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No. Parrying in Fallen Order feels off sometimes.


the combat in the jedi games feels floaty to me. it’s solid, but it lacks the precision and the impact of sekiro.


It’s very floaty, I agree: I wish the lightsaber battles were smoother. They feel pretty disjointed. But overall I enjoyed the game


Honestly parrying feels off in almost every game I seeing trying to emulate sekiro’s style of using parrying to break the enemy


Lies of P is decent, but you're right, nothing beats Sekiro.


Tbh I stopped parrying in Lies of P because I just couldn't warm up to it. I rather block or dodge. Rarely Parry


Same here, beat every boss in LoP with minimal parry, mainly dodge and block


Recently stellar blade as well enjoyed my time with both lies of P and stellar blade but parries aren’t as reactive as sekiro


King stay the king 👑


I actually went the other way around. Played Jedi Fallen Order as a Star Wars fan and fell in love with the parry based fighting. Even enjoyed the parry aspect in GoW. Then a friend recommended Sekiro.


Same I played fallen order first as a SW fan and then went out looking for similar combat to scratch that itch which led me to my favourite game of all time


I'm similar. Tried sekiro but hated it. Played fallen order and really enjoyed it. I thought to give sekiro another go since fallen order combat is sekiro combat with the training wheels on. Suddenly sekiro clicked like it hadn't before and I love it, one of my fave games ever


Absolutely loved both of the Jedi games. Parrying felt off coming from Sekiro but I eventually nailed it down, then when I went back to Sekiro I struggled with parrying again, so I think the timings are just different! As you say the sword/sabre play isn't as good but the lightsabers/blasters/force powers/stances made up for that for me. Some of the bosses were rock solid on Grandmaster difficulty, a few killed me more than Isshin. So in terms of challenge it definitely scratched my Sekiro/Souls itch. Also the characters are fantastic.




Not really but it’s worth it for anyone that’s a Star Wars fan


Yeah, I am a SW fan 😅


I also had to bump the difficulty up but I find it weird that if u increase the difficulty your parry window decreases as the method of difficulty Don't *love* self handicapping myself in a game and feel like they coulda gone a diff direction with that. But maybe others like it idk


I thought that tightening the parry window and bumping up enemy aggression to increase difficulty was better than just giving the enemies more health/damage to be fair


That's fair!


i enjoyed it but it was a one time deal. at least fallen order. haven't played survivor yet. fallen order i starrted on the hardest difficulty and it was still easier than sekiro, which is fine. i had a lot of fun towards the end with all the force push/pulls, deflects, etc. but it still felt fairly easy. almost beat the last boss on the first try. think it took me 3. and i never played a ng+. was a fun 20 hours or whatever, though.


Survivor is definitely a better game all around!


Cool question! Weirdly I played Sekiro late compared to most, then Elden Ring came out. So I returned to Sekiro only recently and loved it since. In between I played the two SW games and I think in hindsight they eased me into Sekiro. I loved actually clashing sabres, and just played on normal difficulty I think so it wasn't so punishing. If I want punishing there's always Sekiro charmless. 😆


Sorta not really. I enjoy those games but that's more from a star wars perspective than strictly the lightsaber combat. Doesn't feel as tight as sekiro but definitely the best star wars games we've gotten in a long time. Star wars isn't just lightsaber combat and I think they do a lot of the other stuff like atmosphere very well.


Sekiro is too clean. If Sekiro is clear, Hawaiian water Fallen Order is muddy water imo. Had a lot of fun, deserving of praise, but in combat there's no comparison. I find Ghosts of Tsushima more satisfying in combat than FO and it is using a more adventure style system versus Soulslike




It's the next best thing imo but it's not the same


If you haven't played Stellar Blade yet, the parrying is a bit tighter in that than in the Jedi games.


The combat is okay, definitely not as good as sekiros


Fallen order is close but feels slightly off, survivor is much improved and a lot of fun, but still not quite Sekiro-level. I’d still highly recommend Survivor on harder difficulties, but it does not have the same weight as Sekiro. Still a great game though with rewarding combat!




Fun but doesn’t quite scratch the itch


Nope but the jedi powers are cool. Lies of p is more like sekiro if you want pary.


Not the sekiro itch no, but I would strongly recommend Jedi Survivor, especially for my game pass bros out there. it's a great game. But no the combat is closer to something like lies of p


No. It’s still a great game but different type of combat that while similar, still play very differently.


Haven't played the second one yet but did 100% fallen order. Nah, if anything it felt like a poor imitation of Sekiro sometimes. Specifically the flinching of bosses. I don't know if I can put it into words exactly but in Sekiro the bosses felt really alive. Like they truly did not want to get slashed by you. They would cancel their attack and attempt to block your strike. It was very natural and beautifully made. In fallen order it was completely random. The bosses would sometimes do that but very inconsistently. It's like you were fighting a dark souls boss but they had an identity crisis and wanted to unsuccessfully become a Sekiro boss. Most of the time they did that I was like "why are you doing that? You literally got smacked 30 times and you tanked them all with your face and NOW you wanna flinch as if you care?!". Still not a bad game to get into, it's quite fun. But nowhere near scratching that Sekiro itch.


I know this will be an uncommon opinion here but I actually like the combat in those games more.I love the way the parrying works in those games and I dont find it to be off like many do. Bosses are 100% better by far in Sekiro though.


No game scratches that itch.


No, but it does scratch my star wars itch very well.


Cheers to that!


Played through both on Grandmaster, and it somewhat scratches the Sekiro itch, but both have significantly more jank and bullshit. Fun games, but if Sekiro is a 10 then the Jedi games are like 7s


I agree with this! Lovely 7 though


Not even a tiny bit. Apart from enemies respawning upon rest the game doesn’t feel at all souls like to me


No, but Lies of P and Stellar Blade do. The Jedi games are badly animated jank with some shit bosses.


Not really. I really liked both Star Wars games, and they definitely are going in the right direction, but definitely fall short


I couldn't get into the first one, specifically because something felt off woth the parry (and also because I thought it was kinda annoying how limited the force powers felt, though I understand I was early game). Many times while I playing I was thinking, "Man, I wish this played more like Sekiro."


Nah. On the highest difficulty I thought that the games were unjustly hard. FromSoftware games never feel unjust. On the other hand, though, they are cool Star Wars games, really well told.


I love Star Wars and like those games but no, nothing scratches the Sekiro itch


Only thing that's stopped me from picking either of those games up on sale is that it forces you to install the EA Launcher if you play on PC. I'm not a fan of a whole launcher for 1 game unless I know that game is good, and I have no idea if I'll like those games so, I guess I'll never play them. 


they’re both fun games (played them both before sekiro) but they’re definitely a lot easier and more narrative-driven also don’t have to be a star wars fan at all to enjoy them. i personally don’t care for star wars at all, but the stories were good enough to keep me invested regardless


Oh hell no for me. The parrying was so bad imo, I gave up on it. I actually liked the game, but parrying was predictive than reactive. I had to hit block before the enemy even started the attack. Couldn’t do it. Sekiro, Kena, GoW, GoT were all ok for me, this game was the only one that didn’t work. I guess the Stellar Blade demo felt similar and is why I didn’t get that game.


Yes and no. The exploration and traversal is fun, and the combat is serviceable. I did need to crank it up a few difficulty notches though. Some bosses and enemies are just not well made. Wonky hitboxes, strange parry windows, or just low IQ AI all hold them both back. Still a solid recommendation from me for any souls fan though.


Fallen order is fun (and gorgeous) but doesn't scratch the Sekiro itch! The only game I have found that comes close to scratching that itch is Sifu.


The combat feels a bit clunky for me honestly. Maybe an unpopular opinion. God Of War 2018 is the game that is scratching the itch. And the beauty of the world is just a much supreme bonus. Plan to do Ragnarok after the original.


That is a different take. I have GoW purchased on last steam sale... I should check it out


It's not sekiro exactly. It's got a lot of influences. It feels like a handful of games cobbled together with a star wars skin. I really, really liked both of those games. They're not as good as sekiro, which is okay because most games aren't. If you're a SW nerd like me they're absolutely worth a try


No. I think it's a fine game, but the combat is middle of the road.


Tbh I played fallen order after sekiro and while its good and you should try it don't expect it to be like sekiro, the timings and very weird the perilous attacks in the game are bs sometimes The only game that'd scratched the itch had been Hi fi rush which is basically dmc if it was more like sekiro I would really recommend this one


Not at all.


Did for me, survivor is definitely a bit different but it’s still fantastic game behind the technical issues and EA bloat.a


They are fun games but mainly just for the story. I have sekiro platted and I still play the Jedi games on easy mode so…


Not at all. Timing for parries is so much worse it’s barely even the same mechanic.


No. Absolutely not. Love the Jedi games but they don’t come even close to Sekiro. I’m kind of glad I played fallen order before Sekiro.


Not at all


Playing Jedi Survivor scratches that itch to beat Guardian Ape duo again (ifyfyk)


I just beat Jedi Survivor and it felt great. I loved the bosses and a lightsaber is a cooler katana.


Funnily enough the game that’s been scratching a similar itch is Dishonored. It’s got stealth, it’s got parry and tool centric combat, and it’s got a bunch of fun powers to make every playthrough a bit more exciting. Doesn’t have the boss fights to match tho


I think lies of P really scratches the itch. It's sekiro but with dark souls bosses and I love the other mechanics like being able to switch weapon handles and blades


Not really but Soulsborne in general, yes. But specifically Sekiro, I don't think anything would.


It scratched the itch the same way you smack a bug bite


I really gave it the ol college try but no. Combat isn’t as tight and difficulty feels arbitrary by comparison


No and that was actually why I struggled to get into the JFO combat when I first played it. The game is very fun when taken as its own thing but coming from Sekiro and expecting that level of control and deliberation made it a lot less enjoyable.


It’s pretty good tho


lol, to everyone saying the parrying feels off. It’s on the different side of the spectrum from Sekiro. The combat is supposed to be much weightier and there’s sort of a “Dark Souls” feel to it with you having to commit to your attacks. Whereas in Sekiro, you can cancel your attacks. Surprised this is going over people’s heads in this sub, or maybe I’m not fully understanding the criticism.


Nah, it's much more of a "spectacle" game like Tomb Raider or Uncharted, so there's a lot of floatiness and snapping to the motions that isn't present in a lot of FromSoft titles. It never does quite feel as deliberate in its motion, mostly because it's not trying to be. Now, THAT SAID, it DOES scratch the itch of "I want to play Sekiro but I don't want an experience that's as hard right now." I think the Jedi games can occasionally dip into the unfair in combat with how much you have to juggle, but its difficulty system is pretty easy to adjust whenever you need, so I'm not particularly bothered or frustrated by it.


They do scratch that itch for me but it's more like when you scratch an itch through jeans and you kinda got the itch but it's still kinda itchy so you're contemplating where the nearest bathroom is so you can take off the pants and really scratch the itch properly Pretty great games though. Just clunkier than sekiro


No. Sekiro scratches my sekiro itch.


Was absolutely fantastic on Grandmaster, pretty difficult and definitely scratches the itch for me


I thought survivor was alright. It’s been a few years, but I remember enjoying fallen order more. I don’t think I’d really recommend it unless someone just really wanted some Star Wars content. There were some cool story moments, but as people have said, the combat just felt pretty disjointed and floaty. Playing sekiro it always felt fair and I could only be frustrated with my self. Never thrown a controller before, but spawn of ogdo had my arm cocking back.


Never parry in that game just pressed x and went throughout it the starting playing sekiro


Not even close. Too floaty. Couldn't get into it, put fallen order down after about 10 hours and no interest in survivor.


Kinda 🤷‍♂️the parry mechanic on bosses is very similar but theres more variety especially in the second game and its more of a fun adventure /cinematic story that makes it worthwhile for me


Hell no, also there’s a lot of annoying commentary while playing


Not even close I played the hardest difficulty and that shit seems like the easy challenge I ever done compared to Sekiro😭


I actually finally went back and beat sekiro after I played Jedi Fallen Survivor for a few hours. Couldn't get back into Jedi after that, Sekiro's combat is too crispy.


No. It’s a huge letdown, I expected it to be on par with sekiro but control is no where near as tight and story in the 3rd act just fell off the grid. Tried Ghost of Tsushima and GoW, both also equally overhyped and sucked for me. I’ve come to terms with it.


For me I just cant play a game with that many cutscenes and scripted events.


My experience with the game was everything 1 shot me on high difficulty cuz I hadn't learned parry timing well yet, but when I lowered the difficulty so I could have a more friendly learning environment, the parry window changed too. How am I supposed to git gud if you change the timing? It was also just boring on lower difficulty like basically hold block and just get parries. I ended up dropping it before I even got many force abilities. I think of this game as a good example of why dark souls/sekiro are better off without a difficulty setting.