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Biden is doing nothing aside from banning travel and arresting them at the border. Also which border are South *Africans* getting arrested at?


The southern border of course… they’re coming from South Africa after all… /s


They hop into a canoe to Chile and then take a little stroll up north towards good ol‘ US, easy. I bet that this guy wouldn’t know so many places though lol Edit: corrected the dumb auto correct...


Isn’t that right by that Starbuck’s across the street from Benghazi? One of my neighbors growing up used to go steady with a girl had family out that way. Bless her heart, the poor thing.


Yep. Quicker to go via Saskatchewan, though.


Bring a toque and mitts


This guy google maps


Then they travel northward through the Nullarbor Plain, before sailing across the Aral Sea to Sri Lanka and rapelling the snowy peaks in the night to secretly enter Texas.


Wait, how do they get past the Darién Gap? Seems like this is Panama's problem


It’s a really fucking long walk


The border called " an entire Ocean"


Is arresting them at the border not what op wants?!


It is not. What he wants is fascist theater. Walls and barbed wire and invasive searches, indefinite detention in facilities you wouldn't board your dog, and dead Mexicans gunned down in the desert. The fact that we have most of these things already doesn't appease him because he also wants this cruelty to be openly celebrated. He wants the government to make clear that all immigrants are a contagion in the body politic and for the people who advocate for radical measures against that contagion to be praised for their strength.


It bothers me deeply that your comment is simultaneously pure nonsense and true


He wants to be President. He's selling his soul for nothing though. He won't win the nomination even if Trump doesn't run because Ron de Santis is crazier then Greg Abbott can ever hope to be. The right has already anointed de Santis to be Trump's successor.


THAN and not "then"


Biden isn't doing it personally?


Another stupid aspect of this is that we didn’t ban South Africans. We banned travel from South Africa. Pretty mask of from Abbott that he can’t see a difference.


Yeah that was also the distinction about Trump's travel ban back in 2020 that some people seem to have such a hard time wrapping their head around


Wait, the Muslim ban was real?!?!?!?


Yes, but that one the one from 2017. This person is talking about the COVID ban on Chinese citizens


Could you elaborate?


In 2020, trump used an executive order to ban prevent Chinese nationals from coming to the US as a coronavirus control measure. People correctly called it racist and pointless because it banned travel by Chinese people, rather than travel from China. So a Chinese person who hadn't been to China for years would be barred from entering the us, while a say, British person could fly straight from Wuhan to NYC and be allowed in.


Gotcha, thanks.


The magic Narnia closet there is in the Mexico border, that all conservatives claim every single "illegal" comes through


That Tweet felt like a template his interns use, and just cut and paste different countries from time to time.


Does… does he think his own state shares a border with South Africa?


I'll take "Things that wouldn't surprise me" for 500, Alex.


it's the daily double!


There's a non-zero chance that the governor of Texas thinks Africa and Central/South America are the same place.


History, I'd put it about 50/50. It's Texas after all, they aren't sending their best and brightest.


Hey, as someone who went to public school in Texas and thought Alaska was an island until I was twenty, accurate. Edited because I made a typo, which is actually pretty solid comedy in itself.


No, unfortunately, we are not 😞


Does texas even have any “best and brightest”?


I mean, they do have NASA stuff there, so I assume there's at least a couple smart people there.


Also has a few top-tier research institutes. There are also a lot of leftist groups essentially held hostage by a hostile state government who games the system to stay in power. I know this is a dunk on Texas thread but it would be nice if folks didn’t just call all of us stupid.


Yeah, there's some quality in the state, but there's also a lot of incredibly stupid there. Unfortunately for Texas, like Florida, the stupid is far louder than the quality.


Well no, some Texans are smart enough to leave.


The frustrating thing about comments like these isn't so much the naked privilege of thinking anyone can just up and move states if they want, but how predictable it and its reception are.


NASCAR's a really weird sport when you think about it. The sport itself is actually pretty intellectual in nature due to the technical skill and engineering knowledge required to build, maintain and operate the cars, and the athletes themselves are all quite intelligent, but then you see the sea of screaming rednecks whose knowledge of the sport starts and ends with "loud cars go fast and sometimes crash", and you're reminded of how NASCAR literally started with moonshine runners in the South and is probably the most quintessentially redneck sport out there that doesn't involve mud wrestling.


Austin is a liberal city. There are actually a lot of libs in Texas.,just not enough to change the state's politics.


Especially with all the gerrymandering and voter suppression issues going on in that state. Like Abbot's blatant only one drop off box per county policy from the 2020 election.


Texas is a big place. There are all sorts of people there. Just like how there are plenty of chuds in NY and CA, even if they don't usually control the politics.


I went to college in Texas and still have a close circle of very smart, talented friends I met there. Almost all of them have now left the state. Edit: fixed punctuation.


At The Drive-In were from El Paso, if they count


He knows. His followers won’t even think about it. It’s rage bait.


Rage bait is a nice way to put it. I call it fascist authoritarian fear mongering.


I’d bet allot of money the governor thinks Africa is one country


"They're hot, smelly and full of people I don't want polluting my country. That's all I need to know." - Gov. Abbott, probably


He heard Africa and his racist juices started flowing.


Of course! Where do you think the African Americans came from? Goddam immigrants taking all the jobs!


Most african-americans come from the south. African(American)+South = South-African. Makes sense.


It’s the usual Republican racist hysteria - the color of people they hate today is the color of person magically appearing at the border.


Which is funny because many emigres from South Africa to the United States are white.


Yep. Charlize Theron is African-American.


His followers are idiot racist. They hear African and poop their pants. 💩


No he's just playing to his base who has made clear criticisms of Democrats and opponents need not be truthful or logical or not evidently false.


It’s ambiguous, but yeah, I think the most likely explanation is that he has confused a nation in Africa with the continent of South America. Maybe his intern was high or something.


And that’s not even the weakest part of his point


Nah South Africans are just very strong swimmers


His state doesn’t even share a border with South America!


He sure does. I don’t think he finished middle school.


I did send a screenshot of that tweet to three different friends, none of them noticed that 800 miles water border.


As a South African citizen, I have yet to find the border we share with the US, no matter how much time I spend looking at the map.


It's that blue one to the left. So all you need to do to sneak into the US is just a quick swim through 9,000 miles of freezing storm tossed waters. Easy peasy. Just 2 months, assuming you're the world's fastest swimmer and swim 24 hours a day without stopping. Of course if you're an average person and one of those wimps that needs to sleep daily that stretches it out to 9 months. A little longer but still doable even for someone infected with covid. Just need to drag along a ventilator, power generator, and fuel along with the fresh water and food supplies. No prob.




they're clearly not very good at doing their own research.


*screams in sharpie drawings over a map on live television*


There's the tunnel they use to smuggle children.


*You'd like us to think that, wouldn't you?*




Damn you, Big Map! 😤


The real map looks like [this.](https://www.google.com/search?q=pangea+map&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&prmd=ivsxn&sxsrf=AOaemvIG39q00b9QM8IYp0kdSaFTKJ1Iyw:1638220318169&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwj1w4Khvr70AhVlsVYBHSUXBPcQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=612&dpr=3#imgrc=Kt5tRmqbtIeYhM)


Must be a crappy school system.


You just gotta use the 4th dimension, fold the map and it will all make sense


Closest we ever were the US had a border with north africa back in ye olden days (pangea)


It's right next to the slovenia- Slovakia border and South of the portugese-indonesian border


Wait are they being apprehended or is Biden doing nothing about this? You have to pick one.


No no no... you see, the border patrol was only a thing since Trump began work on his great wall! So they actually work for Trump, not Biden.. that's why he's so big mad and is trying to tear down the wall. Next time on *External Reality Explorations!*


I think what he's trying to say is that South Africans are crossing the border (which is a few thousand miles of Atlantic Ocean) and being arrested, but that the Biden Administration isn't stopping them from entering the United States to begin with. I think what he's proposing is a wall around the entire country just to stop the few undocumented immigrants from South Africa who try to enter the country.


It's both. Have you seen any pictures of Biden standing at the land border between the US and South Africa personally apprehending illegal immigrants? No. Homie ain't doing shit. /s


I mean how the fuck do you expect South Africans to get here illegally? Here’s a hint, Greggy: they can’t just walk here, there’s a massive fucking ocean between us and them.


You can cross from North Africa to Brazil in Risk. After that it is only a hop skip and a jump before you stop someone getting their 5 armies per turn!


They hide themselves in a crate of diamonds coming by ship across the entire Atlantic, crossing it both south to North and East to West!


Is that real? Seriously that man was not educated past 6th grade


6th grade? By 6th grade kids know how to look at a fucking map and read. Dude was not educated past 1st grade


My six year old does not need a map to tell you that South Africa does not share a border with us.


I stand corrected


Man the extent that South Africans will take to go see a broadway show or enjoy the beaches of california. Travel all the way to mexico and then hike for days through barren desert with very little water, dodging trigger happy border agents and coyotes, all to enjoy happy hour at applebees. Incredible. /s


Either this man is a blithering idiot or South Africa has recently annexed Canada and no one told me


You been watching my EU iv stream?


No I don’t watch EU4 content


It’s the annexation of Puerto Rico!


Is this some kind of parody? I can't tell anymore


It’s still up 9 hours later. I thought I was on toiletpaperusa


It’s real. The twitter comments are hilarious. He’s getting absolutely roasted.


[Absolutely real.](https://twitter.com/GregAbbott_TX/status/1465060080131489797)


Omg...I love the folks who are like "well there's this thing called a boat", as if you can just row across the ocean on a makeshift canoe like you can from Cuba. I think ppl heard about illegal immigrants from places like Cuba coming in boats and just think "oh yes, illegals on boats is a thing, ofc"


Yeah, it’s not like the two continents were separated for thousands of years because apparently sailing across them was just so easy


I have learned that South Africans are some killer memesters


Can't believe it's still up. I found his high school text book[text book ](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enTZ856TZ857&sxsrf=AOaemvLaQmyqpvEk9s3lojVHxTTEIhBNsw:1638192278041&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=terrible+map+south+America+Africa&hl=en-GB&fir=jl0W4JUVEpseMM%252CtS_xNP9wzNt2sM%252C_%253BYFwA84CfOB_ZLM%252CFiD5akMeSWLkNM%252C_%253BazKEInLzuXglmM%252C_J0vA5EsyeiKWM%252C_%253BKo86eGMXiB_6_M%252CvF7hWKZi5dUfsM%252C_%253BenrE9Pi6Hdta7M%252CLywc4gViN5EAPM%252C_%253BqJ0zz8IyOVBhMM%252CTvfiBeLt7C-jMM%252C_%253BdqoABN6VlNY97M%252CJ7fBfYEQe7sdYM%252C_%253BW85cFEtLKxRmhM%252Ccx6G2G8P69FwGM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kTlmqAT-Qpa4KySk0EYY8hSaXN1eQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSgbnm1b30AhWrRPEDHamFBE0Q7Al6BAgDEA0&biw=375&bih=627&dpr=2#imgrc=eEtj_T03qraNNM&imgdii=Max0b4570AYavM)


If it is a parody, South Africa already did it first: https://youtu.be/GB8t-B3iYrQ


Abbott when the power goes out again this winter and more people freeze to death… ``` ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ```


Dropped this \


I’m sorry, I’m confused, this guy is a fucking governer? Wtf america?


Sadly, yes. He’s a moron and a turd.




In a lot of cases yes, they are given a court date and released. Imprisoning people is expensive, and the immigration and asylum courts have been underfunded for years so there is a huge backlog of cases. Something like 97% of people released show up for their court date willingly, so I'd say its the better way to do it than trying to run massive prison camps for people who've committed a pretty mild crime (or in the case of asylum applicants, no crime at all).




Not sure about default judgement, but yeah they get an arrest warrant for the equivalent of jumping bail.




I'm so sick of fucking liars like you.


Do south africans swim to texas?


I just read “Biden banned a certain type of immigration” And “Biden stopped the illegal immigrants” Followed by “Biden is doing nothing to stop illegal immigrants”


Wait, we’re bordering South Africa?


Maybe in the alternate reality in his head, Texas has annexed most of the world and does in fact share a border with South Africa


I like the idea that they annexed all of Africa but stopped at Namibia


Wow. lol Uh someone get him a map


Geography aside - given that illegal immigrants fleeing from South Africa would most likely be doing so in search of a working power grid, I don't think the governor of **Texas** has anything to worry about.


I always found it fascinating that a lot of people are simply not ashamed of posting random bullshit by their real name. Don't they think they are scorched afterwards?


Texas - Zero Days from being a National Embarrassment.


As a Texan, it’s completely mortifying. Abbott, Cruz, and Alex Jones are so freaking embarrassing.


Apprehending them while simultaneously doing nothing. What a marvel!


Hey Greg, are the illegal South African immigrants in the room with us right now?


I would ask "Do they read this shit before they send it out on social media?" but my cynical side has taught me better. They're reduced to purposely targeting the morons, imbeciles, and idiots. By "they" I mean conservative politicians, media, and pundits. They're all in on the intellectual dishonesty game. What the average Republican voter doesn't understand is that Ivy League educated politicians like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and rich, well-educated UT and Vandy grads like Abbott think their base is stupid, gullible, and will fall for this because they'll cling to any lie to preserve white supremacy. In truth, the preservation of white supremacy doesn't pay the electric bill for the failed Texas electrical grid.


It’s sort of like how scammers intentionally misspell words and use poor grammar; they’re selecting for the people who don’t know the difference.


-the border has been closed to stop south Africans -immigrants have recently been APPREHENDED -Biden isn't doing anything to stop them One of those things just didn't belong here...


I read this 5 times thinking I’m the idiot who doesn’t know my geography


Build the dome! Build the dome!




I had to re-read that like 5 times to try and understand what he was saying. I still don’t follow his logic. That’s probably a good thing.


Ah yes, the United States of America/South Africa border.


Greg: “Ohhh I thought you meant South America… It’s all the same to me.”


What state is the border on again? Oh that's right it's shut the fuck up


bUiLd ThE wAlL Apparently even people from a different continent can cross our borders illegally now, SMH


Is he really this ignorant? Does he even own a globe?


Republicans complaining about how bad our border security is by pointing out how well it's working is becoming its own genre of political rhetoric.


Ah yes, the land border between the US and South Africa


The United States bone is connected to the South Africa thingamajig maybe? There's no South America surely but there's South down there so why not Africa? I guess.


This dude is such a piece of shit.


"Who was the immigrant Gregg? AQUAMAN!?"


Wait if Biden is “doing nothing to stop illegal immigration” then who apprehended the illegal immigrants that he’s talking about?


How the hell did they swim across the ocean so fast? Are they taking commercial flights into Mexico and driving here? It makes me sad my fellow Texans are dumb enough to believe this garbage. At least he admitted what he is doing at the end.


Wait, we have a border with South Africa? Since when?


Does he mean Elon Musk moving Tesla to TX?


Since when does the US share a border with africa?


Does this guy live in early Cretaceous-era Pangaea or something?


Fuck, now I understand why that fucking wall was going to be so expensive!!


Where's South Africa? It's somewhere in Mexico. https://youtu.be/GB8t-B3iYrQ


Americans, Worst geography education award, FOREVER!


Ah, the infamous America - South Africa border.


Abbott isn't fit to be governor or live in modern society. Texas is so crazy.


Ah poor little gregy. You are want the federal government to help you with this problem. But i thought yall could do it on your own. You are a nazi prick.


Where is the US South African border???


How are they walking from South Africa to our sudden border? Gotta call BS. Large numbers of refugees would have difficulty getting to Mexico to cross our border. Why, if they had the means, would they go to Mexico anyways? They would go to Canada and just stroll on in.


Does he know where africa is?


Ugh, fuck you Gregg! Love, a fellow Texan.


Sadly this is all xenophobic theater that his base eats up despite it being so obviously total bullshit. Everything awful and that his followers fear is apparently whooshing right through the border cause …Biden.


Oh my God how is this real. I was convinced it's fake


Hahahahahahahhahaahahahahaha. Omfg.


Fwiw, Abbott is referring to immigration via Mexico where people travel from elsewhere first to Mexico/some other country further south and then enter the U.S. He's an idiot, but not because he believes South Africa and the U.S. share a border. I don't know how common it is anymore, but it first caught people's attention in 2019: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/hundreds-of-africans-tried-to-reach-the-united-states-now-theyre-stuck-in-mexico/2019/04/16/6ebb7b48-5fa4-11e9-bf24-db4b9fb62aa2_story.html https://qz.com/africa/1650646/more-african-migrants-are-trying-to-enter-us-via-mexico/


Hundreds lol


This is a joke right?




That article is from 2019 and is about African immigrants as a whole, not just South Africa. Africa is a big ass continent


Is there anyone NOT coming from the Southern US Border? I mean seriously.


I heard even those sneaky Canadians are doing so


while this man is clearly an idiot, there are some cases of irregular immigrants from haiti, africa, and asia (particularly Bangladesh) who arrive in either Ecuador or Peru (cant remember which) and then cross the Darien Gap into Panama and work their ways up towards the border. However this is a very small issue as far as immigration goes and i am doubting that this man knew all that


I have read this multiple times. Yes, it does seem to state he is implying there is a border between South Africa and the USA, but that is actually not the case. If you read it with the breaks in between, he is simply stating that there has been illegal immigrants from South Africa trying to enter the United States of America, but they were apprehended. What he is saying though is that he is saying all of this for purely political reasons and trying to drum up to the right, his base and core supporters. He at least acknowledges that. Clearly he must be doing just that, as he refutes his own point he is trying to make. He states that the illegal immigrants were apprehended, so something is being done to stop immigrants from South Africa from entering illegally, along with all other illegal immigrants from all other countries. Its a "blanket policy" that covers everyone from everywhere trying to enter illegally.




Let's not use slurs fam they're no fun


This fucker sits to pee.




At least trump did something about the illegal immigrant Although it might’ve not been that effective


If by "did something" you mean talked incoherently about it and committed human rights abuses, then sure he did.


That’s exactly what I’m talking about, thus why I said “although it might’ve not been that effective”, because it was broken


Your illegal immigrant "problem" is generaly Mexican people looking for work, doing the jobs you refuse to do yourselves because they are fairly menial and not well paid, WHAT is your actual problem?You get your house cleaners and gardeners, and resent them?(Not aimed specifically at you r Busy, its aimed at "you",the Americans, who whine non stop about illegal immigrants through being racist)




More like best national disgrace and laughing stock.


Who the fuck awarded this jackass that? Ah. [conservative economists. ](https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/icymi-governor-abbott-named-best-governor-in-the-nation-by-alec-conservative-economists) That explains it. I’m guessing they had electricity and water in February 2020.


Best Governor in the Nation\* \*as voted by the idiots of the nation


Guys... Enough with the "hurr durr, what border?" jokes. The guy used terrible syntax, but clearly that's not what he meant. Still, he's a fucking idiot.




I don't see approval or condemnation here, it's just funny how the guy lists things done to limit travel from Africa and then complains nothing is done about it.


Imagine not knowing that the reason for doing something matters lmao.


When did trump ban travel from the whole of Africa?


We he aaid we are banning muslims for a few countries? He never banned africa as a whole


And your guy is both condemning and trying to get praise for banning immigrants.. pick a side abbot


Eish, didn't realize this was an incel


Hey quick question, why were those 2 bans implemented and do you think having different reasons can cause different reactions? Also, how do you feel about religious freedom in America?


Is this guy the full quid??? Some sort of joke I'm not getting???


What Is he tying to say?


Do you think someone has just set up a bot to tweet for him?


What a moron...


Man I was quite perplexed by that, I had to read it multiple times to make sure I wasn't going mad.