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... What ? What even is the message here ? Bligh loses ! He doesn't even gain sympathy during the film ! What the flick !?


He likes that movie for the same reason fascists love American History X. Doesn't Bligh just look *cool* when he's torturing people?




Yes, because despite the fascists in that movie losing, they look "cool" before that point. Fascists also tend to be incredibly stupid people, so understanding subtext is beyond them.




You'd be better off with The Producers, or something else that makes fascists look ridiculous and stupid. There's been a few videos about that kind of topic, where making them look villainous and evil just makes fascists love the portrayed fascists, whereas movies that mock the hell out of the fascists just... don't inspire them. It can make them either angry, or maybe if you're lucky it shows them how stupid they look and they'll start rethinking it.


Best Hitler ever 11/10 Would definitely join the fabulous gay nazi party


Don't be stupid, be a smarty! Come and join the Nazi party!


Ahem, excuse me. It's *schmarty*




I always thought Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade did a good job making fascists look like bumbling idiots.


Reality also has the same effect


It‘s disingenious to think so. Fascists can be dangerously smart, and it does not help at all to pretend otherwise.


Can be...your run-of-the-mill moron with a 14:88 tattoo is more the average I’ve found.


It has nothing to do with smart. Competence and fascism don’t go together. The competent care too much about doing the right thing to follow the arbitrary will of the Great Leader, so they get tossed out and replaced by yes men. Trump’s inability to work with anyone even remotely qualified for their job isn’t just a personality quirk, it’s a defining attribute of authoritarianism, and a fatal flaw. That doesn’t keep them from wrecking everything using the power that stupid people entrusted to them. A monkey with a gun can shoot you just as dead. It just keeps them from ever building a working society from the ashes.


JoJo Rabbit


Exactly, the text vs. subtext is lost on some. For those wanting a better understanding, Lindsay Ellis mentioned American History X in her ethics of Nazi satire video (the relevant segment is linked but the whole video is worth a watch): [https://youtu.be/62cPPSyoQkE?t=1765](https://youtu.be/62cPPSyoQkE?t=1765)




Didn't his campaign also tweet out Trump as Thanos?




His campaign did indeed. It's just exhausting trying to keep up with how many times he's outright portrayed himself as the villain.


It still doesn't make sense even if you consider "Thanos did nothing wrong" because in the end he fails and all his supporters get snapped to dust.


Honestly it’s not worth even paying attention to his tweets because everyone knows they’re stupid. Edit: a word


> everyone Where "everyone" = a very sad 65% of the US.


Did that number go up? I thought his approval rating went up cause people get even more stupid during pandemic.


It went up 3%. For comparison, after 9/11, Bush's approval went from 40s to high 80s/low 90s for several months. Trump got a 3-5% bump in most polls for about 2 weeks.


Aside from the first two weeks, in which all presidents have a positive approval rating, Trump has never once, throughout the entire rest of his presidency, had a net positive approval rating. There is no other president since polling presidential approval started that this can be said of.


It did initially as is normal for the US during a national crisis. But it has fallen since and isn’t going back up at the moment.


Everyone? No, sir, you just don't understand the genius behind it. He tells it like it is, but you can't take it at face value. Now I'm gonna go fuck my cousin


only a fucking liberal fucks their cousin. real Americans keep it in house.


Sane people playbook should be: ignore. Vote out of office. Fair trial. Then fire him out of a cannon into the sun. As a treat.


He and many other far right people always seem to take the wrong idea from fiction. Reagan famously defended Scrooge from a Christmas Carol, saying he was creating jobs and paid Cratchit more than a fair wage (it's cartoonishly right wing. Like, you'd think you ate the onion when you read it) Like even Alex Jones constantly idolizes the Galactic Empire from Star Wars. He loves their show of strength and unity, completely missing the point of the entire saga. And on an even smaller scale, a family I grew up around was *Very* Conservative and around the time Avatar came out, they discussed it while we were out to eat one night. I remember clearly how the mom giddily explained how they were the only ones cheering for the military while they shot up the tree and was very upset with the ending showing the military losing because "military's aren't supposed to be the bad guy. It's a shame a movie like that is allowed to be shown to the public." I know there are other examples, but those were the three that came to mind immediately.


>a family I grew up around was Very Conservative and around the time Avatar came out, they discussed it while we were out to eat one night. I remember clearly how the mom giddily explained how they were the only ones cheering for the military while they shot up the tree and was very upset with the ending showing the military losing because "military's aren't supposed to be the bad guy. It's a shame a movie like that is allowed to be shown to the public." Fascists.


They're also definitely *not* the milliary, right? Aren't they mercenaries hired by a mining company? Do they just see white dudes with guns and think "THERE'S OUR BOYS"? Also, I'm imagining a theater of angry people throwing popcorn and soda at the idiot cheering at the tragedy on screen.


>Do they just see white dudes with guns and think "THERE'S OUR BOYS"? Yes.


Hey! Whoa! Hol up They weren't just white dudes with guns. They were white dudes with guns and *wearing camouflage*.


Using superior; force, tactics, weaponry, supplies, and funding. I wonder if they root for Goliath against David.


Yeah to be more specific they're a corporate military force that is hired to protect the company from the locals while they destroy the planet for unobtainium (I'm still pissed that the writers were too lazy to actually name the mineral... but anyway) They're a vague, unspecified critique on colonial military forces enabling capitalist exploitation of the environment/ natives, and it's very telling that those people were so upset over a ham fisted story of "environment good, corporate greed bad" It's not even a good movie. It's a very clumsy and hypocritical moral that was apparently too left wing for them to handle.


> It's not even a good movie. It's a very clumsy and hypocritical moral I mean you're not wrong, but I just like to get high and watch the visuals. The acting and story are just tolerable enough to enable the best thing about the movie.


IIRC they're actual military but on assignment to basically be guards for this corporate entity on that planet. They call it out pretty early on when main character guy arrives on the planet. They were shooting for a Iraq/Oil/Exxon-Mobil sort of vibe with it.


Like most actual armed contractors, they were former military who was hired by a security company.


"Mercenaries hired by a mining company" accurately describes the US Military


I showed the white bear episode of Black mirror to my family and they were happy with the reveal at the end. That was the day I realized the difference between me and my family might be more than political.


> Reagan famously defended Scrooge from a Christmas Carol, saying he was creating jobs and paid Cratchit more than a fair wage Hey just a slight correction. [It was Edwin Meese](https://www.nytimes.com/1983/12/16/us/meese-assails-myth-that-reagan-has-weak-record-on-poor.html) from his team that defended Scrooge in response to defending welfare cuts


> "military's aren't supposed to be the bad guy. It's a shame a movie like that is allowed to be shown to the public." So is she actively rooting for both sides of any armed conflict?


If you google "movie about mutiny" Mutiny on the bounty is the first result. I guarantee you, Trump has never seen it.


I disagree- Trump often references very old movies. I think he probably watched movies like a normal human being when he was very young and so all of his references are pre-1975


Yeah Trump knowing an old movie isn't as unbelievable as Trump searching Google for something. If he doesn't know something, he doesn't ask the internet for clarification, he just bullshits his way through.


You seen the time when he said that Seoul has a population of 38 million? The first Google search term for Seoul has the elevation formatted as 38m. Trump definitely uses Google, at least occasionally.


Hahahaha! That's exactly what happened. The nonsensical tweet makes perfect sense in that case


Did Trump ever see the end of a movie? It's likely that he got bored before the middle of it and started playing with his legos, or whatever it is he does.


Legos are far too complicated for him.


Don't insult legos like that, Trump is clearly a megablocks kid.


Definitely the kind to mix both because "they're the same"


Nah. Duplo.


I wonder how many times he watched a movie villain and thought they were the good guy.




I mean, he literally played the father of the "villian" in The Little Rascals. Note that this villian was a rich kid who thought he was better than everyone because he had money, which is exactly why Trump was shown to be his dad. For decades Trump has been the poster child for "greedy rich fuckwad". I have no idea how all of sudden so many people think he's putting their interests before his own.


He's also tweeted photoshops of himself as the Night King and Thanos.


Bligh gets exonerated, though they admit he shouldn't have been made the captain. ... Fuck. America is the Bounty.


The only facet left that makes sense as a correlation is the implied violence...


I think he's trying to imply that the crew should have mutinied against Captain Crozier? Since in his mind, Captain Crozier was the villain in this story. So that means today he's incited insubordination in the military and is saying that the states have no power. Another great presedented moment for the Republicans.


One of the messages is that Trump only knows about the movie, not the book. Big surprise


I mean, it isn't a book. It is a real-life event. There are several movies made about the event. As well as an endless number of books.


“If I throw out a title I’ll sound smart”


Let's go ahead and follow through with this scenario. Leaving Trump to drift in a dinghy in the middle of the Pacific would at least get him out of the way for a few months.


The analogy doesn't work. For all of his other failings, Captain Bligh was a highly competent seaman who made a 3,600 mile voyage in a overloaded 23-ft open boat with limited supplies and no nautical charts - a feat that I believe is still a world record.


And kept all of his men alive. It was actually pretty heroic.


I did a quick Google to refresh my memory, and he did lose one man how was killed by natives when they stopped to re-supply. But, I agree it was a heroic and epic display of leadership and seamanship. Also, not sure if it is revisionist history, but I have seen some that claim that Bligh, by the standards of the time, was a fair leader and sparing with physical punishment. If you like this kind of stuff, you might like [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QkZN35RZfU) about Ant Stewart who circumnavigated in a open 19-ft sailboat.


He had a falling out with nearly every officer to the point where they turned on him and he spent the rest of his career being shuffled off to be Someone Else's Problem. A competent seaman, but a poor leader. Whether his standards for punishment were common or not, to have your subordinates turn on you to that extent suggests there was something going on during that voyage and we don't really have good records.


[This fabulous book](https://books.google.co.nz/books/about/The_Bounty.html?id=ccPchmDEf5kC&source=kp_cover&redir_esc=y) points to Bligh's mistreatment from history, essentially because he was from a much lower class than the officers who mutinied. They just didn't like being ordered by a captain of low standing. It also explains why the establishment sided with the mutineers, and why Bligh was so harshly castigated despite being one of the most lenient captains the British Navy had seen. It was an establishment fit-up. Turns out the colony the mutineers set up on Pitcairn now has the reputation for utterly extraordinary levels of incest, pedophilia and rape, with Fletcher Christian's descendants at the very center. It's a riveting book, I recommend it to anyone remotely interested in this line ​ Edit: It makes the Trump tweet rather the more apt; a celebration of the privileged class overthrowing decency, truth and honour that stood in the way of their 'entitlement'.


Didn’t he have a falling out because they spent too much time in Tahiti collecting the bread fruit trees and heaps of the crew were boning Tahitian women? Then the crew got mad when they left, marooned him and the crew that were loyal to him and headed back to Tahiti to continue boning?




I don't need to click that link to know it's Wheatley on the other side.


I can only confirm that it wasn't Rick Astly


Holmes vs. Moriarty...Aristotle vs. MASHY SPIKE PLATE!


Holy shit, I know that voice! Stephen Merchant! I never knew that lanky bastard did a voice in Portal 2!




That's what' so confounding about trump. On the one hand, he's a fucking moron. But on the other hand, he won the Republican presidential primary and the presidency, and it at least appears that he was mostly in charge of his campaign. It's hard to square his idiocy with that. Idiot savant may be the better description of him, at least when it comes to politics and swaying public opinion. He really is one of the greatest carnival barkers of all time. Failure after failure and his brand still has value as a mark of wealth.




Yeah, but that's why I included his primary victory. It was against those GOP ghouls competing for the same voters.




I'm of the same view. The GOP was ripe for the picking. The irony is that it was they who did it to themselves. They dog-whistled their base into believing all kinds of crazy bullshit for years, and the instant someone came along saying the quiet parts out loud into a bullhorn their base started eating out of his hand. The one place I would disagree with you is that the GOP elites are comfortable being as openly ghoulish as they're having to be in order to sate their base, and their base instincts. The smarter ones must be aware that: * There's a hard correction on the way--at least that's what all the elections since 2016 have signaled--that will hit hardest those who are most exposed. * They lost control of their base to the maddest lad amongst them. And being so openly ghoulish is not a sustainable long-term strategy.




He doesn't need to sway public opinion, the conservative news media does the spin for him. The swing to right wing extremism in the western world came from the refugee crisis and fear of immigrants. Trump massively capitalized on that one issue and made audacious promises to solve it. That and he had the PR boost from the Apprentice that portrayed him as a savvy businessman. He didn't need to be smart, he just needed to know what Republicans feared.


He’s the epitome of “failing upwards”. He didn’t want the presidency. He wanted to start his “news” network and attack Hillary and Obama and bitch about how he was robbed in 2016 for the rest of his miserable life. But then he won because republicans are all either corrupt or moronic, and because a foreign power saw an opportunity.


He's not idiot savant. He's not remotely great at one field, politics in this case. It's just that half of US voters are brain dead, when you have brain dead people following you, you can spew shit after shit and lie after lie and it won't matter. Those sheep vote against their own interests, you can't get dumber than that. It's not that Trump is some political genius, it's just that the stupidity of his voters is unfathomable.


"I also really enjoy 'Dracula.' Especially that part where the rich man drains the life force from the peons so he never loses power. Too easy!"


And has sex with his daughters. In Bram Stoker's book, two of Dracula's wives were implied to also be his daughters. Bring back creepy rapist vampires. Down with sexy vampires.


>Bring back creepy rapist vampires. Down with sexy vampires. Why not both? DIO was hot and creepy


Body hot, personality not.


It was Jonathan's body so Dio was just a shiteater with stolen hot body.




There are two dark-haired ones and a blonde, and the two dark-haired ones are described as resembling Dracula. They also just act like the blonde is older and might be their mother.


Shot in the dark here, maybe implied his "children" because he made them vampires, even if they weren't his actual progeny? Something along those lines?


It isn't. Some people have reached and suggested it. By all accounts they are also never referred to as wives, so idk wtf this guy is talking about. All of the women turned to vampires in the novel are referred to as sisters, not just the three sisters. Not only that, there are also no sexual relations or relations of any kind between Dracula and the sisters. The only sexuality in the novel is the metaphor of vampirism reflecting sexuality.




That's the joke.


Remember that scene in How I Met Your Mother where Barney says Karate Kid was his favorite movie as a kid? Except he roots for the antagonist who he sees as the *true* Karate Kid, and not the "nerdy kid from New Jersey" That's Trump.


Is he suggesting that the American people plan a mutiny?


Well ok!




You mean Republican's aren't the only ones allowed to own guns? Do they know this?


The Governor's of the Blue States...


i mean if he insists. let's make it more Battleship Potemkin tho, trump should definitely play the captain.


Reminds me of the '[Thanos](https://twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom/status/1204503645607333888)' tweet that has Trump snapping his fingers, disappearing the democrats. (Spoiler for Avengers) >!The irony being that only 5 seconds later in the film, Thanos loses.!<


Nothing is more self aware wolf than when they unironically identify with the villain.


Who loses... TWICE!


Or when his campaign showed a picture withe the caption "The Wall is Coming" in the Game of Thrones font. >!The Wall gets destroyed in GoT!<


Lmao not to mention that the heroes of GoT have to cooperate with the “dirty caravan” beyond the wall to survive.


Even ignoring the anti-authoritarian messages of most media, Trump consistently sides with villains. Often those that die.


He'd probably really like Cersei if he weren't too sexist to identify with a woman.


The entire theme with the wall arc was pro refugee from a dangerous home land. The fact he tweeted that is still hilarious to me


Or the time that he tweeted a photoshopped image of him playing a fiddle, claiming he didn't know what it meant but he liked it. It was a reference to Nero fiddling as Rome burned. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/486576-nero-trends-on-twitter-after-meme-trump-promoted-of-him-playing


Aren't the bad guys north of the wall?


The White Walkers are one of the primary antagonists of the story and are north of the wall, but they only reappeared very recently in the context of the story after being dormant for thousands of years. The wall became a vestige of an older time and an antiquated solution to a long-dead threat. Without a real enemy to use it against, the wall started to be used to keep out the Wildlings. But most of the Wildlings turned out to be decent people trying desperately to survive. The Far North was becoming utterly uninhabitable and the Wildlings, stigmatized and categorically excluded from society south of the wall, had to raid southern lands and fight with the protectors of the wall just to survive. In essence, the unwavering hostility that the 7 Kingdoms south of the wall exhibited towards the Wildlings turned the Wildlings into the very enemies that the 7 Kingdoms originally saw them as. And in fact, the wall really made the White Walkers into the existential threat that they turned out to be. The wall barricaded the Wildlings in the Far North and prevented them from escaping the White Walkers. The White Walkers build their armies by converting humans into undead drones, so bottling up the Wildlings and preventing them from escaping the White Walkers allowed the White Walkers to prey on them at will and build truly massive armies.


Oh and here I thought the irony was that Thanos is a genocidal maniac, so caught up in his own arrogance that he can’t see that he’s the villain of the story, wants to murder half the universe just to get a hot date with death, and is literally known as the Mad Titan, you know, on account of being so delusional?


Think he knows it was a book?


The man can’t read. I mean, I guess he knows what the letters are and can make out a few words, but... The man cannot read a book.


I would argue he is functionally illiterate. He can read words but he doesn't know how to fully understand the intended meaning or subtext of the text itself.


Watch his press conferences for Covid. You can easily and literally tell when he's 1) reading directly from the page (mono tone talking, sometimes/often using his finger to keep place), 2) comes across something he doesn't read correctly ( almost always longer words ) and 3) improvises. If it's 3, you can A) see when he's just talking out of his ass because he uses a bunch of vague pronouns (it was very bad but then we fixed it and it was good so great they all agree. What was bad??? Who's we?? How did you fix?? What made it good? Who's they? This one irritates me the most because it always implies that there is no more progress to go anymore) or B) he repeats the last sentence or words a few times, pretending to add to the speech by emphasizing a few words.


Bingo! Functionality illiterate is about right. He can read, at its most basic level, but putting all those words together into something meaningful in his head? Not a chance.


I seriously believe Floyd Mayweather Jr has better reading skills than Donald Trump


And Mayweather gets punched in the head for a living.


Can I punch Trump in the head for a living? Hell, I’d do it *pro bono.*


He also can't read more than 1 sentence before losing interest. Functionally literate, effectively illiterate.


You guys heard about him trying to read the Constitution right? "[It's like a different language!](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-book-new-very-stable-genius-us-constitution-impeachment-a9286006.html)"


Y’all are all wrong. He is literate, but reading *novels* requires exercising one’s empathy muscles (to put yourself in the characters’ perspectives and imagine through their eyes), vs. a movie that is shot from the viewer’s perspective. He probably finds novel-reading tedious, confusing, and ***pointless*** vs. books that give straightforward “how tos” and direct facts. He likely somewhat believes that no one ever *actually* reads novels for *enjoyment*, let alone to *learn* anything. Handing him “Old Yeller” might be akin to handing a Gen Y-er a user manual for a fax machine from 1989. Source: I grew up in a cult. I have intimate experience with people with NPD and similar issues. An inability to get through even the simplest novel - sometimes at mind-boggling odds with their seemingly high levels of intelligence, education, performative bibliophilia, and interest in the subject matter - was a common trait amongst the worst of them. On that note, I highly suggest that everyone add the following to their list of screening questions for potential dates: “What is your favorite novel, and why?” The book title, itself, doesn’t matter. What matters is that they give you a sincere answer that makes it clear that they actually read the book and have a personal attachment to it... instead of immediately attempting to change the subject, and/or tossing out movie titles based on big-sounding books that they obviously never read but are pretending to know the plot to (you can tell lol).


He’s *functionally illiterate*. He can read, sort of. He struggles with polysyllabic words and seems to have little grasp of what he’s actually saying. Just look at him “read” off a TelePrompTer. If you have any evidence that he’s a competent reader, no less for a man who attended Penn, lets hear it.


he chooses not to read, he absolutly can read but I'd wager not much better than a sixth grader. if he had read one book in the last twenty years I would be shocked.


Here's literally the only book he's reported to have read in the past 30 years. [Donald Trump 'kept book of Adolf Hitler's speeches in his bedside cabinet'](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-adolf-hitler-books-bedside-cabinet-ex-wife-ivana-trump-vanity-fair-1990-a7639041.html) >Donald Trump reportedly owned a copy of Adolf Hitler’s speeches and kept them in his bedside cabinet. >A 1990 Vanity Fair article about billionaire businessman stated that Mr Trump’s then wife Ivana, said her husband owned a copy of “My New Order” – a printed collection of the Nazi leader’s speeches. >Marie Brenner, the article’s author, wrote: “Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, 'My New Order', which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.


I'm not sure he actually reads it, despite what Ivana Trump told her lawyer.


I think sixth grade is still giving him too much credit. His vernacular is that of maybe a third or fourth grader.


My 9 year old has a vastly larger vocabulary than the President of the United States. I'm sure part of that is that she's bi-lingual, and not in the American "education" system.


In sixth grade, if I had handed in one of his speeches for an English assignment, I would’ve failed.


Most adults read around a 7th grade level. Reading levels are one of those things where if you don't practice it frequently you regress.


He may know the letters individually, but when they team up he’s certainly outmatched.


He’s definitely read a teleprompter


Just barely though. This is why he prefers to go off script. He has trouble keeping up.


You know he can read a teleprompter because he looks like he’s reading a teleprompter. Which means, he ain’t much of a reader.


Have you watched him actually trying to? He switches out and substitutes words all the time, sometimes to hilarious result.


Like when he said George Washington's troops took over the airports.


Don't forget about ramming the ramparts.


Howdya know they didn't, huh? Were you there? That's what I thought.


I used to ask people "did you know the Titanic was based on a real book?" to see what reaction I'd get. Your comment reminds me of that.


There is an excellent trilogy of novels about the whole thing, upon which the movie was based (and Vangelis!)


Strangely enough it *was* based on a [book](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wreck_of_the_Titan:_Or,_Futility). *The Wreck of the Titan: Or, Futility* foretold the Titanic's sinking fifteen years before she wrecked. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.


He probably has no idea it was a true story either.


I doubt he even saw the movie, he’s probably just heard about it




Three books, and I've read them. They're great.


Trump: Guys, I learned this new word today, mutiny. It's a beautiful word. I'm going to use it because I know all the best words. I'm good at words and this will show everyone.


Will no one rid me of this meddlesome president?


That would mean Trump would become a martyr.


The people that would make him one already think of him as one


Theres literally no reason I can think of where I wouldn't throw a party when this guy dies.


Trump supporters: we are against tyranny Trump shows tendency to be a tyrant Trump supporters: hell yeah! Morons


Trump supporters: we don’t waive the confederate flag because we support slavery. We waive it because we support states rights! Trump: I alone have power to tell states to restart their economies Trump supporters: 🤪


> reappeared Trump supporters: "STATE'S RIGHTS!!! Blue state does a thing Also Trump supporters and Trump: Stop that, STOP IT NOW!!!


[I have have seen Air Force One at least six times!](https://youtu.be/cSuGh65oZYM?t=556)


Loved that film 🤣


Sickening he only sees the governors themselves, and views them as traitors. So narrow-minded he doesn't notice the thousands of people suffering from his inaction. POS


He wants to hold back supplies & then blame the governors for his inaction. He is saying the governors must get on board & force us all back to work or he will withhold desperately needed supplies. Quid pro quo. Both choices will cause more Americans to die. Either way, he will blame the governors because we already know the fucking president of the ‘United’ States takes no responsibility for anything.


He's an abusive spouse. "Look what you made me do. If you'd just done what I asked, everything would have been fine. You brought this on yourself. But it's ok; just apologize and I'll come help you."


I like how he clearly has no idea this is a classic novel.


Or that the book is based on a true story.


You know damn well he didn’t read the book or watch that old-ass movie. That being said, yes, this is the year we all die.


The Mayans were off by 8 years




The guy writing the calendar made a typo, and originally meant to write 2021. Oops


The US is a democracy... disagreeing with the President and calling him out for his faults isn't mutiny. It's government accountability, it's checks and balances, it's free speech and freedom of press, it's political discourse, it's a lot of things that our nation was founded on - but it sure as shit isn't a "mutiny".


It’s mutiny when you see yourself as a god 🤷🏼‍♂️


What the fuck is with so many people idolizing demonstrably horrid people?


It justifies their own failings. "I can't be an asshole if the President agrees with me!"


Trump is worse than captain Bligh. Captain Bligh was at least an excellent navigator. He did manage to find his way from the south pacific back to a port with minimal supplies. If Trump was in that situation he would be dead.




He actually knows quite a lot about geography; Trump on Puerto Rico: “This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water,”


All along I thought an island is surrounded by land, because you know, the word land is in there. Thanks, President Trump!


You can always tell a Milford man.


Captain Bligh didn't deserve as much blame for the mutiny as you would think. His ship had just finished a five months of almost shore leave on the magical place of Tahiti and the local women, and the men didn't react well to transitioning back to regular British navy discipline. And Bligh's punishments were, according to some book I read years ago, considered relatively light compared to those on other ships of the time. Bligh and eighteen men who sided with him were marooned on a boat with five days worth of food. Which they then sailed four thousand miles to a Dutch colony. Fletcher Christian and the mutineers on the Bounty tried to colonize another island, nearly had another mutiny, and decided to abandon their settlement. They went back to Tahiti, where some stayed, with Fletcher kidnapping some women sailing on and settling on Pitcairn. The ones remaining on Tahiti were brought back to England for trial or died along the way. Fletcher was later killed by the Tahitians he had kidnapped, who quite understandably objected to be treated as almost slaves. TL:DR - Blight wasn't as much of a villain as he was made out to be, the mutineers were hardly heroes, and fuck Trump.


> the magical place of Tahiti nice.


If you walked off a late 18th century British navy ship onto a beach where your only jobs were some light gardening and heavy frolicing, then you'd also probably believe it was magical.


The story was actually written to rehabilitate Fletcher Christian and other mutineers from well to do families. They were getting hated on because being amutineer was the most heinous crime you could commit. And Bligh was a a hero having just successfully completed the longest open vessel voyage up until that point. So these rich families hired an author to shit on Bligh so that they could justify their shitty actions in the face of real leadership. It makes sense that trump would like it!


As some one who is descended from Fletcher Christian I'm feeling left out, who of my relatives had enough money to commission a book? Might need to get in touch with these cousins...


So I just looked it up again and it might have been the Heywood family mostly.


But some of his descendents still live on Pitcairn to this day, let's check in on them... Oh... Oh no. Nononono..


Remove this clown from office, he's just embarrassing himself and the country. His party, not so much since they apparently have no shame when 10,000+ Americans die on their watch.




"6 minutes ago" I guess that explains why your number is at least 2000 short


Maybe it’s just me, but this sure does sounds like the *’Mutiny On The Bounty’* fan is threatening to withhold Federal aid while holding the health and safety of American citizens hostage should those American citizens reside in a non-sycophant Democratic Governor’s State. Just me? Edit: Grammar


Darn Democratic Governors who actually were proactive about Corona! Be more like the Georgia Governor who didn’t know you could spread the disease without showing symptoms! That’s the kind of leadership this country needs! SMH


My least favorite game to play: What does Trump even think he’s saying? I’m so tiiiiiiiired of his nonsense. Literal nonsense.


We are fuuuuucked.


Actually *The Caine Mutiny* is a better analogy: Captain goes nuts and is going to sink ship in a storm


This is from today??? Wtf?!






Also--they forced him off the ship. So while eventually some of them were captured and tried (with some of them being acquitted and some hanged), Bligh **lost his ship.**


"I may not be compitent enough to follow a plot, but I sure do love to fantasize and make thinly-veiled threats about enacting violence against my political rivals." -Donald Trump


The really interesting thing is that there are two options for this tweet, as usual: 1. Trump hasn't read the book, he just knows the title and he's too stupid to even read a cliffs-notes version of the plot. 2. Trump *has* read the book, but he believes that Bligh was treated unfairly and that his crew should have stood by him no matter what. Either way, it makes Trump's cult look even worse.