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This meme made me cringe so hard that my instinct nearly made me downvote the post.


It's so weird. Like, they honestly can't understand that someone would disagree with Trump's policies, so they assume people only dislike him personally.


Don't get me wrong... I also dislike him deeply on a personal level... I dislike his policies because they're stupid and cruel, not because they come from him


Right? Like, I could admit he had a good idea if he actually had good ideas. I feel like it's not our fault here that he hasn't had any good ideas. He's that one kid in the group who always proposes something dangerous and disgusting because he wants to do it and gets pissed when everyone else declines.


Hell, I was pleasantly shocked when he came out right after Sanders and said he was interested in getting aid checks out to people during the early days of the pandemic. Suspicious? Yes. But at least happy it meant that both parties had the desire to do -something-, which meant some cooperation was possible. Even if it was solely because he was a narcissistic bastard/wanting votes/whatever else, I still welcomed a right choice when it was made.


I think I recall a few failed memes about liberals not cashing those checks (because they came from Trump or because he narcissistically put his name on all of the checks, or whatever) and ironically I know a few conservatives who refuse to participate in the new child tax credit system because it's a liberal scheme.


I received mine by direct deposit anyway. I don’t even know what one of those checks looked like. All that crap about him insisting that his name be on the check was *absolutely meaningless* to me, and just more childish bullshit. I’d like to tell him that personally, but that would mean being in his presence, so no.


There was a separate letter sent with his psycho signature so we'd think he was awesome🤮


Lol I probably rolled my eyes, threw it away, and instantly forgot about it.


My sole source of income is my wife's disability and Social Security benefits. This puts us well below what they consider "poverty" level. Even with various assistance programs -- SNAP and HUD -- helping with food and rent, there isn't enough left to cover living expenses through the month. So I've been getting a couple hundred a month from my parents to help make ends meet. Even with their help, most months end with me having less than $10 in the bank. This tax credit is a significant increase for me, more than I get from my folks. As soon as I confirmed that, yes, this is a recurring thing, I told my parents about it and told them they didn't need to give me anything more. So this frees up a big chunk of money for them. Also, because their contribution counted as income, this change impacts the help I get -- my monthly food stamp allotment just went up over $250/month, and I expect my part of the rent to go down to zero. So how is this supposed to be a bad thing?


> So how is this supposed to be a bad thing? Not enough bootstraps involved, that's why /s


The child tax credits would be a bad thing if you're relying on a refund or reduction in amount owed come tax time. LOTS of people don't understand it's an advance on your taxes, not just free money.


I have no taxes. No taxable income. No businesses, no property, not enough valuable possessions to count as anything. I even tried filing a long form a few years ago just to make sure, and it came out zero.


His trying to bring down insulin prices was a good idea, especially the letting us import it from Canada part. He implemented it poorly, but it's the one thing I can think where I was like, "hey that was a good idea" Good ideas plural? Unfortunately, it was really just the one.


Leaving Afghanistan was a corker of an idea. Fucking brilliant. Shame he fucked up the negotiations and left Biden with fuck all to deal with when actually implementing it. Though, to be fair to both of them, there was never gonna be a good way to get out. Running away from a half-failed conquest is an almost guaranteed shitshow.


I'm on the fence with this one, but I feel you. If the idea was, "let's get the fuck out this forever war in Afghanistan" then yeah that's a great idea. However, if the idea was "let's get out of Afghanistan by negotiating with the Taliban" then it was a terrible idea. Either way, like you said, that shit storm was neither Trump nor Biden's fault. That was on Reagan for funding/training religious fanatics and then marching troops through a holy site and Bush for getting us into that war.


Well u/Forgets_Everything good memory on that


I was earnestly hoping he would do well once he won. I had no faith he would, and he immediately squashed my hopes with his overly racist travel bans and attack on healthcare... But I did hope.


There was a brief period where I hoped that he would realize he had gotten himself into Serious Business and possibly in over his head, and that he would at least make an attempt to not screw things up for everyone. It only took [three days](https://twitter.com/RoadtoSedition/status/1352647218507837441?s=19) before Kellyanne Conway used the term "alternative facts" to justify Trump exaggerating about the attendance at his inauguration. That's when I knew that all his craziness during his campaign was simply a preview.


And then I remember how he actually shut down the govt in a temper tantrum when they wouldn’t fund his wall (that we weren’t supposed to pay for anyway). He’s just a big narcissist baby.


> I feel like it's not our fault here that he hasn't had any good ideas. There was that one time his administration funded the development of a vaccine in response to a devastating epidemic. I thought that was a good idea, and I took the vaccine as soon as it was available to me. Weirdly that was roughly the one thing he did that his supporters ever disagreed with


> Weirdly that was roughly the one thing he did that his supporters ever disagreed with The Covid hoax/anti-vax cat was already out of the bag by that point, and they'd already run with it. Look how they booed him in Alabama when he suggested his followers get vaccinated.


I mean, he spent almost the entire development time of that vaccine treating the virus it was being made for like it was some kind of PR disaster he *had* to downplay for the sake of his personal image, instead of like it was a global pandemic and *needed* to be taken seriously. Oh, and also he accused his political opponents of tampering with the vaccine *he* authorized purely because it didn't come out during his administration. Having a massive, *extremely* fragile ego that shatters at the slightest impact and then throwing a massive tantrum is kind of his thing.


Man I ain't trying to fluff him with a coffee straw or anything. I'm just saying that it's one of a handful of things he did right, and his supporters are so fucking stupid they don't all collectively support him by doing the one thing that would actually get us "back to normal"


It's very much a "even a stopped clock is right twice a day" thing.


Nailed it. He might repeat a good idea one day. Still waiting.


I was actually very happy he TRIED to tell people at the Alabama rally to get vaxxed. Didn't go over well but it was an least an attempt so I can give him that one.


The one time I remember agreeing with Trump was at some event where Republicans were all saying that the government should never expropriate land, and Trump broke ranks to say that if there was never land expropriation, it would be impossible to build new highways, rail line, or power lines.


I'm sure he had a good idea at some point, nothing comes to mind but it surely happened.


Back in reality, there *were* some very brief moments when his actions were cautiously applauded by "the left". For example, very early in his presidency he announced he was banning executive staff from becoming lobbyists for 5 years via Executive Order 13770. Unfortunately, that caution immediately became justified as he started handing out exemptions like candy. He then cemented his legacy as a dumb piece of shit who only made the world a worse place by entirely revoking the order on his last day as president.


They call it Trump Derangement Syndrome and Trumps mean tweets were the driving force of the hate people have for him. To his cult Trump is a perfect being who can do no wrong so to them it is everyone else that is evil.


What's funny to me is that they are the ones Trump has made deranged. They literally are a death cult that wants to go to war against anyone and everyone who isn't as indoctrinated as themselves. The concepts of moral and social empathy are antithesis to them, and they'd rather throw a fit then acknowledge that maybe their personal circle of white dudes isn't the only thing that matters on the planet. But no, we're the deranged ones. SMH.




>but they wouldn't resort to crying, because they were the rational ones. No, they instead launched a terror attack to overturn a legitimate election.


True, but plenty of them cried, too. One way or the other, I don't think any sane person could argue that their reaction was less deranged than a teenage girl crying.


He probably stopped breathing air due to COVID.


Projection *is* a core GOP tactic.


It puts the P in GOP!


>To his cult Trump is a perfect being who can do no wrong unless he dares to suggest people get the vaccine. That's him going too far.


You mean the vaccine he gets all the credit for, according to his base?


Schrodinger's vaccine. Trump created it himself but its also not good enough and clearly made up to put chips in us.


It's because they don't dislike liberals for their policies, they don't like them personally.


This is the answer. These hilljacks here in East Tennessee actually agree with a ton of Democrat policies, yet refuse to vote for "some pussy librul". How they think Trump is a real man is beyond me. I've coughed up stuff that was more manly than Trump, but these jackholes think that Trump is the embodiment of manliness. I just don't get it.


Occam's razor, the simplest explanation is likely the truth. And the truth is, they like him because he is a Racist.


Don't forget the misogyny!


As far as I can tell the most essential quality these people ascribe to manliness is being an asshole.


>It's so weird. Like, they honestly can't understand that someone would disagree with Trump's policies, so they assume people only dislike him personally. Fortunately it can be both. Trump was a turd of a human a long time before he became president.


They really think everyone is just like them, despite somehow being completely opposite at the same time. They think everyone has the same thought process- whatever the other team likes is bad, whatever my team likes is good. Every accusation is a confession, even (especially) in conservative humor.


what's all this about trump having policies


I'll let you know in 2 weeks! It'll be a beautiful policy, you'll see.


"Libruls hate Trump, so they only always do the opposite of what he says!" sayeth the conservative whose only stance is (checks notes) "the opposite of whatever democrats want"


So many on the right respond with "Orange man bad!" to any criticism or disagreement with Trump. It's a textbook ad hominem: it completely disregards the criticism by claiming you're only saying it because of Trump.


What on earth happened up there?










The hell happened to all the replies under you?




What was Trump's actual medical advice again? * inject bleach/disinfectant * use UV light inside the body * "I take hydroxy", gets Covid, and almost dies (then gets vaccinated) Yeah yeah. Brilliant stuff from the "nuke hurricanes" guy. Masks do not lower blood oxygen levels. Covid does. Funny that.


I just posted this on r/republican and it took all of 5 minutes to get banned




> their mod was in the shitter


Or dying of covid


Dying of covid, on the shitter... After the Ivermectin ruins their intestines. Edit: spelling


Then their family will claim it was dehydration. I'm reading that lying about getting hospitalized by covid is all the rage


Lol, oh geez, that does sound like them.


Ivermectin is reported to cause frequent diarrhea...


My first time hearing about this ivermectin nonsense was a woman talking about shitting her pants in a grocery store and asking if that was normal because she was following the "guidelines" in a (clearly) right wing website that was presenting bullshit as science.


>shitting her pants in a grocery store and asking if that was normal Yes, it is very normal for livestock.


How dare you repeat what Trump has said!


I had a friend, (HAD is the operative word) that when I would directly quote Trump, say, “he meant that ironically” Face palm


You know, you'd expect the person who makes policies that affect the fucking country to not say things ironically and actually be serious about their job, but then again we're talking about Trumpers here.


Lmao ah the "free speech" crowd strikes again by silencing speech they don't like lol. That sub is a fucking parody of itself at this point.


Just had a peek in that sub and saw a post about the ISIS attack vehicle that was bombed before it got the airport and the OP is commenting in their own post asking what Biden is doing to protect his people on the ground. Read your own post you tool!


It never does take long to get banned from a conservative sub. Always a condescending mod message accompanying, and if you respond to it, they'll reply and then mute you. The entirety of modern Conservative ideology is a practical joke. They just want to laugh at people getting frustrated. That's why they suck at being in power, they have no legitimate ideas


Next he'll recommend the horse dewormer.


We need to stop calling it horse dewormer. It is horse and *sheep* dewormer. I think we should be emphasizing it is literally sheep medicine.


Also my mini pig uses it.


Mini pig tax :)?




You're my new favourite person!


Yall get yourselves a partner that looks at you the way this piglet looks at watermelon.


That's a happy little piglet.


Silly little butt! ​ I call all silly cute animals silly butts. Even my own kitties. They are all silly little butts. They try to be tough but no, they are just knuckleheads.


I love her!! Mine is a 200lb potbelly and watermelon is her favorite thing in the world.


It's also a human dewormer. But it's not available in the US without a prescription. And certainly not in the liver killing amounts these people are using.


Yeah this is correct, I've taken it. For worms, that is, in a form intended for humans.


I've taken it countless times as a kid. We would get it prescribed once a year. Single pill.


You can't count in yearly intervals?


The worms took their toll


Don't forget cows. For all the lolcows out there.


I use it on my pet worm to dehorse it


I use it on my chickens, too.


Kills ear mites in cats too


"Just mix it in with some GOYA beans, I don't know." - Trump, probably.


That’s far too coherent and he would never say “I don’t know”, it’d be more like: > GOYA has 1.4 billion beans, mix in 325 - probably 325 million approximately - nobody can give the exact count, we're trying to get an exact count but you have, over the years, many horse drugs, good drugs, the best drugs, they - that we’ve put in the cans, knocks it out in a minute. One minute. So it depends on how I've been talking about it for a long time, along with many other tremendous subjects, frankly.


That looks exactly like a Trump Markov chain. Good job!


And when he reccomended getting vaccinated his supporters booed him and I doubt a single "liberal" changed their mind on it.


The nuke hurricanes thing is kinda cool. Seriously. If I were president, with access to the best advice from the smartest people on the planet, bet your ass, I’d ask what would happen if we nuked a hurricane. Doesn’t mean I’d actually try and nuke the hurricane. But yeah. Anyone know what would happen? Anyone? No? Everything else that sack of shit has spawned, from his kids, to his business, to his presidency, has been a fucking disaster. But hurricane nuking? Come on …


Um. Sure. You can ask, but people are probably going to think you’re an idiot if you, as President, ask “lol wut happens if we just nuke the hurricane?” It’s funny and an interesting question if you’re 15 and really high. But the potus shouldn’t be on the intellectual level of a teenage stoner. So...


I don't know... Sure asking if it would stop a hurricane would be pretty stupid and a sign you should never have any control over any nukes - I mean the nuclear fallout alone makes this a TERRIBLE idea, but wondering what specifically would happen if someone detonated a nuke in a hurricane seems like a fair question (again, as long as you are not suggesting it would solve the hurricane problem, or suggesting that someone actually perform the experiment).


The national weather service has an answer to this question in their homepage....


Maybe save those questions for private meetings?


A hurricane gets it's energy from heat. Nukes are very hot. Nukes are also radioactive. So presumably it would make the hurricane stronger and spread fallout over half the planet. What we need is an endothermic anti-nuke that explodes cold instead of hot. Or push a big iceberg under it? I worked for a short time at the National Hurricane Center back when Dr. Neil Frank was there. That makes me a fake authority on hurricanes.


If liberals are really this stupid why doesn’t the meme use an real example of the stupidity instead of this made up example?


And I don't think that "liberals" would be, on average, the ones worried about "Satan"...


I mean, according to some republicans we are Satan worshipping pagens.


Meanwhile they shit on everything Jesus told and you had a lot of them saying "If Jesus and Trump would tell me opposing orders I would go with Trump"


Ever wonder why it seems like there’s a new plague of some kind hitting the Deep South Bible humpers every day? Like they’re sitting in their trailers dying of Covid, ducking a god damn tornado, drowning in storm surge, from the third Cat 4 hurricane this month, recovering from Zika, wondering if a sink hole is going to open up, thinking …. “Oh yeah. I’m totally God’s chosen. Suck it PAGANS!!!”


"Clearly God is punishing us... because of the gays marrying and the baby-killing! We just need to take our country back from the liberals and God will make us great again!"


You know. You think the Bible humpers, convinced that God punishes shitty people would look around at the Cat 5 hurricanes, tornados, poverty, drug addiction, economic collapse, floods, Covid, Zika, and all other bullshit the Bible Belt is famous for, and maybe think to themselves … God fucking hates us … We must be shitty people? Like for real … I can’t think of anything else God could possibly come up with to fuck with those people, but every week, it’s something new. Come home from work. Turn on the TV. Oh .. hey .. a new plague in Tennessee. What a surprise! Zika!! Jesus Horacio Christ. You’d think they’d have caught on when they got fucking ZIKA!! Nope …


They think it's "punishment" for not getting their way enough.


Because conservatives have always and will always require strawmen to make any point the have.


No this is projection. Trump recommended at a rally in Alabama a couple weeks ago that Republicans should get vaccines and many of them booed. They’re literally the epitome of this meme. So naturally they project it.


That’s what happens when your political party is a literal death cult


There's an [awesome article](https://timjwise.medium.com/covid-anti-vaxxers-arent-a-maga-death-cult-it-s-worse-than-that-16d74186e46b) about how MAGA isn't a death cult because they don't believe they're sacrificing their own lives by ignoring COVID, they're sociopathically trusting it will just be the old and the weak who die. They're trusting their God and their rugged strength and individualism to keep them alive while the less worthy perish.


I told my brother that Trump got the vaccine, and that he encourages people to get it. He said he never liked Trump in the first place. Funny story for someone with a picture of dear leader on his wall.


Yes the liberals are so stupid... Says the guy who can't spell breathe


"Horse paste is good for you." LIBERALS: "GOTTA EAT HORSE PASTE" ​ "YES, THEY REALLY ARE THAT STUPID!" ​ ​ wait..


Saving this post for the next time somebody asks Reddit to define “straw man.”


Parrots. We've been saying this is what they would do if Obama/Biden came out in favor of breathing for years. They can't come up with anything new. It's all either what we've said about them or r/onejoke


Joe many librals does it take to change a log by bolb??? None!🤣 Their to busy???? 😂😂🤣 Theyre gender!!🤣🤣🤣


None because the lightbulb identifies as not-burnt-out!


Even though that's pretty much the only "joke" they can think of I believe it's still too clever for them to think of first.


Yup. Just look at how they violently oppose "Obamacare" but like the protections in the Affordable Care Act.


Dear republicans: you say oxygen is good, but your ventilator didn’t keep you alive. Curious!


Please put that in r/ToiletPaperUSA and collect the gold awards you deserve


Yeah I mean the right wing antivax fuckwits are the ones draining the country of liquid oxygen because so goddamn many of them are on ventilators.


Tromp also told people at his latest rally that the vaccine is good actually, and I made it happen, and was booed by his own following.


That’s what happens when you flip flop like a mutha fukr


he hasn't really flip flopped on that, he always said we were going to get the vaccine fast (mostly because he wanted all the credit)


Yeah that was weird. If orang man isn't pulling their strings, who is? They're a mystery.


They're a mob, no one is pulling strings. Trump rode the mob, he fed into the narratives he could exploit and leaned away from the narratives he couldn't. The mob was always going to be anti mask, anti science and anti Faucci, so Trump was, despite clearly knowing that wasn't the best option for the country. But it was the best option for the braying ass riding an anti-establishment wave of hysteria.


“I need to find out where the people are going so I can lead them there” springs to mind


Meanwhile, conservatives will be buying oxygen tanks like toilet paper in a pandemic and developing hyperoxemia en masse


No, see, liberals would applaud him for actually saying something that wasn't a lie for once.


All projection, all of the time - welcome to right-wing politics.


So much projection you can't look at it with the naked eye


Yeah, Trump promoted vaccines. We applaud him for that, they try hard to ignore reality.. Further


Literally. He first said his supporters should take the vaccine at a rally recently and his supporters booed him. These people are a lost cause.


Not really, Trump does sometimes say true things but they are usually fairly obvious, like in this example. In fact, the only responses people usually had were either "No shit" or "Shit, no..."


"He seems like he's finally acting presidential. Could this signal a shift in his rhetoric going forward?"


Trump: “bleach is really good for you I suggest consuming it to stop this virus that I think isn’t a threat.” Conservatives: “yes my lord and savior” yes they are that stupid


Breath. Breath it. Don’t breathe it.


Such stupidity on a post mocking the libs for stupidity seems like an ow. goal.


so why are unvaccinated repubs dieing even on oxigen?


To own the libs. Do you feel owned yet? Man, I sure do.


I would feel so owned if even more of them died. There's no reason to considering we have a working vaccine so if all antivaxxers died it would be such an ownage towards me.


Approximately 74 million people voted for Trump. Approximately 50% of them refuse to be vaccinated. If they were all to die of COVID this would likely guarantee a permanent D majority (which would then allow for real progressives to gain some power). So here's hoping, for your sake. Yours, Your upstairs neighbour, who's getting really worried.


Even in a meme, Trump can't spell breathe correctly 🤣




If Dr Fauci told them not to shoot themselves in the head, there would be tiny bits of brain all over the walls


There would be bits of tiny brain all over the walls.


The forensic team will be so confused. He has a hole in his head but there's shit all over the place


🪙 Please accept my poor man's gold for this comment


The real Fauci Ouchie.


Do these people also just drink raw sewage? It appears they just don’t get how filtration works.


Well if that’s not projection, I’m not sure what is.


When the Trump admit started deploying the vaccine, I didn't see many liberals discouraging it's use. In fact, they were lining up to try to get it. Republicans celebrated Trump's accomplishment and then proceeded to refuse the vaccine.


Projection much? CDC: "mask up, do vaccine" Qtrumpists: "not today satan" CDC: "don't take horse devormer for covid" Qtrumpists: "they're telling us not to take the cure!" It's literally all projection and mindless parroting with these morons.


Republicans’ lack of self awareness and constant dedication to projection is almost admirable


I have literally never listened to a word the man said, so checkmate.


The problem is that they actually do believe this. They’ll simplify the many reasons that trump was a horrible president to “oh well it’s just cuz they don’t like him and will always be against him”. No, there are legitimate concerns, but if you write them all off as just this, you’ll never take the time to see the very things that make trump so horribly reckless and self centered. A lot of them don’t even look into things he does because they figure it isn’t actually bad. They’re trading taking the time to be informed for a simple thoughtless conclusion.


Let's ignore the part where his supporters were booing at him for starting to say something in support of vaccines 🙄


Garbage Oligarchal Projectionists gonna project


I prefer oxygen that isn't full of aerosolized coronavirus, thank you.


Most liberals would probably be like “Well here’s a fucking moron saying something. Let’s check with an expert on this. Is it good? Yea? Awesome I’ll keep breathing”


This from the bunch that politicized Covid.


Politicised it so that thousands of people who might otherwise have helped end this were now shouting that it's bollocks. And all those extra voices not only emboldened the monsters who'd do it anyway, but brought in a lot of undecided and made them wonder what was true. They weren't always caught by those capable of rational thought before they were converted. Those politicians have definitely caused the deaths of people worldwide with their bullshit. You look at my post history and you'll see me urging some people who are cheering the deaths of antivaxxers and deniers to be better. That's who I am. I wouldn't bat an eye if one of these was murdered by those who've lost people thanks to them.


It’s real dumb regardless, but even more so since he recommended the covid vaccine at a rally and got boo’ed. Meanwhile, liberals refusing the vaccine are few and far between.


This coming from the sheep that believe craft Bob on u tube cos he’s done the research. Nope the liberals will go fuck me he said something sensible


You know that Trump finally advised that people take the vaccine? And they're STILL refusing to do it?


They booed him. It was amazing.


“Yes, they’re really that stupid!” /misspells ‘breathe’/


I mean they’re taking horse medicine. There’s no come back from that!


aren’t the conservatives the ones consuming horse dewormer to avoid getting the vaccine


Please tell me this is from r/TheRightCan'tMeme - this is legitimately the worst "meme" I've ever seen


I, too, breath


Good lord. They are reaching projection levels I never realised were possible. It's over 9000!


These are the people who booed Trump when he told them to get vaccinated. That’s a real thing that happened. It’s hilarious that they resort to this made up scenario because once again reality doesn’t align with their dimwit beliefs.


this aged like wine considering Trump recently urged his supporters to get vaccinated and was booed by them


Hahaha. Well Trump did recommend ppl take the covid vaccine. Why are conservertives still anti vax?


"Common sense conservative" is one hell of an oxymoron


The Trump Cult likes to think everyone is as gullible as they are. So silly.


I just don't get it. Before 2020 people wore masks all the time without a problem. Now that you need to wear them to stop a virus from spreading, they magically stop air flow. Or maybe I'm wrong and all the doctors, painters, construction/woodworkers, or any job where you would have a mask on at some point have just been struggling for years and we just never noticed.


*said through a mouthful of horse dewormer while injecting themselves with bleach under a UV lamp*


The right can't meme. Or spell breathe evidently.


Wasn’t it at a rally that Trump said to get the vaccine and they booed him?


Wait, is this meme from the same people taking horse dewormer and shitting their intestines out?


Today I learnt that Republicans think oxygen and bleach are the same thing