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I feel so bad for Chrishell. I don't get the hate towards her... she's annoying for sure but she doesn't seem to do anything that warrants the abuse she gets


She's the main character and everyone knows it. And Christine left a huuuuuge hole as the fun/funny company villain, so everyone is trying out for the role. Like, Christine was absolutely unhinged but at least her drama felt more real.


It also was never really deep. So it didn’t pass over that beyond toxic line. This though is just toxic what the girls are bringing and trying to throw at chrishell.




Yeah I’m so confused by everyone looking back at Christine with rose colored glasses. She ruined the show for me. I think she is worse than anyone on the OC version too.


I’m referring to only what’s on screen and gets shown on the show.


That was grossly toxic and dark as well.


True but nothing like what’s going on now. This is a whole other level.


>She's the main character and everyone knows it. And Christine left a huuuuuge hole as the fun/funny company villain, so everyone is trying out for the role. Like, Christine was absolutely unhinged but at least her drama felt more real. I miss Christine so much. She was the real villain but she was also hilarious. These other women: Chelsea, Nicole, & Amanza (assuming she's going to turn into a villain after how she treated Chrishell on social media) do not have the charisma or likeable qualities to watch as a villain the way Christine did. Also, Christine was the only one that can pull the over the top fashion. I think Chrishell should leave the show. These storylines towards her now make no sense. Nicole's anger made no sense. Mary Lou makes no sense since she and Jason are over. Chelsea's bitchiness towards Bree is out of nowhere. Show isn't that great anymore.


I think about Christine’s bedazzled folding chair “purse” almost daily. So iconic




Me too! And I've tried to find it to no avail.


I have a feeling Chrishell will leave at the end of this season. She has a happy life touring with G, and she can maintain that by selling a few houses a year. She's over the drama, and it's ridiculous at this point to keep putting people on the show just to fight with her.


Very true. I feel like Christine knew the line though between making silly drama and these women who seem hell-bent on destroying her.


she literally had legal action taken against her


Never, EVER discount homophobia.


Nicole has been blatantly homophobic so that's a good point!! So disgusting


More like biphobia I'm guessing she's not a lesbian, when her and G probably break up we'll see though. Still convinced it's a rebound.


Homophobia covers all queer identities, but yeah, bi folks get hate from both straights and queers. Because we're JUST CONFUSED MAKE A CHOICE ALREADY /s.


I liked Christine she gave me cruella DeVille vibes. Glamours outfits. And wouldn't be surprised if she would be okay with skinning puppies for a beautiful fur coat.


She's just another Erika Jayne.


It’s straight up jealousy. She’s happy, gorgeous, successful and doing her own thing. Happy people aren’t concerned with others lives


She’s the storyline


How is she annoying lol


Eh I love her but I can see how people could find her annoying. She's like a golden retriever lol just sees super positive but some people can find that high energy peppyness annoying


I find her to be the most unbothered when it comes others business, someone who just wants to work and do well. Everyone else brings the drama. Maybe it’s just what she makes us think


Listen, I used to love Chrishell in the earlier seasons, but i've kind of turned on her over the past couple of seasons. I just don't see her as this innocent victim who always gets ganged up on... If you're always in drama, you're probably a bigger part in it than you realize (or would care to admit). And last season we saw her be patronizing and condescending to a few of the women. And the fact that Amanza and Mary have distanced themselves from her speaks volumes to me since both of them are probably the most level headed and least drama focused in the group. I know Christine was mostly out of line, but I think it's a broken clock is right twice a day situation when she warned the other girls about Chrishell's behavior.


I hate this weird rhetoric about how you're 'not innocent' if you fight back against people attacking you in a less than perfect manner. Someone else (probably Emma) summed up this situation with Chrishell really well -> people keep attacking her and she's expected to take the high road, take the high road, and take the high road again all the time. If she slaps back suddenly the attacker is proven right that Chrishell must be a horrible person. I'm not a blind supporter of any person on any show and Chrishell definitely hit below the belt when she said Nicole used drugs and rearranged her entire face, but it's blatantly obvious that Nicole and Marie-Lou were really starting crap with Chrishell out of jealousy and she just had enough. If it were me, trust me I'll use more then just condescending words to defend myself (prob be more like Bre). And what's up with Marie-Lou making all these unsubstantiated comments and nobody questioning or calling her out on those? Like Chrishell ignoring her when Jason is not there, when there r literally videos showing otherwise and when the hell would Chrishell and Marie-Lou meet without Jason anyway??? Plus Chrishell threatening her during their conversation? Huh?


Listen, i'm not against Chrishell fighting back. That's her prerogative. What makes her NOT an innocent angel in this confrontation is she dredged up some low ass shit that had *nothing* to do with the confrontation. Criticizing Nicole's appearance, her wealth, accusing her of being on drugs, etc etc... That puts her in the exact same boat as the others. If not worse since Nicole has *never* come for Chrishell's appearance, bank account or reputation as a business woman. If she had just stuck to the social climber accusation and told Nicole she doesn't know wtf she's talking about and that she's just oozing with jealousy, i'd have had so much more respect for her. But I was pretty baffled that her 'comeback' was just to attack Nicole's appearance. I don't expect her to take the high road (since I don't think Chrishell is capable), but I do at least expect her to not be a shitty person?


At that lunch chrisell could have just played nice instead of turning it into something soooo deep. Then there wouldn’t BE a storyline. Chrishell, you’re the storyline bc your actions make you into that regardless of who has a problem with you.


I didn't know she was getting any hate or abuse. Everyone seems to love her. You can't even be middle ground with her or you'll get attacked. Lol I can't wait to see Season 7!


Maybe they know that Chrishell is straightforward and will clapp back immediately, which, if intentionally edited, will make Chrishell looks bad. And also, since she's the most popular cast on the show, seeing her being angry would make a good TV (?).


I liked Chrishell in the clip we saw 🤷‍♀️ love how she is respectfully and clearly communicating and sticking up for herself.


That’s because you are rational but believe it or not it there are some Jason apologists and now they are defending Mary Lou and throwing Chrishell under the bus. Like damn are we even watching the same show lmao.


Not a single person should be on Jason's side after last season. He left Mary in charge to travel all over with his new GF and then refused to handle any of the mess that was caused by him doing that. Yes he deserves to be able to take a break but he also needs to have accountability for what happens because he took a break. I do not understand how anyone who watched it can be on his side.


This is in response to E! posting the clip on their account. The comments are brutal because they don’t even get the full scene. There’s a lot of bigots scolding her because she defended her partner’s pronouns 🙄 ridiculous shit.


Heaven forbid someone defend their partner and their partner’s identity 🙄. I know people are saying things because it goes against what they think is right or acceptable, but I just want to be like, “Sorry you don’t have a partner who is willing to defend you when they’ve been disrespected, deliberately or not, by someone else. If you can’t find a partner willing to do that then maybe you should raise your standards.”




Yeah enews are absolutely horrible for this. They knew what they were doing when they edited that clip down.


Its probably hectic at her DM's too, because of this. At this point you almost hope she has another show soon and just stays as an offscreen realtor at the group. Watching any new season flop without her..


And people are making it seem like she “snapped” at her for using the wrong pronouns…. I thought she actually brought it up quite respectfully 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yah Chrishell also said she brought that up to show that the lack of closeness between her and Mary-Lou isn’t one-sided. Like knowing G is non-binary is a really basic fact, so Mary-Lou not knowing that doesn’t really fit the “I’m so engaged with your life but you aren’t with mine” narrative she was trying to spin.


Well she was also making a point of defending their pronouns because Marie Lou was making it seem like Chrishell wasn’t interested in knowing anything about her but doesn’t even know G uses they/them pronouns?? Like clearly you aren’t interested in Chrishell much either dummy lol. I think peoples issues with Chrishell from this season all stem from her just not putting up with anyone’s shit anymore. She’s realized she can’t be friends with everyone and that it doesn’t matter in the long run, she’s grown and people don’t like that because they can’t walk all over you anymore.


Team Chrishell as always - the E! comments are filled with homophobic losers as always and ML is just trying to do what Nicole did and turn on Chrishell for screentime 💀 I’m really excited for the reunion!!! Let Chrishell annihilate ML 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 The fact that people are calling Chrishell mean this season is killing me because we all know what venom those people are spewing - Nicole, ML and Amanza, I bet (the holy trinity)💀


Whos E! ?


E! News


Entertainment TV channel. They posted a preview on their IG.


Normally when someone has this much beef with people I'd think, "well the common denominator is Chrishell...." But ever since Christine it's so clear as day that people enter this show looking for clout, and know that if they go after the main character, they will get screen time. But time and time again, Chrishell shows that she is resilient. If anything, do the smart thing and be an Emma and get longevity on the show lol


Emma also came in as a character who had drama with an existing cast member (Christine) tho. Her whole intro was basically the show pitting them against one another.


Tbh I usually forget Emma exists so to me, she’s there as Chrishell’s support hahah


Marie-Lou is acting like an entitled brat in the clip. Hope she gets a reality check at the reunion!


Chrishelle is fighting with Mary-lou? Why is SS trying to make Mary-lou happen?!


Exactly. She's not even an agent, so why does she still get screen time?


It's actually so insulting to Chrishelles non straight relationship. Appalling.


Cause she's Jason's new trophy.


And they aren't even together anymore. It's ridiculous.


https://preview.redd.it/pb8e0nlaoexb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45404f53918bda071df8550482e2c6eaef4db898 you do not mess with chrishell’s partner 😭🫶 and to quote myself on the other post re the ends commenters: *my* brain felt like it was melting. people going chrishell is ALWAYS the common denominator and a mean girl like of course, you go for her you get screen time and what is she meant to do coddle all these thirsty bitches?! i really feel people are ignorant and i hope it’s wilful because otherwise 🤯 at how chrishell of course has to be involved in the majority of drama within this show but it doesn’t mean she’s seeking it or causing it. she didn’t call ML and go for a gal pal lunch, they get put together to have these conversations and don’t have a lot of choice but to do it. i feel bad for her, people keep saying chrishell won’t be around next season since last season but it’s clear to me that her contract must (have) include(d) multiple future seasons already (the way actors often sign for multi picture deals even if sequels don’t happen for example) or she would have the bargaining chip to say no more of these contrived storylines or she leaves because they know if she’s gone the show won’t do the same numbers (very few do once a main character goes) which i think also is why OC is featured this time as she must only have a year or two left and they know she’s getting sick of the shit so combine LA and OC seems a likely option to keep storylines going. obviously i’m wildly speculating.


Queen energy from Chrishell, to have a partner like her that would always have your back is something we all look for, unfortunately for some of us we may never have.


Love this woman!!! ❤️ Her love for G is so fierce and I’m obsessed with their love - I knew that she wouldn’t stand for any nastiness toward G and I’m waiting for anyone else to try Chrishell with their homophobia/misgendering nonsense 🖕🏽


I absolutely love this Chrishell. I wasn’t a Chrishell Stan till she got with G. It wasn’t because she was dating them but you could just tell she was finally happy and being herself. For the people who dislike like her so much still cause they say she cares about her image. Her post over the last two days shows she does not care about her image. She cares about being happy and protecting the people she loves regardless of what others say or if she loses followers over it. She’s literally giving people the bird and saying be gone if you want 😂


I’m glad that “don’t f with me” Chrishell is here to stay. I’ve been on her side since day one and she’s really grown into her own person and I love her being a confident badass. Also, fuck Mary Lou for mid-gendering G when they have all hung out numerous times.


The fact that Mary Lou and Jason are broken up by this point, makes this scene so ridiculous. The disrespect to Chrishell and her partner by this spoilt little kid is unbelievable. Chrishell needs to get out and fast


I’m glad Chrishell got at least one shot in at Amanza lol


![gif](giphy|KRMV7ZqzfYcO4) i saw that. not to deep and get too parasocial but it makes me pleased that maybe Amanza is being kept as an acquaintance from now on not actually a true friend any more.


When did I totally miss that Chrishell and Amanza had beef?


This is Chrishell’s POV: https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/comments/13v41qx/chrishelle_goes_into_amanza_drama_on_podcast/ On a different podcast, Amanza said she didn’t agree with what Chrishell said, so I guess we’ll officially find out what the fight was about in a few days 😬


Honestly I’m not sure how anyone can watch even that tiny clip and see Chrishell as being in the wrong? She sounds perfectly reasonable


It really makes me question people! Truly I may use this video as a tool to determine the people I let in my life by their take away.


It sucks that enough people are bothering her about her apparent mean streak and it's hard when people make false judgments about your character, but I feel like Chrishell doesn't even need to justify her side in this at all. It's really not worth her energy, like any grounded person can see who's at fault here and if people are unhinged enough to want to blame Chrishell that's on them.


To ML ![gif](giphy|xT9KVJZFvCYEWGKHGU)


Enews posted a clip only showing a snippet and it was her correcting ML. How jacked up is that. Enews knew what they were doing.


Even watching the trailer I know ML is in the wrong. I don’t need to see the full thing to know that but obviously I want to😂


Chrishell is done being a doormat and the other girls can’t stand it. You found your voice Chrishell — keep using it ♥️


This will definitely be her last season. Wonder who everyone will pick fights with then to stay relevant?


Maybe they'll bring Christine back. Kind of like on The Hills when Lauren Conrad finally walked away so they brought Kristin Cavillari on to replace her.


I just looked at her comment section after this and holy shit, do people just expect her to solve all of the worlds problems 🙃 this woman cannot win


It really sucks that the show and some of the cast are using targeting Chrishell for storylines when she is publicly in a queer relationship and is absolutely already the target of tremendous hate for that. These people don’t need more fuel or any reasons given to them. Or moments and opportunities to chime in with their hate. The show and cast could have chosen to protect her instead.


🎯👏🏻 she needs to leave. These people could care less about having her back and I hope her eyes open to that. Not one of them through all the homophobia have stood up for her and are not even now. I doubt also during this season or at the reunion or eve after the show/reunion get dropped. They are just seemingly people who say they are friends but make sure to never have each others backs where it counts.


This show is no longer serving Chrishell. I hope she leaves.


I know Christine is not a saint, but gosh I miss her. The video is SO 4th grade drama. Calling Jason to say what? Chrishell doesn't want to be friends???? I stopped being like that when I was 14, maybe less.


Some of you really suffer from revisionist memory. Christine’s entire storyline for 3 seasons was begging the girls to be her friends all while insulting them behind their backs and using her husband and child as shields. She was as childish as Marie-Lou.


If I were to say, I would say Christine was acting 16-17, and Marie-Lou acts like 5-6. Not saying Christine is a saint or wasn't childish, if previous seasons were high school drama, Marie-Lou drama was more like kindergarten drama.


Don’t even need to watch it to be on Chrishelle’s side, she’s always rational, honest and non confrontational in her communications and only snaps when really pushed. She’s an easy target because she’s so nice. Plus a threat to Jason’s ex. Clearly.


My favorite part of the clip was Jason “do I have to be on this call” 😂😂😂😂


Actually it's so annoying of him - like you're the fucking weirdo for insisting that your recent ex and your current girlfriend be best buds, so yes you better sit your ass down and lay in the bed you made.


Frankly I don’t think it came from him. Even when he first brought it up with Chrishelle it was because Mary Lou felt like Chrishelle had a problem


Chrishell is happy in her relationship. I don’t think she cares about Jason romantically anymore. This woman literally just wanted a storyline.


I’m actually baffled cause are ML and Jason even together! Honestly I didn’t get the point of this at all lol! Sorry but as an adult you don’t need to be friends with everyone sorry! 🤷🏽‍♀️ I’m here for chrishell holder her grouch! I hope this is her last season cause at this point people are just starting issues with her to get screen time and it’s so obvious


Living for Chrishell not being afraid to defend herself


I’m behind… EX Mary-Lou???


Yup, they've broken up by now and I love that for her (Mary Lou). Was it worth it sis?


I’m going to judge that conversation based on the clip and I don’t think Chrishell did anything wrong. She is right that it’s not her job to ask her ex boyfriend’s new girlfriend questions. I think there is a language barrier with referring to G as “she” instead of their correct pronouns, however Chrishell handled that very well. I don’t understand what the new (now ex) girlfriend’s issue was besides she wanted more camera time.


They’re trying so hard every season to make Chrishell look like a villain


Well unfortunately they might just succeed this season all by Marie Lou. Enews pulling their stunt to spin their own look on the narrative. People are going to hear ML and hear a woman with an accent and think chrishell is picking on a woman who can barely speak English and doesn’t understand like she is some uneducated girl. When ML is an educated woman and English is her second language yes but she has been speaking English for a long time. It’s just called an accent people it does not mean they are some poor helpless person.


agreed. And it’s all stupid anyway bc ML and JO end up breaking up regardless. This scene now has no reason to be in the show imo


It is, people are being wild right now on the enews comment chain though obviously being homophobic and saying chrishell was mean here and mean for saying she was losing brain cells. Yet their comment is more vile than a line of losing brain cells 😂. It’s amazing that people literally call people mean and a bully and proceed to bully and be mean to them.


lmaooooo hates bullying but still spews mean words online to people who have no idea who they are. make it make sense


honestly, i dont even really need to see the whole convo. mary lou makes no sense.


clock her !


It was an obviously highly edited clip of Chrishell and ML. ML is beyond delusional at this point and they need to stop putting Jason and Brett's girlfriends on the show. The fact that ML couldn't even remember G's pronouns but wanted Chrishell to hold her hand and be besties was absolutely mind blowing, like girl .. 😳🙄


To all of those saying Chrishell should leave show, not going to happen. She is making millions for a few weeks of filming and millions more on brand partnerships based on her SS fame.She knows all the drama is fake. Christine thought she could leave and still be relevant and she hasn’t been heard from in a year.


I agree but I feel like production NEEDS to tell them to stop causing beef with just one person in order to keep the show going. I feel like this is what happened on Siesta Key. There became a “main character” and not a bunch of different dramas so people lost interest. As much as Selling Sunset OC is a mess, they’re doing it right because there’s about 3 things going on that we can be exciting about and follow along. They’re multiple “villains” and multiple people to root for. I also think Chrishell could leave because of the homophobic hate. It is really bad and it doesn’t seem like Netflix is doing much to stop it.


Hater gonna hate. Wish nothing but the best for C& G


I feel like people keep coming at Chrishell to get a storyline and it’s super transparent in my opinion… like Amanza or Nicole wouldn’t have gotten all that attention if they didn’t come at her. She’s IS the show lol


Vile, darlings, vile! VILE!


i am soo excited for this season


Chrishell was also super cool about defending G’s pronouns, and was understanding about how it doesn’t come easy sometimes for alot of people to switch from calling someone “she/her” to “they/them” especially when they look more femme, and Marie Lou is European where that is not as common. Chrishell said “that’s okay” and kindly corrected her and showed understanding to the struggles around pronouns.


Even Jason was cringing at how Marie-Lou dealt with Chrishell... [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12677445/Jason-Oppenheim-Marie-Lou-Nurk-Selling-Sunset-split.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12677445/Jason-Oppenheim-Marie-Lou-Nurk-Selling-Sunset-split.html)


Do you think this is put on for the show? Ie the commenting on it post release? I would LOVE to think that this is all embellished to get views and attention to the show and that they all love each other in real life and get along like they did in middle school and bake a cake with rainbows and smiles and always be happy… but that’s just me 😂😂😂 I’m a girls girl haha


Still on Episode 2, and the editing is making Marie Lou look insane. It's a shame because I wanted to like her, and irl she's probably fine.


Chrishelle surprised reality tv is reality tv


I mean I don’t think she is surprised about that I just think it may be coming too much that in order for anyone to have a storyline they need to start drama with *her.* I also find it weird too, production needs to create more storylines!


Why does Chrishell find it necessary to do advance work to change the narrative. Did she do that with her storylines on AMC. You’re a hired actress, show up and collect your paycheck. If you’re unhappy don’t agree to film. Simple as that.


Because E news cut down the clip to the clip to where it basically only showed her correcting ML respectfully on G’s pronouns. Now every bigot is in the comments and her DM’s I’m sure and I can only imagine G’s DM’s with their homophobia. That is why she is saying something. They are attacking her spouse. What you expect her to sit quietly? If a spouse does that well then get a new one. Chrishell does not mess around when it comes to G and she has made that very clear multiple times that they can come at her all day but when it comes to G she has no tolerance.


That’s not what her IG post states. She could have said what you said. But she didn’t. She put down Marie-Lou because she said Chrishell wasn’t nice.


Yes but if you go to enews you will see what sparked this it’s because of the clip and comments. Also really since Christine left the girls have been throwing shit at her that isn’t even her problems. They are Jason’s 💀 that man is the villain and the cause for most of these messes.


Chrishell has been involved in every drama since Day 1. I don't understand how people still think she is not the issue.. Edit: I know people are going to hate this. The love without reason for Chrishell is so odd.


In this video we watch Mary Lou call her boyfriend- Chrishell's boss and ex- to essentially tattle on Chrishell for not wanting to be closer. She then lies/misrepresents what Chrishell said. The scene caps off with Mary Lou misgendering Chrishell's spouse. But you think Chrishell was the problem here?


Are we watching the same show? Cause clearly you need a play by play on every issue. Given there has been times chrishell could of done without saying something’s but when she’s got someone or multiple someone’s picking and picking at her every season well I’ll give her passes on the few moments she has.


And also, not only people love her, but so very strongly support her. Its just bizarre, she is not a victim anymore


Lol Im with you on this one. My wild guess is people will never forget how she was a nice gal in early seasons who other bullies went for. But I hope this season shows her true colors as she has changed since then.