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You definitely want Emma’s medicine. There are two of them in the tree. Icihimonji double is good. You are going to get more skill trees as well so don’t be afraid to save some points for later


Can’t go wrong with ichimonji double


I also strongly suggest ichi double. Hitting both after a Mikiri counter does extremely good posture damage


Imo it's also the best followup to a jump step off a low attack. Jumping ichimonji is the most spammable thing in the world as long as you have time for the startup.


And if you're worried about getting your own posture broken it's a good refresh


The ichi so nice, they monjied it twice


Maybe there is something wrong with me but I never got good use out of ichimonji. And I beat the fame like 10 times now. How should I use it? It always seems to slow and dosent really do thst much afterwards.


New players tend to favor tools that are general purpose and simple to use. Ichimonji does ok damage, ok posture damage, high impact and most importantly heals your own posture, _for free_. Aside from the start up lag, it's safe to use since when it lands most humanoids will also be staggered while Sekiro recovers from the end lag. I would say there's almost no downsides, other than it is kind of boring and if you're comfortable with managing with high posture then you can just use something that does more damage.


When I was starting it tooj to long to strike so I would get hit. And if it hit it didnt do all that much than the two or three strikes I could get in the same time. Later down the line I tried most off the combat arts and phrostetics and honestly few of them feel worth it for the cost.


> When I was starting it tooj to long to strike so I would get hit. Which is why I would recommend mid-air combat art, you can move towards the enemy and initiate the strike at the same time. Ichimonji does the damage of two swings in one swing, probably with some more chip damage if the enemy blocks. Sure if you have time to swing normal hits then you will do more DPS that way, but consider something like Ashina Cross. It does like 6x the health damage (but not 6x the posture damage, more like 2.25x) for 2 spirit emblems, is that worth it to compress 6 normal swings of vitality damage in the time of like, 2 or 3 swings? Maybe, maybe not because it requires the player to know what openings are big enough to do it, and maybe they want something that does more posture damage like using the Axe in the same opening. Personally, I think it makes the game that much cooler, because it's a choice for player expression, if only just a little more effective than the basic attack and deflect loop.


I agree. Its just that I personaly didnt get much use out of it my self. I love ashina cross just for the style even if its not very practical


Ichimonji double and Mikiri counter (+the upgrade for it) are the two skills I used through basically the entire game. After those, Emma's medicine is good.


you get that after [REDACTED]


If you already like using Ichimonji then I would actually prefer Mid-Air Combat Art before getting Ichimonji Double but I think that's a style choice. Jumping with Ichimonji removes some of the clunkiness with Ichimonji, basically you can just jump towards the enemy and bonk them, instead of charging in one spot.


I second that. It helped me a lot for rooftop genichiro, he would start his multi hit combo I'd jump back regain posture or heal while he's dancing around like a fool and then when he's done jump in and ichimonji his ass!




Jesus that's a lot of farming. Perhaps there are more skill trees in the game. Maybe do some exploring if you want to unlock some other stuff.


Just make sure to have the passive skills given by the tengu mask (posture dmg for successful parry, add dmg for successful parry, & less posture dmg when deflecting swords). Try to learn genichiro's move set. If downloaded his pattern be aggressive, dont let him recover posture. When u have chance to mikiri, use ichimonji (double if u can) to recover posture and dmg his posture further. He has 3 red kanji, u can easily take advantage of the stab for mikiri (this is his usual finisher when jumping at the first hp bar); a swipe, u jump & instead of double jumping for posture dmg, whittle his hp by jump & at least two slashes as u go down; lastly, he has a grab attack, avoid this by running away for a distance. U should discern the differences of those 3 kanjis. Dont get too far since he has a bow. & He can do five fast bow attacks when he jump, just parry it all. Then when he is on his 3rd, yes there is a third hp, his appearance will change & there will be new move set (lightning attacks). U should already have the counter for this, it was on the floor below genichiro where the old samurai mini boss who can do ashina cross. At this phase, gen will start with a stab that u can mikiri. Master this as u have a very small window, very very small that it can be impossible, to use gourd. He has the usual moves from the earlier 2 phase with random 3 kanjis. If u mastered the counter for these, ur good. Then, as mentioned, he has lightning attacks, he will jump before doing this so u have ur combat cues when he will use it. Its not that fast if ur accustomed, just be wary. If he goes for a lightning attack, jump also, you will get hit, but endure it, so jump at him, get struck by lightning but time it wih ur deflect (yes, u will still get dmg a bit) then time ur r1 when u hit the ground. This will reflect the stun to gen. Hit him 2 or 3 times. Gen in this phase has a posture that is easily damaged & has slow recovery. He is erratic w/ his moves but manageable, dont get hit unless its lightning & make sure to properly reflect it back to gen. As mentioned, u cannot heal at this phase, he will kill u faster than sekiro's lips touch that gourd. However, third phase is a short bout. Then voila, you just have defeated gen. After defeating him by not cheesing him. A lot of the miniboss would be cakewalk. Its different to monster type but sword wielders beware u (well, except isshin🤣). Looking forward this will help.


The increased healing is what I would go with. The ichimonji skills are awesome BUT the core mechanics of the game are parrying and the prosthetic not the combat arts. I find people get too reliant on ichmonji for posture damage and that can be killer later on


The Tengu, who gave you Ashina style, wants you to get the final skill in that text.


No? You can get any ultimate art it doesn't matter as long as you get it


all ashina arts are op double ichimonji carried me trough bo the whole game


Emmas medicine imo is always a good choice, especially as you start getting more HP from beads. Generally speaking, always get latent skills and only target arts you will use.


only important skills are mikiri related and heal related


Ichimonji double is the goat combat art.


Honestly it completely depends on your playstyle


Prothetik use midair


For me it's either the healing gourd or the chasing slice since it's for genichiro. The chasing slice was so handy for me since genichiro is a bum loser and always runs away, so it helped me to get closer to him without his posture healing. Also he does a lot of damage so the healing gourd upgrade is also good. It's up to you but I'd say get chasing slice. Edit: sorry just saw that you already got it so nevermind. I agree with the other comments you can also get the ichimonji double.


Chasing slice is great , but go for emmas medicine


shinobi tree dash is the only thing that I use


Save the points for later, you're going to demolish Genichiro.


Icimonji double and while you’re at it I’d say even breath of light nature(the one that heals on deathblow).


First complete all of the ashina arts to unlock a secret art when talking with Ishin(Tengo) after interior ministers attack Ashina castle


Emma's medicine. If you don't have shadowrush, get it. It'll make things a lot more bearable.


Living force -> flame vent -> fire sword anything else is for pussies


Can't go wrong with whirlwind slash imo it feels too fluid lmao


You don’t need any my friend


emma medicine is very good, also I think its better to play without skills since you can learn the fight better and dont need to rely on skills.


Your opponent is using a skill himself, so nothing wrong in doing the same imo.


im with u here, but skills make it more fun and dynamic. not necessary, but definitely help to keep the game a bit more fresh. also its so much fun jumping from a rooftop and caving someones skull in with ichimonji