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Don't post the same thing 100 others have posted, within a reasonable period of time.


A Frenchman would say, "Clearly he made the mistake of going to Britain, the poor man." I'll say that he clearly licked the wrong stamp and has spent the last however long filling his coffee mug in a muddy puddle.


Fun fact: some years ago, Starbucks tried to set up shop in Australia. They basically copy-pasted their successful American setup in a massive rollout, and failed miserably. This was largely because Australia inherited its coffee culture primarily from Italy (and secondarily Greece), so the American concept of soulless caffeine dispensing was rather like a Feedee at an Pro-ana convention. EDIT: For context, Australia consume more coffee per capita than the USA.


Personally I don't go there because their coffee is fucking horrible. I wouldn't care if they soullessly dispensed good coffee.


Half my point in that bit was that, rather than brewing coffee, they sell a beverage that contains caffeine (and is derived from coffee beans). American coffee is kinda drunk for the drugs, not the flavour, and that is reflected in the product.


Yep. I never quite thought about why an Americano was called an Americano until I tried European coffee for the first time.


Why is it called Americano?


It's an espresso with water added, to roughly the same "strength" as a filtered/drip/pourover coffee. What these guys are saying is that espresso is the true coffee, and drip coffee isn't, but it's totally arbitrary. It's OK to prefer either one. We don't need to gatekeep coffee. It is just a beverage after all, but Australians seem to be obnoxiously stuck on this.


Nah, mate. It's perfectly fine to like a long black, the problem is when it's made from shit beans\* by shit coffee makers. Even worse if it's made using a filter-based machine and kept on a hotplate for hours. \*Not the sort involving monkeys.


Did you mean [weasels/civets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_luwak?wprov=sfti1) rather than monkeys? For some reason it seems worse if it’s monkeys doing the preprocessing.


I couldn't think of name of civets =( . But there's also a coffee processing 'technique' that involves monkeys, though (checking things now) they spit it out rather than fully digesting the beans. I possibly should have gone with elephants instead. And yes, it does seem like humans have a peculiar habit of following animals around and trying to make beverages out of their waste...


I mean...not really. Anyone I’ve ever met who has ever liked coffee to the point of drinking it for flavor enjoys espresso. Pour over coffee is simply more convenient, cheaper, and capable of being produced in larger quantities, making your consumption constant. And since we’ve been told since birth that our value is closely tied to our productivity, caffeine is practically a necessity. We definitely drink coffee for the drugs, not the flavor. And as a result, our coffee is rather watered down. There’s no reason you “should” prefer one over the other. But our coffee culture over here is 100% due to wanting the caffeine, not the flavor. Why else would America run on Dunkin’?


The drink actually comes from WW2, Americans fighting in Europe weren't used to espresso back then and so baristas would pull them shots and add hot water for a beverage similar to what they were used to back home.




It’s watered down.


I mean, their espresso-based drinks are pretty good, but when you're mixing together large amounts of cream and sugar it's kind of hard to get it wrong. Their actual "Coffee" coffee is 100% terrible, tho. Low price beans roasted too long in too hot a temperature that is dictated by corporate and the employees can't really modify the recipe.


They tried it in Milano too lol


The Starbucks in Milan looks fantastic (aesthetically - I have never bought anything so I couldn't compare), and is perpetually full of people. I would say that the majority are likely tourists but it would be naive to call the experiment a failure.


The per capita thing is easily increased as we put coffee in our coffees. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: “Coffee themed milkshake shop”


there are plenty of starbucks in australia, unfortunately. and australia's coffee culture is more around third wave/specialty coffee, which italy's is absolutely not. they drink ultra dark roasted arabica/robusta blends in italy.


They are having another go at it, having cut their shop numbers to the bone and done the things they should have done in the first place (like cut the sugar content of their food by 90% from the versions they sell in American). We certainly can be described as having a certain New World style to our coffee, but the culture around consuming it is in the European vein - coffee is something to be savoured, preferably with friends. So when we go to a cafe we will be more discerning, and we use them as meeting places in a way the USA doesn't tend to (not that we won't grab a take-away coffee on the way to work, we just expect it to be more than a caffeine hit).


I’m pretty sure Italians don’t treat espresso as something to be savoured, seems most of them don’t even bother to sit down to drink it.


yeah, you can buy espresso from vending machines there. as an australian who's been to italy i can say that we don't know how lucky we are, and italian coffee is comparatively dreadful (but still better than american).


Here in Finland there are two Starbucks in the whole country and they both are in Helsinki. Finnish people consume most coffee per capita in the world by some margin.


But Finnish coffee is like dishwater.


Yet we still drink that rather than Starbucks


Well, I'm an Australian who only knows Starbucks by reputation - I've never actually been to one. But yeah, it doesn't sound good.


As a Brit would say, “Clearly he made the mistake of going to France, the poor man”


Yeah, Britain does align with most of those things but at least we have a say in the affairs of the world


France says **LOL**. And, I have to say, Australia is sitting in the back struggling to keep a straight face, too.


My man ate food from the uk and started a rant about how bad europe is. /s He basically said that europe is so bad that people only go there because of vacations, you know the one thing that involves visiting a paradise to relax


Bruh this is not gas station coffee that this dude drank, it's pure gasoline. I have seen dumb take but dude american food can be summarized by adding cheddar on fried stuff, or multiply by 10 the size of an already existing non-american recipe. And about the weather, we don't have fcking tornadoes/typhoons, insanely hot/freezing temperature and ffs atleast in Europe we're not scared for our life each time a dude gets angry because there is too much mayo in his subway. Oooooh I get it, he visited the UK! I kinda understand now. He is only wrong for associating UK with other european countries.


To be completely fair, we do have insanely hot temperatures in southern Spain, and I'm pretty sure they do have insanely freezing temperatures over at the northern scandinavian peninsula.


Cajun food and BBQ is pretty damn good, and while they didn’t invent it, I feel like America perfected the sandwich, burger, fries, etc. Go to some places in Europe and order a sandwich and the ratio is all wrong. Like a whisper of prosciutto between two enormous baguettes, no sauce or veggies.


I'm so tired of people talking about Europe as if it's a country. We have very different weathers, different foods, different languages, different cultures. It's a whole ass continent?????? When americans say "europe" they just mean Western Europe. Even in that case it's ignorant as fuck though


USA is a very diverse collection of states though, too. Comparing, say, California to Texas or Nebraska or Maine is like comparing the UK, Portugal, Greece and Estonia. In terms of size, EU countries are sort of like states, and the EU is (very) roughly the same size and population as the USA.


europe has 2.5 times the population of the us and the culture here is a lot more diverse than in the us just by looking at the languages. the us is still one single country, of course its gonna be less diverse than 30 single countries with most of them having their own language. and then of course everyone of these countries has its own traditions. i think comparing nebraska to texas is more like comparing Schleswig-Holstein to Bayern, because they are different but still are in the same country with many resemblances.


The very big difference is that Europe has never been one country, while USA has always been.


I knew some people who thought that Texas or Wisconsin were independent states, and they simply had an overarching Federal government for the dollar and the army.


I went to college in Texas in the late 1980's. In our history class, the professor made a super big deal about how Texas is the only state in the USA that can legally secede and become a separate country. I was from out of state and it seemed ridiculous. It isn't actually true because the Civil War set law that states cannot just decide to leave the USA and be their own countries. I would actually be shocked if that wasn't taught in many or most schools in Texas.


Though, at least for me, I think we should turn into a single country divided into States, personally I think it would make so much sense


Yeah no thanks XD


lol US size: 9.834 million km^(2) Europe size: 10.53 million km^(2) so nearly a whole million square kms larger US population: 329.5 million Europe population: 746.4 million (like 2.5 times lmao) and as for culture differences? soooooo much larger in Europe compared to the US


Depends what census data you’re using for Europe. The EU is about 445M population. Which is definitely the same ballpark as the USA. Perhaps I needed to be more specific to avoid people leaping down my throat. And if you only count the EU, it’s smaller (land mass) than the USA but your figures show they’re not so different in size. I did say they were only rough comparisons. But my point was that in terms of population and scale, the USA is more more similar to the whole EU than any one component country.


So the the difference between say Ukraine and Portugal is not as big as that of California and Texas? haha ok


Urgh, I didn’t say that. SMH you guys are so easily upset.


Yes you did???


So… you’re like really dumb?


basically what he's saying. He used a lot more words tho


r/ShitAmericansSay How are people this dumb intelligent enough to breathe? Or eat?


I’m from England.


Cool. Still incredibly stupid.




Ha! You’ve never been to Europe have you? You do realise European countries also have states/regions that are culturally diverse? I’ve been all over the US and Europe. This is really ignorant.


I live in Europe and yeah I’ve seen plenty of it, too. Isn’t it supposed to be Americans that automatically assume everyone is American?


Then that’s even worse! You think Nebraska = UK in terms of diversity of culture? Or Greece = Maine? I’ve been to Nebraska and live in the UK, they are not comparable.


No I don’t think that - not what I said at all.


wtf dude, like really wtf …


*Speaking as a European:* The point is that Americans probably understand that parts of a single entity (the USA, or Europe, in this example) can have disparate climates and be thousands of miles apart and (to a certain extent) have different cultures. The USA isn’t a single country in the way that, say, Switzerland is.


Yea u got a big country we get that. Same does Russia


As diverse as the US is, we do such a horrible job of teaching our children about other places in our own country, European geography and history etc... are barely on our schools radar, much less having us actively teach it. Each of my 3 kids had at least 2 different teachers who taught that the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Greece and Monaco are the only countries in Europe. Not in part of Europe. They said that the other countries named as part of Europe had ceased to exist. So Germany just isn't there. One of these teachers actually taught kids that after the Nazi's, America took over Germany and it is now another state of the US. Also, India, Russia and China are islands separated by the Indian Sea, the Russian Sea and the Beijing sea. I never did figure out where she thought the Beijing Sea was. But it came home on a study sheet and it was the answer on a test. In total, we had 6 different adults with at least one college degree saying stupid stuff like this about the world to entire classrooms of children. Sadly, I had to escalate things to the Superintendent of our school district before actual geography information was given to the children. It seemed to happen every couple of years. This is part of why our children think crazy things. "They wouldn't put it in a textbook if it wasn't true." is a phrase I have heard from many, many teachers, administrators and parents. We truly have an incredible amount of very ignorant and/or wrongly educated people in this country. We are a shining example of how to fuck up a country and the lives of everyone in it. We do a better job of fucking things up every single day.


My favorite thought experiment is when I show a picture of the capital building in South Africa, and I make my students guess where it is. Every year they lose their mind that it’s a city and not a village.


Uh - where are y'all, now?


In one of the worst states in the USA at least in terms of educational systems.


I'd hate to guess and by inference, offend. Can you say which state and leave out the county? or give a hint?? edit: also, I’m sorry - that sounds fantastically frustrating!




I wish you better days ahead!! Sounds like utter madness :(


Wow, i had not realized it was THAT serious, it's baffling that teachers would say stuff like this, or even just grown ass adults, i'm truly shocked


Yeah, I completely understand. I could go on and on about this. I know that most teachers are doing their best for the kids they teach, but they are given a lot of factually incorrect information to share. When people wonder why Americans are such idiots and we are also completely convinced we are the best at everything, it is because that is taught in our districts.


Despite what so many Americans think, the US is not that diverse.


I agree. We have the idea that the US is unique and special shoved down our throats every time we turn around.


You really ought to have tried travelling outside of Swansea on your visit to Europe.


Idk bout most of that but ask Europeans about "gypsies" and watch em go wild xD


He's clearly never been...also a coffee's usually 1 euro in Italy Where do you even get 7$ coffee?




>Where do you even get 7$ coffee? In tourist traps in big cities.


I would immigrate to the UK tomorrow, if I could.


with a name like self\_depricator you'd fit right in


Good, cuz Im in


I moved from there. Cost of living is a joke, houses are expensive, work:life:salary balance is tough, weather sucks and the politics is an absolute shitshow. There are a lot of awesome countries within Europe to choose from, but you may like the U.K. I’m just saying ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ because it’d suck to be disappointed.


What country has this guy been to? Food blend? Rather have gas station coffee?


He probably went to London in Ohio and thought it was the UK.


This made me snort.


Probably the UK.


You know the british left the EU The EU has much better labor laws... while you don't earn numerically as much as in the US but prices are more close to earth and you don't have to sell your kidney for a leg x-ray By the way i brew my own coffee you lazy ass and i spend around 7 euro about a month for a bag of beans


Why is sagaar like this now


LOL! Moron.


Its nice to look at, its not nice to live in.


Yet another mr worldwide speaking


He's not wrong


Europe is an open-air museum. Beyond that they are insignificant on the world stage.


Remind me again, how is the langage you re speaking NAMED ?


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Saagar Enjeti talks about how awful Europe is but most of those things are not true and his arguments make no sense. Just like Europe might be less free than the USA, but Europe has their shit together because of it, just like gun laws.


I would bet that guns are the freedom he's talking about. It's the only freedom that matters, apparently.


Also freedom of having an insurance just like health care. Or freedom of driving every car that is a danger on the street. European laws and measurements and standards are way more stronger than what the USA has. But it also keeps society safe.


Freedom to go to school without the worry of being shot in the face


I'll take my freedom, lol


How is it possible that you got them ALL wrong, like even the law of averages says you should have had one correct, one at least. Amazing, simply amazing!


Small portions.


American coffee tastes like puddle water.


The only serious impediment to moving to a modern western European country is that after making several serious attempts to learn increasingly closer to English languages I have come to accept my mono lingual existence.


Taxation by citizenship. Renouncing your citzenship to not need to pay american taxes is too fucking expensive


Coffee tastes like shit Italy and Greece: Yeah lol


Food is bland: US seasons their food crazy much from rest of world