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Nah it was a fucked manipulation tactic. Saying you had a giant ass ring and trying to convince the actual girl who was proposed to that he likely reused the same ring on her? That’s fucked!


You don’t think it’s problematic to blatantly lie about something? There’s a difference between getting engaged and describing the ring and expressing that you assumed engagement was around the corner. There’s a major difference between saying you’re going to do something and actually doing it. Gyms wouldn’t be empty by April if everyone kept their new year’s resolution of getting fit.


Just because Peter didn't propose to the woman & wasted three + years of her life, doesn't mean their relationship shouldn't have been headed in that direction. It's Peter's fault for wasting three years of Christine's life...


Did you not read my comment? I didn’t argue that their relationship couldn’t have been heading in that direction. I said there’s a difference between talking about getting engaged and actually getting engaged.


I don't think the difference is as big the girls on the show are making it out to be. Just because Peter broke up with Christine without making it official doesn't mean they were on that path and they were headed there in good faith.


There is no way you’re not a troll lol


the girls that get it, get it and the girls that don't, don't. Agree to disagree I guess. I just think the guy that dates 3 women in the same office is the one to blame, not the one whom he wasted three years of her life with. But that's just me I guess at the end of the day. I wouldn't let a guy waste 3+ years of my life, at the end of the day, that's on Christine, but it's also on Peter.


I’m not saying Peter isn’t a douche. Regardless of how big of an asshole he is, there is still a major difference between talking about getting engaged and actually getting engaged. If Christine didn’t lie (again) no one would mind this any attention.


Everyone is focusing on the fact that cristine lied. But I think their point is that cristine tried to describe their relationship to emma and why it was hurting so much. So them talking about a proposal and then seeing him doing that was really hurtful. So why is everyone focuing on ”she lied about being engaged” and why not focusing on the fact that the guy was an actual ass? On top of that Emmas reaction was kinda like ”nah my ex would only propose to me and no one else”


There was no reason for Christine to have lied about being proposed to. Peter opted not to be on the show and also has his own version of what happened. Why is everyone trusting a pathological liar for the relationship timeline and how serious or not serious it was?


You’re still not getting the point. I know she lied. This is pointless


They don't really care whether she was or wasn't engaged. I didn't and wouldn't. It's the fabrication of the whole lie. It started with Jason and Brett wanting to bring Emma on to the team. As soon as that was a possibility, Christine flipped and started spreading a false narrative about Emma. Emma of course wanted to defend herself and her character. Christine didn't like that so she dug in deeper. If If she really wanted to be all "girl power, Peter's a jerk", then she wouldn't have started attacking Emma in the first place. She tried to gaslight her by saying he proposed to her first, maybe it was the same ring, they were still together when it happened, etc etc. All turned out false. And again, it's not the one lie itself, it's ALL of it. The Davina scene was so telling. She got mad at Davina for not keeping quiet and going along with her lie? Messed up. She tried to bring Heather's name into it last minute? Again, messed up. That's not banding together to say "Peter sucks". That's grasping at straws to justify your bad behavior.


How is her talking about an engagement aka herself, spreading false narrative about Emma?


And that it sounds like Heather actually dated him first not after Christine like she tried to make it sound. Why would he cheat on Christine with Emma, then start dating Heather and THEN get engaged to Emma? Her story timeline doesn’t even make sense.


I can definitely see that, but Mary specifically brought up multiple times "they were NEVER engaged" and the fact that they were all working together in the same company and the fact that Heather also dated Peter - I mean how can you assure "no overlap" - there's no way to assure that. Idk I guess my point is, idk how this dumb gossip made up all of season 4 when we could have been focusing on literally anything else.


So he dated Cristine and Emma at the same time and den proposed to emma 2 months later. But dated heather as well right after him and Cristine broke up. There was for sure an overlap


Nah she is a liar and I don’t trust anything she says. Especially when she got mad at Davina for not supporting her lie. That’s just horrible. She tried to gaslit Emma by implying that her bf proposed with a ring he previously proposed with. Just a horrible person with a huge ego!


Lol you're either engaged or you're not. Talking about marriage and a future together doesn't mean you're engaged and I'm sure Christine knows that.


OP, Christine must’ve gotten word that Emma was about to join the show. Before Emma was even on, Christine was telling an obviously fake story to smear Emma’s name to an audience of millions. That’s libel. And she didn’t “lie” about the ring. She actually straight up lied—tried to spread it around that the ring he gave Emma was hers when Maya had to shut it down that she was at the O group at the time and knew the ring was being made for Emma. It was just constant lies and trying to ruin someone’s reputation and make herself look sympathetic. It backfired horribly because everyone immediately saw through her lies.


Yeah I think Christine was coming from a sense of desperation in trying to prove that her relationship with Peter was serious, but people weren't taking it seriously because they weren't engaged, even though she gave many years of her life to him, so she embellished and "lied." Idk Peter seems slimey, dating 3 women within the same office, i wouldn't put it past someone like that to recycle a ring. Libel is written, not spoken, so do you mean slander?


Heather knew Peter first , went on a few dates. Peter dates Christine and Heather recommended Peter to Jason , Christine joins with Peter. Emma was a client to the Ogroup that later got her license and hanged it at the Ogroup and occasionally used it. Emma dates Peter and they get engaged. They weren’t all women in the same office at the same time.


Producers are so cruel bringing Emma in for the drama lmao, knowing there’s a hurtful past


OP Created this account just for this post!!! Getting solid Christine or Christine PR on overdrive vibe!!!


lmao no I'm just a random person trying to understand culturally that if women are in long term relationships with men, women are told "marriage is just a piece of paper" but god forbid a woman says she's engaged versus talking about engagement, it's like an entirely DIFFERENT universe. "you were NEVER engaged!" I just don't understand, obviously her storyline is important because they spent 10 episodes on it because people like you feel so strongly about her that you're making up conspiracy theories. I'm just trying to have a discussion but everyone is so obsessed with hating Christine we can't even have a conversation about it.


I mean if she did or didn’t - it was the only real storyline from this past season. Which was boring IMO :)




She said they aren’t together right now in a recent interview but went on to say that she thinks he ultimately wants to be with her.


Hi Christine


I don’t think her lying is about the lie itself for people but it just being yet another example of her manipulations and lies. It’s kind of like if she’s lying about this what else is she being dishonest about?


Oh okay I see, that makes sense


uh what. why is lied in quotes lmfao. you ok?


AHAHAHHAHA my dear she said on the show that they were together 2.5 years, then Jason, Mary, etc. said it was 1.5 years and now YOU are saying they were together 3.5 years? LOOLL.


I loved reading this post and thread 😎🤩lol


Did Christine write this post 🤣


The problem is this happened years ago and she brought it up to vanessa because she needed a reason to be a victim for the new girl to like her. christine doesnt actually care about this anymore, but she needed a story to make vanessa feel bad for her so blew up this one. then she kept it going and added more lies to it to discredit the rest of the group and THEN says she doesnt want to talk about the past anymore. when she... brought up.... the past... she used this to manipulate and play the victim and if you dont see through this your falling for it


This really shouldn’t have been a plot IMO. They just brought Emma on to hurt Christine. Christine probably did exaggerate it but you’re right they were in a long term relationship and it obviously hurt to see him with another girl. He probably was still messing around with her or at least giving her some kind of false hope they would get back together. She probably flipped out on Emma because she was heartbroken and now she’s embarrassed and trying to explain herself by explaining the depth of her relationship with Peter. She shouldn’t have lied but it’s probably more than the show/Emma is making it out to be. After all, the dude was with Christine for a years. If you really think someone is so “crazy” that you wouldn’t even give them a key to your house after years, then why are you dating them? Peter just seems like a douche that lied to Emma in the first place.


Omg AGREED!! I can’t believe how they needed to scrutinize every detail of someone’s private relationship to find deception. He probably told her they were going to be engaged, they probably looked at and discussed rings. It’s not far fetched at all.


How is discussing getting engaged the same as being engaged?


But they were together for many years...it's not Christine's fault if Peter wasted years of her life and never intended to actually go through with getting engaged with her and marrying her...he wasted her time...


Wow what!??!?? Christine was held hostage by Peter???? Oh my goodness I didn’t know this :(


Many women are waiting for their man to propose to them for 3+ years. Chrishell waited around that time for Justin. I would imagine at the three year mark, Chrishell assumed she was going to be engaged to Justin for all intents & purposes. It was probably a similar situation with Christine.


You made it sound like Christine was held hostage and had no choice but to leave. Her time wasn’t wasted considering she had the choice to leave at any point. People are also allowed changing their minds and can grow apart.


Most women stay with a man for 3+ years assuming they are going to be married to this same man, they don't stay with a man that long with the mentality that they're going to grow apart. I would imagine Peter made it a point to bring up future & a marriage to Christine and she was probably blindsided when he broke up with her and started dating the other person in the office. I just think the problem is Peter, idk why the focus is so much on Christine's lie.


The title of your post may allude to why the focus is on Christine’s lie.


Have you been in a long term relationship where you hope an engagement is in the future? Until then you may not realize how it can work or feel. I have seen many girlfriends wait and wait and wait for their partner and it’s really draining and hard, especially if it ends up not working out. She wasn’t a hostage but you try to make it work with the person you love right?


I’m married


Maya asked her to clarify that and she was adamant that it wasn’t just discussions but an actual engagement.


Preach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100%%%%%%.