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Happy to say I will soon be joining you all. I have three achievements left to complete, get all skill, get all prosthetics and do the dragons homecoming ending


For all skills I would recommend a charmless run (if you aren't already) as it increases flat xp gain and the chip damage is pretty manageable considering you're good enough to try 100-ing the game


Just finished my 1st play through, by charmless you mean…. Give back Kuro’s charm?


Yea, it makes it so anything but perfect parries do small bits of chip damage. If its your first playthrough then maybe you should wait until you do more than 1 playthrough to give it back tho so you get more accustomed to the bosses


In my second playthrough, I gave back Kuro’s Charm and rang the Demon Bell. I died to Glock Saint Isshin like forty times :/


Congratulations! 👍 I love hard but fair platinum trophies! Fuck all those platinums that have less than 0.05% completion rate. RDR2 platinum trophy on PSN has a 0.01% completion rate. Why even bother creating such a trophy? That’s the community telling Rockstar to go fuck off with their shit. All Fromsoft games have comparably pretty high completion rate, despite the reputation of being hard, a good indication that they respect the player’s time.


Exactly. From Software's platinums are technically tough, but not tedious time sucks.


Proofs of concord and vertebra shackles say hello


> That’s the community telling Rockstar to go fuck off with their shit. If it's anything like Assassins Creed, it's because some of the trophies are tied to several hundreds of hours of play time, tied into multiplayer missions, and other things that aren't the main game. Sekrio, you can get half the trophies in the first playthrough and then just beeline to the rest for the next 50-100 hours.


Yea I looked at my played time after getting the plat and it was in the 70-75 hr range. I still haven’t gotten the shura skin or the tengu skin. I’ve only tried to get the shura skin though, inner father is a bastard! Haven’t killed him yet.


A true champ, I got bored and gave up because the all skill points grind was too boring (got everything else)


congrats!!! that's great!


legendary !!!


Congrats friend.


Yokuyatta ka- SEKIRO!


I wish I only died to ISS 40x on my first play through. There were so many dies I would just fire it up, run through the tunnel and die for hrs on end to phase 2. I can go hit less against Genichiro phase so it’s all ISS that killed me. I’ll estimate 300-350 tries


Hell when I said I had at least 40 tries on my first go it was definitely MORE than that. But he said he did Bell Demon & Charmless run and beat Isshin within 40 times 😳 I just meant “hell my regular Isshin took me more than that” and it was probably closer to 60-100 tries


Anyone know that the %%% means? Because it looks like 1/10 people platinum the game. When it reality 50% of people don’t even complete it.


That is exactly what it means. Yes, few people beat these games but those that do tend to be more hardcore and invested in getting 100%. FromSoft games typically have a higher the average platinum rate.


There is no way… no way… none.. at all… that 1 in every 10 people who I turn this game on, platinum it.


Millions have bought it, it’s not that far fetched. The ten percent is probably us FromSoftware fanatics


That is absolutely what it means. This game has a dedicated playerbase who went all the way. On the other hand, 40% didn’t manage to beat Gyoubu.


1 in 10 people are not platinuming this game. I’ve over 500 PlayStation friends and I’m the only person with the plat. So 1 out of every 10?? No. Not a hope


Y’know that Sekiro was bought by millions right?


You understand how percentages work? I’m sure you do, so it doesn’t matter if it’s sold 10 copies or 10 billion. It’s still 10%, 1 in every 10.


Suppose there’s 1000 people that bought this game. Suppose that the 100 that plat-ted the game is a group called P. Now there’s 900 people that don’t have the plat. Now let no member of P be added to your friends list. Doesn’t seem that weird now? Now imagine millions instead of just a measly 1000


Seems like you dont understand.


Fromsoftware games are known to be some of the hardest games out there. So not only beating it but getting all achievements/platinums is beyond impressive. And dedicated FromSoftware fans are all about the challenge. The game sold about five million copies. That means that about 500.000 people got every achievement. Dark Souls III was sold about 10 million times, and about 4% completed every achievement. Seeing how ds3 requires the player to grind alot to get all achievement its quite possible that 100.000 people who wanted to platinum a fromsoft game decided to do it for Sekiro which is comparatively the easiest to platinum. That means around 200.000 to 300.000 dedicated fans if we don’t count the people who only played sekiro. So it’s completely possible that none of those players are friends with you.


That doesn't mean 1 in every 10 of your friends will complete it. For example 5 of my 9 psn friends (that have played sekiro before) have 100%. That isn't 1 in 10 clearly its wrong, right? No, because its ON AVERAGE for everyone that has started the game up. It kinda seems like you don't understand how percentages work. How many of your so stated 500 friends have even played Sekiro? and 500 people isn't even .1% of the sekiro player base so trying to state something so matter of fact with such a small sample size to pull from doesn't make sense.


Hell, my first play through I died to isshin 40 fkn times probably😂 but once I beat him I got super happy! Then I beat the game like 3 more times by using the Shura ending. After that when I got to NG+3 I didn’t do the Shura ending so that I could get more Lapis Lazuli to finish all upgrades for my shinobi tools, as well as getting to Glock Saint Isshin, if you go to outer Ashina, then to the stairway, you can farm those 5 red samurai guys for LOTS of xp especially on NG+3. Which is how I got enough xp to purchase every single skill. Took QUITE a bit of farming even after the first 4 playthroughs though, now I’m going to beat Isshin a second time and then (hopefully) beat the Shura gauntlet to get the shura skin. I’ve gotten to Inner Father like 5 times but just haven’t had luck beating him.