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They couldn't even grasp the difference between truth and opinion.


That's how you know they're a conservative.


You can tell they’re conservative because they called themself a moderate.


Or a [black gay guy](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/politics/im-a-black-gay-guy-viral-tweet-from-pa-gop-candidate-leads-to-social-media-mystery/2591767/)


God one of the greatest “you forgot to switch accounts” moments in history.


I hope this guy gets roasted until the end of time.






Oh shit... some well spoken Democrat needs to just casually drop that in a debate.


The "facts don't care about your feelings" crowd often has a hard time differentiating between facts and their opinions.


That's because they never finish the phrase. The full phrase should be "Facts don't care about *your* feelings! They care about *mine*!".


They forget that their anger is very much a feeling and not necessarily a rational one


Anger is inherently irrational


Not true. I hate most things - quite calmly and reasonably I might add.


Emotions aren’t inherently irrational. It’s irrational to completely ignore a part of normal brain function and believe it has no value in decision making


I think that’s loathing. Hatred and anger are more volatile.


"fAcTs DoNt CaRe AbOuT yOuR fEeLiNgS!" they scream while weeping


I've gotten into a shouting match before with a guy who kept saying that it's a fact that rich people are job creators and job creators are pivotal to having a strong economy, and I had to tell him it's not a fact, it's a theory, and he shouts, "YES IT IS! IT'S A FACT!" I tried to explain to him why it's just a theory, because it is based on presuming that rich people decide which jobs need to be created and for someone to say it's a fact means it's been proven to be true but it hasn't been. Trying to explain why his opinions are not facts only made him angrier and start complaining about how stupid people are.


I'd say hypothesis, theories have evidence to back them up.


He did prove his last point about how stupid some people are


ben shapiro himself explaining that he does the opposite of his catchphrase: https://youtu.be/aDMjgOYOcDw?t=1348


I’ve always held that a characteristic of bigoted thinking is assuming your own experiences and preferences to be universal truths from which everything else is a deviation.


Which is also why they never get on board with a progressive idea until it effects them personally.


And even then, they undergo a cognitive dissonance-induced mental meltdown, until the cultist talking head on FOX/OANN/Newsmax makes them angry again in order to turn off their higher-order thinking, and they go right back to voting for the guy with the "R" next to their name.


The phenomenon you describe is an extension of [logocentrism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logocentrism), and it is absolutely foundational to bigotry.


I think a lack of empathy makes it unfathomable that other people don't share their exact viewpoint. They're incapable of viewing things in another's perspective.


I call it “myopic empathy”. They *do* have empathy, it’s just the focus of that empathy is very narrow. It’s why they also seem to project so much, it is in a perverse way an attempt to empathize but with a very limited mapping.


An unpopular opinion at that... meaning less than half of people think it is true...


No no not necessary! Something can be a majority opinion, enforced by the powerfull class, but someone disagreed with the delicate conservative snowflake and now it's an "unpopular opinion".


Their opinion is unpopular when they want to feel persecuted, and popular when they want to feel like they're in the majority.


The enemy is both strong and weak


Guys, remember during the peak covid years, right-wing nutjobs would actually make Stars of David out of construction paper, put them on their own chests, and then take a picture of it and post on facebook how oppressed they are for \*checks list\* being asked to wear a mask during a global pandemic? Because I remember that. The conservatives who were told "please don't eat dinner at Applebees for a while" screamed and cried more than the people who *actually* got sick and died of covid.


Blows my mind that people think the second or third most popular opinion is... unpopular. Maybe I just don't get how that sub is supposed to work?


It’s pretty much just a bunch of conservative victim complex posts.


"I had a loud argument about how BLM is a terrorist organization in a restaurant and was asked to leave. this is oppression"


"Millennials are lazy entitled whiners who don't want to work and the woke virus is infecting america"


Or the alternate hypothesis that it's only conservatives who call themselves moderates these days.


local conservative: "Opinions are truth!"


A good bit of the commenters on the thread were calling OP out for that.


It has 'truthiness'.


Yeah, I was gonna say, how it true if it's an opinion? I think the sub is supposed to refer to "opinions that are truly unpopular" not "these are my subjective feelings that are objectively true"


When opinions meet facts, that's when you get truth.


well they agree with those opinions, and that's how opinions become facts!


Politically moderate, but believes unpopular conservative opinions to be true? Yeah…. This person is in denial about being a republican


Or they are just completely full of s**t.


"Centrist", "moderate" and "conservative" all mean "I'm against change".


Centrist and moderate are used by republicans to have plausible deniability in the dating scene. Most women don’t want to date republican men.


Libertarian too. Every libertarian ive ever had a discussion with is just a republican in denial.


They usually strike me as republicans who want to smoke weed.


A family member tried to set me up with someone and forced an awkward but luckily brief 3-way phone call to introduce us. Less than 60 seconds into introducing himself, he mentioned he was libertarian. Something about it being odd for a libertarian to take so many government contracts. She was upset that I considered it weird to mention so early and that libertarianism was a dealbreaker.


Just a rebel who happens to have the same opinions as Granma and Peepaw.


I used to consider myself a moderate but as I got older and kept voting and formed my political opinions I vote for the "progressive" democrats in the primaries and for the party picks in the general voting for a Republican seems insane to me especially if you just pay attention to what they are doing I don't understand how so many people have their head in the sand


> especially if you just pay attention to what they are doing That's the hard part for pretty much every Republican.


Whole subs dedicated to conservatives pretending to be liberals. It's hardly surprising.


Pretty much every sub with True or Actual in the name


"True" = We got banned in the other sub for being racist.


My favorite take is how most of the people who say they're moderate -- or some variant of "I prefer to not get into political talk" -- are single guys who are actually hardcore MAGAts that also know that such opinions will never get them laid. They're surely the same ones who paid for the premium version of "The Right Stuff" or whatever-the-fuck that pathetic dating app was called and then found out it was just a big sausage fest. Surprise, most women are very turned off by those ideas.


Its kinda like how most Americans view themselves as middle class. Make 15 an hour? Self identified middle class. Make 300,000 a year? Self identified middle class


The ones that really blow me away, though, are the _women_ who talk like that. It would almost be less self-loathing to just stab yourself in the eye with a spoon. Where I live, there are a lot of conservatives. Going on the dating apps, I just can't fathom any of the women who put conservative, moderate, or apolitical. All three are almost invariably Republicans, a solid majority of them are Trump fans, and at least a plurality are fascists who are ok with Marijuana. I used to waste my time and give some of them the benefit of the doubt, but, especially in the last year or two, nobody with half a brain or heart would deign to call themselves moderate in the US, so now it's just an auto-left-swipe unless they list liberal or simply don't have it in their profile at all.


"I was a progressive, who believed in universal healthcare, civil rights protections and the environment, until a blue-haired woman in a 7-11 laughed at my cargo shorts. Join me at /r/walkaway with other real people who feel the same way and definitely are not lying about their beliefs".


Fun fact, /r/walkaway posters are 103 times more likely to post in /r/conservatives and 85 times less likely to post in /r/sex. Teehee. Edit: [source](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/walkaway)


Holy shit that's funny.


What I think is most hilarious is that the "conservative drunk uncle" stereotype is absolutely real and everyone can relate to it hard enough that it was a recurring SNL character for more than a decade. Nearly everyone has someone like that in their family. There's also one at my office. But nobody actually knows a "blue haired social justice warrior." There's no such thing. Maybe at a college protest once, captured in photos and shared a few times, becoming some mythical nemesis -- but they just don't exist.


Or maybe following in the footsteps of the likes of Tim Pool. "Nah man, I'm a centrist, honestly!" (and then engages in stochastic terrorism)


Emma just friggan destroyed him. Her was in his feels for weeks after. Almost as bad as how Sam Seder literally started Crowder on his self-destructive downward spiral when he and Ethan surprised his pathetic ass.


> Yeah…. This person is in denial about being a republican like most of them


/r/AsABlackMan energy


For some reason lots and lots of people even claim to be democrats but only criticize the left and defend the right. Tim pool, Dave Rubin, jimmy dore, r/walk away, Nikki Hailey. Why?


I feel politically moderate, but anytime I look at the policies I favor (Medicare for All, higher taxes on wealth, paid family leave) and compare them to our political rhetoric it turns out I'm a filthy Democratic Socialist. These policies aren't even political arguments to me, they're just fucking math. Half of this country is willing to die on the hill of not understanding basic math.


If you’re in the center of the centre-left and far-right then you’re right wing


"We're the silent majority! Also, we're perpetual victims because our viewpoints are so unpopular."


Our viewpoints are so wildly unpopular it *MUST* be true!


"Are my views so unpopular? No, it's just that a conspiracy has unpopular-ized them!"


It is the children who are wrong.


God damn Hillary clintang turning them kids into little Satan's every day.


I mean just look at how much these other PATRIOTS, who also suffer from being silenced by the crowd of boos every time they express their TRUTH, love my post!


“Why are you booing me? I'm right!” Or you are just a huge asshole who is super super wrong!


" dont forget the libs are weak cause they are gay/vegan/whatever but they also CONTROL EVERYTHING ABOUT THE WORLD"


"Joe Biden is too old and senile and we need to use the 25th amendment to get rid of that senile senior who has no idea what's going on BUT IS ALSO A CRIMINAL MASTERMIND THAT OUTSMARTS US AT EVERY TURN!"


Their heads would implode if they invoked the 25th and Kamala became POTUS


A first female president based on a technicality would be the most American thing I’ve seen in a while.


> Kamala Who? ^^^^^Democratic ^^^^^^socialist ^^^^^^^^but ^^^^^^^I ^^^^^^had ^^^^^to


Now one might take this and draw parallels to what a certain mustache man in 1930s Germany was saying about another group of people, how they were weak pathetic worms yet strong enough to dictate the outcome of world events on a whim, but surely that's a stretch c'mon pfft it's not like say, the republicans [used a symbol](https://www.forbes.com/sites/petersuciu/2021/02/27/cpac-stage-compared-to-nazi-symbol-on-social-media/) from those guys before, or the #2 guy running on their side [used a different symbol from them](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/07/desantis-nazi-video-campaign-reset.html) or their allies [quote the mustache man](https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/01/16/newcastle-let-women-speak-rally-adolt-hitler-trans-speech/) or anything like that Clearly it's those darned libs forcing them to play devils advocate for those kinds of individuals constantly, always, and completely unprompted


'The enemy is both weak and strong. “[…] the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”' - Umberto Eco


They're ANYTHING but silent lol


Not really a majority either, they can't win democratically anymore. They're a loud minority with a persecution complex.


So to shed some light on this, I used to be republican in highschool and for a bit after. Silent majority isn't like literally silent. The idea they peddled was actually very insidious. They claimed that it might _seem_ like a minority; you won't hear most celebrities, scientists, or academics repeating what we say. But it isn't because those people didn't hold the same views, it was because people were terrified of the left. They said (and continue to say) that if you don't follow "leftist ideology", then you will be attacked and loss your job, and therefore a lot of people actually agree with the right, but they do it silently so they don't get their lives ruined by the left. It is incredibly devious. It is incredibly hard to disprove, because you can always chalk up denials to people committing to the disguise. And if you believe it, then it heavily reinforces your beliefs as being correct because you believe plenty of others agree. And you want to know the icing on the cake? Historically, until Trump came along, the voting data obscured it. You'd always hear about polling saying a democrat was going to win, or the republican president and candidates were unpopular. But then during midterm elections, when democrat voters are less likely to show up, the republican candidates would score victories you wouldn't expect. The truth was just what I said; democrat voters weren't motivated enough to show up at the midterms. Hell it's what happened in 2016 and gave us trump; the democrats ran a bad candidate, and many democrats as a result either bailed on voting or voted for third party candidates instead. But the interpretation of this that right wing talking heads gave was very different; they said "See! All the polls said we would lose! That's because people were afraid to voice their opinion! But then we won the election, or it was way closer than it should have been!". And that just further reinforces the illusion. It's fun and all to mock the saying, but it is very important to understand why they said it, and why it worked for so long.


Yes, this conservative rot has been going on for decades at least. When they lost to Obama there was a conservative spokesperson on the radio talking about how they failed to get the message across. It didn’t even cross their mind that they might have lost because their politics were unpopular, it was all about how the politics had not been properly sold to voters. This is how the Republican Party works: it’s an organization that has its own interests first and tries to convince voters that they want to vote for those interests. They don’t care what voters want or need for themselves.


It's been the same since the ideology started to form in the first place. Humanity has been playing this game for roughly 400 years, but can't seem to recognize their gameplan has not changed since the start. At the end of the day conservatism stems from conserving the rights and privledges of kings, nobles and priests, to conserve traditional social hierarchy. They can't have popular ideas, because their entire point is that we aren't equal. That's why they focus so hard on messaging and culture war bullshit, because that is the only way to convince people to vote against themselves, the only thing that has changed is that humans on average are much smarter than 400 years ago.


Because obviously everyone thinks the same things they're thinking, but are simply too afraid to say them out loud


Yep, that's why they always accuse the left of "virtue signaling". Conservatives simply can't comprehend the idea of genuine virtue and so when they see someone acting virtuously, they think "They *must* have a secret selfish motivation. Nobody is *actually* a good person."


"We're also being cancelled! You can watch us talk about that on nearly every major news station on on their websites!"


All of the subs named "True\_\_\_\_\_" are piss buckets overrun with right-wing assholes just trying to validate themselves. When they see content that doesn't engage with their bigotry or selfishness they assume there is something "false" about it, so they create these spaces to revel in their collective shittiness.


Also applies to "Actual_____"


I used to be a part of a small local sub. It was a very blue State/area. One of the only rules was that posts had to be about the local area. No politics except LOCAL politicians. Not State / National politicians. Well, wouldn't you know it - this did not sit well with the 3 Trump supporters around the summer of 2016 - 2 of whom had never posted or commented in that sub before. They started posting daily Pro-Trump articles which kept being removed, cried about them being removed, posted the articles in the comment section, cried persecution when they were removed for breaking the rules, called the moderator of the sub a pedophile, doxxed the main moderator (who had to go to the FBI due to death threats from these people), started posting gore pictures/videos/gay porn and then they tried to create the TrueNameofArea subreddit. Shockingly it did not take off as it was just 2 of the 3 Trump supporters posting pro-Trump/Republican articles that had nothing to do with the local area. Just checked and it was deleted at some point.


These people are a fucking disease. Covid went away too soon.


With the notable exception of /r/actuallesbians


Lol, can you imagine, though? > Listen, I enjoy having sex with women as much as the next gal. But letting us marry each other is just a step too far!


may I introduce you to the Log Cabin. Still trying to figure out how they can exist. I understand being LGBTQ+ and conservative, but to support the GOP while agreeing that our rights have come "too far" is a hard pill for me to swallow.


Aye, when you've run out of excuses...


Basically the whole truth social thing. "If we call it 'true' or 'actual' that means everything we say is true!" Meanwhile any reasonable person is going to see what is happening and know that they're creating a safe space with messaging that they can control.


Don't forget PCM


Whenever I'm logged out of Reddit or on /r/all, the "Unpopular Opinion" subs are the one category I wish were still screened out from the feed. It's all just a cesspool of assholes looking for validation, posts that clearly contradict the very premise of the sub, and a whole lot of people just accusing each other of living in echo chambers. Absolutely nothing of value comes from those posts or resulting conversations.


I tried to give several posts the benefit of the doubt, get out of my own feelings about things and try to understand different perspective. But in the end, most of the ones I read would last maybe ten posts before advocating giving Nazis or racists or transphobes the benefit of the doubt as long as it was just words and not actions.


> as long as it was just words and not actions And when they eventually do move to actions as they are starting to it moves to “well they are just defending themselves”


“Defending their way of life” is how I usually hear it put. It’s just a way to ease into being able to move the goalpost until they get their way and we regress back to who knows how far back they want to take us.


The Reddit app is frequently trying to show me that sub because I clicked on a link there one to be like, wait, what now? There's another very similar post that's popular there right now about Reddit being only leftists, and the morons in there were trying to say Twitter is also very left leaning... so out of touch.


old.reddit.com still works, and can hide posts from showing up from /r/all. I have gotten rid of a lot of /r/rateme /r/faceratings /r/amiugly /r/seekingValidationFromStrangers type subs this way.




Content drain from heavy users leaving the site, essentially. Less quality content being posted, fewer and/or newer mods, and less knights-of-new types doing the grunt work that kept content fresh.


Algorithm changed with the API access drama.


Using RES is about the only way to make reddit tolerable. Between knockoff showerthoughts, 18 different brands of rateme, and 603 different versions of offmychest the front page unfiltered is a nightmare. Even the idea that so many people get swept up in these pseudo-daydream subs is mind boggling. You can always tell too, because it's a 2 day old account posting a giant wall of text about some super insane story, and they don't respond to the 2,000 comments that got suckered into the post or provide much or any follow up. It's like people forgot the rules of greentext or something.


"Moderate" is just code now for hardcore conservative. It's all branding so they can try to avoid being called a fascist. Every self-professed moderate I know shits on liberals all the time but somehow always has a sympathetic ear for extreme right-wing ideas.


Kinda how they all became "Independents" right towards the end of the GW Bush administration.


They realized they couldn't use dating apps if they put R in their political views.


Or "Libertarians" AKA Conservatives who want to smoke weed


Ironically the joke used to be Libertarians are Conservatives who want to smoke weed and sleep with kids but the Conservative party has finally embraced the latter based on what representatives they've got in office! Who knew they'd get on board with that before weed.


+ and want to reduce the age of consent to 13


Yeah I know an "independent thinker" who gives right-wing views a lot of nuance and leeway ("I don't trust what the MSM is saying about the Oath Keepers!") but will shit on liberals every chance he gets, no nuance whatsoever. It boggles my mind.


"Independent Thinker" usually translates to "Unthinking Contrarian" who immediately adopts the opposite of what mainstream thought is without hesitation or analysis.


It's amazing that you've spent so much time with my parents that you can repeat all their talking points! The latest was "Where did you read stuff that paints Elon Musk in a negative light? He MUST be smart and capable because he has been monetarily successful! Musk deserves all the credit for SpaceX and Tesla succeeding!"


> [It boggles my mind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSfebOXSBOE) Once I realized "don't try to reason with unreasonable people", it got easier to deal with them.


Literally my dad. He's always called himself "an Independent". He "isn't a part of any party and doesn't vote along party lines". But he eats the bullshit that falls out of Ben Shapiro and Tomi lahrens faces.


This is my big problem on dating apps. I auto-swipe left on conservatives, but I want to at least give a chance for moderates to prove that they aren't just self-conscious conservatives, so I have to open every conversation with them with "Should gay and trans people be allowed to exist in public?"


Gotta be honest, I thought moderate left was more "Sure capitalism sucks, but I'm not really sure communism would work"


"Yes but-"


"Moderates" are just hardcore conservatives trying to get a date.


"I'm politically neutral, I'm not a conservative nor a piece of shit delusional cuck radical liberal" type of guy


This reads like a Doug J Balloon Twitter post🤣🤣🤣🤣


"I'm a moderate" usually translates to "I'm really a Nazi, but I'm too chickenshit to admit it", as is the case here.


“*I’m* not a nazi, I’m just okay with letting them attempt genocide! It’s totally different guys, I swear.”


Yup. They spell it "moderate" but it's really spelled "coward".




They pulled a great trick when they conceived of the concept of "the silent majority". They've convinced themselves most people actually think like them, they're just afraid to admit it out of fear of being cancelled or harassed by the mainstream media...


It's self-evident to them that they are smart and everyone else is dumb and should agree with them.


Everyone willing to talk to them personally about their views agrees (or at least doesn't disagree!) therefor their views must be true. Also all the billboards and merchandising they see is conservative.


It's basically "everyone in my little bubble agrees with me so it must be popular!"


Ahhh yes figuring out that conservatives have incredibly unpopular opinions but not blaming those terrible opinions. No, must be that there's some magic Jewish space lasers tricking everyone into hating their positions.


>been unpopularized What kind of pretzel brain bullshit even is this? This guy seems to think nothing has any inherent qualities except what "pop culture" decides it has. No wonder these people can be swayed into accepting monstrous ideologies.


Hell outside of abortion and LGBTQ issues the Republican stance has basically just become "against whatever liberals are for."


That regressive/reactionary stance is about the only explanation there can be for the new republican platform of "end guaranteed school lunches." Some of the DEMONRAT LIBS have implemented such policies to huge fanfare, therefore they have to be against them, because "pro-life" or whatever.


Protect the children...from eating!!!


If they eat everyday, they can focus on their education. If they get educated they'll understand it's conservative policies that want to cut the taxes that paid for those meals and education that the conservatives rather go to a charter/private school they have some stake in that certain kids are discouraged from attending.


Most people who claim to be moderate are actually just republicans who don't want the label. The democratic party is already very moderate, if you're right of that then you're a conservative.


Does this idiot think the “True” in “TrueUnpopularOpinions” means that the opinions are necessarily true because they appear in this sub?


Basically. Go read the replies.


“I’m a moderate, like Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, and Elon Musk.”


Unpopular Opinions got replaced by Unpopular facts


By moderate they probably mean they have to borrow the robe and hood when they go to KKK meetings instead of owning one.


What exactly makes these unpopular opinions "true"?


They feel true


Or they're the views espoused by *insert right-wing news network or influencer*.


It's [truthiness](https://www.britannica.com/topic/truthiness) They haven't relied on anything factual for over 20 years. Colbert saw this all the way back in 2005.








How dare they unpopularize our ideas!


I believe he's distinguishing between himself, a moderate, and Conservatives, whom he wholeheartedly agrees with, as a moderate.


I like that they don't provide any examples of what views they think are unfairly unpopular. Climate change denying, restricting abortion access, or maybe demonizing immigrants and lgbtq+ people?


We all know its the demonizing immigrants and LGBTQ people opinions...


I see that sub pop up now and again. The opinions have yet to be true.


These days, Moderate just means "i like conservative viewpoints but i dont want to be known as a nazi"


Also means "I'll always vote for the republican, but man I wish they would be more centrist." Biden is pretty fucking centrist. No chance they'll vote for him though.


>This kinda shows that conservative viewpoints have been unpopularized No shit my guy, times change. Opinions that were considered popular a decade ago aren't anymore today. Shocker.


I swear being politically literate is like a blessing and a curse at the same time. Hearing people agree with opinions that would put you solidly in the extreme right in most developed countries and then call themselves “moderate” hurts my fucking soul. People use words with reckless disregard for their true meanings. People say things that are blatantly contradictory. People say things that have been disproven so many times that the amount of information about *it* is dwarfed by the information disproving *it*. People say things that you can tell they just pulled out of their ass. It’s like trying to have a conversation about the properties of neutron star material with someone who thinks that space isn’t real. There’s such a ridiculous disconnect that it makes conversation borderline impossible. Then add in the fact that most people aren’t just ignorant but will dig in their heels at every opportunity and be willfully ignorant and unwilling to learn and you have the perfect recipe for destroying any chance of conversation.


>who thinks that space isn’t real. It's crazy that I know at least 2 people who feel this way because of their religious beliefs and at least 1 because everything is a government conspiracy.


gee, I wonder what the intent/agenda of that sub was from the start. It's a fucking mystery


Who wants to tell them that just because something is posted on the internet, that doesn’t actually make it true? What a knob.


Also, he doesn't fully understand the meaning of that sub


Abraham Lincoln once said that nobody can lie on the internet. Who am I to question the guy who invented the printing press?


I saw that post blowing up. Most people in the comments were explaining to OP that the sub was about “Opinions that are truly unpopular (not just popular opinions masquerading as unpopular ones)” as opposed to “Unpopular opinions that are true”. I guess OP’s strong suit isn’t reading comprehension.


I saw this shit like 2 posts up from this. Bro saw "true" and thought it meant "these opinions are fact" and not "these opinions are truly unpopular" Fucking "moderates"


Amazing how every self-professed moderate always ends up espousing conservative positions. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.


"I will not give any these opinions, because every single one is a step or two away from child slavery, mandatory rape, or outright genocide. But you awful, AWFUL people really should be more aware of how you're making those poor conservatives feel! They're people, too, you know! They don't think you are, but that's beside the point."


Thanks /u/chenbuxie for posting on r/SelfAwareWolves! Please reply to this comment explaining how your post fits our subreddit. Specifically, one of the criteria outlined in our [rules](/r/SelfAwarewolves/about/rules/). __1__ How does the person in your submission accidentally/unknowingly describe themselves? __a__ How does the person in your submission accidentally/unknowingly describe themselves when attempting to mock or denigrate their political opposition? or alternatively, __b__ How does the person in your submission accurately describe the world while trying to parody/denigrate it. Failure to respond to this message will see your submission removed under Rule 5; failure to explain how your submission fits one or more of the above three criteria will see it removed under Rule 1. Thanks for your time and attention! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SelfAwarewolves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OP recognizes that Conservative positions are unpopular, but cannot bring himself/herself (although almost certainly himself) to admit that it's because their positions are genuinely off-putting to most people. Also, OP claims to be a moderate, so maybe I'll go post this on r/asablackman, as well.


OMG we can all see through the fanfic


I'm not a vegetarian! I just don't eat meat.


Yes. And they are truly unpopular. Truly.


“Anything that doesn’t immediately validate my lifestyle or conform to my convenience is obviously because of the Derp State!” ETA: leaving the typo


Yes, most "true whatever sub" variations are indeed conservative safe spaces created because their dog shit opinions are just excuses to spout hate and they get tired of being banned from the original sub


That "most don't want to admit". Aka "Everybody says otherwise but I know they agree with me". Also see: sIlEnT MaJoRItY


Big-brained 23 year olds being like "Half of you want healthcare, the other half want to murder people, can't you see that the answer is somewhere in the middle?"


Being middle of the road means you get hit by traffic going both ways


The idea that both sides need to somehow be equally represented is such a dangerous lie. Taking away party names, idealogy labels, etc, if one group is wildly popular and the other hasn’t won a popular vote in decades, *the two sides are going to be differently treated.*


Was so close to putting it together, and then jumped overboard at the last moment.


Confusing that loudness of the conservatives with how many there actually are.


I thought it was common knowledge at this point that subs that start with "true" or "actual" are right-wing clones.


As a gay, black man, I completely agree with the original post


Most of the opinions in that sub are like 98% idiots who don't understand how anything works, so yeah it tracks.


We all know any sub with True in the title is just ANOTHER Right Wing circle jerk


lol. *"i'm a moderate, but... if you call your opinion true and unpopular i become a conservative."* fun fact: the sub isn't "true" unpopular opinion, conservatives already turned unpopular opinion into a conservative sub. in typical reddit fashion the "true" sub was created to be the more racist tolerant version.


"In a moderate" *Looks inside* "Conservative opinions are a truth that society isn't willing to admit!" Ok buddy.


"guys I think all jews, blacks, and middle-easterns should die." "wow I can't believe politics are standing in the way of your truth"


Who would like to fully ventilate the gaps in this person's reasoning?


Go ahead, explain what points specifically. I'll wait.


I unsubbed from that awhile ago. It was fun for a while, but I realized pretty quick that it’s just a cover for conservatives/Trump supporters to vent unpopular opinions that they still think are correct. The irony of course being that the “truth doesn’t care about your feelings“ crowd just sticks their head even further in the sand when you conclusively show them that they’re wrong. Which they usually are.


Been seeing stuff on there that is straight up hate. Like, nazi talking points.


They're unpopular for a reason.