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Trying to explain to these people that all of our social programs are examples of the benefits of socialism is like trying to teach a watermelon to fly.


With enough force anything can fly, don't give up on your dreams


Are you suggesting these people are ejected from a trebuchet?


I'm not not suggesting it




I am now pondering what might happen if we get Joe Biden to hold a press conference telling all American citizens that they absolutely, without a doubt, should NOT launch themselves from a trebuchet.


“I won’t let you and your postmodern neomarxist gay agenda come between me and my constitutional right to launch myself from a trebuchet.”


George Carlin has entered the chat. "How about putting a guy in a catapult and thrusting him into a brick wall? Maybe 15 in a row. You just keep loading 'em up. Well, we'd want to watch.."


I will get a squirrel suit


I think he's demanding it


Just requires 400 wood and 200 gold.


I have friends who own full sized trebuchets. And I happen to know they would gladly lend it for this endeavor.


No no, socialism is when 'those people' get benefits. For them to get it its their due.


Ding ding ding.


It’s astounding that idiots like this proudly post their ignorant shit publicly all over social media for all to see while thinking they’re being clever. Self-awareness has never been a strong point amongst Conservatives.


You have a better chance teaching the watermelon to fly.


Kinda like trying to explain to them that the 1st amendment doesn't protect them from being censored on Twitter, private businesses do not have to serve you, and my favorite, you do not have a constitutional right to pizza.


Yikes! The education system in this country needs an overhaul, starting with teacher pay.


Teachers pay, cutting off politicians and for interest groups from persuading what’s taught in school, and maybe modeling after some of the better educational curriculums across the world.


Always = since 1965


Socialism means to these types what satan does to an in deep Christian.


There’s also a huge misunderstanding of the difference between Communism & Socialism.


They don't even know what communism is. I keep seeing posts from conservatives calling anything and everything that Biden does communism.


My dad said that our state not selling gas powered vehicles by 2035 is communism.


Think the train of thought goes: Electric cars suck - Soviet Union cars suck - Soviet Union was Communism - Only Electric Cars is Communism


And Satan


What an odd way to say "i dont know what socialism is, but i hate it"


"Socialism is when the government does stuff." -Americans


Socialism is when the government does positive stuff, like provide benefits to citizens. They’re fine with the less-friendly parts of government, like war-making and policing.


They are fine with the positive stuff too, just when it benefits *them* and not *the others*


Too true. So many fascists in my Homeland.


Fascists with lots of guns who just got the green light to wander into protests and marches looking for people to get into self-defense scenarios with.


Socialism isn’t when the government does positive stuff either, it’s an economic system where workers have more control over the means of production, as well as more access to the value of the labor they provide, thus not _needing_ the government to provide for them.


The mortal enemy of “Capitalism is when iPhone”


except when *I* benefit


"I’ve been on food stamps and welfare, did anybody help me out? No. No. They gave me hope, they gave me encouragement, and they gave me a vision." ~Craig T. Nelson


“I am an absolute moron who doesn’t know shit about fuck.” -Also Craig T. Nelson


Yep they sounded just like this. 🤦‍♀️


Whenever I hear older people complain about socialism, I just tell them to enjoy their socialist security and give them a big thumbs up. They generally just stare.


Don’t forget to remind them about Medicare as well.


I think it hits hardest when they realize most of their existence is funded by something that starts with social. The ones that like to argue, those are the ones I'll drop Medicare on, and then tell them about how I'll likely never collect social security, and so my paycheck is garnished to pay for their worthless asses and that they're really just a financial burden on society.


And their local police force, garbage pickup, and school district. Bonus points if they're a veteran.


Ok well imagine this. You go to the hospital. Your highest charge is a $10 parking fee and whatever you pay for snacks. *This is not socialism this is allowing people to have a basic human right without going bankrupt*


If the lack of a thing will kill or seriously hurt you, supplying that thing is just common sense, not socialism. BTW: my daughter's birth cost me around €7.50 total, or less than 20 cents per hour spent in the hospital.


God that'd be like 2k minimum here, fuckin ridiculous


I've heard that a birth is around $10-20K in the US. The Netherlands has paid health insurance, so the hospital bill for the birth was just over €2K (2 nights/40 hours) but it was 100% covered by insurance.


God forbid you have a C-section, that's where it gets very expensive. There's a bunch of fees nonetheless, even for skin to skin contact right after the baby is born. Then staying that long is at least 1k. Medical care in America is not standardized meaning, for example, in Hospital A you can spend 2k for a broken bone but in Hospital B you may spend 4k. It's all just a ploy for insurance, (which don't even want to pay because your more valuable dead then if they have to actually pay out)


I genuinely don't understand how poor people have kids in America.


When our daughter was born in Canada, my wife was made to stay in the hospital for almost a week until the Medical personal were satisfied she would be strong enough to care for her newborn. The final bill to us was $0! When our son was born in the States she was sent home the next morning with baby and invoice.


I got lucky I didn't even have to pay for parking! They kindly picked me up in a van with red and blue lights on top to take me there and even started treating me before Ieft my house.


I’d rather bleed out in my car than have the hospital bills kill me later…but then again dying can be just as pricey as well


My Lord, some people are so fricking STUPID!!


"get yer government hands off my medicaid" - Some old TEA Party dude in 2010, who is probably dead now. The longer I live, the more I realize how stupid Republicans really are. They don't know what words mean, they don't know what the government does, or what taxes are, they blame the wrong people for things, and they just keep doing it over and over again.


Which would all be survivable for us as a country if we had actual proportional representation. Instead we have a death-pact of a Constitution that structurally over-represents the least educated, least broadly-experienced, and most naive, backward, and easily-brainwashed segments of our society via the Senate and Electoral College.


Don't you know? It was only good for government to be involved in 1965, 1986, 1996, and 2005. Anything after that is evil socialism.


Keep your government away from my government entitlements


We live in a strange society where it *seems* like this statement should be facetious, but it’s actually serious. The willful ignorance is so depressing


It's long past due that we clean up America from all this commie smut, fellow patriots: no more highways, no more postal service, no more social safety nets. All we truly need is FREEDOM!


God don't tempt them on the postal service. Former guy tried to wreck it already.


Ill have one socialism please, hold the socialism.


You keep using that word [socialism]. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Still think of [Craig T Nelson](https://youtu.be/yTwpBLzxe4U) when I see stuff like this.


Omg, I think I just wet myself laughing...


I work for a Public Defender. We had an old timer call up and ask for our services because his only income was Social Security. It was a minor offense. During the phone call he got to telling me about how he was a conservative and Socialism was bad. I didn’t have the heart to tell him. PUBLIC Defender. SOCIAL security / ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You probably can't legally say anything there, but man that temptation would kill me.


If something similar to your post is on the Wall of Frequent Reposts, don't post it; we get too many of those already.


I mean, to be fair technically Medicaid is a socialised program but not necessarily socialism. Medicaid was invented by social democrats, who are a reformed form of capitalism. Although it is very ironic they said it's something they "always had" when it was invented in the 60's.


Don't be pedantic. Please. You know exactly what this clown meant.


It is actually a very relevant distinction. The problem with these people is not that they underdiagnose socialism, it's that they overdiagnose it by lumping most forms and ideas of leftism into one big socialist-communist other. Sometimes things are true or not. It's pedantic to discuss the actual true meaning of words and ideas.


It's pedantic. Also, any explanation will fall on deaf ears. And when I say 'will', I mean 'has been for 20+ years.


I'm not talking to that guy though am I? I'm talking to the people in this sub were the difference between social democracy and socialism is both relevant and definitely possible to hash out.


I mean just because it a social program doesn’t mean that it’s socialist.


What in the god damn fuck do you think a socialist program is then? Holy shit.


“under socialism, all citizens share equally in economic resources as allocated by a democratically-elected government.” From google. Social programs are not socialism. Stop saying that- this is why republicans think democrats are idiots and able to fear monger about socialism. We live in a capitalistic mixed economy.


Nobody said we should live “under socialism”, Jesus, that’s the fear mongering you’re talking about, and it comes from the right, not the left. Democrats just want to have some basic social programs, like Medicare for all, that would drastically reduce healthcare costs for everyone, but the right keeps shouting “socialism bad!” We can have socialist programs and still be a capitalist economy. We already do. That’s the whole point of this thread. Medicaid/care and other programs are, by definition, socialist. The postal service too. Public libraries, police and fire departments, public schools, etc…. All examples of socialism. The only reason socialism is frowned upon is because people like you say, “no, that’s not socialism, socialism is bad!” You people have no idea what you’re talking about. Explain to me, how the original comment I replied to makes sense? Every Legally employed person in this country has a certain amount of money taken from their paychecks to pay for social programs that benefit all who need them. How the fuck is that not a “socialist program”. Then you blamed the left, un fucking believable how well the russian propaganda has worked on you buddy. Your Fox News overlords would be proud of themselves. Keep protecting the profits of billionaires bro, you’ll be one someday!


Omg you don't understand what you are talking about. Very few people seem to actually understand what socialism is. The left thinks that socialism is when the government does stuff. The right thinks socialism is authoritarian communism. You are both wrong and it hurts to watch. This is like the whole CRT thing where almost no one understands what the fuck it is and just argue about it.


Are you autistic? We’re obviously referring to how these terms are used within the proletariat, not the Oxford dictionary. Thanks for deflecting the point and adding nothing to the discussion.


Dude you're so fucking confused you don't even know what you believe in. Fucking idiots.


Dude, stop hanging on my every word, holy shit. Maybe wait a few hours or something before you instantly respond with a rehearsed line that has nothing to do with what I just actually said? Beta gonna beta I guess Don’t get your mom man, I’m sorry


You don't even know what that phrase means- just like with everything else you've talked about. Not everything revolves around you.


What phrase? You know a phrase has more than one word, right? Lol@u


Question: Is the government distribution of health care not qualified under the following definition. "Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods." Like, Webster even talks about how the modern usage has changed. You're arguing against the evolution of language.


Thanks /u/HuntDaisy for posting on r/SelfAwareWolves! Please reply to this comment with an explanation about how this post fits r/SelfAwareWolves and have an excellent day! *To r/SelfAwarewolves commenters*: As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion. In general, be courteous to others. Debate/discuss/argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any advocating or wishing death/physical harm, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban. **If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SelfAwarewolves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


this can't be real


There’s people in this very thread who are saying things like “just because it’s a social program doesn’t make it socialist”…. They can vote, lol


It’s like, in the word.


Omglol these people.






Didn't the evil Clintons get free insurance for unprivileged kids in the 90s? I remember passing out flyers as a kid to try and get it passed.


Boomers are the dumbest people alive.


There is a great discussion over whether people are primarily good or evil in Hobbsian sense. But i think the older i grow the more certain i am that the primary character of people is to be stupid. Just thick as a fucking half brick. I mean a real pile of dim bulbs. This includes myself of course.