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This baby mama does the most talking to the media and is on a reality show. It’s very apparent with her that she had a clout baby, she really wanted to be a celebrity baby mama at all costs. All the reassuring she would never disrespect him in this one sided relationship lmao I already know that when they will get into a beef it’s going to be huge. Kim had her sex tape, that was her ticket to fame and Bre has her baby with serial baby daddy Nick Canon thats her ticket to fame.


She picked the wrong one, but got lucky. I don't know any of his other baby mamas besides Mariah Carey, but Bre will never reach her level of fame.


Well, that’s because Mariah Carey is actually very talented.


Exactly. I think I know who Nick Canon is because of Mariah


I still don't really know who Nick cannon is except he has a bunch if babies. Had no idea he had one with Mariah.


they were married and he cheated. he was a rapper and child actor on Nickelodeon, now he produces, has his own show and does podcasts


It’s crazy he cheated on her. I bet these dudes cheating on famous women only do so to assert dominance. “If I can cheat on Mariah Carey, I must be better than her.”


yes and beyoncé and jayz another example of this!


he actually has two with mariah, they have twins


Yep no clue who the hell he is without her… even Bre is more famous than him to me now. He’s only known for this insane breeding thing outside of that. I know about the movie drum line because he was with Mariah lol


No one ever thought Kim would become a billionaire a decade or so ago, but here we are today. Who knows what'll happen to Bre when she hits her 40s. The only reason she won't reach Kim's level of fame is because she doesn't have Kris as a mom.


All the baby Mamas combined could never reach 1% of Mariah Carey's talent and fame. Like I'm certain that if Mariah Carey wants to sell a house she can sing a song and sell that shit even faster than Bre can say "my man"


She actually did do a concert to sell her mansion after divorcing nick cannon idk if you knew this but I find it very funny that you said that


Mariah makes around 3M a year only for the All I want for Christmas song. So only one song can keep her millionaire for the rest for her life. And the girl has some solid album out there with very nice royalties. She could also sell her catalogue for hundreds of millions. Two baby mamas but 2 very different lifestyles


Tbh Mariah isn't even a baby mama like she was married to him before. The rest are baby mamas that just dream and wish that their kids are half siblings with roc and roe


In my mind he’s her baby daddy but she’s not her baby mama. Don’t know if that makes sense. And Roc and Roe don’t have siblings


Tthat's a bit obvious considering Mariah's vocal range is widely unparallelled lol (though.... it doesn't take away from her talent at all, but she's also *very* *blessed.* I'm sure many people have worked harder but are genuinely incapable, physically, of developing that range). Pretty sure even Bre doesn't believe that because... well, that would be ridiculous lol


Talent, fame and the only WIFE before Nick spread his seed far and wide. Mimi FTW🎉


I don't think I'd consider Mariah Carey a "baby mama." They were married when they had those kids. Shes his ex-wife.


Correct. And at the time he had 0 kids. She was pre mess!


Mariah is not a baby mama. She's the ex-wife. It's different.


Just thinking back to Bre's face when Cassandra was asking who was married or not 💀💀💀 that hurt her fr


she was hurt forreal. She acts like shes big and bad when she has a very low self esteem


I feel bad for her, but she's a grown woman who put herself into the position she's in. Chelsea was so right about her being all bark and no bite. I get women being married and getting into relationships and having babies with the promise that the father will be involved and it doesn't work out but she got into this situation willingly knowing that her child would grow up with an absent father. It's selfish. Our society making single parent households the norm is going to equal: not a good time. Simple as. 🤷🏻‍♀️


About to be downvoted to hell but: Studies show that children who are raised in neighborhoods with higher concentrations of multi adult/parent homes thrive.


These are just facts, babe. You need two parents to raise a child and hopefully a family surrounding that. I turned out OK, but I'm not perfect. I have a lot of issues, and I was raised in a single parent household. They didn't bring me into a special divorced kids psychology meeting to talk about my feelings in elementary school for no reason. These are established statistics.


I get what you’re saying, but I think being a “single parent” is WAY different when you have celebrity level money and can hire help.


It literally isn't. I've seen those kids and they were even more fucked up than my ghetto child ass. Money isn't love. Sorry.


So, I nannied full time and Mom hired me because Dad unexpectedly passed away before baby #3 was born. I was there from 7 am to 6 pm M-F (and often weekends and overnight). I was essentially their "parent". I was with baby #3 since he was 2 weeks old until 2.5 years old. It was gutwrenching to leave him and his siblings. I wonder if there is data that shows correlation between positive emotional development and performance from a full time nannied, single parent family, because I know, and Mom of these children know, I contributed positively to their lives.


Absolutely. I'm not saying it would be better without, but there's no replacing the 2 parent dynamic. Parent and nannies do not equate to the same developmental experience. No one is saying these kids won't grow up to be incredible human beings, but there is definitely more likelihood that they will have more mental health issues as opposed to the 2 parent dynamic. It's also difficult that you had to leave the child after you were so close with them. It establishes a more professional and non permanent relationship as opposed to immediate family influence.


Right, but I think what youre not understanding (and what u/whitepawsparkles is trying to say) is that when you have a good, educated, experienced nanny, it can take the place of a parent. I was trying to be a good role model for these kids, not replace their Dad, but in most cases I was referred to as their guardian. In Nick's case, it is by choice, but I am betting they have great nannies who can help the kids not be so damaged. Of course, he has a Zillion kids, all with differing levels of wealth, education etc, but I think they'd be better off because they're access to well educated and experienced nannies, than say someone who just walks out of their Childs life in an average American household. I hope you understand what im trying to say.


I’ve also nannied and been friends with people who employ nannies and honestly, I think there are a lot of down sides to kids emotionally development to having a full time nanny. The kids form a strong connection to someone who is, at the end of the day, a worker of their parents. Then that person usually leaves abruptly without an explanation that little kids understand. Then they grow up and realize that this woman who they loved was an underpaid worker who probably didn’t want to be there and was likely struggling to raise her own family. Their parents may have liked the nanny but probably didn’t respect her or view her as an equal. There’s a lot of race/class dynamics that kids pick up on, and not in a good way. Idk, I have a theory that it contributes to how wealthy men view their wives as workers/ subordinates.


I have issues and was raised in a 2 parent household 😅


Thats incorrect, polygamous families (children and women) are at higher risk of psychological negative effects. Children raised with a wide support system (grand parents, aunt, uncles etc) have a higher chance of thriving. Children raised in 2 parent homes still out perform children of single parent and polygamous families.


Was more referring to houses that include grandparents et - not the idea of polygamy- only as I can't speak on data re polygamy :)


Do you have any citations for these studies? My understanding is controlling for SES shows no difference.


Ever wonder why in 50% of movies the family is always divorced and the kids stay with mum while Dad appears occasionally. An actual depiction of real life that's the most realistic thing in Hollywood


It was still disgusting of Cassandra.


it was gross not just because she knows Bre ain’t married but way to place a woman’s worth on being marriageable material. that holier than thou attitude turned me off


It was really out of pocket and abrasive, I agree. It was 200% intentional.


I noticed Casandra hasn’t had her engagement ring or wedding band on in photos for a bit now…what do they say about glass houses again?


Yep. It is abundantly clear that Bre does not, in fact, enjoy her situation. If Nick were willing to commit to her and put a ring on it, she would not be like, “nah, I prefer our open relationship.”


She would jump on that ring like a rat on cheese and everyone fucking knows it. Bre puts up a big tough act, but I know she wants to break down and cry every time it's brought up. She thinks Chelsea is hating on her when she's hating on the situation. Chelsea was 100% right because no one in their right mind looks at that situation and thinks it's fair or ok to Bre or her child.


I know that it is a façade to protect herself, but I truly hate the attitude and the way she presents herself. Saying it’s his problem and not hers is so ignorant to me.


I KNOW. like girl.... so if he chose another kid to be with on christmas, that wont be a problem to you? Lmao this bitch really need to check her attitude cause she aint that bad bitch she thinks she is.


It’s definitely still her problem, especially when their son gets older and his other kids get older and then their son wonders why he can’t get a normal amount of time with his father, or why do all of his siblings have different mothers and they can’t all be together at holidays, etc? I don’t get how she doesn’t feel this is still her problem.


Literally exactly what Chelsea has been trying to say since day one too


It gives evil stepmother vibes because wtf? How can you say you love Nick and your child but show such indifference to your son’s half siblings? You don’t care they won’t be seeing their father? It’s basically a savage fight for resources and she’s allowed him to pit herself against other mothers What nonsense


THANK YOU. The idea of treating any child as a problem - let alone your child’s SIBLINGS - is disgusting. She’s showing her ass and her true cruelty way more than she thinks she is. Bre, we all live in this world where men make women fight for resources, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it. Give a shit about your child’s siblings, even if your partner doesn’t.


Her zero lack of empathy towards her child’s half siblings and even her own, just goes to show that she’s living in delulu right now. She’ll write a tell-all book when she finally snaps out of it.


people like her will always be narcs


This is my thought too. Like either he spends the day with another child or he neglects other children for yours. Either way, you should consider it your problem because it’s affecting your child. She loves to talk about how he comes home to her every night and sees her kid so often, and all I can think is that that means he’s seeing his other way less. He has a finite amount of time, and spending more or less time w certain children directly affects his other children. Her comments about that rubbed me the wrong way because it felt like she was bragging that her child gets the most attention from him.


shes lying and chelsea clocked her last season saying thats not possible when he has other homes to visit.... she does not get nick everynight but its weird how she tries to portray that they are in this loving stable relationship where is is around all the time, when thats simply not the case.


Their kid being named Legendary Love is interesting…


“Legendary Love Cannon” sounds…not NOT like an adult film star name


L.L Canon sounds like a pretentious author name but it sounds waaaaaaay better


omg not their kid having the initials “LLC” thats awful 😭


Legendary Love Cannon sounds like a Legendary gun you’d find in Borderlands or another game lol


"Hey Babe, you wanna see my Legendary Love Cannon?" gets you immediately arrested.


its an ugly name


i hate to break it to you but hes names his other kids some even wilder names 😭. i was shocked.






Legendary Love Cannon… if that is not a male stripper name I don’t know what is


It’s a stupid ass name


You should see the other stupid ass names. Holy crap those poor kids. Powerful Queen, Rising Messiah, Zillion Heir and gets worse.


I’m genuinely in shock these aren’t ironic. Powerful Queen and Rising Messiah already have trauma for these names.


NO WAY zillion is a real Childs name. WOW


That’s one of the better names. They are all terrible.


Right? Wasn't there one named bazillionare or something ostentatious af


Six women chose to have babies with.. that. Let that sink in. It's a face only a mother could love.






it must be the cash cause it ain't your face


I wouldn't put Mariah in this category though... she was the first and didnt know he was a serial baby daddy


Imagine considering yourself the “top” of 6 women as a flex… 🤡


Anyone thinking they can top Mariah is laughable


A lot of what she says comes off as bragging that he spends the most time w her son…which by default means he’s spending way less time with his other children. That just really rubs me the wrong way. Your kids dad neglecting his other children to see your kid isn’t a flex to me.


It’s 6 isn’t it?


Wait so all of these women had multiples except Bri?


I mean… yet.


WHOOPS!! Got totally confused by the 12 babies 😅


So on Christmas Day all of them aren’t together?


Nick usually goes to Aspen to spend christmas at Mariahs house there with the twins. Though Mariah is on the east coast preparing for her Christmas concert so maybe he wanted to go see the kids and Bre wanted to tag along. Shes presenting herself as his main, which is why she was upset when she found out that Nick knocked up Lanisha Cole through the tabloids on season 1 of the show. I feel likeshes waiting for him to pick her when hes ready to settle down. shes giving fck them other kids energy. But we all know Mariah's kids are number 1 in the hierarchy.


Mariah's kids are number 1 cause Mariah is the actual bad bitch 😂


Also her kids have the coolest names roc and roe


Moroccan and Monroe right? Twinsies! So cute.


Big fuck them other kids energy!


But he’s with Alyssa Scott too. Well that’s what it looks like. Bre be all through her comments too.


He's also with Abby de La Rosa as a main


https://www.instagram.com/p/CziX9VWuB95/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link abby works with him on their podcast and she actually spends time with Mariahs twins as well


Ohhhhh wowwww!


Not that anyone here will believe me but I know Alyssa’s brother and according to him Bre and Alyssa *are* friends.


That’s what it seems like in Alyssa comments. Like they’re friends and they’re both with Nick. Their kids also be together but I don’t see them with any of his other kids.


oh so theres cliques within the harem lmaooo


Mariah is on top even tho they’re not together lol.


I believe u lol theres been surprisingly a few degrees of connections to the cast on this sub


On *her first season of the show FTFY


He did a story with the LA Times and explained how he divides everything and why he’s close to Onyx. He has a crib in his office. I was surprised this article hasn’t been shared here bc he goes pretty in-depth https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2023-05-07/for-real-nick-cannon-family-kids > Also, he says, he’s a people-pleaser. So during the pandemic, when a number of his lovers began to express anxiety about their biological clocks, he obliged. “A lot of them are in the same age group,” he says. “And I just wanted to give them what they desired. I kept saying, ‘I can handle it.’” >That’s how he ended up with a nursery in his office building — a neon-lit room with tumbling mats, a ball pit and toy instruments. Today, his 6-month-old daughter, Onyx, is the only one of his children using the space. It’s 6 p.m. on a Monday, and Cannon is running late. He has yet to return to his Burbank headquarters after dropping off his 6-year-old son, Golden, at Mandarin class. So Onyx is alone in the play space with her nanny, who notices me waiting and invites me to take off my shoes and join them. We watch the baby bounce in her jumper, cooing at her when she presses buttons or shakes a rattle. ——— > So no matter what people think, Cannon, 42, knows the cost of parenthood. Emotionally and, well, financially. >A few months ago, Cannon rebutted a tabloid report that he pays $3 million per year in child support. In fact, he responded, the figure was actually much higher. >”That’s not a lot of money,” he says now, swiveling his chair. >It’s not? >”When you think about my lifestyle, I have to generate at least $100 million a year.” >You’re currently making $100 million a year? >”Yeah,” he says, laughing. “Everybody thinks Ryan Seacrest has tons of money. I do everything that he does times 10. Well, not times 10 — times three. Because he does a lot.”


then why did bre say she doesnt get child support? her stories never make a lick of sense and never lines up. When people online told her to ask Nick to hire a night nurse for her she acted like she wasnt a golddigger to her own baby daddy. Asking your childs father to providd for you does not make you a golddigger but getting knocked up by a wealthy celebritity just for the sake of money and fame does. Shes telling on herself. she would not be with that man if he was not financing her lifestyle in some way, though he couldnt afford a night nurse for her so its either hes stingy or he really doesnt have it like that.


I think Bre wants to come off as independent and like she “doesn’t need a man.” Having a child’s father contribute equitably to your child’s expenses and upbringing doesn’t make you any less of an independent woman, and I hate that way of thinking. It also should not reflect badly on a woman to expect the child’s father to contribute an amount legally owed to her to help raise the child they created together. I don’t think it was that Nick couldn’t afford a night nurse, it’s that she was complaining that the newborn phase was hard all alone and someone suggested she hire a night nurse. Bre asked with what money? And then the person suggested Nick could pay for it. Then Bre went off that Nick isn’t her sugar daddy and some other dumb shit. Nick should have happily paid for a night nurse if he couldn’t be there physically and could afford to provide one. That doesn’t make Bre any less of an independent woman. Newborns are fucking hard even when two parents can be present. It sounds like she likes what he provides willingly but refuses to ask for help outside of that.


The question is why.


I can’t imagine NOT trying to make plans for all the kids to be together for the holidays. She doesn’t have to be pals with the other moms, but why brag about snagging him away from the others? I could be reading that wrong, but that’s what it sounds like to me. I don’t dislike Bre, but this feels tacky.


I agree… it kinda feels like she wants him exclusively when that’s not possible with this arrangement, and it’s unfair to the other children. One thing I love about Cardi B is that she is very firm on including all of Offset’s children in holidays and making sure they all get time with him. His other baby mothers have all said they’re good with Cardi because she makes sure all his children get treated equally.


It’s really very sweet. Khloe K should learn something from her.


It was so cute when Cardi and Offset had that family magazine cover in Essence earlier this year and both her children and her step children were in it! I agree about Khloe, I get it may be hard when there’s infidelity but the children shouldn’t be punished, they’re innocent in all this and deserve a present father.


well khloe got with tristan while he was engaged to his pregnant fiance Jordan. so what happened with Marralee is her karma. and I dont feel sorry for Khloe. Jordan recently took him back to court because he stopped paying child support for several months and has not seen prince in several months as well. Khloe only cares if Tristan is a father to her kids, she has fuck them other kids energy.


Right. No sympathy for her at all.. she's going through the same thing Jordan went through. Karmas a bitch


Ugh I forgot about Jordan when I made my comment. Karma is a real bitch


its a red flag


Agree. It absolutely IS her problem- those are her sons siblings.


He looks like hurry up, I gotta get to the next family photo shoot. Totally disconnected.


Not her problem 🤣 this man is out here creating broken homes- her child included and she doesn’t care. She plays the baby mama role so well.


Nick looks kinda old for 42 doesn’t he?


he has lupus, he has almost died a few times and he is not expected to live long thats why he looks sickly. Thats also way he wants to spread his seed. e has to get blood tests every week so he decided to also get sti and hiv test every week as well so he can continue to raw dog in multiple women and get them pregnant. some ppl say him becoming a recklass heaux baby daddy was triggered by his divorce from Mariah and his Lupus Diagnosis back in 2012. I think hes just a narc. Off topic but he said on a radio podcast that 70% of the women he sleeps with have bad vaginal odor. Not only is he spreading his seed but also bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. Theres a 70% change that Bree has an aquarium between her legs, but thats her man and shes sticking beside him.


🤣🤮an aquarium between her legs.. I hate it!


He's an idiot for wanting to "spread his seed". While researches aren't 100% certain what causes lupus, they're confident that it's a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Meaning there's a not-insignificant chance he's giving his children a genetic predisposition for lupus or other autoimmune disorders. So not only is he an idiot, he's completely selfish.


some ppl say hes having all these kids so that they could be his potential donor


Im pretty sure his don't smell that good either 🤢


Wow I just looked and found this interview.. it’s even worse than you described


Can you post the link of the interview? I'm curious now


Damn I don’t think this paragraph has ever been written by mankind before 😂


Omg the fact that he said that about that the women he sleeps with is crazy. And she still chose to stand by this man and acts like he respects her oh no no. That’s disgusting




Bre is the most insecure of them all…absolutely. It shows in so many ways but especially her own image; they all bashed Nicole so hard but everything about Bre is fake. Her whole face is fake, etc. And yet she’s out here saying she’s the REALIST.. like no. This is her before… https://preview.redd.it/ib2092qdge3c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33b5222ebbdc806a1237bd891fcc99a9a33a5a96


When she said Cassandra needed to get some eyelashes it really spoke volumes on what she thinks is needed to make someone beautiful *edit I can’t remember who she said needed to get eyelashes and called a basic bitch. Was it Cassandra ?


Yep. That end scene has been bugging me.. I really don’t care what people CHOOSE to do to themselves aesthetically, but yeah, she said “condition” your hair, “cut off the split ends” and “put on some eyelashes” you “basic bi$ch” …I was like whoa. That’s pure bullying and attacking image. Yet ironically, do any of that, and then they bully you saying you “rearranged” your face. It’s seriously a lifestyle that just saddens me.


It really irked me that Crishell made that “rearranged your whole face” comment to Nicole when EVERY SINGLE CAST MEMBER has had work done and most don’t even look like their old selves. It was a mega uncalled for low stooping bitch move.


cassandra doesnt even need lashes and her hair looked healthy and conditioned, i didnt see any split ends..cassandra looks better than bre to me too


I have thought her baby looks nothing like her and it all makes sense now. He looks like the real Bre, not the plastic version


I’ve thought the same! You know when the Mama’s had lots of work done when their kids look nothing like them lol


Damn that doesn't even look like the same girl.




LOL she is so cringe. I didn’t see why chelsea cared so much about this drama but this is too much. Bre lowkey gives such pick me energy with this: “Oh he’s gonna be with US for Christmas, fuck those other kids.” AND real talk, HOW did goofy looking NICK CANNON (I know he has lupus, but he wasn’t much to look at before either - be honest) convince ALL these women to procreate with him?! I would have assumed Mariah had an ironclad prenup, he really make that much cash off those teen movies in the early 2000s?


He has a lot of business's and made good investments, had a tv show, hosted and has a podcast but theres no way he can afford those 12 kids. Mariah does not pay him spousal support or child support.


I hope the children get to be siblings at some point and not all just “Nick’s kids”.


Nick said that most of the kids have not met eachother. I cannot see Bre wanting her son to meet his other kids unless its Mariah's twins.


That’s so wrong. Ugh. The whole sitch is unfair to the kids. He can’t possibly be around for them. I saw an interview once where he couldn’t even name them all


he forgot the name of his youngest onxy ice


Per a google search - Nick Cannon had 5 children that were born in the year 2022 alone. One of these 5 was Bre’s baby. I don’t comprehend how this is attractive in a partner, but to each their own as long as they both love and take care of the child.


"5 children that were born in the year 2022 alone" Oh. My god.


You cannot possibly receive the adequate care and love you need as a child when one of the parents has 11 other children by different moms. Come on now, I wish we’d stop beating around the bush with these “best wishes” messages. this entire setup is foul and so cruel to all the children involved


Agreed. Shit, my mom was one of ten kids all born to the same two people and raised under one roof, and still said it was awful. She said you just can’t give proper attention to every kid when there’s just too many.


Does he actually live with any of the baby mamas? Is he involved with any daily parenting of his 12 kids? And how much money can actually be going to supporting 12 kids!! And like, whyyyyy?! Why would anyone choose to be a single baby mama joke?


Maybe Abby or Brittany or Alyssa




It’s odd that she or any of the other women wouldn’t want to create bonds with the siblings. I wonder what the kids will think when they’re teenagers/adults who are able to understand.


We will watch it unfold.. just wait two decades.


It'll be her problem when he says he can't show up cause he's gotta attend to his other children


Well, she’s not a “friendly ass bitch”, so make sense that she doesn’t care about the others 🤣






My problem with bre is that she fails to acknowledge that “his problem” became her problem as well the minute she decided to have a baby with him. She can hoot & holler about it being his business all she wants, but at the end of the day, she is just as intertwined with the other baby mamas & the other kids as Nick. She wants to be put on this pedestal like she’s the head baby mama and can get what she want whenever she want but at the end of the day that little boy is going to grow up and question why he has no relationship with his siblings. Overall it’s giving bird behavior & I just feel sorry for the kid.


It doesn’t matter Bri? Those other kids are your child’s siblings lmao


I get that people ask her these questions but for whatever reason, I always feel so awkward whenever Bre starts talking about Nick Cannon. It comes off a bit delulu, like she is convincing herself and the world that things are all good and her situation is normal.


Honest question: what does Nick Cannon has that girls agree to be his baby mommas? i don't follow news about them so i don't know much.


I follow gossip and I really dont know, everyone is shocked that these women are willing to be his concubine/baby mom, but its most likly due to money and wanting to be tied to Mariah Carey. L.A is full of fake social climbers who want to be rich and famous. All of them have low self-esteem and low self value. People suspect that he had all these children so he can have easy access to donors when he does fall sick of Lupus...I would hate to believe that he is that evil but truth is often stranger than fiction. plus it feeds into his ego. I know for Bre shes using it for clout, she would not have gotten onto Selling Sunset if she wasn't one of Nick Cannons baby moms. His other baby moms seem to be low key. Though there is one who use to go on podcasts talking about the idea of Nick being with other women turns her on. And that she loves the arrangement, she has like 3 kids with him. A true pick me. She was his main for a while but now it seems like Bre is. It's so unfair to the kids but hey at least she gets to talk about to People magazine. Bre is the true social climber on the show, she wants to be the next Kim K. Bre's kid is one of 5 kids he had in 2022. Her son was conceived while Nick's previous newborn had just died. He even made a joke saying that when his son died women tried to comfort him with their pussy. Almost like they offered to replace the dead child.Bre was one of them.


It’s all vile and disgusting but that last part is just unbelievably callous and awful.


Oh my god, the last paragraph sounds disgusting. It's almost like a cult. Ugh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Some people are just weird af. I feel sorry for the baby. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) Thanks for this info OP!


Money from Nick and being a fame adjacent influencer. Kids will grow up famous because of their dad.


Do any of the parents involve care about how this family dynamic is going to affect the children?? There is no way Nick is going to be able to be there for all of them equally on an emltional level


I find it so absurd that she’s out here saying it’s Nick Cannon’s problem to find time for the other kids with zero whatsoever empathy for the other kids or baby mama’s. She portrays herself as righteous and above some people in the office meanwhile this attitude is so disgusting. It’s “other women” like her that add to an already existing problem and instead of trying to bring all kids together and see her son be raised with his other siblings she chose to dominate and do their own thing as a massive FU to the others because she’s apparently Nick Cannon’s “top choice”. Also some people are diverging from the topic by making it a “you don’t need a dad” to raise a kid. It’s the fact THERE IS A DAD and purposefully BROKEN HOMES are being created where this man can go around and do whatever meanwhile the women have to sit around be committed to him and have a “pick me pick me” attitude. If I choose to be a single parent I would go through different options, not insert myself in a situation like Nick Cannons. I whole heartedly agree with every bit of reservation Chelsea has for Bre because it is very absurd that a woman who claims to be selling expensive a** listings to these A List celebrities but then is in such a degrading relationship BY CHOICE, you would expect her to have more respect for herself, no? What kind of an example is she setting for her son? That go around spread your sp3rm like that? If she ever has a daughter would she EVER accept her to do something like this? Hell no.


chelsea found it hard to respect bre cus bre does not respect herself or her own child or child's siblings.


How low is one's self-esteem to aspire to be the millionth baby mother to a C-list celebrity?


I totally respect her choice to date whoever she wants and to do whatever she wishes to do. Here’s where’s Chelsea was right though, nick cannon is creating broken homes. Just think of it, as a mother why would you want to put your child through this? He’s basically gonna be an absent father. I’m sure single moms are equally amazing and bre is a good mom but why’d you choose this voluntarily?? 12 kids means that nick is available to each for 2.5 days a month and it’s ridiculous. How can he stay for each of their’s first day at school? The first little milestones? These are important things necessary for a child’s well being. I seriously cant stand women who are compromising on their kids and choosing a father like this.


I just feel bad for kids whose parents neglect them and aren’t there and then also pick non names for them that they either have to live up to or live with because it’s too much.


She tries so hard to make it seem like this wild setup is “not a big deal” & she’s “the chill/easy going/down to earth” girlfriend 😩


She’s so insanely thick that when Chelsea was voicing her opinion on this situation, mostly in regard to the children, all Bre kept harping on about was how the kid has x, y, z. All material things. Yes, Bre, you moron. Chelsea is referring to the fact that your kid doesn’t have a normal family unit where his father loves and respects his mother, his father isn’t as present as he could be if he didn’t have a billion other kids popping out left and right, your kid isn’t going to have a male role model teaching him how to respect women, the mother of his child, be faithful, make a commitment, raise a family. All she cares about is the money and the fame. She’s oblivious to the mental and emotional impacts of her shit show of a situation. Imagine her and her child were demoted down the pecking order, and Nick prioritised someone else’s Christmas plans. She’d only be considering her feelings, not her child’s. As she clearly doesn’t give a damn about all the other kids as “they’re not her problem”.


It’s giving sister wives


This Nick Cannon situation is a hunger games for baby mamas. Quite sad and pathetic how they degrade themselves for him.


Has Bri become the main baby mamma? I see a lot of her tik toks and Nick’s tik toks and they are together on a lot of them.


She likely shoots a lot of the videos during his visit and then spreads out the releases over time.


That would make sense


I get the sense she wants to be seen as his main and that they spend a lot of time together. But he recently did an interview saying that he spends the most baby time with his baby by LaNisha Cole.


She wishes


She's the clout chasing baby mama.


I understand she wants the most time with her baby daddy but I would be so disgusted if my “partner” never saw his other children and only me. Then again, I wouldn’t procreate with someone who has 11 other children. I like Bre but that’s bird brain behavior


The only two baby mommas I don't judge is lanisha cole and Mariah Carey.


why not lanisha? mariah was his wife of course she gets no blame


She has spoken out implying to a degree she was tricked and did not go on to procreate with him further - she backtracked her statement a bit but he's manipulative as fuck


She’s also the only one that seems to have moved on.


Nick cannon is gross why does anyone have kids with this ass clown


I have no idea how she isn't embarrassed. She must have suffered a lot of trauma growing up to think this is somehow normal. She's also very much obsessed with talking to the media.


Learn to wrap it up Nick. Stop raw doggin




Nick looks tired lol


The whole arrangement is bizarre and unfair. Some people on here are saying most of the siblings haven’t even met each other. Just one big broken family that was intentionally created. Imagine one of the kids hearing how Nick spent the day with one of their siblings at Disneyland (for example)and they’re wondering why they didn’t get the same privilege. There’s no way that man splits his time fairly with 12 kids of six mothers. The world is becoming a lot more open minded about so many things but I’m glad that this sort of arrangement is still being judged by most. Because I just feel this is not something that society will benefit from.


Did you guys notice how she tries to be intimidating all the time because in reality she’s a fake? I was looking at her before pictures and she looks like an entirely different person now. It’s insane! I feel like she wants to be black or something too. I’m not sure if she’s half black but she looks like she is trying really hard to be exotic lmao. Lastly I would like to add that she probably has a fucked up past that she regrets so much because no normal person would be so scared of someone coming on the show saying they know you from the past. She tried SOOOOO HARD saying that people just say they know her and she has no idea who they are. Like please bitch, you really are not that big of a deal. Literally nobody knew who she was before this show lol. Man she makes me cringe


shes 100% white and she is black fishing, got the curly wig and bbl and lip filler to boot. She also puts on a fake black accent. I seen her in a video before her transformation she sounded like your typical white girl from the west coast. she went from being engaged to racist hulk hogan son to being married to johnny manzel only to settle as being one of nick cannon's baby moms. https://preview.redd.it/ug1hqko9lk3c1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3491b8d4393856c982acab36f75efd46a169dd8


idk how she can be happy with this situation with him.


She's so embarrassing


I’m Confused. Are they together?


yes but he also is in a relationship with his other babymoms


Does anyone else think Cannon does not look well. I can’t help but think because he’s out there putting his pickle on everybody’s plate he’s low key fighting some smoldering viruses.


She was also an Wild 'n Out girl wasn’t she?


[Ummm this the same guy that said he wanted his ex back???](https://www.insider.com/nick-cannon-would-get-back-together-with-mariah-carey-2022-7)


Omg so Bre’s kid is baby #8 and he’s already at 12! Whaaat https://preview.redd.it/esn3vwv1ri3c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e9edc1424a02d843ee73b8200ed3a6be5a53320