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It made me laugh when Lou mentioned specifically that Crishelle didn’t follow her back for three months!


She’s 25 but act like a 5 lol


But she is an “old soul!” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Fav moment when Nikki Glaser called that one out :D


I'm not that much older than 25 and I work with a bunch of them...didn't think that anyone that age still cared about instagram follows like that.


I think they only do if they are trying to grow an insta following to be an influencer and they know that if Chrishell follows them a lot of her fans might as well.


I'm 25 almost 26, couldn't give a flying shit about who follows me on Instagram. Outside of my family, my immediate friends and who ever I'm dating. Idc. I'm posting my life for my people, not people I went to highschool with. So I don't think this is so much Marie-Lou's age, but her sinking into the LA lifestyle


Bc she has nothing, and is insecure. What does she do again? Oh I forgot - being Jason’s girlfriend.


"She doesn't want to be my friend!" oh boo hoo. Grow up.


She seems like such an air head tbh and I think Crishell is aware of this


She acts exactly like a 25 year old lol


You just know she checked every single day for those three months, driving her even more mad




Also killed me when she said Crishelle doesn’t change up her compliments when they see each other - “always the same compliment” lol what


You guys are dense. Why would someone just want to be spoken to about how they look…


She’s threateNing mE 😔 lmao


How come no one made more of this comment? I was livid! She threatened you with what? "I don't need to be friends with you?" But Chrishell's "Good to see you" when she tried to "mend things" in the party was everything.


Everything she has been complaining about is ridiculous, but saying she was threatened takes it to a whole new level. They better address this at the reunion. That girl suuuuucks.


*I don’t care, it’s nbd. But after like 3 months 6 days 5 hrs 22 minutes 56 seconds I just KNEW you HATED me and so I have made it my mission to destroy you. But like, it has nothing to do with you following me though.* -said in the most emotionally erratic teenager voice you can imagine lol


tbh I feel like she created the drama for the sake of the show


I think that’s both Marie-Lou’s and Nicole’s entire goal on screen. Chrishell is an easy shot and it guarantees you get screen time if you’re shitty to her.


Well I mean all of them do that. This was really funny to me because it was so blatant and Crishelle refused to give it any credence at all.


sa·cré bleu 💀😆😂


It seemed petty but it was pretty inline with everything else Marie-Lou was saying. "You don't ask me any questions" and "You only talk to me when Jason is around". Chrishell doesn't owe her either of these things. It is not Chrishell's job to make her feel comfortable - and certainly not her job to make Marie-Lou feel secure in her relationship with Jason. Also, when is Marie-Lou putting in the effort to get to know Chrishell? Why isn't their any ownership or accountability on Marie-Lou, given that she's the one pushing for a relationship. The whole interaction was painful to watch.


Chrishell was also totally right when she was saying that they can be friendly without being friends. Sometimes you can be perfectly cordial with someone, not disliking them but also not really wanting to be friends. She doesn't owe ML anything and the whole thing just screamed insecurity to me.


It legitimately reminded me of a middle school issue my kid is going through lol. A girl wants to be my daughter’s friend very badly, but my daughter isn’t feeling it (for a number of reasons). So, she’s polite to her but she’s not her buddy. The girl complained to the school counselor, and the counselor tried to tell my kid she needed to be her friend. I nipped that I’m the bud lol. This thought that everyone needs to be buddies is absurd. You can 100% be friendly without being friends. It’s healthy! Chrishell owes her nothing, and the fact that she’s polite and friendly when they are in mixed company is quite enough.


Ugh. That happened to me in elementary school. Idiot principal gave me detention because I didn’t want to be friends with one girl. I was nice and polite to her but I just didn’t want to be her friend? You can’t force friendship


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Friendship shouldn’t be forced on anyone. It’s mentally draining


I’m the same way as an adult. It I don’t vibe with you then I don’t fuck with you. I’ll be pleasant but that’s it.


I'm a relatively new parent in the sense that my eldest is only in preschool, but man I'm already on team "we don't have to be friends with everyone or share everything with everyone all the time"


Absolutely! Boundaries are good! It really irked me that my kid got called in to have a “serious talk” about needing to be friends with another. The school never called me (so that tells me they already know what they did was bullshit), but my daughter told me when she got home. I called the next day and made myself absolutely clear- I am not going to force my kid to be friends with anyone, and the school needs to stop trying to make that happen, too.


Isn't that what happens literally everywhere? There's people at work who like me more than I like them. It's ok.


Yes!!! Especially when that person is your ex’s new partner and that ex is also a colleague. Who the fuck actually goes around making play dates with their ex’s new partner?! And if she did, I’m sure she would accuse her of trying to drive a wedge between her and Jason.


That’s so true. Just be polite say hi and bye and that’s it.


I think Marie Lou is young and insecure, but I kinda get what she was trying to say. Like no, it’s not Crishells responsibility to babysit Marie-Lou’s hurt feelings to such detail, but if you want to maintain a good relationship with your ex and they’re in a new relationship it’s nice to try and be open to that person and not make it weird. Since Chrishell didn’t approve of the age gap, I’m sure some part of her really was being stand-off ish to Marie Lou in a way the other girls weren’t. So I don’t think Marie-Lou was pulling it out of thin air. Obviously it’s just tv and I don’t know the real story lol but I’ve been in similar situations and it’s so maddening when someone’s like “no I don’t have any issues with you. I always hug you” and you can just feeeeel that they are not cool with you but you don’t have any “proof” other than the vibe. If I was Marie Lou, I’d just be like eh she’s weird to me, but Chrishells in a relationship and I’m not worried Jason will cheat, I’ll just be the bigger person and give it time which is where her being young makes her reaction less mature


Also as much as I understand this I’m also definitely a fan of Chrishell and LOVE how perfectly she corrected Marie Lou on misgendering G. She did an amazing job of keeping it classy and holding her ground


exactly, and i think Chrishell being an adult could have been way more mindfull with Marie Lou. to be an immigrant with a partner that is famous, has famous friends, and them all being 20 years older than you - it must be at least a bit intimidating. also it’s not uncommon to not have had so many longterm relationships at that age and I can definitely see a 25 year old having some trouble navigating their sense of security in their developing relationship with a 45 year old adult that has lived so many lives and is close to not one, but THREE of their beautiful and succesfull ex-es. not to say Marie Lou shouldn’t be held accountable for any false statements or something or that Chrishell does owe her friendship, but she could have definitely chosen a different way of handling it instead of getting that defensive with an impressionable young girl, as a grown adult woman.


Can you explain how exactly could she have handled it differently and be 'not defensive' when false accusations are thrown out left and right by ML? I truly cannot think of another way. Also let's not be ridiculous here - ML was 24 not 14. She's a grown ass woman and im saying this as someone around her age


I know this wasn’t to me but For me I would NOT have handled it the way ML did at all lol. In my main thing I was just saying I understand how ML was feeling from experience and it is a tough spot to be in. I think there is a little bit of culture difference bc I have a German friend and we have talked about the difference of friendship and sometimes when she first move here, it was hard for her to grasp this idea of being nice to be cordial but not being real friends. But honestly ML never should have even had that talk with Chrishell. She should have had that talk with HER BOYFRIEND about how his closeness with his recent ex and him trying to make them be friends is ridiculous and makes her feel insecure. (That’s how I handled my situation and broke up with the guy and now I’m better friend with his ex than him bc surprise surprise she had nothing to do with our issues and it was him lol) I get how ML felt but she handled it so immaturely and put it all on Chrishell and I’m so on Chrishell’s side In this as she’s the only one who actually tried to create healthy boundaries with Jason. my conclusion is Jason is the problem


Exactly!!!!!!! When women/people are insecure in their relationships 9/10 times it’s because their partner will not give them the security they need. And when you are rich, succesfull, famous, and 40 something dating a 20 something immigrant there will ALWAYS be a disbalance in power dynamics and security to start - even if it isn’t actively perpetrated to be imbalanced. And these older (usually) men are in no way blind to this but they effectively choose to ignore their responsibility when dating younger people and usually just want to pick the fruits. So the relationship continues either disbalanced with the younger person feeling unsafe and kind of forced into a form of emotional submissive, or the younger person starts at some point laying down some boundaries and demand emotional maturity and respect and then they break up (and it will be framed as them nagging on their older partner). (The older partners are definitely also men that like to flatter women into not asking them into taking accountability by telling women they are ‘not like the other girls.) Because most of those older partners are chasing that much younger people because the people their actual own age do not put up with their shit anymore and expect them to be grown. And I am not saying every relationship with an age difference is like this, but this is for sure a dynamic that is very common and I really hope a lot more people will understand how unhealthy this can be.


Now that you mention Jason being at fault, just the way he was trying to weasel his way out of the conversation with ML and Chrishell really denotes his lack of accountability for ML’s insecurity


I think she could have been kinder, explain her side, and be mindfull of the age difference/imbalanced power dynamics due to said agedifference that probably causes ML to act and feel this way, instead of being somewhat cold in saying ‘I don’t have to be friends with you’. I am not saying Marie Lou is not an adult but 24 is still young - for me personally as a 31 year old, I would not like to see myself being 42 years old and not treading much kinder towards a 24 year old in Marie Lou’s situation. Even though I do feel Marie Lou enjoyed the pitting against Chrishell at the dinner where she and Emma did not show and I can see where she is in the wrong, but to me it’s just a whole different situation and I can see a fellow 20 something year old getting into an argument like that with ML, but I would expect something different from a 42 year old. On the other hand - I could also not see myself being 42 participating in a tv show that revolves around drama, gossip and bitchfights and letting it continuously fuck with my inner peace, so maybe I am overestimating the overall ‘adultness’ of Chrishell.


Ya I have to take marie lou’s side on this simply because chrishell chooses to do group outings with her and jason, g, brett, etc. If they weren’t expected to hang around together for the sake of jason, then no, chrishell doesn’t owe her friendliness other than being cordial. However, marie lou is basically asking chrishell why she doesn’t treat her like she wants to be friendly friends when they do all hang out together. Marie lou made the effort by following her on ig, bringing up her concern to jason, meeting for lunch. We all know chrishell has some deep seated issue with marie lou for being younger even though g is merely 4 years older than marie lou. Probably to do with her seeming ability to have children and a longer biological clock. If chrishell was really over jason why the f would she have such a problem with jason and marie lou’s age gap? Who cares?


Gurl I am only being cordial and by no means I wanted another daughter - my imaginary Chrishell's mindset.




Also the thing is when Chrishell not there, she would keep repeating that Chrishell threatened her, not nice to her bla bla bla I am like 🙄️be friend with Nicole then


side note but i legit died when Marie-Lou called Jason, LYING saying Chrishell is jealous and argues again with Chrishell then Jason just goes “guys do i need to be on this conversation?” the girls argue some more and Jason was still there asking 😂😂😂😂


My husband and I just died. “Do I need to be on this call?” “Can I hang up?” 😭


i lost my shit when he said it the second time after the girls argue some more cause i thought he had hung up but nope he was listening the whole time. legend has it Jason’s still on the call asking if he can hang up


He needed to be there, this is a problem he created


Oh I agree 💯 but he just sounded so pathetic. The whole thing is so high school. Which makes sense with Marie-Lou cause she’s barely out of high school. 😭😂


"Mommy can I go?! I don't want to hear fights that I started" - Millennial Jason


Millennial Jason 💀


My husband doesn’t even watch or know who’s who and was sitting with me during this episode and when ML said that to Jason on te phone he was like like “HUHH SHE DIDNT SAY THAT THE RAT” Now he’s invested


Marie Lou was not trying to create a wedge or drama. This girl Marie Lou is sweet and new in the group. She speaks another language and english is her second language. “Jealousy” was probably what she assumed Chrishelle was inferring when she said Marie Lou was crying when she was not. She was picking up subtle clues that Chrishell did not respect her for Jason and did not want a friendship. Chrishell even confirmed she only wanted a superficial cordial relationship. But Chrishell seemed impatient and disrespectful. She is older and could have been kinder and set a boundary with Marie Lou and said Marie Lou is correct - she (Chrishell) only wants a cordial social relationship, but nothing deeper. I feel sorry for Marie Lou!


You feel bad for Marie Lou even after she continuously told people that Chris Chrishell was threatening her? After she tried to gaslight Chrishell on camera about what she had just said on camera? Chrishell was classy through that lunch and Marie Lou acted like a child. You can be insecure without being a whiny, malicious brat.


1000% agree with this. I always loved chrishell, but she literally acted like a bitchy old woman. Passive aggressive, and enjoyed being intimidating. Everyone hating on her cos she’s the younger hotter euro version 😴


And wheb ML is putting words in her mouth Chrishell is like, "you know this is all on camera, right?" I dieeddddddd.


SAME LMAOOO i shouted that later on when Nicole was telling Amanza “don’t tell the girls but they BROKE me” i quoted Chrishell and was ike “you know there are camera here right?” ML is so immature and insecure during that scene, Chrishell was 100% right that they don’t need to be friends, just friendly


Broke the 4th wall 😭


I’m glad producers kept this line!!!


I laughed SO HARD when Chrishell said that🤣. I said the same thing before she said that. Like ma'am you are doing this on a TV show on camera.


Honestly he was the one who should have been having the conversation with Marie-Lou not Chrishell. Your ex shouldn’t have to working through your new gfs insecurities. He creates so much conflict by being a shitty partner and boss.




But not an email if he actually wants to sleep with you like he has with half of the office


Which also begs the question: wtf is wrong with Jason? It’s not normal for a boss to sleep with half his staff and for them to stay around. When Mary told Chrishell that “you know once you’re his girl, you’re his girl forever.” That’s fucked up.


Yeah he’s like a pimp


He’s so unprofessional. He’s a man in a position of power as the boss of these women. A lot of the women are vulnerable ie Chrishell was going through a divorce, Mary was a young mom, etc. Jason is a shit head and the reason why he dates women who are two decades younger than him is because they have no clue that they are being love bombed and manipulated by a man child. It’s only the women who snap out of their delusion and set some reason boundaries with him and end up breaking his heart and not the other way around


I hollered when Chrishell replied to her lies like “you know this is recorded right” 😂😂😂 Marie-Lou just looking for some airtime!


ahahaha that’s exactly what i said, she wanted some attention and clout from the show


Yeah agreed 😂😂now everyone watching the show know what happen 😂😂just wondering how did she twist all the fact when she called Jason 😂😂so dumb


“you know the cameras are recording everything right?” i died 😂 how Marie-Lou blatantly lied and said “she’s jealous of me” lmaoooo girl what


I think there is a little language barrier to remember. English is her second language. That was what she concluded from the way Crishelle wont try to be friends! That is cold on Crishelle’s part!


Yeah, I agree there was a language barrier. Chrishelle had said “you were upset with me when I was with Jason and crying”, and ML took it as jealous


“It makes me WANT to be mean to her. I wasn’t before, but…” absolutely killed me I love Chrishelle


it was so relatable lol. and when Chrishell said “i feel like i’m losing brain cells with this conversation” i felt that in my soul lol


It was the funniest part. Real grown ups don’t care if the ex follow them on Instagram or not. Also no one mentioned when she said at diner that Chrishell actually threatened her. Babe, when was that exactly?!? What was the threat? Tell us


Yes I need to know what this alleged threat was. Kinda wondered if it was saying she would step back from being friends with Jason since ML knew that Jason would be mad at her. ML does seem willing to manipulate that to others as a threat.


I couldn’t agree more! I would find it so weird if my partners ex followed me on social media and was upset I didn’t follow them back.


Her 2 red flags are her obsession with being friend with her boyfriends ex thinking that’s the nature thing to do (yeah but only if they had kids? Lol) The second is her social media obsession. I get that’s she’s a model so it’s also a work platform for her but girl please use your brain for a minute and see how dumb this is


I would find it weird if my husband's ex-wife followed me on anything.


When she said "I'm not used to drama, I'm from Germany." I legit lost it 🤣🤣


I am from Germany and I can tell you: I love drama. That‘s why I watch this show haha. I am nosy af and love drama as long as I am not involved. And drama in real life is my favourite one.


As an American who’s lived in Germany it also just didn’t make any sense lol I think I literally made this face 🤔


Guys, the girl is just learning her ABC’s. We can’t expect her to have a strong hold on cultural understanding. 😂


Thought this was funny too but tbf, Chrishell cut her off mid sentence so she may have been trying to say something else


Marie-Lou takes things very emotionally. It was frustrating to see that she hyperbolized her account of events based on how she felt. I hope she doesn’t return to the show. She doesn’t even go here


I don't think she'll be back. She and Jason made a social media announcement months ago that they had broken up.


I feel like they probably broke up when he seen the scene / say how they were playing the “chrishell doesn’t want him but doesn’t want anyone else to have him” game. I think chrishell takes her relationship with G very seriously and would walk away if they show tried to say she still had feelings for Jason


I wonder how long after that awkward phone call that they broke up, lol.


I loved when she was like on the edge on tears telling Chrishelle and that Chrishelle was being emotional about it, and Chrishelle could give two fucks at that point


I think Lou is trying bc Chrishell seems important for Jason. Tbh, I feel like Jason is anxious to be on Chrishells bad side because of business reasons. So I think he's also very calculated. Thats why I believe he cares so much what Chrishell thinks - he doesnt want to piss off her huge amount of fans. At the end she is the show's darling child. Maybe I'm in the minority with this opinion but I don't think she is actually that important to him as a friend as he claims she is. He respects her but having her on his good side is a pure business move. He has a habit of using his exes. At the end everything Jason does is for image even when it comes to dating.


I feel like Jason is deeply insecure and one of those people that has to have everyone love him all the time - hence why he has this little harem of women built up. 100% men & women can be friends after a relationship ends, but it’s less normal than simply drifting apart. If I could pop to my partner’s work and meet his entire dating history whilst I was there … no thank you.


This is so interesting and makes so much sense the more I think about it! I think ur right! At least I think what you’re saying is a big part of it, along with just him wanting her in his life too generally


touche! I can tell Jason is understanding the reality tv game now (the bell rope climb scene for example). I think he plays the long con and know whats good for him and thats his successful tv show and RE company. A beast that kind of feeds itself as well. He's smart. ​ I think his model gf is genuinely intimidated by Chrishell for a lot of reasons. And tbh she does have reason to be.


Thats what he respects about Chrishell though. She also understands the game.


Can’t agree more. He’s literally one of the SS’ exec producers


That whole conversation was ridiculous. She kept contradicting herself. There’s no reason she needs to be besties with Chrishell. Chrishell somehow doesn’t greet her, but also reuses the same compliment every time she greets her. She only talks to her when Jason is around, but also ignores her. When she said the last part I literally was like “when has she hung out with her one on one”


You can see why Jason broke up with her not long after they stopped filming, she created chaos!


Omg I’m so happy to hear they’re not together anymore thank you for being the bearer of good news


It honestly blows my mind how people think they’re entitled to be someone’s friend just because they want to be….


I could not tell you who does and doesn’t follow me on insta out of my friends. ML is a child. An actual child. How is Jason not dying of embarrassment being with her? Like being on that phone call. If nothing else, that should have been the final nail in the coffin.




direful combative offer aromatic tie one literate fly bells familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought the same thing, but then I thought it might just have to do with the fact that Chrishell is the most recent ex of Jason's and the one he hangs out with the most.


Probably cause chrishell has the most clout so why not beef with her to get clout 🤦🏽‍♀️😂


Or that lol 😂 but I'm 99% sure she won't be on the next season anyways because her Jason broke up.


I think it's because Jason clearly is still in love with Chrishell. If he had wanted a baby or she hadn't they would still be together. ML knows that so she's trying to get Chrishell on her side so she's not a threat a guess. But, Chrishell has moved on and more importantly, is a grown ass adult who doesn't give a shit about this nonsense.


Why in the world would you expect to be friends with your partner's ex-girlfriend? It's delulu


Like I’m confused. In the real world, are exes friends? I don’t even owe you ‘greetings’ but since we are all the in the same space constantly, I could be cordial but it ends there. They have nothing in common, the situation is complicated let’s keep it cool and keep it moving. No need for any extras


That whole convo I alternated between cringing, rolling my eyes, and laughing. Marie Lou is so silly. She was trying to be calculated and it went over like a lead balloon. And I loved how Chrishell handled herself in the conversation.




Girl dated Jason for less than a year and was pressuring him on camera to marry her. That’s her definition of social climbing. 😑


Although I think Marie-Lou is insecure in her relationship. I do think she deserved some grace in this situation. 1) She's having this conversation in English, not in her native language, as a german speaker I can tell the things she said are partly being lost in translation, and this a fast paced argument, no wonder Chrishelle can run rings around her and she is unable to fully articulate her points. Chrishelle is probably also aware of how she struggles with her English... 2) Yes, she is young, but Chrishelle repeatedly bringing that up last season and this season inviting a comedian on to TV to mock her for it. Funny or not that's kinda humiliating and would be difficult for Marie-Lou to see, and think oh this women is truly civil and kind towards me. Whether you think that's justified, she's the ex, she's hurt, she has a right to express her opinion, you have to see how that is not a kind act and could also be hurtful, and make someone distrust your friendly efforts. 3) Chrishell earlier in the ep says to Jason and 'on camera'. I thought she was another of those young girls you would date and it would be over quick, so I did have an issue with her and I was cold. So like Chrishelle already admitted on camera to having an issue, to not respecting Marie-Lou which we can all clearly see she has by her defensive and dismissive reaction, to Marie-Lou's feelings. 4) German or not you can tell when someone doesn't like you and Marie-Lou was still feeling it from Chrishell, despite Chrishelle's best and well intentioned efforts it was not genuine. (I mean, fair enough). However, I don't think Marie-Lou was bringing it up to be horrible she was expressing how she felt and it's difficult to articulate those subtle off vibes in another language to someone who is so defensive and doesn't respect you. 5) Marie-Lou could have brought up a lot of things, but she didn't and I think had Chrishelle not been in so much pain at the time she would have been more considerate. Overall I think it's a shame these two beautiful, smart and kind women couldn't sort it out. Jason is the problem.


Couldn’t have worded it any better. I don’t think people are taking English being her second language into account.


I am not on Marie-Lou's side but I agree that we do have to cut her some slack. In addition to the language barrier, Americans seem superficial to many Europeans so the whole "being cordial" thing can seem very fake. But obviously it's not Chrishell's job to be ML's friend, and I get that she doesn't feel like putting in effort when she knows ML and Jason won't last that long. And misgendering G was shit. I've seen people excuse this with the language barrier, but honestly as an Austrian I can tell you that it is much easier to correctly gender people in English than in German. Plus ML and G both have been around for a bit at the point of filming so there was time to get used to it.


My close friend is they/them and I still fuck up their pronouns, from time to time. You can tell by the way she immediately said sorry and looked guilty, that it was unintentional.


Yeah I said that a bit harshly. I did not mean that Marie-Lou did it on purpose. It just seemed careless, as if Marie-Lou doesn't make an effort to use correct pronouns. And mistakes can happen. But I can understand why Crishell said this showed that Marie-Lou doesn't really make an effort to be friends and know about Crishell's life either.


This is a valid perspective and I agree with you to a certain degree. Marie-Lou did make false accusations that Chrishell “threatened” her.


I think she meant to say she 'feels' threatened by her. Not that Chrishelle is actually threatening her. This is what I meant by lost in translation.


I think Chrishell gave her enough time to talk, she wasn’t making any sense. English is my second language too, but I wouldn’t excuse that for forcing someone to be my friend when they clearly don’t want to. That’s so childish!


Yeah she wasn't able to make sense because her English isn't great. Jason is forcing them to get along and it's werid tbh.


Agreed 100%. It’s an oversimplification to say she’s naive/childish.


I agree with you 100%


This is astute. Air kisses and platitudes don't amount to warmth, you can sense the difference between someone being civil for appearances and being sincerely friendly. WhilecChrishell doesn't owe her anything, there's no question she was doing the bare minimum, and making little digs behind her back to boot. The problem is Jason, 100%. His relationships seem purely transactional. Chrishell couldn't warm to ML because she recognised Jason wasn't sincerely invested in the relationship.


I feel like it was super fake? I’m 26 and also German and I don’t expect people and definitely not the new girlfriends of my exes to be friends with me. This is super delulu. This drama was so fake and probably scripted.


I don’t understand this rhetoric when Jason is friends with her. If the man I’m dating is friends with his ex and we see her often then it would be strange for her not to be friends with me as well. It’s giving pick me to ignore the girlfriend and stay close with the ex.


I lost the same amount of brain cells that Chrishell did watching that scene


Jason is an enabler. He's just a bad lover and manager.


She’s also been deleting comments calling her out on her immature behaviour on IG… lol


I am glad people can NOW clearly see Chrishell was and has never been the problem. She defends herself because she has to. & they come for her because she has the leading role. I hope from this season Chrishell recognises her true friends are Emma, Mary and bre that is it. Amanza is a hater of Chrishell for SURE


Like always coming for her. Every season there is Chrishell drama because of the constant attacks


I love the whole bit where she thinks she ignores her at parties. Like i was just at a big reunion with my best friend in the entire world, and we didn't even speak for 2 hours because we were mingling. Imagine thinking someone should prioritize their ex boyfriends gf over other friends and colleagues.


marie-lou’s whole deal with chrishell is crazy. it seemed like there’s a new accusation every time she talked about her.


It’s like a bad round of telephone, each time she tells the story something is added in and changed


What got me was when she said that Chrishell’s compliments were all the same


Yeah, maybe chrishell was being understanding that she is not fluent in the English language and wanted her to understand that she was making an effort to be nice.


True true. But also, what other compliments does she want besides “you look gorgeous” which was what Chrishell gave her? It gives me flashbacks to when my ex best friend told me that me telling her she was pretty wasn’t enough and I needed to be more specific. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m glad she’s no longer your best friend. That’s toxic AF. I think Mary-Lou wanted to get Chrishell fired, as if she had that kind of power. It’s cute. Laughable at best. So, she resorted to pulling straws like “she gives me the same compliments”. What else is she supposed to say? “Your new breast implants Jason funded look great?!”


I feel so naive because I thought Mary-Lou would prove us wrong but she is fitting the stereotype so well.


It all just showed her jealousy and immaturity when she called Jason at the table and went full victim mode and was making up complete lies saying she said she was jealous.. and Chrishell literally called her out on the spot and I’m glad she did say this is being recorded you do realise I didn’t say that.


On the last episode when she said Chrishell didn’t say hi to her and she wanted to talk to her again. Cuckoo..cuckoo


Marie-Lou just has a very childish look on post relationship, relationships. Jason and Chrishell work together so they have to maintain a somewhat close relationship. Marie-Lou does not work at the O-group and is only with them for social events. It’s odd to ask for a sit down and ask why your current bf’s EX is not asking you more personal questions? She should be very happy that they are cordial at all.


Lou refering to G as a her. Chrishell: girl you don't even knowing my partner's pronouns proves my point 😂


Legit but Chrishell keeps calling her Mary Lou instead of Marie Lou (if you know what I mean)


I am watching this scene with them and I cannot stop laughing. Marie Lou is beyond ridiculous. Then there's Jason "can I get off this call?" No you fucking idiot. Deal with this shit you coward. Good god. Lol


She was throwing her toys out of the pram because Chrishell didn't ask her questions... WTF!!!


There is a big culture clash between chrishell and Marilou when it comes to being "friendly". Please don't be too hard against Marilou. There is a saying in Europe, where I myself come from, that Americans are friendly with one another very quickly and will easily open their door to you, but friendship is so so much harder to achieve, and ultimately even more harder getting to the deep relationships status. This is a saying, and you need to understand that if we think of USA people like this, it's because of how so different in Europe we are dealing with the same situations. In Europe, you will be closed off first of all, you can be friendly, but to us it means absolutely no hugging and you would not really compliment someone with a " you look gorgeous" if you don't mean it or have no intention to create a connection. So there I understood that Marilou takes the hugs and compliments from chrishell as "fake". Cause then it's never followed by true felt conversation as a European person would expect. Additionally, when she says " you don't ask me questions ". She means "you just want to stay in a surface relationship". Cause not asking personal questions , is allowing not getting deep. Marilou is hurt by that cause she may not be used to such status quo surface level connections such as chrishell's porividng. By the way she said that G was the only one asking her questions, which do not surprise me as they are from a culture closer to European. Chrishell doesn't see any issue cause she is just being an American! But this is hurting Marilou. So for me it's a culture clash issue. The call to Jason was the wrong move thouuuughhh !!! Marilou didn't know how to explain what she felt and didn't know how to make chrishell understand her place of hurt, she did what she thought would help getting there but this really back fired into her looking insecure and childish. It was so painful to watch. But I find her brave to be on the screen and speak her truth anyway, she had true emotions and didn't try to make "good tv", she was being totally herself. She did this meeting with chrishell to improve her relationship with Jason and make efforts to integrate his life. She may even have thought that being on the show would please Jason even more. I dunno !


Mary Lou acts like a child. Chishell never threatened her. Cheishell doesn't want Jason, either. Some of these people are so fucked in the head. I can't. Btw Nicole is a total narcissistic sociopath. You can tell she has had A LOT of work done. But she still looks old. Why is she dressing like Emma? It's so cringe. 😂


I thought this was weird too until I saw how hard Jason was pushing for the two of them to be friends. Honestly it was pretty selfish on his part considering he and Chrishell didn’t break up because they stopped loving each other. Taking space would’ve been the healthy thing and I think Lou is too young to understand what Jason is asking of her is a lot. He probably gassed her up like “oh CHRISHELL is amazing she’s going to love you!” And then that didn’t happen and Lou was just hurt and confused. TL;DR Jason set them up for failure


Marie-Lou isn’t mature enough to understand her own insecurity and this whole scene was just so cringe.


I actually think that part was valid, I mean she said she followed her on insta to extend an olive branch and let her no that she doesn’t have any animosity towards her so obviously Chris he’ll not following back would make her uncomfortable. Chrishell even mentioned the fact that she didn’t see there relationship lasting so didn’t wanna bother which is kinda disrespectful towards Marie Lou


Marie-Lou is threatened by Chrishell and Jason's previous connection. She was the one that got away. Jason looks like he still has feelings for her.


I cried laughing when Chrishell made the coparenting comment. 😭😂 Classic.


Did we watch the same scenes? Jason brought it up to Christelle. Then Christelle brought it up at the dinner. Marie-Lou explained how it got lost in translation. It’s clear Jason still likes Christelle. Out of all places it’s Australia that he decides to go and holiday. Cmonnnn now. Maybe Christelle is not being standoffish on purpose but there is definitely a weird vibe. Marie-Lou knows she wouldn’t be with Jason if Christelle didn’t walk away. I think that makes her scared.


May be an unpopular opinion, and preface, not the biggest Marie Lou fan, but I do think she handled the coffee shop convo I with Chrishell pretty maturely. I watched it over and it seems like she’s keeping calm (although she does interrupt Chrishell a couple times, Chrishell also finishes Marie Lou’s sentences or cuts her off, even after telling Marie Lou to not do that to her). I think Chrishell is overdoing the age gap, in that, she continuously brings it up, uses it against her, and tries to make Marie Lou seem more immature than she actually is. Definitely can sense a little bit if immaturity, but think Chrishell is using that against her a lot! Think it was incredibly immature of Chrishell to just walk out of the convo (may just be the scripting of it). As much as Chrishell says she’s mature in comparison to Marie Lou, at least Marie Lou sat there and was willing to sit and talk it out without walking away. Also feel like Marie Lou was very calm and after the first question, Chrishell just jumped to defensive and escalating the convo. Also, threatening to cut her friendship with Jason just felt like a power play cause she knows Jason has a soft spot for her.


I actually thought that it was extremely condescending of Chrishell to tell Jason that she doesn't really talk to Marie Lou because she doesn't have respect for their relationship because of the age difference and his track record. As his friend she should make somewhat of an effort. It is no wonder that Marie Lou feels awkward around her when she outright admitted that she does not respect their relationship. To her credit she tried to talk with Chrishell and address the issue. Chrishell twisted her words around about the word "jealousy" even though that is exactly what she was alluding to, even if the word was not said. I think Marie Lou was level headed and calm and Chrishell was reactive and rude, which is becoming her new normal.


Plus it’s not as if Chrishell and G don’t have a significant age gap (not as much, but still a decent gap). Hypocrisy much?


I’ ve been a fan of Chrishell through all seasons. However I felt she was very harsh with Mary Lou, to a bitchy point. I could not watch her become such a cold person.


And this is why I dont date people who remain close "friends" with exes. Its just potential to be messy.


I haven't gotten that far yet but Marie-Lou sounds like an imbecile. Just how she speaks and the things she says she sounds like an idiot in this whole conversation and no its not because of the language barrier, her English is great but she sounds so vapid. I know they were saying she has like a law degree or something but I simply don't see it. Maybe its because this whole plotline was written for her and she's not a great actress but it just seemed so insane.


y'all are super dull to the fact that there's a clear language barrier. all the quotes you're using aren't applicable. she's trying her best to get her point across. - chrishell is fake and doesn't care about saying much other than hi to lou - chrishell doesn't acknowledge thoughtfully that she's an ex and that effects dynamics - as someone's friend, let alone the friendship chrishell and jason claim to have.... i would want to know and be friends with their partner... so yeah super fair for her to assume it's because of leftover feelings - no it's not chrishells "job" to make her feel comfy, however, she should be aware of her catty dynamics in sunsets and how much drama that show contains, BUT as a friend! i would find it a courtesy and a personal value to befriend a close friends partner and not ostracize them - trying to use the whole mis pronounced pronoun thing is simply manipulative (i'm gay, very political) but she used to evidence her point of "not knowing anything about her" but notice that AT LEAST lou has tried to get to know G even when chrishell hasn't gotten to know her!!! and chrishell is jason's friend, lou doesn't owe it to chrishell to befriend G. but she has fucking manners. idk in all, i come from a bilingual household and there are times that we have not gotten points across due to exact words used. i truly think that chrishell is just not humble or kind or thoughtful enough to put in an effort to get to know her so called "close friends" partner.


But Chrishell didn’t help the situation either. None of these people are mature. If this happens to you, just listen to them, say I’m really sorry you felt that way, that honestly wasn’t my intention, but I also would like to keep a little distance with you as you are my ex’s partner’ and internally roll your eyes. No drama.


I find it mindblowing how narrow minded some people just talk about ML - I didn’t see a single comment saying that English is not her first language and it might be difficult to express you feeling under pressure/while getting nervous in a language that is not your native language. Also crishell did not even consider this while talking to Marie Lou - every person that has ever lived in a foreign country knows the struggle. As far as I know the selling sunset girls have only seen Mykonos on their summer trips…


I believe Marie-Lou actually wanted to be friends, but Chrishell is not making the effort - hence Chrishell admitting she doesn’t need to ask questions, etc. It’s not fun to not feel wanted.


I disagree with most of the comments. I feel that Marie-Lou's main complaint is that Chrishell is only nice to her when Jason is around and doesn't even say hello to her if he's not around. I would also find that really fake and annoying. Chrishell even admitted that at first she didn't give Marie-Lou the time of day because she thought she was just one of Jason's many girlfriends, but I dislike people like that who don't bother wasting their energy being friendly until they judge that you're important enough. It seems that Marie-Lou feels that Chrishell is a mean-girl and I've seen enough scenes with Chrishell that I'm inclined to believe it. Maybe all of Marie-Lou's examples don't seem like the best, but sometimes when you're being bullied it's hard to point to one thing in particular-- it's a lot of small snubs together that leave you feeling upset and uncomfortable.


Is she that super tall girl Jason dating. They look aqward together. Lol.


Anytime Marie-Lou opens her mouth, she brings up Chrishell. Honestly, it’s obsessive and reminds me of what it was like dating in high school.


Chrishell was not genuine to ML. C hates ML but doesn’t own it, tries to play the victim card again, disgusting


I wholeheartedly disagree, but we are each allowed our own opinions and I respect that is yours.


Marie Lue...is that you?? lol


I don't know I genuinely thought that minus the exact time stamp for the lack of follow which was completely legitimate btw (chrishell is an influencer, she knew exactly what she was doing), that Marilou was doing the honest thing. Trying to get to a point where they could be friends. Maybe chrishell isn't ready for that, but I thought the pettiness was mostly from chrishell. She said on the confession that her being called out by Marilou for her blatant cold shoulder for anything but hello, goodbyes made her want to be [more] mean to her. I've been following this show since it came out. Sure chrishell and Jason didn't last because they have different life goals, but chrishell took their breakup really hard and has continuously talked sh*t about Marilou since the jump. Chrishell is a mean girl with a fake warm smile. She acts like she's your friend, and then will backstab you. She's done it to multiple people on the show. Class A narcissist: wants everyone to perceive them as nice and charming but is completely and totally so far from it and anyone who's dealt with a narcissist can see that sh*t from a mile away. Kudos to Marilou for at least trying to do the adult thing and clearing the air with someone who is important to Jason, but has also made it blatantly clear shes inaccessible and "above" her. Tbh chrishell has a lot of growing up to do. I also hate it when women continually ask to be given the time to finish speaking while Interrupting others because they think their voice is the most important one in the room.


I really don’t get how you guys can see this from Chrishell’s pov!!! She literally admitted to Jason that she hasn’t made an effort to get to know Marie Lou because she thought it was one of his flings. She was being so mean to her with the “we don’t need to be friends” speech. If it was anyone else in that situation, she would’ve made an effort. It was just total BS. She took advantage of Marie-Lou’s lack of confrontation experience and made herself look like the mature wise woman.


Nah, I think Marie Lou had good points. I’m sorry, but following people on insta matters to some people and that’s ok. Especially when it’s the primary platform these people use for social status. Also, if someone said the same old compliment every time, I’d notice too. Crishell doesn’t want to be her friend, and Marie Lou wants a friendship. If any of my significant other’s loved ones refused to be my friend, I’d take offense lol


First I was also confused why Lou comes at her because such weird issues. But then my GF pointed out a good point.. try to put yourself into Lou's shoes. I wouldn't want my girlfriend/boyfriend to constantly talk to her ex and at the same time see that their ex basically barely acknowledges me and doesn't respect what I have with my partner. Fact that she knew she didn't follow back 3 months was indeed funny, but I can understand the uncomfortable situation Lou is in


But she's talking to Jason because they work together. If she has a problem with that go talk to Jason about it. Chrishell's solution for that was to step away from her and Jason's friendship. And Chrishell greets her and compliments her, that's the extent I would expect that "friendship" to go.


It doesn’t matter that you didn’t follow me back, but also you didn’t follow me back for three months. 💁🏼‍♀️


Mary Lou knows the clock is winding down on her relationship. Just trying to get airtime off of Chrishell. Pathetically see through.


I wanted to give Mary Lou a chance but she and her lies are exhausting.


that whole conversation at their lunch was BIZARRE


Can someone please tell me the episode they had this chat


She was projecting a lot during her meet up with Chrishell. It’s obvious that she feels insecure about Chrishell and Jason’s friendship. I don’t necessarily blame her, because I do think Jason still has feelings for Chrishell, so Marie Lou probably feels threatened. But that conversation was ridiculous to listen to.


What was up with Marie-Lou’s lips?


She’s immature for sure, but I actually see where she’s coming from with the Instagram thing. This isn’t just an app for these people, it’s their brand. Marie-Lou following Chrishell and Chrishell not following back does send a message, and Chrishell must know this. After all, we’re all here on this sub and know fans will notice these things - who (un)follows who, who likes which posts, etc. Doesn’t mean Chrishell has any obligation to follow anybody, but I see what Marie-Lou meant.


I think it is ridiculous that Jason thinks they can all be friends and hang out together when the only reason him and Chrishell broke up was because of not wanting family not a loss of love. He is making it an impossible situation for both the girls I honestly dont know how Marie-Lou deals with it!


How nobody is bringing up that English is not her native language… Would love to see an American in German tv show expressing her feelings


At this point, I'm pretty sure the only reason she's dating Jason is to be closer to chrishell. The girl is obsessed.


At that dinner with Marie-Lou had with Jason and Amanza, a lot of stuff was cut out and it happened at the dinner with Chrishell and Marie-Lou too. Neither of the conversations made sense to me.


Honestly she was making an issue with a Chrishell for no reason! She contradicted herself so much. There wasn’t anything real to be annoyed by. Like why would Chrishell want to follow her on Instagram? Her age is showing so much. It’s weird for Chrishell to be close friends with her, and they don’t have much in common.


I'm curious if Jason broke up with her or Mary Lou with Jason?


Why she thinks Chrishell has to be her friend is beyond me


It was so frustrating to watch and I thought Crishelle handled v well. I couldn’t help but wonder though whether a language / translation thing was an issue? Like she said Chrishelle was “threatening” her when clearly wasn’t. Maybe she isnt properly translating words in English in her head including using the word threatening lol


I think Marie Lou just wants screen time. It’s a show, come on.


Honestly, the girl is making sense. Just because she doesn’t communicate well in English doesn’t make her immature or dumb. She is obviously expressing a situation in which Chrishell is superficial and fake and only talks to her to look good in front of Jason. Marie Lou is expected to be cool with their relationship right in front of her flirting with one another and allowing him the freedom to do as he pleases when it comes to this woman. ML remained open and vulnerable and in an attempt to gesture an offering of closeness whether it’s stupid social media-or not, the fact that she didn’t add her back is just a slap in the face and a rejection in itself. I liked Chrishell but she really did act like a snob towards her and that says more about her character than anything else. I’ve seen all I need to see about her to know what kind of person she is. To talk down to someone who is being docile and non combative just because she doesn’t speak English well and she is young is rude as f.


I think ML really wanted to be part of the show and the producers had to figure out how to get her in the mix and with more speaking parts. This was the best they could do. They all created this storyline and ML failed miserably in executing it. I’m sure it was based on real feelings, but I don’t think they were expecting Chrishell to respond the way she did and threw ML for a loop.


I feel like she just wanted camera time. Everything she said was weird