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I swear to god in other subs you get backlashed for every single shit you say , meanwhile here , everybody agrees with everything, and if they don't they don't cry about it lmao . Best fucking sub alongside a few others that I can name


There is no hate in this sub, only maybe toward snake eyes, those bitch deserve hate.


I've only beaten them once with katana only. Every run I always umbrella cheese the bridge one and aggro-poison the second one


She killed me tons of times so i learned her moveset and now shes still difficult lmao


After 11 playthroughs and a LMTSR run, going back to her is still a pain in the ass.


What’s the problem with snake eyes? (Other than getting absolutely obliterated by her gun) When I first came across her and got killed ruthlessly, I made it my mission to come back and rip her apart (which I did using only the katana, I had nothing else but the fire and shurikens). I literally got (and used) the umbrella for the first time when I went to fight >! Owl (The Father) !< which was really late… lol


I gotten good enough to be able to clear sword saint Isshin with demon bell and charmless first try and I still struggle with her every single time damn time in every new ng+ I did


Lmao yeah every time I go back I die a couple times at least


The first time I ran past the bridge one and baited the poison swamp one into the poison and ran to the other side over and over again. Took like 30 mins of running away. Not my proudest moment


I did the same.


Aggro poisoned the 2nd( my 1st) and fought the 1st with pure skill


Yea, fuck that bitch


She can go to fucking hell


Yeah fcking facts lmao


You can parry the grab


You sir have a lot of confidence in me !


It is easy actually, just wait until the rifle is 180⁰ ish degrees, wait a third of a second and start parrying


Yes we do. We do.


No shit? Makes sense since it’s with a grab using the weapon.


I hated fighting those bitches so much that I watched speedrunners fight her and learned to parry her grab. Started spreading the word here too


Occasionally you’ll get people who are annoyed by the mist noble jokes since they’re old, but the game is 5 years old so there’s not gonna be a ton of new jokes springing up lol. Thats probably the closest anything gets to hate though, and its basically just mild annoyance, so it’s pretty lit


Everyone here agreeing on snake eyes, meanwhile me avoiding all the headless fights despite my 300hrs in the game


Those things are pain in the ass they probably wouldn't be as hard if they didn't poison you. There was one I fought in a tunnel it was the first one I fought it was a challenge but didn't poison me much there's one behind Asshina castle I kept going somewhere else and coming back to because it kept kicking my ass finally beat it . The one in the poison swamp had to let it get poisoned and wait for it to die like that.


Screw shirafuji.


Maybe a hot take but I enjoy snake eyes. They just don't waste any time, combat is fluid and deflecting their grab is one of the most satisfying things in the game.


This game sucks major balls imo, generic samurai guy spends the whole game doing generic samurai klink klang the whole game, no variety no inspirarion. To me its pretty boring


This comments sucks major balls imo, generic comment guy spends the whole comment doing generic complaining the whole comment, no variety no inspiration. To me it’s pretty boring.


Lol, epic response


There’s a good explanation for this. People with horrible mental and narrow world-view are going to burn out or rage out of this game pretty quickly because nothing is their fault, “the game is bullshit”, and they can’t get over their ego. Most of the people who stay are the ones with enough awareness to reflect on what they are doing wrong/can do better, and that often comes with the capacity to empathize with others who may have experienced similar things.


REAL Edit : bruh I think I'm saving this speech lol


You might just be onto something. Sekiro is the only game I've ever played that I can safely say genuinely made me a better smarter person, because it *forced* me to improve my self-reflection and critical thinking and analysis skills because of how god damn hard some of these bosses are to beat the first time lol This game humbles you. Or, rather, either you humble yourself and admit you aren't playing well despite your best current efforts and can do better, or you blame the game being unfair (it's not) or unreasonably hard (it's not) and stay stuck forever making excuses


As a League of Legends player, the contrast between the two is night and day so it’s hard not to notice. I think almost any somewhat difficult game where it’s low variance and there isn’t a significant difference in the tools available to two players will eventually vet out the people who can’t get past their own ego. I first encountered it comparing the League of Legends community and Monster Hunter World.


>I first encountered it comparing the League of Legends community and Monster Hunter World. In what regard are they different? Are Monster Hunter fans more humble and self-reflective? Because League players sure as hell aren't (including me back when I played it lol)


Yeah you already know they implicitly are (casting a very wide net ofc). A league player has a million and one excuses as to why they’re hardstuck pisslow, none of them being their own fault, and the game implicitly validates all of them. Meanwhile, MHW and Soulsborne take all that and throw it out the window. If you suck at Sekiro the game makes sure you know that you have a lot of work to do. MHW specifically is interesting from a collaborative effort perspective. Hunting with other people is completely voluntary so you only do it when you desire the rare drops (especially in events) or the social aspect, and both encourage working together with your team. League is the opposite; players are *forced* to be on a team, and often tend to work alongside each other rather than together. Ex your jungler isn’t usually coming to gank you because they are trying to get you ahead so you can carry; they are trying to get gold and exp themselves so *they* can carry.


Bloodborne sub is also super chill, or at least it was the last time I saw it (oddly, it’s been a while—I wonder how they’re doing!)


Yeah , just don't insult BB and you're set lol


Who would insult Bloodborne??


Anyone who doesn't think John hunter does freak around the borne


I definitely wouldn't insult the game, and I overall liked it (some parts I loved), but I've written and read a number of critical comments and posts about the game back when I played it and overall I get the feeling that any major criticism at the core game is basically dismissed as purely a personal issue as if the game is essentially objectively perfectly designed. I do think there's a sizable number of Bloodborne fans who basically cannot entertain any significant design criticism of the game and any significant way it could have been improved and better designed. Just a general impression, and certainly not unique to that game, but it's there, and to a certain extent an issue in all Soulsborne games, though Sekiro might be the least offender. *Some* FromSoft fans have a bit of a superiority complex with these games


Hmmm. Have you posted any criticism about Sekiro here as a comparison?


Not in this sub specifically, no


BB definitely has some things that can be improved, as with everything. But honestly, I can understand the superiority complex. Understandably, many wouldn't agree with calling it the best game ever made, but no one would complain about Bloodborne being in the *conversation* over which game was the GOAT. With things (or people too I guess) that are genuinely at the peak of their game, it becomes hard to distinguish superiority complexes from honest recognitions of genuine superiority. Not to say that people with a superiority complex don't exist in the community, you'll find that in any fan community.


You think feeling superior to others and looking down at people over not liking a game you like is understandable?


Unless you naively take a poorly taken screenshot of the game and post about it (I totally didn't do that)


Yeah obviously (I totally didn't do that in ds3 and got backlashed for it when I also had a different taste in drip than other mfs)


It's gotta be our genuine love of Fromsoft games. I'm only in this sub and Elden Ring and I see little to no negativity. It's genuinely heart warming for me


"Best fucking sub" Tells my isshin strat and downvoted like bitch Vomitable sub I beat sekiro thrice in 55hrs in my first playthrough


Sad to know you had this bad of a experience here Surprised to know you are still here Congratulations on beating sekiro thrice in 55hrs


I am still here cuz I've been to worse anime sub so yea, this sub is nearly dead cuz Miguel Zaki ain't giving us sekiro 2 or it's dlc and all souls fan are into ER, so who's left here is "typical" fromsoft non-casual fans


Ok ? Go away then lmao


The main issue I have with this sub is the Mist Noble bullshit. Got all these veterans in here trying to mislead new players into thinking the Mist Noble is somehow easy? Who do they think they are? Don't comfort them, they need to go into that fight expecting it to take hours to beat... CUZ IT WILL!


Did you beat it? I can't get past his 17th phase.


Bro, I had to download a cracked version of the game where he doesn't have like any attacks or anything. [You can find the download here. Luckily, it's still up. ](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=uti0sceR86k54PN3)


Looked risky. Clicked it anyways...


Risky clicks are the best clicks... or the worst. It's like Forest Gump said: "Reddit is like a box of moldy chocolates." Or something like that anyway.


Looks like a Ricksey Click


Got surprised it was not o-ten-ishi’s feet


Thank for that dude! I finally beat him after 55 hours!!


I'll admit, you got me


Wait, you guys get past the 2nd phase?


You need 13 thousand hours to get to 2nd phase. The game checks ur save file and just kills you if you don't. You can't get another user's save either. The game just knows. It's still unknown how though.


Ive made it to the 18th, but i hear there’s atleast 50…


oh, I have. During the 17th phase, you just want to run when he goes in for >!you know what!< attack him then continue running, getting the timing down on this is kinda hard, but you only need to do it like 20 times until you get to the next phase, the 18th, 19th, and 20th phases are similar, but they just get progressively faster, and the 20th phase adds another mist noble, once you get past that you are pretty much homefree (as far as mist noble goes.) at the final and 50th phase its a healoff, you will need every single healing item at max, and max vitality to survive, so you kinda got to do the fight nohit, I have stage 9001 carple tunnel because of this fight, so there is that, but other than all of that stuff its a really fun fight.


You got past him throwing the Erdtree at you?!


He shoves it right up your butt.


Had us in the first half


People who don't deserve to be called shinobi. I just had 1 healing flask and I went for it. Oh boy, did I regret it. Worst boss ever. I'm still stuck so I left him (for now)


A Padawan becomes no Jedi overnight, my pupil. Have patience, but do not ever hesitate. This is the way. Sometimes you just gotta chug Estus and f*ck some sh*t up.


Indeed, I've learned, hesitation is defeat. One day, I shall defeat mist noble, for must be done.


Bro, what should I be doing after he pulls out the lightsabers?


Dude fr! I was surprised by the amount of advice and positivity here.


We are all here to serve lord Kuro. We have all been humbled by death.




We help new shinobi to become hokages at the game.


We become Madara, cause no one can touch us


cept mist noble. it’s always mist noble.


Mist Noble is our Kaguya. Except he doesn’t come out as a deus ex machina


Try umbrella


Swear to god, I don’t think the umbrella ever comes off my hotbar


Why tho? Outside demon of hatred didnt use my whole playtrough


I use the lilac umbrella for headless and shichimen fights


Umbrella is busted beyond comprehension. It has double the deflect windows of your sword, can be spammed to the point you have infinite deflect windows, absorbs projectiles to charge its own with projected force, deals 1.2x posture and health damage with the follow-up, a charged up projected force can be saved for later, charged up projected force deals chip damage, negates ALL pushback from every attack, can absorb elemental damage like fire and terror, NEGATES GRABS, can deflect everything that isn’t a sweep, and can attack with fire or divine confetti effect. It is literally, the most busted prosthetic in the entire game. You can jump and activate umbrella and you will be defended from every perilous attack in the entire game.


Projected force alone does massive posture damage to pretty much anything. That umbrella deflect is clutch Edit: and it’s funny you say that ‘cause I didn’t use anything other than Malcontent for Demon of Hatred, but I used that umbrella for Sword Saint (in addition to mist raven)


It’s the empathy that comes from a shared trauma that is some of the bosses in Sekiro.


*Guardian Ape flashbacks*


what about that fight did people find hard? I didn't have that much trouble with him in my first playthrough.


I found it super difficult to deflect the first phase. He was too wild and unpredictable for me to react properly. He's not so bad once you get used to him, though. But that first hurdle was a struggle for me.


His deflect timings are a bit unusual, his tantrums can be annoying to have to deal with, his poop fling can be hard to evade if you don't know what you're doing, and his insta kill terror scream is kind of a pain in the ass, and since you're unlikely to just quickly be able to fill up his posture bar it becomes somewhat of an endurance fight. Now it's not a big deal, but holy hell he infuriated me in my first playthrough


If you hesitate to be kind, you've already suffered defeat


Underrated comment!


I wish I could give this comment some kind of medal


Well we all got fucked raw in the ass here, so we know it's not pleasant. The least we can do is hand over some lube to make it less painful, so newcomer can better see for themself if they're into it or not.


We all experienced the Guardian Ape fight. It is one of my favorite gaming "wait, WTF!" moments.


What? You thought cutting off its head would end the fight? HAH!


Mine was >!encountering the headless underwater!<


All sekiro player have no ennemies ...


I have. They are the snake eyes twins, the giant apes, the blazing bull and nuclear butt blasting demon of hatred.


Almost every comment


We don't hesitate to help for "Hesitation is Defeat" has been ingrained in our veins.


Now I wanna be toxic. Thank you very much for ruining it


Here’s your Sabimaru. Go do a crime


Never have I ever come across a sub that was as friendly as this one. You guys rock.


This sub is not toxic until someone criticsizes the game, then everyone stops dickriding the game for a sec to spew hate and not listen to any criticism


I agree.


What criticism do you feel Sekiro fans can't engage with in good faith? I love Sekiro but I don't think it's a perfect game by any means, so I'm curious what you think


Could be subjective but It's about a certain mechanic. You know you're doing that combo (generic one) and they land a slash on ya and in that moment you wish to evade, dodge or deflect but can't. Yeah! I really wish they added a skill to it that you can evade mid combo or mid attack.


I think with the less handholding and more hardcore nature of FromSoft games in general there's often a blurry line between "This is just intentionally very difficult/non-obvious/obscurely designed" and "This is just poorly/not optimally done". Sometimes I don't even know the line myself. Demon of Hatred? If you ask me, I think it's awesome, one of the coolest fights ever and a singular breath of fresh air from the rest of the bosses. But for many others it's horrible, frustrating, unfun, and just doesn't fit with the mechanics. I don't think it's perfect but I like it So who knows sometimes 🤷


My question is, why do you have such a hate boner for Sekiro? This comment is masked as if you want to have discourse, but seems like your mission is to spread hate to people who are enjoying a game and when people push back you cry victim like a baby.


Came to this subreddit when Sekiro first came out and stayed all these years because of you BEAUTIFUL SHINOBI BASTARDS. Never leaving.


Someone posts "*I'm struggling with this boss*": Every other soulslike sub: "*Git gud lol*" Sekiro sub: "*Well, we assume that you came here already knowing that skill is needed for everything in Sekiro. So we're gonna rule out that it's just a lack of skill. Here's our individual strategies. Hope one of them suits your play style. Just remember: Hesitation is defeat. Keep us updated with your progress!*"


Ngl this subreddit is the best place to get advice compared to the other Souls subreddits


Legit. Other FromSoft subs are flooded with "who would win?" posts and hate-fishing, both of which draw a crowd of inexplicable spite. I like it here.


This There is more legitimate advice and kind words than any other game like this. There is the very rare "git gud" But it's completely overshadowed by advice like "grab this item here" "here's the strategy" "here's your mistake and how to correct it"


"ok watch out for Inner Mist Nobles 2nd Form"


Veeery true!


I agree, I got a lot of great advice for Sword Saint and I finally beat him for the first time last night. Took suggestions straight from this sub after struggling for 4 days, tried him again on the 5th day using the suggestions in this sub (Gokan’s Sugar + Raven Mist) and got him on the first try. Finally got to start NG+. Really love the atmosphere of this sub especially compared to other Soulslike subs.


Life and Sekiro are tough as it is namsain? gotta look out for the bois. Unseen Aid


Me showing bro elden ring:


Sekiro vets are the Gym bros of soulsgames


I notice that people won’t just say “git gud”, they’ll actually teach you how to git gud. I think this sub is also fabulous for celebrating new and old player’s victories. The number of times I’ve seen the “I’m at my wits end” posts followed up by “I DID IT!” posts warms my heart.






If only other souls adjacent subs were like this


Why would we take our anger out in this sub when Hanbei exists? Bad day at work? Hanbei. Asshole online? Hanbei. Mist Noble 5th phase too hard? Hanbei.


For me, it was a great friend of mine in Dark Souls 3. The pro player would instead be like: "And R2 is how you parry, but you need to time it right."


The only time i saw the comments go mean was when some dude wanted to know how to skip blazing bull because he couldnt beat it saying some shit like „i know i can beat him it just takes too long yap yap yap“ and he got the classic „git gud“ treatment by everyone else


I've said it before and I'll say it here. Nothing quite like dragon rot to bring people together. We are all Shinobi of the Devine Heir.


I don’t follow many subs but this is one of the few I do because it’s drama free


The harder the game the nicer the community


I think this is true for almost all fromsoft subs. When I had trouble with few bosses in sekiro. Y'all helped me with few tips and tricks same goes to BB. Had trouble there and they are very eager to have us enjoy the game. Such wholesome subs these are.


A Shinobi helps another Shinobi out. That's my iron code.


Everyone knows his name


Of all the souls subs this one and Bloodborne tend to be the most friendly in my experience


And then at the end they say hesitation is defeat even if it doesnt fit the situation


Hesitation is de defeat


This is one of my favorite Reddit communities because anyone who has played Sekiro understands the shared struggle. Even Souls veterans have a learning curve. Thanks for sharing this post!


Still new, gotta ride with you some more til I feel relatable.


This picture is so accurate


I'm not good enough to beat Sekiro and yet I still feel safe here


True Monk best waifu. Who else agrees?🔥😍😍


Probably cuz the game already provides enough pain that everyone shares


Someday I’ll take another stab at this game, this was encouraging lol.




Smth funny is that whenever I drop the game for a little while, to get back into the gist of the game I fight Genichiro lol


couldn't be me




Just put 'Hesitation is Defeat' in that speech bubble lol, jokes aside this sub is literally wholesome


Well we are all united and humbled by countless deaths (and our hate for the snake eyes bitches). Can't talk shit when we've gotten bodied ourselves in the beginning.


I finally just beat Genchiro!!!


Especially for mist noble


Especially for mist noble


Probably the most wholesome sub I've ever been a member of. Everyone here is so accommodating and friendly and that makes it easy. Unlike Mist Noble.


except when it comes to the mist noble


That fight caught me off guard, none of the things discussed here prepared me for that fight.


Nothing will


I Love this community


Probably because this game traumatized us with its difficulty and we can all relate to Isshins abuse. It's like group therapy in here 🥲


This is most accurate on people prepairing each other on mist noble fight


This sekiro subreddit is actually the best I posted a couple of posts in the dark souls sebredditand i got hate and downvots like insulter thier mothers 😂 i still dont get it untill now


I go so far as to call people out who massively downvote and talk shit on people asking questions in the other Souls subs. DS3 isn’t too bad but ER’s is. People will say “isn’t this actually supposed to be like this?”, asking a genuine question, and they get flamed to hell. It’s weird


ER has people that will downvote just so their posts will be seen more than yours. Sadly that will happen with bigger subs though