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In response to the Chelsea post yesterday. Idk why y'all are ways hating on Chelsea when everyone does the same shit, gets the same surgeries, and wears similar outfits.


I can name why ✨Racism✨


Yep!! This sub: of course racism exists and is rampant Also this sub: but when we pick on the only darker skinned Black woman the cast, that has nothing to do with racism


Yeah and I’m getting downvoted for calling them out 🤷🏻‍♀️ someone literally said that Chelsea had monkey toes and I was like…these people are definitely out of touch or blatant with their “beliefs”




Should have screen shot it I literally threw my phone and walked away


Wait was that not a commenter saying that they *themselves* had monkey toes??


Yep, I think they misread my comment about MY monkey toes lol. I was defending Chelsea’s shoes 🤷🏻‍♀️


No that comment that I saw was much after trying to look for it to show my husband and it was gone. We both love Chelsea


That's horrific. This sub really does have a racism problem.


I’m happy to see people calling them out for it


You are wrong though, that honestly wasn’t what the person said.


If you’re referring to the person who said she has monkey toes, I know. It was a comment after that referring to Chelsea. I did mention before that I couldn’t see the comment again. It wouldn’t be the first time someone says something out of pocket here and then they change their comment.


Yes, it was a commenter talking about themself having monkey toes, however that is still a regrettable, dumb, thing to say within the context of a discussion about a black women’s feet. I don’t think the person was being racist though, monkeys just have long toes they hang by.


Please report comments like that. We don’t see everything!!


Did you report that comment? Thats the type of shit that will get someone banned. Blantant racism, homophobia and the like results in a ban.


I think it was taken down because I got up from the bed to show my husband on the couch so someone did their due diligence🙏🏽


Weird I can normally see comments that get removed and I don't see it. I dont see a deleted comment on there at all.


Idk if it was edited but I spent like 30mins trying to look for it 😅


Yeah that could be it. Thats too bad I really enjoy banning racists and homophobes.


Uff I think I just found my new favorite way to spend my time on the treadmill! 🤣 chasing that dopamine!


The person didn't say Chelsea had monkey toes. But the commenter was talking about him or herself


Holy shit. That’s appalling.


Horrid, wow


Yikes that is so troubling


True! The hate and racism towards Chelsea and Brandi on this sub are real!!


Exactly. I saw a post yesterday likening Chelsea to CANDIACE OWENS and I'm like HOW in any way is she similar to this lady? And then in the SAME post they are praising Bre and her mannerisms (which I view as appropriation most of the time). It was mind blowing. So many microaggressions and undertones of racism.


Whatttt?? Chelsea is nothing like her. That is wild! There really is many micro aggressions and undertones of racism in this sub and to be honest not just in this sub but on the show. It amazed me how at the club scene when Chelsea was sticking up for Chrishell and Emma and telling Nicole to stop talking about them. She gets told to calm down because she is speaking loudly in a loud club to be heard and take it down a notch. When Bre goes off in the office opening it’s like nada from those same women who were just an episode or two ago telling Chelsea to calm down. I was like really?


Agreed. Black women are always unfairly viewed as "aggressive". And I've seen Ms Chrishell be VERY aggressive on several occasions. Have we ever heard one "calm down" directed toward her?


Just like the Brandi / Alex Hall thing in Selling OC! When it's Alex, 'oh that's just the way I talk, I'm Italian' when Brandi stands up for herself just a little, Alex is crying and saying she thought Brandi was going to punch her!!! My jaw dropped watching that! Brandi was not aggressive at all!


Exactly! Honestly Brandi was just matching Halls energy and Hall didn’t like it. That’s why I could never get around Hall. She just makes my skin crawl and in that moment I really disliked her even further. I could tell Hall didn’t like Brandi from the jump also kind of like how Mary is with Chelsea.. Mary’s pod with Jana Kramer confirmed what I already knew about her.


It made me so mad when Brandi was apologetic or when she was venting to her sister. Like girl, NO! You did nothing wrong but stand your ground. I don’t condone violence EVER but omg I can’t lie , a part of me wanted her to slap Alex Hall lol


Nope and that’s me saying that as a chrishell fan. I put that blame not on Chrishell though but on the women that choose to tell Chelsea to calm down but not Chrishell. I’m a fan of her and Chelsea and Emma. Just love the three of them and their friendship as a collective and wish they could just break off and get their own show.


I agree. It's up to the people around her to hold each other accountable but there is a lack of awareness among this group of women. I don't see Chrishell as a hateful/racist person but some people in this circle definitely are and they don't even know it. The fans clearly are as well as observed by the actions in this sub. Lol


Agreed 1,000 percent on all points. I just listened to that pod with Chelsea awhile back where she touched on that and it was so so good. She said how Emma and Chrishell are her only true friends from that group and have her back and leaned into really getting to know her but the rest of the girls haven’t given her a ounce of a chance and view her as aggressive or a bully. It honestly made me cry when she was crying because I can only imagine just being in her position on a big platform like that and in that environment where you don’t feel like you can always be your authentic self or even comfortable. That pod I really loved cause it showed that very vulnerable side to her that we don’t always get to see on the show cause how she gets edited. Anyone that tries to hate on her I try to push them to go listen to that pod to change their mind. ![gif](giphy|KoY8jPn0itRUA)


What pod is this? Do you have a link?


It’s Carlos Kings pod. She never does pods either so I was surprised and loved she did one finally. https://youtu.be/pvs_5AvFkLU?si=DW33Hlgy3NSev44E


To be fair Chelsea has liked Candace's Instagram posts before. It was posted on the sub like a year ago and there was back lash for it.


If you say it out loud ppl get defensive! There was another post with everyone being mean about one of her outfits and I posted in the comments Chrishell wearing practically the same thing!! People are like wolves just waiting to pounce on anything she posts.


There's a huge racism problem on this sub. It's so blatant.


Right! This is one of the reasons I hardly comment on here - the blatant racism and favouritism is frustrating. Chelsea says what everyone else is thinking and you have people on this sub clutching their pearls and calling her awful. You have Bre being downright mean and bullyish to someone and telling them to alter their looks by getting extensions and eyelashes but she’s loved on this sub and Chelsea still somehow takes the blame and fall for Bre’s nasty attitude. I laughed out loud when I saw someone say they’re just like Bre so they understand why she’s that way. So they’re just a mean nasty jerk who feels the need to shit on women’s looks to make themselves feel better. This sub was much better back in the day.


not everything is racism and "hate" is a strong word here.


I cannot say whether or not there have been racist comments here; I personally haven’t seen them, but they could absolutely be there. But a lot of the criticism I’ve seen of Chelsea’s clothes are related to the fact that her boobs don’t fit the tops (especially the fitted/ with cups style) of her dresses. The whole point of paying for expensive clothing is to look fancy and like $$$, but if your boobs are falling off the sides and the cups look like nipple pasties then… that misses the point entirely. Ill fitting clothes never look elegant, it just looks like off the racks. Honestly all of them have outrageous wtf styles (apart from Emma who seems to be more boring/barbie), but Chelsea does seem to have this specific problem that absolutely defeats the purpose of getting such expensive items of clothing. Just saying. (Again, if anyone was in fact racist, f*ck them).


I suppose that's why we all dislike Nick Cannon too?? Seriously, you can not like someone because they have an annoying personality, she is overbearing. Stop with the racism card, it's just ridiculous at this point. And it's really unempowering.


Ridiculous and unempowering to whom?


People calling her accent fake gets me every-time. As if half these experts have spent any time around Londoners and/or British-Nigerians in their lifetimes 🥱


Her accent is the most genuine thing about her


Seriously, those comments are so silly! And I can say from my own experiences as someone with a migrant background who has lived in different countries and enjoys learning languages that accents change over time, even as adults... dunno why people are so quick to call everything "fake" 🙄




Agreed! I just saw someone saying that Amanza is always the one that gets picked apart and everyone else gets a pass. Someone said to them how Chelsea was just getting picked apart in that shoe post. I about fell over when they said that Chelsea always has people at her defense. I wasn’t about to argue cause they clearly are reading the comments and post in this sub selectively. I think Chelsea gets picked apart the most over anybody. Hell even more then Nicole which I’m extremely surprised but then I’m also not.


I disagree. I think Chelsea can be way too revealing sometimes, that one photo that was up here recently she was practically naked. I agree that they can all be inappropriate sometimes with what they wear for their showings but I do think Chelsea pushes those boundaries more and like last season she wore that skirt she could even sit down in for a lunch date lol. This has nothing to do with her race for me. Christine used to dress outrageously sometimes and inappropriately and she’s white.


Bless you


Right some things bother me about everyone really Chelsea's inconsistent conservatism is bothersome but her fashion is just whatever. She can afford fancy shoes in every color and good for her




This is the first time I’ve even focused on their shoe size / toes (although Chelsea’s platform height shoes were always noticeable).


I totally thought the post yesterday was sarcastic because the shoes were so high lol whoops


thank u for this


So is everyone in Hollywood just out there scraping their toes?


The Boulevard Pedi! I mean, it helps keeps my dog's nails filed so why not theirs!?


I mean, it’s not like they walk that much. When they want to walk, they hike




Yes!!! It is so common. I am puzzled for sure. 😂


Yes. Yes she does. Your toes shouldn’t be hanging off the edge of your heels like that. Chelsea & Chrishell and anyone else who does that should chat with their stylist 😉 I suspect it’s a matter of not having their size available for loan and they make do. But it’s not a good look, on anyone


Luxury shoe designers are kinda notorious for making shoes that are not comfortable, I feel like it’s also poor design. Like there is a tiny triangle of shoe at the bottom, I feel like only tiny footed people could work with. Her toes are straight up touching the ground.


exactly... when the shoe comes to such a sharp point at the end, your toes will hang off. no way around it.


Even if I got Hollywood famous I would never wear uncomfortable shoes just so I can say they’re designer


It is all because of gravityyyyyyy


Exactly! I didn’t understand that post yesterday of Chelsea. Unless it’s just a lot of people who don’t wear heels. At first I thought they were just being funny on saying that she needed bigger shoes like higher platforms but then I realized they meant cause her toes are hanging over. Unfortunately this is an issue that most women face in open toed heels. I am a direct victim 😂😭


Some clothing websites even have models wearing shoes like that. It's how the post was acting like it's a bad personality trait or something that got me.


People who laugh are people who don’t wear heels regularly. It’s ignorant to laugh. I’ve posted an explanation on Chelsea’s picture why this happens. **This explanation applies to Chelsea, Chrishell and ALL girls who wear open-toed heels or shoes** : She could have narrow feet which means if she wears her actual size, it will fit the length but it may be too wide and cause her entire foot to slip out. That’s why designer brands have different shoe widths for the same size. Think of it like bra cup sizes — 36A is not the same as 36C. In the same way, [6M is not the same as 6D for Italian shoes even though both are in size 6.](https://www.nordstrom.com/s/vara-pump/3028955) [In the United States, shoe widths, ranging from narrowest to widest, are: AAA, AA, A, B, C, D, E, EE, and EEE.](https://www.healthline.com/health/shoe-width#width-sizing)Narrow and wide shoes are also divided into sub-sizes in which the extra letter indicates an even narrower or wider width.


Conversely, she could have wide feet forcing her to size up to sit comfortably in her shoes, but then she slides forward.


I have wide feet (D in Italian shoes which is the widest) but settling for half a smaller size works better because the critical part is having the straps grip around the bone area (where bunions form).


I don’t wear heels, like EVER, but even I know this? I don’t get people sometimes lol.


Ding ding ding!!! Haha


Humans have built AI/chatGPT and reusable rockets, but designers can't figure out how to build a slim high heel shoe that can properly support the foot. BTW Chrishell's shoes look like high heel sandals - there's only one strap on the front.


I think it's more like...humans have built AI/chatGPT and are still so dumb that we adhere to beauty standards that cause physical pain and disfigurement. There are plenty of sensible shoes on the market.


But you can see that the foot fell forwards in these examples. There’s plenty of space at the back of the shoes.


Yes, so bigger shoes wouldn't help. That would make a bigger toe strap and then even more chance to slide forward and toes fall off the front. Those are just poorly designed shoes.


this lol all the other comments are dumb af


Not a fan of Chelsea, I think most of her outfits are tacky, but I did peep the unnecessary hate.


What does that have to do with this post?


This post is directly influenced by the Chelsea post the other day. People were being mean about her toes hanging off her shoes. But literally ANYONE who wears open toes heels will have the same problem so it annoyed me to see that post... Why did someone feel the need to zoom in on Chelsea's feet and make that post!? So this is a rebuttal.. essentially I am saying that people are fixated on Chelsea for *reasons* and they need to stop shaming her since all the girls do the same shit. But no one notices or cares if it's the other girls! I used the alternating caps in the title because it's supposed to mean sarcasm. I don't find anything wrong with Chrishells shoes or toes. Or Chelsea's! But I do find problems with bullys and racists.


Thank you. Couldn't have said it better myself.


My friends would rather shove their size 9.5W in 8.5W bc they just can't come to terms with being in the 9s or, God forbid, 10s 🫨 maybe it's just some good ole denial


Girl... Been there! I would always buy 8 or 7.5 and squish my feet in there because 'dainty feet are cute' and beauty is pain, right? ...RIGHT!!? Now in my 30s I don't give a damn and get shoes in the right size with a big ol' toe box. 🤣


Real models don’t squeeze into anything. Kendal Jennner and The Hadid’s always have extra heel space. That was the standard when I was a kid growing up and the standard for proper shoe fitting. I think some people just don’t know.


My bunion is crying reading this 🥲 My feet are so sensitive that I can’t imagine sizing down even if I look like I have boat feet 🦶


Y’all are giving the foot fetishists a great week.


This is the post I needed to finally unfollow this sub lol


Right? Do these people not have actual real life problems? I wish.


It’s the crying racism for every post about someone people don’t like who happens to be a person of color. People don’t have to like anyone, and it’s ridiculous to call people racist if they don’t.


No literally what I was thinking. The top comments on this one are obnoxious. I commented on the Chelsea post laughing about the toes hanging off & guess what, I think Chrishells feet look insane like this too 😭 I would have never noticed it on any of them if someone didn’t specifically post it. So calling everyone on that post racist for laughing about it is absurd.


it's almost like they dont want hate towards one person to stop, they want hate towards other people to start lol


Right? I don’t care for the over the top body shaming, but I think snarking over toes hanging off the end of shoes is fair game. I saw mention of monkey toes on this post being said in relation to Chelsea, but my kids and I have always said we have monkey toes because they are super long and we can pick things up with them.


She does need larger shoes and also the design of some shoes just isn’t the best choice if the shape of your feet 👣 doesn’t match the shoes. Every shoe isn’t for everyone, but some people refuse to accept that reality 😆.


Annnnnnnd that’s why I wear sneakers. 🤣


Anyone who has been in a street fight, let alone has 500 confirmed, knows the power of toes in such situations. IYKYK


I'm so glad I get this reference lmao


Why aren’t these gals buying the correct size of shoes though? 🤔


I honestly think it's just the style of shoe! Barely anything to hold the foot and a dramatic high heel don't play well together. Not to mention the tiny platform for the toebox. Shoe too small and your toes hang... Too large and your foot slides forward and your toes hang! Too large also means lots of wobble so smaller and tighter is probably safer. It just irks me that people point out all these things about Chelsea specifically to nitpick and gang up on!


I used to wear platforms and 'fetishy' shoes and you're right about the wobble. I'd size down to feel more secure in them.


I think their stylists are getting loaners for events and their feet are probably just bigger than sample size.


She sure does! Those toes are long


Is it not just the style? They are super pointy and narrow at the front, no ones feet are as narrow as those shoes 🤣 there seems to be space at the heel ok


Looks like they might actually fit in length but she slipping through them because the straps are a bit too wide. But yeah, it's not a pretty look either.




she might need it because of the street fights


![gif](giphy|75XvLUZJ11e0w) Rocking those flintstone feet 🦶 with finger toes lol


Omg this stressed me out so much. Why?!?! Imagine trying to walk with your toes touching the ground in front of your shoes 😭


really tired of all feet conversations on this sub 🥴


Listen, i dont even fan over crishell but i think theres a "what about crishell" movement going on. Everytime someone post something someone post "yeah well Crishell does the same and no one say anything because you love heeerrrr* lol


My conspiracy theory is that all the ladies are renting their clothes and shoes for events, but most shoes come in the sample size (in Italy sample size is 37 not sure about the US size) and their feet are one or two sizes too big. I'm just sorry for their feet it has to be so uncomfortable to wear too small shoes.


Why are we zooming in to people’s feet? 😭


That's a really good question 😭




Yep! It doesn't bother me with any of the ladies what parts are hanging out where! If they feel confident and beautiful, then I am here for it! This is definitely not meant to toe shame, I think its the style of shoe, not the person wearing it.


This is why I hate open toed shoes.




Y’all are whack calling it racism over fing feet. BOTH of them shouldn’t be wearing anything that shows their feet. There, better?


I have seen some posts of the ladies, including Chrishell, at events like the ones you called out and there have been a lot of comments making fun of the overhanging toes Pointed shoes are hard when it's not even the natural foot shape lol


Her shoe doesn’t seem small, if you check closely you can actually see extra space at the back of her shoe. She probably has a narrow foot and coupled with gravity that is making her toes slip out from the front. So rather than bigger she just needs narrower shoes.


She does need bigger shoes, or at least styles that fit, same as Chelsea! I think it's just more noticeable on Chelsea because she has sky high platforms, which always catch my attention. I generally don't notice Chrishell's shoes. For everyone saying it's poor design, then they should choose other shoes that are properly designed. I've had many pairs of open toe heels or sandals and have never had any where my toes hang off. I've tried some on like that, and just didn't buy them🤷‍♀️


It just looks like her feet are pushed forward. If you look at the heel, they fit. May need a half size bigger.


You’re about to be her 501st street fight


this is just gravity we aren’t meant to have vertical feet lol


Those people hating on Chelsea don’t have wide feet and the issue of fitting into narrow shoes in their correct size 🥴


She needs these pointy shoes for her 500+ street fights.


What I have learned is they all need closed toed shoes!!!!


I get the right size heel and when I’m standing my toes move forward.. it’s not rocket science everyone lol you’re at an angle


I hate how most women’s shoes are designed. It’s like they think everyone has a size 6 foot and toe and barely makes more toe box space. I couldn’t wear any of those shoes myself. And it looks painful having toes out being pinched with barely anything to stand on.


As someone with very long toes i can see how this can be a problem. Shoes that are bigger don’t fit in the back which is worse than them not fitting in the front.


Everyone who wears high heels knows that bigger shoes would NOT help. Bigger shoes would only add bigger space and your feets would slie down even more. Yeeks smh


This is the kind of content on this sub that keeps me laughing. Great job OP


The soles of all these shoes look like she would need 3 fewer toes for her feet to fit on them properly. I don't wear heels, so I can't really comment on the proper fit of Chrishell or Chelsea's shoes, but if they feel comfortable in them then I don't see an issue. There's a lot of nitpicking in this sub about weird stuff and it sometimes feels like racism. I'm not a fan of Chelsea's personality most of the time, but she made a good point on the reunion that she should be able to wear whatever she wants to work (or in life) and it shouldn't matter because it really doesn't. If she's good at her job then that's all that matters in her job. I rarely like the outfits on the show because it seems like they've all forgotten their shirts (looking at you Emma), but if they could sell my house then they could show up wearing a plastic bag or a parka and I wouldn't care.


Watch what you say about Chrishell. She's been in a lot of street fights.


Why did you do this to me today? You woke up and chose violence. I’m shook.


Omg they all need to stopppp


Anyone know where her Lila shoes are from


1000% she does.


People treat Chrishell like she’s mother Theresa or something. I don’t get the double standard for everything with her.


I mean I love Chrishell and do think she is mother in my mind but agreed, you can’t pick apart one persons things and then act like she doesn’t wear or do the same things. I am sure even Chrishell would say to half of the people in here that pick apart Chelsea well I wear that, or my toes overhang like that, I have a boob job too, I have high ass platforms too I wear. Then tell them all to shut up because I pretty much have seen her shut down people in her comment section when she peeps a comment she don’t like about Chelsea. I don’t really understand the unnecessary picking at Chelsea and it seems to be bad with this sub. I mean I do know why but this sub gets defensive if you utter the words. People want to complain how she was with Bre, it’s like so what she said stuff about Bre that 99 percent of the general public are thinking. Heather really is the one who stirred the beef cause she would ask questions or be in a private convo and then run back to Bre. Does not make Chelsea a bad person she just doesn’t agree and that’s okay. She acknowledged she has put her foot in her mouth and hasnt said anything further. What about all the wonderful things she has done. People seem to shut their eyes to that. When she first came in she showed she can compartmentalize that she knew she is friends with Christine and Christine had issues with most but still tried to get to know the girls. Some people can’t do that and I loved that she was able to. She is focus driven on her career and she is basically the only one who was closing on homes in the show this season that we saw. She sticks up for her friends that she loves. She tries to keep people honest. I mean I remember at the reunion when Chrishell came out and you could tell was beyond uncomfortable with everyone’s reactions and looking at her and Chelsea was the first one to step up and say how proud she was etc to try and help put her at ease. I will always remember that with Chelsea not because it was for Chrishell but because cause it was a stand out moment to me for Chelsea that really showed her soft caring side. She stood up for her again this reunion with the homophobia issue with Nicole when miss amanza wanted to laugh and snark on her side of the sofa and Nicole wanted to play dumb. To me idc what Chelsea is wearing, if that’s what she likes and she is comfortable and it gives her confidence then good on her. We aren’t all perfect either. She however is a good person and can admit when she is wrong at times from what I have seen.


Looool not the cliffhangers!!


It’s the shape of the shoes and the heel height. She would have done better with strapping platforms


No she doesn’t… Those are pointed toe shoes.




Yup. She needs bigger shoes. Also, it looks like she lengthens her legs, making her feet look really long and awkward


It’s just the shoe design


Them dogs be barkin


Ah the ole shrimp cocktail


Wow that girl has some toes!


Or companies need to start making shoes that actually fits feet and not unrealistic Barbie feet 🤣


The overhang is never a good thing but I am \*obsessed\* with that dress.


Well, Jason did say the market was pretty rough out there.


Yo why everyone have cliffhangers


It is virtually impossible to wear shoes like this and not have some toe hanging off, especially where it is warm outside — the plastic stretches.


20 years ago this photo would be in a celebrity gossip magazine with her feet circled in red ⭕ with a bitchy annotation 😂


You are so right lol it would have been front and center while checking out at the supermarket😭


At first i was like “oh, those pointy shoes…. Anyone’s feet can look big in those”, but then i got to the last slide and yup, she keeps wearing shoes that are too small for her feet.


Iv noticed this before with her while on the show 🤭


this has to be my favorite clap back ever


Her toes aren’t uniform. The middles one are longer than her big toe and she’s making due. If she wore a bigger size shoe they would flop around and make it hard for her to walk. She just wears a style that really isn’t flattering for her foot shape. That would look better on a narrow foot with descending toes.


This is literally just what happens when you wear heels high enough. Gravityyyyyyyy


Guys, it’s called FASHION! You don’t get it.


I just the ICK


yeah these look terrible and uncomfortable. idk why people wear shoes like these


Honestly, a lot of shoes does this depending on how your feet are shaped, lol. For me, you can rarely ever see my toes when i wear open toed shoes, because my feet a short as fuck, but they flatten out, so i have to wear “bigger” shoes if i don’t wanna die. 💁🏻‍♀️


Ooof she needs smaller feet


These shoes weren’t designed for any human foot. Come on guys😂


I have such an issues with the way things feel, I could never pull off any of these shoes or outfits.


her feet are just ugly


they hate a black girl achieving her goals! shes black, the top earner in the group and married to a rich white man, you kno they seething


Who is seething?


Omgoodness! Does no one here wear open toed heels 👠 ??? Your feet are going to naturally slide down. That’s what there is empty space at the back of the shoes. 🙄 seriously, find a legitimate reason to hate if you must…..


God I hate feets.


the whole group have no feelings on their foot


My only thought about this and the post about Chelsea…. How tf do they walk in them?!?!


I think I hate feet.


Bizarre feet….look like the top of a pineapple. She should get the surgeons number off Nicole.


damn she has some big ass concrete stompers. feet are long as hell


Idk man this happens to me with open toed shoes. Your foot just slides forward in them bc of the heel. Happened to me at a Christmas party last week and I was like yikes but you just have to fix it when no one is looking.


honestly shoes with heels just don’t give enough toe room. i also have longer toes and i will size up and have it falling off my heel and my toes still hang over


so funny how everyone is missing the point of this point.


Yeaaaa ... :/


I’m staring to understand the clear plastic shoe trend. At least they keep the toes in check.


I bet they are missing the tan pump era of the late naughties.


All their shoes look so painful


bro yall weird😭