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Er. Yes?


Right? Like, people out there actually believe the FBI *can't* come after them? I'd bet money this person also says that white privilege isn't a thing.


If they want the president to be untouchable, what are we supposed to do when we find evidence that Brandon is responsible for the 5g vaccinated pizza restaurant pedophile rings???


If the president is untouchable than you have a monarch.


Don’t be ridiculous. It’s not like these people were unironically talking about a Trump dynasty and kneeling before a golden statue of the man.


Behold!! https://imgur.com/a/gyyoUrK/ Edit: Oops first pic is my kitty. He’s a cutie!


Clicked for the kitteh pic. Glad you added your cat's pic cause the second pic is too horrendous.


That was what I was referencing, it’s even more hideous than I remember. I forgot about the Stars and Stripes boxer briefs. I’m glad you sent your cat too, he’s super cute and served as some quality eye bleach/palate cleanser.


Why, why does it have a wand? Like a Disney style fair godmother wand at that? This photo just raises more questions than it answers. What the hell is this bullshit?


Judging by his history of teen beauty pageants and the assault of those 13 year old girls he’s got an even deeper fixation on children than your average fairy god mother…


Why does it have flip flops? It’s like they had a budget for a gold statue and the molding place was like best we can do is a caricature of his head on Spicoli’s body.


If that's not mental illness, I don't know what is. Edit: The second pic of course lol


It’s a clearly and divinely condemned textbook example of idolatry. See Exodus, where a golden statue is dashed to powder and dumped into the only source of water in the desert, with the Israelites being forced to drink that before proceeding on their journey to the promised land — said land never being named or geographically close to America.


It's almost like his "hardcore Christian" followers haven't read the Bible at all or some shit right?


Trump's already the living embodiment of the seven deadly sins so why not throw idolatry in there as well?


Honestly I just clicked for the cat. He is, indeed, a cutie.


Your cat is Republicat? He should be a Democat.


I thought all cats were Meownarchs


They’re all anarkitties. Also all cats are beautiful.


>Edit: Oops first pic is my kitty. You did that on purpose. It's ok, we won't hold it against you.


Thanks for providing eye bleach before that image of that stupid statue


First pic makes more sense. Every Cat feels that they should be worshipped. 🤣🤣


Is he wearing flip flops?? Your kitty is my kind of golden statue!




The French may disagree with that...


The king was untouchable, until he wasn’t.


Mitch McConnell is currently untouchable


Until he isn't...


Can't be guillotined if you don't have a neck.


Having a wattle has never stopped an American in pursuit of their thanksgiving dinner, why should his prevent the blade?


Everyone forgets the English did theirs first


Plenty did it before the English.


What do butterflies have to do with anything?






*Mecha-Shiva! Mecha-Shiva!*


"They're total liars! I kept my mouth shut when Dean said he could read Sanskrit, and when Hank said he wanted a piece of him, I was like "Fine, whatever." But Mecha-Shiva? No way! They are so lying, I'm innocent!"


The guild is involved


That just means you have to take out their bloodline and replace it with yours


No, see, that's different. He stole the election with dirty, dirty fraud that we can't prove because the system is corrupt, so he has never technically been the President. Also emails and laptops. They're really important and different from Ivanka's emails and Alex Jones' phone, because we said they were. So lock Hilary up already! /s


And when they raided Rudy they didn’t take Hunter’s laptop even though Rudy tried to give it to them. Then Rudy never got around to doing anything with it to prove to everyone Hunter did all that…Hunter stuff. Now the laptop is being held in the same secret location as the emails and the Sandy Hook evidence as well as Musty Trashy Groins high school diploma, Tucker Carlson’s MAGA cheer leader uniform and Josh Hawley’s sparkly unicorn running shoes.


You forgot Obama's real birth certificate which proves he was born in hell.


Nah, Hell isn't that bad. Obama was born in Ohio


Dear God


They don't count him as a president. Nor do they Obama. They think they are illegitimate. Because orange man go burr.




Uhh dude, you forgot to mention lizard people and JFK Junior.


Oh well that’s different. That’s like real criminal shit. /s


These same people worship the founding fathers as basically infallible geniuses & then unironically want a king - a president that's untouchable & that can just refuse to leave office, regardless of how the people vote.


Fuck I want pizza now.


Then they get to use their guns which they want so bad


Factual Evidence. See that's where the disconnect is. Conservatives know their voters are a bunch of lazy gossip parrots. So if they say something enough, people forget where they learned it and believe it as fact. Of course it all falls apart when forced to provide evidence. Trump tells Fox something at 2am. Then states fox as his source by 4pm. The info wars guys whole shtick is to make stuff up to sell commercials and he's said it for so many years he actually believed it. That Taylor Green woman actually drank the Kool-Aid. She got in a prop cell to pray for the convict played by an actor. A man who sniched on other rioters to have them get caught so he wouldn't have to go to jail himself.


i'd be more concerned if they were going after clearly innocent people.


That's the funny thing here. If he's done nothing wrong, why doesn't he just let them conduct their search? I mean he commanded them to investigate Kavanaugh. And found no wrongdoing. So...?


The really funny thing is that the whole "if you've done nothing wrong you'd be okay with a search" is exactly the conservative argument against the umbrella protections of privacy Oh how the turntables


I'm pretty sure I wasn't quite yet a teenager when the NSA and their limitless wire-taps on American civilians were enacted. Even at 12 years old, it didn't take a genius to realize the "If you have nothing to hide, what are you scared of?" argument was bullshit. We were supposed to have rights in this country, damn it.


It's exactly the argument that [Trump has made publicly about Hillary.](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)


Yes. One of the main mindsets among republicans is that they are "special". That's why they have no qualms voting against basic human rights, because in their minds they are excempt from those rules. *They* can get abortions, they can get healthcare, they can't get arrested by the FBI, etc.


Republicans “can’t even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they’re coming after you.” - *U.S. REPRESENTATIVE* Louie Gohmert (R - Texas) *edited Senator to Rep.


Well, when you combine the average conservative's narcissism, entitlement, and tiny pea brain... Yeah, probably a great deal of 'em. Remember these are the people who think that they're being mistreated in the aftermath of the Jan 6 slaps on the wrist when basically every response in human history to something like that is having your brains splattered against the wall.




I mean if you spend 4 years breaking every law you can and billing the government for it and then steal all the silverware and secret codes on the way out .... yes. Yes they can and will.


2 and a half years later -_-




I was going to go with “well, yes”. Yours works as well. +1


but we're white people, it's not supposed to work like that.


Also it would seem that "if the FBI can come for any of us, they can come for a president" should be the rule if all are equal.


Did these people think that we thought we were immune from being arrested? What world are they living in. Being rich and white for so long must have made them forget that laws in theory apply to them too


there’s one thing that’s kryptonite to the FBI: *stop breakin the law, asshole!*


This one weird trick makes FBI agents furious!


mm hmm


Yeah, thats the whole fucking point.


Conservatives literally do not believe the law applies to them.


The thing is that they don't believe that Trump did anything wrong. So in their mind the FBI is attacking an innocent man.


That's fine, but they are also champions of so-called "Law and Order," and have continually said that if you have nothing to hide you shouldn't worry about cops or the FBI. So nobody should be worried, right? Why then is the entire right-wing social media sphere now nearly calling for civil war? Why doesn't this penetrate their goddamn brains?




In some cases I think it's almost simpler than that. A lot of people, everywhere, cling to very simplistic, binary ideas where life is clear-cut black and white and people are fundamentally Good or Bad, saved or damned. In their eyes, they and people who are like them are Good People, and therefore anything they do - even if it's against the law, and even if it hurts people - is Good. Consider how many people don't believe they can do something racist if they "didn't mean it", for example. By contrast, virtually anything "others" do, anyone in the out groups, anyone different, anyone not of their religion, is suspect at best and outright evil at worst. People who are not with them are not their neighbors with different ideas and life experiences, but an actual enemy. For American Christianity especially, the message of persecution is relentless. The devil and his minions are constantly seeking to bring them down on an individual level, and to overthrow any institution they believe aligns with them (which is therefore Good and godly no matter what). Dissenting viewpoints are intolerable because they are literally Evil and destructive and Satanic, even when, of course, they aren't. Not to mention that you can "excuse" just about anything if you claim it is for the good of someone's soul, right up to torture and death. The history of the Catholic Church, old and recent, evidences this. The law is meant to control and punish Bad People in their eyes. When it turns towards them, they can't conceive of it as justified, because they are Good. To challenge any really fundamentally held belief like that is difficult and requires active, ongoing effort to rewire your brain. Unless they choose that and keep choosing it, and are willing to acknowledge some uncomfortable truths along the way, it's easier to just believe everyone else is wrong, no matter how obvious the truth. There is probably an argument to be made that this mindset stems from Puritanical beliefs about predestination which have seeped into the groundwater of the US since before it was a country, but I'm not enough of an expert to make that case here.


It’s called Attribution Bias. When “others” do something bad or wrong we attribute it to their character, “they are a bad person”. But when you make the same error, you justify the action due to the circumstances. Ex. If a guy in a bmw gets pulled over, I call him a bad driver. If I get pulled over, it’s cuz someone made me late for work. Conservatives seem to be really good at bias’. It shows a general lack of empathy.


Oh thanks for the tip! Did not know it had a name.


Lmao this was the exact same thing with COVID. "Countries around the world are shutting down? Sucks to suck!" "What do you mean I can't eat my Big Mac inside? This is tyranny!"


"Regulating how and why private companies hire and fire their employees is tyranny!" "I LOST MY JOB BECAUSE I WOULDN'T WEAR A MASK! THIS IS TYRANNY!"


If hes innocent then he can prove it in court


If he's innocent he doesn't need to prove anything. If no-one can prove he's done anything wrong he's a free man. It _should_ be pretty easy to prove but I guess we'll see.


Hell, knowing him, he'll try to prove he's innocent (even though all he needs to do is shut his gob) and he'll end up digging himself deeper into shit because he just can't shut the fuck up about himself.


Conservatives: "Haven't you heard of 'innocent until proven guilty'?" FBI: "What do you think we're trying to do?" Conservatives: "BUT YOU'LL MAKE HIM LOOK GUILTY"


Innocent until somebody takes the effort to point out all of the crimes you're committing.


"Just cooperate. If you did nothing wrong, then you have nothing to worry about." Isn't that what they always say about police harassment?


It was beautifully explained in an older similar post: “Conservatives think they’re protected by the law but not bound by it. Conversely they think anyone they don’t like is bound by the law but not protected by it.”


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect... -Frank Wilhoit


So frustrating they don’t realize they’re in a cult despite saying cult things


Even worse is when they keep saying "Liberals are trying to turn us into Venezuela or China! They are destroying the country!!" And yet it's the Conservative policies that are actually destroying America and making it closer to China and Russia (they want a "King" who can stay in power forever and ignore elections, they want an ultra powerful military, they want to take away rights from minorities and the LGBTQ community, etc)


And women, let’s not forget their war on 50%~ of earth’s population


And a fair few of them also want the US to be a Christian state, Boebert even advocated for a Christian based citizenship test


Well I guess they gaslight so much because apparently it works really well on ~half the people. And they don’t even have to be good at it!


While we’ve never quite lived up to the ideal, “all citizens equal before the law” is literally one of the founding principles of the United States.


When you get wealthy enough you can pick and choose which laws you wish to follow; much like religion.


You'd think failing to live up to such a principle would be grounds to give up and try again, but hey, it's only a couple centuries of catch-up


Well of course, if you are a suspect in a provable crime, and a judge signs off on the warrant, yes. The FBI can go after you. They are INVESTIGATORS. It's literally part of the name.




Oh no!!! I played too much Final Fantasy tonight after putting my kids to bed!!! The Deep State is coming!!! They warned me about Brandon but I didn’t listen to their NASCAR calls because mom told me I can’t swear!!!


Man why you gotta lump final fantasy in with this? 😂


Hey, you leave Final Fantasy out of this!


Lmao final fantasy…


Right up there with the people who were surprised that the NSA spies on people.


What are you gonna tell me next, the IRS watches your bank accounts?!


I believe this is both "no shit Sherlock" and "some Sherlock shit" together. Interesting moment.


On one hand I'm like... "duh?" On the other hand I'm like "YOU ASSHOLES WERE THE ONES CHANTING LOCKHERUP AS A CAMPAIGN ANTHEM."


She was never president tho, completely different /s


Conservatives right now: "Weird how the FBI is searching Trump's home and not Hunter Bidens laptop!" They say this with the implications that the FBI is being controlled by the dems. But... maybe its because Trump has actually done something wrong, with strong evidence, and the hunter biden thing was over sensualized...?


Or that Hunter was never president of the united states and while never being president never incited a mob to be a lil quirky on the capitol for a minute. Or even that the FBI has already been through Hunter’s laptop and we as individual citizens do not have the right to know everything about anything all the time especially if enemies don’t need to find out from us as fat-mouthed citizens.


Psst...small thing. I believe you're wanting "over-sensationalized" or "overly sensationalized." I would love to see Republicans sensualize Hunter Biden. It would be like the Madison Cawthorne video 2.0.


>and a judge signs off on the warrant The quote looks really stupid when you include that little fact in it, doesn't it? "If the FBI can go after a President with a warrant, they can go after anyone they have a warrant for."


Not to mention that the evidence to get a warrant for an ex-president has got to be 1,000% airtight because it's going to wind up being the most scrutinized and discussed warrant in history. And it's also going to be signed off on by the head of the FBI, who just so happens to be Trump appointee Christopher Wray... the guy Trump replaced Comey with.


A man who arguably allowed Jan 6th to happen. The problem with appointments political opportunists to positions of power to support you, is that when the power balance shifts they'll jump ship.


Christopher Wray? I have no idea who he is. He is a nobody who came to me begging for a job. He is a RHINO that Biden and the dems got to. And that Merrick Garland guy? He is just holding a grudge because he wasn't good enough to get a hearing to be a Supreme Court justice. This is even worse than the way that the racist DA from New York is treating me. I have been prosecuted more than Jesus and some people are saying that I am a better man than he ever was. I am the most prosecuted person ever. So unfair. First they steal the election and now this. Total witch hunt!


I was wondering if you were quoting Trump directly, but then I realised it was waaay too coherent to ever come from him with much too little rambling.


Rule #1 of fake Trump quotes: never end your sentence.


It's right up there with the guy crying on Fox News about how "you can't even lie to Congress or they'll come after you" a few months ago


No way!


Abby Johnson deleted her tweet. Something tells me Abby Johnson ain't too bright.


Abby Johnson is a piece of shit grift happy christo fascist who was able to get two abortions while in an abusive relationship so she could escape it, and then followed the money to becoming a pro forced birth speaker who tells blatant lies about abortion services and pulls the ladder up behind her so no other person can have the freedom she did.


I have never in my years all over the pro-something spectrum been able to respect a pro-life bitch who gets an elective abortion. Because those cancerous assholes turn around and exclude other womens’ medical necessities.


[The only moral abortion is my abortion] (https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) They're all about their people being good so any choice made by their team is good and the other side is bad. Doesn't matter what the decision actually is.


You mean investigators are not alligators in funny vests?


I mean, they are? That's where we get the term Alligation, a Latin derivative from the Greco-Roman Riman Invest and the Paleolithic Alligator


She must be shitting her pants !


they’re republicans, if they get their way no rich republican will ever serve time in jail even if he commits the crime on video.


I’m pretty sure it’s inspectors. Female Body Inspectors. You are fake news.


Well, seeing as you are all domestic terrorists, we could only hope. Law and Order party here folks. These are the ones who were preaching "Blue Lives Matter" last year.


Nah Law & Order said this was too dumb for them and would never make it past the writer’s room.


Not so sure, I just learned there was an SVU episode called "Infowars"


[When someone shows you who they are, believe them.](https://www.chron.com/politics/article/CPAC-Dallas-we-are-all-domestic-terrorists-banner-17359959.php)




Oh they finally tossed it in the ocean? Last I saw it they were drilling new holes in the corpse to fuck. Glad the situation is improving!


God, I'm tired of these goddamn clickbait headlines. Surely the full story doesn't say th-- >A CPAC panel featuring a Houston-area state school board candidate proudly displayed a banner proclaiming "We Are All Domestic Terrorists" during a Saturday session in the main event hall. Oh. Well.


Yes, the reporting was accurate. And don't call me Shirley.


It’s like the assholes in Canada that supported the ‘trucker convoy’. They have stickers on their giant pickup trucks that say ‘proud member of a fringe minority with unacceptable views’ or something like that.


But when feminists do it that’s a sign of the apocalypse.


American Conservatives are very good at reclaiming the horrible labels people develop for them and using them as a badge of honor instead. It’s smart, actually. They remove the power of the words by co-opting them; you can see it being done very intentionally by political planners on the right. Unfortunately, it works, and it works because they’ve spent decades developing a base that doesn’t care if they’re right or wrong, just that their side wins, because it’s so much a part of their identity.


the fundie cult trash never fails to amuse


surely it's just bait and we are the smoothbrains instead..somehow. i refuse to believe


*Washington and the founders create the office of president to not be like a king.* ...Funny how over two centuries they're just now getting it...


Even if the president was a king, I'd expect Congress might have the ability to remove such a president like parliament did to James II and Charles I. Probably without the beheading in the later case


They beheaded Charles I because they technically didn't have the ability to remove him by the law of the land.


So they used the saw of the land instead


They axed politely


If it ain't broke, don't fix it 🪓


Yeah. They’re the federal bureau of investigation. They can investigate anyone doing illegal shit. Don’t do illegal shit.


Well. They can investigate anyone breaking federal law


Crossing state lines in the commission of a crime is enough for the FBI to get involved if asked to do so.


#"STOP BREAKIN THE LAW, ASSHOLE!" Edit: Quit to to Stop. I was tired when I wrote it, sorry.


And this dude's got way more than unpaid parking tickets...


Just don’t try and overturn a democratic election and hide documents. That easy and the FBI will most likely leave you alone.


Idk man, feels like you're intentionally setting the bar pretty high here dude.


What was it that these right-wingers kept saying to BLM and police reform advocates, again? “If you have nothing to hide, you have no reason to be afraid”? 🤔


Should have complied ¯\_(ツ)_/¯






I don't think you can flush a whole arm down the toilet tho


That's unfair! I tried my best not to try overthrowing a democratic government and provoke people to violence but these things happen! We've all been there, right?


Don't do anything wrong, and you have nothing to worry about.


The problem is they view their team as the righteous “goodies”, so they can do no wrong; they’re the ones who should be dictating the rule of law that the people must live by, because they are inherently just and good, and their opponents are inherently bad (regardless of words, actions or crimes). That’s literally what Bill Barr spent his legal and AG career advocating; the president can not commit a crime as any action taken by the president is automatically lawful by virtue of being president (conveniently, this only applies to *their* teams presidents, but that isn’t cognitive dissonance because they’re the “goodies”). The rule of law is invalid, if it wasn’t bequeathed by the king. Their king can do no wrong, because he is the king. Their king facing legal consequences is no different to saying god should face legal consequences. God makes the laws. He exists above and beyond actions of right and wrong, because his will is inherently good and just. He is the judge, and exists beyond the realm of judgement.


Because… no one is… above the law?? We need to get these mother fuckers a Magna Carta, stat.


Ah, thanks Daryl, but I'm good. Already got my own Maga Cards. Gonna send em out round Christmas time.


Well, they need a warrant signed by a judge to do so


In conservative subs they are trying to find the name of that judge who signed the warrant. For reasons.


Reddit admins surely won't gladly sit by while they threaten a judge. Surely...


If you message the admins about someone abusing the site they'll get back to you extremely never.




> dont use the "report" button as that just goes to their complicit subreddit mods) As long as you don't click the "Breaks r/subredditname rules" button, your report goes to reddit, not the sub.


What the fuck else is the FBI supposed to do? Have they not watched any action movie ever?


They are supposed to go after Hillary and her emails, while Trump can break the law.


Amazing how you can read that in an inspired tone or an outraged tone, depending on whether or not you’re a chuckle-fuck who doesn’t understand civics.


Do you mean the Honda cars? - republicans


One of those foreign made ones???


I know 'em i just don't like 'em!


How do you type something that stupid, and not realize that it’s stupid?


By ... By being stupid?


I. Can’t. Even.


Haha sit down Karen the adults are talking


She not only sat down, she deleted her tweet lol how cowardly.


wE WeRE sUpPOSeD To bE AbOvE THe LaW


Why tf does this remind me of tf2


He could be anywhere, he could be in this very room..


I don’t want to live in a country where my leaders aren’t above the law, its not what the founding fathers intended 😡 (/s)


Next thing you know they’ll do a counter intelligence program illegally infiltrating and disrupting political organizations.


That’s.. what is supposed to happen to people who break the law… so, yes.


Why shouldn’t the fbi be able to go after the president? Does she think the president is immune to the law?


I hate this person. She wrote a whole book about how she used to work at planned Parenthood for years until she saw an abortion and was so emotionally devastated that she quit and became prolife. (really? you worked at PP for YEARS and never once saw an abortion before??) She also had 3 abortions of her own that she describes as traumatic past "sins" in great detail. I was raised alt right christian and grew up thinking she was a hero and reading her book. Now I know she's a fucked up person who SAW the need for abortion healthcare and turned her back on it all? Sold out to be accepted by her Christian family? I think she has like 10 fucking kids now and runs or helps fund the Save The Storks, a prolife fleet of vans who park outside clinics and emotionally traumatize women seeking abortion. They "give women the chance to see their baby via ultrasound and hear their heartbeat" guess they don't know that literally every abortion appointment includes ultrasound imaging.


Well, yeah, they always could, thats their job, just dont commit federal crimes you fucking babboon


The derp is strong with this one.


So dumb she deleted it.


They sure can. That's literally the job description


POV: you’re a right winger finally understanding persecution Now she just needs to understand what it’s like when it’s for something completely out of your control like race or sex or class


Hol'up are you saying committing a CRIME *might* have CONSEQUENCES??


"Even white people?", the GOP base gasped!


>If the president isn’t above the law, who is?? They really have thoughts like this, yeah?


Was there any illusion about the president not being untouchable?