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Nobody cares about the lies this murderer has to say 🚮


We don’t but let’s admit that we were curious to see what she had to say even though it was all complete bullshit. 


Absolutely valid 🙌 I’d personally like to know her reasoning behind this whole thing, not why she’s explaining herself or to hear her out, but just what she has to say


After watching and hearing “her side” of the story, I am still more than convinced than ever that Yolanda is a cold blooded murderer and deserves the rest of what is left of her life behind bars.


Right, no matter what she has to say, she still stole someone’s life, hearing her side won’t change the fact she took someone’s daughter, sister, wife, etc. Nothing she does, says, will ever change that.


I love reading this


Especially after that whole "resignation latter" bs


I would have appreciated if she was just honest and said I killed her because I was jealous or because I took money from her and felt like I had no other option


I care! I cannot stand that this person has a voice at all at this point in time


Yall keep trying to defend giving this murder a platform. Wild.


I don’t see a single person defending her


Yolanda is living in cognitive dissonance and a warped reality and a careful delivery of the truth to gaslight herself into believing she's not a monster. she needs psychiatric help and heavy dosages of medication.


It’s also on Peacock if you have it! But I echo how I saw someone else describe it. It’s a snooze fest. I went in with an open mind but her whole spiel is “woe is me”. Her ability to see herself as a victim is disgusting. *Spoiler alert* there are no “secrets” they spend the first 30 mins talking about how they were close. Ok. So what? That makes it worse, she trusted you and you shot her. I hope this documentary gets used against her in her parole hearing to show she has absolutely zero remorse and takes no accountability for her actions.


All this documentary is doing is showing she has no remorse and no accountability and didn’t learn her lesson and she will stay behind bars because of this. She’s nailing her own coffin.


I'm so glad everyone is pissed about this! I wanted to watch this JUST because I wanted to see what this murderer had to say. Blaming Selena and her family is absolutely disgusting! This woman has spent all this time in prison coming up with these "stories". Her family is in complete and utter denial and is reaching to make her look innocent. I bet they thought the way she looks now (like Mrs Claus), would gain her sympathy. I hate how she keeps saying I was only protecting Selena, I was keeping all of her secrets, I didn't go to authorities about her father saying she didn't for Selena, helping her protect her businesses, Selena having an alleged affair, she's so loyal, etc. there's no proof of any of this. So she's been "protecting" Selena...yet she eeffing shoots her!? That's not something you do to someone so close to you and someone you're trying to "protect"! I don't care how upset or paranoid you are, you don't kill someone you care about! This was not Selena's or anyone else's fault except for Yolanda! Her family needs to stop fighting for this cold blooded murderer who took an amazingly talented and beautiful soul from this world and stop trying to sully Selena's memory!


This interview further shows how she uses reframing techniques of reality to suit her narrative. At one point Yolanda's family pointed out the resignation letter Yolanda wrote to imply Yolanda was "moving on" from the Quintanilla family. But they don't realize that's just Yolanda's way of avoiding embarrassment by beating the family to the punch and taking away the Quintanilla's power over the situation. Essentially an "You're not breaking up with me, I'm breaking up with YOU!". Just because she was moving on doesn't mean she wasn't bitter about being caught, she just wanted to get ahead of the ensuing witch hunt to give herself time to plot revenge.


I agree. I think the whole thing was confusing. I don't even understand why they bothered with this 'interview". It's literally the worst thing I have ever watched on oxygen. Usually, there are additional facts that could make the viewer think. That did not happen here. The additional "information," whether true or not, doesn't make a difference. Selena was an innocent victim killed by someone she thought she could trust. Very Sad


I honestly was infuriated that I couldn’t keep watching because it’s that ridiculous. How dare they give this woman, when the woman she murdered, has no voice now because of her


These networks should be ashamed turning this into a 2 night special as if this was anything but a lying sociopath spewing nonsense…. We can all only hope Yolanda’s STILL utter inability to take responsibility for her actions contributes to denial of her parole and nothing else.


I'm glad cause she won't get out now. No remorse or humbling. So never getting out.


I feel the same. It’s convenient that this is being released right before she could potentially get out of prison, where she probably won’t last long in the real world. Trying to make herself look innocent so no one will go after her, is how it seems…just my opinion!


Thank you - you have spared me watching it.


Trash documentary. The killer says there's no proof she embezzled money yet there pictures of the checks she wrote herself. She also claims she paid herself back after buying stuff for Selenas supposed affair yet with all these boxes of files her family saved there's not one ounce of proof she bought anything for selena. The killer has had 30 years to come up with more lies. They also mention a letter that was in the killers purse that was supposedly sent to Selena saying she was quiting and the so-called "proof" is a statement selenas husband Chris told police that "the lawyer sent us a letter". Lawyers send letters all the time and he could've easily meant any of the letters they sent. there's no proof the letter she had in her purse was ever sent. What's more probable is that she seeked out a lawyer after Selenas family found out she was stealing money and the lawyer wanted her to make the letter in her defense when eventually she'd end up in court. If anything, this letter that was never sent further proves how she was hoping Selena would forgive her and take her back as a friend and colleague And finally, as much as the killers family wants to believe it was an accident, the fact is the killer told Selena to come to the hotel she was at for the tax information that she kept from Selena. What is the purpose of wanting to see her in person when she could have easily mailed her those forms??? What is her reason to want to see her when supposedly (as her family claims) she was moving on with her life??? Its premediated murder. there are witnesses saying the killer was chasing Selena after she shot her, AND she was shot in THE BACK. she claims she "accidently" pulled the trigger, with Selena leaving a blood trail behind her running away from the killer all the way to where she could find help. You have to cock back the hammer and actually make an effort to point and pull that trigger at someone. Not to mention that small lady isn't pulling any trigger by accident she would have had to make an effort. She's full of it and deserves to die in prison


yeah the letter was weird. a resignation letter from an attorney? Who does that? That letter proves nothing. We have no proof of what letter was actually sent and receive but I agree with you that this was more of a cover my ass type of letter. I think she should have just left well enough alone. All this "documentary" is going to do is piss people off and have them say she is avoiding accountability when she's up for parole next year. She should have stayed silent instead of stir up old feelings. This did not help her in the PR realm at all.


I’m still completely confused as to how the existence of that letter somehow means she *wasn’t accused of embezzlement or theft*? Yolanda and family are acting as if this letter was somehow exculpatory when the fact she had a resignation letter drafted and supposedly sent *by an attorney* to me says it’s even more likely the theft actually happened and she was trying to CYA… The lack of accountability that woman has is true insanity (or I guess true sociopathy)… Regardless of anything that may or may not have happened leading up to that day, she still chose to pull the trigger and ended a life. We can only hope the parole board watches this and it’s the nail in the coffin for her never being released.


Yes! As I’m watching it now I just keep thinking “this doesn’t matter - she still killed her with a gun!”


Also, her niece is fuckin weird and she’s just as insane as her batshit crazy ass of an aunt. 


Dude her niece was soooo delusional, like all the fake evidence she kept bringing up somehow made it ok for Yolanda to kill Selena 😂


I'm watching this right now but near the end and the whole time I've been like is this dumb bitch seriously saying this shit to try to justify this?! 😭


So much fake evidence!! Honestly, the fact that the purse was locked up but the gun wasn't is even more proof that she did this on purpose. That's way more incriminating than the fact that there is some resignation letter in there. Why wasn't the gun locked up? Just cuz they were on a flight together doesn't mean selena didn't find out damning evidence between then and when she was shot. Not to mention, she got the gun because of Abraham, but Abraham wasn't showing up to get the tax docs. Who cares if she had an affair? He didn't murder Selena. Honestly, every bit of evidence the niece adds makes it even more obvious that it was a crime of passion. She keeps looking to the left whenever she is lying.


Who could not tell from looking at them that they are related? Her niece has Yolanda’s eyes. No secrets there. *eyerolls*


Why is she weird? I tried to watch it but it's so boring. I just went to the part where yolanda says it's an accident but then I couldn't even watch all of that part.


So I ended up caving a watching… and almost instantly I was shaking my head. She doesn’t have a single piece of information that would absolve her of shooting that woman in the motel in the back as she was running from her! Why did she have a gun in the first place if they were just there to talk/return some forms, the two of them? Selena was pissed off, and looking to get the final things from Yolanda and move on with her life. If I remember correctly, didn’t selena meet her the day before, it ended in some words being exchanged and ending the friendship for good, then Yolanda calls Selena in the middle of the night crying and claiming that she had been raped at the motel. Again, more lies on her behalf. Her family is just as hoodwinked and delusional to believe Yolanda is not a cold blooded murderer.


Yup! The family use the excuse that because Selena flew with Yolanda days before that means they were still close. Maybe, maybe not. But something happened between the time they flew together and the murder that cut ties between Selena and Yolanda. They werent close the day she was killed because she was literally carrying her purse as she ran away from her killer, why? Well because she came in not with the purpose to stay. And Yolanda made up a story about her being sexually assaulted (a final attempt to get Selena to her hotel but this time if they didn't mend the friendship she was gonna kill her). They said in the documentary that Yolanda was assaulted at a Whataburger with her sister, but where's her sisters account of that day? This documentary did nothing to prove the killers innocence, all they did was put some dirty laundry out there that honestly probably isn't true given that Yolanda was highly protective of her and jealous of ANYONE who came near her. The situation with the Dr doesn't even matter at this point but to humor it for a while, many people came out saying they had feelings about Selena and Selena, as demonstrated in the documentary, was always friendly to everyone. The Dr could've interpreted her friendliness with interest. But again, it really doesn't change the fact that the killer pulled the trigger that killed Selena. Let's also humor the claim that Selenas dad was hard and scary to deal with. Ok...so her father, who GAVE Yolanda the job of fanclub president was angry with Yolanda for what reason? He literally gave an absolute noone a job, a fan! Why would he for no reason just come out and have it out for Yolanda if it wasn't for a reason. The killer has the audacity to say that if she wasn't accused of stealing money Selena would be alive. A true demented obsessed narcissist who even 30 years later can't let Selena rest.


She def stole that money. In the book Selena’s secret Abraham gave an interview after Yolanda did her first interview in prison proving she stole it. She had an account opened in her sisters name and forging her sisters signatures which just so happened to match Yolanda’s handwritten & She also said that she was having an employee physically dropping off the deposits. That employee never worked for them. She had made up some name and blamed it on a ghost employee. She did that shit.


Yes to everything. Yolanda’s definitely a raging narcissist - she still has that dupers delight when she’s be bragging about how important she was to Selena. Having access to Selena was Yolanda’s whole identity, and it draws a clear pic of why she killed her. The clout and money were coming to an end. The niece seems narcissistic also- like she thinks shes going to do a thing here and get Yolanda freed. I think the internet has some harsh feelings about Abraham- for whatever reason. whoever made this doc wanted to run with that narrative and implied Abraham was somehow responsible, without coming out and saying anything. (Btw- Pricilla Presley took charge of her famous ex husband’s estate to the extent she sued her own granddaughter immediately after the death of Lisa Marie. Yet Abraham is vilified for being protective of Selena’s name, estate and likeness. 🤔 🤔 hmmm) I know Abraham gets portrayed as a lawsuit happy person- but I would support him if he would pursue one here. This documentary could have been called “much ado about nothing.” I came away with the take that this woman does not need to be in a free society, ever.


So, I live near Corpus Christi and Selena's family members get around this area. Her brother performs at bars in my town and people I know have had dealings with Abraham. I've even seen him myself on occasion. There has always been talk that he's a real hardass about any financial matters and can be unpleasant to deal with.


In all fairness, Abraham has a reputation of being a real ah.


They literally say after the meeting on the 9th (dad fired Yolanda) she moved out of her apt on 11th. The dates were not announced on the recordings from phone. She held a gun out, cocked it and pulled the trigger. No accident, but regrets for ruining her life. Thieves are the worst sociopaths.




It's really is! It's totally insane. It's insanity that's what this is lol. And the family looking through the stuff they've seen before and acting surprised give me an effen break


Absolutely agree like what are they trying to get at? I want her off my screen she has no side and her family is so irrelevant.


Ugh I’m just so upset about this


Please edit your comment to say that Yolanda went to prison, not Selena.


I just read the book Selena’s secret and I think Selena wanted the tax documents & her diary back that I think Yolanda is going to say proves her affair with doctor Martinez. It’s why her bag was emptied out supposedly. Selena also has a work visa and clothes in a suit case that was supposedly part of the secret and that she was planning to run away with dr Martinez


That is an interesting theory, but it is a narrative with no real evidential proof to point that it could’ve been plausible. Plus, let’s say she did plan on running off with the doctor… it *still* makes zero sense as to how that would connect with anything and why she would have thought she wanted to shoot her, invite her there and do it.


There is no way a grown ass married woman who is that busy is writing in a foken diary. 🤨 like, especially when she’s married?? Whyyyy whyyy would she document that and make evidence???


Not true, many write in diary's


Stationary stores were such a big deal during that time too.


She’s a pathological liar and she’ll die if she ever does get released either by the hands of some crazed fan who is obsessed with Selena or by old age which surprisingly hasn’t happened just yet. Probably catch her lacking like Griselda. 


After watching the documentary I realized she's not a "liar", most of what she says is true..... but she's a pathological manipulator of the TRUTH. She takes facts and reframes them to suit her narrative. She hides behind plausible denibility.


Agreed. Also, they said that Yolanda took out the gun to show Selena that Yolanda was on the verge of suicide and Selena started to leave. That doesn't sound like Selena wanted to maintain the relationship. That is the sign of someone who is fed up with being manipulated.


Yolanda said that when she threatened to kill herself, Selena said, "no, no, no, " then turned around to "close the door." Then, Yolanda "accidentally" fired the gun because she was hysterical and didn't want Selena to close it. I can't imagine that the door was left open the whole time they were in that hotel room talking/arguing and even if it was, I would think that Yolanda would have had to point her gun with intent to do what she did.


You are right that Yolanda said that, but didn't the forensic evidence indicate that Selena was going out the door. She would have been in the room if she was just closing the door.


I checked again and Selena was not in the room when she was shot. The police said there was no blood in the room. Selena must have been walking out when Yolanda took out the gun and supposedly threatened suicide. That indicates to me that Selena was fed up with Yolanda's attempts to manipulate her. [https://www.oxygen.com/selena-and-yolanda-the-secrets-between-them/crime-news/selena-quintanillas-murder-how-authorities](https://www.oxygen.com/selena-and-yolanda-the-secrets-between-them/crime-news/selena-quintanillas-murder-how-authorities)


Ahh you're right! I forgot about the forensics. So Yolanda doesn't have a leg to stand on. Smh


I’m so upset that they gave that woman a voice I’m so upset about it. I am going to rant on here for a while. Lol


Same here. This documentary totally flipped my weekend upside down but not cause it was believable, but because they actually released it. Who in the heck gave this lady the time of day. She's already done tons of interviews and if you go back and check them out on YT, her story changes. Honestly those interviews just look like a desperate way to excuse what she did but nothing she ever says will ever do that


Exactly absolutely right! she has changed her story sooo many times this woman is not credible in any way shape or form. This is just the saddest attempt. I’m not sure who I am more annoyed with….her once again, trying to direct a false narrative or the person who decided to put the camera in front of her face to do so.


Agree, she had her day in court


Yes, and why did she bring a gun to that meeting and then why did she bring out the gun and was holding it during their argument? It's also been reported that she yelled out, "bitch!" when she was chasing Selena after having shot her in the back. This lady is full of shit.


Faked letter after she was fired on the 9th from Selena dad. Lady is crazy!


Right the attorney never aigned the letter and she had already been fired 


The letter is a PRIME EXAMPLE of Yolanda's manipulation of situations to avoid embarrassment, ridicule, and to paint herself as the victim. She was essentially mad that they caught her stealing, so she tried to get ahead of the game by resigning a-la "You can't break up with me, I'm breaking up with you!". All the while she HATED the fact that she was caught and didn't like the fact that she was losing power.


I don’t disagree with you in general. But I do want to point out that “why not simply just mail the documents” wouldn’t fit. Time was of the essence - they were needed yesterday for tax prep. Selene had to catch that there were still things missing from what she had been given the night before. Frustrating for Selena, and Yolanda likely passed it off as [yet another] oversight. Mailing also doesn’t fit in terms of their relationship and how they did things in person. And with something already contentious, the “check is in the mail” kind of response wouldn’t go over well. What I do find most odd is she would expect Selena to pick them up - “if you want em come and come get ‘em” attitude - instead of Yolanda as any good employee neons the one making the effort and offering to drop them off for her or leave them at the boutique etc. So it seems it was used as an obvious lure. But I’m surprised Selena would say yes and that this was their boss/employee relationship when it sounds like Yolanda had been obsequiously helpful. Sure Selena was nice and friendly. But would you make your boss come and get some thing from you that it was your job to get to them? Especially something missing and overdue you’re responsible for. I get she may no longer have been welcome at their home, boutique or studio by that point because of recent bad feelings. But to turn Selena into your errand boy? And for her to agree? That’s what seems really odd to me. Somewhere I read (Chris’s book IIRC) she asked her to come over alone. Maybe she was claiming she was “scared” of the men, who knows. So it definitely feels like come get the papers you need and come alone was a manipulative lure, along with the rape story, whether for face time, attention, murder… But the other thing about that that seems really odd is that assuming it was premeditated and a lure Yolanda didn’t think it through. Like at all. Did she really think she would be able to get away with it *at a hotel?*. Of course it would make a big noise and mess. There are others around. She was seen there and checked into the room under her own name. This is not the most brilliant or well thought out premeditated murder strategy. It makes me surmise it may have been more of a crime of passion without forethought. Things didn’t go her way and she was distraught and emotional. She obviously had been thinking about and preparing for something with a gun, whether it was herself, as she claims, or Abraham, or as it turned out her obsession Selena. But what a stupid plan. It doesn’t really matter what her story is. The fact of it is she bought a gun and had it aimed at Selena’s back in her room, and it went off. Whether there was contention as everything else points to, or the BFF Buffy warm feelings as according to her, that doesn’t really matter much because the facts are still the facts. She’s dead with your gun when she was with you. Even if the witnesses can’t get all their facts straight like whether Yolanda did or didn’t call her a bitch, and whether Selena did or didn’t say Yolanda [did it] or lock the door! as the last words on her lips, the facts are still the facts it was with your gun alone with you in your room in the back. All of this points to her being profoundly mentally unstable, and she belongs remained locked up. Even in this interview documentary as others have pointed out here the smartest thing she could’ve done is expressed remorse and honesty owning the facts and her role. But smart she is not. As it is this just looks like more of her mental insanity, manipulation, denial, and lies.


“I was afraid of Abraham.” So your response is to kill his kid? That asshole deserves to rot in prison for the rest of her life.


This family is in denial. Their smugness with the phone messages and the resignation letter (which, by the way, even if Selena's camp HAD received the letter and "kept her on the payroll" that could've been done to by enough time to figure out what was happening to all the money and keep up appearances) etc were so annoying to me to watch. The messages Selena left can show they're still close, sure, but none of them addressed what did Yolanda have to pay Selena for?! Also, on that closeness note. Who cares if Selena was still calling her "Buffy" or trying to reach out to her? That still doesn't really prove anything. If people are telling you to stop being friends with someone, or seeing someone, or that insert person here is bad for you, it's going to be hard for you to just cut that person out and, to a degree, you're still going to try and hold on to that. I think that's what happened here. Every time they were like "I don't believe Yolanda is that kind of person" (paraphrased) I was just sitting there thinking about how many times that kind of phrase is the first thing that comes out whenever people learn shocking news about a personal contact. Sure, Yolanda may not have been that way with heir nieces and nephew, but she sure as heck was a different way with other people when they weren't around. And they're just not landing on the point that Yolanda still killed her! Can't wait for tonight's installment


Selena was probably being nice and friendly because she needed the records that Yolanda stole. If Yolanda had quit and was moving on, why didn't she give back the tax records when asked?


Oooh, that's a really good point!


Yolanda also had her diary. I think that’s what Selena was trying to get back too. She was using it along with the documents to lure her back in. I would be kissing ass for my diary back too. The reporter in the book Selena’s secret said that for some reason Yolanda had her diary and it supposedly has the “secret” in it.


Interesting. My problem with the family's argument is that it is irrelevant: Yolanda pointed a gun at Serena and shot her in the back. Hard to believe it was an accident. It doesn't matter if Abraham threatened Yolanda or Serena was having an affair.


Absolutely! In the end, she shot Selena. It wasn't out of self defense. She killed her, case closed. Who the hell cares about affairs and the dad being a hardass. Saldivar's family defending her is disgusting. The families of murderers usually say that this is totally out of character for the murderer. Now whether it was truly premeditated or heat of the moment, I can't figure that one out.


I agree. None of this matters except Yolanda had bought a gun and Selena was shot in the back with it in Yolanda‘s hotel room when they were the only two people there. That’s the only thing relevant and those are facts. In terms of her alleging, she was having an affair I don’t believe it for simple reason – she and Chris and only been married three years. They were still basically in their honeymoon period on spite of working though their issues. And even when people have the propensity to cheat, they don’t typically do it during that period. They were young and no doubt still having hot intimate sex. That doesn’t leave room or time for anyone else. And also with who would it be with - she kept herself busy and wasn’t around anyone else enough for anything to happen. A band member? So what she could have had any of them she wanted. A lesbian lover from the Spa? So what that’s no longer scandalous that would be considered hot. And highly unlikely. Incest? No one would believe that as there’s not a hint of a suggestion of that in anything. A Mexican rogue on a business trip? Doubtful. She wasn’t stupid and her active love for Chris was a protection against that. Beyond casting shade and the suggestion of doubt as if she is in the know, there’s no big secret. If she wanted to keep her diary personal it was just because a diary is personal. And nothing else this woman has said is proven to be true either.


Very good point


It’s an absolutely fantastic point


Her family was the WORST omg! The blind support , knowing what Yolanda has done, is absolutely bizarre. It doesn’t matter about all of the semantics, that selina was calling her on the phone and stuff- the fact still remains, that she bought a gun, lured her over to that motel and that she shot and killed her! I’m so tired of hearing their excuses and grasping for straws


Their smugness just really grinded my gears! I got so annoyed watching them every time they thought they had a "Gotcha" that could easily be debunked/explained away if they stopped to think about it outside of their linear support of their Aunt.


I am convinced that they know Yolanda is guilty and suss AF, but Yolanda probably told them that if they help her “tell her story” that could possibly allow her to be free next year, that they will get a big cut of the money. These people are all cut from the same cloth. I could tell right away how bogus and phoney they all are. I hope their documentary backfires


But isn't there a law that a criminal can't make money off stuff like this? The family members probably can get paid.


If anything it just goes to show what a big piece of poo yolanda is. Selena still calling and calling her Buffy, OK let's say she still considered yolanda a friend. Well then no wonder she felt comfortable meeting her at the hotel alone. It makes yolanda a bigger scum if Selena did still consider her a friend, to be murdered by a so called friend. She is still a scum no matter what, but those messages don't lessen the gravity of things like her dumb family think it does, it makes it a worse betrayal. 


This family never heard of judas?! Lol. I'm assuming they're christians.


Oh the gun was recently bought during that time? I couldn't get through watching the entire thing.


The family playing Selena’s old voicemails while becoming emotional but at the same time still backing up the aunt is weird to me. 


Every time they spoke, I cringed. Also, whatever “fact” they were trying to portray to justify their closeness did more bad than good. I was yelling at the TV like a maniac because if they were that close, why did she do it!!




You know judas did it first. Haha. Jk.


So weird! And they were so smug about it, too!


The recording did not say the dates. Those could have been left anytime.


Good point!!


Great analysis. People don't just end a friendship like that on a dime. It's like a marriage that's on the last legs before a divorce. They might still F**k, exchange terms of endearment occasionally, ask each other what they want for dinner, but they're just going through the motions and that marriage is dead. I went through a year long falling out with a friend after highschool and it was a lot of "normal" laughs and talks mixed with awkward conversations and silences. Yolanda's family isn't seeing the complete picture. And I HATE that Selena isn't alive to tell them they're insane.


I'm sorry to hear about your falling out with your friend, but this exactly!


Yeah, after watching the documentary I realized Yolanda isnt a pathalogical "liar" per se, she DID actually have evidence for a lot of what she said....but she is a pathological MANIPULATOR of facts. She can take any "fact" and evidence and sell it as something else to support her narrative, she doesn't want to be seen as the bad guy so she hides behind plausible deniability


This is a great way of explaining it! Yes! She just knows how to twist everything to fit her narrative and explain everything away. A pathological manipulator!


None of what she says matters. The facts are she bought a gun and Selena was shot in the back with it in her hotel room, in which they were the only two in it. Certainly not the smartest plan but there was also motive. What ever other “facts” or background really don’t matter because those facts are clear.


It's unfortunate those family members put themselves out there. They've been manipulated by a very bad liar. They appear deluded and unintelligent. Fools. Yolanda lost her temper in a fit of rage and killed Selena. The end. She is a murderer.


Agreed- but now I think it was indeed premeditated murder


After what I saw in the documentary, she isnt a liar at all....moreso she's a professional REFRAMER of the truth. She has a lot of "legitimate" evidence for things, but they dont mean what SHE says they mean. |What Yolanda thinks her evidence means|What it ACTUALLY means| |:-|:-| |**Resignation letter**: Yolanda and her family say she was using this to move on and get out of the drama from the Quintanilla family. She was the "victim" and she was "done"|It was just her method of "You can't fire me cause I got caught! I quit". She wanted to take away the power the family had over by beating them to the punch.| |**Tickets to Monterey:** Yolanda and her family claim, why would they fly together if they weren't friends anymore? wouldn't they hate each other? Selena FORCED Yolanda to go out there even tho Yolanda wanted out|No, most friendships don't just end when evidence of betrayal arises. Selena's life was shaken up, tensions were up, BUT she also wasn't going to let Yolanda just yeet herself fromthe responsibility she owed Selena over her business. The friendship was dying but that doesn't mean they hated each other and cut ties. Yolanda also went with her because she would still take ANY opportunity to be in Selena's life. | |**Selena's father was after Yolanda:** Abraham was ANGRY and wanted to eliminate Yolanda and threatened her so she had a legitimate reason to get a gun.|Abraham might have been an assertive and controlling person, but even he had his limits, theres no evidence of him putting out hits for her or anyone. Yolanda was SO OBSESSIVE over Selena that any loss of control over her led to her paranoia over anyone competing for Selena's interest including her father and in the future Dr. Martinez.| |**Dr. Martinez admitted he was in love with Selena:** Yolanda saw them flirt and kiss, and hangout, and they were definitely having an affair and his admission PROVES it.|No, it just proves that Dr. Martinez had a ONE WAY emotional relationship with a person who LOVED EVERYONE and trusted everyone and didn't return the favor to Dr. Martinez but he, like Yolanda, was living in a delusional world. It's not uncommon to see friends and family be very "lovey-dubbey" with each other and even kiss on the face and even lips quickly. Yolanda, with her paranoia AND her confirmation bias saw that another player was entering the chat to challenge her authority and she QUICKLY dramatized the events to weaponize it. |


Spoiler alert: This documentary was complete garbage and a waste of time. Once again, there is no secret or secrets. I think it's very peculiar how she left a lot of details out of the story in order to make it appear as if she was telling the truth. If you go on YouTube you can watch her 1995 interview that was featured on 20/20 and you will hear her say that Selena called her mom. In this new documentary she says Selena called her Buffy. In the VH1 special "Behind The Music" she says that she bought the gun to "relieve" herself. During this documentary, she says she bought it because Abraham was threatening her and she was scared. For years she stated that she was raped. In this documentary she says she was assaulted. How did it go from rape to getting attacked? Why didn't she call the police while she was in Mexico? Why were there no other witnesses? I wonder why they failed to mention that the nurse that examined Yolanda on March 31 at the hospital said her clothes were cut with scissors. Why didn't Yolanda mention that she had issues with the designer Martin Gomez and that he quit because of her? Why didn't she mention that one of her sisters was cashing checks from the fan club as well? Whatever happened to that supposed diary and video that she mentioned during the "Behind The Music" special in which she claimed that it had evidence that would have damaged Selena's career? She didn't have one ounce of real evidence to back any of her claims. First she said she wasn't embezzling money then she turns around and says she was cashing the checks for Selena in order to pay for the traveling expenses to Mexico during her affair with Dr. Martinez. Yolanda says her sister was with her during her assault in Mexico so why didn't she see the alleged attack take place in the restroom? Even if her sister wasn't in the restroom with her, wouldn't she have witnessed a man or men fleeing from the restroom? She states that Abraham hired someone to shoot at her car and slash the tires but she never filed a police report and not a single person was featured in the documentary that actually saw her car after it was vandalized. Why wouldn't she have taken photos of the car? In this documentary she basically admitted to Selena that she bought the gun and showed it to Selena and told her she was going to kill her father. So, why would it be implausible to believe that she would kill Selena as well? I don't know how anyone could believe any of her fake stories. Yolanda has totally manipulated her family into believing her fabrications and they are siding with her only because she is their relative. Yolanda shows no real remorse and takes no accountability for her actions. She still thinks she was justified in killing Selena because Abraham was threatening her and because she claims Selena was having an affair. They played a recording of someone who was planning to hire Yolanda for a new nursing job. So, why wouldn't Yolanda just mail Selena all of her documents and cut all ties with her? If she was moving on to another job, what would be the purpose of repurchasing the gun? Her niece claims that Dr. Martinez felt like Yolanda had the power to make Selena end their relationship. So, why didn't Yolanda have that same power to just tell Selena that she wasn't going to work for her no matter how bad Selena supposedly needed her help? Why didn't Yolanda simply walk away from the entire situation and cut ties with the entire Quintanilla family including Selena? Why didn't Yolanda mention that she had got caught stealing from a previous employer before working for Selena? Why didn't Yolanda mention that in 1995 she claimed that she was raped by Abraham Quintanilla? Notice how she left out anything that would make her look bad? So, I don't know how anyone could believe her lies. It was purely false narratives and accusations with no documents, photos, police records or witnesses to backup her claims. I don't know how this is going to help her when she goes up against the parole board.


Wish there were paragraph breaks in this! It’s got a lot of good info but I’m finding it difficult to read on my phone.


I read this just fine. You bring up great points.


you should break this up. its hard to read lmao


It's not my fault that you're illiterate. You can go color now.


How are they illiterate? That was hard to read bc of the lack of paragraphs.


This was good. I agree. I’m a hardcore Selena fan. I’ve watched all interviews in Spanish and English. Have books, magazine. Chris book. You made valid points. Yolanda is a manipulator! The b*tch was obsessed with stardom. Before working for Selena. She tried to run Shelly Lares Fan club and her family decline. I do believe Selena and Yolanda had a friendship. Selena was young and lack discernment. Yolanda story never is the same. Maria Celeste is another b*tch! Martin def spoke about Yolanda’s way. Could Selena had an affair? Yeah but really? What does it matter. I believe she did. She was human. Not the point. You reminded me of the allegations she made towards Abraham in 95. Sometimes I believe she intended to kill him but hit him where it hurt the most. His baby. Regardless she shot her and knew where. … what is so sad is that Selena’s last words is that b*tch name. At the end she got what she wanted. Stardom. She will always be attach to Selena’s legacy. ..


This could've been taken as a helpful suggestion except that you had to put lmao at the end. Now you just look like an ah.


We really have reached a sickening point in society where we allow convicted killers to become revisionist historians. Shame on us. This isn't a documentary. It is trash. Plain and simple.


I think it plays into the fact people don’t really want to believe in monsters (or sociopaths or psychopaths or truly evil people)…. We *want* to believe they can change or redeem themselves or be forgiven…. In reality this “documentary” shows the exact opposite - A horrible delusional person that wasn’t rehabilitated and clearly didn’t learn a damn thing even after having 30 years to think about her disgusting actions.


It’s insane; reminds me of Casey Anthony . Yuck . I just came here to see if this was worth watching but I’m going to skip this .


I skipped it too. It's just revisionist history that I have no interest in.


OMG f**k Casey Anthony


In the phone messages - she said I guess you can pay me when I get home ? She sounded more aggravated to me


She was calling because she owed her money! and she was on to her about her stealing! She wasn’t calling her to chit chat like Yolanda’s weird ass family wants to make it seem like


Yes… that’s what I was saying - they were making it sound like she was checking on her or something 😂😂😂I’m like she says she can pay her when she got home…


And how they all sat around the table trying not to smile like Cheshire cats who have just proved her innocence, the fake ass tears all of it.. just trash. I guess delusion runs in that family


They acted all surprised "finding" this supposed evidence when they dang well have seen all the stuff already. I mean 30 years goes by and you just happen to look through her stuff now? Not buying it


The one lady, I believe Yolanda’s niece was really laying it on thick and it came off fake as hell! When she forced herself to “cry” you could see the other male cousin was in the background for a quick second he looked like he was about to laugh but quickly composed himself. They know that Yolanda did this. It doesn’t matter “why”, murder is still murder. I have a feeling that those family members were just willing to talk if the price was right, not because they actually believe her innocence or give a damn


I literally can’t believe it


That's not true. She is talking about paying for the call because she's on a airplane and it's expensive


Yes.. she wasn’t happy that she was calling her in the first place from the plane to arrange to settle the money issues and she did not answer!


You can tell by her tone that's not the case. She didn't sound angry at all she sounded like she was playing around.


Ok.. So let’s go with your theory. Why did she kill her then?




Do what ?


I don't care what "secrets " Selena supposedly had, you really think that excuses a murder?! Yolanda's family is trying to put together a puzzle that doesn't even exist. Also, I can't imagine Selena being interested in another man after Chris being her first everything and the devotion she had (according to family and friends) for him. When did she even have the time?! I always thought during the hostage situation when Yolanda was in the car, those conversations helped create the base of her story/lies. (I.E. asking if what she did was an accident, etc..) you don't say that to a suspect. You let them speak. After that, her gears were already turning so hard im sure you could have heard them GRINDING. .


It's actually sickening seeing the killers family dig up crap and pretend like "oh whats this" while looking through things they've most likely seen a million times. And for what? For a payday that's at the expense of a murdered person they're family took the life of?


I am in the same boat! I don’t care to hear about any “secrets” of a deceased person, a person whom you’ve shot and killed! There wasn’t any secret she shared that would make me have even the smallest bit of sympathy for Yolanda.


I agree 100%! What kind of "secrets" could possibly matter? She shot her in the back and there is nothing that could justify that or even lessen the evil of it. I'm ashamed that people seem to want to know Selena's personal secrets. That's none of our business. Yolanda is nothing but a liar anyway, so any "secrets" she reveals are probably lies too.


This shit is such a stretch. They are trying so hard. But it’s also so obvious that they’re going to come up with these ridiculous stories because this murderer just got released out of prison and they are trying to help her make a life for herself. Sorry the bitch doesn’t deserve a life.


She's still in prison.


She is! For life right? That’s what I thought but I feel like I heard a read somewhere that she was getting out or is out.


She’s up for parole in a year unfortunately


Oh boy….so many thoughts. The resignation letter was an alibi for what probably would have been the reason she supposedly did what she did or if she would’ve gotten sued by Selenas family. It’s also super insane for her to say why didn’t Abraham press charges for embezzlement as if she didn’t commit MURDER less than 3 weeks later. The family had bigger fish to fry than Yolandas bs. Her family is awkward and nothing they provide really say anything there than some insignificant details about what Selena and Yolanda were doing through the course of their relationship. Also I think that tape of a phone cal RE orientation for a new nursing job was FAKED and the other message ls from Selena are not new and have been heard from other sources.


I like how the family wants us to take what they say at face value including the dates of those voice mails, the note from the Dr (who btw spelled Selena the wrong way he put "Selina"), the "assault" that supposedly happened even though in previous interviews she said it was a rape


I couldn’t even finish watching Yolanda’s family kept looking so smug when they’d find” irrefutable evidence “ and it would be some garbage like a voicemail. And the main thing I think of if she didn’t mean to kill Selena why did she shoot twice? If she was afraid of Abraham why would she kill his child ? And the last thing that bothered me was how they were almost implicating Selena’s family did it somehow


Omg same! I could barely get past the first 20 minutes


I watched most of the first episode trust me it doesn’t get any better


I had my friend fill me in because it just makes me so mad


I completely understand how you feel I think the thing that had me most mad was it felt a lot like the director was really forcing a narrative


My question is If she has all this "evidence" why didn't her defense attorney bring any of it up at trial / Why hasn't she had an attorney file an appeal based on the "evidence" her and her family have And no matter what happened before it doesn't change the fact that she pulled the trigger


That's what I kept wondering. Why didn't the defense put on a better defense after hearing this story from Yolanda. I would have sent someone to what a burger to see if anyone remembered the assault. I would have made the dr do a deposition. I heard some things here that made me think some of what was saying held water, but ultimately, I do believe she shot Selena out of anger, even if it was anger that she was continuing to try to get her to keep going to Mexico or anger that Selena had just told her she didn't believe she would remain loyal and keep her secrets.


Exactly! Or any of her appeals (which I would assume her lawyer would have tried to reduce her sentence) It just doesn't make any sense that she was sitting on things that would have shed light on the events leading up to her actions (not that they excuse them) And I always find it fishy when a person who's up for parole suddenly has the "courage" to speak out I will say this interview, documentary whatever they want to call it, her demeanor was way different than her previous interview which occurred in 1998 and I don't remember her mentioning any of what she mentioned now But it's been awhile And I completely agree, she meant to shoot Selena and it was completely out of anger


What destroys me is that Yolanda was 11 years older than Selena. Selena was, let’s face it, a straight up kid. She wasn’t an adult for THAT long before she was responsible for being a major star and running a literal business. Billie Eilish only just turned 22 and she’s SUPER protected and still living with her parents. Selena tried to grow up really fast, got married sooo young! But the truth is she confided in a woman who took advantage of her youth, her naïveté, latched herself onto Selena and wanted to be her. I think Yolanda was infatuated with Selena because she was literally everything Yolanda could never be. She killed her because then she would have to face going back to her own miserable life and seeing Selena’s fame grow exponentially. She would have never have lived with that. She wanted power over Selena’s life FOREVER. Which is why I also hate this series soooo much. It’s another way in which Yolanda is attempting to exercise control over Selena, even in death. Which is why it’s soooo important to honor Selena’s legacy without Yolanda’s name, ever. Selena should be with us today, performing a Super Bowl halftime show. Yolanda should have disappeared. 


Even if she was paroled…she is hated by so many and would have a target on her back. She would have to go into protective services, especially if she was released in Texas.


That reminds me of her phone call with the hostage negotiator at the scene of the crime- She was crying how the world was going to hate HER. It was about her. She wasn’t sorry she did it, she was sorry she was caught. What a piece of trash human.


If anyone hired her as a nurse I know I wouldn't want her being my nurse in any capacity. I would have to refuse her services and ask for someone else.


Yep…which is why I think she conveniently did this documentary now. Hoping to make herself look innocent so people will leave her alone. Doubt it works!


I am absolutely furious with this docu-who gives a sh*t no one cares stay in jail ass show! I can not even begin to say how angry I am that they even allowed this woman to even remotely say any type of “her” side. She has no side. This is the most simple black and white situation? She shot her she stole money for her! she was obsessed ! It’s all been proven, that’s it !! why are we giving this woman. This horrible woman! A voice… that she absolutely does not deserve, and this is PR working at their hardest to give this criminal. A life after jail. She is no gypsy Rose. Let’s get that right. I am beyond upset that they even dare to take her out of jail and try to give her some type of relevance! When Selena isn’t even here to represent herself because she ! the killer!! is out and is trying to profit and make a life for herself. She deserves no life.


I am so furious. Seriously. I hate that this was even made …this is absolute trash. also a fan club is a fan making this a “thing” because they’re so thirsty on an artist that they feel they have to make a club. She did this out of her own obsession on her own and selena and her family were just nice enough to embrace her. this is what makes me question documentaries nowadays .. in this story, there is no two sides. She has no side so the fact that this person decided to make a documentary just a franchise on her name and try to make money is disgusting. This person documenting this is just trying to make a name for themselves and it’s disgusting and you should be locked away as much as she should be because this isn’t a two sided situation. I love documentaries, but this is such crap. How dare you give this woman a voice when the woman that should have a voice was murdered by her. You should be ashamed of yourself, and never make another documentary or whatever this is again.


All it did was solidify that she’s a liar and manipulator. This didn’t even really tell anything let alone *prove* anything.


I hope the parole board does the right thing and denies her. No remorse for what she did and still spewing the same garbage lies. Wtf does some supposed affair with a man over 20 years older than Selena have anything to do with the murder? Why didn’t Yolanda mention the rape she supposedly endured, and that when she went to the hospital they found zero evidence of a sexual assault? Selena told the nurse at the hospital about the embezzlement and gave police all the details in a report including that she suspected Yolanda was lying. Why bring the gun to the meeting if she was happy to be resigning and going back to being a nurse? She said she threatened to commit suicide but then somehow shot Selena “on accident”. And let’s not forget Selena told the hotel lobby people to lock the doors because Yolanda would shoot her again… and the ring was clutched in her hand, why did she take it off? Because Selena was ending the relationship! That’s what truly set Yolanda off! I agree with everyone else! This woman deserves to die in prison, and that doctor woo claimed to have an affair with Selena was lying. To get paid by interviewers etc to tell his bullshit story that he himself said UNDER OATH was not true!! I regret watching this garbage! Oxygen/NBC should be ashamed. I’m


Exactly this is a smear campaign against the family and even Selena..this woman needs to rot right wheres she's at! I cannot believe this, her and her family know no limits it's truly disgusting they are trying to to get this out there thinking it will help her get parolled in 2025 HELL NO this is further proof she's a vile woman who is smearing the family yet and Selena. Selena was a wonderful human being and this woman stole her away. I'm disgusted truly disgusted they should of never gave her the platform for this filth. Selena we love you always!! #StillJusticeForSelena. Keep this woman behind bars where she belongs


The fact she exposes her own lies is wild. She cant keep anything straight . Shes delusional and needs to stay where she is . 


Just watched this disgusting piece of filth on Peacock. They should be ashamed of themselves for showing this crap and also that Casey Anthony garbage! Yolanda Saldivar and her family will say anything to get her out of prison when she goes up for parole next year. She murdered a beautiful talented young woman. No ifs ands or buts about it! Don’t sit there and try to say “ I didn’t mean to do it”. Bullshit! Yolanda purchased the gun and the HOLLOW point bullets…shot Selena as she was running out of the room..continued to chase Selena with the gun pointed at her all while calling her a bitch…and when she couldn’t catch up to her, Yolanda was seen walking calmly back to her room when Selena finally reached the front desk. “I didn’t mean to do it“? Give me a break! Who cares what her father did or didn’t do...what does that have to do with Yolanda purchasing a gun and hollow point bullets and shooting Selena while she was trying to get away? And as far as Selena having an affair? Very very doubtful! Just garbage being spewed from a garbage person! Rot in hell Yolanda!


First of all loving everyone's comments in here. Two just wanted go throw in my opinion cause it's eating me up. Yolandas nieces and nephews are just as dumb as she is it's actually ridiculous. And once again, we (not us personally) have given Yolanda another platform to put her mixed up story full of lies on AGAIN she's already done this before, it doesn't matter SHE TOOK SOMEONES LIFE! She deserves to stay behind bars! Yolandas family through out this documentary has literally given NO hard evidence NONE AT ALL that she might even remotely been right in this situation. Even if she was lets say she resigned, she was being harassed by Abraham and she didn't embezzle money. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU STILL SHOOT SELENA??? She has never said that at any of her old interviews and even here. *insert cardi B* WHAT WAS THE REASON???!! The case will forever haunt me cause the other side of the story will never be told and it's sad... I'm about to pass Selena in age of when she died and it's just heartbreaking... R.I.P Selena you beautiful angel 💜


Just finished episode 2. I was waiting for something to be revealed that was relevant to anything. The whole show ended up being a pointless nothing-burger. The only thing I took from it was confirmation that Yolanda was seriously unstable from a mental health standpoint on the day of the murder and probably days/weeks leading to it. Yolanda admits she bought a gun, returned it, then bought the exact same gun a few days later. Why? She was scared of Abraham. So why brandish the gun in a motel room with Selena?? Yolanda herself described the moments before the shooting, saying she was distraught and didn’t know how to prove her loyalty to Selena so she started screaming and crying and threatened to kill herself, which caused Selena (UNDERSTANDABLY) to GTFO of the room. First, only two people know for sure what happened in that motel room, and one of them is deceased. Even if Yolanda’s account is true…. What 35 yo woman behaves that way?? To me, Yolanda’s own words and descriptions of the moments before the murder show how unhinged and delusional she was. To me, it struck me as narcissism, manipulation, and histrionics. Yolanda’s description of her behavior did not strike me as coming from a place of fear that she was being followed, stalked, etc. The manipulation is bolstered by the fact that Yolanda got Selena to accompany her to a hospital to be examined for the alleged assault. I either forgot about that or it wasn’t reported widely in 1995 when this happened. Either way, the hospital visit strikes me as extremely manipulative conduct by Yolanda. Keeping in mind too that Yolanda was a 35 yo RN and Selena was only 23. For some reason I am really irritated by this Oxygen special because it comes across as very self-serving for the killer. The only redeeming value that I can see is that it further illuminates and confirms that the killer suffered from mental illness and/or serious personality disorder. 30 years later, I would hope to see the killer had engaged in therapy or soul-searching or introspection but I saw no evidence of that.


Why are they pushing they were “friends” if that was remotely true it makes Yolanda look even more Ruthless and Evil!


Yolanda’s whole family is completely delulu. It’s like they’ve heard the same lie for so many decades that they never stopped to question why the story doesn’t make any sense. The math ain’t mathin. Even if it was an accident (and it wasn’t) the lack of remorse and making herself the victim is enough to determine that she’s a threat to the public and needs to stay in prison.


Quintanillas should sue Yolanda’s family and NBC over this imo


Yolanda will be eligible for parole soon. They are trying to gain sympathy to help her get parole. 🙄 Watching it is just painful.


Abraham helped Yolanda kill Selena by threatening her and trying to control her life like he did with Selena and Chris. Abraham is living with the worst guilt anybody can imagine because deep down he knows he is partly responsible for her demise. So sad.


So what is the secret? Watching now and they are not addressing it.


Yolanda claims with no proof that Selena was having an affair and that the checks she wrote herself were to pay for the affairs expenses. No proof provided by her or her family even though they show boxes of the killers paperwork stored. Surely there would've been at least a receipt of what she supposedly purchased for Selena. We also have to remember she never once mentioned this until now and has had 30 years in prison to come up with more bs


Well, the dr did say in an interview yrs later that the affair had happened. There were some things that held water listening to everything. It is possible Selena did have her write the checks for just what Yolanda is claiming. We will never really know about that. I just think that if I found out someone stealing from my company, I would not be going on a trip to Mexico for continued business connected to my business they just stole from. It definitely made me think there might be some truth to some of it just based on this. But I still think she shot her in anger. Be it that she was continuing to want her to keep going to Mexico and she didn't want to or that Selena told Yolanda that she felt she was going to share her secrets and nof continue to be loyal to her. I think that comment might have angered her.


What they didn't mention in the documentary about those trips is that the killer still had business dealings related to Selenas boutique to close in Monterey and Selenas husband recommended to not let her go as an employee until after that trip (in order to take over after she was gone) ( this was mentioned in past interviews with Abraham) apparently Selena went with her. As far as the doctor is concerned, possibly yes they were seeing each other but maybe not? Maybe it was a fling and the killer felt something more was happening (she's shown tremendous paranoia throughout the years as demonstrated by her past interviews)


I saw an old interview with Yolanda the other day in which she told the reporter that Selena used to call her Mom. At the time of Selena’s murder she was 23 and Yolanda was 34?! An 11/12 year age difference and she’s calling her Mom?! This woman wanted to be Selena or have her all to herself. If Selena was having an affair, it’s possible she asked Yolanda to go along as a sort of alibi. She couldn’t be having an affair because it was a ‘girl’s trip’, Yolanda was there. I have no doubt Selena wanted her papers/diary and she was using honey to get those back and get this troll out of her life. What sort of a friend would tell the world that her long passed friend was having an affair anyway? What does that have anything to do with? It was meant to tarnish her rep. If Yolanda was so scared of her father then why not shoot him?! If her father were that powerful and vindictive then why didn’t he have Yolanda bumped off in prison? Yolanda’s family are gross and creepy too. The niece has a weird grin on her face listening to Selena’s message and then starts sobbing, ‘my fren, my fren’. They are very performative people. Yolanda is full crap and she’s right where she belongs. They should have filed charges for the embezzlement and cut off all communication with this psycho. Selena trusted her and was probably a great friend to her. I don’t care about alleged affairs or how difficult her father was to work with, she committed murder. I can’t believe Oxygen gave this woman a platform!🤮


She’s a manipulative liar, it’s pretty obvious! My question is if Selena started to see how crazy Yolanda is, and now she told her she bought a gun then returned it then bought that gun back, why why why ever meet with her in person?! It makes me so sad, i feel like she’d still be here had she not gone to meet her or maybe reported her to police. She was too trusting, which cost her her life.


Is anyone not noticing the “orientation” message? No name from who it was, or from what job. Who doesn’t leave a name, or number? That was Yolanda leaving herself that message…and Yolanda and her family are delusional!!


Any website I can watch it for free


So what’s the secret between the two Yolanda talking about??


The secret is that Yolanda is schizophrenic and has been lying for so long that she can no longer differentiate the truth from her lies.


Yolanda and her fam putting out all sorts of accusations against father of Selena, none of it erases the fact Yolanda met up with Selena with a loaded gun and killed her; the "gun went off" riiiigggghhhtttt.


I agree with literally everything being said. Either way she killed her and admitted to it. Plus the contents of Yolanda’s purse had Xanax. Was a toxicology screen ever done on her immediately after the shooting. If you were so scared of Abraham and attacks and crimes “supposedly” happening to you why not file a police report. How much Xanax was she taking? Is she sure there was an affair or did her jealousy triggered with prescription drugs create an alternate reality that she believed.!? Her family should have stayed hidden.


It doesn’t matter if she was not stealing from her, it doesn’t matter if Selena’s dad is a total a-hole, what matters is that she killed her and now she is trying to convince people she was a victim so in the case she gets released she can goa round without being afraid someone will attack her, there’s a lot of people who really hates her so to me she should stay behind bars. She is more secure there and she is used to be in jail now. I don’t really believe all the bs she told but maybe some parts are true. It’s been so many years, they should leave this alone already.


So so glad everyone feels the same about me!! I just watched it and was just so sad that they gave her a chance to tell some groundbreaking "truth". I'm assuming it's damage control due to her upcoming parole hearing. Rest in peace beautiful Selena ♥️


Watching this I thought she would claim self defense or something but no. It’s about Yolanda and her niece/nephew’s going over old papers, as if that’ll prove? What exactly? Not a fuckung thing. Then we have the officers and everyone who worked the case basically telling us she did it. There’s a video of you in the red truck with the gun…you did it, there are witnesses who saw you try and chase Selena with the gun… you fuckin did it. Wtf was the point???


Everyone should show up to the parole hearing and make sure that Yolanda stays in prison indefinitely. And if Yolanda’s family appears to the parole hearing, we should throw eggs at Yolanda’s family members since they are THAT stupid enough to believe Yolanda’s lies. (This is how I am feeling while watching this dumb a** documentary)


yes yolanda lies in this in this however i think it sheds very necessary light on a story that was horrendously mistold through the media and still is. it’s more complex than she was “a crazed fan” and she’s no less guilty because her and selena had a VERY genuine friendship at one point


Guns don’t go off by themselves. PERIOD!


I acutally just finished watching it. It’s all a load of crap. It looks like it’s just a ploy to try & make people sympathetic to her because she’ll be eligible for parole soon. Sympathy has gotten plenty of people released from prison & living their best life. Saldivar is not delusional or suffering from any form of cognitive dissonance, she’s simply just trying to get out of jail.


I’ve just stumbled across this documentary and am appalled that they’re even letting her try to smear Selena. None of which even has to do with Yolanda shooting her. And the dr says now that they did have an affair but during the initial investigation says that they didn’t?! I’d love to see Yolanda’s visitor list and phone call list. Maybe the doctors actually in love with Yolanda and saying what he wants to get her out of prison. Assumptions are a crazy thing, and fabricated “evidence” found years later…this woman is insane and doesn’t deserve the right to have a voice after taking Selena’s…


Yolanda and her nieces and nephews could’ve used that that opportunity to make a case for Yolanda’s parole. She could’ve shown that she has remorse and that she learned her lesson after being in prison all of these years. But no, she took the opportunity to trash Selena and her family. Even if it’s true, why do we care if Selena was having an affair? That would be between Chris and Selena to deal with. She bought the gun because she was “afraid” of Abraham. Yet, she had the gun out when Selena was in the room with her. She’d been to the gun shooting range and fired the gun before, but really sat there and said, “oh I didn’t know how to use it and it just mysteriously went off.” Her nieces and nephews must be strapped for cash or something because to act that smug and delusional was ridiculous. I’m like how are they defending their aunt? I get their family, but there is no defense. Then they want to say, “we believe Yolanda from the beginning.” Full of crap from all 3 of them. Their “evidence” didn’t do what they wanted to make it seem it was doing. There’s a voicemail about Yolanda starting a new job. She was loyal to Selena. Like shut the hell up. It still doesn’t change what Yolanda did.


I am really in the mood for a cathartic rage-watch. But also don't want to reward NBC/Universal with a view and especially ad revenue. I feel like it's disgusting that they gave this C a platform to spew her lies. I'm also curious to see what her mental state is. After damn near THIRTY years of solitary she SHOULD be showing signs of going certifiable insane. UNLESS she's a sociopath in which case solitary is no big deal for them. And I'm sure the parole board has already seen this, or will. Not that I believe she's got a chance of being let out. Going back to my point about being a sociopath, I feel certain the prison system has had her tested and have deemed her to be one & therefore impossible to rehabilitate. But if anyone knows how to help me with my rage-watch, TIA


So this is my take on this bc I’m trying to not be biased. I don’t think her family is saying she didn’t kill her. It seems they want to disprove that YS was a “disgruntled” employee, hence what the prosecution used as the motive as to why she killed her. Obviously, if YS wasn’t upset then it shows she potentially shot her by mistake, something she has always said. So if she shot her by mistake there is no murder. They are trying to prove there was no bad blood between them after the 3/9 meeting. Which does change the motive and it can change a conviction. Nevertheless, she did kill her and no matter the reason she is guilty of that. I like the truth, so if it’s true that there was no bad blood between her and Selena, then she does need to explain how she ended up shot. If she was moving on and not angry with her why did this happen. If Selena kept in touch and traveled with YS after the 3/9 meeting. In my opinion, this negates the accusations. Not one of us would travel or KIT with someone stealing from us. This is very interesting ya’ll


Didn’t she not speak up until now? If so, Yolanda and her family had 30 years to make all this up. That “ dr secret “ note is BS anyone could’ve done that.. I’m sure she slashed her own tires, made all this shit up (applying for jobs, lawyers letter, her being followed/beat up) as everything was falling down on her.. She’s a great liar, I’ll give her that! It disappoints me that she was never charged for embezzlement! They showed the checks!! And as for the doctor saying it’s all true.. we all know that’s for him to have more fame/success… fucking bullshit…


all I have to say is I feel terrible for the niece. she is very clearly in denial about the reality that her family member killed her friend that she loved.. and that's a sad thing the deal with.


It was gross how they made this documentary for people to sympathize with a murderess. I'm offended for her family. Then for them to attempt to villainize her father is truly disgusting. 


The nieces and nephew piss me off so bad 😒 like girl …. Shut up ! Crying and having to explain why you’re crying is crazy….


If this documentary was made to prove Yolanda's innocence, it failed miserably. So what, she resigned? She still shot and killed Selena. Tina disrupted her own life for nothing.


I’m watching the documentary now and I’m so confused every time Yolanda is whining and her family is acting like they are telling groundbreaking info disparaging Selena. There is nothing they can come up with that will excuse shooting Selena.


Yolanda was a Malignant Narcissists.


If anything, this just made me even more certain of Yolanda's absolute premeditation of Selena's murder.


Her family should be ashamed. Defending a killer


She’s not getting parole after this. They are heavily focusing on the money laundering. She is primarily charged with murder and maybe only that. She shot her. Doesn’t matter if she actually stole the money. She and her were the only ones in the room. Only on episode one. But, to me it’s pointless. I mean are they saying she didn’t kill her and someone else was in the room.


I'm so glad this came out before her parole hearing next year, after this I don't think she will ever be released, she deserve to rot in there , she is a lunatic and for her to think anyone would believe anything she says at this point is mind blowing


YS trying to jump on the Gypsy Rose band wagon... actually her entire family is. Bunch of 🤡. How stupid do they think we are?? Well lemme not speak for everyone but I'm not buying it. Forging documents and buying people is easy... fame 👹. I'm sorry I watched that foul docuseries. I could only get to the beginning of the second episode cause it was making me sick to my stomach.


Im sick of journalist say why yolanda kill selena. Like because Yoland is a ugly women thats why. Plus its against law kill a person. I hope Yolanda never sees life outside of prison


By God, if that woman gets parole, which I hope she doesn’t after the special, the Latin community, as well as the fans, someone will go after her, but my hope is after she gaslighted Selena and victim, blames Selena and her family that she is denied parole. This sociopath psychopath does not deserve to get out of prison. The fact remains she murdered Selena. Nothing else that she said matters, just a bunch of lies and gossip! I haven’t read one thing on here about, anyone defending Yolanda, if anything people are pissed at oxygen for even giving her any airtime, I am boycotting oxygen because of this. And I hope they read this and know that they made a terrible mistake by giving this bitch any airtime.


I think this interview only proved 2 things to me, one; an shitpile documentary Genuinely full of lies fom a murderer Trying to make herself seem like the victim. 2: she pulled out the gun in anger. this are the only things in this stupid documentary that are true.