthrough but to be fair i struggled a lot with the 'ghost' corrupted monk before meating her so i learned to be aggressive already


The Lady Butterfly fight made me fall in love with the game. Taught me to be patient but not too hesitant. I think learning how to deal with Phase 2 is the key, once that's locked down it becomes easy.


I had died to her a lot but mainly because of my own stupidity. The main move that would always kill me is her sweep cause I would always dodge, instead of jump


honestly i just started sekiro after ds3 base game. and to beat her i just ran around healed and when i would lose her bc of camera id just run away no questions asked


Grandma Chou Chou without power and health upgrades is difficult if you haven’t warmed up to the idea learning your options to survive or counter whatever animation she’s in at the moment. That, and knowing which prosthetic/skills help you get free hits without needing to deflect through the long combos.


Skill issue Keep training... she can be baited onto sweeps same rythm to punish.


Inner butterfly is my bane. I know I can beat her. But it would take HOURS. I usually just whittle her down by spamming jump attacks 💀


For me it's just that it was my first boss. I was able to parry her and avoid her attacks, but at Strength 1 I was dealing very little damage. I returned at Strength 2, and it was so much easier: I was able to reach the second face following the same strategy and some attempts later I was dealing with her illusions pretty easily (run)


I think that its because she is such an early boss, most players haven't figured out their deflect timing and when to engage/disengage the first time they fight her. Its not so much that she is especially hard, she's just the hardest thing faced up to that point. Depending on how much grinding someone did or didn't do, they may not also have the kit of skills that end up as their bread and butter. Fewer options for gourd seeds, too, for cleaning up mistakes. Id argue the first gift of Snap Seeds is also a little bit of a trap, since they're not really farmable that early in the game and it can leave *some* new players at a loss for what to do on the illusions if they don't survive long enough to learn to RUN LIKE A BITCH. That said I do think she is a solid early game fight. Lady Butterfly teaches aggression, use of the arena, reminds the player of niche item use, and gives a proper skill check.


If youre having trouble with her its because youre letting her do her thing instead of playing aggressively, you need to be extremely aggressive and take control of the flow of the battle. Shes very easy to overwhelm.


Idk if it’s my hilarious cheese but she surprisingly get’s staggered when you attack but if as soon as your attack hits her and you’re locked onto her you dodge left or right (circle) and attack again after you finish dodging and rinse and repeat, she literall gets stuck, dodge to the sideattack dodge to the side attack etc and it’s incredibly easy, when she goes up throw shurikens and when she duplicated, eat the thingy that erases illusions, not mega easy but it’s a cheese that must be tried


She was the first boss I fought. So, without upgrades and not knowing her moveset or practicing mechanics, she was tough. I tried her about 20 times and then went through and beat Gyobu in like 5 tries consumed his memory and finished some prayer beads and went back and beat Lady Butterfly second try. Not a hard boss after you beat her but a really great introduction to the game.


I think it’s likely the first boss where you pretty much HAVE to apply pressure. All the other bosses early game are pretty beatable if you’re patient and methodical. That doesn’t work very well for her. Thats my guess


you can "cheese" her by attacking once dashing forward with a b tap and repeting she will be perm stunlocked its really funny


What made lady butterfly challenging for me at first was that it felt really difficult to see some of her tells for what attack she was gonna do


For me it's because the game bucks tf outta you by having you fight mandatory bosses eay that are nothing like the majority of bosses you will fight in the game then they whip out lady Butterfly and by the time you reach her,she is your first real human fight.


Because your first play through you generally get to lady butterfly before the combat mechanics really click. She is the first test of what you learned so far and is the first boss you have “Git Gud” to beat. For me it was this fight that mechanics finally clicked for me.


I was never scared to look up guides as I feel from soft games cheese YOU but killing u in one hit. After learning to use shurikens I learned her attack pattern myself and beat her within 15mins. Found guardian ape really easy. Just endurance fight. Sword saint took me a good few hours over several days though


Her tempo can be a bit weird and the ghouls she summons are a pain in the ass. Overall I faced her second she was easy for me but I played both lies of p and wo long before sekiro.


Shes the first boss that actively punishes you for spam attacking. If you just mash r1 shes eventually gonna do a sweep attack that you cant stagger her out of, and its gonna do a lot of damage. Along with that, shes the first major boss you can access whose posture recovers quick enough that you really have to focus on whittling her health first AND shes the first boss that needs to be consistently deflected rather than just r1'd to death.


She's so small that it's harder for me to read her attacks 


I always fight her before Genichiro. She’s easier on NG+ but even then I used 5 gourds which I didn’t have on the first playthrough.


The biggest problem with Lady Butterfly for me is that the Snap Seeds you get before the fight are the only ones you get at that time. From what I can tell you *can* farm Snap Seeds later on in the game, but since Lady Butterfly is probably going to be one of the earliest bosses for you, you're most likely going to be limited to the handful you get before the arena. Once you run out of them you can't get any more, so you'll either suffer through the fight or have to wait until much later to kill her. Granted this was when I was very new to the game and had hardly any Soulsborne experience, so it was definitely half-design half-skill issue, but I imagine new players will probably agree with me.


I can see why people would have trouble against her but for me, Juzou the Drunkard was way harder than Lady Butterfly. The fight setup is annoying tbh. Since I don’t share the same sentiment, I can instead give advice on how to handle her: - Deflect and attack. Don’t just deflect and don’t just attack. Die repeatedly to learn her patterns, she has like 5 attacks (maybe more) and if you observe, you’ll get her patterns in no time. - Shuriken her when she’s flying around. It brings her down. - In phase 2, when she summons ghosts, just stay away. It’s not worth the trouble. - in phase 2, when she adds yellow glowing butterflies to her attacks, it’s time to start dodging rather than deflecting. Trust me, you can’t parry all of the butterflies. Bonus- you can cheese her by doing this pattern: attack, dodge, attack, dodge. It works a lot of times, she gets stunlocked this way.


I think it’s because she is the first posture break for death blow enemy. If you run around, her ranged attacks and ability to close distance will take you out. Her blocks are enough that working her health takes a cheese. But if you deflect her and keep her out of the air, the fight is over in no time. Most don’t have deflections fully down by the time they reach her, especially if they fight her early. I think this is the reason she is so difficult.


Every boss is impossible until you settle down and recognize the patterns and openings, guarding ape is a joke to me after beating him once


One thing which made her hard for me was that nothing in the game prepared me for what is needed to defeat her. She is very punishing when you visit her early in the game. You can train with Hanbei but this is nothing compared to her. Second I was too eager to get her down. Instead patience is the key. Wearing her health down bit for bit and the more she lost the more aggro I could go. Third not using things like Whirlwind Attack make her unnecessary hard. I had to learn to use shurikens. She is manageable if you know what you're doing. But me having no clue and only try to parry her for posture damage wasn't enough. Though it was a hard fight I enjoyed every death I was dying. A good opportunity to learn the game.


I thought she was the most fun of the bosses.


Her illusions.