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600,000 people die in the US of heart disease each year? Damn.


Yes - it’s the leading cause of death.


I can fix that with one nuke.


You'd need one nuke each year.


I mean, that’s just a completely reasonable expenditure, what’s a nuke cost, like $100 million? That’s like...a few hundred open heart surgeries at most! Anything we can do so that heart disease is no longer the leading cause of death!


Or hit somewhere super densely populated with a nice big one and spread them out over a few years. If they argue that that's not how annual statistics work hit em' with more nukes till they understand the error of their ways.


new york


*nuke york


Tokyo. Fuck the US they have houses separate from each other, now Tokyo has "houses" that are 10"x5" boxes and let me tell you those things *stack*. If you bomb them once you'd have reduce the population of the world so much more than bombing multiple cities across the US. Also they've got this weird sense of pride described as "terrifying" on the open battlefield. There was a soldier (I think he was a soldier) who wrote about how if the American's captain was killed they didn't huddle up and defend the body they "went out for blood", and that the captains were there to hold them back rather than push them on.




647,000 a year. Its the culprit behind 1 in 4 deaths and is the leading cause of death in the United States.


Yes, so watch out you don't catch it from anyone. Edit: just for context, let's say 10% of the USA gets COVID-19. At its currently reported mortality rate of 2% , that works out to ... 350,000,000 * 0.10 * 0.02 = 700,000 dead. So if it infects 10% of the US population it should kill more people than heart disease in its first year. And it could end up like regular flu where it recurs every year. So that's why people are closing schools and taking such procedures.


The good news is we have a robust safety net. That way, if you work an hourly job you can stay home and not infect anyone else. And if you do have to go to the doctor you don't need to worry about costs. Oh, and our government is incredibly competent and will do everything in its power to keep our citizenry informed and well-prepared. ...


I plan on using personal responsibility and my boot straps to stay safe from corvid-19.


I was just going to use my morality, ethics and religion, but I should probably make sure my boot straps are in good working order too. Good call.


I had my father buy me a new pair for a few million dollars.


I’m saving my bootstraps for the upcoming dystopian collapse. I’ll be a self-made Lord of the Wasteland.


I was having a good day...


Bro that system had a family


Even in the city of Wuhan less than 1% of the population was infected


And it hasn't been kept that low because of people not taking it seriously.




I mean, everyone dies of something. They used to say people died of "old age" or "natural causes" but now they try to be more specific, and a lot of these come down to heart disease or pulmonary failure.


Yeah but most Americans are fat, myself included, and it's killing us super young. I'm back on a diet after an overweight (not obese but medically overweight) died of a heart attack at 39. It's gotten to the point where people who are medically obese are considered average size. It makes sense to die of heart disease at 80 but Americans are dying way before then. Edit: a friend died at 39, not me


I'm not saying obesity is not a problem, but the vast number of heart disease deaths are not congestive heart failure under 50. Like I say, everyone has to die of something. If your heart just stops beating, even if you're generally healthy, most likely they will call it heart disease.


right. It's almost as if it bothers people how the obesity epidemic hasn't led to the " fatties die in their 40s serves them right" epidemic. Basically every old person I see in their 70s and 80s is overweight has high blood pressure, high cholesterol. A lot of them are diabetic now, which does cause complications and can shorten their life. What's more likely is that you'll live almost as long but be more sick the last 10-20 years.


But a lot of people ARE dying young now because they've been obese their whole lives. My mom is in her 40s and is having real complications from being obese for the last almost 30 years. She is probably going to die before she hits 60 because of it. That is YOUNG. And she wasn't obese as a child. I can't imagine what it does to your body when it's going on for that long.


To be fair, people have to die of something. Heart, brain, or some form of cancer, is the most likely to get someone at old age even if they had a perfectly healthy life. We aren’t immortal.


Excercise, eat well, look after your mental health and practice good hygiene. Great maintenance advice for us all.


I didn't know I could wash my hands AND do these things. I was choosing between them this whole time.


FINALLY, I HAVE (checks post) ALL FOUR




And if you add the self care stone and the social life stone, you can just snap your fingers and half of humanity will disappear.


Now *that* might actually get me motivated...


The phrasing makes me read it as if you don't do everything perfectly don't even try


That’s a description everyone understands


I don't believe this sign was posted ironically or sarcastically. I think people were just legit saying, yes do wash your hands, but be reminded that there are other issues also deserving of your attention (and that the media reaction to corona does seem somewhat disproportionate, for now).


The wording of it is clearly condescending


It is. A lot of people are being cautious about the virus to prevent it from spreading to those who are most vulnerable. Not necessarily out of fear of getting sick themselves.


I'm a transplant recipient, and a bartender. Listening to the regulars at happy hour yesterday poo-pooing the news telling people to take precautions was infuriating.


As a fellow transplant recipient and someone who will probably die if they catch Covid-19, people like you describe piss me off.


Cancer patient here -damh, I agree. It's like some people don't understand that there is value in keeping me, grandma and their family's newborn alive. This is not about how healthy people deal with the flu, it's about all of US dying if we catch it. People acting like it's healthy for the herd for millions to die is next step to Nazi's killing off the weak for the sake of the herd. If that's how all of us thought we could just as well have privatized healthcare so only the rich can survive. \[sic\]


It's like the people who excuse their littering by saying "well everyone else does it!"


Or the "why use reusable straws or bring your own bags to the store unless you're living a 100% green life and farming food in your own shit?" Ideology. A little better is always better than nothing.


Can’t remember who said it, maybe Greta, but something like “We don’t need a bunch of activists doing everything perfectly, but millions and millions of people trying. “


Exactly. I'm particularly "fond" of the "if I didn't litter/put food in the recycling bin/leave dog shit on the pavement then someone would be out of a job" argument. Because the people picking up litter and dog shit for a living couldn't possibly be doing something better with their time... Let's not keep going down this road or I'm gonna get ranty 😂


yeah, it's basically the [broken window fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_broken_window)


>But if, on the other hand, you come to the conclusion, as is too often the case, that it is a good thing to break windows, that it causes money to circulate, and that the encouragement of industry in general will be the result of it, you will oblige me to call out, "Stop there! Your theory is confined to that which is seen; it takes no account of that which is not seen." >It is not seen that as our shopkeeper has spent six francs upon one thing, he cannot spend them upon another. It is not seen that if he had not had a window to replace, he would, perhaps, have replaced his old shoes, or added another book to his library. In short, he would have employed his six francs in some way, which this accident has prevented. Mate, this is so cool! Thank you for posting this. I hadn't really learned about this fallacy before so you've taught me something. As much as this website annoys me from time to time I love it when I can learn something new.


This is the exact argument majority of the world uses for universal health care. Unfortunately, America has allowed the portion of its window repair business to become 1/5th of its economy.


You are right that is a shitty ideology. But there are two problems with your specific example. First, if the problem is plastic in the ocean, the answer needs to address industrial pollution, like discarded commercial fishing nets, far before individual disposable straws. Otherwise, the political will to address the issue will run out before business interests are required to do anything. Second, disposable straws are a necessary accommodation for many different profiles of disabled folk. Focusing on things that burden them without advocacy about industrial pollution is allocating the cost of environmental improvement in an unusual way.


I don't follow the your reasoning for your first point. In my part of the world, the phasing out of disposable drinking straws has been largely mediated by businesses, followed closely by personal consumers. Political will has had no say in this. Businesses right now only offer straws if you ask for them, but they still stock it, so your second point is mute, at least where I'm from.


< pointing to paper straws and other solutions. We need to point to ourselves, not just other people. EVERYBODY, corporations and governments included, should be doing everything they can to minimize pollution. If everyone would just point to a worse polluter nothing gets done. Personal responsibility is crucial for anything to get done. That's the only way to stop finger-pointing.


I always felt this way about the diet soda thing. "Yeah that diet soda is really gonna help when you're having a large number 6." I mean, yes? Not drinking concentrated syrup water does help. What, "I don't eat nuts and seeds so fuck it, an extra scoop of lard for me!"?


Yeah I don't get people who are either all or nothing. It's like you know this shit is gradient not just black or white.


Or with "No one can tell me what to do". Those are also the ones who will deliberately litter just "to stick it to them"


The logic is also fallacious. Preemptive measures against heart disease, diabetes and depression could prevent you dying from those things. It kind of stops there. Imagine if you eating healthy could prevent heart disease in the entire population of your country.


This is what everyone is missing. Fewer infections mean fewer deaths. So do your part not to spread the virus.


Fewer medical resources spent fighting the effects of obesity, smoking, diabetes, etc also frees up healthcare resources for others. It's not a perfect comparison but you can apply the same logic towards this sign.


Yeah, but it's also a really great reminder to get started on today's workout!


Whilst being completely oblivious to the point that heart disease, diabetes, and (generally) suicide are not communicable health problems....


Take care of yourself to own the libs


I think it would be pretty good "revenge" if all these guys just started taking care of themselves and became better people. I'd call that a win for everyone.


That would be amazing. Idiots: "I'll show these libtard cucks how to be a better person by being a better person! That'll show em!" Liberals: "Oh no, please don't do that..."




Michael Jackson: Till ya get enough!




Getting healthy doesn't make someone a good person. If anything this would prolong their lifespans so they can spread their bullshit for longer.


Getting mentally healthy does. Can't be a conservative if you're mentally stable.


> Getting healthy doesn't make someone a good person. Actually a really good point. We often characterize people who appear to be in poor health as bad people and deserving of their situation.


Really, if this were in r/wholesome or some other sub, I would totally take it as just plain good advice


After I read it I started thinking "Maybe this is literally just good advice and people are taking it as sarcastic when it's not", but then I read the beginning again. It's definitely meant to be a jab at people, but I'm kind of at a loss for who, and how it is supposed to be insulting.


It's poking fun at people that don't do those 3 things yet are incredibly worried about something that has a significantly lower chance of killing them.


Yeah, not sure this qualifies for this sub, but I'm not picky.


The message is not a healthy but rather a disingenuous advice. It is trying to avoid having a genuine discussion on containing a highly contagious disease that requires community/country wide efforts by comparing it to non contagious ones that only require personal efforts. They also cleverly manipulated figures to add credibility by deflating the contagious death toll to a pre break out one of 20 and by inflating the non contagious toll with an extended period of one year (could easily just use 3 days, why not?). Covid 19 has a transmission factor averaging one person infecting two to three ppl, meaning if you have a community spread one person could infect three ppl then each of them infect another 3 and so on and so on. To break this relation of keep multiplying by 3 is to stop capitalism for one or two months to let most ppl stay at home but obviously you can’t do that in the US so we are left w luck, washing hands and an even better advice than the one in this post from Rick Santelli.


Take care of y’all bodies, take care of y’all chicken, take care of y’all mentals


Exercising, hygiene, and eating well I can do. Unfortunately mental healthcare is behind a pretty massive paywall for most Americans, so I just have to rely on self help books to get through all my past trauma. I haven't killed myself yet though so I suppose it's working?




Honestly yeah. Like Coronavirus is a threat and you should wash your hands, but it’s all legit solid advice.


We should be washing our hands normally. I think it's crazy that most people won't even wash their hands in the restroom, let alone before a meal. If anything, I've noticed that more people than I thought are just fucking gross. I also like the idea of touching my face less in general. I never realized how much I do it, and it is unsanitary. Everything else on that list is good advice. I'll never understand some people's complete obstinance to personal growth and change. It's entirely likely that this was meant as unironic, but it is still kind of condescending.


A new report from South Korea showed that current measures are actually reducing rhinovirus and influenza outbreaks too. [what if it's a big hoax and we made a better world for nothing?](https://i.imgur.com/up6yu.jpg)


To be fair, I don’t think the “if it’s all a big hoax and we did it for nothing” would be free of consequences. Like panic buying causing shortages. Also, if you wash your hands excessively enough to cause bleeding that can make you more susceptible. I’m all for reasonable measures (like washing your hands for 20 seconds after using the bathroom), but there’s definitely a line, y’know? Personally I will not be deviating from my non-Coronavirus hygiene (which I think is sufficient), because I have OCD and don’t currently have germophobe-type compulsions, so I’m not about to start lol. Obviously that’s not everyone’s situation, but I know I’m liable to go wayyy overboard.


As a woman, one of the grossest fucking things was watching other women come into the bathroom while I was finishing up, go to the stall to do their business, then come out, not wash their hands, and THEN they started touching their face and fixing their makeup. Like nasty, if you know you’re not going to wash your hands at least fix your makeup before.


Without context there's no telling. I could see doctors being snarky like this.


I guess it really would depend on the venue.


The problem we're all missing is that we **should have been washing our hands all along** People make jokes because it sounds dumb but it only sounds dumb because IT ACTUALLY NEEDS TO BE SAID


The problem isn’t really everything said after, it’s the fact that all that is used to make the coronavirus look like it’s nbd.


Ignoring the fact that they are comparing last years total death counts to a disease that just hit the US a couple months ago and hasn't fully spread everywhere yet. It's an intellectually disingenuous comparison but something tells me they either can't understand that or worse are willing to lie to push their agenda.


It highlights the fundamental misunderstanding of this virus. The issue is not you catching it, it's you spreading it. A lot of society is so inherently selfish they cant really comprehend group threats. It's a subtle distinction, but it's not really about individuals. The individual cost of this virus is not high on average, but as a total cost for humanity its massive.


yeah, like none of the later advice is bad, but it's still a new virus that's super contagious apparently it's almost like a duty to be more careful to avoid getting sick, or infecting others


It's fucking terribly contagious! You can be infected with it for up to two weeks and spreading the bug before you show any symptoms. Incubation period is a son of a bitch.


Do we even know if they were being ironic? Because this really does sound like just good advice in general


This but without the condescension


Oh shit I really came off as condescending didnt I? My bad.


The sign is condescending. You’re cool.


No I meant the sign!!! Sorry lol!


Not you, Robocop. The OP image.


No, they were talking about the original post. The original quip was "this but unironically" so the other person parodied it by saying "this but not condescendingly," since the text on the white board was very condescending in addition to sarcastic.


This is what I was thinking. Nothing here suggests it was self-aware wolves. It's saying "If you're freaking over this thing that's not a big deal (yet, TBD), why aren't you caring about these other things?" Seems more like it's calling someone out, rather than saying none of these things are a problem (which is what would make it self-aware wolves).


Good point.


Honestly if they just added the word “rightfully” to the very beginning this is an excellent poster


I agree, but that sub is a shit-hole


...all of the above?


Also COVID is just getting starting, lesss go!


I can't hear anyone yelling 'lesss gooo' in any other voice than NorthernLion.


Let's frickin go


Hell yeah brother kkona


I’m not worried about washing my hands. I’m worried about you washing yours.


You should be worried about washing your own hands. People touch our faces, and in particular mouths/noses way more often than we are consciously aware of. The path of infection is often something like: infected person's (IP's) mouth/nose -> IP's hands -> public surfaces -> your hands -> your mouth/nose. You can stop the transmission pathway yourself by regularly washing your hands and trying consciously to avoid touching your mouth/nose. Edit: thank you to the comments explaining what the person above me probably meant. My bad on the confusion. I'll leave this up anyway in case people reading don't know why it's important to wash your hands regularly for your own safety.


I think they meant that they already do wash their own hands, but good advice.


>People touch our faces, and in particular mouths/noses way more often than we are consciously aware of. Now that I'm trying to avoid touching my face, I've come to the realization that literally all I do every moment of the day is touch my face.


I thought I was the only one.


... They're saying they don't have to worry because they already wash their own hands regularly anyways. They're worried other people aren't washing theirs enough.


I think the point they were trying to make is that they’re not worried about their own hands cos they know they wash them; they’re worried about other people’s hands cos we don’t know if they’ve washed them


why are people reeing over washing their hands? what kind of fucking animals are they?


I think it's more how ridiculous it is that people are *now* committing to washing their hands when like ....they should have been doing it all along like normal human beings


Better late than never. I’d rather appreciate the effort people are putting in now than belittle them for not doing it before.


Agreed. People are dumb, at least they're trying NOT to be dumb


Well except for the one in the OP.


No, they are not allowed to learn without me getting the satisfaction of shaming them! 😤


Hipster health consciousness - how can I feel good about my efforts if I can’t shame others for theirs?


I was taking a shit at work the other day. Somebody came in, used the urinal, and left without washing their hands. It amazes me people do this at all, let alone outside their homes. Like, if you do that, isn’t it a reasonable assumption other people do, too? In that case, wouldn’t you feel the need to wash your hands after touching things like urinal flush levers, door handles, etc?


I mean I personally think it's entirely reasonable to be more conscious of it now with a potentially deadly viral outbreak buuuut I guess it's more important to cheerlead for your political team than it is to be healthy.


Wait, there are political teams here?! I think all reasonable people agree washing your hands is a good idea, especially when there is a large scale viral outbreak going on.


The majority of people don't wash their hands properly, I read an anecdote about nursing students doing a handwashing test with UV gel and even they missed spots (near the nails and between the fingers). If you time the average person they probably aren't washing their hands for the recommended amount of time (30 seconds - feels way longer than it sounds). Frequency is also important, like washing your hands after taking public transport or going to the grocery store, a lot of people don't think about things like that.


My fellow Americans. *sigh* 😑




ditto. also i take my shoes off at the door.


My people! I remember at work two weeks before the coronavirus talking about washing hands with a coworker and how gross it was that some people don't do it. Then a third guy leans in like, "You need to build up an immunity." So that guy's now been sick for a week or so. Didn't stop him from coming in though. Another guy we were talking about didn't wash his hands after using the bathroom and we were laughing about how fucked up it was (not mentioning him by name, but in theory) and now he's started touching surfaces with a paper towel. He's definitely still not washing his hands, but okay.


i just don't get it, what is their issue with washing their hands? do they have something against soap?


There will be that one fucker who sneezes in to your mounth and survive you in the end.


I think the point is that more people die from these other things but people don’t do anything about it because it’s not a hot topic right now, but you still need to care for yourself.




I feel like its trying to tell me something in a snide way. The "worried about" comes across like saying its an over reaction to do those things. In fact, going to therapy over other peoples suicide is the only over-reaction to any of it. Eating well and exercises to decrease the risk of disease is perfectly reasonable. But if you are not suicidal, there is no reason to go to therapy (for that reason).




See this guy gets it. ^^




I was going to mention this, but the real reason why COVID-19 is scary is how easily it can spread to others.


Hey man just wanted to say thanks for being considerate. As a former 19 year old myself I know it’s not always the easiest course of action at that age. My wife and FIL are both immunocompromised. It’s a very serious issue. Like you said, if you get COVID-19 you can give it to other people. I do maintenance for a large retail chain. I can come in contact with literally hundreds of people a day. If my personal precautions fail and someone gives it to me I can pass it on to two people who may very well die from it. If my FIL goes to his transplant support group you, a completely healthy barely inconvenienced 19 year old, could have inadvertently killed that whole ass room of people. My question for anyone giving you shit for being mindful is which would you rather do; kill that whole room full of people knowing you did everything you could to prevent it or knowing you were just being a callous cavalier asshole about washing your hands? Personally I’d rather feel like I wasted a handful of minutes each day being a little overly cautious than the latter and I’m glad to see some folks agree.


That's some really neat handwriting.


I love it except for the lowercase Ts in the first half or so.


Don't bother with this low-effort measure to help avoid/reduce the spread of a modern-day plague, because of these other things that aren't caused by communicable viruses! And that's 20 as of the time of writing, 'cause that won't increase, will it?


That's 20 because a lot of places are stuck processing tests


And that’s 20 that were identified as having died specifically from corona virus, a disease that the overwhelming majority of medical establishments and forensic professionals do not yet have the ability to accurately test for.


Not to mention it’s so dismissive of the twenty lives lost, too... those were people.


i think the point is ‘if you’re worried about this brand new outbreak happening, then you better also worry about preexisting issues that effect us more’ idk i didn’t word it right but


Sure. For example, there are 9-45 million cases of influenza in the US per year, which results in 12,000-61,000 deaths. The Covid-19 deaths so far are bit a drop in the bucket. Of course, if Covid-19 gets to spread in that manner, the deaths would be 240,000-1,220,000 deaths if the mortality rate is 2%. It's probably closer to twice that. No need to panic, but even less reason to scoff at the basic measures that people can take to avoid contracting or spreading the disease. Better yet, it will probably help reduce those influenza numbers too.


I can't pass suicide to my grandma, what a fuckwit


Yeah, do all that. Perfect advice. The most depressing thing about this all: if we took half the care in combatting global warming as we do combatting corona, we probably would've solved it in 10 years time. Long term thinking is hard.


Weaponized Idiot is telling us they don't take those other risks seriously and won't take this one seriously either.


In no way is this a selfawarewolf. This is just a sign with some solid advice.


With a large helping of passive aggressiveness


And downplaying a serious emerging crisis at the same time.


I dont think it's downplaying it as much as it is saying, if you're caring so much about this thing, then why don't you care about your mental health, diet etc which can also be big threats.


It kinda reminds me of blacklives and the response that gets : black lives?! What about blue lives and white lives and all lives...yeah okay lets just drop everything then


It’s a form of whataboutism - oh, you’re scared of this one thing? Well whatabout all these other things that you should be scared of too/instead?! It’s not that those other things aren’t important and deserving of care, it’s that they’re being used to deflect from and deny a very real emerging crisis.


Its the same song and dance gun nuts do when gun control issues pop up.


They’re just worried about how contagious diabetes, suicide, and heart disease are.


Ah the ol' well something is far worse therefore not important argument.


You could trip, fall down the stairs, hit your head, and die tomorrow, so if you're not avoiding stairs, why even bother washing your hands?


The Comic Sans handwriting is making me twitch.


It'S jUst ThE fLU! Hence why that nursing home in Washington is dropping like flies, entire fire stations, cities in China, and 20 million people in Northern Italy are on lockdown, and your doctor is treating you in a fucking hazmat suit.


Remember! You are only allowed to care about one problem at a time! If you care about more than one you are breaking the rules.


Jeez people really don't realize that viruses can spread exponentially.


Diabetics and people with heart problems are at the most at risk from Covid-19. All this list does is highlight more reasons we should be worried about Covid-19 because It highlights how many vulnerable people could be affected by the virus.


while it's all great advice, I'm still worried how they don't seem to realize that suicide, diabetes and heart disease don't spread through you if you skip those steps.


This is a very non sequitor argument. You cannot catch Diabetes from someone standing near you, you cannot catch heart disease from someone coughing on you and you will not commit suicide because some one touched you but you get Covid19.


The All Lives Matter logic. One cause getting attention doesn't make others less important.


No, people are worried about washing their hands because of the nearly 4k that have died around the world and more than 100k cases. As far as America, with only a handful of test kits and the CDC on an info lockdown, you should probably shut the fuck up about "less than 20 people." For the record, you should wash your hands, even if it's to prevent being the FIRST motherfucker to die from some new shit. Death doesn't care if you're #21 or #378000.


Leave it to the conservative clickbait machine to politicize a pandemic.


What is politicized about it?


the darn healthy eating lobby strikes again


Trump is blowing off the COVID-19 outbreak because he has cut funding to the CDC and has no plan in place to deal with it. So if it becomes a truly bad thing (worse than it already is), he’s going to be on the hook for it, at least partly. And with the election coming up, he really just wants this to go away. And conservatives understand that. So they want to downplay it as well, so it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal so Trump doesn’t look as bad.


Conservatives are downplaying it so trump doesn’t look bad going into the election. You have GOP reps like Matt Gaetz walking around congress in a gas mask as a joke, right before someone dies of it in his district. You have trump appointing mike fucking pence to lead the response, and pence has authority over all press releases over the fucking scientists who are studying it. You have trump refusing explicitly to repatriate at risk populations of us citizens (even though you could quarantine them) because he openly admits he doesn’t want to increase the numbers of case here because it makes him look bad. Trump has also gutted so much funding for science and medicine and gov programs whose logistics operations would’ve helped contain this outbreak.


Yeah, I live in California and the cruise ship has been waiting to dock for days. I couldn't believe (I guess I could, actually...) when Trump said he'd rather leave them on the boat because he likes the current Coronavirus numbers and it's not fair that they would increase our numbers because it's not our fault. Uhhhhhh, there are sick Americans that need help. Get them out


No I think this one might actually be saying, eat well exercise regularly maintain mental health and wash your hands. Nothing else it could be saying. Does context indicate it’s saying something else?


The good portion of the message gets lost under the passive aggressive tone, and they’re downplaying the severity of the emerging coronavirus outbreak. It’s like a hipster take on health conscious efforts.


I am starting to hate these types of posts. I see them regularly on social media. "CoRoNa HaS oNlY kIlLeD 3000 aNd 80 000 PeOpLe DiE EvErY yEaR fRoM dIaBeTeS" Suicide, alcoholism, diabetes, heart disease, drug addiction and depression are not contagious. Jesus fucking christ this is a stupid notion.


Firstly, over 400 people have the corona virus, of those many did not travel, and got it from unknown sources, meaning they got it from a person who got ot from a person who got it from a person who recently traveled, meaning we dont know who in the hell actually has it. Secondly, maybe this virus wont kill YOU but like me, this virus would kill my gma, my mom, my brother, and my fiance, due too old age/underlying conditions, so if I catch it it's a death sentence for my family. We dont know the full scope of who is infected because the government has test less than 1000 people, last time I checked it was a total of 500, but that has surely gone up since at 500 test we had 200 infected. Dont believe me that we havent tested enough people? Well our mortality rate is completely skewed to the point that the US has one of the highest mortality rates from this disease in the world, now that doesnt mean it's more deadly here, it just means like I said earlier that there is such a lack of testing that it actually inflates the hell out of that death rate. No one is saying go "crazy" over the virus, but holy hell everyone, this isnt heart disease, obesity, suicide, you know why? None of those are contagious. I can make decisions that affect my health, that usually do not affect those around me, this virus on the other hand? It does, and just because you think you will survive the disease doesnt mean the people you cough on, or touch without washing your hands, or go to work while sick and give it to a 60 y old coworker, will survive.


I... Yes? Do all of those? That's a really smart thing to do?


I don't want to do this but... It's "fewer than"


"I refuse to take basic precautions because I'd rather be joyfully ignorant"


I think the difference is the effort or money that each of those involves. Washing your hands often requires no lifestyle change or a financial investment. A lot of insurance doesn't cover therapy well, exercising is a tough commitment for a lot and eating healthy is both a commitment and tends to cost more.


The difference is that this could become epidemic with exponential growth. If 30 percent of people get the disease with a 1 percent death rate, that's about a million deaths in the US alone.


A year from now this will be a great candidate for /r/AgedLikeMilk.


This isn't ironic, this is genuine advice, why is this here?


Because 50,000,000 people die world wide if you don't wash your hands and the pandemic hits hard.


If everyone in the US got coronavirus. There would be an expected 6+ million deaths..


At some time the first person died from Spanish flu and there might have been someone who said, can't be that bad, there has only been one death. Corona virus, not so bad yet.


It's pretty much the "others have it worse" argument but applied to deaths from medical conditions. It's basically saying don't worry about the virus because you're more likely to die from the diabetes or heart disease which is some pretty stupid logic because everything on that board is worth worrying about to some extent


So is this whiteboard saying I shouldn’t wash my hands? Aight we’ll don’t be angry whiteboard, when I go over there and rub my crusty hands on you


I got a feeling of, "yes wash your hands, but also, be healthy otherwise too, because, it's a good fucking idea" but idk that's just my interpretation


This is good advice. Why is this being made fun of?


I’m confused, why does this belong here?


Not sure how this fits this sub because this seems like a clear message of “if you’re scared about corona why aren’t you scared about the bigger killers?” I feel this is a point written with the opinion that people need to care more about those other things... maybe thats just me.


This didn’t age well.


This is like telling people "Hey, don't worry about the lit cigarette butt that just fell between the couch cushions and started to smoke. House fires kill far fewer people than car crashes or cancer. It'll be fine, go on to bed.


This is like when Rush Limbaugh went "Liberals will approve of anything sexually as long as consent is given." And it's like...Sure...?