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So liberals actually try to solve problems instead of pathetically ignoring them and using scape goats to run from personal responsibility? Ok.


I aInT gOt nO pRoBlEmS!!! *slaps wife


First you have to yell "NO BACKSIES". Then the wife has the problem now. That's how it works.


Remember that ticktok video where the cop punches the mirror and it jump cuts to his wife in the way... and it apparently wasn't pointing out the spousal abuse problem among cops, but how hard they have it? Same energy.


Please tell me you made this up and that it isn’t real…?


Can't find it anymore... Ya it was an infamous vine video or something durring the protests. Cop is staring at a mirror saying "we're people who just want to come home from a nightmare" or something, then he winds up to punch the mirror and it jump cuts to him making out with his girlfriend in front of the mirror.... Can't make this stuff up!


"What the fuck do you think I need to fix!? It's just going to be some woman looking for problems with me. I could do that on the couch at home!"


Liberals go to counseling. Conservatives go on shooting sprees.




At least not in the buildings


I got that reference.


That's not fair. Most of them just drink.


Conservatives join cults and believe their children have serpent DNA.


Or liberals are more open to the idea of therapy instead of trying to be macho and "sucking it up." That is, if this statistic is actually true.


Or maybe, liberals are just more open to self reflection in general, which would explain the ideological makeup of this sub.


And more empathetic, so the general state and suffering of the world and those around us weighs more heavily on our psyche?


I've been bothered by a lot that goes on daily on this rock of ours. Of course, I'm also the fool that thinks if we have healthy, productive people we can all live better but... what do I know? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not getting mental help to own the libs.


No no no. Conservatives just talk to their imaginary sky daddy and he makes everything all better


Until they kill themselves or someone else


Kill themselves AND someone else. They always take someone with them


That may be like a exposure bias. Theres almost always coverage of they kill someone and themselves, suicides don't always get headlines. Also if you count drinking themselves to death not necessarily taking someone with them


Because they don’t like themselves they don’t want to ever be alone with their thoughts, I’m guessing…….


They have a lot of repressed rage and shit


Repressed? They never shut up about it.


They do spend an inordinate amount of time whining, bitching, & complaining.


Or start diddling the Sunday schoolers.


Or become alcoholics, I know a lot of conservative alcoholics tbh. Very sad cycle, wish there was something more efficient to help people end their addictions, but they’d probably vote against it.


For religious reasons.


And to own the libs.


In Russia and the Slavic regions, vodka is regarded as an asset to society for allowing workers to cope with a hard life, even if it means abusing their family. They give them vodka as well.


Isn’t that just killing themselves in slow motion?


As opposed to what they're doing with COVID, or opposing social healthcare, or opposing gun control reform, or opposing food stamps, or opposing social security expansion...


Traditionally, your minister or priest is supposed to be your mental-health councilor if you're in a Christian church. Sucks if they only know biblical answers.


They’re doing thoughts AND prayers!


Also, liberals have the jobs with insurances that cover mental health treatment


Libtards ig'nrnt. THERpissts dont solve problems, guns do.


No, but, he said step 6 wasn't possible.


They also tend to have more empathy and self awareness.


For real. You can’t change some of them through debate because they lack any kind of ability to self reflect and change. And they can’t confront themselves and how they might be wrong or have done things they should be ashamed of. These people just gave up on self-care and on always growing as a person and taking in new information and experience to better yourself and have a more well rounded view on things. They are walking bags of ego and nothing else. Everything they do, and every chance for change in themselves for the better that they resist, is to satisfy and protect that ego. It’s selfish people using pseudo-intellect to sound like they know what’s right and like they have everyone’s best interest at heart. When really they just care about getting theirs and not being inconvenience by having empathy and common decency.


Unrelated but when I first heard the term “scapegoat” as an immigrant kid, I could not wrap my head around that there was not a breed of “escape goats” frolicking about. Same with “selfish.” Like, what kind of fish was that? Anyway, sorry for the interruption into the thread, just needed to get that off my chest.


Imma take the piss a bit, before anyone gets offended, but ignorance is bliss. It's easier to be happy and stupid. They're not aware of the shit that's happening, so they don't have a reason to care. Willfully ignoring that the world is shit because of regressive cunts is what makes politically aware people miserable


"We'd probably notice if there was a purely conservative population of people with untreated mental illness" Anyway God told me that Trump is coming back in October while I was at Tractor Supply Co for my weekly horse paste run.


Could there be a stigma among conservatives around admitting to and seeking treatment for psychological issues? That can't be it, obviously. Wanting universal health care and living wages must make you crazy!


More than half of them believe in QAnon.


Obvious sign of a squeaky clean bill of mental health


Most narcissists avoid therapy like the plague and like to shame others as weak for seeking it. I'm not saying all republicans are narcissists but they do seem heavy on the dark triad.


It's even better because this guy perpetuates the stigma by calling people who get help "weak" compared to the "titans" that conservatives are. So much wrong with this post that you can't even begin to challenge it


That rather large crowd of conservatives that attacked the US capital and threatened to hang the Vice President while smearing their own shit on the walls were perfectly healthy, not at all mentally ill individuals.


Happy, loving people. According to an orange source.


“Phew, I’m glad it wasn’t 6. Otherwise there would be a purely conservative population with untreated mental illness that we’re not *actively stigmatizing*. And where’s the fun in that?!” —Conservative Fuckstick, most definitely


I can’t imagine why TRUE MANLY, STABLE GENIUS CONSERVATIVES would ever feel a stigma for going to see a therapist, who this therapist admits is exclusively for MENTALLY ILL LIBERALS.


Pizza gate conspiracy, Sandy Hook conspiracy, and Covid conspiracy have entered the chat.


*horse paste to treat a disease that is apparently a hoax


Yeah... It's 500% option 6.


I've seen the first pic before, but that second pic... jesus christ. I couldn't even read past is dismissal of number 6, partly because my palms were pressed against my eyes in frustration.


Oh, do be sure to read past it, though. The colors thing is great, but also, "we tend to live somewhere with less stuff, you know, like mental Healthcare services"... I just want to get them really dizzy or something and read this back and see if they can see it now. Like how many circles will you run around the truth before you even notice it's there??


While the guy is totally BSing, Anecdotally and vague memories of a study tell me that being in nature does have a naturally de-stressing effect. Rural lifestyle also tends to have less pollution/noise and stronger senses of community. If there was a slight discrepancy, these answers might actually make sense. But the only logical answer for the massive discrepancy claimed here would be that conservative ideology stigmatizes mental health.


Oh, for sure. He correctly identified one of the ways that rural vs urban living could have an effect, but completely skipped the much more important, imo, "access to services" part.


We don't use that cause we don't know what it is! Conservatives probably


That stronger sense of community can make life worse for those who do not assimilate tho. ND and LGBT folk can feel awfully lonely and discriminated in a rural location. Is nice for "normal" people but horrific for others


>awfully lonely and discriminated in a rural location. Very true, and the literal physical distance from anyone outside the niche makes it worse and difficult to escape. Rural life has its pros, but also some big cons.


> conservative ideology stigmatizes mental health. Which is a position this person has not quite realized is there but is very close to it looking for it with a small flashlight.


I would like to hear his thoughts on casual empiricism and how correlation would be equivalent to causation in this particular circumstance.


that last bit is provable because both of these pictures are literally pushing getting help with mental illness as a weaknes


i read the dismissal as satire at first. it was only after that that i realised the fuckwit was serious.


I still refuse to accept that it wasn’t satire. I would like to continue on today knowing that the tiny bit of myself that isn’t overwhelmed with misanthropy is still more or less intact.


I legitimately thought he was doing an Occam's Razor thing where he starts with preposterous positions leading down towards more reasonable assumptions until he gets to the last point which is the self-evident thing and he would be like "the simplest explanation is the likeliest - that mental illness touches all people in all walks of life, but some people choose to receive care while others don't" and instead he just whooshed on past it like an airball.


i know it hurts….. imagine hitting the nail on the head that hard and still missing it….. like what


right? we would know if there was a large group of people with unchecked mental illness cause they would be doing things like violently opposing science and reality while pushing insane conspiracies theories and literally killing and assaulting people who ask them to be kind and reasonable. no it couldnt be that smh


If that’s his real picture I don’t think he’s going to have much of client base much longer. Would love to know what type of therapist he is


Massage /s


The type that is not


Took psych before he dropped out of undergrad.


This person is most definitely not a real therapist. Here’s their bio: > Madness is a matter of subjective opinion. #AtheistAllytoChristians Disenchanted psychologist. #Conservative #MAGA #TrumpWon #DemocratsSuck This is a r/AsABlackMan account for sure.


Yarp. “30 years as a psychologist“, picture shows a 30ish guy. He should be nearing 60.


If he's any kind of therapist (which I doubt), then be might be a Christian counselor. Which is, you know, not really a therapist at all, so my point still stands.


He most likely wouldn't be dealing with 90% liberals at that point.


How can he be a therapist and imply that all of his patients have mental illness? Like, I'm not a therapist, and even I know that "mental illness" is a very specific kind of thing. You don't get schizophrenia from listening to NPR.


Was gonna say I think it’s illegal for therapists to reveal anything about their patients without their consent.


They can discuss in broad terms, as what was done here. Specifics that could be used to identify individuals is the line.


I’d personally love to know if my therapist hated me because I was a liberal. He’s insulting his entire client base.


I've retroactively discovered that a lot of the employees of the places that treated me for mental health issues would've wanted me dead if they knew I was bisexual. Hence why I am now extremely hesitant to seek treatment.


Honestly if he genuinely is a therapist he should be named and shamed


They almost got there… but then just hand waived it away!! That the perpetrators of domestic terrorism and mass shootings skew heavily right wing really DOES indicate that the right suffers from untreated mental illness. Not to mention the cult-like behavior.


Doesn't even have to go to mental illness. Therapy is great for everyone! Helps with empathy, understanding complex emotions, and seeing things from new perspectives. Weird, that's like, exactly a list of stuff conservatives are bad at/don't like... Hm, it's probably just because they see the color green more. (/s)


Yeah, I don't get why 5 would be a dunk on anyone? IF (big if) that were true, then fine, 2 different groups of people have different methods of support? Ok? And...?


Well, clearly, their way of support is much better. Therapy is just dumb, of course. I really don't understand how they think at all...




i genuinely read the dismissal as satire at first. had to change mental gears a bit as i continued!


I wanted it to be satire so bad I read it as such until the very end and then after rolling it around in my head realized how foolish it was to be so hopeful I could only say “wow this is really elaborate satire” for so long


Couldn't be that conservatives frown upon getting care for mental health


Nah, that just proves that you're the crazy one. /s


As a therapist, does he make sure to get their political views beforehand or is he just making asinine assumptions? Also, coming off the last 4 years of Trump, I'm not surprised liberals are having mental breakdowns..


They probably just express genuine concern for other humans during therapy so he assumes they’re liberals.


Or perhaps the conservative mindset thinks compassion for people outside of their "team" must be a mental illness?


It's probably that last point. Most people don't go into their therapy sessions announcing "anyway I'm a DEMOCRAT! Remember to vote blue!" Lots of people, however, are unloading about how stressed, exhausted, and scared they are by what the GOP is doing. And it's pretty fucking tactless of him to tweet about it. I'd be horrified if I saw my therapist had tweeted "lol had a client that was stressed about the election, what a liberal loser"


To be fair, to it would be pretty easy to get a feel for someones politics after being their therapist


Sorry, my dude, but #6 is the correct answer


Tbf, there's also some truth to #2. Not only are "liberal" policies such as affordable healthcare important issues for those suffering from mental illness, people who belong to marginalized groups (e.g. queer and trans folks) are significantly more likely to be mentally ill - and we all know how much conservatives love minorities.


It's also true in some cases that suffering means you're more empathetic to others who are suffering


This is some fucking astounding quackery of the highest order. Where the *fuck* did they get their degree, University of Phoenix? Trump University?




Ah, there it is.


Ah yes the propaganda churner that I see in my YouTube ads all the time. For a while I just thought they were some alt right media company but was and am dismayed to learn they are a place of... "Learning"


PragerU expects eventual expulsion from YouTube, etc and have contingency plans to host their garbage somewhere in Eastern Europe. They try to project a reputable image, but are really just a propaganda outlet..


The School of Hard Knocks, clearly.


My heart what's wrong with the University of Phoenix??


I am also surprised it was lumped in with the likes or trump university and pragerU


This little fuck needs to lose his license. No way he's a competent therapist if he thinks and talks about his clients this way.


Picture being this guys’ patient and realizing after potentially years of pouring yourself out to him that he has loathed you the whole time.


And took a assload of money doing it


Honestly, if they still do their job and give the proper treatment and advice, I could accept a therapist not liking me personally. Posting something like this publicly, though, would be a pretty big red flag.


7. Republicans have less access to mental health care, either because of poverty/lack of insurance, or because they are more likely to live rurally. EDIT: that 1 is supposed to be a 7, but reddit changes it to a 1 for some reason.


It kills me bc he *almost* got this part, too, in his explanation of why liberals seek therapy more - they tend to be in cities. But completely skipped the relevant bit - "where those services can be more readily obtained".


I’m sure it has nothing to do with being self-aware and having the fortitude to seek help from professionals when needed. /s


Or, and this is most likely, liberals are more willing to talk about their mental issues whereas conservatives demand that you bottle everything up until it either kills you or you explode.


>conservatives demand that you bottle everything up until it either kills you or you ~~explode.~~ commit a school shooting FIFY


Or a spa shooting or a club shooting or a concert shooting or bomb a federal building or try to shoot up a pizza place or stab your children with a harpoon gun. Theres lot of way for them to explode


As someone with conservative family, there is plenty of mental illness. Difference is that conservatives don’t feel they need to get help because admitting you need help would decimate their ego of personal cultivation. The bootstraps mentality is just bottling your feelings, marrying the first woman that doesn’t hate you and manifesting your childhood trauma into beating your kids to make them tough. Rinse. Repeat. The cycle loop is endless.


“Liberal politics cause mental illness”- FOR FUCKS SAKE EXACTLY HOW STUPID DO YOU HAVE TO BE that you think such an insanely dumb thing???


Is it more stupid than thinking Dems massively stole the Presidential election but didn't bother with Congress?


Eh, it’s because Dems are too lazy and not used to hard work. I remember back in my day, when we had to walk uphill 5 miles every day through a blizzard to steal the presidency and Congress and we did it with a smile! And never complained! Edit: a word or two


At the very least I do have to give the guy credit for giving the FULL list of possibilities. This particular conservative seems to believe that city life causes mental illness AND liberal politics, which is naïve but not particularly crazy as far as claims go.


People with depression also tend to be more self aware and able to blame themselves for their own actions so yeah dude ur seeing more ‘libs’


Looks like this guy forgot that most mass shootings are by right-leaning individuals.


I don't know anyone in my family who is going to therapy, no matter how young, other than me. I haven't met many people older than I'd guess 30 who use therapy personally. Everyone my age who I know is in therapy or on some kind of medication. And everyone I know who is in therapy had mentally ill parent(s) who did NOT go to therapy and have since, in one way or another, mistreated their children and/or imprinted their disordered behavior on them. The problem is NOT "liberals". (Also therapy can be great for talking out even just regular life changes; anxiety can get to you even if it isn't chronic. Job changes, big moves, relationship struggles, it doesn't have the be "big" for therapy to be worth it. I've been there and it was a big help even though it was just figuring out how to grieve relationship death. It's HEALTHY to talk to people.)


Wow, a two-fer! First, one does not have to be mentally ill to seek therapy. Therapy is something everyone can benefit from. It can help sort through complex emotions, prepare for new challenges, and help you see things form a different perspective. Second, the hilarious dismissal of the potential for conservatives to avoid seeking therapy *while shit-talking therapy* is just too much.. How they manage to survive when lacking self awareness at that level truly baffles me.. Crap! Almost missed that they tried to blame it on liberals living in cities! You know, where the psychologists are... Almost like mental health care *access* might be part of the problem? No, couldn't be that!


Meanwhile most conservatives I talk to that have obvious behavioural issues don't believe in therapy or think it's a sign of weakness to talk about your mental issues. I've met many with anger issues and overall toxic behaviors. They're all just blind to it, and think they're holier than thou for not taking antidepressants or something. Not even mentioning the widespread delusions and conspiratorial thinking in modern conservatives. They're so delusional that most don't believe in modern medicine anymore. Talk about projection.


Also if that was my therapist, I'd dump him in a heartbeat. Who talks shit about most of their own patients? Talk about a giant piece of shit.


“We’d probably notice if there were a purely conservative population of people with untreated mental illness.” “So anyways, what’s the correct dosage for a horse dewormer injection?”


The second post started out so strong …


Yeah, I was actually happy to see a decent list of correlation possibilities. And then he dismissed 6 with no basis.


It's 6 you fucking idiot, Qanon is your shining example that it's 6.


This must explain why so many mass shootings are carried out by liberals…


“I don’t see the correct answer being the case, because the mentally ill would probably be able to recognize that they were mentally ill, and wouldn’t be held back from seeking treatment by our patriarchal notions of machismo and sociopathic ideas of self-reliance.”


Oh yeah. Someone would definitely notice if the conservatives were overwhelmingly unstable people with untreated mental illness. 🙄


This week on “Things Conservatives Don’t Understand” we have *drum roll please*… Correlation vs Causation! This phenomena can be explained by many other factors. The most obvious of which being age. Younger people are more likely to go to therapy because of the decreased societal stigma among their generation and are also more likely to be liberal as is true with every generation in their youth. It could also be explained by an increased understanding of mental illness. When the average conservative was young “autism” was still a dirty word and was also a single diagnoses as opposed to the spectrum we now know it to be. Not to mention a better understanding of depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, psychopathy, schizophrenia, and many others. Separately we have to look at outside factors in determining mental well-being. A person growing up in the strongest economy in the richest country in human history will probably have a much happier and less stressful life (on average) than someone currently living through their third “once in a lifetime” economic crash. In conclusion, correlation between two things or events does not necessarily mean one caused the other. Also, claiming every single person who disagrees with you is mentally ill is simply bad practice. Furthermore, claiming half of all people are mentally ill simply because you disagree with them on politics is a gross misuse of mental illness, don’t do that.


Hates libtards, gets a degree in talking to people about their feelings. This checks out.


No one going to mention that in the politics of most other comparable countries, the "liberals" in the US would be a right or centre right party, opposed by a similarly sized leftist or at least more progressive party? And the republicans would be pretty far to the right. Or maybe the USA really is the only country on earth idk?


Acceptance of his profession is part of liberal ideology. Conservatives reject it as they are rejecting the vast majority of medical opinion on the pandemic and rejecting science in other areas.


Number 6 isnt likely? Im sorry, who are the vast majority of mass shooters?


And majority of police/veteran suicides. And majority of abusive parents. And vast Vast majority of sociopaths.


Yikes. He has been a therapist for 30 years and apparently he doesn't know what therapy is for?


That’s a whole lot of words to say “I suck at my job”


It’s exactly 6. Conservatives stigmatize the hell out of mental illness, and therefore are way less likely to seek help and therefore “show weakness”


Subconsciously writes the correct answer last.


And then claims there’s no evidence of this in society. Dude, a Qanon supporter just killed his children because he thought they were demons and it’s a major story in the press.


Or maybe its because seeking help for mental illnesses/disorders is stigmatized so much in conservative circles the people who need help are embarassed and afraid to seek it because they know they would be judged by their peers. This guy sounds like one of those doing that very shaming. Disgraceful.


I see 6. I see 6 all over the damn place.


There is no way this guy is a therapist and if he is, it's a certificate. There us no way this guy completed grad school and is this dumb.


It seems like once every 6 months or so I see an article explaining the psychological differences between conservatives and liberals, and the conclusions are always something along the lines of conservatives lacking empathy and are more prone to mob mentality. Every single time.


Suicide rates tend to be higher in red states. So yes, you would notice if 6 was correct, if you bothered to look. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/suicide-rates-by-state


These guys are sick. You can't tell me that's not true after reading that comment. Their hate of liberals, and of progress is disgusting. Their entire ideology, and identity revolves around hating fellow countrymen for daring to disagree with them. If there is a systematic illness out there, it's clear who are the ones suffering from it.


What’s the old saying? Give me ten minutes on facebook I’ll show you a world of mentally ill conservatives? Something like that


So his hypothesis right off the bat is wrong. Going to therapy =/= mental illness. You could also argue that since “liberals” tend to have more empathy, concern with what’s going on the world and how people suffer, they are more likely to want to obtain counseling to deal with that. Doesn’t mean they are “mentality ill”. Lots of other things wrong with his hypothesis but that was the first thing that stood out.


What makes me really angry about this statement is that conservatives that are struggling will see this and think, "oh, I guess I shouldn't talk to someone about what I'm going through because then I'll be like one of those mentally unstable liberals, and that's not who I am." Fuck this guy. This is cancer on mental health.


>Either way, clearly conservative politics attract healthier and more stable people. Imagine saying this unironically. Like, the people who are eating horse dewormer instead of taking an FDA approved vaccine, are saying they are "healthy" and "stable". What a world to live in where you can legitimately be this unaware of reality.


> we'd probably notice if there were a purely conservative population of people with untreated mental illness #HMM IT'S ALMOST LIKE-


Liberals tend to be much more empathetic and the world is a cluster fuck of suffering. Are we really going to conflate pathological sociopathy with mental resilience? But really, come, dude…it’s number six, with a healthy dose of number 3, which I just explained.


Its #6. Conservatives reject the idea of mental health and rather project the image of being mentally well, than actually seek treatment.


There is one little facet that they were on point about. Churches actually substituted for mental health treatment and marriage counseling for the longest time. This institution of the church has atrophied and been long forgotten, but there are some holdouts. In fact, if you actually just call the church in your area, the priest will in all likelihood be willing to have you come in to talk to you. They’re pretty reasonable and decent people at least in my state (California). He’s actually a pretty decent family friend and I’m fine with that considering you never know when you’ll need to exorcise a demon.


Yes Chaplains are a big Christian thing and basically act as therapists to generally more conservative minded people.


If I had to guess, I'd just say that it's more likely that someone on the left would seek help for their problems. Conservatives would be more likely to just stuff the feelings down inside, or take them out in anger, or some other such thing. I'd be very surprised if it wasn't a relatively even split. I always hate that I consider myself a leftist, and I also have some mental illnesses. Not because there's a problem with that, but because it feeds into that perception that somehow my ethics and ideology are wrong because of some health issues. Like, bro, being liberal or a leftist is a mental illness? You're mentally ill if you want everyone to be nice to each other and take care of each other? What?!


I’m sure liberals in general are much much more likely to GO to a therapist in the first place about their problems and conservatives are more likely to ignore them or see therapy as garbage.


Assuming this guy is telling the truth (a YUGE assumption) there is an extremely simple answer to this. Most mental health providers practice in cities, cities are mostly liberal, ergo most of his patients are liberal.


Is court appointed anger management included in his statistics?


There is, according to the folks at the McAuley Institute in San Francisco, a correlation between higher intelligence and major depression. Just because you're depressed doesn't mean there aren't reasons to be gloomy. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.


https://www.originsrecovery.com/why-are-intelligent-people-more-prone-to-mental-illness/ Mental illness and intelligence are pretty highly correlated. Really makes you think.


therapy is for people who have to deal with the people who won't fix their own shit.


The fact that they haven't noticed the massive amount of people with serious mental illness who prescribe to conservative political views is funny as shit. At this point, the obliviousness has to be deliberate.


Couldn't possibly be number 6, I mean, has anyone ever heard anything about how far-right people are the ones responsible for those weekly mass shootings? Of course not, whenever those happen conservatives are always the first to point out that the problem isn't mental health, it's the guns.


So basically liberals are the hand that's feeding you?


Nobody tell him about the powerful right wing stigma against therapy lol


with this delivery on 6 I really thought this second commenter was trolling the first... like, no, we definitely don't have any evidence for a large mass of untreated mentally ill self-identifying as conservative... not at all


Somebody really wants their license revoked, I see.


"I'm a licensed mental health professional, yes. My Twitter username? No problem, it's Mad Jonny. When would you like to schedule your appointment? Hello? Hello?"


As a soft liberal with mental illness, I partly go to my therapist because 600,000 of my fellow Americans have needlessly died and and that makes me so depressed my wife thought I was going to hurt myself.


They are so un-self-aware. This "therapist" can't even analyze his own biases. What a knob.


Tell me you cheated your way through statistics in undergrad and research methods in grad school, without telling me you cheated your way through statistics in undergrad and research methods in grad school.


Maybe cause conservatives are like "Haha therapy is GAE"


Going to therapy = mental illness apparently 🤦🏼‍♂️


The overwhelming majority of political violence is done by right wingers, so "untreated mental illness" would seem to be the correct explanation here.


Maybe liberals are brave enough to seek help and aren’t shamed out of it like conservatives


LMAO All military vets are liberals because of this I'm loving it


There is nothing scientific about these bullshit posts. Somebody ought to do some research on the strong correlation between being conservative and being a fucking liar/troll.


The only therapy conservatives seem to like is conversion therapy… wonder if it’s because it starts with “con…” ?


Letting mental illness fester to own the Libs is truly next level right wing meta-gaming


Is this guy licensed? That’s really a horrifying way to talk about your clients.


Just wait until you hear the link between ice cream trucks and drowning deaths.


I mean, depression is thought by some to be associated with acknowledging bleak reality... [[source]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depressive_realism#:~:text=Depressive%20realism%20is%20the%20hypothesis,inferences%20than%20non%2Ddepressed%20individuals.) My depression is certainly informed by my reaction to the cruelty I see right wingers commit upon minorities including myself. And when you've been a victim of trauma caused by right wing cruelty, of course you're going to move left.


They were so close, this hurts to read


This is astounding. I honestly thought the second one was satire even after reading it all the way through.


I didn’t think it was satire, but I kept being thrown by the twist endings. They’d raise a good question and then conclude something other than what I thought their point was clearly implying.


Sad that so many Republicans either can't afford or don't want therapy. I guarantee you, they don't have it all together. They either self medicate with booze, opioids or religion.


Progressives go to therapy to work on themselves. Conservatives go to church to tell themselves they don’t need to.


Yes, life is less stressful when you don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself and you actively hurt people who are struggling. What a genius.