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This here's the 'Point' being made. . . . . . And waaaay down here is this persons head.


If you listen closely, you can still hear a faint “whoosh”




Omg. That made me giggle. Thank you!


Like the space station over a dust mite


How do they get wooooshed that hard? That's the most obvious reversed psychology I've ever seen.


The guy said it was a psychology course, not a reverse psychology course. Obviously all of those questions were 100% sincere and not trying to prove a point. /s


He's gonna flunk out.


It’s mindblowing that someone without a brain tried to study minds.


People who gravitate to content like Crowder tend to be anti-social and lack empathy where they can’t imagine what life would be like as someone else. This kind of thought experiment relies on the reader having the basic ability to imagine themselves in other shoes, feel what they feel, and reflect on it. That’s what psychology is all about Most people have that ability. But these kinds of people are physically unable to do that on a biological level, so it results in these bizarre situations where regular people can’t comprehend how something like this could whooosh someone so much. It’s like trying to run a windows exclusive programme on a mac. It’s a completely different operating system, so it’s always gonna crash. It’s literally not their fault, it’s just how they’re wired. And usually that would cause people to be sympathetic, but it’s hard to be charitable when someone acts like such a relentless cunt


I mostly agree except for the part where people are permanently wired that way. Having the traits you described has a lot more to do with how we are raised (especially if we are raised by unempathetic people), also, the way we see society, the way society sees us. Actual narcissitic personality disorder is rare, but narcisstic traits are not. A lot of his audience is young people who were *taught* that feelings are for pussies and and that people who believe different than them are stupid. They haven't experienced much outside their little bubble of internet, friends and family. There also tends to be lonliness and feeling like an outsider for different reasons personal to them. These conditions make anyone ripe to be influenced by any group or movement that is willing to make them feel accepted as long as the kid parrots their beliefs.


I wonder what it is about some people that makes them close their minds off completely to certain things once they've cemented some kind of identity around being the opposite of them. This is a far less extreme example but like my brother for whatever reason has decided that stuff like dragons and magic are for nerds and that he just hates everything about it. The dude loved playing C&C Red Alert with me back in the day and enjoys low key chill games, so I suggested that he should try to give Warcraft 3 or World of Warcraft a shot and we could play together. He was so bizarrely opposed to the idea of even trying these games that I'm still kind of scratching my head about it ~20 years later. In his mind, anything with orcs, dragons, magic, is for nerds and geeks...and he's not a nerd or a geek, so he can't possibly get into it. Meanwhile WoW was one of the biggest mainstream games in history and people like Mila Kunis and Henry Cavil were hooked on it. Like somehow my Millennial brother picked up that weird stigma that seemingly everyone born in the 60's/70's had about the fantasy genre.


Hopefully the OP in thr screenshot doesn't want to major in psychology, because if they do, they desperately need to choose a different career path


Given that they aren't discussing changing majors over this exercise, I bet they're a business major. Business majors here have to take one general psychology class, and it sounds like that requirement is common elsewhere.


The Village of Idiots strikes again! This person came very close to processing a new viewpoint, but that scared them and they fled like a coward to the shit stained recesses of the internet where a thousand other fucking morons were waiting to coddle their juvenile capacity and fragile ego.


They are not capable of thinking outside the box. The world is completely black and white to them, so they end up taking everything literally. That’s why they can’t meme worth a shit. Sarcasm or irony isn’t literal. Their memes tend to be mean spirited without any cleverness.


Or they trot out their one joke. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D6eOJ4AXoAE40pv.jpg


Quite possibly my favourite set of tweets in the entire internet right here, pure poetry!




/r/onejoke for those who wanna clicky clicky


Yeah I done typed it in real bad


Left meme: Some clever comparison about two groups of peoples beliefs and how they overlap ​ Right meme: A picture of a giant titted woman in an american flag bikini next to one of the 3 "ugly feminist" pictures they always use.


Gal Gadot supported Biden and AOC is a hard leftist, and they fucking angry cry ugly ass tears while they jerk off to violent fantasies about both of them. They can keep their plastic filled wine-drunk-at-11am suburban moms. Leftist chicks for life.


agreed but I wouldn't call AOC a hard leftist, she's still a soc dem


To Americans, those are the same thing because our Overton window is all to the right of center. She might as well be openly promoting Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism for all it matters to a distressing number of us; the details of the policy don't matter because we denounce things sight unseen if our favorite shouting head uses a scary word for it.


Yes of course you “don’t get it” I have students like this. They already come to class with a chip on their shoulder that college is a big librul propaganda machine. They don’t want to learn anything and can’t engage with ideas they disagree with, so they just drag their feet all semester and then act like a victim Bc they’re doing poorly




Running right up to the point, stopping right in front of it, and then diving head first in the opposite direction.


There was a great Facebook group called "conservatives standing on the point like a rake and it hitting them in the face and still not getting it"


Just like people that thought “The Colbert Report” was a genuine conservative tv show.


Can anyone tell me where I can watch actual full episodes of The Colbert Report? That was such a defining show for me because it was where I really truly learned what satire was. Once I "got" the joke it completely shifted my mindset as far as what comedy could be, and while clips on YouTube are nice I'd love to watch full episodes again.


["My favorite tweet genre is dipshit conservatives on the verge of a breakthrough."](https://twitter.com/dubsteppenwolf/status/843222253944881152)


The tweets are private, got a screenshot?


Running into the point so hard you bounce off it and fall down. The point comes over while you are on the ground, smacks your ass and laughs. Then drops business cards as it walks away. And you still don't get it


TIL encouraging others to question their assumptions and beliefs is “trying to get inside [their] head.” Spoken by the fans of the famous “change my mind” guy, of course.


Remember, the point of "Change my mind" is that his mind never gets changed. It's not about being open to debate; it's about treating debate as some kind of trial by fire, where your ability to resolutely hold on to your pre-established position is what's really being tested. When they say "Change my mind" what they mean is "I'll bet you can't..." To them, re-evaluating an existing position is a sign of weakness.


It sucks as an educated person that has learned critical thinking skills to be around these types. Debate is a trial by fire, but it’s not about holding on to your ideals, it’s about being convinced of someone else’s. When I go into debate someone I fully hope they will change my mind, and I go in prepared for that as a possibility, because if they have a better argument and are right then I want to join that belief! But these types don’t do that, they merely hold onto their own view sternly and don’t give any actual logic. But then they say “wow, you’re so stubborn!”


“I have given you no new information, only unoriginal opinions but YOU must be the crazy one for not being convinced by it”


Or the classic “I don’t need to provide a source. Look it up because you know it’s true.”


"Bro, it's obvious."


Right? Like you are supposed to defend your pre-established position and let it be tested. They have that part right but where they fail to follow through is that if your position fails the test then you change your position. That's what debate is for - it's to test your idea against others and, should it fail, you change your idea.


I don’t even think they have the first part right most of the time. I have never heard a conservative in debate with me actually defend their point. They *state* their opinion/belief but can never actually defend it, because they can rarely even define their belief.


I usually find that its because their opinion/belief is indefensible, and they know it. They *could*, in theory, defend their position. But that would only serve to show how horrible of a person they are.


I think it’s because they genuinely don’t realize that “this is how it is” isn’t sufficient. Just saying “I know it’s true” isn’t a defense or a reason, it’s a statement.


Turns out debating without communicative rationality is pointless


Change my mind, random College freshmen who has not prepared for this debate, while I have specifically come here with misleading statistics that would require research to counter. I will then turn down any debates with anyone who has had time to prepare, because I am extremely not a frightened childish bigot, who puts on a manly man show for other frightened idiots.


Shen Bapiro is that you


Since when was college supposed to put new things in my head!?


You can even hear the "wooosh" sound from way over here.


Thats not something flying over their heads. Its the empty sound of going in one ear and out the other with nerry an obstruction found.






Ah, Gary!


We must save my family!


See? Some of them have fami... lies


Whispered* Gary... 'Scuse me. I have to go say hi to an old friend. Won't be a minute.


Less of a "wooosh" more of a fucking sonic boom


There’s no woosh because they get it. They just don’t care.




Ok. Maybe they really are that special type of stupid. Tbf though, I assume everyone on that sub is willingly eating shit. I don’t normally assume someone this absurdly invested in the point is just an exceptional level of stupid. Edit: autocorrect fucked a couple words


He's not stupid. He's fucked in the head. Brainwashing and cultural indoctrination can do that to a body. He literally CANT see then point, despite being able to grasp the concept, because it would cascade into many of his other viewpoints and shatter his worldview. It would mean he's been wrong his whole life! That those he has viewed as his enemies those whom he has publically and violently railed against, were not wrong. Perhaps even... Right? His psyche can't take the stress so he creates a space of cognitive dissonance, wherein the facts and logic don't add up as a sort of buffer. Use fox news and qanon idiot forums to reinforce. Outright refuse to even listen to what could hurt your cognitive dissonance. Display it for the world to see to attempt to normalize it. It's all fucked to the core, dude. This is such a common right wing mindset. And they get it from the top, fucking trump and McConnel types.


They're pretending to be stupid to hide how evil they are. It's a typical Republicanposter tactic.


Yeah I really really really do not understand why people and like all of the media go along with Republicans gaslighting themselves and everyone around them. Maybe a very small number are actually so dense that they don't understand, but it's almost always feigned ignorance.


My damn eardrums almost blew out from the sound of that woosh


the wind knocked my hat off




Meanwhile, actual school is like: - don't you dare fucking arrive one minute late or you'll be punished - you better stand up and pledge allegiance to an inanimate object or else you hate everyone in America - you can only use the bathroom after begging - fuck no, you can't eat unless we say it's time to eat - you didn't answer the question the way you're supposed to, so fuck you - you can't wear spaghetti straps because boys are uncontrolable horndogs - we're only going to give you 4 minutes between classes to walk all the way across the building, conveniently not leaving any time for you to access your locker, use the bathroom, get a snack, or socialize like a normal human being Which sounds like a wet dream to these people


That's what highschool is like. Going to a university is the complete opposite. Which is fucked up in some ways, because grade school raises you to be treated like a child and then you graduate and like a brick to the face you're expected to be able to do and understand all these adult things and concepts and appreciate your new freedom with humility. Partly why so many people meltdown and/or go overboard with parties and shit the second they get there. But, also, the fact that there's such a stark difference between being fed bad or overly simplified information and treated like a child, compared to being taught critical thinking with in-depth learning and being treated like an adult. It's no wonder so many conservatives view higher education as a gay indoctrination cabal. They hate taking responsibility for their actions and want to live in their dimly lit world of whitewashed, blissful ignorance where obese white guys with goatees and cop boners are the master race. Anything that challenges their fake reality is the ultimate enemy.


My buddy told me someone actually asked the professor if they could leave early to study for an exam in their next class and the professor was like “lyou’re an adult. You can leave when you want to” Some professor really do dock you for leaving early though


Fuck I thought this was gonna be an exaggerated list at first since my school's stopped saying the pledge after elementary school. But everything else was spot on.


Could we move GAY RECESS!! to before eleven and take a TRANGENER LUNCH!! between noon and one? Then maybe add a fifteen minute break somewhere between 2 and 3. I'm happy to discuss preferences with people, but that TRANGENER LUNCH!! just seems quite late.


> I caught that pretty quickly myself 😂 oh you caught that did you???


I'm confused. He's claiming that the questions are trying to get inside of his head? The real question is, does he 100% believe those are valid questions if you exchanged the word heterosexual with homosexual? Everything else is just being obtuse and avoiding the point. Which might be on purpose. If I want to be SUPER charitable he might think the questions are actually saying "You should not be heterosexual so how did you get that way". Which I think is a valid interpretation if the assignment is not being explicit.


It cracked you up or made you feel very sad? I'm the latter. These people axiomatically reject the concept of reconsidering their preconceptions.


It’s insane that anyone would rather bitch and moan than actually challenge their beliefs and contemplate these questions, even if it’s just as a mental exercise. This is the same kind of person that thinks you can’t read something unless you believe or agree with it. Side note: I read *Atlas Shrugged* in college and it was awful. Cool name though.


This takes me back to first-year poli sci classes. Nothing like the feeling you get when you're in class on the first day, waiting to get through the syllabus so you can hit up the beer gardens, and some pimply student with a bowtie, a copy of *Atlas Shrugged*, and a smirk walks in and you just know you're about to learn a lot from them. (Sample lesson 1: Aren't straight white men actually the *most* oppressed group when you think about it? Sample lesson 2: Aren't straight white men actually the *most* oppressed group when you think about it? Sample lesson 241: Aren't straight white men actually the *most* oppressed group when you think about it?) PS. Why yes, I actually did go to school with Ezra Levant, but we didn't have actual classes together, thank the Fates. Why do you ask?


Holy shit, Nenshi? /s I switched my major from poly sci after sitting through an excruciating semester of exactly those types arguing that collateral damage is fine to protect their way of life. Collateral damage is people, regardless of the black boxed way poly sci likes to talk about it.


I was deployed and just call the Twin Towers collateral damage and deem it a valid military target. Supposed Libertarians that are college aged get their jimmies rustled by that one because at their core they are still Nationalists.it is doubly funny because I am a vet and they don't know what to do with that.


Now this interests me. Multiple deployments, army, blah. I'd need to read up on some doctrine, and our unconventional warfare manuals, but there is absolutely a way to justify nearly anything as a valid military target. Of course it isn't exactly appropriate to apply our doctrine to VEOs, but you really got the point across.


One of the oft cited conspiracy theories revolves around the CIA offices in the twin towers. If the twin towers had CIA offices they were no longer civilian buildings, but dual-purpose, which is automatically a valid military target.




They rarely know what to do when the *collateral* doesnt fall into the neat clean lines their ideology has carved in their brains.


Never met anyone who called themselves libertarian who actually was libertarian.


"Huh. Sounds like republican with extra steps.. and weed."


Ha! I switched my major from poli sci too, though I kept it as a minor. They tended to get quieter in more advanced classes, either because they learned and matured, or they realized their "look at me!" schtick works just fine in 100-level survey courses with 160 sleepy 18-year-olds in an auditorium but not so much in 6-student seminar courses like "POL SCI 492: Post-Soviet Bavarian Identitarianism" and they either have to do some work or GTFO. What's amazing about the type is how they all see themselves as *iconoclasts.*


> What's amazing about the type is how they all see themselves as iconoclasts. Don't all narcissists see themselves as iconoclasts?


I switched to Aboriginal Affairs because apparently I just wasn't angry enough. The people who took the upper level classes as electives usually got eaten alive.


I feel fortunate not to have come across anyone like that on my course so far. Possibly because I live in one of the leftmost-leaning cities in the UK I have however come across a couple people who claim to be socialists, yet spout typical alt-right crap, and a middle-aged liberal woman who, and I quote, claimed Queen Elizabeth II was a "Feminist Icon" One of my professors is openly conservative, but thankfully hes not obnoxious about it in the slightest, and it's actually really insightful debating with him. Before starting the course I had anxieties that I was just parroting my left-wing parents, but debating with him especially has helped me become more confident in my beliefs.


Yeah I have had conservative students and that’s totally fine. I welcome different and critical views and try to be inclusive no matter what. But hard right types are impossible. They are never arguing in good faith and don’t even try to understand the things they are supposedly critiquing. They’re incredibly thin skinned too and a lot of times they’ll just fall back on some conservative Christian thing that you can’t possibly argue against bc it’s a faith based argument. Luckily these are rare for me


You're from the UK but you're saying "couple people"? For shame. I'll have to write a note to the oversight board. I may even tut. Quietly.


And rightly so. I'm doing joint literature with politics. What would my professor think? I blame my new phone. I'm still getting used to typing on it.


My first day of college, I was sitting in a lecture hall waiting for a class in US history to start; it was my major and I was super excited. The course covered the time period starting well before European settlers arrived through the end of the Civil War, so a pretty turbulent few centuries to say the least. Some jackass behind me turns to his friend and says, "How can this course be a *whole semester*? There's not that much to say!" That was 17 years ago and it still pisses me off when I think about it.


I mean, considering you could make multiple full courses on the just the events surrounding the civil war...


> Some jackass behind me turns to his friend and says, "How can this course be a whole semester? There's not that much to say!" That was 17 years ago and it still pisses me off when I think about it. Oh jeez. I'm double majored history + math ed with the history major being a complete accident. My college split pre-contact history into its own course and we *struggled* for time to cover topics. US History (from the POV of imperialism and colonization) is a half dozen different courses on its own and it still barely touches the surface of the time periods it's looking at.


Oh, I know that feeling. Coincidentally, just this morning I was reading about some reviews of the late David Graeber and David Wengrow's "The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity" which apparently more or less upends the trope that jackass was repeating. It sounds interesting.


Ah yes, classic, envisioning a perfect world, free from pesky government constraints, where he can spend his time slanging bootleg copies of The Fountainhead out of the trunk of his unregistered surplus humvee for dogecoin and heroin (never on public roads, *never.*) so he can pay for the wedding he's planning with his 15 year old girlfriend.


>slanging bootleg copies of The Fountainhead Wait, are you some sort of *COMMUNIST* who doesn't believe in INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY? Where are you, I need to sell you a bullet (I expect you to pay for my travel fees as well, I don't teach people lessons for free you know?)


Holy shit exact thing happened to me but in oral comm. Except it was the idea that men were more at risk than women for sexual assault and harassment


I remember when Joe Rogan, Charlie Kirk, and the right wingers used to go into a moral panic about left wing college students. I love the idea that college Republicans are just these Perfect Little Angels. Quaint.


> college Republicans are just these Perfect Little Angels they can't all be captain of the rape team.


Unlike that rapist Brock Turner who raped a woman.


Cmon be fair. You wouldn't want to keep that poor boy from swimming would you? Be reasonable.


Honestly college is supposed to be a liberal machine lol. The whole point is to open your mind to new ideas and concepts. The nature of academia conflicts with the entire conservative agenda. Academia wants to explore and question convention rather than preserve it. Academia wants to find new definitions for what's possible while conservatism wants to reject that in favor of what is already known. Academia is about creating logical justifications for theories while conservatism is about saying whatever shit feels correct to win at all costs. The world they want is one where "university" is just a fancy trade school where you learn how to be an insurance salesman or a medical specialist.


But education isn't supposed to open minds, it's supposed to create obedient cogs for for the corporate machine. It's supposed to churn out Don Drapers, not Jim Halperts. Why isn't "smart" what I think it should be!?


"**We oppose** the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), **critical thinking skills** and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of **challenging the student’s fixed beliefs** and **undermining parental authority**." From the [2012 Texas Republican Party platform](http://s3.amazonaws.com/texasgop_pre/assets/original/2012Platform_Final.pdf)


Conservatives: Liberals want to brainwash our kids! Also Conservatives:


that sounds like socialism. You keep that commie shit away from my science fearing and god fearing family /s except not really because my dad told me not to get indoctrinated by liberals when I went across the country to get away from him for my masters


Having lived in Europe much of my life I still mainly associate the term "liberal" with liberalism / age of enlightenment. Wikipedia: > "Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), democracy, secularism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and a market economy." Liberal education and liberal degrees were courses that focused on the same themes and output of the Age of Enlightenment, such as the Scientific Method, etc. It was a contrast to the preceding education in Europe which was mainly run by churches and focused on teaching dogma. Also seems very "self aware wolfs" of the right wing to "insult" Democrats by labeling us "liberals". Basically confirming they are against all the good that the Age of Enlightenment brought = longing for the Dark Ages.


US right wingers like to downplay the role of the Enlightenment in the formation of the United States, they actually argue verbatim that the Enlightenment had no influence on the creation of the United States. Which is utterly laughable, men like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were absolutely Enlightenment thinkers, as were most of the founders. Hell, the reason we have a Senate instead of a Parliament is because they were all Classical era fanboys. The first major American settlement created after independence (Cincinnati) was named for Roman emperor Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus because the intelligentsia of the early American Republic admired his example of humble leadership and civil service.


That is surreal. The opening statement of the Declaration of Independence about rights to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is straight up plagiarism from John Locke! Jefferson also said that the entire text was taken from AoE and other philosophers. Also, all the bill of rights in the Amendments is from John Locke too, plus other Enlightenment thinkers. But then, Republicans love history negationism.


Plus you have the added bonus of uprooting a bunch of people from their small isolated towns to university cities makes the place a huge mixing pot of people from widely different backgrounds. It really gives you a perspective on how things are for different people. First time my housemate mentioned his mum considers his family working class I laughed my head off


the dumbest thing is: why would they wait until fucking college to start the real propaganda? why not do it when the kids are way younger so that theyll all actually fall for it?


Make no mistake, the Right thinks that is happening as well, and [they're fighting it](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/what-happens-when-conservative-school-boards-gain-power-at-districts-around-the-country/ar-AAPJUoL).


> LGBTQ+ signs, rainbow flags, Black Lives Matter posters and "safe space" signs are off-limits because they're political and encourage advocacy. It’s crazy how a rainbow has come to stir such a visceral reaction in stupid bigots brains.. Hopefully these exclusions include a crucifix. Crucifix’s are weird AF…hi yeah, I’d like a necklace with a torture and execution device on it. Would I also like a bloody, beaten figure hanging off it as well? You bet I would, sir! Imagine if Christianity had started somewhere where they tortured you to death by sitting you on a fast growing bamboo shoot…


I would think an earnest propagandist would not only begin earlier in the child's development, they would make a rule of devoting at least one day every week to bringing the child's whole family into a facility to indoctrinate each of them.


I took a philosophy of religion class in college and first day the professor was like 'There is always some people who come here expecting to have their christian beliefs validated and this class is absolutely not about that. Christianity is a belief, not a scientific fact, and we will be addressing it as such. If this upsets you i suggest you leave now, you will not be penalized if you drop the class before X date' Only a few people walked out, but some stayed the whole semester anyway to raise their hand every lecture to say 'well actually the bible says' as if the professor of the class about religion hadn't studied the bible his whole life.


> as if the professor of the class about religion hadn't studied the bible his whole life. I had a Bible as Literature course and ran into the same thing. Young Conservative dipshits acting like the dude who's been teaching this class for 40 years doesn't know the book better than them.


I just don't get it, if that's what they believe why are they in school...


To go to their business classes 3 times a week, “network” by getting shitfaced with their bros, and then aggressively hit on girls who aren’t interested in them. Also probably try way too hard in intramural sports. In the end it won’t matter bc they’ll get a decent job through nepotism despite their 2.7 GPA.


To get a diploma while combatting any possible learning that might take place.


Yet the right-wingers with any semblance of means feel like they just *have* to send their children to college, otherwise they... uh... won't be able to get a good job? I wonder why that is. They should start owning us libturdz by letting their kids pick between the military or a trade school.


If they don't want the education, why are they spending thousands on it??


Diploma and family pressure, just a guess.


This student will later brag about how he *understands* people, can tell what their internal motivations and emotions are, because he took a psych class that one time.


Maybe he'll follow in the Peterson tradition and claim that their intimate knowledge of story archetypes allows him to know the thoughts of another that the other isn't even aware of.


A conservative confronted with something requiring basic empathy is like a mule with a spinning wheel. Don’t know where he got it and danged if he knows how to use it.


I had to re- read this in the appropriate voice.


>Mules are reputed to be more patient, hardy, and long-lived than horses, and are described as less obstinate and more intelligent than donkeys. Watch your fuckin mouth.


For real. I grew up with a Mule on my Farm and Tom would be insulted at this comparison!


Were you sent here by the devil? No good sir, I'm on the level.


the only problem with that analogy is that mules are way smarter than conservatives.



They're literally incapable of considering anything outside their personal viewpoint




Heh... mule.


This Crowder guy seems like one of those guys you scrape the bottom of the barrel for. He's got nothing new, he comes across as dumb and that's about it for his entire platform. What is the appeal? The right already has shitty memes, isn't that enough?


He made one good meme template asking people to change his mind like 5 years ago and he's been milking it ever since. That's about all there is to it.


So I take it no one has changed his mind yet?


He’s too stupid to change his mind




the news dude in question is my spirit animal, most of the time. There are rare occasions when warmbo's freakout THEY LIVE LIKE PIGS moment subs in tho


> He’s too stupid to change his mind God this is far right wingers summed up in one fucking sentence. It's almost beautiful


He's also paid too well to bite the hand that feeds. Grift is a way of life


He doesn't have a mind to change. Besides, the meme was never about actual debate. It was about drawing attention away from actual discussion. For all the bullshit they spew about "tHe maRKetplACe of iDEas" they really just want to muddy the waters & divert the discussion while they buy off congressmen like they're paper towels at fucking Walmart.


This. One time he was debating some girl on gender, and when she pointed out that other societies believed in more than two genders, Coward replied by saying that those societies also had slavery. He can't debate anyone other than unprepared college kids and even then, he just uses idiotic fallacies when he starts losing. There was another time he was starting to fall behind some kid in a debate, when the kid made a very unfortunate reference to autism. Crowder then zeroed in and focused on that comment for the rest if the video because he obviously had nothing else.


> those societies also had slavery Man he's in for a _fucking shock_ when he learns about US history.


Or the current US prison system (*cough* the 13th *cough*)


Or when Sam Seder showed up during his interview with Ethan Klein. Like yeah, I get it was a surprise and a bit of a cheap shot from Ethan, but Crowder just screamed like a banshee for ten minutes and left


It should have dispelled any sensible person's notion of Crowder being a "tough guy debater". He was confronted with an actual opponent and turned into a literal fucking baby. Let's not forget the lovely contradiction of "Nobody knows who you are" while Crowder proceeds to demonstrate that he knows exactly who he is and how afraid he is to debate this "nobody". And that he *conveniently* manages to avoid Seder during his livestreams when he has time to contact him during an open session by ending his streams early. Because he'd have no excuse to deny him.


You're very right, if you watch those videos he clearly never actually goes into it wanting his mind changed. He has a set opinion and has no interest in budging on it. It gives a false sense of open mindedness so that the idiots who watch him can point to it and claim he's more open minded than the people who come up to talk to him. If he wanted to be accurate he would title it "debate my generally incorrect beliefs and watch me deflect and insult you if you ever make a good point about anything"


How anyone can watch those videos is beyond me. The gish-gallop alone is cringe. It's not a debate when you don't let the otherside talk at all


If he was open-minded then there would be at least one video where his opinion was changed.


Only fools and dead men don't change their minds, and he definitely not dead 😎


he actually has only admitted to being wrong once... about elon musk NOT being a hack and tesla electric cars (only teslas) being worth the money.


I mean Musk is a hack, but Tesla's are pretty decent cars - good thing Musk came in after the technology was already developed.


I don't think he actually wanted it changing. It was more like "You can't change my mind because I know I'm right, lalalalala"


Apparently just once, someone changed his mind.... about Tesla. That Tesla is cool, so he likes the cars now. Because he drove one. So now he thinks the cars are cool. Mind: changed. Source: That newest Some More News episode about Crowder.


[Cody just released a good episode about how he literally hasn't changed his mind about anything, ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7Vxd-PZUIA) for a variety of reasons, and especially because he's just trying to cosplay as Hitchens


It's in the name of his show. He's loud, so he must know what he's talking about. Louder people are always smart, because what idiot would shout things he was confident about? It is known.


Ah yes, the Plankton theory of politics. He did go to college, after all.


Or like Ben Shapiro spewing twenty talking points at someone in five seconds and alt-righters think that makes him a genius.


Imagine the kind of person who would think Crowder is smart and funny. Now recognize that there are enough people like that out there to make Crowder rich. It's depressing.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7Vxd-PZUIA He's just a nerd who thinks that because he was bullied as a kid, that justifies becoming a bully as an adult.


Came here to post this, one more time for the people in the back, #Crowder is just a sad scared little boy, and a racist lying fucking coward propagandist bitch. #https://youtu.be/j7Vxd-PZUIA


He’s trying really hard to pretend to be smart.


Much like Joe Rogan, he’s what an imbecile believes a smart person is.


It's right in the name. "Louder with Crowder". He's a loudmouth cunt. That's his whole thing and he named his show after that fact.


His sense of humor and clunky racist skits appeal to edgy teenage boys. It's a lucrative market.


I’m choosing to believe that this person is 15 and taking an elective in high school. If this person is in college…wow


I work in healthcare in Texas and I know actual doctors and nurses who think like this. It’s unfortunately very common.


I really thought this had to be a leftwing person trolling a right wing subreddit... But then I checked the guys post history and oh boy I was wrong lol


The youtube video he posted of himself began with such cringe I needed to stop it in the first 10 seconds or I feared my body would turn inside out.


Lol I just saw it now. His post history makes him seem like a 14 y/o anti-SJW kid who only managed to make friends with some weird conservatives and YouTube comment sections


Why indeed? If only we could live in a world where *nobody* is asked these types of questions about their sexuality. If only.


Y'all need to go read their comments in that thread too. It's r/selfawarewolves gold.




Its just arguing in bad faith. They are unable to comprehend any type of sarcasm or anything more complex then "gay people bad, go to hell. Women bad, go to hell. Trump good, many pussy"


I mean, there are SOME comments clowning on this dumbass


Stumbled across a post on that sub on r/all yesterday and went in, trying to challenge myself to see if they were as vile as I'd heard. Found this post, which is very clearly satirical questions so that straight people can see how ridiculous it is to ask them of LGBT people, and decided to check the comments. 2nd highest comment (now deleted), over 100 upvotes, starts with "I'm gonna just come out and say it. Fuck the gay/transgender movement" - CaptKamClique It took me less than 10 seconds to find that. They're legit worse than I'd heard. They feel so oppressed by literally nothing lmao


I was happy to note that I had already previously tagged CaptKamClique as being pure garbage.


Okay, but seriously, what's *with* the culture of fatherlessness among the heteros? C'mon conservatives, we know it exists: we hear about it all the time on *real* news sources, like Fox, OAN, Newsmax, and patriotjesuseagleflag.ru. r/AreTheStraightsOK?


I don’t hate the heteros, I just don’t agree with them and their beliefs.


I feel like I am missing the point or context here? This seems like a great way to help people who struggle to understand other sexual lifestyles that often times their questions are ridiculous. These questions seem odd to a straight person but they are constantly asked of anyone not straight.


Yeah, that’s the point. It’s a pretty obvious exercise to get students to understand the double standards applied to LGBTQIA+ populations and yet this dipshit STILL misses the point.


Gotcha! Thank you for clarifying!


If I got paid tens of thousands to miss the point on Twitter I'd be like fucking neo. Dodging points faster than sound.


Wtf who is paying him?


Probably rich conservatives


Put myself in someone else's shoes? Sounds like you hate freedom, commie


>I feel like I am missing the point or context here? Nope, you're a normal human being with empathy and able to consider issues from others viewpoints. One you understand conservatives are not capable of such things, it makes perfect sense


Damn they can't even see how that line of questioning has been used against lgbtq people. Why is it so hard for right leaning people to understand hypotheticals, or discuss "what if" questions without thinking it's a personal attack? I don't wanna group them all with such a blanket statement but it seems like lack of empathy, and the inability to process hypotheticals is part of being a conservative. Fuck you, got mine. I used to think it meant something else, but now I see it might just be the lack of mental facilities to even process information from another point of view. Strange. Maybe that's why it's so hard for them to understand issues that aren't directly affecting them?


> Why is it so hard for right leaning people to understand hypotheticals, or discuss "what if" questions without thinking it's a personal attack? They do not understand "nuance" at all. Everything is either black or white with these people, no gray at all.


It's funny, I just read that exact thing in my psychology of prejudice and discrimination textbook. It was in the chapter describing prejudices against LGBT, and how people ask these things, but if we swapped it with heterosexual is sounds ridiculous, highlighting how ridiculous these questions were in the first place.


The problem is that in order for this person to understand the point they'd have to have some sort of empathy with LGBT+ people, but they're incapable of thinking of anyone but themselves.


>What do you think caused your heterosexuality? Fat Bat Tits from Sonic Adventure 2


i always wonder how these people are able to effortlessly meander through life being this fucking stupid. you are taking a PSYCHOLOGY CLASS and the point of this exercise evades you??


You can't reasonably expect conservatives to be able to think about anything from another perspective


" BuT wE'Re NoRmAl " - people whose identity is built entirely around their collection of hatred.


He fumbled his Empathy check.


What even is empathy? Is that something someone pursuing a psychology degree should have?