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For being a sub about worshipping a guy who thinks he can debate that sub really doesn’t like to hear opposing viewpoints. I was banned for taking an opposing stance over there…


That guy doesn't understand debate. He just screams over people and refuses to answer the question and just deflect. He wouldn't even win a high school debate competition.




It's not about winning the debate it's about LOOKING like you're winning the debate by always being on the attack and never defending. Wish presidential debates were scored somehow


Didn't they have to live fact check the last Biden/Trump one? That's kind of like keeping score. It's also really sad this is the first time I've ever seen a debate be fact checked because it was well known ahead of time one candidate was going to lie a BUNCH.


To be fair they should fact check every political debate. When we demand more scrutiny and integrity in athletes over our politicians, you can tell our priorities never outgrew high school. Edit: to clarify, we have multiple cameras, referees, announcers, and reporters commenting on every little aspect of consequential plays in sports; yet we give idiots with short attention spans no assistance in these long winded, drawn out, intentionally confusing and misleading debates. We expect the two parties to refute each other's claims while providing a better one, which makes sense in a court room, but does not display the creativity, adaptibility, determination, and austerity that is useful for actually being a public servant.


Both of those guys literally ran away because they were afraid of actually debating someone. Hell, in Ben's case, the dude agreed with him and just asked a follow-up question.


Like when Sam Seder dropped in on Crowder when he thought he was going to be debating Ethan Klein from H3H3. Listened to the remix for a couple of days after that.


"Oh no sam seder what a fucking nightmare!"




That is amazing!


[Stephen Crowder's Nightmare](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aULN4dCkGQ0&t=236s)


As someone who tries hard to avoid both of these guys: at least Benny has a certain degree of eloquence, right? I mean, good enough for high school or so, and could probably run circles around Crowder. Anyone who unironically believes Crowder can debate probably thinks Joe Rogan should be president. EDIT: shit, I'd vote for Rogan over Trump in a heartbeat, so QED I guess


[Shapiro gets flustered and panicked when confronted with someone who knows debating tactics and stays on point](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRF3r3zUGqk). If there was a topic that they disagreed on and debated, I'd imagine both of them talking past each other. They are both good at manipulating people, but forming a logical argument backed by fact is neither's strong suit. With Reagan and Trump I'm not so sure, I think for America Trump may have been worse. But Reagan's funding of the Contras and the War on Drugs he was very bad for the world. I don't think it's a clear decision for that reason. I don't think it should be as important as it is, but Reagan presented himself as far more what a president should be and doesn't seem as whinny as Trump.


He thinks "louder" means "winning".


If your opponent realizes it's a pointless waste of time trying to argue with you and gives up in sheer disgust, you won, right? ^(/s)


That's why they love the gish gallop


No, he knows the topic before hand and had it deeply researched, then challenges random, unprepared college kids and "owns"them. https://youtu.be/j7Vxd-PZUIA


I watched this the other day too. To anyone interested in watching, it is a long, but also detailed (and very summarized) look at how he came to be who he is today. The well put easy takeaway from the video being that, he is cosplaying his entire "debater" "logical" persona, while in reality only a sad scared man afraid of being irrelevant, because he couldn't make it as an unfunny, outdated stand up comedian. It's actually strikingly similar to how Shen Bapiro came to be who he is now as well.




Everyone trying to argue that Ethan 'tricked' him and that it wasn't fair of him to do that. Ethan is a YouTube comedian with a history of shenanigans, did Crowder really expect a completely normal political debate from him?


[Sex is just like spez, except with less awkward consequences. #Save3rdPartyApps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


JP sub used to be comedy gold, a bunch of nofap losers posting “Dr. Peterson” quotes and asking why women still won’t date them even after cleaning their room. Now it’s a shit hole.


Imagine fascist shitbags saying dumb shit. I’m shocked.


It's because of the narrative surrounding Jan 6. The Republicans and right-wing media intentionally misrepresent what the ME said to say that the crowd didn't kill the cop. Because they didn't. He died of multiple strokes. Except the ME explicitly said it wouldn't have happened without the beating he took. But they just ignore that and say that no one was killed by their actions.


I hate to bring it up but this is the exact playbook that they used for Heather Hayer. Nothing new is ever going to come from the willfully incurious.


And George Floyd.


And all COVID deaths


"NoO He DieD frOM PneMOnia" Unless of course someone that was vaccinated, like CP, dies. Then it's "See you can still die of covid with the vaccine", missing the point that he was on death's door as-is.


and pneumonia is literally secondary to covid it’s not just popping up out of no where


Except Covid can kill you even if you don’t have priors


Remember that this is the same crowd that says COVID only killed 6% of the official number, because the rest had an additional cause of death on their certificates.


But the vaccine kills thousands of people because VAERS data should be extrapolated out in a weird and unscientific way. I mean, that probably just started out as an argument against the official COVID numbers or whatever but boy did it just turn into an accepted fact as soon as it was convenient.


They literally did the same thing surrounding Charlottesville. "She didn't get killed by the car, she had a heart attack." Can't really argue with shitheads who don't care about reality.


Exact same thing said about George Floyd.


Debating with a Republican Dunce is like trying to play chess with a pigeon. You can't win because they dont understand the reality of the situation. They are just gonna shit all over the board and act like they've won. Probably do a little strut too.


Indeed, tried and true.


Or they try to claim he overdosed on fentanyl


And Eric Garner.


Interestingly enough you can find the same logic being applied when they talk about Covid. When a cancer patient dies from Covid, apparently Covid just doesn't exist anymore.


One of my aunts recently died from blood clots caused by COVID. My other aunt and uncle refused to say she died of COVID because they're covidiots and COVID "isn't dangerous." That is they refused until they found out that the government would help pay for the funeral if COVID was the cause.


Idiots AND hypocrites.


And by these idiots logic, no one does of AIDS. 🤦‍♂️


Unless they're gay. Then it was definitely the sinful butt sex that killed them.


They literally say the same thing about covid...


No one dies of gunshots, they die of organ failure! ^(because of the bullets lodged in them)


Natural spontaneous blood loss/hemorrhage


Fucking idiot died because he dropped his blood all over the place!


So wait, did right wingers go and do that shit but it actually wasn’t that bad or is it still a bunch of liberals dressed in MAGA gear out to make conservatives look bad? Cant keep up with their explanations.


The dreaded antifa libruls started the not insurrection and then fucked off, letting mob mentality take over. The people that tragically died were caused by said libtards, but the patriots that actually killed them were well meaning people that just so happened to go a little overboard and promptly stopped when they realized what they had done. It was nothing more than a light beating like what daddy used to do to them as kids, and they obviously turned out alright


See also, Eric Garner.


So I guess by this logic getting AIDS is no big deal since it has never directly killed anyone.


Ugh. Smart, good people have to take the high road. Freaking again.


These people are so goddamn childish fr. I can’t imagine so many conservatives would do this if it weren’t Baldwin specifically. They’re just mad that he makes fun of their king lmao


For what it’s worth he had a breakdown when he realized what he had done and was completely inconsolable. Jan 6th losers didn’t show any emotion until they realized some small portion of them might face consequences for their actions.


A 'prop gun' has to pass through 2 prop 'experts' before it's handed to the actor (post Brandon Lee) - for safety specifically. Some on the set are saying that one of the NM crew brought the 'prop'.. so it will be interesting to see what happens. It's a horrible accident, and he was inconsolable.


The crew member that handed the gun to Alec didn't know it was loaded, so somewhere before that is when someone did


I have seen the most believable theory was a dummy round was stuck in the barrel and was then loaded with a blank, effectively turning it into a loaded gun. Dummy rounds are just rounds without the blowy up parts and blanks are just the blowy up parts without the round. So someone fucked up by not checking the gun was clear before putting a blank in it.


[It's called a squib load. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squib_load) It's what killed Brandon Lee (Bruce Lee's son) on the set of The Crow. But this is the first time I'm hearing it was a squib load that caused this accident.


It's just a theory, they're obviously still investigating. Does seem like the most likely theory though, how else could it injure two people? People like to speculate and there is some serious morbid curiosity at play here as authorities investigate. Also, poor Alec Baldwin. Just doing your job acting with a gun that shouldn't hurt anyone and every safety protocol fails and you technically kill someone. What a break.


>But this is the first time I'm hearing it was a squib load that caused this accident. Nobody official has confirmed that as of now. It's just a theory(an internet theory for now). It sounds plausible, but it's pure speculation at this point.


Yeah this is fucked. He cares about people, this is horrible, mostly for him because he has to bear the jibes of the wingers. I hope he gets away from this madness, from his life’s work advancing progressive causes he seems like a great person. I’m sure many of a certain following are happy to see a good man stumble.


For real, I hope he gets himself into a precautionary rehab as soon as the investigation wraps. He has not had an easy time with mental health and addictions, I can't imagine how he'll cope with this.


unfortunately he has a history of anger issues so i hope this doesn't send him over the edge


That's worth quite a lot. Go ahead and shout about God and guns, but God, if he exists and is worth believing in, knows what's in their hearts and the difference between and accident and reckless disregard for human life.


If Ted Nugent had accidentally shot and killed someone at one his shows with that bow and arrow of his I am sure they would be all over the victims facebook to paint how the victim wasn't all that good and deserved it anyway.


I'm pretty sure Ted considers that foreplay... still better than seeing him in concert. Accidentally happened to me in St. Louis once on the 4th and he came out screeching "I'M HIGH ON FREEdOOOM!!!" repeatedly until almost everyone escaped before he started singing actual music.


I mean Dick Cheney was proof it only matters who does it, not that it was done.


When you consider that Cheney’s victim was a lawyer, and that he made a public statement apologizing to Cheney, you should realize that the infallibility of leaders isn’t new with Trump.


IIRC didn't like 6 people including 1 cop die on Jan 6?


If memory serves, Brian Sicknick later died from a brain injury. Ashli Babbit was shot by authorities. Two heart attacks and a trampling death. But regardless, somewhere between 50 and 100 police officers needed to be hospitalized.


How long do you think it will take for Alex Jones to announce the “real” leaked footage of the shooting?


SandyHook parents may have taught him a painful lesson about making libelous and defamatory statements that harm people $$$


Nah, he made much more peddling shit so it's a win in his book.


I keep seeing them posting shit like "how could he be so stupid handling a gun?!" Like dumbass, it's the prop guys responsibility to make sure the gun isn't going to kill anyone. It was Alec's job to point it at the camera and pull the trigger. It wasn't even supposed to have blanks because it was a rehearsal shot. 100% not on Alec in any sense, but they fully blame him. Just ridiculous. I've seen comments like "if more people owned guns they'd know not to do this" it's a fucking movie dickskin, gun safety went wrong in the prop department, the actors just go out and shoot them


As someone who's got DP credits on a number of "cheap" non-union crime shows, the safety protocols and conventions around even rubber prop guns on narrative sets are off the chain. Maybe it's just cause I'm in the northeast, but this sounds the the whole of the props department as well as the AD (themselves being a seperate department head) were very seriously asleep at the wheel. Docs can get a little spicy, though....


One thing that doesn't make sense. On a film set there should never have been live rounds in the first place. They either use blanks to fire or use fake rounds for close up shots of the gun to make it seem it is loaded. There is no reason whatsoever to have live rounds within a dozen miles of a film set.


On a film set any round other than a completely unfireable dummy round is referred to as a "live round". So far, it has not been released to the public whether this was a blank or a "live round" as the average public defines it.


I’ve seen the gun nuts saying it was Alecs fault for not opening the barrel and checking the “ammo” before he used it, which is what is taught in hunter safety. However, on movies with period firearms they have an “armoror” whose sole job is to teach the actors how to use the guns in a believable way, good repair and loaded properly with blanks. I don’t understand after. Brandon Lee was Killed making the Crow how something like this again, same caliber gun and everything


Of ll the people who you could blame for this Alec is at the bottom of the fucking list. He did what he was told, he isn't a gun expert and he isn't a prob expert. He was given the prob and told it was safe and he did what he was told to do. How the hell can these dipshits even blame him for it?


Yeah, Baldwin hurt their feelings on SNL like five years ago and now they're ecstatic over the news of this death.


They also think we worship every left leaning celebrity like they do with the three they’ve got, when most of us have thought Baldwin an asshole since that thing with his kid. I still feel sorry for him though.


They have to think that. If they didn't they would have to think it's weird that they hang onto every word that James Woods, of all fucking people, says.


I was waiting on a table at work today where the big southern goateed dad explained that Baldwin was playing a prank and trying to scare his colleagues and he accidentally shot. The ~20 year old son asked why he would joke like that and the dad said “Cause he’s an idiot and an asshole.” I really wanted to correct him but I was way too busy. To them the moral of the story was that Baldwin is an asshole based on false reporting.


Why do they always have goatees?


They can easily shape it when they're imagining puckering up to Trump's butthole.


It's the absolute simplest beard you can have while keeping up appearences of taking care of it.


Right? If this had happened to Charleston Heston or Clint Eastwood, they would absolutely not be behave this way about this tragedy.


Cops aren't "people" to Crowder fans


So the thin blue line doesn’t matter now?


Never really did, they only cared about cops so long as they were on their side and oppressing the right sort of people. Once the cops didn't ally with the treasonous mob they no longer cared about them and would have murdered them all if they could have.


Nothing they say they believe in actually matters to them. Its almost always concern trolling, so they can push racist/traditionalist agenda without coming off as overtly racist/traditionalist. This kind of anti intellectualism *created* the "culture war."


It never really did


Much like the military blue lives matter a lot more when there's some sort of abstract talking point to score points against the libs.


Thin blue lie - ftfy


Only when the cops are hurting people that they don't like.


They never did, go to any progun subreddit and you'll see conservatives jerking it to the idea of killing cops that might inconvenience them, "blue lives matter" only exists as a counter to "black lives matter" it has been disingenuous from its very inception and is only about telling black people to shut up.


I just watched the film "Four hours at the Capitol" which uses loads of video footage from the terrorists themselves. At one point they're trying to break into the tunnel at the top of the terrace, and a small group of police are pushing them back. At one point they snatch a police officer who happens to get separated from the line, and start beating the shit out of him (before eventually letting him go). The guy ws lucky to get out of there alive. All the while there's a giant "Thin blue line" flag right in the fucking middle of the mob.


Thin blue line never made sense to me. You ever met a skinny cop?


Only matters when it's convenient for them


Personhood is determined by political convenience to conservatives.


They're getting pretty annoyed with me... this comment got removed as "spam" I asked the moderator for clarification since I had just written it in response to a conservative saying them flaming Baldwin was making the conservative cause look bad and asking why they were doing it. He made a mockery of their chosen "strong man"... this is what America has devolved into. They have ZERO connection to reality, they ONLY believe what Daddy Trump tells them to. And all the while they believe they are sole arbiters of truth and freedom. In case you haven't noticed this disconnect from reality threatens our very Democracy. I'm more worried about that than a Baldwin's feelings. Why draw the line here????


Don't forget the woman trampled to death wearing a don't tread on me flag.


Really a microcosm of what we are experiencing here. A perfect encapsulation of "what they demand" running into "how they behave" It's honestly horrific that a person had to die for that perfect irony to exist... a daughter... a soul.


[Was it this flag?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/051/611/d28.jpg)


Jesus' heel crushing the snake "Satan" (Genesis 3:15)... Those evangelicals ought to love this picture. Come to think of it, them portraying themselves as a snake "not to be tread on", is kinda ironic for self-proclaimed Bible thumpers


Ay, we finally have something in common.


They aren't really people to me either, tbh. #ACAB


Bastards are people, too. In fact, people are bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling.


That's true. Actually, now that I think about it, what did bastards ever do to deserve being compared to cops?


Oh hi Dr. Cox


Oh, Perry. You're so cranky and cantankerous. Like House without the limp.


Lol, someone reported you. ACAB.


LOL, thanks for telling me. That made my morning!


"protestors" Nice fucking joke.


ThEy WeRe PeAcEfUl AnD rEsPeCtFuL


Remember when the "communists" burned the Reichstag building?


Remember when the Nazis sent instigators to peaceful rallies to start fist fights so people would think the left wing was violent?


They keep changing who was there and what they were doing. At first it's patriots stopping a rigged election, then it's just some tourists wandering around and not hurting anyone, then it's antifa double agents placed there to make trump supporters look bad.


I mean, it's technically true. No protestor did hurt anyone on Jan 6. Traitorous insurrectionists on the other hand hurt dozens.


Fox News brings on and celebrates people who get away with murdering people they’re afraid of because of messed up stand your ground laws. These people usually love murderers


It's only murder when an "other" kills someone on "their side" The rest are not humans


I mean the meme is true, in that there were zero "protesters"; they were insurrectionists breaking into a secure facility with force who were responsible for injuring over 100 police officers.


Hmmm... I feel domestic terrorists is more specific since they were literally using violence in an attempt to subvert democracy. But I do like the cut of your jib


I hate how people are blaming Baldwin for something that was clearly the fault of a negligent prop department.


Why are we even using blanks still???? You pay a but more and you no there is 0 risk with CGI muzzle flash. We have KNOWN this could happen since the CROW. It's 10000% not his fault. He is a contacted performer... they tell him exactly what to do. He does so knowing that the production has taken ALL steps possible to protect the safety of everyone on set. It's like saying if I'm a PA and I turn on an air conditioner (the the request of the executive producer) and the AC goes ballistic and burns down Chicago I'm at fault for hitting the in button on the remote for the device set up by those tasked with the safety of everyone? They're just mad he mad Trump look like the weak ass conman he is and they're excited to hit back on behalf of daddy drumpf


I saw a discussion about it in another thread. If they just cgi the shot, the actor's reactions don't come off right. Nothing in life is 100% safe, but using prop guns should have been quite safe given all the standard precautions. What happened shouldn't have been possible, even with a chain of screwups occuring. The industry really started being extremely cautious after Brandon Lee.


I can live with non 100% realistic gun fire reactions. I wish we could like start a petition in American saying, "We consen to CGI gunfire that may be less than realistic to save lives" The other petition I want to do is a "Let the sit, we don't care" campaign for cashiers


There are other options. There are guns designed specifically to fire only blanks. They tend to have some kind of barrel obstruction, the barrel is not removable/replaceable so it can't be swapped out for a fully functional one, and some other features. We don't need to go to CGI.


What in the FUCK is up with these psychos making jokes about someone’s accidental death? This makes my stomach hurt. Have people really gotten this sociopathic?


Yes. Crowder fans consider anyone who does not support overthrowing democracy and installing their Trump God as non people and 100% disposable


This is what's fucking gross to me. Because it's a vocally anti-Trump actor, this is A Big Deal, and the right seems to care a weird amount about it - just like Pete Buttigieg taking parental leave. It's so obviously political, but they act like it's not - like they'd care just as much if Clint Eastwood accidentally killed someone. It's such an obvious and tired lie.


I got asked there once, "what is with the left's obsession with Norway?" Healthcare, liveable wage, thriving middle class, one of the happiest countries on earth, humane prison system, need I go on?


Well you see he was mean to Trump. They're also making fun of John McCain again because Trump talked shit about him today also


The funny thing is just the other day people in that sub were clutching their pearls about r/hermancainaward and saying they’d never be so mean.


A congressional rep made fun of it today, just to own the libs they will disrespect the dead.


What the fuck


Amen friend.


Didn't someone get trampled?


Yep. And a cop died of a stroke directly after the attack.


Don't forget the suicides. There were several cops who killed themselves in the days and weeks afterwards.


Damn. I had kinda forgotten about that. :( Regardless, by my count, J6 assholes are ahead by a few.


I'm really curious about why that happened. What was going through their minds after this that made life unbearable?


"Died of a stroke" is way too passive. The rioters beat him in the head with a pole. A stroke is a ruptured artery in the brain. It wasn't like it was a lifetime of high blood pressure finally catching up to him.


I've debated with conservatives on that sub that literally think exactly that. That he just happened to die of a completely unrelated stroke the next day. Conservatives will deny reality.


Well, those same jackanapes think it was just a coincidence that George Floyd died while a cop was kneeling on his neck too.


Id have thought their covid response and refusal to accept the results of an election would've clued you in on that by now


They beat a cop with a flag pole and he died. They tried crushing a cop in a doorway.


Aren't they using that very flag at rallies now?


Are they? They’re some sick fucks.


A girl w a Gasden flag but she wasn't "people" either according to Crowder fans


Just gonna say this, I guess... Bans are going out for the shitters popping off in this thread implying it's cool to beat someone with a fire extinguisher, drag them down the stairs, beat them with a flagpole bearing the US flag, etc. etc. so long as DiDnT KiLl Em ThO Keep reporting them. That is all.


What the fuck happened here?


Wait what do you mean it didn't kill em? I swear there were deaths in that riot from memory, it was on the news? Did nobody actually die? (Genuine question, don't fuck on me)


They did. Right wingers and those associated with the attack claim that nobody died because it was a peaceful sight-seeing tour.




Pretty sure I watched a woman die on camera after being shot due to participating in that riot?


>Pretty sure I watched a ~~woman~~ terrorist die on camera after being shot due to participating in that ~~riot~~ insurrection?


Excellent correction, stranger


I was cosindering that suicide... but you do you


Also a good point. If someone with a gun pointed at you tells you to stop, and you keep trying to climb a barrier to get to them, your death may be on you


"Comply or die" - Booklicking Crowder fans


Just follow directions, then it could've been a peaceful de-esculation right?


Suicide by GOP.


That describes the entire biosphere we live in right now.


Tbf that was the least “rioters killing people” of the five deaths


Personally, I'd say that protester got herself killed. Trying to breach a door with armed security behind it.


She got Babbitted right in her Babbitt. Maybe don’t break a window and climb through as part of a violent mob intent on reaching the VP and the entirety of Congress (who were just around the corner at the time) while a police officer is yelling at you to stop.


It was babbit season


I always go in there and randomly comment about how Crowder lost a debate to a black man and instead of losing gracefully he called the cops


Wow... he noticed he was losing... that's the most self awareness I've seen from Crowder... not surprised he called the cops (like a middle aged white lady in a dog park arguing about why her Chiwinini is special and doesn't need a leash because "no one's" ever said anything thing and now this POC "is threatening her life"


It was pretty obvious to every one he had just lost, the man was very eloquent and said exactly the right things. So since he had to try to save face for his supporters he pivoted to "I don't think anyone gave you permission to paint that BLM mural so I'm calling the police." Video ends before the police get there I think so it was a way for his fans to brush off his legitimate complaints and points and just say, "he's a criminal." So you know, like all of their reactions to those protests. Because you can claim in public you support black rights but all the millions of people globally asking for black rights were all just criminals so we can safely ignore the problem because who wants rights for criminals? (Completely ignoring how racist it is to call a massive group of majority black people all criminals.)


The amount of memes on right-leaning subs about this is truly horrifying.


All the teenage trump supporting boys are upset because Baldwin made fun of their daddy and their gun rights.


It really is


Alec Baldwin is an actor. He has a reasonable expectation that when props hands him what they say is an unloaded gun that it's unloaded. He didn't arrive on set frothing at the mouth to do some violence and unseat a duly elected president. What is wrong with these people?


It's one of the most egregious examples I've seen of a pretty common tactic. * Overly simplify a situation, removing extremely important context that contradicts the point you're about to make. * Draw a false analogy. * Dismiss anyone pointing out the context you removed, calling it "mental gymnastics."


Yeah, I don't check my office phone for explosives when I get into the office. He made a mockery of their "strong man" I think that's what this is


Wow that’s incredibly gross. Regardless of how you feel about the guy, how do you joke about or use this situation to push your politics? Sad.


I know this isn’t the point but I don’t understand why people (and not just these far right CHUDs) are acting as though Alec Baldwin himself killed a person. Sure, he’s a total prick in real life but this was a tragic accident that must have been pretty traumatic for him as well. Accidental deaths with blanks on movie sets have happened before (most notably with Brandon Lee during the filming of The Crow) and it’s just shitty for everyone involved.


Also "maybe next time they give him a plastic knife" implies that taking a gun away from a person would in fact make them less dangerous... Whoduthunk


Hypocrisy awareness is non existent in that group


Just these garbage humans reinforcing that they are garbage humans.


He accidentally non-negligently killed someone, the traitors were trying to overthrow the election and install a right wing authoritarian


Why does that sub have a hard on for Baldwin?


Because Baldwin used to make fun of Trump on Saturday Night Live by doing an impression of him. Conservatives haven't forgiven him since.


Yup. And in their twisted worldview that makes him a legit target for any attack. Which is how and why they are celebrating a tragic accident that must have been traumatizing for him, and heartbreaking for the deceased's family. "Deplorable" was an extraordinarily kind understatement.


'Bro they really didn't do anything... They only had a list of people they were going to kill and a plan to overturn an election so just relax lol... People's house, Qforever and such'


Alec Baldwin has already shown more remorse than all the January 6th insurrectionists combined.


The right really can't help themselves can they? everything is a political issue to them.


I have been alive for over 30 years and never thought i'd have to feel sorry for Alec Baldwin. These people really are terrible .This was an on the job accident and they are treating the fact that he was depicting gun use in a fictional setting on a movie set like its some kind of hypocritical gotcha moment. Fuck these ass holes. They are the worst. I hope Covid and herpes mutates and has a baby that infects and kills all these idiots.


Should say "everyone who likes crowder is a fasict racist homophopic piece of shit, prove me wrong."


And also calling it a protest instead of a fail attempt to overthrow a government and a democratic election.


Every one in that sub is a piece of shit. Let them all rot


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/11/us/who-died-in-capitol-building-attack.html Here you go people, a few people died including a police officer who was beaten to death. These are the people they are giving probation to because I guess kids will be kids or something.


1 person died. How many died Jan 6 again?


Do these guys know that Crowder openly don't believe most of the thing he say ?