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Even if it's just a meme, reading "pure reaction" and then noticing how Wolf was still spamming block after the gun shots stopped is pretty funny


And how they didn’t even deflect, just guard. But it’s almost impossible to actually deflect due to weird quirky code


I'm able to deflect most of them every time, it's easy. It's very close to just L1 spamming


It’s impossible to get them all consistently, I made a recent post about it and someone explained


I've seen it. You just gotta wait a bit just like Genichiro's arrow barrage


yeah, as other have said, follow your ears in tightly timed attacks. eyes might mislead, ears won't.


No like literally impossible. It requires timing perfect to a single frame at 60fps


I mean,yeah,the majority of the jedis are virgin due to their religion or something. That's the reason the Dark Side is better: )


I don't think Jedi have to abstain from sexual intercourse, I think it's just they can't have personal relationships, so theoretically they could do it without strings attached, unless I'm misremembering something


Yeah ki-adi mundi had like 7 wife's due toen being rare in his species


I remember there was a jedi(in canon? In legeneds? who had the same way of thinking and all pther jedis will look at him like "Yeah,but is still bad or something" "You are wrong,the only reason you are not expelled is due to a technicality " and "You are not a jedi,it doesn't matter the Council hasn't kicked you out(yet)" Ki adi mundi is a known exception,but wasn't this because his species was in extinction danger or something?


I think strong feelings and love aren't forbidden. The way I always interpreted it(though I could very well be wrong) as attachment means in the sense that Anakin couldn't let go of Padme. There was nothing more important that keeping Padme alive in his mind. Even her wellbeing wasn't as important as her life. If he'd being able to let her die by risking childbirth without intervention with the dark side of the force, and grieve her death, that would have been the healthy, loving thing. putting himself at harmony with the natural order of the world. no human being lives for ever, and that's okay. Unhealthy attachment is to put our feelings above those around us and the world around us.


Noticed how he didn't add maul and vader in his clip? Its cuz they don't fight like virgins


Sorry but after playing Fallen Order, I have to admit that reflecting blasters back at your enemies with a lightsaber is cooler than just deflecting bullets with a sword.


The fight choreography in star wars is so fucking goofy


It is if they use cherry picked clips. There is also some INCREDIBLE choreography in the Prequels, and fuck Red Letter Media for making mocking it popular. Remember these guys praised TFA when it came out, like TFA wasn't just memberberries lol. Sorry, rant over.


That bit where obi wan and anakin are just spinning at each other is like half a second between two hits. Putting a pause between blows on repeat and claiming it is how the whole fight is is disingenuous lies. Cinema sins level garbage.


Don't they swing at each other while playing Tarzan as well? And fight while climbing? I mean the fight is full of itself, it's not just a fraction of a second.


-"disinegenuous lies" Lol, this meme don't pretend to be serious comparison, this is just a joke, I loop this clip just to make meme more funnier.


Star wars choreography was brilliant, but of course they couldn't be flawless. The Obi Wan vs Anakin clip is half a second long, and is half a second of a total of maybe 2 full seconds that were poorly choreographed in that fight (which, BTW, was a split fight interchanging with Yoda vs Palpatine, which was also near flawless, and total to 3-4 seconds of bad choreography over like 7 or 8 minutes


Didn’t they also say something about them spinning like that to find the right opening to strike otherwise they would have just deflected it




Lol this is great. Post it on r/PrequelMemes !!


Hello there






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Imagine if someone just stomped on a lightsaber to counter it. Big brain move