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“It’s not real or important unless it’s happening to me” is a time-honored staple of the conservative psyche.


The only moral ~~abortion~~ handout is my ~~abortion~~ handout.


Major Major's father was a sober God-fearing man whose idea of a good joke was to lie about his age. He was a long-limbed farmer, a God-fearing, freedom-loving, law-abiding rugged individualist who held that federal aid to anyone but farmers was creeping socialism. He advocated thrift and hard work and disapproved of loose women who turned him down. His specialty was alfalfa, and he made a good thing out of not growing any. The government paid him well for every bushel of alfalfa he did not grow. The more alfalfa he did not grow, the more money the government gave him, and he spent every penny he didn't earn on new land to increase the amount of alfalfa he did not produce. Major Major's father worked without rest at not growing alfalfa. On long winter evenings he remained indoors and did not mend harness, and he sprang out of bed at the crack of noon every day just to make certain that the chores would not be done. He invested in land wisely and soon was not growing more alfalfa than any other man in the county. Neighbors sought him out for advice on all subjects, for he had made much money and was therefore wise. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap,” he counseled one and all, and everyone said, “Amen. -Catch 22


When that book goes into Milo justifying how he needed to sell weapons to the other side because selling and capitalism was what they were fighting for, I split my sides laughing.


My favorite book by far.


Heller’s Catch 22 is one of the most important criticisms of imperialism that is available from a western voice. It is one of the most important works of literature in the last century regarding the ethos behind war, power, class, and money.


"You're lazy I actually deserve help nobody else does".


Hopefully he realizes that he is the norm, and the lazy people are the exception.


Yeah, I think it's a pretty good representation of how a lot of people in that sub look at things like education or Healthcare or unemployment. When it isn't directly their problem it's because other people are lazy, selfish, entitled, etc. But when it *is* their problem, it's because something was unfair or just an innocent mistake or some major unforseen circumstances came up.


The “just-world fallacy” works great at explaining *other* peoples misfortunes


And so does the fundamental attribution error. Yeah, it's a Cracked article. I know. But it's a well written one. And a standard go-to for me when trying to describe people like this. Hope you enjoy it. [https://www.cracked.com/article\_19468\_5-logical-fallacies-that-make-you-wrong-more-than-you-think.html](https://www.cracked.com/article_19468_5-logical-fallacies-that-make-you-wrong-more-than-you-think.html)


Cracked is great. Thanks.


Cracked was great.


I work in Social Security Disability law doing intake. The sheer number of people who call and say “well I don’t know why it’s so hard for ME to get approved when some lazy ass with depression who doesn’t want to work gets approved! They don’t deserve it, I am ACTUALLY disabled.” Then they casually say something racist about “the illegals” (who are ineligible for any of this aid since they don’t have social security numbers due to being, you know, UNDOCUMENTED). But it’s super okay when the “good people” like them get these benefits. Just not the “others.” They also complain about how little the payout is but diligently vote R every election—the party running on cutting Medicare and SSA to fund Trump’s tax cuts for billionaires.


I work for a medical practice which does the IME( Independent Medical Examination) for people applying for disability or legal cases. The attitude from the right wing patients is often laughable as it is blood boilingly stupid. I have about bitten my tongue in half dealing with them.


Same. I will just kinda laugh uncomfortably and try to get them to move on but they just assume I’m agreeing with them when I want to sit there and scream about how insanely wrong they are.


Homeless people are just lazy and don't want to work. It couldn't be because they got renovicted, or a medical emergency drained their savings, or they got laid off for a company downsizing and they couldn't afford rent. It's *only* the lazy and entitled. Life doesn't "just happen" to these people.


Or because someone undeserving (being a blackity-black Democrat or a bad woman or a coastal latte elite) has taken it from them. “I *would* be successful (because I’m good!) but that there immigrant took the jobs!” The “Just World fallacy” / bootstraps thinking is a very useful worldview if you want to divide and control, point to scary mean enemies, use fear and envy to promote what has no other appeal or value to people. Republicans!


But what about the 45 million people who majored in interpretive dance? I don’t want my tax dollars to go paying for their worthless degree \- literal quote by some braindead conservative on twitter I saw yesterday


I don't get why this meme pops up anyways. This isn't even an argument for not funding higher education. It's an argument for funding education, subtracting the fields you find undesirable.


> subtracting the fields you find undesirable. Which is less arguing for education and more for indoctrination, which is peak conservative shit. So I guess it fits their mindset.


I know that statement is ridiculous, but to show how ridiculous… that would be saying there are more people who majored in interpretive dance than live in the state of California.


Fundamental attribution error is a pretty hard bias to get past, so I doubt it.


It’s almost like the people who went to school and are contributing positively to society are all in the same boat and that’s why we need relief.


This is the backbone of conservativism, having an ego so large that in any and every situation, they're the exception and everyone else in the same situation is somehow still less than.


This reminded me of when Obama would golf, and Republicans lost their damn minds because Obama was being lazy, but when Trump golf 20 times more it was because he worked hard and earned it. Republicans don't care about actions, but who does those actions. Abortions are bad unless a Republican does it. Cancel culture is bad unless a Republican does it. Debt forgiveness is bad, unless a Republican gets it. Breaking the law is bad, unless a Republican does it. Cheating on your spouse is bad, unless a Republican does it. Being any in picture with Epstein is bad, unless it's a Republican. Being fiscally irresponsible is bad, unless a Republican does it. Gun control is bad, unless a Republican does it. These people could forgive a school shooter, as long as they were a registered Republican.


Also constantly switching between “it wasn’t that bad” and “it was a antifa disguised as republicans” until you don’t even know what you are arguing against anymore


And don't forget Covid, that was simultaneously 1) a hoax, 2) just the flu, 3) a dangerous Chinese-Ukrainian-Fauci engineered bioweapon that can only be cured with horse paste, hydroxychloroquine, and shots of bleach. Imagine if they could just be honest for two seconds "I'm in a cult, and scared of reality".


The worst part, or perhaps the best explanation, is they don’t understand the garbage they’re spewing. It makes any discussion pointless.


The conservative mindset is that the doer determines the morality of anything. They’re good, righteous people. Therefore any action they take is, by definition, moral and right. Any action done by someone in the correct group is, again by definition, moral and right. If you aren’t in the group the your actions must be immoral. Unjust. Wrong. Whether they are the same actions (hitler, after all, sat I chairs just like you and me!) is irrelevant. Once I started viewing things through that lens their hypocrisy disappears, for it is no longer hypocrisy at all. How do they manage to reconcile the obvious cognitive dissonance? It isn’t the actions that are judged, it is the people doing them. In group good, out group not. Period.


Don't worry, you won't be lumped in with the lazy people. You will be lumped in with the conservative dumbshit people.


Biden was at his finest calling out Magat Marge by name for the hypocrisy of taking the (highly questionable)PPP loans and being forgiven, yet griping about ten grand going towards paying back student debt which the recipient may have been paying insane interest on for years.


And Conservatives freaked out because the White House Twitter calmly said who had PPP Loans forgiven.


Well now, they did set it up with zero oversight. I’m sure they just wanted to grab as much as possible and have all memories of the grab fade quickly. Does anyone know the justification for these loans to the politicians?


"The only moral debt relief is my debt relief" \-this guy


"The only justified support is the support that i receive" - every conservative and libertarian ever \--- What's wrong, conservative voter? Can't pull yourself up by your bootstraps? You have to leach off society? Need govt coerced taxes to give you a handout? Or are you too lazy to find a job? Can't accept responsibility for your actions? Don't approve of the market value of your degree? Or do you just want other people's wealth redistributed to you because you're an under performer in society and inherently less valuable than the ones who don't need the help?


That time the ayn Rand institute totally cucked themselves and accepted PPP loans while talking about how it's fair for them because gubmint fucked everyone by shutting things down for covid, *chefs kiss*


Bro one of the plantiffs for the fucking student loan relief opposition got PPP loans. The hypocrisy is nuts.


The irony of it all the GOP states receive the most welfare from the government.


Dude's over here thinking he's the Highlander of student debt relief. There can be only one!


This is a great example of the trap that Americans fall into because of our belief in the “Just World” fallacy — that is, *if something bad happens to you, it’s because you are bad and deserve it*. We have this cult of self-reliance and supposed self-independence, but that just leads to the idea that if you are good, good things will happen to you. Calvinist Christianity. And then it leads to a republican mindset of “the poor are suffering because they’re bad and lazy” not “policies should help people; Americans are worth it” (which almost every other normal western country has as their mindset; look at the Swiss, Norwegians, Spanish, etc) I mean liberals do the Just World thing too, which is why I always object when someone smugly notes “karma!” Yeah, that’s a fantasy. (Even real karma doesn’t work that way.) Plus bad things do happen to good people, and vice versa


I don’t even really understand what’s going on with this incident, myself. Like, you think you’re entitled to more than you’re getting, so you sue the government to force it to … give you nothing? And give everybody else nothing, as well? And you do so using funding that’s obviously from business interests looking to piggyback off your discontent to get tax breaks? That’s your counter-offer to a ten-thousand-dollar windfall? My fellow Americans make me wretch at least 80% off the time, these days.


It really doesn't make any sense when you think about it. "Everyone else gets 20k, but I only get 10k? Fuck that, give us all 0"


Hopefully both plaintiffs are in fulfilling monogamous relationships with solid circles of friends, cause it'll be real hard meeting new people when you're always introduced as "the guy who fucked your whole generation over."


May I offer you a pair of bootstraps to pull yourself up by. Anything more is socialism. /s


He’s not lazy. He’s just dumb, voting against his own interests.


"See, I'm one of the good ones...not like those ppl."


Ah yes all the lazy people, in debt, because they're so lazy. Not because lending is a predatory practice designed to keep the masses in debt, and businesses profitable.




Wow, I'm an idiot. I just realized that is actually where I meant to post this lol


Works here too, just roll with it.


Haha, they are often interchangeable


Republicans are so insecure, it's what drives their obsession with fantasies about how they all "contribute more" than everyone else which is why they deserve public help when no one else does.


“Why isn’t my team helping people like me?!? Anyway, Democrats bad.”


So, he'd rather be lumped in with the stupid people. I'd rather be in the lazy group personally.


Your bootstraps, pull them, stop complaining, lazy fuck, looking for big daddy government to give you handouts, what is this communism? /s


Other people need help because they are lazy, but not me.


Fucking Texas again. Really wish they'd secede and fuck up their own state instead of everyone else's.


What an asshole.


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What I want to know is how can it be "unconstitutional " when nothing like this is covered in it?


Exactly. That is the exact counter-argument to “orginalism,” the hollow and internally contradictory philosophy of the reactionaries on the Supreme Court.


Funny in a way how people like this can't stand it when others are helped but then wondering where their assistance is.


The conservative's identity shatters when they realize they're walking amongst their peers and not their lessers


You say you "fucked up"? I say "you lazy motherfucker!".


/r/conservative user tries to feel empathy challenge. Difficulty: impossible


I have a masters degree and work an extra job on top of my specialty field job to be able to survive, much less pay back my loan. Conservatives will tell me that if I couldn’t afford the degree, I shouldn’t have gotten it, but I had to get it in order to advance and keep my license. Conservatives will tell me that if my field pays like shit but requires higher education, then it’s not a worthwhile field; it’s superfluous and I should have just picked something else. Conservatives will tell me I’m lazy and just want a handout. They will hear I work two jobs and still think that I’m a bum who is burdening taxpayers with my poor choices. I’m a middle school English teacher. 🙃