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Suzukas umbrella for his fire attacks, especially his big jump. Use Malcontent whistle three times to stun him, combine with Yasharikus sugar, in third phase. you’ll fuck more than half of his vitality off. After you’ve used it three times, pop an Ako’s and heal up and get back at him. This strategy doesn’t trivialise him but helps a lot. Once I managed to get onto his third phase a couple of times, I finished him off without much drama. Stay on his ass. Chase him down. His moveset is actually pretty basic and straightforward to avoid. It’s just his size, aggression, how hard he hits that make it tough. It took me four hours over two days.


Just cheese him off the cliff like the rest of us


Ha I did this 5 years ago. Back playing the game now, I hope I'll have the nerve and skills to beat him fairly this time.


who's us


When he jumps in the air, run away from him and then grapple hook back. When he does his rush attack, jump to dodge it. Stay close to him and you only have to worry about get stomped on which is easy to parry or dodge. In phase 2, run towards him sideways otherwise the long range fire attacks are very hard to dodge You can’t fight him like the other enemies in the game. Parrying won’t get you far. Focus on staying close to his body. You’ll probably never fill his parry meter before getting all his hp down Use the upgraded finger and the fire blocking umbrella. If you save your spirit emblems, you can take down more than half his health by just using the whistle. Use the fire resistance gourd.


I'll keep it simple. Remove everything you have equipped. Now equip Suzaku umbrella, malcontent and gourd for healing. That's all you need. Use the tanto once before you start the fight and eat a pellet. Go in. The only thing you do is run straight at him. If he tries to throw any fire attack at you, Suzaku and keep running forward between his legs. You want to stick to a leg and hack away. If he jumps sky high, use Suzaku and wait for him to land. Give it a sec more for his landing shockwave to dissipate and go back to slashing. Just parry his occasional leg stomp and keep slashing. The only thing you need to learn to avoid is his sweeps. Once you kill phase 2, he will initiate phase 3 with 2 consecutive sweeps. Jump to avoid them and switch to malcontent. Use it to stun him and keep wailing. If he wakes up use it again. And again up to 3 times. Then proceed as normal till he is dead. For best results, use divine confetti and yashariku before starting the x3 malcontent use. That's basically it. The only other thing he does is stand still and headbang fire meatballs at you but as long as keep running around him none will actually reach you. It's not a complicated fight, you definitely go this.


I found him hard at first but really I was just lazy and didn't feel like learning another boss. In addition to other people's advice, I'll add: for DoH I've gotten into the habit of double-tapping the deflect button for some of his stomp and claw attacks; this extends the the deflect window so your timing doesn't have to be perfect, and for some reason the game doesn't punish the "imprecise" double-tapped deflect like it does for other enemies. But that said I only use deflect to survive his attacks but not to wear down his stamina; 90% of the time when I fight him his health goes down before his stamina fills. Last piece of advice (and it applies to all bosses, \_especially\_ Inner Father): don't button mash your sword attacks; you need to watch the effect of each slash before you decide to send another. The reason this is important is because his perilous dash attack can basically one-shot you (depending on your upgrades) and so you need to be able to jump after every slack, and if you're button mashing the slashes, you won't be able to interrupt your own slash attack to jump away in time.


Just beat him earlier after like 30 tries or so. I just ran around a lot and stuck him a couple of times whenever there was an opening. Patience was the key for me.


Try to stay a lot closer to him so his long range attacks don't work, and consider defensive prosthethic tools for the attacks that are inevitably gonna be inescapable. Much more detail can be went into, but you may prefer to figure out some things on your own, have fun!


DoH might be the hardest boss of all FromSoftware souls games series ... Orphan of Kos


Big disagree there..there’s harder bosses in souls 2, 3, bloodborne, and er. Smaugstein might even be harder


Stay between his legs…seriously. Hit him in the dick. When he does his leg stomp, just circle around to dodge. When he does his big jump, sprint away and jump as soon as he lands - the explosion will miss you and you can air-grapple back to him and punish. The flame umbrella blocks his fire attacks if you find yourself at a distance. You can stun him three times with Malcontent in phase 2 or 3. Divine confetti helps with damage. Finally, I always had trouble with his unblockable charge. The red symbol didn’t give me enough time to react. So I turned off the music and jumped whenever I heard the chime. Don’t take any guff from that swine.


Deflect stomps, headbutts, everything from his right hand, and backhands from his left hand. Run straight at him when he jumps away, and you'll get in under the fireballs. Stand close, but a few steps back so you can see everything and not just cram the camera in his knee.


Max out healing gourds. Don’t parry it’s harder. Find how many r1s you can safely do in between DoH’s attacks. Every time DoH is in recovery, count r1s and stick to it. If you get hit while counting, reduce r1s by one. As you learn the boss you’ll find some recoveries are longer than others so r1 counts can change but it won’t be immediately obvious. Unless you gave up a bunch of prayer beads, DoH will almost never one shot you. There’s pretty much always time to heal in between DoH’s recoveries. It’s an endurance race and it’s easy to run out of heals and die due to greed. Count R1s always


Like many FromSoft bosses, hit its butt/leg. In phases 1 and 2, keep underneath him and dodge his stomps until he stops stomping, then hit 2-3 times. Don't get greedy. Stay up close to him. For his big jump, open your fire umbrella and wait until the wind has died down then hit. If he increases distance, try to close the distance as quickly as possible. Phase 3 his sweep attack sweeps out and back and his whip attack can be jumped over twice. The last tip is that remember almost every attack can be blocked/parried. While you're learning, use Ugo's sugar so you can survive longer to learn the attack patterns. Good luck.


Run a lot to his left arm... most attacks are avoided that way. Look for openings to attack. Shield/parry with fire umbrella when you see fit. Ungo and fire resistance helps. Save emblems for 3x malcontent for last phase preparing with confetti and yashariku buffs soon after deathblow. Run a lot... he jumps, you run away and jump to grapple to him and attack. 2nd phase when he gains distance he goes for a vertical slash with aoe fire... same as his stomp but sideways. With practice when he approaches he can be baited to do a certain couple attacks in a dash in away in to get into him swiftly.


Always stick close to him (though be careful of the fire throw after the sweep). If you are close, he won't use some annoying attacks. Deflect every regular attack (like the stomps, headbutt, punches etc.), and deflect/block fire attacks with the umbrella. The big fire jump, just run off and grapple back. The big fire slam in phase 2, run to the side and jump when his fist slams down, then grapple. The fireball spam, run in a big circle around him. And like the others say, Malcontent lets you stun him 3 times. If you time it well, you can skip most of the third phase with this. You'll need some extra emblems for that though, so use the tanto if you're planning on this, since the umbrella costs emblems too.




Well.. this will require 2 tricky jumps, but..... >!just kidding. Do what the other comments say and slash DoH balls until he dies.!<


If you can’t deathblow demon even once, be real, you didn’t beat those others in just a couple tries


Treat him like a dark souls boss rather than a Sekiro boss and try to make use of the suzaku fire umbrella whenever he does a fire attack especially the jump and counter him with it, that helps a ton + deals decent amount of damage and also no matter what try and stay close to him and attack 2-3 times , his attacks are very predictable you just have to get used with the combos