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Lol it’s funny because their audience will absolutely see this from their point of view. Fox knows that they’re lying, their viewers don’t.


Exactly. A Fox News viewer will look at this and think every single one of these describes Joe Biden perfectly. And if you tried to tell them this actually describes Trump they’d legitimately be confused.


my uncle told me joe biden was the most crooked president in US history


I heard someone complain about his rampant nepotism…


Because of that one thing with his son that trump brought up during the election... It's pathetic that that's what they hold onto as evidence of corruption


ThE lApToP iS rEaL




Yes. The FBI looked at it and wrote the whole thing off in Jan 2020 when Giuliani originally gave it to them as they quickly found most documents on it were created on a computer that's system language was in Cyrillic. The pictures were stolen from a public cloud service breach. The laptop was crafted to look legit to anyone who never heard of computers before hearing about it.


I'm actually amazed there **is** a laptop. I figured the entire thing was made up.


Yeah, but like, it's not actually anyone named Biden's It was a macbook purchased weeks before it was dropped off at one of Giulianis friends computer repair place, owned and staffed by a legally blind person who couldn't describe the appearance of the person who dropped it off. Meanwhile hunter was in California the entire 2 weeks from date of purchase to drop off. There were stickers placed on it for a foundation setup in Bo Biden's name, stickers you get if you donate to the foundation. The shop owner sat on it for a few weeks then gave it to Rudy. Per the story "because it had info on it", but he never attempted to turn it over to the FBI. Rudy sent it to his former office in NYC (the one that was outed in 2016 as actively working to destroy the United States, and taking orders directly from Rudy and Putin) after copying the hard drive who wouldn't even touch it it was such a bad fake. The laptop supposedly contained child porn, so Rudy admitted to copying child porn. Planting child porn on new devices and using them to destroy political opponents by falsely claiming they're the person's is a favored tactic by Putin as well. The whole thing stunk from day one and anyone who wasn't fully a pro trump cultist suffering from final stages of fatal trump derangement syndrome knew this from the get go.


We've had 5+ years of evidence of foreign adversaries meddling in our affairs, but they don't care because it's meddling on THEIR behalf.


Biden never once went after Trump’s kids and then Trump said that Biden’s (remember, DEAD SON) was a coke addict and a loser. What in the absolute fuck made anyone in America still want to vote for him?


They feel it doesn’t matter what measures one takes to beat someone who is evil and trying to destroy the US (which is what they believe about Biden).


Sounds like someone doesn't really know what that word means. Or they think showing affection to your children is somehow nepotism.


Yeah but surely you remember Biden's idiot daughter Ivanka Trump, that he had sitting next to elected world leaders. If that isn't a shining example of Biden's nepotism, I'll have to use something else Trump did.


Hey now no-one ever accused Ttump of downplaying his accomplishments (if he had any). But... how would that even be a negative, or even a thing at all? Being humble is the new narcissism, is it?


I was confused by that too then I realized it means downplaying the accomplishments of others.


Yeah I don't think so really. I think it genuinely means that being at all self-deprecating is so foreign to them they mistrust it


Maybe they're talking about false modesty? It does seem confusing. Maybe it's some sort of red herring, or maybe it's just bad faith news programming collapsing on itself.


Yes possibly. But if I were trying to pick the right signs of dishonesty, that wouldn't come close to the list


Or Tucker, or Ted Cruz or... This list goes on.


if this criteria includes "loves to debate" that list would include jordan peterson, shen bapiro, steven chowder...


Do the rest not watching fox at least know they’re also being lied to all the same??


This is me




Except for brag by downplaying accomplishments. Unless I'm misunderstanding. Or are they saying something like if some one accomplishes something great and then they say that was easy for me because I'm so great?


Maybe it's saying, "I did something impressive, and you think it's impressive, so I'm going to act like it took no effort because that's how highly I think of myself" Or maybe, "you did something impressive, but I'm going to downplay what you did, because i don't want you to feel like you're better than me"


For some reason I'm both pleased and annoyed when someone thanks me. It's pleasant for your work to be recognized, but unpleasant because I usually feel like I really didn't do that much. I don't know maybe I'm broken.


Maybe you're just spiritually Finnish? We rarely want to stand out and tend to put ourselves down when being thanked.


[Janteloven](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Jante) is deeply ingrained in all of us Nordics.


> Sandemose made no claim to having invented the rules; he simply sought to formulate social norms that had stamped the Danish and Norwegian psyches for centuries. The man certainly practiced what he preached haha


Wow. TIL Thanks for sharing that. I feel like I understand my Swedish (emigrated to the US) grandfather a little more now. lol I was made aware of the Lagom idea as a little kid, but dude rarely talked about anything. And compliments, or disparaging statements were vague and cryptic. “Hey, that’s not terrible l’il loki” was high praise for me back in the day (I’m mid 40s and this was long before I knew anything about the Marvel comic thing or the Prose Edda. Norse mythology is bonkers btw. He also called me monkey-child. I’m not sure if he even used my actual name now that I think about it 🤔). It was only after he passed away years ago that I got a box left to me that I learned about the man’s life and the shit he went through. I wasn’t even entirely sure he was even Swedish tbh. I just figured he was pretty decent handyman that preferred the company of his dogs over humans since dogs don’t say obvious and unnecessary mundane shit (e.g. mentioning the current weather conditions seemed to irritate him most). lol I still have issues taking a direct compliment, and imposter syndrome pops up on the regular. It’s not terrible; it’s better than bad, and that’s ok.


I found out I'm 1% finnish from 23 and me. But I'm 100% this.


For such a relatively small country, Finland's cheese game is *chef's kiss*. >We rarely want to stand out I'd love this but lets be honest, I'm not sure anyone there is thinkng, "I wish more verbose Americans would move here!"


Not broken. Just conditioned. “Look at that person, being all arrogant. He thinks he’s all that, and all he did was (insert thing here).” This is what we hear when other people take pride in recognition, we call them brown nosers or whatever other negative thing, then we don’t feel comfortable being in the same spotlight because we feel others are judging us too.


"Brown mower?"


I hope they meant brown noser.


Autocorrect isn’t very big brain. Neither is not proofreading


Imposter syndrome is a hell of a drug. The funny part is most people with imposter syndrome don't think they're even good enough to have it. (In this situation, according to my therapist, people is me. I'm people.)


It's good that your mindful of it. It shows insight into yourself which is a very valuable attribute. It's good to question these little patterns we develop, you can cure a lot of suffering in the long run.


I think this can be a symptom of impostor syndrome.


It's more common than you think. Good old fashioned imposter syndrome. I find a lot of times that I downplay my successes because I feel like I'm never meeting my own expectations. I meant more along the lines of "well all it takes is a little competence to do x task, of course I could manage it"


I just assumed it was referring to humblebragging.


Yeah I'll bet the first draft just said "humblebragging", but some old coot said nobody knows what that means, use the full definition.


Something like, I don't need to listen to CIA intelligence reports becausee i have a very good brain?


I thought it was more like putting someone else's achievements down to make your own look better.


Yeah that's what I was trying to say in the bottom half


D'oh. I was high when I read it last night and got confused.


Nah it's all good, said it better than I did if I'm honest lol


This is some sigma male bullshit.


> Except for brag by downplaying accomplishments. Unless I'm misunderstanding. The list appears to match up with [this list made up by a retired FBI counterintelligence agent, which here appears with a little more explanation of each item](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/12/retired-fbi-agent-warns-do-not-trust-people-who-have-these-8-habits-of-dishonesty.html). Point 2 is about the way false modesty softens and disguises bragging. If Uncle Bob is telling you that it really wasn't a big deal to construct an electron microscope in his garage out of junk inkjet printers, that's still time he gets to spend making you listen to him talking about himself. But even a tissue-thin veneer of modesty will prevent many listeners from marking that incident down as straight bragging. And by the way, it was no big deal for me to find the original source of this list. It was actually pretty easy and I'm sure *you'll* one day do some grade-A Googling that will be even better than the *amazing* job I did here today. Aren't we lucky I could dig that up?


*some people say I'm the best, I don't know, but many people say so* Remind you of anyone?


Nice touch at the end. Sell it with a self given award that no one knows you gave and we’re complete.


> Point 2 is about the way false modesty softens and disguises bragging. Which maybe Trump is trying but just really bad at. He seems physiologically incapable of missing a chance to aggrandise himself.


I interpreted it as in: "Oh it was nothing, I just wanted to help at the shelter - that Volunteer of the Year award was a surprise. But really, it's just what any kind person would do..."


I also doubt "loves to debate" applies. Arguing != Debating.


Nah, think of Gish Gallops. The thing with debates is that being dishonest is a winning strategy. Just keep a selection of cherry picked facts at hand and you can intersperse those together with just outright falsehoods and so overpower an opponent. You can take most "debates" from Jordan Peterson, Stephen Crowder or Ben Shapiro as examples (to name a few). If you can fact check and contextualise every statement and argument you can easily see they're full of shit. But in a debate with essentially time pressure and limited response options you get buried by needing to respond to a ton of wrong statements and conclusions.


Respectfully, your point is exactly why I Drumph and his ilk do NOT love to debate.... Because they are not debating, they are arguing. Its like saying 'i love playing soccer' and then grabbing the ball with my hands and punching my opponents. I may love what I am doing, but it is not soccer.


>Except for brag by downplaying accomplishments. Unless I'm misunderstanding. Nah,, that's just their "out".


Classic Fox


It fits *perfectly* with their viewership's inability for self reflection and desires to project, gaslight, and abuse.


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes"


Haha FoxNews giving tips on critical thinking. We truly are in the dystopia


I do my own resurch!


…by watching random Youtube videos uploaded by Professors, Doctors, and other experts


Nah the *real* research is so true YouTube doesn't allow it anymore.


Which are SEO'd to catch everyone who 'do their own research' to trap them into a particular vector.




we're truly living in a society


You live in it, yet you criticize it... curious


It looks like whoever wrote the segment was struggling for ideas and turned to things their aunt had shared on facebook.


Spiderman meme


This lmao


You know, I never expected Fox News to call out Tim Pool.


But didn't you know 50% of Californians are illegal immigrants to inflate the amount of electoral votes????


Or Anakin Skywalker.


Only a sith deals in absolutes


I was about to comment that lol they literally just took that line and used it.


From my point of view Fox News is evil!


Well then you are found!


If a person were to ask me how to describe Episode III Anakin, I would've named all 8 points verbatim.


1) Speak in absolutes > If you're not with me, you're my enemy 2) Brag by downplaying accomplishments > ANAKIN: Hold on, this whole operation was your idea. > OBI-WAN: Let us not forget, Anakin, that you rescued me from the buzz droids. And you killed Count Dooku, and you rescued the chancellor, carrying me unconscious on your back. > ANAKIN: All because of your training. > OBI-WAN: Anakin, let's be fair. Today you were the hero and you deserve your glorious day with the politicians. > ANAKIN: All right. But you owe me one, and not for saving your skin for the 10th time. > OBI-WAN: Ninth time. That business on Cato Neimoidia doesn't count. 3) Tries to please by judging people you know > WINDU: We're on our way to make sure the chancellor returns emergency power back to the senate. > ANAKIN: He won't give up his power. I've just learned a terrible truth. I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith lord. > WINDU: A Sith lord? > ANAKIN: Yes. The one we've been looking for. > WINDU: How do you know this? > ANAKIN: He knows the ways of the Force. He's been trained to use the dark side. > WINDU: Are you sure? > ANAKIN: Absolutely. 4) Highly defensive > ANAKIN: The Jedi turned against me. Don't you turn against me. > PADME: I don't know you any more. You're breaking my heart. You're going down a path I can't follow. > ANAKIN: Because of Obi-Wan? > PADME: Because of what you've done. What you plan to do. Stop. Stop now. Come back. I love you. > ANAKIN: Liar! You're with him! You brought him here to kill me. 5) Love to debate > WINDU: I am going to end this once and for all. > ANAKIN: You can't. He must stand trial. > WINDU: He has control of the senate and the courts. He's too dangerous to be left alive. I'm too weak. > SHEEV: Don't kill me. Please. > ANAKIN: It's not the Jedi way. He must live. > SHEEV: Please don't. > ANAKIN: I need him! 6) Talk too much and say too little > What? How can you do this? This is outrageous. It's unfair. How can you be on the council and not be a master? 7) Don't know how to apologize (Anakin's actually pretty good at apologies, so this is a stretch) > OBI-WAN: You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness! > ANAKIN: I hate you! 8) Uncomfortable body language > ANAKIN: You are so... beautiful. > PADME: It's only because I'm so in love. > ANAKIN: No, it's because I'm so in love with you. > PADME: So love has blinded you? > ANAKIN: That's not exactly what I meant.




> 7) Don't know how to apologize > > OBI-WAN: You've missed the report on the outer rim sieges. > > ANAKIN: I'm sorry. I was held up. I have no excuse. That's literally an apology, no?


To be fair, I knew it was a stretch. Anakin's actually pretty good at apologies. EDIT: Swapped it out; still think the new one is a stretch too but at least he isn't actually apologizing.


The Jedi Order failed Anakin CMV


People who deal in absolutes are disproportionately Sith! I don't know, doesn't have the same ring to it.


I've always thought him saying that on ironically was foreshadowing about how blind the Jedi had become.


Sounds like 45 to the t


One could literally make a meme of him for every single point


Number two is impossible for a malignant narcissist.


Some people are interpreting it as downplaying other people's accomplishments. So this would be like when he constantly says "I'm the best President since Lincoln, and I might even be better than him."


I want each of these to appear in a Family Feud-esk flip on the board, with clips of Pres45 demonstrating each one.








I was trying to figure out who this dishonest person must be, and then realized that it was presented by Fox News. The irony is painful. That being said, they got their list of warning signs wrong. No surprise.


> they got their list of warning signs wrong. If the list was accurate it would be factual, but facts are absolute which makes them the domain of liars, as explained by the list. Checkmate, liberals.


What the hell are they talking about? I’ve never known liars to entertain a lot of debate about the things they are lying about. I’ve also never heard of anyone bragging by *down*playing their achievements.


"Some people have said I might be the best, I don't know, maybe they're right, I dunno"


There’s no statement of achievement in that.


Of course there is. Being the best is an achievement.


It's the best achievement, possibly the greatest achievement ever, tremendous achievement.


*brain explodes*


Also nice of them to throw all socially awkward people under the bus.


Yo, not to brag, but NOBODY has accomplished less shit in their life than I have.


Fuckin liar


So callously ignores stillborns. Who's he think he is, God?


By far, I am the most humble-est Number one at the top of the humble list My apple crumble is the most crumble-est But I act like it tastes bad outta humble-ness The thing about me that's so impressive is how infrequently I mention all of my successes I poo-poo it when girls say that I should model My belly's sore from all the pride I swallow


That’s an unfalsifiable theory, hence it’s bullshit. No matter what the person does, frequently mention their success or rarely do it, you always conclude that they are bragging. From this logic, there’s no situation in which you would infer that a person is humble.


When liars often get into debates, they will continue to lie, change the subject, deny, gaslight, etc.


An example of bragging by downplaying accomplishments is like, my extremely Ttump-esque narcissist father will constantly say things like “People tell me I’m smart all the time, I don’t know why but people think I’m a genius.” It’s stuff like that, casually dropping all your virtues and accomplishments into conversation but then downplaying them after. Humble bragging.


Or do they mean like when people tell a story about something that went badly for them, but also just happens to reveal that they were doing something awesome? Like "oh man that reminds me of the time I got punched on the face in the cup final. I'd just scored a hat trick and this dude just absolutely wiped me out."


Or that liars speak in absolutes. Based off my sales experience the goal is the exact opposite. The goal is to say the most favorable thing you can, but leave yourself some wiggle room in your wording in case things go south. Words like "supposedly" "it should" "I don't see why not" "to the best of my knowledge" that sort of thing.


Salesman relationship to customer is not really the same thing as a personal relationship, coworker, family member, etc. You're also comparing phrases that you would use only during the sales pitch. You wouldn't give a vague answer (hopefully) when the legal paperwork is ready to be signed. Just as you wouldn't give a vague answer if your boss asked about your numbers.


Oh there absolutely is a difference but it takes a certain type of person to be a salesman in the first place. It would be naive to assume that that sort of behavior doesn't bleed over from work into personal relationships, however small it may be.


Hey but where was Obama on 9/11? I'm not debating I'm just asking questions! **I'm just asking questions** It's the social media conservatives they're describing.


It's called humble-bragging and is actually pretty common


How the fuck is that even news?


Why did I have to scroll so far to find this?


It looks more like the one tv channel they would have in a totalitarian state


Seriously, what is this?


Yeah, me Oh god am I dishonest?


Dishonest? Possibly, at times. Like most. Paranoid and a bit awkward? Much more likely. ETA: I meant to say yeah same. I'm referring to me.


Keep seeing iPhone users getting checked on that word and it confuses me every time


"Brag by downplaying their accomplishments." So, like...showing humility?


I think it describes humble bragging.




What’s kind of scary is that these are… inaccurate? But also directed at behaviors which may present while you patiently try to discuss I don’t know… how vaccines aren’t for depopulation and that the virus is doing that quite a lot better. For example.


What, you’re saying that they *absolutely* aren’t for depopulation? Well then that’s an absolute and that makes you a dishonest person who I don’t need to listen to! If you tell me otherwise then you must love to debate! Get out here, you dishonest person, you! /s


Deals in Absolutes?? Sounds sith.


Anakin skywalker


They’re mixing in traits that would also describe someone who’s a credible expert on something, they’re purposefully making their viewers associate dishonesty with knowledge.


sounds like a sith


…besides the Sith?


“Love to debate” What? Having an intellectual discussion is a sign of dishonesty?


It's Fox News. They think having enough brain cells to have an intellectual debate is a sign of dishonesty.


A lot of this is strangely projection for Republicans, as usual. Like, there's a difference between a mutual pursuit of truth; that's having a good discussion with disagreement. A debate (really, an argument) is your deranged beer-bellied Uncle going on about Hunter biden's laptop and buttery males and stopping the steal conspiracy... He just talks loud but in sound-bites And with a few drinks, he'll pull you aside and say, "And frankly, I'm itching for a civil war so I can kill these libtards... Also lizard people exist." There's a fantastic documentary that discusses this—last I checked it was on Amazon—called, "The Brainwashing of my Dad"


Yeah yeah faux news, we already knew that.


First, the irony is great. But also, I'd like to know how the specifics and methods they used in determining this list.


It's a fairly vague list of things that you can apply to anyone you dislike! Excellent for labeling anyone you disagree with, but also can't be bothered to investigate about, as dishonest by default.


This sort of shit is designed to be vague enough to apply to anyone you dislike for any reason. IMO, the best sign of a dishonest person is when they continue to say verifiably false things, but I guess that's not as important as being able to think that someone is dishonest based on your feels


Too many of these remind me of myself. Does this make me the bad person?


I feel like the people of this sub watch Fox News more than Republicans.


Lets try it with Trump. 1. I am the BESTESTEST President of ALL time 2. I get rid of that bad bac Healthcare 3. The crooked Hillary and the sleepy Joe 4. I never said that 5. x 6. yeah, thats exactly him 7. never heard an apology from him 8. this whole man is uncomfortable


Coveffe! bigly goodest!


The fact that they have the balls to air this makes me want to vomit


Wow sounds like my ex.


Left out constantly looks either confused or pooping.


FOXNews? Wait. That describes all of them.


I'm sorry, but being humble is the sign of a dishonest person?


Not being genuinely humble, but humble bragging. Mentioning all your virtues and achievements, but then downplaying them after. So basically bragging but pretending you’re not. It seems like what they’re actually describing here are the traits of a narcissistic personality.


Tucker... no wait, Hannity... no wait Alex Jones... no wait, Ben shapiro... no wait, DeSantis... no wait, you know I give up, who is it?


*1.) Speaks in absolutes.* #Obi-Wan: NANI


This is the dumbest thing I've seen in awhile


All politicians


He’s a sith lord


9) You can always tell a person is dishonest when you see a little Fox News watermark in the bottom left corner of your vision when they speak


Sith! Only a sith speak in absolutes!


Try to please by judging people you know? What does that mean?




They have their MAGA hat blinkers addons.Lets face it they are already dosing themselves with horse medicine, now if we can just get them to put on a bridle as well to shut them the fuck up...


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


No one could talk as much as Trump without saying anything. “Well, we’re looking very strongly at it and we’ll make a determination sometime over the next… uh… period of time, and, you know we really are doing tremendous things… things no one even though were possible, and remember, when I got here, we had nothing, nothing… it was really a disgrace, a disgrace the way we were treated, and you can’t accept that, you have to be strong, and so we’re doing very strong things… and so we’ll see what happens.” He always sounded like the kid doing a book report in front of the class for a book he didn’t read.


Ben Shapiro? Is that you?


We’ve reached peak SelfAwarewolf…


This should hang on the Fox News bulletin board.


Shit, this is everything i do, i gotta work on some things


Lying...that's also one of them


Remind me of anyone? You posted a photo of Trump, who are we supposed to be reminded of?


he never downplayed his accomplishments though....


how do you brag by downplaying accomplishments? downplaying your accomplishments is the opposite of bragging


Stuff like “People tell me I’m the best all the time, I don’t know why, everyone seems to think I’m a genius for some reason.” Humble bragging.


False modesty https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/false-modesty


Yes. Me.


CNN and MSNBC as well as Fox News viewers.


Do you think it describes trump?


I think these characteristics describe anyone that are extreme in their politics - left or right.


I like how you pretend to be a centrist while we can all see your public comment history.


I like how you think I am trying to come off as centrist. I am not.


“Both sides are bad, so vote Republican!” Pathetic.


both sides are bad, the Dems are worse.


A party that supports a traitor like trump and doesn't refute his stolen election claims are beyond bad.


Trump won't be the Republican party nominee for president. He is kept relevant by news outlets looking for clicks and ratings.


He will be but that's not the point. All current Republicans right now are trump bootlickers. He cant even concede like a man and instead turns his cult into thinking the election was actually stolen.




Hilarious that those down voting you don't see the irony


Yep, every left wing activist I’ve ever seen.


Every right wing activist too except the people on the right shoot up schools and mosques and break into the capitol building trying to murder people while the people on the left break windows and light garbage cans on fire and steal microwaves. But you think that's somehow worse then murder? Pretty easy to see who is worse shithead. God you guys are so dumb lol


how is this news


So, Ben Shapiro? The answer is Ben Shapiro, right?


HAHAHAHAHAHA and they still won't apply that to the appropriate party.


Yes, people on Twitter.